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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alliance in flux Turkey's alliance behavior, from the Cold War to the present, 1947-2010 /

Aydemir, Ilhan. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio University, June, 2010. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references.

Συγκριτική μελέτη της ανταγωνιστικότητας του ελληνικού και του τουρκικού τουρισμού : 1953-2007

Κοτσανίδης, Ανδρέας 22 December 2009 (has links)
Με χρονολογική αφετηρία τα μέσα της δεκαετίας του 1950, η βιομηχανία του τουρισμού εισέρχεται σε μια παρατεταμένη περίοδο ταχείας αλλά και σταθερής ανάπτυξής της, που πρόκειται να επεκταθεί σε ολοένα και περισσότερες γεωγραφικές περιοχές της υφηλίου μέχρι και τα πρώτα έτη του εικοστού πρώτου αιώνα. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την εξέλιξη του τουρισμού σε διεθνές επίπεδο, η παρούσα μελέτη στρέφει το κέντρο βάρους του ενδιαφέροντός της στη ΝΑ πλευρά της Μεσογείου επιχειρώντας να αποτυπώσει την ανταγωνιστικότητα του ελληνικού ως προς τον τουρκικό –αντίστοιχα- τουρισμό για το χρονοδιάγραμμα 1953-2007. Η αποτύπωση, ωστόσο, της ανταγωνιστικότητας του ελληνικού και του τουρκικού τουρισμού εξετάζεται στα πλαίσια της τρέχουσας συγγραφής ως προς συγκεκριμένα φυσικά και οικονομικά μεγέθη που –για τα μεν πρώτα - συνοψίζονται στις ολικές αλλά και τις επιμέρους αφίξεις που καταγράφονται για λογαριασμό των δυο ανταγωνιστριών-χωρών για την εξεταζόμενη περίοδο 1953-2007. Όσον αφορά τις επιμέρους αφίξεις εξετάζονται η βρετανική, η γερμανική, η ιταλική, η γαλλική καθώς και η ολλανδική τουριστική αγορά, που αποτελούν-άλλωστε- τις πέντε κυριότερες χώρες-δεξαμενές της διεθνούς τουριστικής κίνησης προς την Ελλάδα. Η προσπάθεια αποτίμησης της ανταγωνιστικότητας του ελληνικού ως προς τον τουρκικό τουρισμό για τις προαναφερόμενες αγορές-στόχους, συμπληρώνεται από την παράλληλη αντιπαραβολή της εξέλιξης των μεριδίων που καταλαμβάνει η κάθε μία από τις αγορές αυτές για τον ελληνικό και τον τουρκικό τουρισμό. Όσον αφορά τα οικονομικά μεγέθη που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για τη συγγραφή της προκείμενης συγκριτικής διερεύνησης, ήταν οι τουριστικές εισπράξεις καθώς και η ατομική τουριστική δαπάνη (Μέση κατά Κεφαλή Δαπάνη) που προκύπτουν διαχρονικά για τους δύο ανταγωνιστές. Στα κεφάλαια που θα ακολουθήσουν, ο αναγνώστης –μετά τη σύντομη εισαγωγή του πρώτου κεφαλαίου- θα λάβει γνώση για το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο πάνω στο οποίο έχει στηριχτεί η προκείμενη συγκριτική διερεύνηση (Κεφάλαιο ΙΙ), ενώ θα έρθει και σε επαφή με την έννοια της «Ανταγωνιστικότητας», που βρίσκεται –άλλωστε- στο επίκεντρο της συγκριτικής αντιπαραβολής των τουριστικών επιδόσεων των δύο χωρών για τα προαναφερόμενα φυσικά και οικονομικά μεγέθη. Στο τρίτο, κατά σειρά, κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η διαχρονική εξέλιξη του τουρισμού της πρώτης εκ των δυο χωρών, της Ελλάδας. Στο επόμενο κεφάλαιο (Κεφάλαιο IV) επιχειρείται ακριβώς το ίδιο και για τον έτερο ανταγωνιστή, την Τουρκία. Η έρευνα ολοκληρώνεται με τη συγγραφή ενός πέμπτου κεφαλαίου (Κεφάλαιο V), όπου πλέον πραγματοποιείται η άμεση αντιπαραβολή των επιδόσεων της ελληνικής και της τουρκικής, αντίστοιχα, τουριστικής βιομηχανίας για τα μεγέθη –εκείνα- που επιλέχθηκαν και αναλύθηκαν με πίνακες και διαγραμματικές απεικονίσεις στα Κεφάλαια ΙΙΙ και ΙV. / Since mid-1950’s tourism industry has entered a prolonged as well as stable period of development internationally. Taking into consideration this growth of tourism on a global level, the aim of the current piece of work is to lay particular stress on the Southeastern part of the Mediterranean Basin, trying to rough out the competitiveness of Greek and Turkish tourism for the 1953-2007 era. The assessment, however, of competitiveness of the evolutionary route of tourism of both countries is facilitated through the utilization of specific physical and economic figures upon which useful conclusions can be drawn. In this effort, the researcher has used overall tourism arrivals, arrivals of specific travel-markets, tourism receipts and per capita tourism expenditure. The selected travel-markets utilized are those emanating from the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France and Holland, since those countries do constitute the five major sources of international tourism demand for the destinations of Greece. The writer has also determined the market-share of each one of those five countries in relation to overall tourism demand for both competitors (i.e. Greece and Turkey). In the First Chapter, the reader is introduced briefly into the evolution of tourism at an international level during the last fifty years. Chapter Two is referring to the notion of ‘Competitiveness’ and the theoretical background of the study (Tourism Area Life Cycle). Chapter Three is devoted to the evolution of tourism for Greece for 1953-2007, whereas Chapter Four is sketching-out the evolution of Turkey’s tourism for the same period of examination (i.e. 1953-2007). Chapter Five, eventually, is concluding the research through the direct cross-examination of both competitors´ performance in relation to the physical (arrivals) and economic figures (tourism receipts, per capita expenditure) used by the author.

