Spelling suggestions: "subject:"types off"" "subject:"types oof""
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Comparison of the Personalities of Non-Injured and Injured Female Athletes in Intercollegiate CompetitionAbadie, Deborah A. 12 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine if differences exist between the personalities of injured and non-injured athletes, injured and non-injured athletes in individual sports, and injured and non-injured athletes in team sports. Subjects were forty-three female athletes selected from six intercollegiate teams. The test instrument was the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by the two-way analysis of variance. Alpha was .05. Conclusions of the investigation were that the personality of injured athletes does not differ from the personality of non-injured athletes, that non-injured athletes in individual sports are more self-assured than non-injured athletes in team sports, and that the personality of athletes in team sports does not differ from the personality of athletes in individual sports.
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Étude de l'immunité maternelle et de la diversité génétique du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine de type I (VIH-1) durant la grossesseAkouamba, Bertine Sandra January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Demand-driven type analysis for dynamically-typed functional languagesDubé, Danny January 2002 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
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Personality Type Preferences of Juvenile DelinquentsCavin, Clark 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify and explore personality characteristics of juvenile delinquents, to compare those characteristics with those of the general population, and determine if there are significant differences, as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), between the personality characteristics of juvenile delinquents and the general population. Juvenile delinquents who were adjudicated into a Texas Youth Commission facility in North Texas were subjects for this study. Participants included 186 males who ranged in age from 14 years to 20 years. Statistical analyses were performed for each of the research questions. When comparing MBTI scores of juvenile delinquents to the general population, significant differences were found on the dichotomous scales, temperaments, function pairs, and types. All type preferences are represented within the juvenile delinquent population. The MBTI can be useful in responding to the education and rehabilitation needs of juvenile delinquents. Knowledge of personality type can help caregivers meet the needs of juvenile delinquents. Understanding personality type preference can serve to provide a deeper understanding of the behaviors that lead to adjudication of juvenile delinquents. A discovery of the types of adolescents who are adjudicated could lead to preventive measures, early detection, and early intervention for students at risk of becoming juvenile delinquents.
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Judikatura Soudního dvora EU na úseku ochrany životního prostředí / Case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the area of environmental protectionKubeček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Resumé The thesis named Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Area of Environmental Protection deals with three types of action in which the judicial protection of the environmental interests is provided. First the chambers of the Court of Justice of the EU are characterised - the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal. Chapters on particular types of action follow. Each of them is attached with analysed related significant cases that the Court of Justice of the EU adjudicated upon. The first type of action is the action for failure to fulfil obligations where the principal questions are possibilities of imposing fines on member states that infringe the EU law. Sanctions are imposed in two forms - a penalty or a lump sum. The second type of action is the reference for a preliminary ruling in which the Court of Justice of the EU interprets the EU law a helps courts of the member states apply the EU law. The final chapter examines the action for annulment in which the fundamental and very disputable question is the question of right of action in environmental matters. After the comparison with other areas of the EU law, in particular the area of the competition law, it results from the thesis's chapters that the Court of Justice of the EU provides a very...
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Analýza herního výkonu v profesionálním fotbale / Analysis of the gaming performance in professional footballChrobák, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Název: Analýza herního výkonu v profesionálním fotbale Cíle: Hlavním cílem této práce je detailní rozbor všech vstřelených branek v české nejvyšší fotbalové lize v ročníku 2010/2011. Následně tyto vstřelené branky zpracovat z kvantitativního a kvalitativního hlediska podle vytvořených kritérií, popis modelových situací a komparace s obdobnými analýzami ze světového fotbalu. Metody: V naší práci jsme použili metody kvalitativní a kvantitativní analýzy a metodu pozorování. Pomocí detailního pozorování a rozboru jsme všechny vstřelené branky rozdělili podle daných kritérií z kvantitativního hlediska. V kvalitativní analýze jsme se snažili najít modelové situace nejčastějších vstřelených branek a popsat je jak z obranného tak i útočného pohledu. Výsledky: Výsledkem jsou grafické znázornění všech vstřelených branek v české nejvyšší fotbalové lize v ročníku 2010/2011 a porovnání výsledku s výsledky z vrcholným soutěží světového fotbalu. Dalším výsledkem je nalezení nejčastěji se objevujících modelů útoku při úspěšném zakončení vstřelenou brankou a jejich popis z útočného a obranného pohledu. Klíčová slova: fotbal, vstřelené branky, typologie střelby, herní systémy
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Individuální akustický monotoring pěvců na příkladu lindušky lesní / Individual acoustic monitoring of songbirds - case study on the tree pipitPišvejcová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
In field behavioural and ecological studies, it is often necessary to identify specific individuals. In birds, colour rings are often used as individual marks. However, rings might be difficult to observe, especially in small species and dense habitats. Thus recently, individual acoustic monitoring is becoming more commonly used to study of birds. This method is based on the recognition of individuals and often on the difference between temporal and spectral parameters of their vocalizations. However, in passerine species with more complex song these acoustic characteristics may not be reliable. In my thesis I used an alternative approach for the individual acoustic monitoring, based on differences in syllable repertoires of individual Tree Pipit males (Anthus trivialis). So far I have not found any study that would use a similar approach with other migratory passerine species with more complex song. The main aim of my study was to test the possibility of using syllable repertoires for recognition of specific individuals and to determine if this method is more efficient than identification by colour banding. From four years of research on the Tree Pipits population in the selected location in Brdy I received acoustic data from 59 males that I subsequently analyzed in a bioacoustic program. The...
