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Dissecting the cellular and molecular mechanisms of leukaemia cell migration to and localization within the testis in childhood ALLSkroblyn, Tessa 27 September 2022 (has links)
Die pädiatrische Akute Lymphatische Leukämie ist heutzutage gut behandelbar. Trotzdem ist die Prognose im Falle eines Rezidives weiterhin schlecht. Die häufigsten extramedullären Orte für Rezidive sind das zentrale Nervensystem und der Hoden. Um ein Rezidiv im Hoden zu verhindern, ist es nötig die zellulären und molekularen Vorgänge zu verstehen. Dafür wurde Patientenmaterial auf seine Expression bestimmter Oberflächenmoleküle analysiert. Verglichen wurden Proben von Patienten mit verschiedenen Rezidiv-Arten. Um die funktionellen Aspekte der Hodenphysiologie auf die Leukämiezellmigration und -lokalisation zu untersuchen wurde ein PDX-ALL Mausmodel mit Hodenbeteiligung etabliert. Um potenziell involvierte Chemokin-Chemokinrezeptor-Achsen zu identifizieren, wurden 55 Knochenmarksproben von Patienten untersucht. Die Expressionsmuster der Rezeptoren wurde mittels Durchflusszytometrie analysiert. Es wurde festgestellt, dass CXCR4 meistens sehr hoch exprimiert wird. Deshalb wurde anschließend der Einfluss der CXCR4-CXCL12 Achse in in vitro Versuchen mit Hilfe primären Hodenstromas untersucht. Um verschiedene Subpopulationen zu untersuchen, wurde die Isolation von Hodenmakrophagen, Sertoli Zellen und Peritubulären Zellen aus der Maus etabliert und ihr Einfluss auf ALL Zellen untersucht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Hodenmakrophagen bei Tumorkontakt ihren Phänotyp zugunsten einer tumorfördernden Subpopulation verändern. Zu guter Letzt wurde ein adaptives PDX-ALL Mausmodel mit Hodenbeteiligung entwickelt. Dabei wurden die Hoden von vorpubertären Mäusen bevorzugt infiltriert. Die Bedeutung der CXCR4-CXCL12 Achse für die Hodeninfiltration wurde in einem in vivo Versuch validiert. Während Knochenmark und Milz nach einer anti-CXCR4 Gabe kleine ALL Populationen aufwiesen, war der Hoden komplett Tumor-frei. Das Model kann für Versuche genutzt werden, um weitere Signalwege zu identifizieren, welche in die Hoden gerichtete Migration und das Überleben der Zellen involviert sind. / Advancing therapy strategies led to event-free-survival increase of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Relapses that occur are often drug resistant and come with poor prognosis. Extramedullary sites for relapse are the central nervous system (CNS) and the testis. To prevent testicular relapse, factors responsible for the infiltration and survival need to be discovered. Primary patient material was analysed with regard to differential expression of surface molecules on leukemic cells from BM. To analyse functional aspects of testis physiology on leukemic cell migration and localisation an adoptive PDX-ALL mouse model with testicular involvement was established. To identify potential chemokine-chemokine receptor axes responsible for the leukaemia cell migration towards the testis, a characterization of 55 patient BM samples was performed. The expression pattern of chemokine receptors on BM derived leukaemia cells was compared by flow cytometry. CXCR4 was identified to be highly expressed on patients cells, regardless of the subclass of relapse. Relevance of the CXCR4-CXCL12 axis was studied in vitro. Primary testicular stroma cultures were available, which provided a useful tool to examine testis directed migration. Isolation of testicular macrophages, Sertoli cells and peritubular cells was established and their impact on ALL cell survival was analysed. The macrophages were found to alter their phenotype upon ALL cell contact towards a tumour favourable subtype. Most importantly, a murine adoptive patient-derived xenograft (PDX)-ALL cell transfer model with testicular involvement was established. Testes of pre-puberty mice were preferentially infiltrated. Blocking CXCR4 with an antibody validated relevance of the CXCR4-CXCL12 signalling axis. The testis showed no infiltration in anti-CXCR4 treated animals. The mouse model will be useful to identify and validate further signalling pathways, participating in testis directed migration and survival. Read more
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Tumor-associated human dendritic cell subsets: Phenotype, functional orientation, and clinical relevancePlesca, Ioana, Müller, Luise, Böttcher, Jan P., Medyouf, Hind, Wehner, Rebekka, Schmitz, Marc 04 June 2024 (has links)
