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Hodnocení změn dělby přepravní práce v souvislosti s výstavbou vysokorychlostní trati Praha-Brno / Assessment of Changes of the Modal Split in Connection with the Construction of High Speed Railway Prague-BrnoKoukal, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to discuss the assessment of changes of the modal split in connection with the construction of high speed railway Prague-Brno. Thesis is aimed on wider context of two theoretical concepts in transportation researches: travel behaviour and the value of travel time. Data collection took place in the form of "Paper and Pencil Interview" method. For a deeper analysis was used the Pivot Table tools. From the collected data was found that economically active people from coaches and trains have higher travel time than students. Among cars users the most important factor influencing the choice of traffic mode is the speed, for coach users it is price and for train users the posibility of work/rest during the journey. Assuming a reduction of travel time between Prague and Brno for about 1 hour while keeping the fare price about CZK 200, high-speed rail connections has the potential to generate more frequent journeys among existing passengers. Keywords: modal split, travel behaviour, the value of travel time savings, competitiveness of railways, high speed railway
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Resenärers wayfinding-process i stationsmiljö utifrån rytm och manus : En observationsstudie av Stockholm City / Travelers’ wayfinding process in station environments based on script and rhythm : An observational study of Stockholm CityYousefi, Katajon, Eklind, Klara January 2021 (has links)
I juni år 2017 invigdes Citybanan och pendeltågsstationen Stockholm City. I samband med och efter stationens öppnande har flertalet synpunkter från resenärer samlats in gällande stationens utformning och trafikinformation efter att brister i stationens miljö upptäcktes. Konsultföretaget Sweco har därför på uppdrag av Trafikverket utrett bristerna på Stockholm City för att sedan komma med förbättringsförslag. Utredningen visade på en osäkerhet hos resenärerna för hur de skulle agera vid ankomster med korta pendeltåg. Det visade sig att resenärerna inte visste vart de skulle placera sig på stationen, att de ofta fick springa för att hinna med och ibland till och med missade ett kort pendeltåg på grund av bristfällig vägledning. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att undersöka hur människor agerar i stationsmiljö, mer specifikt på pendeltågsstationen Stockholm City genom observationer. Observationerna av totalt 800 resenärer skapar en förståelse för hur den fysiska miljön och trafikinformationen påverkar människans agerande när de ska placera sig på plattformen i väntan på sitt korta pendeltåg. Uppsatsens genomförda fältstudier och observationsstudier analyseras med metoden observiarie för att fånga upp enskilda resenärers ageranden och beteenden. De observerade resenärerna klustras sedan till fem olika resenärsidentiteter: den bestämda målsökaren, den självsäkra, gruppresenären, sökaren och den svårpåverkade för att förklara resenärernas agerande på en pendeltågsstation och varför somliga tycks missa sin avgång. / In June 2017, Citybanan and the commuter train station Stockholm City opened. In connection with the opening and after the opening, The Swedish Transport Administration gathered commuters' feedback regarding the station's overall design, environment and traffic information. The consulting company Sweco was also hired on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to identify the shortcomings of the station and to propose potential suggestions for further improvement. According to Sweco's investigation, there was uncertainty among travelers regarding how they should act upon arrivals with short commuter trains. The passengers did not know where to locate at the station, they often had to run to catch the train and sometimes some travelers even missed the short commuter train due to inadequate guidance and traffic information. This essay, therefore, aims to explore how individuals act in station environments, more specifically at Stockholm City commuter train station through observations. The observations of a total of 800 passengers help to create an understanding of how the physical environment and traffic information affect human actions when they have to navigate on the platform while waiting for a short commuter train. The essays completed field studies and observations are analyzed using observiarie as a method to capture the actions and behaviors of individual travelers. The passengers are then also clustered into five different passenger identities: the determined target seeker, the confident, the group traveler, the seeker, and finally the difficult to influence, to further explain passengers' actions at a commuter train station and explain why some travelers seem to miss their departure when short commuter trains arrives.
