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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktivierung einer Reibungskopplung in der Ringfuge von Tunneln mit Tübbingauskleidung: Versuche hinsichtlich der Abschätzung der Normalkraft in Tunnellängsrichtung und der daraus resultierenden Reibung in der Ringfuge

Korte, Ansgar 12 October 2021 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Ringfuge einer Tübbingschale hinsichtlich der Möglichkeit einer Reibungskopplung zur Übertragung von Scherkräften, wie sie bei relativen Ringversätzen auftreten können, untersucht. Ein Schwerpunkt lag dabei in der Ermittlung von Scherwiderständen an unterschiedlich profilierten Betonprobekörpern mit direktem Betonkontakt bzw. mit Verwendung einer Zwischenlage. Neben diesen Scherversuchen wurde zudem die Entwicklung der Normalkraft in der Ringfuge untersucht. Dabei wurden zur Verfügung gestellte Messdaten eines In-situ-Versuchs am Neuen Schlüchterner Tunnel ausgewertet. Weitere Erkenntnisse lieferte ein unter Laborbedingungen durchgeführter Bauteilversuch an Originaltübbings. Letztere wurden mittels Spanngliedern über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren verspannt. Der Spannkraftverlust infolge von Kriechen und Schwinden des Betons sowie der Relaxation der Dichtungsprofile und der Spannglieder wurde kontinuierlich ermittelt

Neuartige Triazol-basierte aromatische Rückgrate für die Makromolekulare und Supramolekulare Chemie

Meudtner, Robert M. 05 January 2010 (has links)
Ein Ansatz der Darstellung von neuartigen funktionalen Materialien basiert auf der Synthese von Foldameren mit charakteristischen Eigenschaften, die eine Kontrolle über Formgebung und Gestaltung der Makromoleküle und derer Aggregate zulassen. Bislang sind gerade größere Foldamerstrukturen definierter Größe und Form meist schwer darstellbar und eine strukturelle Modifizierbarkeit nicht ohne weiteres möglich. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die hohe Effizienz der seit 2002 bekannten Kupfer(I)-katalysierten 1,3-dipolaren Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition, kurz “Klick“-Reaktion genannt, verwendet werden kann, um neuartige heteroaromatische Gerüste für die Konstruktion von diversen (makromolekularen) Strukturen zu generieren. Hierbei wird der bei der Reaktion entstehende Triazol-Ring gezielt als funktionale und strukturgebende Einheit genutzt. Zunächst wurden auf einfache und hochmodulare Weise 2,6-Bis(1-aryl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine (BTPs) dargestellt, die in einer hufeisenförmigen, planaren Konformation vorliegen und sich daher als helikogene Einheiten für die Konstruktion von helikalen aromatischen Foldameren eignen. Zudem stellen die BTP-Strukturen eine neue Klasse von pyridinzentrierten, tridentaten Liganden dar. Sie koordinieren an eine Vielzahl von Übergangsmetallionen unter Ausbildung von Metallkomplexen, die über interessante magnetische und lumineszierende Eigenschaften verfügen. Durch die Koordination, aber auch bei Protonierung, lassen sich die BTP-Gerüste von der gebeugten anti-anti-Konformation in eine gestreckte syn-syn-Konformation schalten. Dies wurde in Lösung, im kristallinen Festkörper und an der Flüssig-Fest-Grenzfläche zu Graphit untersucht. Über Selbstorganisation großflächig ausgebildete hochgeordnete BTP-Monoschichten an der Graphitoberfläche lassen sich mit Hilfe der Rastertunnel-Mikroskopie visualisieren und durch oben genannte externe Stimuli umstrukturieren. Eine neue Klasse von (BTP-basierten) responsiven heteroaromatischen oligomeren und polymeren Foldameren wurde mit Hilfe der „Klick“-Reaktion generiert. Die Oligomeren, sogenannte ”Klickamere“, mit einer Länge von 17 aromatischen Ringen zeigen in polaren Lösungsmitteln ein ausgeprägtes helikales Faltungsverhalten. Ein aus 17 aromatischen Ringen bestehender Foldamerstrang ist gegenüber Chloridionen responsiv, wobei es durch die Wechselwirkung mit diesem achiralen Stimulus bemerkenswerter Weise zu einer Helixinversion kommt. Die entsprechenden responsiven Polymere falten in eine stabile helikale Konformation, die bei Zugabe von Metallionen aufbricht und zu der Bildung von koordinativ kreuzverlinkten, stark viskosen Gelen führt. / One approach to develop novel functional materials is based on the synthesis of macromolecules with characteristic properties, in particular foldamers. However, preparation and structural variation of macromolecules of controllable size and specific shape are often cumbersome and versatile synthetic routes are still needed. In this dissertation, the high efficiency of the so called “click”-reaction, i.e. the Cu(I)-catalyzed Huisgen-type 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, has been used to design a novel class of heteroaromatic (macromolecular) scaffolds. In these structures the formed triazole moieties constitute an essential integral part rather than a mere connecting unit. In a first step, structurally varying 2,6-Bis(1-aryl-1,2,3-triazolyl-4-yl)pyridines (BTPs) have been generated in an easy and modular way. The BTP scaffold adopts a kinked conformation and therefore functions as helicogenic building block for the construction of helical foldamers. Additionally, the BTP framework is responsive towards protonation and transition metal ion complexation, thereby undergoing a significant structural change from the kinked anti-anti into the extended syn-syn conformation. The conformational switching has been investigated in solution and in the solid state but can also be visualized at the liquid-solid interface on graphite by STM imaging. The BTPs represent a novel class of pyridine-centered, tridentate ligands, which form complexes with interesting magnetic and luminescent properties by the coordination to numerous transition metal ions. Varying heteroaromatic oligomeric and polymeric foldamers with remarkable properties have been generated using the “click”-reaction as synthesis tool. The BTP building blocks, which have (partly) been integrated into the backbones, support the stability of the helical conformation and provide responsiveness towards external stimuli. Three oligomer series of different length have been synthesized and analyzed. Oligomers consisting of 17 aromatic rings, termed clickamers, fold into a helical conformation in polar solvents. One of the three clickamers shows an unexpected phenomenon of helix inversion upon interaction with chloride ions as an achiral stimulus. The corresponding polymeric strands fold into an even more stable helical conformation, which breaks up upon exposure to transition metal ions leading to coordinatively crosslinked, highly viscous gels.