DCs play a pivotal role in orchestrating innate and adaptive antitumor immunity. Activated DCs can produce large amounts of various proinflammatory cytokines, initiate T-cell responses, and exhibit direct cytotoxicity against tumor cells. They also efficiently enhance the antitumoral properties of NK cells and T lymphocytes. Based on these capabilities, immunogenic DCs promote tumor elimination and are associated with improved survival of patients. Furthermore, they can essentially contribute to the clinical efficacy of immunotherapeutic strategies for cancer patients. However, depending on their intrinsic properties and the tumor microenvironment, DCs can be rendered dysfunctional and mediate tolerance by producing immunosuppressive cytokines and activating Treg cells. Such tolerogenic DCs can foster tumor progression and are linked to poor prognosis of patients. Here, we focus on recent studies exploring the phenotype, functional orientation, and clinical relevance of tumor-infiltrating conventional DC1, conventional DC2, plasmacytoid DCs, and monocyte-derived DCs in translational and clinical settings. In addition, recent findings demonstrating the influence of DCs on the efficacy of immunotherapeutic strategies are summarized. Read more
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Discovering, Understanding, and Targeting Lipid Metabolism and Cytoskeleton Structural Changes in Stress-Adaptive Cancer CellsGil A Gonzalez (19176721) 19 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Cancer biological mechanisms are a vastly researched area in the field, yet they are not well understood in the various contexts in which cancer is found. Cancerous tumors often exist in harsh, stressful environments for normal cells, but cancer cells can thrive in these conditions. The tumor microenvironment (TME) typically has low oxygen levels (hypoxia), high acidity, and low nutrition. Exposure to the TME leads to many metabolic changes in the cells, enabling cancer to continue proliferating and migrating. However, these metabolic changes are not well understood, especially at the single-cell level. The ability to monitor cells in real time to determine the physical characteristics they undergo is critical to understanding the impact of these metabolic changes. Conventional methods focus on determining the genomic and proteomic changes in large numbers of cells, which may be overlooked if the changes are homogeneous across samples. In this work, we demonstrate the power of using multiple imaging techniques in combination with biochemical methods to visualize metabolic changes and determine the causes in various cancer cells under extreme hypoxia conditions.</p><p dir="ltr">The changes in the microtubule network that occur under hypoxia at the single-cell level are not widely researched. The use of confocal fluorescence microscopy can determine microtubule polymerization in conjunction with eGFP-transfected EB3, a protein that assists in microtubule polymerization. We have determined that hypoxic HeLa cells produce finger-like protrusions when exposed to hypoxia that help with cell migration and, ultimately, cancer cell metastasis. The formation of these protrusions is facilitated by localized mitochondria activities in the protrusions.</p><p dir="ltr">The metabolic changes in lipid droplets (LDs) under hypoxia at the single-cell level remain an elusive topic. The use of stimulated Raman spectroscopy (SRS) and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) can determine the quantity and spatial-temporal distribution of LDs in cancer cells. We have found that LDs redistribute to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and increase in intensity in hypoxic MIA PaCa-2 and A549 cells. Time-lapse CARS microscopy revealed a release-accumulate process of these LDs on ER in hypoxia. We also studied the impact of carbon sources on LD formation and found that MIA PaCa2 cells prefer direct lipid uptake while glucose is also essential to reduce lipotoxicity. The use of hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering (hSRS) also reveals that the content of the LDs changes to include less cholesteryl ester and a decrease in lipid saturation level.</p><p dir="ltr">Collectively, these findings shed new light on the understanding of cytoskeleton dynamics and lipid metabolism in hypoxic conditions. The discoveries made within this research would lead to better treatment strategies for effective treatment of hypoxia-resistant cancer cells.</p> Read more
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Frequency, phenotype, spatial distribution, therapeutic modulation, and clinical significance of T lymphocytes in soft tissue sarcoma and B cells in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaRupp, Luise 29 October 2024 (has links)
