Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tsai""
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A comparative study of Zimbabwe state universities’ responsiveness to the implementation of sexual harassment policiesMawere, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how state universities in Zimbabwe respond
to the implementation of sexual harassment policies. Utilising a social constructivist
and interpretive lens, this exploratory qualitative case study aimed at an in-depth study
as well as a comparison of how various stakeholders respond to the implementation
of sexual harassment policies in two selected state universities. Data collection
methods took the form of key participant semi-structured interviews, focus group
discussions and document analysis. Two research sites comprised the case study.
The sample at each of the sites consisted of a registrar, two deans, two chairpersons,
a counsellor, a nurse, a security officer, a warden, two student representative
members, and three students. The data analysis consisted of hermeneutic, content
and discourse analysis. The content of in-depth interviews, feedback on
interpretations, and notes from the sexual harassment policies analysed were
considered as data in the analysis. A number of findings emanated from this study. First, sexual harassment is prevalent in the two universities studied and remains a
persistent problem. Sexual harassment occurs at three levels: that perpetrated on
female students by male lecturers; that perpetrated by female students on male
lecturers; and that perpetrated by male students on female students. Second, efforts
to mitigate incidences of sexual harassment in the two universities are hampered by
underreporting of the phenomenon, absence of very clear sexual harassment
guidelines, fear of reprisals in the event of reporting sexual harassment incidences, as
well as silence on zero tolerance to sexual harassment in the policies, ordinances and
codes of conduct. Third, the presence of a sexual harassment policy on its own is not
a guarantee of mitigating prevalence of the phenomenon. Transparent and
anonymous reporting procedures, who to report to, what ought to be done to the
harasser, the need for counselling the victim, public lectures on sexual harassment awareness and road shows could augment the need to mitigate incidences of sexual
harassment in universities. The study revealed that whilst efforts have been made to
mitigate sexual harassment incidences in the universities under study through sexual
harassment policies, preventing and effectively addressing sexual harassment in the
two universities is still a significant challenge, given the shortcomings regarding the
responsiveness of stakeholders highlighted in the study. The need for a commitment on the part of all stakeholders in the universities, to take on board measures to prevent
and respond to sexual harassment as well as promote a safe, respectful, inclusive and
welcoming environment, cannot be overemphasised. The proposition is that orienting
students and lecturers, among other stakeholders, to the universities’ cultures, policies
as well as procedures for handling sexual harassment, could lead to a climate of zero
tolerance towards the phenomenon. In other words, lecturers and students should be
made responsible for mitigating as well as preventing sexual harassment. / Lolu cwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya indlela amanyuvesi aseZimbabwe abhekana
nayo mayelana nokusetshenziswa kwemigomo yokuhluknyezwa ngokocansi.
Ngokusebenzisa umqondo obizwa phecelezi nge- (social constructivist nangeso
lokuchaza (interpretive), lolu cwaningo lotho oluphenyayo olugxile phezu kwengxoxo,
phecelezi(exploratory qualitative case study) beluqondiswe kucwaningo olujulile
kanye nokuqhathanisa indlela abadlalindima abahlukahlukene ababhekana ngayo
ekusetshenzisweni kwemigomo yokuhluknyezwa ngokwecansi kumanyuvesi ombuso
amabili akhethiwe. Izindlela zokuqokelela idatha ziye zalandela indlela yenhlolovo
ehlelwe ngokwesigamu exuba abadlalindima abasemqoka, ziye zalandela izingxoxo
ezigxile kumaqembu aqondiwe futhi ziye zagxila ekuhlaziyeni imibhalo. Ucwaningo
lotho lwenziwe ezikhungwini ezintathu. Kanti isampuli kwesinye nesinye isikhungo
sinombhalisi, odini ababili, osihlalo ababili, umeluleki wezengqondo, umhlengikazi,
ugadi, ujele, amalungu amabili abameli babafundi, kanye nabafundi abathathu. Idatha ehlaziyiwe yequkethe, ithiyori nendlela yokuchaza (hermeneutic), okuqukethwe kanye
nomsebenzi wocwaningo ohlaziyiwe. Ulwazi oluqukethwe olumayelana nenhlolovo
ejulile, umbiko wakamuva omayelana nezincazelo, kanye namanothi avela
kwimigomo emayelana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, konke lokhu kuye kwathathwa
njengedatha emsebenzini ohlaziyiwe. Kuye kwatholakala ulwazi oluvela kucwaningo.
Okokuqala, ukuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kuyisichelo njengomchilo wesidwaba
kumanyuvesi amabili acwaningiwe kanti lezi zenzo zilokhu ziyinkinga engapheli.
Ukuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kwenzeka ngezigaba ezintathu, okuyizigaba
ezibhebhetheka kubafundi besifazane behlukunyezwa ngabafundisi besilisa
basemanyuvesi, kanti lezi zigameko zibhebhethekiswa ngabafundi abesifazane
kubafundisi besilisa; kanti kuphinde futhi kubhebhethekiswe abafundi abesilisa
kubafundi abesifazane. Okwesibili, Imizamo eqonde ukunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kumanyuvesi amabili ziphazanyiswa kungabikwa
ngokugcwele kwalezi zehlakalo, ukusweleka kwemihlahlandlela ecacile
yokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, ukwesaba ukubika lezi zehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa
ngokocansi ngenxa yokugxekwa, kanye nemigomo ethulile mayelana
nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, imitheshwana emalungana nalokhu yezifundazwe
kanye nokusweleka kwemithetho yokuziphatha. Okwesithathu, ukuba khona nje
komgomo obhekene nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi akusona isiqinisekiso sokunciphisa lezi zenzo zokuhlukumeza. Izingqubo ezikwishashalazi nezinemfihlo,
ezimayelana nokuthi ubika kuphi, kanti kufanele ohlukumezayo athathelwe ziphi
izinyathelo, isidingo sokuthi isiZulu sokuhlukunyezwa sithole ukwelulekwa
ngokwengqondoukufundiswa komphakathi ngokwexwayiswa ngokuhlukunyezwa
ngokocansi kanye nemibukiso kungagcwaliselela isidingo sokunciphisa izehlakalo
zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi emanyuvesi. Ucwaningo luyaveza ukuthi njengoba
sekwenziwe imizamo yokunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi
emanyuvesi acwaningwayo ngaphansi kwemigomo yokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi,
ukuvikela kanye nokudingida ngokufanele udaba lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi
kumanyuvesi amabili kusese yinselelo enkulu, uma kubhekwa izihibhe ezikhona
mayelana nokuzibandakanya kwabadlalindima kuvezwe kucwaningo. Isidingo
sokuzimisela kwingxenye yabo bonke abadlalindima kumanyuvesi, ukuba balethe
ngaphambili imizamo yokuvikela kanye nokubhekana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kanye nokwenza indawo ephephile, ehloniphekile, nexuba zonke izinhlaka futhi
nendawo eyamukelayo, kuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu engeke yagqizwa qakala.
Kuphakanyiswa ukuthi kufundiswe abafundi kanye nabafundisi, hlangana nabanye
abadlalindima, ngosikompilo lwasenyuvesi, ngemigomo kanye nangezingqubo
zokuphatha uhlelo lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, kanti lokhu kungaholela ekwakheni
isimo esingeke savumela lolu daba. Ngamanye amagama, abafundisi kanye
nabafundi kufanele banikezwe umsebenzi wokunciphisa kanye nokuvikela izehlakalo
zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go utolla ka moo diyunibesithi tsa Zimbabwe tseo di
thuswago ke mmuso di fetolago go phethagatso ya melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa
thobalano. Ka go dirisa tebelelo go ya ka go gola ga motho le tsebo yeo a e hwetsago
ka tirisano le batho ba bangwe leagong le tlhathollo ya seo se ithutwago, tlhahlobo ye
e tseneletsego ya go hlohlomisa tshedimoso ka ga tiragalo ye e ikemiseditse go
thutelo ye e tseneletsego gammogo le papetso ya ka moo batho bao ba fapanego bao
ba nago le kgahlego ba fetolago go phethagatso ya melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa
thobalano ka go diyunibesithi tse pedi tseo di kgethilwego tseo di thuswago ke mmuso.