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Elite Athletes’ Travel Behaviour to/from Sport Events : A Case Study of BiathlonLerho, Marie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis analyses how elite athletes travel to/from sport events and which barriers prevent them from engaging in a more sustainable travel behaviour. For this purpose, unstructured interviews with elite athletes were conducted to gain an in-depth understanding about travel experiences and decision-making from elite athletes’ perspective. The sport of biathlon, which combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting, was used as a case study. The analysis revealed that biathletes engage in frequent and extensive travelling, and that their most-used modes of transportation are road and air transportation. Travel arrangements were found to be usually taken care of by national federations and not by biathletes themselves. Moreover, the analysis demonstrated that while biathletes generally seem to be concerned about the environment, their environmental concern does not seem to translate into pro-environmental travel behaviour, which can be explained by the fact that sustainable transportation represents a high-cost situation. Furthermore, some barriers were found to prevent elite athletes from travelling more sustainably. The barriers are related to individuality (other priorities – performance), responsibility (not athletes’ responsibility) and practicality (national regulations regarding rifle transport in public transportation (PT)). However, many barriers were found to lie on a continuum between individuality and practicality. The most important of these barriers include travel time, equipment, exposure to other people or inconvenient PT system. Based on the findings, it was recommended to optimize schedules, which was found to be to be overall highly appreciated by biathletes. Some other recommendations include, for example, reservation of train compartments and/or special buses for biathletes and teams, communal equipment transportation between competition venues, vehicle provision at venues, or clear and updated information about regulations regarding rifle transport. These and other recommendations are believed to help biathletes to overcome some of their barriers and, thereby, encourage a more sustainable travel behaviour. Thereby, it is hoped that the knowledge gained in this thesis can help sport organizations and athletes to reduce the emissions from travelling to/from sport events. / <p>2024-01-19</p>
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Kartläggning av faktorer som påverkar resebeteendet i samband med skjutsning : En studie av hur barn reser till och från idrottsaktiviteter. / Mapping of factors that influence travel behaviour : A study of how children travel to and from sports activitiesWall, Henrietta January 2020 (has links)
Trafiksystem utformade till förmån för bilanvändning föranleder stora utmaningar i form av globala klimatförändringar, där omkring en fjärdedel av de globala koldioxidutsläppen kan kopplas till transportsektorn. Traditionella tillvägagångssätt för att sänka utsläppen från personbilar, där fysisk infrastruktur är det främsta verktyget, anses inte tillräckligt för att möta de ambitiösa miljömålen på global och nationell nivå. Därmed måste nya metoder för att sänka utsläppen utredas och ett alternativ är att studera hur förändringar i trafikanters beteende kan resultera i minskad bilanvändning och därmed bidra till mer hållbara trafiksystem. Att skjutsa barn till och från idrottsaktiviteter inkluderas ofta som en av orsakerna till att familjer med barn känner ett behov att ha tillgång till en egen bil i större utsträckning än andra befolkningsgrupper. Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete var att, med hjälp av tre idrottsföreningar i olika stora svenska tätorter, analysera hur skjutsningen av barn är organiserad, vilka strukturer som stödjer och vilka som minskar behovet av skjutsning med bil. Syftet var dessutom att skapa kunskap om hur individen formar sitt resebeteende baserat på sin rumsliga och sociala omgivning. Målet var att med vetskapen om detta kunna utforma planeringstrategier för minskad bilanvändning. För att uppnå syftet med studien krävdes det att flera metoder kombinerades. De metoder som användes var en litteraturstudie, en enkätstudie och en intervjustudie. Enkäten skickades till föräldrarna på idrottsföreningarna och utifrån svaren kategoriserades de svarande utifrån deras skjutsningsbeteenden. Därefter intervjuades föräldrar från de olika kategorierna för att kunna tillgå kvalitativa data på ett systematiskt sätt. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns en skjutsningsproblematik som följer av att bil anses vara det mest praktiska färdmedlet för att ta barn till idrottsaktiviteter. Studiens resultat indikerar att skjutsning av barn till idrottsaktiviteter påverkas av ett antal olika faktorer och att dessa skiljer sig åt mellan individer, sociala sammanhang och fysiska kontexter. Det framgår att det från föräldrarnas sida finns potential att samordna skjutsning och på så sätt bidra till omställningen till ett mer hållbart skjutsande. För att föreningar ska kunna understödja denna omställning så presenteras ett antal Mobility Management-åtgärder inspirerade av föräldrarnas förslag och av de teorier som ingår i litteraturstudien. / Traffic systems designed to benefit car use causes major climate change challenges and one fourth of global carbon dioxide emissions can be derived from the transportation sector. Traditional approaches, in which physical infrastructure is the primary tool for reducing emissions from car mediated transportation, are not sufficient to achieve the ambitious environmental goals at global and national levels. Thus, new methods must be considered and one alternative is to study how changes in user behaviour can result in reduced car use and thereby contribute to sustainable transportation systems. Driving children to and from sports activities is often included as one of the reasons why families with children feel the need to have access to their own car in a greater extent than other population groups. The overall purpose of this degree project was to, with help from three sports associations in Swedish urban areas of varying size, analyse how driving of children is organized, which structures that support and which reduce the need for driving. The purpose was moreover to generate knowledge about how the individual shapes its travel behaviour based on its spatial and social environment. With the knowledge of this, the goal was to design planning strategies with the aim of reducing car mediated transportation. To