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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterizações estruturais e espectroscópicas de cerâmicas ferroelétricas de PLZT dopadas com íons de terras raras trivalentes / Structural and spectroscopy characterization of rare-earth doped PLZT ferroelectric ceramics

Queiroz, Thiago Branquinho de 06 March 2009 (has links)
Recentemente, grande interesse tem sido demonstrado por cerâmicas transparentes dopadas com íons terras raras trivalentes, como meios ativos para lasers na região espectral do infravermelho próximo. Em particular, cerâmicas dopadas com altas concentrações de Nd3+ e Yb3+ são muito estudadas pela possibilidade de gerar emissão laser de alta potência em torno de 1,0 mm. Embora a cerâmica transparente de titanato zirconato de chumbo e lantânio (PLZT), com composição La/ Zr/Ti = 9/65/35, seja originalmente reconhecida por suas propriedades ferroelétricas e eletro-ópticas, a mesma também apresenta características interessantes como matriz hospedeira de íons oticamente ativos. Recentemente, de Camargo et al. realizaram vários estudos espectroscópicos que comprovam a potencialidade laser de amostras dopadas com Yb3+, Er3+, Tm3+ e em especial Nd3+. Apesar de a cerâmica PLZT:Nd ser a mais promissora, se comparada a líder de mercado YAG:Nd (sistema ítrio-alumínio garnet dopado com neodímio), ainda não foi possível obter ação laser da primeira, devido à presença de fases espúrias (imperceptíveis a olho nu), que comprometem a qualidade óptica do material, especialmente para concentrações de dopagem maiores que 1,0% peso de Nd2O3. Uma vez que a qualidade estrutural tem implicação direta na qualidade óptica/espectroscópica de materiais ópticos, faz-se necessário estender os estudos visando otimizar a obtenção de amostras transparentes com mais altos níveis de dopagem. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um método alternativo para a dopagem da matriz PLZT com os íons TR = Nd3+ e Yb3+, e utiliza-se de várias técnicas (DR-X, DTA-TG, FT-IR, Raman, RMN e Luminescência), para caracterizar os compostos precursores e/ou produtos. O novo método baseia-se na obtenção prévia de óxidos precursores dopados, seguida da utilização destes para o preparo das cerâmicas PLZT:TR. As caracterizações foram conduzidas em função da concentração de dopantes (0,1 4,0% peso TR2O3), comparativamente ao método de dopagem convencional utilizado nos trabalhos anteriores. A espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear em sólidos em 207Pb, mostrou-se uma ferramenta bastante útil na elucidação de questões estruturais desses sistemas tão complexos. Como os íons paramagnéticos Nd3+ e Yb3+ não podem ser diretamente acessados por RMN, a estratégia para caracterizar suas distribuições espaciais foi investigar suas respectivas mímicas diamagnéticas Y3+ e Sc3+ (núcleos 45Sc e 89Y). Resultados de DR-X apresentam menor formação de fase secundária nas amostras preparadas via método alternativo, sendo identificado as fases secundárias como (La,Nd)2(Zr,Ti)2O7 (estrutura do tipo pirocloro), ZrO2 em fase parcialmente monoclínica e cúbica e ZrO2 em fase cúbica, das amostras dopadas com Nd3+, Y3+ e Yb3+, respectivamente. De acordo com os resultados de DR-X, experimentos de RMN permitiram melhor avaliação quanto a inserção do íon dopante a medida que há formação de fase secundária e mostraram que a inserção dos íons dopantes é homogênea, bem como resultados de luminescência, com o limite de solubilidade do íon dopante sempre menor do que o necessário para que seja observado supressão da luminescência dos íons emissores. / In recent years, there has been a great interest for rare-earth (RE) doped transparent ceramics as near-infrared laser active media. Particularly, Nd3+ and Yb3+-doped ceramics are of special interest due to the possibility of generating high power emissions at around 1.0 mm. Even though lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) ceramics, with composition La/Zr/Ti = 9/65/35, are mostly known by their ferroelectric and electro-optic properties, recent works by de Camargo et al. have also indicated their potentiality as laser active media. In this regard, the most promising system is PLZT:Nd (as compared to YAG:Nd - neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet), however, laser action of the former has not yet been possible, the reason lying in the presence of secondary phases (invisible to the naked eye) that compromise the optical quality of the ceramics, especially for samples with concentration higher than 1.0 wt% Nd2O3. Since the structural quality of samples has a direct implication on their spectroscopic and optical qualities, the goals pursued in this work are to present means to obtain highly transparent samples with higher incorporation of dopants, as well as to understand some fundamental questions regarding the microstructure of PLZT:RE ceramics. Thus, an alternative method, based on the obtainment of RE-doped precursor oxides, is presented for the synthesis of PLZT:RE and several techniques (XRD, DTA-TG, FT-IR, Raman, NMR and Luminescence) are used to characterize the samples, as a function of doping concentration (0,1 4,0 wt% RE2O3). These studies are done in comparison to the conventional method used in previous works. Solid state NMR spectroscopy of 207Pb proved to be a very useful tool for the understanding of these complex systems. Because Nd3+ and Yb3+ are paramagnetic and thus inaccessible by NMR, the strategy used for the characterization of their spatial distribution was to study samples doped with their respective diamagnetic mimics Sc3+ and Y3+ (45Sc and 89Y nuclei). XRD results have shown formation of less secondary phase for samples prepared by alternative method, being identified as secondary phase pyrochlore structure (La,Nd)2(Zr,Ti)2O7, partially monoclinic/cubic ZrO2 and cubic ZrO2 of the samples doped with Nd3+, Y3+ and Yb3+ respectively. NMR measurements allowed to make proposals about dopant ion insertion while secondary phase is formed and showed homogeneous distribution of dopant into the matrix, aswell luminescence measurements with maximum dopant solubility being less than enough to show any suppression of luminescence.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para fabricação de cerâmica de \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\' transparente / Development of methodology for the manufacture of transparent ceramic \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\'

