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Isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio aplicados ao estudo da ecologia trófia do peixe-boi marinho (Trichechus manatus) no BrasilCiotti, Leandro Lazzari January 2012 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós–Graduação em Oceanografia Biológica, Instituto de Oceanografia, 2012. / Submitted by Cristiane Gomides (cristiane_gomides@hotmail.com) on 2013-10-11T12:19:06Z
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Na costa brasileira, o peixe-boi marinho, Trichechus manatus, apresenta distribuição
fragmentada e restrita a algumas regiões com características ecológicas distintas. É considerado um herbívoro generalista e oportunista, que consome uma ampla variedade
de vegetação de rios, mares e estuários, porém, existem poucas informações sobre a
ecologia da espécie no país. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de estudar a ecologia
trófica de T. manatus no Brasil por meio de análise de isótopos estáveis. Amostras de
dentes (n=22) e ossos (n=21) de peixes-bois encalhados e amostras de vegetação foram
coletadas na região nordeste do país para a análise de isótopos estáveis de carbono
(δ13C) e nitrogênio (δ15N). Os animais foram agrupados em cinco regiões: Alagoas, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba (que também inclui animais do Rio Grande do Norte e Pernambuco) e Piauí. As plantas, obtidas destas mesmas regiões, foram categorizadas em quatro grupos: fanerógamas marinhas, macroalgas, mangues e de marismas. O modelo de mistura bayesiano para isótopos estáveis SIAR (Stable Isotopes Analysis in R) foi utilizado para estimar as proporções das fontes nas dietas dos grupos de peixesbois. Não foram verificadas diferenças nos valores de δ13C e δ15N entre dentes e ossos, classes de idade ou sexos. Foram verificadas, entretanto, diferenças nas composições isotópicas dos peixes-bois entre as regiões, principalmente com relação ao carbono: os peixes-bois do Ceará (-7,0 ±0,5‰) apresentaram as composições mais enriquecidas em 13C, enquanto os valores mais empobrecidos foram encontrados nos animais do Maranhão (-15,7 ±1,6‰). Valores intermediários foram observados nos indivíduos de Alagoas (-9,3 ±0,4‰), Piauí (-9,3 ±0,6‰) e Paraíba (-11,4 ±2,8‰). Com relação aos isótopos de nitrogênio, os animais da Paraíba (8,8 ±1,2‰) apresentaram composições mais enriquecidas em 15N do que os indivíduos das outras regiões. O modelo de mistura também mostrou diferenças espaciais na ecologia trófica dos peixes-bois. Os animais do Ceará consumiram predominantemente fanerógamas (97,3%), enquanto as fanerógamas (69,4%) e as macroalgas (64,4%) foram mais importantes para os indivíduos de Alagoas e Paraíba, respectivamente. Apesar dos manguezais predominarem no Maranhão, a vegetação de marisma foi a que apresentou a maior contribuição (68,7%) na dieta dos peixes-bois do região. Diferentemente das demais regiões, os indivíduos do Piauí apresentaram uma dieta mais diversificada, na qual os quatro grupos de macrófitas contribuíram em proporções similares (fanerógamas: 28,5%; marismas: 27,1%; macroalgas: 24,0%; mangues: 20,4%). Os resultados demonstram diferenças espaciais
nas estratégias alimentares, bem como a importância dos diferentes grupos de macrófitas na dieta dos peixes-bois. O presente estudo é o primeiro a aplicar a análise de isótopos estáveis em peixes-bois marinhos na América do Sul, amplia o conhecimento sobre a ecologia trófica da espécie no país e fornece informações importantes para o estabelecimento de estratégias para a conservação de T. manatus e seu habitat no Brasil. / On the Brazilian coast, the manatee Trichechus manatus has a fragmented distribution, restricted to a few regions with different ecological characteristics. It is considered a generalist and opportunistic herbivore, consuming a wide range of vegetation from rivers, seas and estuaries, however, information about the ecology of the species in the country is scarce. The aim of this study was to study the trophic ecology of T. manatus in Brazil through stable isotopes. Samples of teeth (n=22) and bones (n=21) of stranded manatees and plants were collected in the northeastern region of the country for the analysis of stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). The animals were grouped in five regions: Alagoas, Ceara, Maranhão, Paraíba (that includes individuals from Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte) and Piauí. The plants, obtained from these same areas, were categorized in four main groups: macroalgae,
mangroves, seagrasses and saltmarsh plants. The bayesian mixture model for stable isotopes SIAR (Stable Isotopes Analysis in R) was used to estimate the proportions of the sources in the diets of the groups of manatees. There were no differences in the
values of δ13C and δ15N among teeth and bones, age classes or between sexes. There
were, however, regional differences in isotopic compositions of manatees, especially for δ13C. Carbon stable isotope compositions ranged from depleted in 13C in Maranhão (-
15,7±1.6‰), to more enriched in Ceará (-7.0±0.5‰), whereas Alagoas (-9.3±0.4‰), Piauí (-9.3±0.6‰) and Paraíba (-11.4±2.8‰) presented intermediate values. Manatees