Playing the game : a study of transnational Turkish football fans, imaginations and the internet

McManus, John January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is about transnational Turkish football communities and how they come to be imagined through internet technologies. The research is based on an ethnography of one particular group of Turkish football fans in Europe. The team is Beşiktaş, one of Turkey's top teams, and the fans make up Çarşi Berlin, their largest supporters' club in Europe. Founded in 2003 in Berlin, the group has grown to consist of 600 members, with branches from London to Switzerland. The thesis explores the internet and its effects at a specific historic juncture on the fashioning of Çarşi Berlin. I approach the topic via three routes, namely, the effects of internet technologies on: football fandom; the spaces in which it occurs; and the cultural forms and practices by which it is instantiated. In the process I contribute to current scholarly debates across sub-disciplines both within and outside anthropology: those of sport and globalisation, enchantment, publics, personhood and the imagination. I argue that football communities are increasingly imagined in ways that are distracted, ephemeral and playful and that, contrary to common conceptions, fun, affect-laden imaginings can have the power to alter conceptions of concepts such as the nation or family. In the process, I contribute greater appreciation of the experience of being a diasporan football fan and its salience for broader understandings of how we imagine belonging in the twenty-first century.

Essai d'optimisation des performances de ponte chez la dinde reproductrice (meleagris gallopavo) : approche nutritionnelle. / Trial for the optimisation of the laying performances in reproductive turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) : nutritional approach