Souza, Adriane Damasceno Vieira de 15 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para fabricação cerâmica de ítria (\'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\') transparente e, em paralelo, desenvolver um sistema de aquecimento que permitisse atingir temperaturas superiores a 1800ºC. Nos últimos 5 anos, cerâmicas transparentes ganharam grande destaque e foram incluídas entre os cinco supermateriais da atualidade. A ítria - \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\' - apresenta algumas características ópticas promissoras para fabricação de cerâmicas transparentes, dentre as quais podemos destacar: isotropia óptica e ampla faixa de transparência. Além disso, possui elevada condutividade térmica, o que confere potencialidade para aplicações em sistemas lasers de alta potência. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de estudos sistemáticos relacionados à síntese, compactação e sinterização do óxido de ítria. As amostras foram sintetizadas por reação do estado sólido, usando óxido de zircônio como aditivo para o processo de sinterização. As condições de compactação das pastilhas à verde foram investigadas e permitiu a obtenção de corpos cerâmicos com densidade relativa à verde de ~55%, com uso de prensagem uniaxial seguido de prensagem isostática. As cerâmicas foram sinterizadas utilizando-se programas de temperaturas específicos sob duas condições quanto ao aquecimento: em forno elétrico e em atmosfera aberta e em forno de indução, desenvolvido nesse trabalho, em condições de vácuo dinâmico. As caracterizações físicas das amostras foram feitas por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia óptica. Os resultados mostraram que temperaturas superiores a 1800ºC combinado com o efeito do vácuo são indispensáveis para obtenção de ítria transparente pelo método de sinterização convencional; o sistema de aquecimento desenvolvido apresentou eficiência em atingir a temperatura desejada, porém apresentou algumas limitações que impossibilitou o controle e reprodutibilidade do processo. Por meio da metodologia desenvolvida foi possível a obtenção de cerâmica de ítria com transmissão na região do visível do espectro eletromagnético (400-700 nm) de até 42%, quando comparado a um monocristal. Avançou-se na fabricação de cerâmicas transparentes, porém, ainda será necessário otimizar o controle do sistema de aquecimento do forno desenvolvido, de modo a eliminar os poucos centros espalhadores de luz existentes. / The focus of this work was to develop a methodology for manufacture of transparent Yttria (\'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\') and in addition develop a heating system that operates in temperatures above 1800ºC. In the last 5 years, transparent ceramics featured among the five supermaterials of the present. Yttria - \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\' - presents a few optical characteristics promising to manufacture transparent ceramics, such as: optical isotropy and wide range of transparency. Besides, it has high thermal conductivity, which gives potential for applications in high power laser systems. In the work presented here, the results of a systematic study of the synthesis, compaction and sintering of yttria oxide are presented. The samples were prepared by solid state reaction, using zircon oxide as an additive to the sintering process. The compaction conditions of the green tablets were investigated and allowed the obtainment of ceramic bodies with relative density around 55%, by using uniaxial pressing followed by isostatic pressing. The ceramics were sintered using specific temperature programs under two heating conditions: electric furnace and open atmosphere and under induction furnace, developed in this work, under dynamic vacuum conditions. The physical characterizations of the samples were made by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy. The results showed that temperatures above 1800ºC combined with the effect of vacuum are necessary to obtain transparent Yttria by conventional sintering method; the heating system developed was efficient in reaching the desired temperature, however had some limitations that prevented the control and reproducibility of the process. By means of the methodology developed it was possible to obtain ceramic yttria with transmission in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum (400-700) up to 42% compared to single crystal yttria. Progress was made in manufacture of transparent ceramics, however, it is necessary to optimize the control of the heating system of the furnace developed, in order to eliminate the few existing light scattering centers.