from Paraíba had higher 15N values (8.8±1.2‰) than those from other regions. The mixture model also indicated regional variation on the manatees diet. Animals from Ceará feed almost exclusively on seagrasses (97.3%), while manatees from Alagoas and Paraíba graze mainly upon seagrasses (69.4%) and macroalgae (64.4%), respectively. Individuals from Maranhão were feeding mainly on saltmarsh plants (68.7%), despite mangrove dominate the area. Individuals from Piauí, on the other hand, had a more diversified diet, where seagrasses (28.5%), saltmarsh plants (27.1%), macroalgae (24.0%) and mangroves (20.4%) were assimilated in similar proportions. This study i the first to use stable isotopes do investigate the feeding ecology of manatees in South America. The spatial variation in the manatee’s diet demonstrates that proper
conservation strategies for the species should include the maintenance of different
macrophyte habitats along the northeastern Brazil.
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Biologie et écologie du mérou géant (Epinephelus itajara) en Guyane française / Biology and ecology of Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) in French GuianaArtero, Céline 04 July 2014 (has links)
Le mérou géant, Epinephelus itajara, espèce en danger critique d’extinction au niveau mondial, est présent dans les eaux turbides et saumâtres de la Guyane française où l’espèce est exploitée par une pêcherie côtière. Dans la partie est du plateau continental guyanais, les mérous géants se localisent autour de tous les sites rocheux marins où ils se répartissent en fonction de la profondeur et du faciès (éboulis ou tombant). Les analyses des isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote suggèrent qu’environ 30 % des mérous géants < 115 cm présents sur ces sites rocheux, proviendraient des mangroves alentours. Les analyses de contenus stomacaux révèlent un changement ontogénétique du régime alimentaire. Les petits individus (< 90 cm) s’alimentent principalement de Crustacés puis intègrent progressivement les poissons à leur alimentation jusqu’à devenir essentiellement piscivores au-delà de 140 cm. La population de Guyane est principalement composée d’individus juvéniles : seulement 8,5 % des individus capturés en Guyane a plus de 6 ans. Ces jeunes mérous sont très territoriaux durant les 4-5 premières années de leur vie puis ne sont plus retrouvés sur les sites rocheux. Le devenir de ces juvéniles est incertain, soit ils sont pêchés, soit ils migrent vers d’autres sites ou vers les agrégations de reproduction. Cependant, les mérous géants ne semblent pas se reproduire en Guyane. Il est possible que les conditions environnementales (forte turbidité et température) ne favorisent pas le développement gonadique, ce qui engendrerait une omission totale de reproduction. Le suivi par tags satellite suggère que les mérous géants migrent dans le sens des courants marins vers Trinidad-et-Tobago, potentiellement pour la reproduction. Aucun mouvement vers le Brésil n’a été mis en évidence bien que les stocks de mérous géants du Brésil et de Guyane semblent liés. En effet, ces deux stocks évoluent conjointement avec un déclin des populations au début des années 90. Le maintien de la population de mérou géant en Guyane se ferait grâce à l’apport de larves des sites d’agrégation du Brésil par le courant marin. La mortalité totale des mérous géants (0,65) est aussi élevée au sein de la réserve marine ainsi que sur les sites de pêche. Cela suggère que l’interdiction de pêche à la réserve n’est pas respectée et que les grands individus quittent la réserve pour des sites plus spacieux. En supposant que la population de mérous géants adultes a été réduite à cause de la pêche, une protection régionale des individus > 150 cm doit être instaurée afin de régénérer le stock d’individus matures. Il semble nécessaire de développer une politique de gestion internationale de l’espèce, surtout entre la Guyane et le Brésil, afin de conserver les populations de mérous géants d’Amérique du Sud. / The critically endangered Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara, is found in the turbid and brackish waters of French Guiana, where the species is subject to a coastal fishery. Goliath Grouper populations inhabit all rocky habitats and exhibit increasing abundance with depth. Around 30% of individuals less than 115 cm may derive from the abundant mangrove habitat along the french Guiana coast. There is a ontogenetic shift of the diet, primarily crustacivorous, individuals >140 cm become piscivorous. The Goliath Grouper population in French Guiana is composed primarily og juvelines. The fate of the juvelines is unknonw, some may be caught in the fishery, others may move to other habitat. No evidence of spawning or gonadal readiness was found in french Guiana. it is possible that environmental conditions (high turbidity and temperature) are not conducive to reproductive activity. Goliath Grouper may migrate down current from French Guiana to Trinidad and Tobago or further. No movement of Goliath Grouper was found against the current toward Brazil. French Guiana juveniles may be derived from spawns occuring off Brazil. Calculated total mortality of Goliath Grouper off French Guiana is high (0.65) in both fished and protected areas suggesting that illegal fishing is occuring within the protected area, or that emigration rates are high. Assuming that the adult population of Goliath Grouper in French Guiana has been reduced due to fishing, protection of spawning-size adults (larger than about 150 cm TL) should be instated.