Strukturelle und elektronische Eigenschaften von Nanographen-Graphen-Systemen sowie Schnitt- und Faltverhalten von Graphen

Eilers, Stefan 11 April 2013 (has links)
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Graphen sowie von Monolagen von auf Nanometer großen Graphenen basierenden Hexa-peri(Dodekyl)-Hexabenzocoronen-Molekülen (HBC-C12), adsorbiert auf Graphen, mit Rastertunnelmikroskopie und –spektroskopie an der Fest-Flüssig-Grenzfläche untersucht. Nanographen-Moleküle selbstaggregieren epitaktisch zu hochgeordneten Monolagen. Die Einheitszellen der Moleküllagen auf Monolage Graphen, Bilage Graphen und auf Graphit sind ununterscheidbar. Die Strukturen der Moleküllagen auf gewellten und flachen Teilen des Graphens stimmen überein. Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinien an Nanographen auf Graphen und auf Graphit weisen auf sehr ähnliche elektronische Eigenschaften hin. Zusammengefasst sind strukturelle sowie elektronische Eigenschaften der Nanographenlage homogen, stabil und definiert. Graphen erweist sich als bestens als Substrat und gleichzeitig als Elektrode für hochgeordnete Lagen von Nanographen-Molekülen geeignet. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird Graphen mit der Sonde eines Rasterkraftmikroskops im Kontaktmodus mechanisch manipuliert. Es wird gezeigt, dass Graphen in nur einem Manipulationsschritt zu Streifen und Spalt geschnitten werden kann. Dieses Verhalten wird mit einem klassischen Modell des Biegens theoretisch erklärt. Das Schnittverhalten liegt in der 2-Dimensionalität des Graphens sowie in dessen Faltbarkeit auf Grund hinreichender Elastizität begründet. Durch mechanische Manipulation mit der Sonde des Rasterkraftmikroskops im Kontaktmodus unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen wird eine Flüssigkeitsschicht zwischen Graphen und dem Siliziumdioxidsubstrat nachgewiesen, welche eine mögliche Erklärung des stark kraftabhängigen Materialkontrasts zwischen Graphen und Siliziumdioxid im Amplitudenmodulationsmodus des Rasterkraftmikroskops darstellt. Weiter wird gezeigt, dass das Falten des Graphens durch mechanische Manipulation eine geeignete Methode zur Herstellung nicht epitaktisch aufeinander gestapelter Graphene darstellt. / In the first part of the thesis graphene as well as monolayers of hexa-peri(dodecyl)-hexabenzocoronene molecules (HBC-C12) based on nanometer sized graphenes adsorbed on graphene is investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy and tunneling spectroscopy at the solid-liquid interface. The nanographene molecules self-assemble on graphene epitaxially to form highly ordered monolayers. The unit cells of the molecular layers on monolayer graphene, bilayer graphene and on graphite appear identical. The structures of the molecular layers occur equal on corrugated and on flat parts of graphene. Current-voltage-characteristics show that the electronic properties of nanographene on graphene and on graphite are very similar. Summarized, structural as well as electronic properties of the nanographene layer are homogeneous, stable and defined. Graphene proves to be excellently qualified for simultaneously being substrate as well as electrode for highly ordered layers of nanographene based molecules. In the second part of the thesis graphene is mechanically manipulated in air in contact mode of a scanning force microscope. It is shown that a single manipulation process can lead to a stripe cut out of graphene. This behaviour is theoretically explained by a classical bending model. The cutting behavior originates from the 2-dimensionality of graphene and its folding ability because of sufficient elasticity. A liquid layer between graphene and the silicon dioxide substrate is verified by mechanical manipulation in contact mode of a scanning force microscope. Hence a possible explanation could be found for the strongly force dependent material contrast between graphene and silicon dioxide in amplitude modulation mode of the scanning force microscope. Further, it is demonstrated that folding graphene by mechanical manipulation is a proper method for the production of graphene stacked on each other non-epitaxially.