Élaboration de céramiques transparentes de CaLa₂S₄ pour applications optiques dans l'infrarouge / Elaboration of CaLa₂S₄ transparent ceramics for optical applications in the infrared

Durand, Guillaume 27 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l'élaboration de céramiques transparentes de CaLa₂S₄ pour la réalisation d'optiques MWIR et LWIR. Différentes méthodes de synthèse de poudres ont été explorées afin d'élaborer des poudres céramiques de grande pureté, cubiques et de morphologie adaptée à la densification. Il en a résulté le développement d'une méthode combustion comme nouvelle voie de synthèse de ce matériau. Différentes techniques de frittage ont été explorées : le SPS, le pressage à chaud (HP) et le frittage sous sulfure d'hydrogène (H₂S) suivi d'un post-frittage HIP. Le pressage à chaud permet d'élaborer des céramiques transparentes dans l'IR. Cependant leurs propriétés optiques sont dégradées par la présence de bandes d'absorption et par un noircissement important dû à l'interaction du matériau avec le graphite. Ces deux problématiques ont été résolues en combinant frittage naturel et compaction isostatique à chaud. La transmission des céramiques obtenues par ce procédé atteint à 13µm la transmission théorique de 68%. / This work focuses on the elaboration of CaLa₂S₄ transparent ceramics for IR optical applications in the MWIR and LWIR atmospheric windows. Various synthesis methods were explored for the elaboration of high purity cubic ceramic powders with adequate morphology for densification. As a result, we developed an innovative combustion method of this material. Different sintering techniques were investigated: Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), Hot Pressing (HP) and Sintering in sulfurizing atmosphere (H₂S) combined to Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). Hot Pressing produces IR transparent ceramics. However, their optical properties are affected by the presence of absorption bands and significant blackening due to the interaction of the material with the graphite. These two issues have been solved by using sintering coupled to post-HIP. Transmission of the optics obtained by this process reaches the theoretical transmission of 68 % at 13μm.

Caracterizações estruturais e espectroscópicas de cerâmicas ferroelétricas de PLZT dopadas com íons de terras raras trivalentes / Structural and spectroscopy characterization of rare-earth doped PLZT ferroelectric ceramics