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Variabilité et déterminants de la bioaccumulation des métaux par les poissons marins : cas du Grand Ecosystème Marin du Courant des Canaries / Variability and determinants of metal bioaccumulation by marine fish : case study of the Canary currentLe Croizier, Gaël 13 June 2017 (has links)
Le Grand Ecosystème Marin du Courant des Canaries est un des principaux systèmes mondiaux d’upwelling et assure une des plus importantes productions de pêche parmi les grands écosystèmes marins d’Afrique. Cet écosystème est soumis à des apports en éléments métalliques entraînant leur accumulation par les organismes marins et notamment les poissons. En termes de bioaccumulation, une forte variabilité est observée entre les espèces exploitées mais également entre individus d’une même espèce. Ce travail de thèse se propose de caractériser les paramètres majeurs qui déterminent l’accumulation des métaux par les poissons marins, en prenant pour cas d’étude l’écosystème du courant des Canaries. Deux approches ont été adoptées, l’une portant sur les particularités physiologiques et l’autre sur les mécanismes écologiques régissant la bioaccumulation. A un premier niveau d’intégration, les caractéristiques physiologiques spécifiques telles que l’efficacité d’assimilation, les concentrations en métallothionéines et le mode de séquestration des métaux agissent sur la bioaccumulation. Ensuite, à un second niveau, la nature des proies joue un rôle crucial sur l’exposition aux métaux du fait de la dominance de la voie de transfert trophique chez les poissons marins. A un dernier niveau d’intégration, l’habitat représente un paramètre déterminant, principalement en influant sur les niveaux de contamination des proies soumis au cycle des métaux dans l’environnement marin. Cette thèse a présenté une approche innovante, en proposant une étude intégrée de la cellule à l’écosystème en passant par l’individu, dédiée à la compréhension d’un mécanisme impliquant des répercutions tant sur la préservation des ressources marines que sur la santé des consommateurs. / The Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem in West Africa is one of the most productive upwelling ecosystems. It is subjected to anthropogenic inputs leading to metal accumulation by marine fish species, which show a great variability in terms of metal concentrations. This PhD work aims to characterize the major parameters determining metal accumulation by marine fish, based on the case study of the Canary current. Two main approaches were developed concerning physiological and ecological features. At a first integration level, physiological characteristics such as assimilation efficiency, metallothionein concentrations and subcellular metal partitioning influence bioaccumulation. At a second level, prey composition plays a key role due to the dominance of metal accumulation through dietary intakes in marine fish. Finally, habitat drives metal exposure to fish due to the biogeochemical cycle of the metal elements.This study proposed an innovating approach, combining analyses from the cellular level to the ecosystem one, including the individual level, and aiming for a thorough comprehension of a mechanism implying consequences on marine resource conservation and human safety.
