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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of a water treatment plant with improved overall effectiveness as an objective

Homsi, Ibrahim J. 26 January 2010 (has links)
The XYZ water Authority (Authority) supplies a population of approximately one million people with drinking water. This water is being produced by three water treatment plants and several independent well sites. The River water Treatment Plant (WTP), the Authority's largest and most modern of all three plants has been experiencing, over a period of ten years, severe and premature equipment failures which are causing process interruptions, production losses and high maintenance cost. These failures were attributed to lack of proper operations and maintenance procedures and practices. In an effort to rectify these maintenance and support problems, the Authority initiated this study for evaluating the current operations and maintenance (O&M) activities at the River WTP. The purpose of this project is to identify the major deficiencies with the current O&M program and to recommend an approach for continuous improvement of plant performance. These recommendations employ some Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) concepts initially introduced by Japan. TPM is an integrated life-cycle approach related to production equipment. Investigations of the water industry revealed that until this date, the introduction and complete implementation of TPM to maintain equipment associated with water treatment in the U.S. has not been fully utilized. It was also determined by this study that a prerequisite for successful implementation of TPM is a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to be utilized for managing maintenance information. A brief description and implementation procedures of CMMS is also included in this report. / Master of Science

"Percebendo a experiência dos coordenadores na implantação de serviços abertos em álcool e outras drogas" / Noticing the experience of coordinators in implantation of open services to deal with the use alcohol and other drugs

Ferreira, Paulo Sergio 17 March 2004 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a implantação dos serviços de álcool e drogas e analisando a experiência vivida no processo de implantação, por seus coordenadores.Realizamos uma investigação com os coordenadores dos serviços utilizando um questionário semi-estruturado adaptado para descrever a necessidade da implantação. O instrumento contava com 7 questões abertas e foi utilizado a entrevista gravada como recurso e permitido uma abordagem qualitativa fundamentada no estudo de caso. A pesquisa foi realizada entre Setembro de 2002 e janeiro de 2003 envolvendo os profissionais de nível superior que exerciam a função de coordenadores. Verifica-se pelos resultados obtidos que a demanda reprimida e a insatisfação dos usuários de álcool e seus familiares sendo tratados em outros serviços de saúde mental gerava insegurança nestes profissionais que não eram preparados para este tipo de atendimento pressionando os governantes a criarem os serviços especializados.Esses serviços foram criados com a proposta de tratar o sujeito dentro do contexto ambulatorial sem excluir o usuário de seu meio social. Quanto ao modelo a ser implantado foi o médico com a inserção de novos modelos como o psicológico social e cultural, e priorizando uma equipe multidisciplinar respeitando as suas especificidades.Finalmente o conhecimento produzido mostra-nos que os serviços abertos em drogas e álcool têm se constituído um avanço neste tipo de tratamento, mas precisa ainda capacitar um maior número de profissionais para trabalhar nesta área e buscar novas alternativas de tratamento em seus vários modelos para indicar ações preventivas e terapêuticas para intermediar essa condição cada vez mais aflitivas que é a demanda de usuários em busca se soluções para a dependência. / The study has as objective to describe the implantation of services to deal with alcohol and drugs and to analyze the experience lived by the coordinators in the process implantation.We accomplished an investigation with the coordinators of the services using a semi-structured questionnaire adapted to describe the need of the implantation.The instrument counted with eight open subjects and it was used a recorded interview as resource and it was allowed a qualitative approach based on the study of case. The research was accomplished between September of 2002 and January of 2003 involving the professionals of superior level who had the coordinator position. It was verified by the obtained results, that the repressed demand and the alcohol users' dissatisfaction and their relatives being treated in other services of mental health, generated insecurity in those professionals who were not prepared for this kind of attendance pressing, this way, the government to create the specialized services. Those services were created with the proposal of treating the subject inside the ambulatory context, without excluding the user from his social environment. As for the model to be implanted it was the medical one, with an insertion of new models such as the psychological social and cultural, and giving priority to a team multidisciplinary team respecting their specificities. Finally the produced knowledge showed us that the services opened to treat drugs and alcohol dependents have been showing a progress in this kind of treatment, but these services still need to qualify a larger number of professionals to work in this area and to look for new treatment alternatives in its several models to indicate preventive and therapeutic actions to intermediate that condition more and more distressing that is the users' demand in search of solutions for the dependence.