achieve the purpose of the study, a combination of several methods was a prerequisite. The methods used in this study were a literature overview, a survey and interviews. The survey was sent to parents of the members of the sports associations and a categorization by driving behaviour was made based on their answers. Interviewees was selected from the categories, to provide qualitative data in a systematic way. The results of the study confirm the problem of driving children, which derives from the fact that a car is considered the most practical mean of transportation to and from sports activities. The study results also indicate that driving of children to sports activities is affected by a number of factors and that these differ between individuals, social and spatial contexts. Additionally, parents in the study demonstrate a potential to coordinate carpooling and thus aid the transition to more sustainable driving behaviour. In order for sport associations to be able to assist this type of behavioural change, a number of Mobility Management measures, inspired by the parents' proposals and the theories included in the literature overview, are presented.
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Telecommuting Travel Behavior: Examining the Influence of Work Status on Distance and Mode Choice in the National Capital RegionGarden, Benjamin W.C. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>This study explores telecommuter travel behaviour by examining discretionary travel distance and mode choice. The study utilizes data obtained from the 2005 origin-destination survey conducted by TRANS, a joint transportation planning committee serving the National Capital Region of Canada. The study compares and explains the discretionary travel behavior of teleworkers relative to other population groups and identifies that the average teleworker travels 3 times farther than regular workers and 1.7 times farther than non-workers for discretionary purposes. Regression indicates that dependent children, vehicle accessibility, housing type, residential distance to the urban core, land-use mix, residence within a Greenbelt region and day of the week all positively affect travel distance. Conversely, age, proximity to shopping centers and inclement weather demonstrate significant negative effects. Then, through binary logistic regression, the study confirms that work status significantly influences mode choice. Similarly, the following predictor variables demonstrate a significant positive effect towards active mode choice: teleworker work status, larger household size, greater income, warmer temperature, closer proximity to shopping centers, apartment housing type, trips for recreational and restaurant purposes, taking subsequent trips in a day, and travel between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. On the contrary, increased entropy, trips within the Greenbelt region, dependent children under 16 years old, increased vehicle accessibility and trips for transporting someone or for shopping purposes all reduce the probability of active travel mode choice.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)
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The development and implementation processes of a travel plan within the context of a large organisation : using an embedded case study approachCopsey, Scott Laurence January 2013 (has links)
Transport Policy in the United Kingdom from the 1950s to the early 1990s has been focused on increasing car use at the expense of investment in public transport services and infrastructure. This has culminated in a poorly integrated public transport network that has seen continued decline in use outside of London. The Competition Act (1998) has exacerbated this, as public operators risked prosecution if they were seen to collaborate. A policy shift in 1998 introduced the concept of Local Transport Plans, Organisational Travel Plans and Quality Partnerships as local policy tools for developing and implementing travel solutions using the planning process. Travel Plans today are viewed by the UK Government as a local delivery tool for transport policy, inspired by the successes in Europe and the United States in changing individual travel behaviour, where the Smart Growth Agenda has emerged as a mass transit based planning response to urban sprawl. In the UK, success in delivering significant modal shift away from private car use has seen limited success, hence the rationale for this research. Using this wider policy context, this research uses the University of Hertfordshire as a case study with the objective to research the development and implementation processes of a Travel Plan. The research conducts a review of travel behaviour within the case study, providing recommendations for implementing alternative interventions to car-based travel. Making use of national policy tools, using insights from both Smarter Travel / Smarter Choice agenda, the research includes the development process of a complex city wide Quality Partnership – a delivery mechanism for travel behaviour change incorporating multiple stakeholders. This thesis uses an embedded and reflective critical realist approach to researching Travel Plans from the perspective of a Travel Plan Coordinator. Through applying a multi-method dimension to empirical data collection, the use of structured quantitative commuter surveys, semi structured qualitative interviews and supporting secondary data sources are all utilised. Using such an approach provides the research with the flexibility for reporting complex social and empirical data, including the researcher’s embedded reflective insights throughout the process. An evaluative matrix ‘lens’ has been developed for reporting back the multitude of factors, including identifying Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators that underpin the success or failure of such travel planning approaches. The research culminates in the development of a Travel Plan for the University of Hertfordshire and a voluntary Quality Partnership for the City and District of St Albans. A conclusion is drawn based on the unique perspective of an embedded reflective researcher as an active practitioner in the field of travel planning. In order to be successful a Travel Plan should feed into the wider quality partnership structures for mutual benefit where multiple stakeholders are able to influence the development of interventions at the local level, which could lead to significant travel behaviour changes. It is argued that this will ultimately help Travel Plans and quality partnerships achieve their key performance objectives and help meet government policy agenda.