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Structure et mécanismes de la biodiversité en grottes sous-marines : Aspects écologiques et évolutifs chez les mysidacés.Rastorgueff, Pierre-Alexandre 28 June 2012 (has links)
Comprendre l'organisation de la biodiversité, notamment la distribution et l'abondance des espèces, est une question centrale en écologie. De par son caractère dynamique et parce qu'elle est distribuée à tous les niveaux du vivant, la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents permettant sa création et son maintien inclue nécessairement une composante temporelle et spatiale et implique des processus écologiques et évolutifs. Les grottes sous-marines constituent un habitat tout indiqué pour les étudier, car leurs conditions environnementales particulières suggèrent des mécanismes de maintien de la biodiversité particulièrement actifs. De plus, leur caractère naturellement fragmenté permet une différenciation plus aisée des processus agissant à différentes échelles spatiales. Par leur abondance, tant en terme d'espèces que d'individus, les mysidacés cavernicoles en Méditerranée, représentent de ce fait un bon modèle d'étude de ces mécanismes. À l'échelle locale de la parcelle d'habitat, l'étude de l'écologie trophique des cinq espèces de mysidacés cavernicoles (Hemimysis margalefi, H. speluncola, H. lamornae mediterranea, Siriella gracilipes, Harmelinella mariannae) a permis de mettre en évidence l'importance des stratégies alimentaires dans leur maintien. En effet, ces espèces persistent et coexistent non seulement grâce à un partage classique et spatial des ressources et des sites de nourrissage, mais aussi parce que certains sites de nourrissage importants se trouvent à l'extérieur des grottes sous-marines. / Understanding processes of biodiversity creation and maintenance is a central question in ecology. Because biodiversity is dynamic and distributed across all levels of life, identifying underlying mechanisms necessarily takes into account temporal and spatial scales and involves ecological as well as evolutionary processes. Underwater caves are particularly appropriate to address such a question. Indeed, the harsh environmental conditions of this habitat suggest active mechanisms of biodiversity maintenance. In addition, the highly fragmented nature of this habitat facilitates the distinction between the spatial scales at which processes may operate. In the Mediterranean, the high diversity and abundance of cave-dwelling mysids may help identifying the underlying processes that govern biodiversity distribution. At the scale of a habitat patch, the trophic ecology of the main five cave-dwelling mysids (Hemimysis margalefi, H. speluncola, H. lamornae mediterranea, Siriella gracilipes, Harmelinella mariannae) reveals that persistence and coexistence are allowed by trophic strategies such as classical and spatial resource partitioning. In addition, some of the important feeding sites are located outside caves in the productive euphotic zone. This is of particular importance since mysids can bring organic matter from the outside into the caves by way of circadian migrations. This transfer of organic matter can be important in contributing to the persistence of other cave-dwellers.
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Investigating Sub-tropical Community Resistance and Resilience to Climate DisturbanceBoucek, Ross E 31 August 2016 (has links)
Changes in global climate will likely increase climate variability. In turn, changes in climate variability have begun to alter the frequency, intensity, and timing of climate disturbances. Continued changes in the climate disturbance regime experienced by natural systems will undoubtedly affect ecological processes at every hierarchical scale. Thus, in order to predict the dynamics of ecological systems in the future, we must develop a more mechanistic understanding of how and in what ways climate disturbance affects natural systems. In South Florida, two climate disturbances recently affected the region, a severe cold spell in 2010, and a drought in 2011. Importantly, these disturbances affected an ecosystem of long-term, comprehensive, and persistent ecological study in the Shark River estuary in the Everglades National Park. The aims of my dissertation were to (1) assess the relative severity of these two climate disturbances, (2) identify effects of these disturbances on community structuring, (3) compare community change from the 2010 cold spell with community change from another extreme cold spell that affected sub-tropical China in 2008, (4) assess the effects of the drought on predator prey interactions in the Shark River and (5) apply a spatial approach to predicting population resistance to these events. My results show that the 2010 cold spell was the most severe cold event to affect the Shark River in the last 80 years, while the drought was the worst drought to occur in the last 10 years. The cold spell drove community change that was predictable based on the traits of component species, whereas community change was less predictable using trait-based approaches. When comparing community change from the extreme 2010 event in Florida with the event in China, I identified three consistencies related to community change from extreme cold events that occurred across both events that will help build generalized understanding of community resistance to increasingly extreme climate events in the future. From the trophic study, I found that the drought reduced prey for estuarine piscivores. Not only was prey biomass reduced, the drought drove a compositional shift in prey communities from fish to invertebrates, which are lower in calories. Last, I found that animal movement may create temporally dynamic resistance scenarios that should be accounted for when developing predictive models.