Tunel Blanka: Inženýrskogeologické problémy a rizika ražby / The Blanka tunnel, geological hazadrs and problems during boring

Sedláček, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The Blanka tunnel has two boring sections: Brusnice tunnel and Královská obora tunnel. Both tunnels were boring in difficult geologycal conditions, but the geology conditions of these tunnels are not same. Also they had not the same hazards during boring. There was used a spectrum of different technical works with hazard reduction purpose and safety process of boring. There were three serious accidents, wnich everyone made a creater on the surface, but they have not the same causes. This text has a task to describe a geological survey before and during the boring of both tunnels. How other reasons affected the process of boring? How the tunnels were bored? What events preceded the everyone of three major failure? This text does not deal with economical things of boring and effects of specific personal influence on the process of boring. Key words Tunnel, excavation, Blanka, Brusnice, Letná, Stromovka park, Vltava river, underground water, geology, ordovik, New Austrian Tunnelling method, pilot tunnel, calotte, bench, bottom, arche, bolt, lining, grouting, collapse of ceiling, failure, tube, shale, quarzite, soil, loess, ballast, clay

Atomically controlled device fabrication using STM

Ruess, Frank Joachim, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
We present the development of a novel, UHV-compatible device fabrication strategy for the realisation of nano- and atomic-scale devices in silicon by harnessing the atomic-resolution capability of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). We develop etched registration markers in the silicon substrate in combination with a custom-designed STM/ molecular beam epitaxy system (MBE) to solve one of the key problems in STM device fabrication ??? connecting devices, fabricated in UHV, to the outside world. Using hydrogen-based STM lithography in combination with phosphine, as a dopant source, and silicon MBE, we then go on to fabricate several planar Si:P devices on one chip, including control devices that demonstrate the efficiency of each stage of the fabrication process. We demonstrate that we can perform four terminal magnetoconductance measurements at cryogenic temperatures after ex-situ alignment of metal contacts to the buried device. Using this process, we demonstrate the lateral confinement of P dopants in a delta-doped plane to a line of width 90nm; and observe the cross-over from 2D to 1D magnetotransport. These measurements enable us to extract the wire width which is in excellent agreement with STM images of the patterned wire. We then create STM-patterned Si:P wires with widths from 90nm to 8nm that show ohmic conduction and low resistivities of 1 to 20 micro Ohm-cm respectively ??? some of the highest conductivity wires reported in silicon. We study the dominant scattering mechanisms in the wires and find that temperature-dependent magnetoconductance can be described by a combination of both 1D weak localisation and 1D electron-electron interaction theories with a potential crossover to strong localisation at lower temperatures. We present results from STM-patterned tunnel junctions with gap sizes of 50nm and 17nm exhibiting clean, non-linear characteristics. We also present preliminary conductance results from a 70nm long and 90nm wide dot between source-drain leads which show evidence of Coulomb blockade behaviour. The thesis demonstrates the viability of using STM lithography to make devices in silicon down to atomic-scale dimensions. In particular, we show the enormous potential of this technology to directly correlate images of the doped regions with ex-situ electrical device characteristics.