Thiago Branquinho de Queiroz 06 March 2009 (has links)
Recentemente, grande interesse tem sido demonstrado por cerâmicas transparentes dopadas com íons terras raras trivalentes, como meios ativos para lasers na região espectral do infravermelho próximo. Em particular, cerâmicas dopadas com altas concentrações de Nd3+ e Yb3+ são muito estudadas pela possibilidade de gerar emissão laser de alta potência em torno de 1,0 mm. Embora a cerâmica transparente de titanato zirconato de chumbo e lantânio (PLZT), com composição La/ Zr/Ti = 9/65/35, seja originalmente reconhecida por suas propriedades ferroelétricas e eletro-ópticas, a mesma também apresenta características interessantes como matriz hospedeira de íons oticamente ativos. Recentemente, de Camargo et al. realizaram vários estudos espectroscópicos que comprovam a potencialidade laser de amostras dopadas com Yb3+, Er3+, Tm3+ e em especial Nd3+. Apesar de a cerâmica PLZT:Nd ser a mais promissora, se comparada a líder de mercado YAG:Nd (sistema ítrio-alumínio garnet dopado com neodímio), ainda não foi possível obter ação laser da primeira, devido à presença de fases espúrias (imperceptíveis a olho nu), que comprometem a qualidade óptica do material, especialmente para concentrações de dopagem maiores que 1,0% peso de Nd2O3. Uma vez que a qualidade estrutural tem implicação direta na qualidade óptica/espectroscópica de materiais ópticos, faz-se necessário estender os estudos visando otimizar a obtenção de amostras transparentes com mais altos níveis de dopagem. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um método alternativo para a dopagem da matriz PLZT com os íons TR = Nd3+ e Yb3+, e utiliza-se de várias técnicas (DR-X, DTA-TG, FT-IR, Raman, RMN e Luminescência), para caracterizar os compostos precursores e/ou produtos. O novo método baseia-se na obtenção prévia de óxidos precursores dopados, seguida da utilização destes para o preparo das cerâmicas PLZT:TR. As caracterizações foram conduzidas em função da concentração de dopantes (0,1 4,0% peso TR2O3), comparativamente ao método de dopagem convencional utilizado nos trabalhos anteriores. A espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear em sólidos em 207Pb, mostrou-se uma ferramenta bastante útil na elucidação de questões estruturais desses sistemas tão complexos. Como os íons paramagnéticos Nd3+ e Yb3+ não podem ser diretamente acessados por RMN, a estratégia para caracterizar suas distribuições espaciais foi investigar suas respectivas mímicas diamagnéticas Y3+ e Sc3+ (núcleos 45Sc e 89Y). Resultados de DR-X apresentam menor formação de fase secundária nas amostras preparadas via método alternativo, sendo identificado as fases secundárias como (La,Nd)2(Zr,Ti)2O7 (estrutura do tipo pirocloro), ZrO2 em fase parcialmente monoclínica e cúbica e ZrO2 em fase cúbica, das amostras dopadas com Nd3+, Y3+ e Yb3+, respectivamente. De acordo com os resultados de DR-X, experimentos de RMN permitiram melhor avaliação quanto a inserção do íon dopante a medida que há formação de fase secundária e mostraram que a inserção dos íons dopantes é homogênea, bem como resultados de luminescência, com o limite de solubilidade do íon dopante sempre menor do que o necessário para que seja observado supressão da luminescência dos íons emissores. / In recent years, there has been a great interest for rare-earth (RE) doped transparent ceramics as near-infrared laser active media. Particularly, Nd3+ and Yb3+-doped ceramics are of special interest due to the possibility of generating high power emissions at around 1.0 mm. Even though lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) ceramics, with composition La/Zr/Ti = 9/65/35, are mostly known by their ferroelectric and electro-optic properties, recent works by de Camargo et al. have also indicated their potentiality as laser active media. In this regard, the most promising system is PLZT:Nd (as compared to YAG:Nd - neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet), however, laser action of the former has not yet been possible, the reason lying in the presence of secondary phases (invisible to the naked eye) that compromise the optical quality of the ceramics, especially for samples with concentration higher than 1.0 wt% Nd2O3. Since the structural quality of samples has a direct implication on their spectroscopic and optical qualities, the goals pursued in this work are to present means to obtain highly transparent samples with higher incorporation of dopants, as well as to understand some fundamental questions regarding the microstructure of PLZT:RE ceramics. Thus, an alternative method, based on the obtainment of RE-doped precursor oxides, is presented for the synthesis of PLZT:RE and several techniques (XRD, DTA-TG, FT-IR, Raman, NMR and Luminescence) are used to characterize the samples, as a function of doping concentration (0,1 4,0 wt% RE2O3). These studies are done in comparison to the conventional method used in previous works. Solid state NMR spectroscopy of 207Pb proved to be a very useful tool for the understanding of these complex systems. Because Nd3+ and Yb3+ are paramagnetic and thus inaccessible by NMR, the strategy used for the characterization of their spatial distribution was to study samples doped with their respective diamagnetic mimics Sc3+ and Y3+ (45Sc and 89Y nuclei). XRD results have shown formation of less secondary phase for samples prepared by alternative method, being identified as secondary phase pyrochlore structure (La,Nd)2(Zr,Ti)2O7, partially monoclinic/cubic ZrO2 and cubic ZrO2 of the samples doped with Nd3+, Y3+ and Yb3+ respectively. NMR measurements allowed to make proposals about dopant ion insertion while secondary phase is formed and showed homogeneous distribution of dopant into the matrix, aswell luminescence measurements with maximum dopant solubility being less than enough to show any suppression of luminescence.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para fabricação de cerâmica de \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\' transparente / Development of methodology for the manufacture of transparent ceramic \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\'