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Spatial variation in the abundance, trophic ecology, and role of semi-aquatic salamanders in headwater streamsGould, Philip R. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Les populations d'ophiures épigées Ophiothrix fragilis et Ophiocomina nigra à la pointe de Bretagne : évolution et écologie trophique / The populations of two epibenthic ophiuroids Ophiothrix fragilis and Ophiocomina nigra at the tip of Brittany (France) : evolution and trophic ecologyBlanchet-Aurigny, Aline 19 December 2012 (has links)
L’évolution spatio-temporelle des populations d’Ophiocomina nigra et d’Ophiothrix fragilis (Ophiuridés, Echinodermes) a été étudiée dans deux écosystèmes contrastés de la pointe de Bretagne (France); la rade de Brest et la baie de Douarnenez. Entre la fin des années 80 et 2011, la population d’O. nigra s’est très largement étendue sur l’ensemble des zones d’études et a vu sa densité augmenter d’un facteur 5 en rade de Brest. Dans ce site, l’expansion d’O. nigra a généré de profonds changements qui se sont progressivement traduits entre autre par une exclusion spatiale d’O. fragilis du bassin central vers la partie sud de la zone d’étude où l’espèce colonise des coquilles vides de crépidules; Crepidula fornicata. L’expansion d’O. nigra a été mise en relation avec la combinaison de possible changements globaux du milieu et les traits biologiques de l’espèce. Les isotopes stables naturels (δ13C & δ15N) et les marqueurs d’acides gras ont été utilisés pour décrire l’écologie trophique des deux ophiures par un suivi in situ, sur des stations sélectionnées en raison de leurs situations contrastées (influence continentale vs influence océanique). Les facteurs de discrimination (∆δ13C et ∆δ15N) ont été calculés en expérimentation pour les deux espèces avec trois types de sources et ont montré principalement un effet de la qualité de la nourriture et de l’état reproducteur des espèces sur ces facteurs et des différences interspécifiques. Le suivi in situ a principalement révélé des différences interspécifiques dans l’alimentation des espèces. Le phytoplancton (diatomées) apparait en été comme une source majeure pour les deux espèces et plus importante pour O. fragilis. Des valeurs en δ15N plus élevées chez O. nigra par rapport à O. fragilis associées à une plus forte contribution de bactéries, de détritus et de matériel d’origine animal, indiquent que l’espèce exploite une grande diversité de sources de nourriture expliquant en partie son succès. Les macroalgues (Ulva sp) et les apports terrigènes semblent jouer un rôle trophique mineur pour les deux espèces, malgré une augmentation significative dans les sites plus confinés en fin d’étude. / The temporal and spatial changes in the densities and biomass of two co-occurring ophiuroid populations Ophiocomina nigra and Ophiothrix fragilis (Ophiuroidea, Echinodermata) were studied in two contrasted coastal systems at the tip of Brittany (France); the Bay of Brest and the Bay of Douarnenez. Ophiocomina nigra increased about 5 times in density in the Bay of Brest. The current distribution pattern in this site revealed a spatial exclusion of O. fragilis from the central part toward the southern part of the study area and now overlapped dead slimper-limpet Crepidula fornicata beds. The success of O. nigra colonization is linked to its biological and functional traits, as well as deep changes in food supply over the studied period. Stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and fatty acids were used as complementary tools to characterize the trophic ecology of these 2 ophiuroids. Preliminary, the tissue-diet discrimination factors (Δδ13C and Δδ15N) were studied and revealed differences between species but appeared to be mainly driven by the diet and to a lesser extent the physiological state of the organisms. We designed a field survey and used the dual stable isotope and fatty acid biomarkers approach to explore the contribution of oceanic vs continental inputs to the diet of ophiurids, according to seasons. In our study, spatiotemporal variations in stable isotopes and fatty acid profiles of ophiurids were generally low compared to interspecific differences. Both ophiurids rely mainly on phytoplankton (diatoms) inputs with higher contribution for O. fragilis. The more δ15N-enriched values as well as higher contribution of bacteria, detritus and animal material inputs to the diet of O.nigra supported a broad range of food sources to the diet of O. nigra. The terrestrial and/or green algae did not contribute greatly to the diet of ophiurids despite a significant increase of these food sources at the end of the study period in both inside sites.