The tumor microenvironment (TME) comprising immune cells and stromal components, such as fibroblasts and vessels, emerged as one of the most significant predictors of patient survival in a variety of solid tumors. With T cells representing the major cellular effector cells of the adaptive immune system and B cells orchestrating the humoral immune response, both cell types acquire crucial roles in the antitumor immune response. Thus, a high abundance of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and B cells has been generally associated with longer survival, while immunosuppressive subsets such as regulatory T cells (Treg) and M2-polarized macrophages are frequently linked to poor prognosis. Besides the frequency, also the spatial organization emerged as a clinically relevant parameter. Hence, the formation of T and B cells in tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) was found to favor improved clinical outcome of patients. It was further reported that besides the prognostic value, the baseline immune architecture harbors the ability to predict the response to immunotherapies such as immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment and even chemotherapy. In turn, standard cytotoxic treatment regimens like radio- and chemotherapy, as well as novel immunotherapeutic or targeted approaches, exhibit distinct effects on various immune cells. Depending on the tumor entity, therapy, and immune cell subsets, differing modulation of infiltrating immune cells after therapy was observed. While previous studies mainly investigated an altered abundance of T and B cells, changes in functional orientation and composition of lymphocyte populations are gaining increasing relevance. In this thesis, the aim was to uncover the phenotype, frequency, composition, spatial distribution, clinical significance, and therapeutic modulation of the T cell compartment in soft tissue sarcoma (STS), and B cell populations in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Due to the low incidence and heterogeneous nature of STS, detailed analyses of distinct CD8+ and CD4+ T cell subsets are lacking. To assess the effect of multimodal treatment, comprising radiotherapy and locoregional hyperthermia with or without chemotherapy, on the immune architecture, the patient cohort included matched pre- and post-therapy tissue samples. By assessing both the peritumoral and intratumoral region, additional information about the spatial distribution of STS-infiltrating T cells was gained. In PDAC, the T cell compartment and its therapeutic modulation has been explored in detail recently, but equivalent insight into the B cell landscape is missing. Going beyond the abundance of pan B cells, the aim was to identify proliferating B and T cells, germinal center (GC) B cells, plasmablasts, and plasma cells to investigate their modulation by neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy (NeoTx). Further insight into the spatial composition was gained by analyzing different regions (intratumoral and peritumoral) and tissue compartments (epithelial, stromal, TLS). To achieve this, three novel multiplex immunohistochemistry panels were established enabling simultaneous staining of six markers plus DAPI. For CD4+ T helper (Th) cells, the master transcription factors for Th1 (T-box expressed in T cells), Th2 (GATA-binding protein 3), Th17 (retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor T), and Treg (Forkhead box protein 3) were included in addition to CD3 and the proliferation marker Ki67. The CD8+ T cell panel comprised the phenotypic marker CD8, the immune checkpoint molecules programmed cell death protein 1 and lymphocyte-activation gene 3 as well as the activation-associated molecules granzyme B and 4-1BB, in addition to Ki67. It was thus found that post-treatment STS samples displayed moderately reduced frequencies of both CD8+ and CD3+ T cells in comparison to the pretreatment biopsy. The Th cell landscape was dominated by Th2 cells, whose density was significantly reduced upon multimodal therapy and a moderate redistribution favoring Th1 and Th17 cells was observed. While high frequencies of CD3+ and CD8+ T cells in the posttreatment tissues were associated with significantly longer disease-free survival, these populations held no prognostic value in the biopsy obtained prior to treatment, suggesting a reshaping of the TME upon therapy. Furthermore, the spatial distribution, reflected by the ratio of intra- to peritumoral CD8+ T cells, emerged as an independent prognostic factor for the risk of recurrence. In PDAC, B cell subsets were identified by staining for CD3, CD20, Ki67, the transcription factor B cell lymphoma 6, and the plasma cell markers CD38 and CD138. While CD3+ T cells were unaffected, significantly lower frequencies of proliferating B cells, GC B cells, plasmablasts, and plasma cells were observed in the NeoTx group compared to patients undergoing primary resection (PR). Furthermore, neoadjuvant-treated patients exhibited a significantly lower abundance of TLS, which was validated in an independent cohort. These results indicate that NeoTx differentially affects distinct immune cell subsets, and that B cellmediated antitumor immunity may be inhibited by chemo(radio)therapy. Spatial analysis further revealed that plasma cell accumulations frequently localized close