Mekgwatshepediso ya kgoboketso ya datha e tsere popego ya ditherisano le
babotsiswa ba bohlokwa tseo di sa latelego dipotsiso tseo di beilwego, ditherisano le
dihlopha tseo di nepisitswego le tshekatsheko ya ditokomane. Ditsha tse pedi tsa
dinyakisiso di bile motheo wa thutelo ye. Sampolo ka go setsha se sengwe le se
sengwe e be e na le moretsistara, dihlogo tse pedi tsa mafapha a thuto, badulasetulo ba babedi, mogakolodi, mooki, mohlankedi wa tshireletso, mohlapetsi, maloko a
mabedi a kemedi ya baithuti, le baithuti ba bararo.
Tshekatsheko ya datha e bopilwe ke tshekatsheko ya mekgwatshepediso ya
ditlhathollo, diteng le ka moo polelo e diriswago gare ga batho. Diteng tsa ditherisano
tseo di tseneletsego, dipego ka ga ditlhathollo, le dintlha go tswa go melaotshepediso
ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano tseo di sekasekilwego di tserwe bjalo ka datha ye e
sekasekwago. Go tsweletse dikhwetso tse mmalwa thutelong ye. Sa mathomo, tlaiso
go tsa thobalano e atile diyunibesithing tse pedi tseo go ithutilwego ka tsona gomme
e sa le bothata bjo bo tswelago pele. Tliso ya thobalano e direga go ya ka magato a
mararo: leo bafahlosi ba dirago tiro ye e sego molaong ya go robala le baithuti ba
basadi, leo le dirwago ke ge baithuti ba basadi ba robala le bafahlosi ba banna, le leo
le dirwago ke ge baithuti ba banna ba robala le baithuti ba basadi. Sa bobedi, maitekelo a go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing tse pedi
tse a sitiswa ke go se begwe ga ditiragalo tse ka mo go kgotsofatsago, tlhokego ya
ditlhahlo tse di kwagalago gabotse tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano, poifo ya boipuseletso
ge motho a ka bega ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano gammogo le ge
melaotshepetso, melawana le melao ya boitshwaro di sa bolele selo ka magato ao a
ka tsewago go ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano. Sa boraro, go ba gona ga molaotshepetso wa tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka bowona ga se tiiso ya phokotso ya go
ba gona ga tiragalo ye. Ditshepediso tseo di sa utego selo gape di sa utollego boitsupo
bja motho, gore ke mang, yo dipego di swanetsego go lebiswa go yena, ke seo motlaisi
a swanetswego go se dirwa, tlhokego ya gore motlaiswa a hwetse thuso go rarolla
mathata a kgobatso maikutlong a gagwe, dithuto go setshaba ka moka ka ga temoso
ya tlaiso, le dipontsho mafelong ao a fapanego di ka godisa tlhokego ya go fokotsa
ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing. Thutelo e utollotse gore le ge go
dirilwe maitekelo a go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing
tseo thutelo e dirilwego go tsona ka mokgwa wa melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa
thobalano, go thibela le go rarolla bothata bja tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka bokgoni
diyunibesithing tse pedi tse e sa le tlhohlo ye e bonalago, ge go lebeletswe bofokodi
malebana le batho bao na nago le kgahlego bao ba supilwego thutelong ye. Tlhokego
ya boikgafo lehlakoreng la batho ka moka yunibesithing bao ba nago le kgahlego go se, go hlagisa magato a go thibela le go araba go tlaiso go tsa thobalano gammogo le
go hlola tikologo ye e bolokegilego, ye e hlomphago, e akaretsago gape e amogelago
bohle ka matsogo a borutho, go bohlokwa go fetisa ka mo go hlalositswego. Tshisinyo
ke go re go tsebisa baithuti le bafahlosi, gare ga batho ka moka bao ba nago le
kgahlego, go ditlwaelo, melaotshepetso gammogo le ditshepediso tsa go rarolla tlaiso
go tsa thobalano, go ka hlola tikologo yeo e sa kgotlelelego tiragalo yeo le gatee. Ka
mantsu a mangwe, bafahlosi le baithuti ba swanetse go rweswa boikarabelo bja go
fokotsa gammogo le go thibela tlaiso go tsa thobalano. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Comparative Education)
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Exploring the nature of teacher’s classroom practices when teaching electric circuits in a grade 12 classroom : a case in the Tshwane West DistrictRamashia, Vonani Japhta 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to explore teacher’s classroom practices when teaching
electric circuits in a grade 12 classroom. This qualitative interpretive study involves
three participants who perceive electric circuits to be a difficult topic to teach in the
Tshwane west district, Gauteng Province. The study uses the Classroom Practice
Diagnostic framework to present and analyse results. Pseudonyms are used to protect
the identities of the participants. The study reveals that teachers’ classroom practices
differ from one participant to the other, despite the same perception that electric
circuits is a difficult topic to teach. / Ndivho khulwane ya ngundo/Tsedzusulo iyi ndi u bveledza na u tandavhudza
mugudisi kha ngudo dza kilaŝini musi a tshi gudisa sekhethe dza mudagasi kha gireidi
ya 12(ya vhufumbili) kilasini. Nyangaredzo ya thaluso ya ngudo I katela
vhashelamulenzhe vhararu vhane vha vhona sekhete dza mudagasi dzi tshi konda
kha Tshitiriki tsha Tswane Vhubhaduvha; na kha vunda la Gauteng. Ngudo iyi I shuma
u ita tsedzuluso u itela u netshedza na u ita tsedzuluso yo dzhenelelaho ya mvelelo.
Madzina o dzumbamiswaho o shumisa u nwala muvhigo u tsereledza
vhashelamuledhe vha ngudo iyi. Tsedzuluso yo dzumbulula uri zwine vhagudisi vha
ita kilasini zwi fhambana u bva kha munwe mudededzi uya kha munwe; nga nnda ha
ndavhelelo ya uri ngudo ya sekethe ya mudagasi I a konda u funza. / Maikaelelo a serutwa se ke go katisa morutabana gore a nne le bokgone jwa go ruta
sekete ya motlakase ka mo phaposing ya gagwe ya materiki.
Ka kakaretso tlhaloso ya serutwa se sa sekete ya motlakase se akaretsa batsaya
karolo ba ba raro ba ba reng serutwa se se thata, mme ba tswa kwa Tshwane West
le kwa Porofenseng ya Gauteng. Serutwa se se dirisiwa go dira dipatlisiso le go neela
dipatlisiso tse di tseneletseng tsa dipholo tsa batsaya karolo. Mo dipatlisisong tse go
dirisitswe maina a a bofitlha go sireletsa batsaya karolo ba patlisiso e.
Serutwa se kgotsa patliso e,e re lemosa gore se barutabana ba se dirang mo
phaposing se a farologana go tswa go morutabana mongwe le mongwe, ka ntlha ya
gore serutwa sa sekete ya motlase se thata. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Natural Science Education)
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High school learners' perceptions of accounting as a career path in the Mafikeng area / Hoërskoolleerders se persepsies van rekeningkunde as 'n loopbaanrigting in die Mafikeng-area / Megopolo ya barutwana ba sekolo se segolwane malebana le palotlotlo jaaka tselana ya tiro mo tikologong ya MafikengOben, James Ako 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / The study was prompted by the decline in accounting enrolments and the ongoing criticism due to learners’ poor performance in the Accounting subject in South Africa.
Given the increasing need for accounting graduates and, more importantly, qualified
accounting professionals, this study investigated the preconceived perceptions
participating high school learners in selected schools in the Mafikeng area had about
the accounting profession at the time of this study.
The study drew on a rich body of existing literature and adopted the social cognitive
career theory of Lent, Brown and Hackett (1994) to explore the factors influencing
career interests of learners in accounting as a career path. A quantitative research
approach with a survey questionnaire, framed within a positivist paradigm, was used
to elicit opinions from learners. The findings revealed that work satisfaction, earnings
potential, self-efficacy, personal interest, offering Accounting as a subject and having
an accountant in the family are among the factors that significantly influenced
participating learners’ career interests in accounting. / Die studie is aangespoor deur die afname in rekeningkunde-inskrywings en die deurlopende kritiek van leerders se swak prestasie in rekeningkunde in Suid-Afrika.
Gegewe die toenemende behoefte vir rekeningkundegegradueerdes en, meer
belangrik, gekwalifiseerde rekeningkundepraktisyns, ondersoek hierdie studie die
huidige vooropgestelde persepsies wat hoërskoolleerders in Suid-Afrika van die
rekeningkundige beroep het.