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Interações tróficas de peixes marinhos no Estado de São Paulo: banco de dados e comparações espaço-temporais / Trophic interactions of marine fish in the State of São Paulo: database and spatial-temporal comparisonsLopez, Juliana Pierrobon 13 February 2012 (has links)
Os ecossistemas marinhos do Estado de São Paulo sofrem intensa pressão antrópica. Considerando que os estudos tróficos de peixes são essenciais para o manejo desses ecossistemas e para a gestão pesqueira, foi construído um banco de dados alimentares de peixes para sintetizar o conhecimento já obtido na área. Foram inseridos, individualmente ou agrupados, dados primários (não-publicados) e secundários (publicados), representando 142 espécies. Com base nesse banco, foi comparada a dieta dos peixes nos sistemas de plataforma continental do litoral Norte, plataforma continental do litoral Centro, canal de São Sebastião, baía de Santos e complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape. Foi verificado que a dieta variou entre os sistemas, provavelmente devido à variação na disponibilidade alimentar. Na plataforma Norte, foi analisada a variação sazonal (outono/inverno e primavera/verão) da dieta e verificou-se que a diferença interespecífica sobrepujou a diferença intraespecífica temporal. A dieta da corvina (Micropogonias furnieri), espécie abundante e de grande importância comercial, foi analisada em detalhe e concluiu-se que ela possui estratégia alimentar mista, consumindo majoritariamente alguns itens (poliquetas e camarões) e esporadicamente outros. Foram elaboradas considerações sobre a publicação de dados científicos brutos e sobre a metodologia aplicada aos estudos de conteúdo estomacal. / The marine ecosystems of São Paulo State are under intense anthropic pressure. Considering that trophic studies of fishes are essential to the management of ecosystems and fisheries, a fish stomach content database was built in order to summarize the available data in the region. Primary (unpublished) and secondary (published) data were inserted, representing 142 species. Based on this database, diet compositions of fishes were compared among 5 marine systems of São Paulo State (North continental shelf, Central continental shelf, São Sebastião channel, Santos bay and Cananéia lagoon estuarine system). It was observed that diet composition varied among systems, probably associated to the food resource availability. Seasonal comparison (autumn/winter and spring/summer) performed in the North continental shelf showed that the interspecific variation was larger than the intraspecific temporal variation. Diet of Micropogonias furnieri, an abundant and commercially important species, was analyzed in detail and it was concluded that it has a mixed feeding strategy, consuming mostly few items (polychaetes and shrimps) and sporadically many others. Some considerations on scientific raw data publication and on methodology of stomach content studies were made.
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Interações tróficas de peixes marinhos no Estado de São Paulo: banco de dados e comparações espaço-temporais / Trophic interactions of marine fish in the State of São Paulo: database and spatial-temporal comparisonsJuliana Pierrobon Lopez 13 February 2012 (has links)
Os ecossistemas marinhos do Estado de São Paulo sofrem intensa pressão antrópica. Considerando que os estudos tróficos de peixes são essenciais para o manejo desses ecossistemas e para a gestão pesqueira, foi construído um banco de dados alimentares de peixes para sintetizar o conhecimento já obtido na área. Foram inseridos, individualmente ou agrupados, dados primários (não-publicados) e secundários (publicados), representando 142 espécies. Com base nesse banco, foi comparada a dieta dos peixes nos sistemas de plataforma continental do litoral Norte, plataforma continental do litoral Centro, canal de São Sebastião, baía de Santos e complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape. Foi verificado que a dieta variou entre os sistemas, provavelmente devido à variação na disponibilidade alimentar. Na plataforma Norte, foi analisada a variação sazonal (outono/inverno e primavera/verão) da dieta e verificou-se que a diferença interespecífica sobrepujou a diferença intraespecífica temporal. A dieta da corvina (Micropogonias furnieri), espécie abundante e de grande importância comercial, foi analisada em detalhe e concluiu-se que ela possui estratégia alimentar mista, consumindo majoritariamente alguns itens (poliquetas e camarões) e esporadicamente outros. Foram elaboradas considerações sobre a publicação de dados científicos brutos e sobre a metodologia aplicada aos estudos de conteúdo estomacal. / The marine ecosystems of São Paulo State are under intense anthropic pressure. Considering that trophic studies of fishes are essential to the management of ecosystems and fisheries, a fish stomach content database was built in order to summarize the available data in the region. Primary (unpublished) and secondary (published) data were inserted, representing 142 species. Based on this database, diet compositions of fishes were compared among 5 marine systems of São Paulo State (North continental shelf, Central continental shelf, São Sebastião channel, Santos bay and Cananéia lagoon estuarine system). It was observed that diet composition varied among systems, probably associated to the food resource availability. Seasonal comparison (autumn/winter and spring/summer) performed in the North continental shelf showed that the interspecific variation was larger than the intraspecific temporal variation. Diet of Micropogonias furnieri, an abundant and commercially important species, was analyzed in detail and it was concluded that it has a mixed feeding strategy, consuming mostly few items (polychaetes and shrimps) and sporadically many others. Some considerations on scientific raw data publication and on methodology of stomach content studies were made.