Adriane Damasceno Vieira de Souza 15 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para fabricação cerâmica de ítria (\'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\') transparente e, em paralelo, desenvolver um sistema de aquecimento que permitisse atingir temperaturas superiores a 1800ºC. Nos últimos 5 anos, cerâmicas transparentes ganharam grande destaque e foram incluídas entre os cinco supermateriais da atualidade. A ítria - \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\' - apresenta algumas características ópticas promissoras para fabricação de cerâmicas transparentes, dentre as quais podemos destacar: isotropia óptica e ampla faixa de transparência. Além disso, possui elevada condutividade térmica, o que confere potencialidade para aplicações em sistemas lasers de alta potência. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de estudos sistemáticos relacionados à síntese, compactação e sinterização do óxido de ítria. As amostras foram sintetizadas por reação do estado sólido, usando óxido de zircônio como aditivo para o processo de sinterização. As condições de compactação das pastilhas à verde foram investigadas e permitiu a obtenção de corpos cerâmicos com densidade relativa à verde de ~55%, com uso de prensagem uniaxial seguido de prensagem isostática. As cerâmicas foram sinterizadas utilizando-se programas de temperaturas específicos sob duas condições quanto ao aquecimento: em forno elétrico e em atmosfera aberta e em forno de indução, desenvolvido nesse trabalho, em condições de vácuo dinâmico. As caracterizações físicas das amostras foram feitas por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia óptica. Os resultados mostraram que temperaturas superiores a 1800ºC combinado com o efeito do vácuo são indispensáveis para obtenção de ítria transparente pelo método de sinterização convencional; o sistema de aquecimento desenvolvido apresentou eficiência em atingir a temperatura desejada, porém apresentou algumas limitações que impossibilitou o controle e reprodutibilidade do processo. Por meio da metodologia desenvolvida foi possível a obtenção de cerâmica de ítria com transmissão na região do visível do espectro eletromagnético (400-700 nm) de até 42%, quando comparado a um monocristal. Avançou-se na fabricação de cerâmicas transparentes, porém, ainda será necessário otimizar o controle do sistema de aquecimento do forno desenvolvido, de modo a eliminar os poucos centros espalhadores de luz existentes. / The focus of this work was to develop a methodology for manufacture of transparent Yttria (\'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\') and in addition develop a heating system that operates in temperatures above 1800ºC. In the last 5 years, transparent ceramics featured among the five supermaterials of the present. Yttria - \'Y IND.2\'O IND.3\' - presents a few optical characteristics promising to manufacture transparent ceramics, such as: optical isotropy and wide range of transparency. Besides, it has high thermal conductivity, which gives potential for applications in high power laser systems. In the work presented here, the results of a systematic study of the synthesis, compaction and sintering of yttria oxide are presented. The samples were prepared by solid state reaction, using zircon oxide as an additive to the sintering process. The compaction conditions of the green tablets were investigated and allowed the obtainment of ceramic bodies with relative density around 55%, by using uniaxial pressing followed by isostatic pressing. The ceramics were sintered using specific temperature programs under two heating conditions: electric furnace and open atmosphere and under induction furnace, developed in this work, under dynamic vacuum conditions. The physical characterizations of the samples were made by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy. The results showed that temperatures above 1800ºC combined with the effect of vacuum are necessary to obtain transparent Yttria by conventional sintering method; the heating system developed was efficient in reaching the desired temperature, however had some limitations that prevented the control and reproducibility of the process. By means of the methodology developed it was possible to obtain ceramic yttria with transmission in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum (400-700) up to 42% compared to single crystal yttria. Progress was made in manufacture of transparent ceramics, however, it is necessary to optimize the control of the heating system of the furnace developed, in order to eliminate the few existing light scattering centers.