Die studie benut die omvattende bestaande literatuur en aanvaar die sosiaal
kognitiewe loopbaanteorie van Lent, Brown en Hackett (1994) om die faktore te
ondersoek wat die belangstelling van leerders in rekeningkunde as 'n loopbaanrigting
beïnvloed. 'n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met 'n opnamevraelys, binne 'n
positivistiese paradigma, is gebruik om menings van leerders te ontlok. Die bevindings
het gewys dat werksbevrediging, verdienstepotensiaal, selfwerksaamheid, persoonlike
belang, die aanbied van rekeningkunde as 'n vak en 'n rekeningkundige in die gesin
van die faktore is wat leerders se loopbaanbelangstelling in rekeningkunde beduidend
beïnvloed / Thutopatlisiso e tlhotlheleditswe ke kwelotlase ya ikwadiso ya dithuto tsa Palotlotlo le
go kgalwa go go tswelelang pele ga tiragatso e e bokoa ya barutwana mo Palotlotlong mo Aforikaborwa. Ka ntlha ya tlhokego e e oketsegang ya dialogane tsa Palotlotlo le,
sa botlhokwa tota, baporofešenale ba ba nang le borutegi jwa palotlotlo, thutopatlisiso
eno e batlisisa megopolo e e gona ya ga jaana ya barutwana ba dikolo tse dikgolwane
mo Aforikaborwa malebana le porofešene ya bobalatlotlo.
Thutopatlisiso e dirisa letlotlo le le gona la dikwalo mme e dirisa tiori ya tselana ya tiro
ya tlhaloganyo ya loago ya ga Lent, Brown le Hackett (1994) go sekaseka dintlha tse
di susumetsang kgatlhego ya tselana ya tiro ya barutwana mo palotlotlong jaaka
tselana ya tiro. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa patlisiso o o lebelelang dipalopalo ka
dipotsolotso tsa tshekatsheko, mme e agilwe mo mokgweng wa kelotlhoko go bona
megopolo ya barutwana. Diphitlhelelo di bontsha gore go kgotsofalela tiro, kgonagalo
ya letseno, go ikemela, dikgatlhego tsa sebele, go rebolelwa Palotlotlo jaaka serutwa
le go nna le mmalatlotlo mo lelapeng ke dingwe tsa dintlha tse di nang le tshusumetso
e kgolo mo dikgatlhegong tsa barutwana tsa tselana ya tiro mo palotlotlong. / Financial Accounting / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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Support for students with disabilities in open distance e-learningDitlhale, Tumelo Warren Gobusamang 28 April 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Tswana and Afrikaans / People who graduated from higher education, whether they attended classes on campus or studied via a distance mode of learning, have not only been educated but are also able to participate in and contribute positively to the political, social and economic forums in their immediate environments and within their country. Progressing through the higher education system successfully is not easy since there are many challenges to overcome. Students With Disabilities (SWD) face even greater challenges in making their way through the system to emerge triumphantly as graduates. Institutions of higher learning, including Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) facilities, must provide support to SWD in order to facilitate their learning experience so that they are better equipped to succeed. Therefore, it is vital to promote access to higher education for people with disabilities and to provide support, such as making assistive technologies and human services available, for SWD within ODeL institutions.
This qualitative study was exploratory in nature and used a multiple case study research design in the chosen area to investigate the provision of support for SWD in the ODeL institution. Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews and a document analysis, and these two methods of data gathering assisted with triangulation.
The research findings revealed differences between the findings that were obtained through the responses received from teacher and staff member participants. The research findings also revealed differences between the findings that were obtained through the responses received from the participants, in general, and those obtained through the document analysis. The findings obtained through responses received from teacher participants showed that support for SWD was more evident at the school level than at the ODeL institution, that is, at the tertiary level of education. The document analysis of the policies of the ODeL institution revealed that the policies were general and did not specifically relate to the needs of SWD. At the same time, the findings in this dissertation of limited scope showed that the use of technology and the availability of assistive devices were more prominent at the school level than at the ODeL institution. / Batho ba ba alogang go tswa mo ditheong tse kgolwane tsa Thuto, ba tswa ba ka bo ba rutilwe le go ithuta ka go tsenela dikamuso (attending lecturers) mo khemphaseng kgotsa ba rutilwe le go ithuta ka thutotlhaeletsano, ga ba rutega fela mme ba kgona gape le go nna le seabe le go abelana ka tshiamo mo diforamong tsa sepolotiki, tsa seloago le tsa seikonomi mo ditikologong tse ba iphitlhelang ba le mo go tsona naga ka bophara. Go tsweletsa dithuto mo setheong sa thuto e kgolwane ka katlego ga go bonolo ka gonne go na le dikgwetlho di le dintsi tse o tshwanelwang ke go di fenya. Baithuti ba ba tshelang-ka-bogole (Students with disabilities -SWD) ba lebagane le dikgwetlho tse dikgolo thata mo setheong sa thuto e kgolwane, go ka ipona kwa bofelelong e le dialogane tse di atlegileng. Ditheo tsa thuto e kgolwane, go akaretsa le tsa tlamelo ya thutotlhaeletsano ka mafarafatlha ntle le maparego (ODeL), di tshwanelwa ke go tshegetsa SWD mo dithutung tsa bone gore batle ba atlege. Ka jalo, go botlhokwa go rotlweetsa phitlhelelo ya thuto e kgolwane go batho ba ba tshelang ka bogole le go ba tshegetsa, jaaka go ka ba direla le go ba neela thekenoloji tsa thuso le ditirelo tsa thuso-ka-batho. Tshegetse fela jaaka e tshwanetse go SWD ba ba mo ODeL.
Patlisiso e ya khwaletatifi, e tlhametswe go utulola mme ebile e dirisitse mefuta e le mentsi ya go batlisisa ka ga mokgwa wa go tshegetsa SWD mo ODeL. Tshedimosetso kgotsa dinewane di kokoantswe ka go dirisa seripa sa dipotsolotso le go sekaseka tokamana, mme mekgwa e mebedi e, e thusitse ka go netefatsa diphitlheleo tse di bonweng.
Diphitlhelelo tsa patlisiso di bontshitse dipharologano magareng ga diphitlhelelo tse di bonweng go tswa go barutabana kwa sekolong le go tswa go badiri kwa ODeL. Diphitlhelelo tsa patlisiso, di tlhagisitse gape dipharologano magareng ga diphitlhelelo tse di bonweng go tswa go banna-le-seabe, ka kakaretso, le tse di bonweng go tswa mo go sekasekeng tokamana. Diphitlhelelo tse di bonweng go tswa go barutabana, di bontshitse gore tshegetso ya SWD e tlhomame kwa sekolong go na le kwa ODeL, e leng setheo sa thuto e e kgolwane. Tshekatsheko ya tokomana ya dipholisi tsa ODeL, e bontsitse fa dipholisi e le tsa kakaretso fela mme di sa tote ka tlhamalalo ditlhokego tsa SWD. Go ntse go le jalo, diphitlhelelo tsa tlhotlhomisi e e lekanyeditsweng mothamo, di bontshitse fa tiriso ya thekenoloji le go nna teng ga didiriswa-thuso, di tlhomame kwa sekolong go na le kwa ODeL. / Mense wat aan hoëronderwysinstellings gradueer, of hulle klasse op kampus bygewoon het of deur 'n afstandsmetode van leer studeer het, is nie slegs onderrig nie, maar hulle kan ook deelneem aan en positief bydra tot die politieke, sosiale en ekonomiese forums in hul onmiddellike omgewing en in hul land. Dit is nie maklik om suksesvol deur die hoëronderwysstelsel te vorder nie, omdat daar baie struikelblokke is om te oorkom. Studente met gestremdhede (SMG) het selfs meer uitdagings om hul weg deur die stelsel te baan en triomfantlik as graduandi te verrys. Hoëronderriginstellings, insluitende oop e-afstandsleer (ODeL) -fasiliteite, moet ondersteuning aan SMG bied om hul leerervarings te fasiliteer sodat hulle beter toegerus is om sukses te behaal. Dit is daarom noodsaaklik om toegang tot hoër onderwys en ondersteuning aan mense met gestremdhede te bied, soos om hulptegnologieë en menslike dienste aan SMG in ODeL-instellings beskikbaar te stel.
Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was verkennend van aard en het 'n veelvoudige gevallestudie-ontwerp in die gekose veld gebruik om die voorsiening van ondersteuning aan SMG in 'n ODeL-instelling te ondersoek. Data is versamel deur semigestruktureerde onderhoude en 'n dokumentonleding; hierdie twee metodes van dataversameling het met triangulasie gehelp.