Atomically controlled device fabrication using STM

Ruess, Frank Joachim, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
We present the development of a novel, UHV-compatible device fabrication strategy for the realisation of nano- and atomic-scale devices in silicon by harnessing the atomic-resolution capability of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). We develop etched registration markers in the silicon substrate in combination with a custom-designed STM/ molecular beam epitaxy system (MBE) to solve one of the key problems in STM device fabrication ??? connecting devices, fabricated in UHV, to the outside world. Using hydrogen-based STM lithography in combination with phosphine, as a dopant source, and silicon MBE, we then go on to fabricate several planar Si:P devices on one chip, including control devices that demonstrate the efficiency of each stage of the fabrication process. We demonstrate that we can perform four terminal magnetoconductance measurements at cryogenic temperatures after ex-situ alignment of metal contacts to the buried device. Using this process, we demonstrate the lateral confinement of P dopants in a delta-doped plane to a line of width 90nm; and observe the cross-over from 2D to 1D magnetotransport. These measurements enable us to extract the wire width which is in excellent agreement with STM images of the patterned wire. We then create STM-patterned Si:P wires with widths from 90nm to 8nm that show ohmic conduction and low resistivities of 1 to 20 micro Ohm-cm respectively ??? some of the highest conductivity wires reported in silicon. We study the dominant scattering mechanisms in the wires and find that temperature-dependent magnetoconductance can be described by a combination of both 1D weak localisation and 1D electron-electron interaction theories with a potential crossover to strong localisation at lower temperatures. We present results from STM-patterned tunnel junctions with gap sizes of 50nm and 17nm exhibiting clean, non-linear characteristics. We also present preliminary conductance results from a 70nm long and 90nm wide dot between source-drain leads which show evidence of Coulomb blockade behaviour. The thesis demonstrates the viability of using STM lithography to make devices in silicon down to atomic-scale dimensions. In particular, we show the enormous potential of this technology to directly correlate images of the doped regions with ex-situ electrical device characteristics.

Self organized formation of Ge nanocrystals in multilayers

Zschintzsch-Dias, Manuel 05 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this work is to create a process which allows the tailored growth of Ge nanocrystals for use in photovoltic applications. The multilayer systems used here provide a reliable method to control the Ge nanocrystal size after phase separation. In this thesis, the deposition of GeOx/SiO2 and Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers via reactive dc magnetron sputtering and the self-ordered Ge nanocrystal formation within the GeOx and Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers during subsequent annealing is investigated. Mostly the focus of this work is on the determination of the proper deposition conditions for tuning the composition of the systems investigated. For the GeOx/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the GeOx composition between elemental Ge (x = 0) and GeO2 (x = 2), whereas for the Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the stoichiometry of the Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers in the vicinity of stochiometric silica (x = 2). The deposition conditions are controlled by the variation of the deposition rate, the deposition temperature and the oxygen partial pressure. A convenient process window has been found which allows the sequential deposition of GeOx/SiO2 or Ge:SiOx ~2/SiO2 without changing the oxygen partial pressure during deposition. For stoichiometry determination Rutherford back-scattering spectrometry has been applied extensively. The phase separation in the spatially confined GeOx and Ge:SiOx ~2 sublayers was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ge K-edge. The Ge sub-oxides content of the as-deposited multilayers diminishes with increasing annealing temperature, showing complete phase separation at approximately 450° C for both systems (using inert N2 at ambient pressure). With the use of chemical reducing H2 in the annealing atmosphere, the temperature regime where the GeOx phase separation occurs is lowered by approximately 100 °C. At temperatures above 400° C the sublayer composition, and thus the density of the Ge nanocrystals, can be altered by making use of the reduction of GeO2 by H2. The Ge nanocrystal formation after subsequent annealing was investigated with X-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. By these methods the existence of 2 - 5 nm Ge nanocrystals at annealing temperatures of 550 (GeOx) - 700° C (Ge:SiOx ~2) has been confirmed which is within the multilayer stability range. The technique used allows the production of extended multilayer stacks (50 periods ~ 300 nm) with very smooth interfaces (roughness ~ 0.5 nm). Thus it was possible to produce Ge nanocrystal layers with ultra-thin SiO2 separation layers (thickness ~ 1 nm) which offers interesting possibilities for charge transport via direct tunneling.