to TLS, being accompanied by C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12-expressing fibroblasts. Furthermore, patients with TLS exhibited significantly higher plasma cell frequencies, suggesting that TLS can foster the generation of plasma cells whose migration is then guided by fibroblastic tracks. Lastly, a prognostic value of pan T and B cells was observed only in the PR group, while these populations provided no clinical significance in neoadjuvant-treated patients. However, proliferating Ki67+CD20+ B cells emerged as an independent prognostic factor for a lower risk of death in the NeoTx group, suggesting a restorative post-treatment TME in these patients. Altogether, this thesis provided novel insights into the TME of STS and PDAC and its therapeutic alteration. Spatial analyses further enabled an improved understanding of the immune architecture and potential cell-cell interactions within the TME. In addition, strong associations with patient survival highlight the enormous significance of the TME and may guide future therapy development. Although the results do not encourage a concomitant application of cytotoxic therapy regimens and immunotherapy, patients may benefit from sequential combination treatments. An enhanced understanding of the immunomodulatory effects of NeoTx is pivotal for overcoming the immunosuppressive TME of STS and PDAC by refining existing treatment regimens and developing novel therapy approaches in order to improve the long-term outcome of patients. Read more
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Prognostički značaj gustine tumorskih pupoljaka i citoplazmatskih pseudofragmenata u tumorskom tkivu karcinoma kolona kod bolesnika u stadijumu II / Prognostic significance of density of tumor buds and cytoplasmic pseudofragments in stage II colonic carcinomaŠolajić Nenad 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Karcinom kolona (KK) je velik javnozdravstveni problem usled visoke incidence i stope mortaliteta. Kod KK je stadijum bolesti najvažniji pojedinačni nezavisni faktor prognoze. U prisustvu nepovoljnih prognostičkih parametara, u koje spadaju visok histološki gradus, ileus, limfo-vaskularna i perineuralna invazija, nakon potencijalno kurativne operacije se kod pacijenata u stadijumu II indikuje primena adjuvantne hemioterapije koja ima pozitivan uticaj na ukupno preživljavanje i na produženje perioda bez bolesti. Međutim, relapsi bolesti nastaju kod nekih bolesnika bez negativnih prognostičkih faktora, što ukazuje na moguće postojanje drugih tkivnih faktora loše prognoze. U novije vreme se sve veća pažnja posvećuje fenomenu tumorskog pupljenja koje predstavlja pojavu tumorskih pupoljaka (TP), odnosno oligocelularnih grupa tumorskih ćelija koje se na invazivnom frontu tumora odvajaju od glavne tumorske mase. Ove tumorske ćelije poprimaju fenotip mezenhimnih ćelija i stiču sposobnost ameboidnog kretanja kroz ekstracelularni matriks, uz pomoć citoplazmatskih podija koje se na dvodimenzionalnim histološkim rezovima vizualizuju kao citoplazmatski pseudofragmenti (CPF). Značaj gustine TP i CPF je još uvek nedovoljno ispitan, ali postoje indicije da se radi o moćnom prediktoru biološkog ponašanja tumora. CILJ: Cilj je bio da se ispita zavisnost dužine perioda bez relapsa, veličine primarnog tumora, gustine peritumorske limfocitne infiltracije i konfiguracije tumorske margine od gustine TP i CPF kod bolesnika sa KK u stadijumu II. METODOLOGIJA: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 114 bolesnika operisanih od KK u stadijumu II na Institutu za onkologiju Vojvodine, bez nepovoljnih prognostičkih faktora i bez indikacija za primenu adjuvantne hemioterapije. Mikroskopskom analizom rutinskih histoloških i imunohistohemijskih preparata utvrđivana je gustina TP i CPF, koja je zatim korelirana sa vremenom pojave relapsa, veličinom primarnog tumora, gustinom peritumorske limfocitne infiltracije i konfiguracijom tumorske margine. REZULTATI: Velika gustina TP i/ili CPF nađena je kod 45 tumora (39,5%). U ovoj grupi se relaps dogodio kod 26 bolesnika (57,8%). U grupi bolesnika sa malom gustinom TP/CPF relaps je registrovan u 4 slučaja (5,8%). Poređenje krivih preživljavanja pokazalo je da je verovatnoća relapsa značajno veća ako se u tumoru nalazi velika gustina TP/CPF (p<0,0001). Tumori sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF su imali najveći prečnik koji je varirao u rasponu od 25 do 100 mm, dok su tumori sa malom gustinom TP/CPF bili najvećeg prečnika od 20 do 110 mm (p=0,6744). Intenzitet peritumorskog limfoidnog odgovora je bio velik kod 13 tumora sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF (28,9%) i kod 17 tumora sa malom gustinom TP/CPF (24,6%), p=0,7747. Konfiguracija tumorske margine je bila infiltrativna u svim tumorima sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF, kao i kod 42 tumora sa malom gustinom TP/CPF (60,9%). ZAKLJUČAK: Velika gustina TP/CPF je nezavisan tkivni indikator loše prognoze kod bolesnika sa KK u stadijumu II, koji je ne korelira ni sa veličinom primarnog tumora ni sa intenzitetom peritumorskog limfoidnog odgovora. Velika gustina TP/CPF nije kompatibilna sa ekspanzivnom konfiguracijom tumorske margine, ali infiltrativna konfiguracija tumorske margine nije prediktor velike gustine TP/CPF.