Navorsingsbevindings het verskille aangedui tussen die data wat verkry is van die onderwyser en die van deelnemende personeellede se reaksies. Navorsingsbevindings het ook verskille aangedui tussen die data wat verkry is van deelnemers se reaksies oor die algemeen en die wat deur dokumentontleding verkry is. Die bevindings wat deur die onderwyserdeelnemers verkry is, het aangedui dat ondersteuning aan SMG duideliker op skoolvlak was as by die ODeL-instelling; dit is op tersiêre vlak van onderwys. Die dokumentontleding van die ODeL-instelling se beleide het aangedui dat die beleide algemeen was nie spesifiek met SWD se behoeftes verband hou nie. Terselfdertyd het die bevindings van hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang getoon dat die gebruik van tegnologie en die beskikbaarheid van hulptoestelle meer prominent was op skoolvlak as by die ODeL-instelling. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Open Distance Learning)
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The implementation of the internal audit provisions of the Public Finance Management Act (Act No. 1 1999): a case of the South African Social Security AgencySambo, Vaola Tinyiko 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Swahili and Southern Sotho / The study reported in this thesis considered the implementation of the internal audit provisions of the Public Finance Management Act (Act No. 1 of 1999) or PFMA at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). A review of literature pointed to the scarcity of research that focuses on the role that an effective internal audit function could play in advising management, when it comes to the institution of internal controls, in developing countries such as South Africa. In this context, the study emphasised the importance of internal controls that should be recommended by an internal audit function, specifically for purposes of averting financial misconduct. Thus, the problem statement for the study was articulated as follows: The existence of an internal audit function at SASSA has not resulted in improved internal controls, which contribute to the curbing of financial misconduct.
Consequently, the main research question for the study was: What are the necessary conditions under which the internal audit function at SASSA could be improved? Using agency theory, the study conceptualised an internal audit function as an important part of internal management controls that functions by reviewing, evaluating and making recommendations for the improvement of other controls within an institution, with the ultimate aim of promoting good governance. The research design and methodology for the study were qualitative, as it was necessary to get the views of the respondents on the various themes covered in the interview schedules and survey questionnaire. The case study design was employed as the operational framework for data collection.
The data collection techniques employed in the study were personal one-on-one interviews with two sets of senior managers, a survey questionnaire comprising open-ended questions, and a focus group discussion. The four data sets were collected as follows: one-on-one personal interviews with senior internal audit managers, interviews with other senior managers in some of the Agency’s areas that have been identified as strategic high-risk areas, a survey questionnaire that was completed by junior internal audit managers, as well as a focus group discussion with managers from the supply chain management department.
The population for the study was purposefully selected to achieve one of the key objectives of purposive sampling, namely ensuring that some diversity is included in a sample in order to allow for the influence of differences in respondents’ views due to the positions that they occupy.
As per the requirements of a doctorate, this study contributes at two levels: a theoretical and an empirical level. At theoretical level, the researcher developed data collection instruments, which other researchers could improve and use. At empirical level, the contribution of the study is a conceptual framework for the implementation of an internal audit function. The framework identifies the 18 conditions that must be in place for an internal audit function to be effective. In addition, the researcher makes recommendations for amendments to the PFMA and/or Treasury Regulations: PFMA. These recommendations will benefit all public institutions. It is thus believed that the study will make an important contribution towards efforts aimed at improving the internal audit function in the South African public sector at large. This is important, as the PFMA requires internal audit functions to assist accounting authorities with recommendations pertaining to the maintenance of effective controls. Internal audit functions have to evaluate these controls to determine their effectiveness and efficiency. Following that, they should develop recommendations for enhancement or improvement. / Dyondzondzavisiso leyi ku vikiwaka yona eka thesis leyi yi langutile ku humelerisiwa ka swipimelo swa oditi ya le ndzeni ya nawu wa Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999 kumbe PFMA eka nhlangano wa South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). Nkambelo wa matsalwa (lithirecha) leyi faneleke wu paluxile nkalo wa ndzavisiso lowu tshikilelaku miehleketo eka ntirho lowu oditi ya le ndzeni leyi fikelelaka wu nga vaka na wona eka ku tsundzuxa vufambisi, loko swi ta eka ku tumbuxa vulawuri bya le ndzeni eka matiko lama ya ha hluvukaka tanihi Afrika-Dzonga. Eka xiyimo lexi, dyondzondzavisiso leyi yi tshikilela nkoka wa vulawuri bya le ndzeni lebyi faneleke ku bumabumeriwa hi ntirho wa oditi ya le ndzeni, ngopfungopfu hi xikongomelo xa ku sivela matikhomelo yo biha eka swa timali. Hikwalaho, xitatimende xa mbulaxiphiqo (problem statement) xa dyondzondzavisiso leyi xi vile hi ndlela leyi: The existence of an internal audit function at SASSA has not resulted in improved internal controls, which contribute to the curbing of financial misconduct.
Hikwalaho, xivutisokulu xa ndzavisiso lowu xi vile lexi: What are the necessary conditions under which the internal audit function at SASSA could be improved? Hi ku tirhisa thiyori ya ejensi (agency theory), dyondzondzavisiso leyi yi anakanyile ntirho wa oditi ya le ndzeni tanihi xiyenge xa nkoka xa vulawuri bya le ndzeni lexi tirhaka hi ku pfuxeta (reviewing), ku kambela (evaluating) na ku endla swibumabumelo swo antswisa vulawuri byin’wana endzeni ka instituxini, hi xikongomelo xo tlakusa mafambiselo na vulawuri lebyinene. Dizayini ya ndzavisiso na methodoloji (reseach design and methodology) swa dyondzondzavisiso leyi, swi tirhise qualitative, hikuva a swi laveka ku va ku kumiwa mavonelo ya vaanguri eka mikongomelo yo hambana-hambana leyi angarheriwaka eka tixejulu ta inthavhiyu na nxaxamelo wa swivutiso leswi tsariweke swo valanga (survey questionnaire). Ku tirhisiwile dizayini ya case study tanihi rimba ro tirha hi rona eka ku hlengeleta data.
Tithekiniki to hlengeleta data leti ti nga tirhisiwa eka dyondzondzavisiso leyi a ti ri tiinthavhiyu ta munhu hi wun’we wun’we, (personal one-one one interviews), na tisete timbirhi ta timanejara ta xiyimo xa le henhla, nxaxamelo wa swivutiso leswi tsariweke (questionnaire) swo valanga a ku ri swivutiso swo pfuleka na nkanelo na ntlawa wo karhi (focus group discussion). Tisete ta data leti ta mune ti hlengeletiwe hi ndlela leyi: tiinthavhiyu ta munhu hi wun’we wun’we na timanejara ta xiyimo xa le henhla ta oditi ya le ndzeni; tiinthavhiyu na timanejara ta xiyimo xa le henhla tin’wana eka swin’wana swa swivandla swa Ejensi leswi swi nga kumiwa swi ri swivandla leswi nga le ka khombo swinenenene; nxaxamelo wa swivutiso leswi tsariweke swa mbalango lowu, xi tatisiwe hi timanejara ta xiyimo xa le hansi ta oditi ya le ndzeni; na nkanelo hi ntlawa wo karhi na timanejara ta le ka ndzawulo ya vulawuri bya nandzelelano wa mafambiselo ya mphakelo (supply chain management department).
Ntsengo wa vanhu (population) wa dyondzondzavisiso leyi wu hlawuriwe hi xikongomelo xa ku fikelela xin’we xa swikongomelokulu swa vusampuli byo va na xikongomelo, ku nga, ku tiyisisa leswaku ku va na ku katsiwa ka swo hambana-hambana eka sampuli ku pfumelela nkucetelano wa swo hambana-hambana eka mavonelo ya vaanguri hikwalaho ka swivandla leswi va nga le ka swona.