"Percebendo a experiência dos coordenadores na implantação de serviços abertos em álcool e outras drogas" / Noticing the experience of coordinators in implantation of open services to deal with the use alcohol and other drugs

Paulo Sergio Ferreira 17 March 2004 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a implantação dos serviços de álcool e drogas e analisando a experiência vivida no processo de implantação, por seus coordenadores.Realizamos uma investigação com os coordenadores dos serviços utilizando um questionário semi-estruturado adaptado para descrever a necessidade da implantação. O instrumento contava com 7 questões abertas e foi utilizado a entrevista gravada como recurso e permitido uma abordagem qualitativa fundamentada no estudo de caso. A pesquisa foi realizada entre Setembro de 2002 e janeiro de 2003 envolvendo os profissionais de nível superior que exerciam a função de coordenadores. Verifica-se pelos resultados obtidos que a demanda reprimida e a insatisfação dos usuários de álcool e seus familiares sendo tratados em outros serviços de saúde mental gerava insegurança nestes profissionais que não eram preparados para este tipo de atendimento pressionando os governantes a criarem os serviços especializados.Esses serviços foram criados com a proposta de tratar o sujeito dentro do contexto ambulatorial sem excluir o usuário de seu meio social. Quanto ao modelo a ser implantado foi o médico com a inserção de novos modelos como o psicológico social e cultural, e priorizando uma equipe multidisciplinar respeitando as suas especificidades.Finalmente o conhecimento produzido mostra-nos que os serviços abertos em drogas e álcool têm se constituído um avanço neste tipo de tratamento, mas precisa ainda capacitar um maior número de profissionais para trabalhar nesta área e buscar novas alternativas de tratamento em seus vários modelos para indicar ações preventivas e terapêuticas para intermediar essa condição cada vez mais aflitivas que é a demanda de usuários em busca se soluções para a dependência. / The study has as objective to describe the implantation of services to deal with alcohol and drugs and to analyze the experience lived by the coordinators in the process implantation.We accomplished an investigation with the coordinators of the services using a semi-structured questionnaire adapted to describe the need of the implantation.The instrument counted with eight open subjects and it was used a recorded interview as resource and it was allowed a qualitative approach based on the study of case. The research was accomplished between September of 2002 and January of 2003 involving the professionals of superior level who had the coordinator position. It was verified by the obtained results, that the repressed demand and the alcohol users' dissatisfaction and their relatives being treated in other services of mental health, generated insecurity in those professionals who were not prepared for this kind of attendance pressing, this way, the government to create the specialized services. Those services were created with the proposal of treating the subject inside the ambulatory context, without excluding the user from his social environment. As for the model to be implanted it was the medical one, with an insertion of new models such as the psychological social and cultural, and giving priority to a team multidisciplinary team respecting their specificities. Finally the produced knowledge showed us that the services opened to treat drugs and alcohol dependents have been showing a progress in this kind of treatment, but these services still need to qualify a larger number of professionals to work in this area and to look for new treatment alternatives in its several models to indicate preventive and therapeutic actions to intermediate that condition more and more distressing that is the users' demand in search of solutions for the dependence.

Arbetet inom skolan för att förebygga mobbning / Work in schools to prevent bullying

Port, Mona January 2011 (has links)
My purpose in this work was to find out how staff in a middle sized school uses its local Equal treatment plan in its work against bullying. But also to see how the use of a standardized anti-bullying program works to prevent bullying.   I have interviewed the principal, teachers, and what we in Sweden call a ”fritidspedagog” and the members of the anti-bullying team to get answers to my questions.    The conclusion of this study is that the school follow and work according to what the Equal treatment plan states, both in terms of prevention, as in working with actual bullying cases. The school has also followed the National School Agency's recommendations on what should be the local Equality plan, but also to follow up and revise it each year.   The interview shows that the staff at the school placed great emphasis on talking and discussing with students about how to behave towards each other, they also brought up things that happened at one time and talked about this. The staffs were very committed to work towards the prevention of bullying and the same was true with the school's headmaster. The Anti-bullying team followed ready templates when bullying cases occurred. This is seen as an great advantage because many of the school staff have to work in team, so where there is a small school with few staff.