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Colonic carcinoma (CC) is a serious public health problem due to its high incidence and mortality rate. Stage is the single most important independent prognosticator in patients with CC. In the presence of indicators of poor prognosis, including high histologic grade, ileus, lympho-vascular invasion and perineural invasion, there is a need for adjuvant chemotherapy after a potentially curative operation in patients with stage II CC, because the therapy improves both overall survival and disease-free survival. However, some patients with no documented poor prognostic factors suffer recurrences, which indicates that there may be some other tissue features that confer poor prognosis. In the recent publications there is an increasing interest in the phenomenon of tumor budding, a term assigned to the presence of small groups of discohesive tumor cells at the invasive front of the tumor – tumor buds (TB's). These cells acquire mesenchymal phenotype and gain the ability to migrate through the extracellular matrix by means of cytoplasmic extrusions which are visible on the two-dimensional immunohistologic sections and are called cytoplasmic pseudofragments (CPF's). Significance of density of TB's and CPF's is still to be evaluated, but the pool of evidence suggests that this is a powerful predictor of biologic behaviour of CC. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of density of TB's and CPF's on the risk of recurrence in patients with stage II CC. This research also attempted to establish whether there is a correlation between the density of TB's and CPF's and several other morphologic features such as tumor diameter, peritumoral lymphocytic response and the configuration of the tumor margin. METHODS: 114 patients with stage II CC were enrolled in the study. All the patients received surgery at the Institute of Oncology in Sremska Kamenica and no patient had indication for adjuvant chemotherapy. Microscopic analysis of routine histologic and immunohistochemical slides was performed to establish the density of TB's and CPF's, to estimate the intensity of the peritumoral lymphocytic response and to determine the configuration of the tumor margin. RESULTS: High density of TB's and/or CPF's was found in 45 tumors (39.5%). In this group recurrence occured in 26 patients (57.8%). In the group of patients with low density of TB/CPF in the tumor tissue 4 patients relapsed (5.8%). Comparison of survival curves showed that the probability of recurrence was significantly greater if the density of TB/CPF's was high (p<0.0001). Tumors with high density of TB/CPF's ranged from 25 to 100 mm in greatest diameter, while those with low density measured from 20 to 110 mm (p=0.6744). Intensity of peritumoral lymphocytic response was high in 13 tumors with high density of TB/CPF's (28.9%) and in 17 tumors with low density of TB/CPF's (24.6%), p=0.7747. All tumors with high density of TB/CPF's and 42 tumors with low density of TB/CPF's (60.9%) had infiltrative configuration of tumor margin. CONCLUSION: High density of TB/CPF's is an independent indicator of poor prognosis in patients with stage II CC and it correlates neither with tumor diameter nor with intensity of peritumoral lymphocytic response. High density of TB/CPF's is not compatible with the expansive configuration of tumor margin, but the infiltrative configuration of tumor margin is not a predictor of high density of TB/CPF's.</p> Read more
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A PK2/Bv8/PROK2 antagonist suppresses tumorigenic processes by inhibiting angiogenesis in glioma and blocking myeloid cell infiltration in pancreatic cancer.Curtis, VF, Wang, H, Yang, P, McLendon, RE, Li, X, Zhou, QY, Wang, XF January 2013 (has links)