Briere, Sylvain 27 June 2011 (has links)
Chez les oiseaux et mammifères domestiques, la sélection sur des critères de croissance et de conversion alimentaire s’est accompagnée d’effets négatifs sur les performances de reproduction des deux sexes. Les travaux rapportés ici, réalisés sur deux souches commerciales de dindes (souches lourde et medium), constituaient une approche afin de mieux comprendre les effets d’alimentations libérales ou retreintes sur les performances de ponte durant la période de reproduction. Dans une première étude, nous avons pu démontrer qu’une restriction alimentaire au cours de la période d’élevage a eu un effet bénéfique sur la qualité globale des œufs. Au cours d’une seconde étude, nous avons comparé l’effet de régimes alimentaires différant soit par leur niveau énergétique soit par leur niveau protéique. Alors que les taux de ponte ont été améliorés par des aliments riches en énergie, un effet génétique fort a été mis en évidence concernant la réponse de femelles soumises à différents taux protéiques. Enfin, bien que la couvaison et son apparition aient déjà été clairement décrites dans des études préalables, nous avons observé des différences dans la rythmicité de son expression entre les deux souches, suggérant une dérive génétique de ce comportement sous l’action de la sélection. / In domesticated birds and mammals, selection for growth and feed conversion has been accompanied by adverse effects on reproductive performances in both sexes. The present studies, performed with two meat-type of turkey breeds (heavy or medium types), were an attempt to better assess the effects of liberal or moderately restricted feed regimes on laying performances over the reproductive season. In a first series of experiment, we could demonstrate that feed restriction during the growing period has a favourable effect on the overall ‘egg quality’ (incubable eggs). In a second study, we compared the global effects of feed regimes differing either for their total energy content or for their total protein levels. Laying rates were improved in females fed with regimes adjusted with high energy while a marked effect of the genetic origin was noted in females subjected to variable levels of proteins. While the occurrence of broodiness was also carefully noted in pre-cited studies, differences in the rhythmicity of this behaviour were observed between the two strains, suggesting genetic derivations of this trait caused by selection.

The Patterns of Democratic Backsliding : A systematic comparison of Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela

Agestam, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to answer the research question on whether there is a common pattern of democratic backsliding. Levitsky and Ziblatt’s theoretical model of democratic backsliding is utilized as the guiding theory. The theory suggests that Democratic Backsliding has three stages where different goals are attempted to be achieved. The goals are first to take over state institutions, thereafter to use these institutions to target political opponents and protect the government from criticism. The third stage concerns entrenching the political dominance. The research question is answered by a systematic comparison of Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela. The results are that each case does follow the suggested path of democratic backsliding, with certain differences. More emphasis is put on the media, election monitoring, and how the institutions are controlled. The institutions are often taken control over by hijacking the nomination process, a fact overlooked by the theoretical model. These aspects are not expanded on in the theoretical model, and this dissertation suggest adding these to the model.

La représentation de la pauvreté dans la presse écrite en Turquie / The representation of poverty in the print media in Turkey

Kayapinar, Kütay 29 June 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail nous voulons analyser comment les représentations de la pauvreté étaient construites dans des organes de la presse écrite en Turquie. Le but du travail est de comprendre quelles représentations culturelles, sociales sont mobilisées par les medias turcs autour de la pauvreté comme phénomène social. La pauvreté c’est - à - dire le fait que certaines personnes ont du mal à assurer leur existence a existé en Turquie à toutes les époques. Mais la pauvreté a pris ces dernières années d’autres formes avec la mondialisation, le processus néolibérale qui domine la politique turque et des dynamiques sociales propres à la Turquie- telle que l’inégalité des revenus, un chômage chronique, le conflit turc-kurde dans le sud-est et l’émigration intérieure de l’est vers l’ouest du pays. Cette classe sociale de pauvres qui a de plus en plus de mal à s’intégrer à la structure sociale est à la fois l’acteur et la victime de problèmes qui concernent toutes les couches de la société. Dans ce travail on essaiera de mettre au jour le discours tenu par la presse écrite turque au sujet de cette classe pauvre. Dans ce travail, on n’utilisera pas le concept de pauvreté mais toutes les informations et les chroniques ayant pour sujet la pauvreté ou y touchant tant soit peu, seront considérées comme matière sur la pauvreté. Dans les médias turcs l’on se réfère souvent aux concepts de gecekondu (genre de bidonvilles propres aux grandes villes), varoş (banlieue), enfants des rues, voleurs à la tire, dépandants, « garibanizm » (du Turc « gariban », pitoyable) », ‘l’autre Turquie’ qui suggèrent la pauvreté. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de personnes à bas revenus mais aussi d’un certain espace et d’un certain milieu culturel. Nous voulons analyser comment en Turquie la représentation culturelle des pauvres était construite dans des organes de presse au discours politique différent. Nous avons donc choisi pour notre recherche des journaux de diverses tendances / In this work we analyze how the representations of poverty were built in the print media in Turkey. The aim of this work is to understand how cultural, social representations are mobilized by the Turkish media concerning poverty as a social phenomenon. Being a prominent issue from the country’s establishment, poverty in Turkey, has taken different forms in recent years. Both neoliberal process that dominates Turkish politics, as well as the social dynamics specific to Turkey- such as income inequality, chronic unemployment, the Turkish-Kurdish conflict in the southeast and internal emigration from the East to the West. Poor people have more difficulty in integrating into the social structure because both the actors and the victims of the issues affecting society. In this work, we will try to expose the discourse of the Turkish press about this poor class. We want to analyze how Turkish cultural representation of the poor was built in press organs in different political discourses. So, we chose for our research newspapers of various tendencies