Self organized formation of Ge nanocrystals in multilayers

Zschintzsch-Dias, Manuel 27 April 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a process which allows the tailored growth of Ge nanocrystals for use in photovoltic applications. The multilayer systems used here provide a reliable method to control the Ge nanocrystal size after phase separation. In this thesis, the deposition of GeOx/SiO2 and Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers via reactive dc magnetron sputtering and the self-ordered Ge nanocrystal formation within the GeOx and Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers during subsequent annealing is investigated. Mostly the focus of this work is on the determination of the proper deposition conditions for tuning the composition of the systems investigated. For the GeOx/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the GeOx composition between elemental Ge (x = 0) and GeO2 (x = 2), whereas for the Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the stoichiometry of the Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers in the vicinity of stochiometric silica (x = 2). The deposition conditions are controlled by the variation of the deposition rate, the deposition temperature and the oxygen partial pressure. A convenient process window has been found which allows the sequential deposition of GeOx/SiO2 or Ge:SiOx ~2/SiO2 without changing the oxygen partial pressure during deposition. For stoichiometry determination Rutherford back-scattering spectrometry has been applied extensively. The phase separation in the spatially confined GeOx and Ge:SiOx ~2 sublayers was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ge K-edge. The Ge sub-oxides content of the as-deposited multilayers diminishes with increasing annealing temperature, showing complete phase separation at approximately 450° C for both systems (using inert N2 at ambient pressure). With the use of chemical reducing H2 in the annealing atmosphere, the temperature regime where the GeOx phase separation occurs is lowered by approximately 100 °C. At temperatures above 400° C the sublayer composition, and thus the density of the Ge nanocrystals, can be altered by making use of the reduction of GeO2 by H2. The Ge nanocrystal formation after subsequent annealing was investigated with X-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. By these methods the existence of 2 - 5 nm Ge nanocrystals at annealing temperatures of 550 (GeOx) - 700° C (Ge:SiOx ~2) has been confirmed which is within the multilayer stability range. The technique used allows the production of extended multilayer stacks (50 periods ~ 300 nm) with very smooth interfaces (roughness ~ 0.5 nm). Thus it was possible to produce Ge nanocrystal layers with ultra-thin SiO2 separation layers (thickness ~ 1 nm) which offers interesting possibilities for charge transport via direct tunneling.:Contents 1 Introduction and motivation 1 2 Basic aspects 6 2.1 Microstructure of sub-stoichiometric oxides (SiOx, GeOx) 6 2.2 Phase transformations 9 2.3 Quantum confinement effect in nanocrystals 12 2.4 Applications of nanostructures in 3rd generation photovoltaics 17 3 Experimental setup 21 3.1 The magnetron deposition chamber 21 3.2 (Reactive) dc sputtering 22 3.3 Annealing processing 26 3.4 X-ray facilities 26 4 Analytical methods 30 4.1 Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) 30 4.2 Raman scattering 33 4.3 (Grazing incidence) X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) 35 4.4 X-ray reflectivity (XRR) 39 4.5 X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) 41 4.6 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 42 5 Properties of reactive dc magnetron sputtered Si-Ge-O (multi)layers 44 5.1 Deposition rate and film stoichiometry investigations 44 5.2 Stoichiometry dependent properties of GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 47 5.3 Lateral intercluster distance of the Ge nanocrystals in multilayers 51 6 Confined Ge nanocrystal growth in GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 54 6.1 Phase separation in GeOx single layers and GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 54 6.2 Crystallization in GeOx single layers and GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 58 6.3 Multilayer stability and smallest possible Ge nanocrystal size 60 6.4 Stacked Ge NC films with ultra thin SiO2 separation layers 66 7 Confined Ge nanocrystal growth in Ge:SiOx/SiO2 multilayers 71 7.1 Phase separation in Ge:SiOx/SiO2 multilayers 72 7.2 Crystallisation in Ge:SiOx/SiO2 multilayers 76 8 Summary and conclusions 79 List of Figures 83 List of Tables 85 Bibliography 86

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