Infiltration of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment is often associated with enhanced angiogenesis and tumor progression, resulting in poor prognosis in many types of cancer. The polypeptide chemokine PK2 (Bv8, PROK2) has been shown to regulate myeloid cell mobilization from the bone marrow, leading to activation of the angiogenic process, as well as accumulation of macrophages and neutrophils in the tumor site. Neutralizing antibodies against PK2 were shown to display potent anti-tumor efficacy, illustrating the potential of PK2-antagonists as therapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer. In this study we demonstrate the anti-tumor activity of a small molecule PK2 antagonist, PKRA7, in the context of glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer xenograft tumor models. For the highly vascularized glioblastoma, PKRA7 was associated with decreased blood vessel density and increased necrotic areas in the tumor mass. Consistent with the anti-angiogenic activity of PKRA7 in vivo, this compound effectively reduced PK2-induced microvascular endothelial cell branching in vitro. For the poorly vascularized pancreatic cancer, the primary anti-tumor effect of PKRA7 appears to be mediated by the blockage of myeloid cell migration/infiltration. At the molecular level, PKRA7 inhibits PK2-induced expression of certain pro-migratory chemokines and chemokine receptors in macrophages. Combining PKRA7 treatment with standard chemotherapeutic agents resulted in enhanced effects in xenograft models for both types of tumor. Taken together, our results indicate that the anti-tumor activity of PKRA7 can be mediated by two distinct mechanisms that are relevant to the pathological features of the specific type of cancer. This small molecule PK2 antagonist holds the promise to be further developed as an effective agent for combinational cancer therapy. / Dissertation Read more
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Ex vivo reprogramming of tumor-reactive immune cells from FVBN202 mice bearing lung metastatic mammary carcinoma: an immunotherapeutic opportunity revealed against recurrenceHall, Charles 23 July 2013 (has links)
Metastatic breast cancer treatment has seen few advances in recent years, yet treatment resistance continues to rise, causing disease recurrence. A pilot study was performed to determine the efficacy of ex vivo expansion and reprogramming of tumor-reactive immune cells from experimental metastatic tumor-sensitized mice. Also, phenotypic changes in tumors due to metastasis or tumor microenvironment influences were characterized. Metastatic neu+ mouse mammary carcinoma (mMMC) and its distant relapsing neu-antigen-negative variant (mANV) were investigated in FVBN202 mice. Tumor-reactive central memory CD8+ T cells and activated NK/NKT cells were successfully reprogrammed and expanded during 6-day expansion from mMMC- and/or mANV-sensitized mice, resulting in tumor-specific cytotoxicity. mMMC exhibited a flexible neu-expression pattern and acquired stem-like, tumorigenic phenotype following metastasis while mANV remained stable except decreased tumorigenicity. Myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) levels were not increased. Adoptive cellular therapy (ACT) with reprogrammed tumor-reactive immune cells may prove effective prophylaxis against metastatic or recurrent breast cancer. Read more
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Einfluss von klarzelligen Nierenkarzinomzellen auf die immunmodulatorischen Fähigkeiten von humanen 6-sulfo LacNAc+ dendritischen ZellenKloß, Anja 09 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Nierenzellkarzinome (NZKs) gelten als stark immunogene Tumore. Dies ist insbesondere auf die Infiltration durch verschiedene Immunzellpopulationen, wie T-Lymphozyten und Natürliche Killer (NK)-Zellen, sowie das klinische Ansprechen auf immuntherapeutische Strategien zurückzuführen. Bisher existieren jedoch nur sehr wenige Studien zur Rolle von humanen nativen dendritischen Zellen (DCs) in NZK-Geweben und über die Tumor-vermittelte Modulation dieser DCs. DCs nehmen als professionelle Antigen-präsentierende Zellen eine zentrale Schlüsselrolle bei der Induktion und Aufrechterhaltung der angeborenen sowie adaptiven Immunantwort ein. Daher wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals der Effekt von klarzelligen NZKs auf den Phänotyp sowie die immunmodulatorischen Fähigkeiten von 6-sulfo LacNAc+ (slan)DCs evaluiert. SlanDCs, welche eine große Subpopulation humaner Blut-DCs darstellen, sind neben der Sekretion großer Mengen proinflammatorischer Zytokine dazu befähigt, Tumorzellen direkt zu lysieren.
Des Weiteren sind slanDCs in der Lage, die antitumoralen Effekte von NK-Zellen zu fördern und CD4+ T-Helfer-Zellen sowie Tumor-reaktive CD8+ T-Lymphozyten effizient zu stimulieren. Angesichts dieser proinflammatorischen Eigenschaften können slanDCs wesentlich an einer Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort beteiligt sein. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgte im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit der immunhistochemische Nachweis von slanDCs in klarzelligen NZK-Geweben. Im Vergleich zu Tumor-freiem Nierengewebe trat in den primären Tumorgeweben eine erhöhte Zahl infiltrierender slanDCs auf. Zudem wurde die Präsenz von slanDCs in Lymphknoten- sowie Fernmetastasen von NZK-Patienten beobachtet. Weiterführende Untersuchungen an frischen klarzelligen NZK-Geweben demonstrierten, dass NZK-infiltrierende slanDCs einen unreifen Phänotyp ausprägen und Interleukin-10 produzieren.
Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen erfolgten funktionelle Analysen, bei denen der Einfluss der kommerziell erhältlichen klarzelligen NZK-Linien ACHN und Caki-1 sowie der primären klarzelligen NZK-Linien MZ1257RC und MZ2877RC auf bedeutende immunmodulatorische Fähigkeiten von slanDCs untersucht wurde. In diesem Zusammenhang zeigte sich, dass NZK-Zellen effektiv in der Lage sind, sowohl die slanDC-vermittelte Proliferation von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Lymphozyten, als auch die slanDC-induzierte Differenzierung naïver CD4+ T-Lymphozyten in proinflammatorische T-Helfer 1-Zellen zu inhibieren. Darüber hinaus wurde demonstriert, dass NZK-Zellen das Potenzial von slanDCs zur Aktivierung von NK-Zellen hemmen. Untersuchungen der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen zeigten, dass die funktionelle Inhibition von slanDCs durch klarzellige NZK-Zellen über membranständige Moleküle vermittelt wird.
Die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation gewonnenen Erkenntnisse weisen darauf hin, dass NZKs die Ausreifung sowie wesentliche funktionelle Eigenschaften von DCs inhibieren. Dies deutet auf einen neuen Immunescape-Mechanismus klarzelliger NZKs hin, welcher auf einer Tumorzell-vermittelten Generierung von tolerogenen slanDCs basiert und eine unzureichende Aktivierung der angeborenen sowie adaptiven Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort zur Folge hat. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse können einen Beitrag zu einem besseren Verständnis der Interaktion von NZKs mit nativen humanen DCs leisten und die Konzeption neuer therapeutischer Strategien ermöglichen, welche auf einer Verstärkung der antitumoralen Eigenschaften von DCs beruhen. Read more
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Migration and invasion pattern analysis of oral cancer cells in vitroHoque Apu, E. (Ehsanul) 09 October 2018 (has links)
Desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) is an adhesion receptor in desmosomes, but relatively little is known about its role in cancer. In this study, the function of Dsg3 was investigated in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell lines in vitro using locally established human leiomyoma tumor microenvironment (TME) matrices. Since Dsg3 has been identified as a key regulator in cell adhesion, we hypothesized that it may play a role in oral SCC cells adhesion and motility. Thus, one aim of the study was to explore this hypothesis by both gain and loss of function methods in four human buccal mucosa SCC SqCC/Y1 cell lines: transduction of vector control (Ct), full-length (FL) or two different C-terminally truncated Dsg3 mutants (Δ238 and Δ560). Live cell imaging was performed for 2D migration and 3D sandwich, alongside other assays. In 3D sandwich, we tested the effects of the monoclonal antibody, AK23, targeting the extracellular domain of Dsg3 in SqCC/Y1 cells. Our results showed that loss of Dsg3 disrupted cell adhesion and protein expression. In 2D assays, FL and Dsg3 mutants migrated faster with higher accumulated distances than Ct. In contrast with 2D, mutants showed accelerated invasion over the Ct in 3D models. The AK23 antibody inhibited only the invasion of FL cells.
The TME in vivo consists of cellular and matrix elements playing a leading role in carcinoma progression. To study carcinoma cells invasion in vitro, mouse Matrigel® and rat type 1 collagen are the most commonly used matrices in 3D models. Since they are non-human in origin, they do not perfectly mimic human TME. To address this, we have developed a solid organotypic myoma disc model derived from human uterus leiomyoma tumor. Here, we introduce a novel Myogel, prepared from leiomyoma similar to Matrigel®. We validated Myogel for cell-TME interactions in 3D models, using SqCC/Y1 and HSC-3 cell lines. Compared with Matrigel® and type I collagen, oral SCC cell lines invaded more efficiently in Myogel containing matrices.
This study describes promising 3D models using human TME mimicking Myogel which is suitable to analyze oral SCC cells both in carcinoma monocultures and in co-cultures, such as with TME fibroblasts. We also introduce a possible novel therapeutic target against Dsg3 to suppress cancer cell invasion. / Tiivistelmä
Desmogleiini 3 (Dsg3) on desmosomien adheesioreseptori, jonka merkityksestä syövässä tiedetään vähän. Koska Dsg3 on tärkeä epiteelisolujen välisissä liitoksissa, oletimme sillä olevan vaikutusta myös suun karsinoomasolujen tarttumisessa ja niiden liikkuvuudessa. Testasimme hypoteesiamme muuttamalla Dsg3:n toimintaa ihmisen posken karsinoomasolulinjassa SqCC/Y1, josta oli aiemmin valmistettu neljä erilaista muunnosta: tyhjän vektorin sisältävä kontrollisolulinja (Ct), kokopitkää Dsg3 tuottava solulinja (FL), sekä kaksi Dsg3 C-päästä lyhennettyä mutanttisolulinjaa (Δ238 ja Δ560). Immunofluoresenssi-menetelmää käyttäen analysoimme solulinjoissamme solujen välisiä liitoksia. Lisäksi mittasimme solujen liikkeitä 2D-migraatio- ja 3D-sandwich-kokeissa. Testasimme myös Dsg3:n solunulkoista osaa tunnistavan monoklonaalisen vasta-aineen (AK23) vaikutusta solujen invaasioon. Osoitimme, että Dsg3:n rakenteen muuttaminen ja toiminnan estyminen häiritsi solujen tarttumista. 2D-kokeissa sekä FL että mutanttilinjat (Δ238 ja Δ560) migroivat kontrollisoluja nopeammin ja pidemmälle, mutta 3D-kokeissa vain mutanttilinjat invasoituivat kontrollisoluja tehokkaammin. AK23-vasta-aine esti vain FL-solujen invaasiota.