A New Conflict? The Religious Dimension of the Rising Tension Between Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots.

Savoglu, Mustafa January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the reddediyoruzdemonstrations that took place in the Northern Cyprus in 2016. As Turkey seems to be moving towards a totalitarian Islamist regime, this research aims to study the relation between the Turkish Cypriot community and Turkey. It seems that the relations between the two parties have been tense since the intention of Turkey to open a coordination office in North Cyprus to control the youth, sports and cultural activities with a power over the Turkish Cypriot institutions. The research explores the religious dimension of the tension between the two parties. Results have shown that the main concern of the demonstrations have been the Islamist policies of Turkey on Turkish Cypriots along with granting Turkey an unrestricted power over certain Turkish Cypriot institutions.

Transformation of administration into e-government : From municipality to e-municipality in İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality in Turkey

YARGOVAN, SERTAN January 2013 (has links)
Today, citizens are government-related jobs, more quickly and are being carried out in a systematic way of e-government, began to implement a rebuke to all the countries of the world. According to the level of development of countries, this transition moving forward fast or slow. To create the infrastructure of e-government, huge investments need to be made financially. For this reason, e-government applications in each country with the same speed and the same advanced infrastructure take place. E-government, E-municipality in itself e-finance and so on divided into subtypes. In this species, e-municipalities have an important place. Municipalities with the basic element of urban life, is extremely important to provide services in the form of e-government. Transparency is fundamental to increasing confidence in the local government and citizen-municipal applications, and the city moving forward on more regular jobs. Turkey is a country that has the category of developing countries. The transition to e-government applications is still in the country, are carried out for E-municipal applications. Country, city divided into units called local government services is realized. Municipalities and cities with population over a certain number of other provinces administered in the form of the Municipality. Municipalities depend on the central government. Istanbul is the most populous province in Turkey.  For this reason, many municipalities in the country to the other applications that are running in this city are a pioneer. E-municipality application is one of the applications of this type. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, e-municipal applications continues to transition. It has continued to work on infrastructure and related units. A portion of the system works. E- Municipalities applications Istanbul's city hall, the municipal authorities, as well as their approach citizens wary of e-municipality system. However, many began to carry out transactions in the virtual environment.

Les revenus publics des cités d'Asie Mineure à l'époque romaine: recherches sur l'adaptation de la structure civique grecque à l'Empire romain

D'Hautcourt, Alexis January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Language use in the Ottoman Empire and its problems, 1299-1923

Saydam, Yelda 27 June 2008 (has links)
The Ottoman Empire, an imperial power that existed from 1299 to 1923, was one of the largest empires to rule the borders of the Mediterranean Sea. Ottoman Turkish was used especially between the 16th and 19th centuries during the Ottoman Empire. This ornamented, artificial language separated the general population from intellectual and palace elite and a communication problem followed. Although the minorities of the Ottoman Empire were free to use their language amongst themselves, if they needed to communicate with the government they had to use Ottoman Turkish. This thesis explains these language differences and the resulting problems they created during the Empire. Examples of original correspondence are used to highlight the communication differences and the difficulties that ensured. From this study, the author concludes that Ottoman Turkish was not a separate language from Turkish; instead, it was a variation of Turkish in inexistence for approximately 600 years. / Prof. B. Hendrickx Dr. A. Dockrat

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