Hilaha dyondzo ya vudokodela yi lavaka hakona, dyondzondzavisiso leyi yi hoxa xandla eka tilevhele timbirhi: levhele ya thiyori na levhele ya vumbhoni bya ndzavisiso ku nga emphirikali (empirical). Eka levhele ya thiyori, mulavisisi u tumbuluxile switirhisiwa swo hlengeleta leswi valavisisi van’wana va nga swi antswisaka no swi tirhisa. Eka levhele ya emphirikali, leswi dyondzondzavisiso leyi yi nga hoxa xandla eka swona i rimba ra mianakanyo ro humelerisa ntirho wa oditi ya le ndzeni. Rimba leri ri komba swiyimo swa 18 leswi swi faneleke ku va kona ku va ntirho wa oditi ya le ndzeni wu va na vuyelo lebyi faneleke no tirheka. Ku engetela kwalaho, mulavisisi u endla swibumabumelo swo cinca swin’wana eka PFMA na/kumbe Treasury Regulations: PFMA. Swibumabumelo leswi, swi ta vuyerisa tiinstituxini hinkwato ta mfumo. Hikwalaho, ku tshembiwa leswaku dyondzondzavisiso leyi, yi ta hoxa xandla hi ndlela ya nkoka eka matshalatshala lama nga na xikongomelo xa ku antswisa ntirho wa oditi ya le ndzeni eka xiyenge xa mfumo hi ku angarhela eAfrika-Dzonga. Leswi i swa nkoka, hikuva PFMA yi lava mitirho ya oditi ya le ndzeni ku pfuneta vulawuri bya vutihlamuleri bya mitirho ya ku langutana na mahlamuselelo na matirhiselo ya timali (accounting authorities) hi swibumabumelo mayelana na ku hlayisa swilawuri leswi nga na vuyelo lebyinene. Mitirho ya oditi ya le ndzeni yi fanele ku kambela vulawuri lebyi ku vona mpimo wa vuyelo lebyinene na ku tirheka ka swona hi ndlela leyi faneleke. Ku landza sweswo, va fanele ku tumbuluxa swibumabumelo swo tlakusela ehenhla kumbe ku antswisa. / Thuto e go begilweng ka ga yona mo kakanyotheong eno e tsere tsia go tsenngwa tirisong ga ditlamelo tsa boruni jwa ka fa gare tsa Molao wa Botsamaisi jwa Ditšhelete tsa Setšhaba (Molao wa bo1 wa 1999) kgotsa PFMA kwa Setheong sa Tshireletsego ya Loago sa Aforikaborwa (SASSA). Tshekatsheko ya dikwalo tse di maleba e supile tlhaelo ya patlisiso e e tsepameng mo seabeng se se ka tsewang ke tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare jo bo nonofileng mo go gakololeng botsamaisi, fa go tla mo go diriseng ditaolo tsa ka fa gare mo dinageng tse di tlhabologang tse di tshwanang le Aforikaborwa. Ka bokao jono, thutopatlisiso e gatelela botlhokwa jwa ditaolo tsa ka fa gare tse di tshwanetseng go atlenegiswa ke tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare, bogolosegolo mo go efogeng maitsholomabe mo go tsa ditšhelete. Ka jalo, polelo ya bothata ya thutopatlisiso eno e ne ya tlhagisiwa ka tsela e e latelang: Go nna teng ga tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare kwa SASSA ga go a dira gore go nne le ditaolo tsa ka fa gare tse di tokafetseng, tse di tshwaelang mo go thibeleng maitsholomabe mo go tsa ditšhelete.
Ka ntlha ya seo, potso e kgolo ya patlisiso mo thutopatlisisong eno e ne e le: Seemo se se tlhokegang se mo go sona tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare mo SASSA e ka tokafadiwang ke sefe? Go diriswa tiori ya boemedi, thuto e akantse tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare jaaka karolo ya botlhokwa ya ditaolo tsa botsamaisi jwa ka fa gare jo bo dirang ka go sekaseka, go lekanyetsa le go dira dikatlenegiso tsa tokafatso ya ditaolo tse dingwe mo teng ga setheo, ka maikaelelo a bofelo a go tsweletsa taolo e e siameng. Thulaganyo le mokgwa wa patlisiso ya thuto e ne e le e e lebelelang mabaka, jaaka go ne go le botlhokwa go bona dikakanyo tsa batsibogi mo dithitokgannyeng tse di farologaneng tse di akareditsweng mo mananeong a dipotsolotso le lenane la dipotso tsa tshekatsheko. Go dirisitswe thulaganyo ya thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang seemo mo pakeng e e rileng jaaka letlhomeso la tiragatso ya kgobokanyo ya data.
Ditheniki tsa kgobokanyo ya data tse di dirisitsweng mo thutopatlisisong eno e ne e le dipotsolotso tsa motho ka namana ka disete di le pedi tsa batsamaisi ba bagolwane, lenane la dipotso tsa tshekatsheko le le nang le dipotso tse di sa lekanyetseng dikarabo, le puisano ya setlhopha se se tlhophilweng. Go kokoantswe disete tsa data di le nne ka tsela e e latelang: dipotsolotso tsa motho ka namana tsa batsamaisi ba boruni jwa ka fa gare ba bagolwane; dipotsolotso le batsamaisi ba bangwe ba bagolwane mo dikarolong dingwe tsa Setheo tse di supilweng jaaka tse di nang le matshosetsi a a kwa godimo; lenane la dipotso tsa tshekatsheko le le tladitsweng ke batsamaisipotlana ba boruni jwa ka fa gare go tswa mo lefapheng la botsamaisi jwa theleso.
Go tlhophilwe setlhopha sa thutopatlisiso go lebeletswe mabaka go fitlhelela nngwe ya maikemisetso a botlhokwa a go tlhopha sampole go ya ka maitlhomo a thutopatlisiso, e leng go netefatsa gore go akarediwa dipharologantsho mo sampoleng gore go nne le tlhotlheletso ya dipharologano mo dikakanyong tsa batsibogi ka ntlha ya maemo ao bona.
Go ya ka ditlhokego tsa dithuto tsa bongaka (doctorate), thutopatlisiso eno e tshwaela mo magatong a mabedi: legato la tiori le le le ka netefadiwang (empirikale). Mo legatong la tiori, mmatlisisi o ne a tlhama didiriswa tsa kgobokanyo ya data, tse e leng gore babatlisisi ba bangwe ba ka di tokafatsa, mme ba di dirisa. Mo legatong la empirikale, tshwaelo ya thutopatlisiso ke letlhomeso la dikakanyo tsa go tsenngwa tirisong ga tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare. Letlhomeso le supa maemo a le 18 a a tshwanetseng go nna gona gore tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare e atlege. Go tlaleletsa, mmatlisisi o atlenegisa gore go nne le dipaakanyo tsa PFMA le/kgotsa Melawana ya Lefapha la Matlole: PFMA. Dikatlenegiso tseno di tlaa ungwela ditheo tsotlhe tsa setšhaba. Ka jalo go dumelwa gore thutopatlisiso eno e tlaa nna le tshwaelo ya botlhokwa mo maitekong a a ikaeletseng go tokafatsa tiro ya boruni jwa ka fa gare mo lephateng la setšhaba ka kakaretso mo Aforikaborwa. Seno se botlhokwa, jaaka PFMA e tlhoka gore ditiro tsa boruni jwa ka fa gare di thuse bothati jo bo rweleng maikarabelo ka dikatlenegiso tse di malebana le go tsweletsa ditaolo tse di nonofileng. Ditiro tsa boruni jwa ka fa gare di tshwanetse go lekanyetsa ditaolo tseno go tlhomamisa nonofo le bokgoni jwa tsona. Go latela seo, go tshwanetse ga dirwa dikatlenegiso tsa tokafatso. / Public Administration and Management / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)
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High school learners' perceptions of accounting as a career path in the Mafikeng areaOben, James Ako 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / The study was prompted by the decline in accounting enrolments and the ongoing
criticism due to learners’ poor performance in the Accounting subject in South Africa.
Given the increasing need for accounting graduates and, more importantly, qualified
accounting professionals, this study investigated the preconceived perceptions
participating high school learners in selected schools in the Mafikeng area had about
the accounting profession at the time of this study.
The study drew on a rich body of existing literature and adopted the social cognitive
career theory of Lent, Brown and Hackett (1994) to explore the factors influencing
career interests of learners in accounting as a career path. A quantitative research
approach with a survey questionnaire, framed within a positivist paradigm, was used
to elicit opinions from learners. The findings revealed that work satisfaction, earnings
potential, self-efficacy, personal interest, offering Accounting as a subject and having
an accountant in the family are among the factors that significantly influenced
participating learners’ career interests in accounting / Die studie is aangespoor deur die afname in rekeningkunde-inskrywings en die
deurlopende kritiek van leerders se swak prestasie in rekeningkunde in Suid-Afrika.