Termofil aerob rening av skogsindustriellt avloppsvatten : Ett försteg till en luftad damm / Thermophile aerobic treatment of paper mill wastewater : Pre-treatment to an aerated lagoon

Arvsell, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Vid framställning av papper och pappersmassa krävs en stor mängd energi och även stora mängder vatten som med fördel tas från en närliggande sjö eller vattendrag. Avloppsvattnet passerar flera olika reningssteg såsom mekanisk, kemisk och biologisk rening innan det återinförs till recipienten. Vid aerob biologisk rening sker en nedbrytning och oxidation av det organiska materialet som utförs av mikroorganismer. Aeroba mikroorganismer kräver närvaro av syre varvid luft tillsätts till dammen. Luftningen utgör drygt hälften av det externa reningsverkets totala energibehov och försvåras av extraktivämnen som finns i träden. Vid Stora Enso Skoghalls bruk används en luftad damm som biologisk rening. Det finns problem med att få syret att räcka till i hela dammen. Om ett försteg placeras innan dammen skulle detta kunna bryta ned en del av de syreförbrukande ämnena. Förstegets utformning skulle vara en MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) innehållande bärare där termofila bakterier bildar biofilm. Två olika försöksuppställningar byggdes upp i ett laboratorium på Karlstads Universitet innehållande MBBR och luftade dammar. De luftade dammarna skulle likna Skoghalls bruks luftade damm med samma uppehållstid och innehålla samma sorts mikroorganismer. Processvattnet hämtades från Skoghalls bruk och pumpades kontinuerligt in till försöksuppställningarna. Vattnet togs från två olika ställen på bruket och innehöll dels CTMP och dels CTMP blandat med vatten från blekeriet och indunstningen. För utvärderingar av försöken utfördes analyser av COD, TOC, SÄ, SVI, ytspänning, extraktivämnen samt mikroskopering. Resultatet uppvisade en relativt jämn COD-och TOC-reduktion för de luftade dammarna på runt 70 %, vilket är jämförbara värden med Skoghalls bruks luftade damm. För det termofila MBBR-försteget med temperaturen 45 °C uppvisades en reduktionskapacitet på 30 – 40 %. Resultatet vid körning med vatten innehållande endast CTMP påvisades en reduktion på 30 %. Mätning av ytspänning och extraktivämnen ger en indikation på om syresättningen av avloppsvattnet kan bli effektivare. Det visade sig att biofilmen i de termofila stegen är mycket känslig och relativt enkel att slå ut om förhållandena för de termofila bakterierna inte är optimala eller om inkommande vatten innehåller någon giftig substans. Bioslammet i samtliga luftade dammar bestod av både bakterier, protozoer och metazoer. I referensdammen uppvisades stora och kompakta flockar medan det för dammarna som föregicks av termofila MBBR påvisade mindre slam och mindre kompakta flockar. För dammen innehållande endast CTMP påvisades förutom att flockarna var små även flytslam och skumproblem. / The production of pulp and paper requires a large amount of energy and also large amounts of water which, by advantage, can be taken from a nearby lake or river. The wastewater passes through several different purification steps, such as mechanical, chemical and biological treatment before being reintroduced to the recipient. During aerobic biological treatment, a degradation and oxidation of the organic material occurs and is performed by microorganisms which require oxygen. Aeration consumes about half of the external plant's total energy and is aggravated by extractives present in the trees. At Stora Enso Skoghall mill an aerated pond is used as biological treatment, but there are troubles to get the oxygen to last for the entire pond. If a pre-treatment is placed before the pond this would be able to reduce the substances which demands oxygen. The implementation of the pre-treatment would be a MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) containing carriers and where thermophilic bacteria form biofilms. The experimental setups were built up in a laboratory at the University of Karlstad. The aerated ponds would resemble the aerated pond at Skoghall mill, with an identical retention time and contain equivalent microorganisms. The wastewater was continuously pumped into the experimental setups and was received from Skoghall mill and contained only CTMP water and CTMP mixed with water from the bleach plant and evaporation plant. As evaluation of the experiments analyzes of COD, TOC, SS, SVI, surface tension, extractives and microscopy were done. The results showed a relatively uniform COD and TOC reduction for the aerated ponds at around 70 %, which is comparable with the real pond at Skoghall mill. For the thermophilic MBBR with a temperature of 45° C and with probe 10-water, a capacity of reduction at 30 - 40% was noticed. The result with water containing only CTMP showed a reduction of 30%. Measurements of surface tension and extractives show if the concentration of extractives is decreasing in the thermophilic pre-treatments and also in the aerated ponds, which indicates a more effective oxygenation of the water. It was also found that the biofilm in the thermophilic stages are very sensitive and relatively easy to decimate if the conditions for the thermophilic bacteria are not optimal or if the incoming water contains any toxic substance. The sludge in all aerated ponds consisted of bacteria, protozoa and metazoa. The reference pond showed large and dense flocks while for the ponds that were preceded by thermophilic MBBR indicated less sludge and less dense flocks. For pond containing CTMP-water the flocks were small, but in addition, floating sludge was detected and foam problems arose.