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Environnement bâti et transport actif scolaire : le cas des écoles de proximité de la région de MontréalFortin-Lacasse, Katerine 12 1900 (has links)
La diminution du transport actif scolaire est une problématique préoccupante dont les déterminants sont encore mal connus. Nous nous sommes donc penchée sur la question suivante : Quelle est la contribution de l’environnement bâti pour le choix d’un mode de transport actif pour les déplacements scolaires des enfants demeurant à proximité de leur école ?
Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous sommes basée sur le cadre conceptuel de Tracy McMillan. Nous avons caractérisé le voisinage de trois écoles en milieu urbain et de trois écoles en milieu suburbain de la région de Montréal. Également, nous avons analysé les données du Groupe de recherche Ville et mobilité concernant les comportements des enfants ainsi que les comportements et perceptions des parents.
Quatre des cas à l’étude se démarquent en raison de leur forte proportion de transport actif scolaire, soit les trois milieux urbains et un milieu suburbain. Les points communs de ces quatre cas sont la perméabilité du réseau viaire pour les piétons et les cyclistes et la perception favorable des parents vis-à-vis le transport actif scolaire.
Les environnements suburbains génèrent des comportements de transport actif uniquement chez les enfants alors que les environnements urbains génèrent systématiquement des comportements de transport actif chez les adultes et les enfants. Ce faisant, nous pouvons penser que les caractéristiques de l’environnement bâti des milieux urbains influencent les perceptions et les comportements des parents en faveur du transport actif scolaire. / Purpose
The proportion of children actively commuting to school has decreased significantly but few studies have investigated factors that might affect school mobility. This research examines the influence of a wide range of factors (such as urban form characteristics, parent’s travel behaviours and parental perceptions) on school travel behaviour for children who live near school.
The Tracy McMillan’s conceptual framework of an elementary-aged child’s trip to school was used. We objectively measured environmental attributes of three urban neighbourhoods and three suburban neighbourhoods in Montreal metropolitan area. Data of the Groupe de recherche Ville et mobilité regarding children trips to school, parental perceptions and parents’ travel behaviours were analysed.
A high proportion of children are actively commuting to school in the three urban neighbourhoods and in one suburban neighbourhood. Connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists and positive parental perception of school active transportation are positively associated with high proportion of walking and biking to school in these four neighbourhoods.
Suburban neighbourhoods support active transportation only for children whereas urban neighbourhoods support active transportation for children and parents. Attributes of built environment in urban neighbourhoods seem to have a positive effect on parental perceptions and behaviours regarding walking and biking for school trips.