Gegewe die toenemende behoefte vir rekeningkundegegradueerdes en, meer
belangrik, gekwalifiseerde rekeningkundepraktisyns, ondersoek hierdie studie die
huidige vooropgestelde persepsies wat hoërskoolleerders in Suid-Afrika van die
rekeningkundige beroep het.
Die studie benut die omvattende bestaande literatuur en aanvaar die sosiaal
kognitiewe loopbaanteorie van Lent, Brown en Hackett (1994) om die faktore te
ondersoek wat die belangstelling van leerders in rekeningkunde as 'n loopbaanrigting
beïnvloed. 'n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met 'n opnamevraelys, binne 'n
positivistiese paradigma, is gebruik om menings van leerders te ontlok. Die bevindings
het gewys dat werksbevrediging, verdienstepotensiaal, selfwerksaamheid, persoonlike
belang, die aanbied van rekeningkunde as 'n vak en 'n rekeningkundige in die gesin
van die faktore is wat leerders se loopbaanbelangstelling in rekeningkunde beduidend
beïnvloed. / Thutopatlisiso e tlhotlheleditswe ke kwelotlase ya ikwadiso ya dithuto tsa Palotlotlo le
go kgalwa go go tswelelang pele ga tiragatso e e bokoa ya barutwana mo Palotlotlong
mo Aforikaborwa. Ka ntlha ya tlhokego e e oketsegang ya dialogane tsa Palotlotlo le,
sa botlhokwa tota, baporofešenale ba ba nang le borutegi jwa palotlotlo, thutopatlisiso
eno e batlisisa megopolo e e gona ya ga jaana ya barutwana ba dikolo tse dikgolwane
mo Aforikaborwa malebana le porofešene ya bobalatlotlo.
Thutopatlisiso e dirisa letlotlo le le gona la dikwalo mme e dirisa tiori ya tselana ya tiro
ya tlhaloganyo ya loago ya ga Lent, Brown le Hackett (1994) go sekaseka dintlha tse
di susumetsang kgatlhego ya tselana ya tiro ya barutwana mo palotlotlong jaaka
tselana ya tiro. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa patlisiso o o lebelelang dipalopalo ka
dipotsolotso tsa tshekatsheko, mme e agilwe mo mokgweng wa kelotlhoko go bona
megopolo ya barutwana. Diphitlhelelo di bontsha gore go kgotsofalela tiro, kgonagalo
ya letseno, go ikemela, dikgatlhego tsa sebele, go rebolelwa Palotlotlo jaaka serutwa
le go nna le mmalatlotlo mo lelapeng ke dingwe tsa dintlha tse di nang le tshusumetso
e kgolo mo dikgatlhegong tsa barutwana tsa tselana ya tiro mo palotlotlong. / Centre for Accounting Studies / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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Financial accountability and reporting by governing bodies of public schools in South AfricaHlongoane, Moses Thabang 05 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Southern Sotho / This study was about the lack of uniform financial reporting guidelines to be used by South African School Governing Bodies (SGBs) in preparing their financial statements and financial records, which resulted in the inconsistencies and the lack of comparability in the financial statements of section 21 schools. The researcher aimed to develop recommended practice guidelines to be used by SGBs of public schools in South Africa when preparing their financial statements.
The research was conducted through a qualitative approach using document analysis, supplemented by individual interviews. Provincial guidelines and selected schools’ financial statements were analysed. Schools’ principals, finance officers, auditors, School Governing Body treasurers, as well as districts officials were interviewed. The participants were selected using a purposive sampling method.
Without generalising, the findings revealed that the existing provincial guidelines as well as the financial statements of the selected schools, are not consistent. The inconsistencies affect the comparability of the financial information negatively and that may also have negative impact on the reliability of financial information. The findings from the interviews, supported by the literature review, revealed that there is a need for uniform guidelines in terms of preparation of schools’ financial statements. The findings also revealed that the majority of SGBs opt for the examination of accounting records and financial statements instead of the audit thereof. Recommended practice guidelines were developed using information acquired through the literature review and the data acquired through document analysis and interviews. The study recommended amongst others that a further study be conducted on the effectiveness of financial management training in addressing the financial reporting challenges of South African public schools and whether the examination (instead of audit) of schools’ financial records and financial statements should still be acceptable. / Thutopatlisiso eno e batlisisitse go tlhokagala ga kaedi e e tshwanang ya dipegelo tsa ditšhelete e e ka dirisiwang ke Makgotlataolo a Dikolo tsa Aforikaborwa (diSGB) fa a baakanya dikanego tsa ona tsa ditšhelete mmogo le direkoto tsa ditšhelete, e leng se se bakileng gore go se nne le go tsamaelana le tlhaelo mo ntlheng ya tshwantshanyego ya dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo tsa Karolo 21. Maikaelelo a mmatlisisi e ne e le go tlhama kaedi e e tlaa atlenegisiwang ya tiriso e e tlaa dirisiwang ke diSGB tsa dikolo tsa setšhaba mo Aforikaborwa fa di baakanya dikanego tsa tsona tsa ditšhelete.
Thutopatlisiso e dirilwe ka mokgwatebo o o lebelelang mabaka go dirisiwa tshekatsheko ya dikwalo, e tshegediwa ke dipotsolotso tsa batho bongwe ka bongwe. Go sekasekilwe kaedi ya porofense le dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo tse di tlhophilweng. Go botsoloditswe bagokgo ba dikolo, batlhankedi ba ditšhelete, baruni, batshwaratlotlo ba Makgotlataolo a Dikolo, gammogo le batlhankedi ba dikgaolo. Bannileseabe ba tlhophilwe ka go dirisa mokgwa wa go tlhopha sampole ka maikaelelo.
Kwa ntle ga go akaretsa, diphitlhelelo di bontshitse gore kaedi ya ga jaana ya porofense gammogo le dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo tse di tlhophilweng, ga di tsamaelane. Go tlhoka go tsamaelana go ama go tshwantshanyega ga tshedimosetso ya ditšhelete ka tsela e e bosula mme seo se ka ama go ikanyega ga tshedimosetso ya ditšhelete. Diphitlhelelo go tswa mo dipotsolotsong, di tshegediwa ke tshekatsheko ya dikwalo, di senotse gore go na le tlhokego ya gore go nne le kaedi e e tshwanang malebana le go baakanngwa ga dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo. Gape bontsi jwa diSGB bo itlhophela gore go tlhatlhobiwe direkoto tsa palotlotlo le dikanego tsa ditšhelete go na le gore di runiwe. Go tlhamilwe kaedi ya tiro e e atlenegisiwang go dirisiwa tshedimosetso e e bonweng ka tshekatsheko ya dikwalo le data e e bonweng mo tshekatshekong ya dikwalo le dipotsolotso. Thutopatlisiso e atlenegisitse, gareng ga tse dingwe, gore go nne le thutopatlisiso e nngwe ya nonofo ya katiso ya botsamaisi jwa ditšhelete malebana le go samagana le dikgwetlho tsa dipegelo tsa ditšhelete mo dikolong tsa setšhaba tsa Aforikaborwa gammogo le go bona gore a tlhatlhobo (go na le boruni) ya direkoto tsa ditšhelete le dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa sekolo e sa ntse e tshwanetse go amogelesega / Ndzavisiso lowu wu lavisise hi makombandlela ya ndlela yo fanana yo endla xiviko xa swa timali leswi swi faneleke ku tirhisiwa hi va Tihuvo ta Vufambisi bya Swikolo eAfrika Dzonga ku nga South African School Governing Bodies (SGBs) ku lulamisela switatimende swa timali na tirhekhodo ta timali, leswi nga vangela leswaku ku va na mafambiselo yo ka ya nga fanani na ku va swilo swi nga pimanyiseki kahle eka switatimende swa timali eka swikolo swa Xiyenge 21. Muendli wa ndzavisiso u ve na xikongomelo xa ku endla xibumabumelo hi maendlelo na makombandlela lama ya faneleke ku tirhisiwa hi ti-SGB ta swikolo swa mfumo eAfrika Dzonga, loko swi lulamisa switatimende swa timali.