Élaboration et caractérisation de luminophores et céramiques optiques IR à base d’(oxy)sulfures / Elaboration and characterization of (oxy)sulfide-based phosphors and Infrared optical ceramics

Hakmeh, Noha 10 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'élaboration de luminophores (La₂O₂S:Er,Yb, La₂O₂S:Nd, Lu₂O₂S:Nd, CaLa₂S₄:Nd) et céramiques optiques infra-rouges (ZnS et CaLa₂S₄). Il a consisté, en premier lieu, à développer des méthodes de synthèse de poudres de très grande pureté, principalement par méthode de combustion suivie de traitement sous H₂S(/N₂). Des nanopoudres de La₂O₂S:Er,Yb (50-200nm) se sont révélées être des luminophores très efficaces pour l'up‐conversion. Des nanopoudres de La₂O₂S: Nd (~250 nm) présentent un effet laser avec une énergie émise de 2,5 mJ et un rendement supérieur à 15%. L'étude de la densification (par hot pressing, HP) de poudres de ZnS préparées selon trois voies de synthèse (précipitation, synthèse par combustion et réaction en bain fondu) a permis d'élaborer des céramiques transparentes ZnS de qualité CVD‐HIP, avec des transmissions maximales supérieures à 73% à 12μm (précipitation) et la transmission maximale théorique de 75% à 10μm (combustion). Le frittage par HP de poudres de CaLa₂S₄, entre 1100°C et 1300°C, conduit, à cause d'une contamination par le carbone de la matrice de frittage et/ou d'une perte de soufre, à des céramiques noires et opaques en IR. CaLa₂S₄ comme nouveau matériau de matrice tolère des taux de dopage élevés en Nd. Après excitation à 815nm, il présente deux émissions intenses à 900nm et 1060nm, ainsi qu'une émission plus faible à 1350nm avec une intensité de luminescence qui augmente jusqu'à 10% molaire en Nd. / This thesis deals with the elaboration of phosphors (La₂O₂S:Er,Yb, La₂O₂S:Nd, Lu₂O₂S:Nd, CaLa₂S₄:Nd) and optical IR ceramics (ZnS and CaLa₂S₄). First, the routes for the synthesis of high purity powders have been developed, mainly by combustion method followed by H₂S(/N₂) treatment. La₂O₂S:Er, Yb nanopowders (50-200 nm) proved to be very efficient phosphors for up-conversion. La₂O₂S: Nd nanopowders (~250 nm) have a laser effect with a 2.5 mJ output energy and a yield higher than 15%. The densification by hot pressing of ZnS powders prepared following three synthesis routes (precipitation, combustion synthesis and reaction melt) has developed ZnS transparent ceramic of CVD‐HIP quality, with maximum transmission greater than 73% at 12μm (from powders obtained by precipitation) and with the theoretical maximum transmission of 75% at 10μm (from powders obtained by combustion). Hot pressing of CaLa₂S₄ powders, between 1100°C and 1300°C, leads to IR opaque ceramics with black color, due to carbon diffusion from the sintering matrix and/or to sulfur loss. CaLa₂S₄ as new phosphor matrix material tolerates high Nd doping level. After excitation at 815 nm, it shows two intense emissions at 900 nm and 1060 nm, and a lower transmission at 1350nm with a luminescence intensity that increases up to 10% (mol) Nd.