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Análise da influência da vizinhança no comportamento individual relativo a viagens através de dados em painel / Analysis of neighborhood influence on travel behaviour through panel dataAssirati, Lucas 04 September 2018 (has links)
O comportamento individual relativo a viagens sofre a influência de fatores individuais e do meio urbano. Assim, a vizinhança seria uma das variáveis a serem consideradas na análise comportamental relacionada aos deslocamentos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a influência da vizinhança no comportamento individual relativo a viagens, através de dados em painel. Dados em painel constituem importante ferramenta em análises comportamentais subjacentes a viagens urbanas, uma vez que propiciam maior quantidade de informações quando comparados aos dados seccionais. Padrões de viagens são mais bem evidenciados, através de dados em painel, caracterizando as habituais rotinas de atividades e viagens, além de melhor identificar comportamentos atípicos. Todavia, a obtenção desses dados comumente não é atividade trivial, demandando recursos monetários e de tempo. Um dos objetivos secundários deste trabalho é apresentar uma maneira prática e pouco onerosa de obtenção de dados em painel através de Smartphones. Tais dados, posteriormente, são aplicados à classificação de indivíduos segundo comportamento relacionado às viagens. A potencialidade da proposta sugerida é validada por meio de um estudo de caso relativo aos estudantes universitários do município de São Carlos - SP, Brasil. Através dos dados em painel, fornecidos pelos estudantes, utilizou-se o algoritmo k-médias considerando quatro variáveis relativas aos deslocamentos. As três categorias obtidas apresentam estrutura espacial e, portanto, possibilitam análises espaciais exploratórias e confirmatórias, almejando a compreensão de influências da vizinhança nas dinâmicas cotidianas. Este trabalho atesta a existência de autocorrelação espacial do conjunto de dados por meio de dois indicadores: Moran e SivarG (Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram). A corroboração da dependência espacial, apontada pelos indicadores globais, é confirmada por meio de dois modelos de escolha discreta. Um contendo apenas variáveis originais da base de dados. Outro, análogo ao primeiro, porém adicionado de covariáveis regionais, obtidas por preceitos da geoestatística. A incorporação das covariáveis regionais aumenta a precisão do modelo e promove um incremento das taxas de acertos em validações cruzadas. / Individual travel behaviour is influenced by individual factors and the urban environment. Thus, the neighborhood influence would be one of the variables to be considered in travel behavior analysis related to urban displacements. The main objective of this work is to analyze the influence of neighborhood on travel behavior by panel data. Panel data is an important tool in urban travel behavioral analyzes, since they provide a greater amount of information when compared to sectional data. Travel patterns are more evident through panel data, characterizing the usual routines of activities, as well the atypical behaviors. However, obtaining these data is not a simple task, requiring monetary and time resources. Secondary goals of this work aim to present a practical and inexpensive way to obtain panel data through Smartphones. These data are then applied to the classification of individuals according to travel behavior. The potential of the proposal is validated by a case of study concerning undergraduate and PhD students from São Carlos - SP, Brazil. Using the data provided by the students, a k-means algorithm was used considering four variables regarding displacements. These three categories have spatial structure and allow exploratory and confirmatory spatial data analyzes aiming the comprehension of the nearby influence of data at daily dynamics. This work attests to the existence of spatial autocorrelation of the data set by two indicators: Moran and SivarG (Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram). Corroboration of spatial dependence, pointed by the global indicators, is confirmed by two discrete choice models. The first one includes just the original database variables. The second one, analogous to the first, but added of regional covariates obtained by geostatistical concepts. The addition of regional variables leads to a more accurate model, increasing cross-validations hit rates.
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Análise da influência da vizinhança no comportamento individual relativo a viagens através de dados em painel / Analysis of neighborhood influence on travel behaviour through panel dataLucas Assirati 04 September 2018 (has links)
O comportamento individual relativo a viagens sofre a influência de fatores individuais e do meio urbano. Assim, a vizinhança seria uma das variáveis a serem consideradas na análise comportamental relacionada aos deslocamentos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a influência da vizinhança no comportamento individual relativo a viagens, através de dados em painel. Dados em painel constituem importante ferramenta em análises comportamentais subjacentes a viagens urbanas, uma vez que propiciam maior quantidade de informações quando comparados aos dados seccionais. Padrões de viagens são mais bem evidenciados, através de dados em painel, caracterizando as habituais rotinas de atividades e viagens, além de melhor identificar comportamentos atípicos. Todavia, a obtenção desses dados comumente não é atividade trivial, demandando recursos monetários e de tempo. Um dos objetivos secundários deste trabalho é apresentar uma maneira prática e pouco onerosa de obtenção de dados em painel através de Smartphones. Tais dados, posteriormente, são aplicados à classificação de indivíduos segundo comportamento relacionado às viagens. A potencialidade da proposta sugerida é validada por meio de um estudo de caso relativo aos estudantes universitários do município de São Carlos - SP, Brasil. Através dos dados em painel, fornecidos pelos estudantes, utilizou-se