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Aktualizace frazeologie v současné češtině / Phraseology updates in the contemporary Czech languageŠrámková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The paper is titled: Phraseology updates in the contemporary Czech language The aim of this paper is to collect and describe phraseological updates. The collection of materials (resources) took place from January 2013 to June 2015. Updates were sought out from various sources - the media, books, the theater, the internet and landline calls. With the help of professional literature we first limited the theoretical framework of the issue and based on these theoretical attainments we classified the material according to the sources and types of resources from which it originated. In the summary of updates we can see for every idiom update its original version, its type of update, its specific description and its source with a comment specifying its occurrence etc. With the performed analysis we determined that the most common kinds of updates are contamination and lexical updates.
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Minéralisation de l'azote et nitrification dans les écosystèmes forestiers : Effet du type de sol et de l'essence forestière / Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in forest ecosystems : soil types and tree species effectAndrianarisoa, Kasaina Sitraka 11 February 2009 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’identifier les principaux indicateurs de disponibilité de l’azote dans les sols forestiers et ensuite de déterminer les mécanismes impliqués dans le contrôle de la minéralisation de l’azote et de la nitrification par les essences forestières. Différents indicateurs de la disponibilité en azote des sols ont été comparés dans 50 hêtraies du Nord Est de la France représentant une large gamme de type de sol. L’effet des essences a été étudié sur un cambisol hyperdystric acide dans le site de Breuil (Morvan, France). Le potentiel net de minéralisation de l’azote est corrélé négativement avec le pH du sol et positivement avec le rapport C/N microbien. Le pourcentage de nitrification est fortement corrélé à une combinaison du pH avec le rapport C/N du sol ou à la composition de la végétation. Dans le site de Breuil, le pourcentage de nitrification du sol est élevé sous le hêtre, le pin laricio et le douglas tandis qu’il est très faible sous le Sapin, l’Epicéa et la forêt native (taillis sous futaie à base de hêtre et de chêne). La permutation des carottes de sols entre ces peuplements montre que sous les peuplements forts nitrifiants, la colonisation racinaire est lente et le pourcentage de nitrification est stimulé très rapidement (<16 mois). Sous les peuplements peu nitrifiants, la colonisation racinaire est très rapide mais la réduction du pourcentage de nitrification est assez lente (>28 mois). Par ailleurs, la coupe à blanc stimule très rapidement la nitrification sous la forêt native. L’ensemble de ces résultats converge vers un contrôle fort du cycle de l'azote par les racines, mais le mécanisme exact reste inconnu. / The aim of this thesis was to identify the main indicators of N availability in forest soils and thereafter to determine mechanisms by which tree species control soil N mineralization and nitrification. Various indicators of N availability were compared within 50 beech forests covering a large range of soil types in northeastern France. Thereafter, the effect of six tree species was studied in an acidic cambisol hyperdystric at the experimental site of Breuil (Morvan, France). Potential net N mineralization was negatively correlated with soil pH and positively with microbial C/N ratio. Percent nitrification was strongly correlated with the combination of soil pH and soil C/N or with the combination of Ellenberg’s indices of N availability or Ecoplant C/N and Ellenberg’s indices of acidity (R) based on the vegetation community composition. At the Breuil experimental site, the percent nitrification was high in beech, Corsican pine and Douglas fir plantations whereas it was very low in the Nordmann fir and the spruce plantations and the native forest stands (an old coppice with standard dominated by beech and oak). The exchange of soil cores between stands showed that under the « High nitrifying stands », root colonization was low and percent nitrification was quickly stimulated (<16 months). In « Low nitrifying stands », root colonization was very quick but percent nitrification decreased slowly (>28 months). Percent nitrification was quickly stimulated by clear felling of the native forest. Our results converge toward a strong influence of roots on the nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystems but it needs further efforts to identify the mechanism.
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Faulkner a pohyb: analýza pohybu v románu Hluk a zuřivost / Motion in Faulkner: An Analysis of Movement in The Sound and the FuryHesová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The Gothic is an extremely viable mode in the history of American literature. As a genre concerned principally with distortions and aberrations, it provides a platform for writers to voice their concerns about periods of transformation and destabilized boundaries. William Faulkner, one of the leading authors of the American South, frequently employs the Gothic mode in his portrayals of the South as a traumatized region trying to cope with the echoes of the Civil War and with the disintegration of old aristocratic values, which manifests itself in the decay of institutions (such as the family) as well as a collapse of individual minds. This emphasis on the human psyche is evident especially in the novel The Sound and the Fury, whose main characters and narrators are representatives of the various extremities of the human psyche (severe mental retardation, suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia and paranoia). Faulkner's use of the Gothic mode is rather unorthodox and innovative, employing inversions and parody which can be appropriately demonstrated by the category of motion and his use of the traditional Gothic devices and character types. The traditional motion patterns - flight and pursuit, quest and purposeless wandering - that are originally connected predominantly with only one Gothic type (the...
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