Céramiques transparentes de YAGNd pour applications laser : mise en forme et densification de pièces de grandes dimensions, élaboration d'architectures complexes par coulage en bande / NdYAG transparent ceramics for laser applications : shaping and sintering of large samples, elaboration of complex architectures by tape casting

Belon, Rémy 07 May 2019 (has links)
Ces travaux ont porté dans un premier temps sur la mise en forme et l’étude de la densification de céramiques transparentes de YAG:Nd de grandes dimensions. Le choix des paramètres de coulage sous pression et de compaction isostatique à froid ont permis de contrôler les dimensions et la microstructure des pièces crues élaborées. Le frittage sous vide de ces céramiques a cependant conduit à une hétérogénéité microstructurale entre le coeur et le bord des échantillons. Plus particulièrement, des pores résiduels ont été détectés au coeur des céramiques, altérant les propriétés optiques. Des post-traitements HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing) ont alors été mis en oeuvre pour mieux contrôler la microstructure des céramiques. Cette voie a démontré son efficacité pour réduire en nombre et en taille les pores résiduels, avec cependant certaines limites concernant notamment la réoxydation des céramiques de grandes dimensions. Finalement, les céramiques élaborées ont montré des performances laser proches de celles des monocristaux de même composition.Dans un second temps, un procédé de coulage en bande pour l’élaboration de céramiques transparentes de YAG multicouches a été développé. Plus particulièrement, un travail original a été mené sur l’étude de l’influence de la formulation des suspensions sur les propriétés mécaniques des bandes céramiques crues. Cette étude a ainsi permis d’élaborer des bandes pouvant être ultérieurement manipulées et transformées. Une céramique multicouche avec une bande centrale dopée en ion Nd3+ d’épaisseur contrôlée a alors pu être mise en forme par thermocompression de bandes de différentes compositions (YAG et YAG:Nd). Après déliantage et frittage, une céramique transparente de type « guide d’onde planaire » a finalement été obtenue. / The first step of this work was focused on the shaping and sintering of large sized Nd:YAG transparent ceramics. The choice of the pressure casting and cold isostatic pressing parameters allowed to control the thickness and the microstructure of the green bodies. However, vacuum sintering of these parts led to a microstructural heterogeneity between the core and the edge of the samples. More particularly, residual pores have been detected in the core of the ceramics, decreasing the optical properties. Then, HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing) post-treatments were implemented to control the ceramics microstructure. This route helped to reduce the number and size of residual pores. But limitations appeared, especially concerning the large ceramics. Finally, the obtained ceramics showed laser performances close to those of the single crystals of same composition.The second part was devoted to the development of a tape casting process for the elaboration of YAG multilayered transparent ceramics. More particularly, the influence of the slurry formulation on the mechanical properties of the green tapes was studied. This original work allowed the shaping of green tapes with good mechanical properties and a controlled organic content. Then, a multilayered ceramic with a central Nd-doped layer could be elaborated by thermolamination of layers with different compositions (YAG and YAG: Nd). After debinding and sintering, a transparent ceramic planar waveguide was finally obtained.

Struktur und Eigenschaften von nanoskopischen Metall(hydroxid)fluorid-Aluminiumoxid-Kompositen

Stosiek, Christoph 08 September 2010 (has links)
Durch die Verwendung der fluorolytischen Sol-Gel Synthese ist es möglich, röntgenamorphe bzw. partiell nanokristalline Metallhydroxidfluoride und Metallfluoride zu erhalten. Diese Verbindungen unterscheiden sich in ihren Eigenschaften stark von „klassisch“ hergestellten, kristallinen Metall(hydroxid)fluoriden. In der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit wurden deshalb in vier aufeinander folgenden Kapiteln sowohl die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Aluminium– und Magnesium(hydroxid)fluoriden beschrieben als auch die Auswirkung dieser Verbindungen auf das Phasentransformationsverhalten von böhmitischen Xerogelen zu Korund sowie ihre Wirksamkeit als Sinterhilfsmittel bei der Korundkeramikherstellung untersucht. / The application of the fluorolytic sol-gel method with aqueous hydrofluoric acid enables the synthesis of X-ray amorphous or rather partially nanocrystalline metal hydroxide fluorides and metal fluorides. These compounds strongly differ in their characteristics from “classically” manufactured, crystalline metal hydroxide fluorides. In the present dissertation both, the synthesis and characterisation of aluminium and magnesium hydroxide fluorides were described and the effect of these compounds on the phase transformation behaviour from pseudoboehmites to corundum was examined as well as their effectiveness as sintering aid during the corundum ceramics production.