o algoritmo k-médias considerando quatro variáveis relativas aos deslocamentos. As três categorias obtidas apresentam estrutura espacial e, portanto, possibilitam análises espaciais exploratórias e confirmatórias, almejando a compreensão de influências da vizinhança nas dinâmicas cotidianas. Este trabalho atesta a existência de autocorrelação espacial do conjunto de dados por meio de dois indicadores: Moran e SivarG (Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram). A corroboração da dependência espacial, apontada pelos indicadores globais, é confirmada por meio de dois modelos de escolha discreta. Um contendo apenas variáveis originais da base de dados. Outro, análogo ao primeiro, porém adicionado de covariáveis regionais, obtidas por preceitos da geoestatística. A incorporação das covariáveis regionais aumenta a precisão do modelo e promove um incremento das taxas de acertos em validações cruzadas. / Individual travel behaviour is influenced by individual factors and the urban environment. Thus, the neighborhood influence would be one of the variables to be considered in travel behavior analysis related to urban displacements. The main objective of this work is to analyze the influence of neighborhood on travel behavior by panel data. Panel data is an important tool in urban travel behavioral analyzes, since they provide a greater amount of information when compared to sectional data. Travel patterns are more evident through panel data, characterizing the usual routines of activities, as well the atypical behaviors. However, obtaining these data is not a simple task, requiring monetary and time resources. Secondary goals of this work aim to present a practical and inexpensive way to obtain panel data through Smartphones. These data are then applied to the classification of individuals according to travel behavior. The potential of the proposal is validated by a case of study concerning undergraduate and PhD students from São Carlos - SP, Brazil. Using the data provided by the students, a k-means algorithm was used considering four variables regarding displacements. These three categories have spatial structure and allow exploratory and confirmatory spatial data analyzes aiming the comprehension of the nearby influence of data at daily dynamics. This work attests to the existence of spatial autocorrelation of the data set by two indicators: Moran and SivarG (Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram). Corroboration of spatial dependence, pointed by the global indicators, is confirmed by two discrete choice models. The first one includes just the original database variables. The second one, analogous to the first, but added of regional covariates obtained by geostatistical concepts. The addition of regional variables leads to a more accurate model, increasing cross-validations hit rates.
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Environnement bâti et transport actif scolaire : le cas des écoles de proximité de la région de MontréalFortin-Lacasse, Katerine 12 1900 (has links)
La diminution du transport actif scolaire est une problématique préoccupante dont les déterminants sont encore mal connus. Nous nous sommes donc penchée sur la question suivante : Quelle est la contribution de l’environnement bâti pour le choix d’un mode de transport actif pour les déplacements scolaires des enfants demeurant à proximité de leur école ?
Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous sommes basée sur le cadre conceptuel de Tracy McMillan. Nous avons caractérisé le voisinage de trois écoles en milieu urbain et de trois écoles en milieu suburbain de la région de Montréal. Également, nous avons analysé les données du Groupe de recherche Ville et mobilité concernant les comportements des enfants ainsi que les comportements et perceptions des parents.
Quatre des cas à l’étude se démarquent en raison de leur forte proportion de transport actif scolaire, soit les trois milieux urbains et un milieu suburbain. Les points communs de ces quatre cas sont la perméabilité du réseau viaire pour les piétons et les cyclistes et la perception favorable des parents vis-à-vis le transport actif scolaire.
Les environnements suburbains génèrent des comportements de transport actif uniquement chez les enfants alors que les environnements urbains génèrent systématiquement des comportements de transport actif chez les adultes et les enfants. Ce faisant, nous pouvons penser que les caractéristiques de l’environnement bâti des milieux urbains influencent les perceptions et les comportements des parents en faveur du transport actif scolaire. / Purpose
The proportion of children actively commuting to school has decreased significantly but few studies have investigated factors that might affect school mobility. This research examines the influence of a wide range of factors (such as urban form characteristics, parent’s travel behaviours and parental perceptions) on school travel behaviour for children who live near school.
The Tracy McMillan’s conceptual framework of an elementary-aged child’s trip to school was used. We objectively measured environmental attributes of three urban neighbourhoods and three suburban neighbourhoods in Montreal metropolitan area. Data of the Groupe de recherche Ville et mobilité regarding children trips to school, parental perceptions and parents’ travel behaviours were analysed.
A high proportion of children are actively commuting to school in the three urban neighbourhoods and in one suburban neighbourhood. Connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists and positive parental perception of school active transportation are positively associated with high proportion of walking and biking to school in these four neighbourhoods.
Suburban neighbourhoods support active transportation only for children whereas urban neighbourhoods support active transportation for children and parents. Attributes of built environment in urban neighbourhoods seem to have a positive effect on parental perceptions and behaviours regarding walking and biking for school trips.
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