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Rats invasifs et biodiversité native au sein des forêts denses humides de Nouvelle-Calédonie. : Eléments pour l’amélioration des stratégies de gestion / Invasive rats and native biodiversity in New Caledonian rainforests. : Insights for improvement of management strategiesDuron, Quiterie 06 September 2016 (has links)
Les rats introduits (Rattus spp.) sont des espèces invasives majeures menaçant la biodiversité sur la plupart des îles de laPlanète. Deux espèces, le rat noir (R. rattus) et le rat du Pacifique (R. exulans) vivent en sympatrie au sein des forêts deNouvelle-Calédonie, où la question de la faisabilité et de l' intérêt de leur contrôle (i.e. limitation locale de leur 'abondance)pour la conservation de la biodiversité native est posée. En raison d'un manque de cadre conceptuel des projets de contrôle,nous avons d'abord réalisé une synthèse et une analyse des opérations de contrôle de rats invasifs dans les milieux naturelsdes îles du monde. Puis, nous avons cherché à caractériser et à comprendre la dynamique des populations de ces deux espècesde rats sympatriques ainsi que leurs interactions avec la biodiversité native en forêt dense humide du massif du Mont Panié.Des opérations de piégeage létal et de capture-marquage-recapture ont montré que les rats noirs étaient plus abondants que lesrats du Pacifique. Les analyses de leur régime alimentaire ont révélé que les deux espèces ont à la fois des proies communeset des proies qui leur sont propres impliquant un renforcement ainsi qu'un élargissement de leurs impacts sur la biodiversiténative. Les rats consomment une grande majorité de fruits et de graines, d'invertébrés et de Squamates mais les oiseaux, quijustifient souvent la mise en place de projets de gestion de rats, ne semblent pas ici être une de leur proie préférentielle. Depotentiels effets positifs des rats sur la dispersion des graines ont également été mis en évidence au travers d'une comparaisondu potentiel germinatif de graines après passage par leur tractus digestif et celui de frugivores natifs. Enfin, nous avons puproposer des stratégies de piégeage létal afin de contrôler efficacement les populations de rats invasifs. Une meilleurecompréhension des impacts des rats en situation de sympatrie ainsi qu' une meilleure connaissance du lien entre densité de ratset intensité des effets sur la biodiversité permettraient d'optimiser les stratégies de contrôle de rats invasifs lorsquel'éradication n'est pas envisageable. / Introduced rats (Rattus spp.) are one of the major invasive species threatening native biodiversity on islands worldwide. Twospecies, the black rat (R. rattus) and the Pacifie rat (R. exulans) are sympatric in New Caledonian rainforests, where questionsasto the feasibility and the utility of their control (i.e. local limitation of their abundance) for the conservation of nativebiodiversity remain unanswered. ln response to the lack of a conceptual framework for control projects, we fi rst conducted areview of invasive rat control operations in island natural areas worldwide. Then we sought to characterize and understand thepopulation dynamics of these two sympa tric rat species and the ir interactions with native biodiversity in the rainforest of MontPanié mountain. Lethaltrapping operations and capture-mark-recapture showed that black rats were more abundant thanPacifie rats. Diet analysis revealed that the two species consume both shared and unshared prey likely resulting in astrengthening and a broadening oftheir impacts on native biodiversity, relative to the impact that each species would haveal one. Rats consume a large quantity of fruits and seeds, invertebrates, and Squamates. However, birds, which often justify theimplementation of rat management projects, do not appear here to be one of the ir preferred prey, either as adults or throughnest predation. A potential positive rat impact on seed dispersal was a Iso highlighted through a comparison of seedgermination after seeds had passed through rat versus native frugivore digestive tracts. Finally, we propose lethal trappingstrategies to efficiently control invasive rat populations. A better understanding ofboth rat impacts in sympatric situations,and the link between rat density and the intensity of their effects on biodiversity would allow optimizing rat control strategieswhen eradication is not feas ible.
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