Ndzavisiso wu endliwe hi ku landza fambiselo ra qualitative hi ku xopaxopa tidokumente, ku tlhela ku endliwa na mimburisano ya ti-interview na vanhu hi wun'we-wun'we. Makombandlela ya xifundzhankulu na switatimende swa timali swa swikolo swi xopaxopiwile. Ku endliwe mimburisano ya ti-interview na tinhloko ta swikolo (vaprinsipala), vaofisara va swa timali, vakamberi va swa timali (ti-odithara), vatameri va minkwama ya Tihuvo ta Vufambisi bya Swikolo (School Governing Body treasurers) xikan'we na vaofisara va tidistriki na vona ku endliwe mimburisano ya ti-interview na vona. Vokhoma-xiave va hlawuriwe hi ku tirhisa fambiselo ra sampuli ya xikongomelo ku nga purposive sampling method.
Handle ko navisa vuyelo eka hinkwavo, vuyelo byi kume leswo makombandlela ya xifundzhankulu na switatimende swa timali eka swikolo swo karhi, a swi fanani. Ku hambana swi endla leswo ku nga vi na ku fambelana na ku pimanyiseka ka vutivi bya swa timali, na swona swi na vuyelo byo ka byi nga ri kahle na ku tshembeka eka vutivi bya swa timali. Vuyelo eka mimburisano ya ti-interview, hi ku seketeriwa hi ku hlayiwa ka matsalwa, swi kombise leswo ku na xilaveko xa makombandlela ya ku fanana hi ku landza ku lulamisiwa ka switatimende swa ta timali lomu swikoleni. Vunyingi bya ti-SGB byi endla na nkambelo kunene wa tirhekhodi ta timali na switatimende swa timali ku tlula ku lava leswo ku endliwa nxopanxopo lowu fambisanaka na ku xopaxopa vumbhoni bya swa matirhiselo ya timali ku nga auditing ya tibuku ta timali. Makombandlela lama ya bumabumeriwaka ya endliwe hi ku tirhisa vutivi lebyi nga kumeka eka ku hlayiwa ka matsalwa na data leyi nga kumeka hi ku xopaxopa tidokumente na mimburisano ya ti-interview. Ndzavisiso wu bumabumela, exikarhi ka swin'wana leswo ku endliwa ndzavisiso wun'wana hi ku tirheka ka vuleteri bya mafambiselo ya swa timali eka ku langutana na mintlhontlho leyi nga kona hi ku vika hi swa timali eswikolweni swa mfumo eAfrika Dzonga, no kumisisa leswo xana nkambelo kunene (ku nga ri nxopanxopo lowu xopaxopaku na vumbhoni ku nga auditing) ya tirhekhodo ta timali na switatimende swa timali swa ha fanela ku amukeriwa xana / College of Accounting Sciences / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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Livestock theft : a criminological assessment and sample-specific profile of the perpetratorsDoorewaard, Cecili 01 1900 (has links)
This qualitative research and case study analysis resulted from the dearth of information on livestock theft and the livestock theft perpetrators. The purpose of this study was to explore, describe and explain the criminal behaviour associated with livestock theft from a criminological point of view by compiling a sample-specific profile of the perpetrators. Interviews were conducted with 35 offenders, 28 case dockets were analysed and additional interviews were conducted with the SAPS STU members and victims to determine the modus operandi, motives and causes of the crimes. Criminological theories were applied to explain the offending behaviour. The findings of this study revealed that the livestock theft perpetrators come from diverse backgrounds regarding age, qualification status and socio-economic class. Their crimes were of an organised nature and the motives and causes revealed that financial intent was the main driving factor of the behind the thefts. / Dinyakisiso tsa boleng le tshekatsheko ya dinyakisiso tsa tiragalo di feleleditse ka tlhokego ya tshedimoso ka ga bohodu bja leruo le basenyi ba bohodu bja leruo. Maikemisetso a dinyakisiso tse e bile go utolla, go hlatholla le go hlalosa maitshwaro a bosenyi a go amana le bohudu bja leruo go ya ka lehlakore la tsa bosenyi ka go ngwala phrofaele ya mabapi le sampole ya mahodu a leruo. Dipoledisano di swerwe le basenyi ba 35, ditokete tsa melato di ile tsa sekasekwa gomme dipoledisano tsa tlaleletso di ile tsa swarwa le maloko a Lekala la Maphodisa leo le somago ka Bohodu bja Leruo le batswasehlabelo ka nepo ya go tseba mokgwa wo o somiswago ka bohodung bja leruo, maikemisetso le tseo di bakago bosenyi. Diteori ka ga dithuto tsa bosenyi di ile tsa diriswa go hlalosa maitshwaro a tshenyo. Dikutollo tsa dinyakisiso di utollotse gore basenyi ba bohodu bja leruo ba tswa maemong ao a fapanego mabapi le mengwaga, maemo a tsa thuto le maemo a ekonomi ya setshaba. Bosenyi bja bona ke bjo bo rulagantswego gomme maikemisetso le dilo tseo di bakago bosenyi di utollotse gore maikemisetso a tsa ditshelete, bojato, go iphedisa, tlhokego ya mesomo, boipuseletso, kgatelelo ya sethaka, maemo a setshabeng le tshomisobosaedi ya diokobatsi e bile dilo tse kgolo tseo di bakago bohodu. / Uhlaziyo locwaningo lwe-qualitative kanye ne-case study luvezwe wumphumela wokusweleka kolwazi ngokuntshontshwa kwemfuyo kanye nalabo abantshontsha imfuyo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola, ukucacisa kanye nokuchaza ukuziphatha kobugebengu obuhambisana nokuntshontshwa kwemfuyo, ngokulandela izifundo zezobugebengu ngokwenza uhlaka olulula lohlobo lwalabo abenza lobu bugebengu. Kwenziwe izingxoxo zama-interview nabenzi bubugebengu abangu 35, kwahlaziywa namadokethi amacala kwabuye kwenziwa ama-interview namalunga ezamaphoyisa abhekene nokuntshontshwa kwemfuyo abe-Stock Theft Unit kanye nalabo abangamaxhoba okuntshontshelwa imfuyo, ukuthola indlela okusetshenzwa ngayo, isisusa kanye nembangela yobugebengu. Amathiyori ezifundo ngobugebengu asethenziswe ukuchaza indlela yokuziphatha kobugebengu. Okutholakele kucwaningo kuveze ukuthi izigebengu ezintshontsha imfuyo zivela emikhakheni ehlukene, maqondana neminyaka yobudala, izinga lemfundo kanye nesimo sezomnotho emphakathini. Ubugebengu yinhlobo yobugebengu obuhleliwe, kanti izisusa nezimbangela zikhombise inhloso yezezimali, ubugovu, ukuzama ukuziphilisa, ukusweleka kwemisebenzi, impindiselo, ingcindezelo ngontanga, isimo emphakathini kanye nokusetshenziswa kwezidakamizwa ngezinye zezinto ezingumfutho obangela lokhu kuntshontshwa kwemfuyo. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)
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Greening the school for sustainable development: a case of Tshwane North DistrictBopape, Johannah 01 1900 (has links)
This study is environmental in nature, occurring within a series of nested frameworks, namely school role players, sustainable development and greening schools. From a South African context, the day-to-day operations of the school activities and programmes are not solely the principal’s responsibility. It is a shared responsibility among every person involved in an educational school context. The principal has the overall responsibility of leading and professionally managing the school through the school management team (SMT) and is accountable to the employer, which is the provincial Head of the Department of Education. The principal is also accountable to the community through the school governing body (SGB), which consists of elected representatives from the school community. This study was guided by these research questions: (1) What is the nature of the knowledge of the role players in the Tshwane North District schools about greening the school? (2) How do the contextual factors in the Tshwane North District schools shape the greening of the school? The SMT and SGB are key role players and gatekeepers at the school level. They were purposefully and conveniently sampled at three Tshwane North District (TND) primary schools in Gauteng Province of South Africa according to their locations (rural, township, urban). They participated in focus group interviews, observations and document analysis. The study, qualitative in nature, explored strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in greening the school for sustainable development. The two role players might not be knowledgeable about green and sustainable development, however given the opportunity to explore their knowledge, provided insight about greening schools and how to possibly change to more sustainable practices. Data collected was subjected to thematic content analysis. The results revealed that schools’ funds are swiftly depleted on resources such as water, energy, transportation, paper, stationary, maintenance and equipment, to name but a