Céramiques transparentes par cristallisation complète du verre : application aux aluminosilicates de strontium / Transparent ceramics by full crystallization from glass : application to strontium aluminosilicates

Al Saghir, Kholoud 30 September 2014 (has links)
Les céramiques transparentes élaborées par cristallisation complète du verre constituent une nouvelle famille de matériaux de qualité photonique en compétition avec la technologie des monocristaux pour les applications optiques. Cette approche verrière offre des avantages considérables par rapport aux monocristaux et aux céramiques polycristallines frittées : un coût réduit, la possibilité d’une production à grande échelle, une large gamme de compositions chimiques accessibles, une mise en forme plus souple et un taux de dopage élevé. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons synthétisé des céramiques polycristallines transparentes de Sr3Al2O6 et Sr3Ga2O6 (structures cubiques) par cristallisation complète du verre de même composition. Les verres d'aluminate de strontium (75SrO-25Al2O3) et de gallate de strontium (75SrO-25Ga2O3) sont élaborés par lévitation aérodynamique couplée à un dispositif de chauffage laser. La transparence de la céramique de Sr3Al2O6 obtenue s’explique par son isotropie optique, ses joints de grains très fins et sa structure totalement dense (non poreuse). Nous avons également développé une nouvelle famille de céramiques transparentes Sr1+x/2Al2+xSi2-xO8 (0<x≤0.4) obtenues par cristallisation complète et congruente du verre. La transmission exceptionnelle de plus de 90% dans la gamme visible et proche infrarouge est expliquée grâce à des études microstructurales et structurales. Cette transparence qui atteint la limite théorique est associée à une biréfringence quasi nulle, des joints de grains très fins et une porosité nulle. Les études par RMN prouvent l'existence d'un désordre chimique qui est à l'origine de la valeur pratiquement nulle de la biréfringence calculée par DFT. Ces matériaux céramiques polycristallins évolutifs et hautement transparents sont des candidats prometteurs pour une large gamme d'applications optiques et photoniques dans les gammes IR et visible. Cette étude a donc conduit à de nouvelles céramiques transparentes, avec des valeurs de transmission jamais atteintes jusqu’à présent pour des oxydes. Elle propose également une nouvelle approche pour l'obtention de céramiques transparentes dans le cas de matériaux anisotropes : introduire un désordre chimique contrôlé au sein du matériau afin d’induire une isotropie optique. Ce concept ouvre la voie à de nouvelles compositions, étendant ainsi le domaine des céramiques transparentes et de leurs applications. / Transparent polycrystalline ceramics elaborated by full crystallization from glass are an emerging class of photonicquality materials competing with single crystal technology, especially for optical applications. This approach provides considerable advantages over single crystals and polycrystalline sintered ceramics represented by cost effectiveness, large scale production, wide range of accessible chemical compositions, easy shaping and high doping level hosting structure. In this work, we show the preparation of transparent cubic Sr3Al2O6 and Sr3Ga2O6 polycrystalline ceramics by full crystallization from the parent strontium aluminate (75SrO-25Al2O3) and strontium gallate (75SrO-25Ga2O3) glasses elaborated by aerodynamic levitation coupled to laser heating system. The transparency of the obtained Sr3Al2O6 ceramics is explained by their optical isotropy, thin grain boundaries and highly dense (non-porous) microstructure. We also show a series of novel Sr1+x/2Al2+xSi2-xO8 (0<x≤0.4) oxide compositions leading to highly transparent and readily scalable polycrystalline ceramics to be obtained by full congruent glass crystallization. The outstanding transparency exceeding 90% in the visible and near IR range is explained through different microstructural and structural (average and local) studies. This transparency, reaching the theoretical limit, is associated to the almost null birefringence, thin grain boundaries and non-porosity. NMR experiments prove the existence of chemical disorder which is at the origin of the relatively zero birefringence value calculated by DFT computations. These scalable and highly transparent polycrystalline ceramic materials are promising candidates for a wide range of optical and photonic applications in the IR and visible ranges. This study besides revealing new ceramic compositions with previously unreported transmission values for micro-scale polycrystalline materials, proposes a new approach for obtaining transparent ceramics in anisotropic materials. This approach consists in inducing a controlled chemical disorder within the material in order to induce optical isotropy. It is anticipated that this proposed concept will open the way to different composition candidates to be elaborated as transparent polycrystalline ceramics, thus extending the ceramic technology domain and its applications.

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