La protection des travailleurs migrants au Cameroun et en France : étude de droit international et de droit comparé / The protection of migrant workers in Cameroon and France : International Law and Comparative Law study

Zambo Mveng, Jean-Claude 05 September 2014 (has links)
De par le monde, les intérêts des personnes travaillant à l’étranger sont tout à la fois méconnus et contestés. Le but de cette étude est de dégager les lignes de force qui sous-tendent, non sans contradictions ni crise la protection de ces personnes. En s’appuyant à la fois sur le droit (interne et international) camerounais et français, la thèse s’attache à démontrer que, nonobstant leur appartenance à des espaces géographiques différents et quel que soit leur niveau dedéveloppement économique, les Etats assurent un traitement juridique semblable aux migrants qui exercent une activité rémunérée sur leur territoire. La démarche d’ensemble de la prise en compte de la situation juridique des travailleursmigrants est caractérisée par le décalage qui existe entre un renforcement normatif de la protection d’une part et une effectivité limité de celle-ci d’autre part. Dans un premier temps, le renforcement du droit se déduit tout d’abord de ladiversité des règles juridiques applicables aux travailleurs migrants et de la dynamique des interactions entre celles-ci.Ensuite, l’affermissement de la protection résulte dune capacité de jouissance et d’exercice de droits par les travailleurs migrants de plus en plus étendue et d’une mise en balance (verticale ou horizontale) relativement harmonieuse desdroits reconnus. Dans un second temps, cette consolidation normative de la protection des travailleurs migrants peine à s’affirmer dans les faits. Cela tient avant tout au fait que les mécanismes de mise en oeuvre des droits des travailleursmigrants sont relativement insatisfaisants et que les acteurs concernés par cette protection sont inégalement impliqués. Le constat d’une effectivité limitée de la protection des travailleurs migrants découle aussi de la diversité des freins à laréalisation des droits des travailleurs migrants et des réformes à envisager dans l’optique d’une meilleure prise en compte des droits de cette catégorie de personnes. Au total, l’étude constitue un bilan particulièrement actuel des forces et des faiblesses (limites) du droit dans ces deux pays, pour autant que soit concerné la sauvegarde des intérêts de cette catégorie fragile de personnes que sont les travailleurs migrants. Elle permet de réaffirmer l’égalité juridique des individus, face à l’inégalité économique criarde des Etats. Ce qui conduit à conclure que, dans le domaine de la protection de l’humain, tous les Etats sont, àdivers degrés, sur un terrain d’apprentissage. C’est dire si le droit est lui-même un enjeu permanent de la protection de l’Homme en général et du travailleur migrant en particulier. / All over the world, the interests of people working abroad are at once unknown and disputed. The purpose of this study is to identify the lines of force behind, not without contradictions crisis or protect these people. Based on French and Cameroon law ( domestic and international ), the thesis seeks to demonstrate that, despite their belonging to different geographical areas and whatever their level of economic development, states provide legal treatment similar to migrants who are gainfully employed in their territory. The overall approach of taking into account the legal status of migrant workers is characterized by the gap between normative strengthening protection on the one hand and limited effectiveness thereof other. At first, strengthening of the law is deduced firstly from the diversity of legal rules applicable to migrant workers and the dynamics of interactions between them. Second, the strengthening of protection results with a capacity of enjoyment and exercise of rights by migrant workers more scope and a balancing (vertical or horizontal) rather harmonious recognized rights. In a second step, this normative consolidation of protection of migrant workers sentence to assert the facts. This is primarily due to the fact that the mechanisms of implementation of the rights of migrant workers are relatively unsatisfactory and that the actors involved in this protection are unequallyinvolved. The finding of limited effectiveness of the protection of migrant workers also stems from the diversity of obstacles to realizing the rights of migrant workers and to consider reforms in the context of a greater consideration of the rights of this category of people. In short, the study is a particularly current assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the law in both countries, so far as is concerned to safeguard the interests of this vulnerable category of people that are migrant workers. It helps to reaffirm the legal equality of individuals facing the screaming economic inequality states. This leads to the conclusion that in the field of protection of human, all states are, to varying degrees, on a training ground. That is,if the law itself is an ongoing issue for the protection of human rights in general and migrant workers in particular.

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