few. The results also revealed limited green culture across institutions, due to little knowledge of greening and sustainability practices by school role players. This was attributed to a lack of policy framework by schools which was exacerbated by a lack of capacity building from expertise in greening schools for sustainable development. / Hierdie studie is omgewings van aard wat plaasvind binne 'n reeks nes raamwerke, naamlik skoolrolspelers, volhoubare ontwikkeling en vergroening van skole. Uit 'n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is die dag-tot-dag-bedrywighede van die skoolaktiwiteite en -programme nie net die skoolhoof se verantwoordelikheid nie. Dit is 'n gedeelde verantwoordelikheid onder elke persoon wat in 'n opvoedkundige skoolverband betrokke is.Die skoolhoof het die oorhoofse verantwoordelikheid om die skool deur die skoolbestuurspan (SUT) te lei en professioneel te bestuur en is verantwoordbaar teenoor die werkgewer, wat die provinsiale hoof van die departement van onderwys is.Die skoolhoof is ook deur die skoolbeheerliggaam (SGB) aan die gemeenskap verantwoordbaar, wat uit verkose verteenwoordigers uit die skoolgemeenskap bestaan.Die SMT en SGB is sleutelrolspelers en hekwagters op skoolvlak.Hulle is volgens hul plekke (landelike, township, stedelike) doelgerigte en gerieflik by drie Tshwane-Noord-distrikskole (TND) in Gautengprovinsie van Suid-Afrika gemonster.Hulle het deelgeneem aan fokusgroeponderhoude, waarnemings en dokumentanalise.Die studie, kwalitatiewe van aard wat daarop gemik is om sterk punte, swakhede, geleenthede en bedreigings te ondersoek om die skool vir volhoubare ontwikkeling te verging Die twee rolspelers is dalk nie kundig oor groen en volhoubare ontwikkeling nie, maar gegewe die geleentheid om hul kennis te ondersoek, het hulle 'n insig gegee oor groen skole en moontlik verandering aan volhoubare gedrag.Data wat ingesamel is, is aan tematiese inhoudsanalise onderwerp. Die bevindinge het aan die lig gebring dat skole se fondse vinnig uitgeput is op hulpbronne soos water, energie, vervoer, papier, stilstaande, instandhouding en toerusting om maar net 'n paar te noem.Die bevindinge het ook min kennis van vergroenings- en volhoubaarheidspraktyke deur skoolrolspelers geopenbaar.Dit is toegeskryf deur 'n gebrek aan beleidsraamwerke deur skole wat vererger is deur 'n gebrek aan kapasiteitsbou van kundigheid in die vergroening van skole vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. / Thutong ena ke ea tikoloho e hlahang ka hara letoto la meralo, e leng, ba nkang karolo ea sekolo, ntshwetsopele ea nako e telele le likolo tse tala.Ho tsoa maemong a Afrika Boroa, tshebetso ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea mesebetsi ea sekolo le mananeo ha se feela boikarabello ba mosuoe-hlooho.Ke boikarabello bo arolelanoeng hara motho e mong le e mong ea amehang molemong oa sekolo sa thuto.Hlooho ea sekolo e na le boikarabello ka kakaretso ba ho etella pele le ho tsamaisa sekolo ka sehlopha sa botsamaisi ba sekolo (SMT) mme o ikarabella ho mohiri, e leng Hlooho ea profinse ea Lefapha la Thuto.Hlooho ea sekolo e boetse e ikarabella ho sechaba ka sehlopha se busang sa sekolo (SGB), se nang le baemeli ba khethiloeng ba tsoang sechabeng sa sekolo.SMT le SGB ke karolo ea bohlokoa le balebeli ba liheke boemong ba sekolo.Li ile tsa etsoa sampole ka morero le ka mokhoa o bonolo likolong tse tharo tsa mathomo tsa Tshwane North (TND) tse Profinseng ea Gauteng ea Afrika Boroa ho latela libaka tsa bona (mahaeng, metse-literopong, le toropong).Maloko a SMT le SGB ba nkile karolo lipuisanong tsa sehlopha se tsepamisitseng maikutlo, maikutlo le tlhahlobo ea litokomane.Boithuto bona, bo nang le boleng ba tlhaho bo ikemiselitse ho lekola matla, bofokoli, menyetla le litšokelo ho silafatsa sekolo bakeng sa ntshetsopele e tsitsitseng. Baetsi ba karolo ba babeli ba kanna ba se be le tsebo mabapi le ntshetsopele ea botala le bo tsitsitseng, empa ba fuoe monyetla oa ho lekola tsebo ea bona, ba fane ka leseli mabapi le likolo tse talafatsang mme mohlomong li fetohela mekhoeng e tsitsitseng.Boitsebiso bo bokelletsoeng bo ile ba hlahlojoa ka litaba tsa bona, mme liphuputso li senotse hore lichelete tsa likolo li felloa kapele ho lisebelisoa tse kang metsi, motlakase, lipalangoang, pampiri, tse emeng, tlhokomelo le lisebelisoa ho bolela tse maloa feela.Liphuputso li boetse li senotse tsebo e nyane ea tshebetso ea tikoloho le botsitso ke bankakarolo ba sekolo.Sena se bakiloe ke ho haelloa ke moralo oa leano ke likolo tse ileng tsa mpefatsoa ke khaello ea matlafatso ho tsoa boitseaning ba likolo tsa botala bakeng sa ntshetsopele e tsitsitseng / Environmental Sciences / D.Litt. Phil (Environmental education)
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An evaluation of intelligence analysis in detecting corruption in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police DepartmentNkhoma, Moses Thabo 01 1900 (has links)
The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) is one of the South African institutions with growing levels of corruption. This is despite the presence of several anti-corruption strategies as well as institutions implemented to deal with this epidemic. The ineffectiveness of these strategies and institutions is attributed to, amongst others, the application of ineffective detection methods.
The under-detection of corruption in the JMPD is affecting road safety, the economy, and the image of the JMPD itself. It is against this background that the researcher sought to establish how intelligence analysis could add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. A qualitative research approach was applied to investigate this problem. As such, it has been proven that the use of hotlines and the over-reliance on whistleblowers is less effective in detecting corruption in the JMPD. The results have further shown that intelligence analysis may add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. / Umnyango wamaphoyisa edolobha elikhulu eGoli (JMPD) ungenye yezikhungo zaseNingizimu Afrika ezithola amazinga akhulayo enkohlakalo. Lokhu kungakhathaliseki ukuthi kukhona amasu amaningi okulwa nenkohlakalo kanye nezikhungo ezisetshenziselwa ukubhekana nesifo sobunkohlakalo. Ukungafezeki kwalawa masu kanye nezikhungo kubhekwa ukuthi, phakathi kwabanye, ukusetshenziswa kwezindlela ezingafenele zokuthola.
Ukutholakala kwezinkohlakalo ku-JMPD kuthinta ukuphepha komgwaqo, umnotho nomfanekiso we-JMPD uqobo. Kungokumelene nalesi sizinda ukuthi umcwaningi lufuna ukusungula ukuthi ukuhlaziywa ngobuhlakani kungasiza kanjani ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Indlela yokucwaninga efanele yasetshenziswa ukuphenya le nkinga. Njengalokhu, kuye kwafakazelwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwama-hotlines nokuxhaswa ngokweqile kwababika ngenkohlakalo akwanele ukuthola inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Imiphumela ibonise ukuthi ukuhlaziywa kobuhlakani kungasiza ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. / Lefapha la Sephodisa la Teropokgolo ya Johannesburg (JMPD) ke nngwe ya ditheo tsa Aforika Borwa tse di itemogelang maemo a a golang a bobodu. Seno ke kwa ntle ga go nna teng ga ditogamaano tse dingwe tse di kgatlhanong le bobodu ga mmogo le ditheo tse di diragadiwang go samagana le leroborobo la bobodu. Go se nne le nonofo ga ditogamaano tseno le ditheo e amana, mo go tse dingwe, le tiragatso ya mekgwa ya go lemoga go se nne le nonofo.
Go nna kwa tlase ga go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD go ama pabalesego ya tsela, ikonomi le setshwantsho sa JMPD ka boyona. Ke mabapi le lemorago leno gore mmatlisisi o ne a batla go tlhomamisa gore tshetshereganyo ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa mo go lemogeng bobodu mo go JMPD. Boitlhagiso jwa patlisiso ya boleng bo ne jwa diragadiwa go tlhotlhomisa bothata jono. Fa go le jalo, go ne ga netefatswa gore tiriso ya megala ya tlhamalalo e e kgethegileng ya tshoganyetso le go ikaega thata ka batho ba ba tlaleyang ga go a lekana go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. Dipholo di bontshitse gape gore tshekatsheko ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)
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