Syöpäsolujen 3D-invaasiota mittaavissa kokeissa käytetään yleensä hiiren kasvaimesta valmistettua kaupallista Matrigeeliä® tai rotan kudoksista eristettyä tyypin I kollageenia. Tutkimusryhmämme on jo aiemmin kehittänyt organotyyppisen myoomamallin, jossa valmistamme myoomakudosnapit ihmisen kohdun leiomyoomakasvaimista. Tässä työssä valmistimme leiomyoomasta Myogeelia, vertasimme sitä Matrigeeliin®, sekä tutkimme tarkemmin Myogeeli-valmisteen soveltuvuutta 3D-tutkimuksiin. Totesimme, että kielen (HSC-3) ja posken (SqCC/Y1) karsinoomasolut invasoituivat tehokkaimmin Myogeeli-pitoisissa matrikseissa kuin Matrigeeliä® tai kollageeniä sisältävissä kasvatusalustoissa. Tutkimustulostemme perusteella Myogeeli-pohjaiset 3D-mallit soveltuvat hyvin sekä syöpäsolulinjojen invaasiotutkimuksiin että yhteisviljelmiin, joissa syöpäsoluja viljellään yhdessä syöpäkasvaimen ympärillä olevien solujen, kuten fibroblastien, kanssa. Read more
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Preclinical evaluation of immunostimulatory gene therapy for pancreatic cancerEriksson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Pancreatic cancer is characterized by its desmoplastic tumor microenvironment and the infiltration of immunosuppressive cells. It is a devastating disease where most patients are diagnosed at a late stage and the treatment options are few. The development of new treatments is surly needed. One treatment option explored is the use of immunotherapy with the intent to activate the immune system and change the balance from pro-tumor to anti-tumor. This thesis presents the idea of using oncolytic adenoviruses called LOAd-viruses that are armed with immunostimulatory- and microenvironment-modulating transgenes. For effective treatment of pancreatic cancer, the virus needs to be able to be given in addition to standard therapy, the chemotherapy gemcitabine. In paper I, the immunomodulatory effect of gemcitabine was evaluated in blood from pancreatic cancer patients receiving their first 28-day cycle of treatment with infusions day 1, 8 and 15 followed by a resting period. Gemcitabine reduced the level of immunosup-pressive cells and molecules but the effect did not last throughout the resting period. On the other hand, gemcitabine did not affect the level or proliferative function of effector T cells indicating that gemcitabine could be combined with immunotherapy. The LOAd700 virus expresses a novel membrane-bound trimerized form of CD40L (TMZ-CD40L). In paper II, LOAd700 showed to be oncolytic in pancreatic cancer cell lines as well as being immunostimulatory as shown by its capacity to activate dendritic cells (DCs), myeloid cells, endothelium, and to promote expansion of antigen-specific T cells. In paper III, LOAd703 armed with both 4-1BBL and TMZ-CD40L was evaluated. LOAd703 gave a more profound effect than LOAd700 on activation of DCs and the virus was also capable of reducing factors in stellate cells connected to the desmo-plastic and immunosuppressive microenvironment. In paper IV, LOAd713 armed with TMZ-CD40L in combination with a single-chain variable fragment against IL-6R was evaluated. The virus could kill pancreatic cancer cells lines through oncolysis and could also reduce factors involved in desmoplasia in stellate cells. Most interestingly, LOAd713 could reduce the up-regulation of PD-1/PD-L1 in DCs after CD40 activation. Taken together, LOAd703 and LOAd713 seem to have interesting features with their combination of immunostimulation and microenvironment modulation. At present, LOAd703 is evaluated in a clinical trial for pancreatic cancer (NCT02705196). Read more
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