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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo experimental para ensaios de Flutter de uma seção típica aeroelástica / Experimental model for Flutter tests of a typical aeroelastic section

Eduardo Jesus Tavares 02 October 2009 (has links)
A aeroelasticidade é a ciência que estuda os fenômenos provenientes das interações entre forças aerodinâmicas, elásticas e inerciais. Estes fenômenos podem ser classificados como estáticos ou dinâmicos e estes divididos em problemas de estabilidade ou de resposta. Destaca-se aqui o flutter, um fenômeno aeroelástico dinâmico de estabilidade. A velocidade crítica de flutter é a fronteira entre a estabilidade e instabilidade de um sistema aeroelástico. Em velocidades menores que a crítica qualquer oscilação é amortecida ao longo do tempo. Na velocidade crítica o sistema aeroelástico apresenta oscilações auto excitadas com amplitude e frequência constantes. Acima da velocidade crítica verificam-se oscilações instáveis que resultam na falha de uma estrutura. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto, fabricação e testes de um modelo experimental para testes de flutter em túnel de vento. O modelo experimental é composto por uma asa rígida conectada a uma suspensão elástica que atribui dois graus de liberdade ao experimento. As características inerciais e elásticas do modelo experimental são determinadas e utilizadas em um modelo aeroelástico computacional. Este modelo utiliza as equações de movimento para uma seção típica combinadas com o modelo aerodinâmico não estacionário de Theodorsen. O método V-g é utilizado para a solução do problema de flutter, ou seja, determinação da velocidade crítica de flutter. Esta solução é confrontada com a velocidade crítica medida em ensaios em túnel de vento. A evolução aeroelástica do modelo experimental é medida e apresentada como respostas no domínio do tempo e da frequência. / Aeroelasticity is the science which studies the interaction among inertial, elastic, and aerodynamic forces. Aeroelastic phenomena can be divided in static and dynamic problems and these studied as problems of stability or response. Flutter is a dynamic aeroelastic problem of stability and one of the most representative topics of aeroelasticity. The critical flutter speed can be defined as the frontier between stability and instability. Below the critical speed vibrations are damped out as time proceeds. At the critical flutter speed the system presents a self-sustained oscillatory behavior with constant frequency and amplitude. Unstable oscillations are observed for speeds above the critical one leading to structural failure. The design, fabrication and tests of an experimental model for flutter tests in wind tunnels are presented in this work. The experimental model has a rigid wing connected to a flexible suspension that allows vibrations in two degrees of freedom. The elastic and inertial parameters of the experimental system are used in a computational aeroelastic model. The equations of motion for a typical aeroelastic section and an unsteady aerodynamic model given by Theodorsen are combined and the resulting aeroelastic equations are solved using the V-g method. The computational results are compared with the experimental critical flutter speed measured in wind tunnel tests. The experimental aeroelastic behavior with increasing airflow speed is given in time and frequency domain.

Acidente de trabalho típico : uma análise da binarização da culpa

Luz, Leonardo Del Puppo 31 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:41:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Del Puppo Luz.pdf: 1455810 bytes, checksum: dfe60a057696686186588bc512189d9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-31 / Accidents in the workplace have been a broadly discussed topic in society. The government registered 653,090 accidents in 2007. 414,785 (80,7%) of them happened during the working hours (called typical accidents). Facing these results, several public agencies are working hard to avoid this kind of accidents using some laws and decrees based on the Brazilian constitution from 1988. Each branch of these agencies seeks for solutions to decrease these accidents.These investigations, which took place in the state of Espírito Santo Brazil, analyzed common speeches and devices, specially the ones related to operations. This methodology can be blamed for two different reasons: in some cases the investigative tools affirm or even praise the insecure acts , in other cases the lack of attention when following the working security rules. The public agencies which were part of the research were: Ministério Público do Trabalho (Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho da 17ª Região) , Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego/ES) - both dealing with working matters and the Polícia Civil (Delegacia Especializada em Acidente de Trabalho) police branch specialized in accidents in the work place. Surveys and document analysis were ways proposed as source of data.As a result, the research seeks for the reasons to be blamed as cause of the accidents. It uses the Michel Foucault s concept of biopower as theoretical basis investigating the source of this guilt. As introduced by Deleuze a cartography building will used as methodology. The creation of a method that will be able to follow the analysis of these accidents made nowadays is the main challenge. Measurements must be taken in order not to represent only the studied cases. Considering this two ended blame, it is noticed that there are subjective mechanisms which ease the responsibility of the institutions present in the typical working accidents. Following the capitalist ideas, the fact that human beings are being treated as work force and economic resources only, makes the working place and this process as simple contingencies. / Contemporaneamente, os acidentes de trabalho típico ainda vêm se mantendo como uma temática extremamente relevante à malha social. A Previdência (INSS), em 2007, registrou 653.0901 acidentes de trabalho, 414.785 (80,7%) decorrentes da atividade do acidentado (acidente de trabalho típico). Diante do quadro estatístico, diversos órgãos públicos, de diferentes níveis organizacionais, têm se empenhado no enfrentamento das ocorrências caracterizadas como acidentes de trabalho típico. Buscam fazer uso do extenso leque de Decretos, Leis e Normas disponibilizado pelo aparelho Jurídico-Estatal o qual se respalda nas determinações contidas na Constituição Federal de 1988. Cada órgão, usando das atribuições legalmente atribuídas, procura produzir caminhos de intervenção cujo objetivo se norteia na produção de propostas que possam atenuar o plano de acontecimento dos acidentes. O trabalho ora apresentado almejou colocar em análise práticas, discursos e dispositivos que permeiam cotidianamente as investigações de determinados órgãos públicos no Estado do Espírito Santo quanto à ocorrência dos acidentes de trabalho típico, principalmente no que tange à operacionalização dos dispositivos conhecidos como inquérito. Essa metodologia investigativa parece se ratificar em duas direções de responsabilização dos acidentes: de um lado, modos de funcionamento investigativo que ora ratificam, ora enaltecem os atos inseguros ; do outro, as inobservâncias das Normas de Segurança do Trabalho. Os órgãos públicos que fizeram parte da pesquisa foram: o Ministério Público do Trabalho (Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho da 17ª Região), o Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego/ES) e a Polícia Civil (Delegacia Especializada em Acidente de Trabalho). Propõe a produção de dados para análise por meio de fontes orais (entrevistas) e documentais (procedimentos administrativos arquivados na PRT 17ª Região). Busca percorrer olhares e perspectivas que coloquem em análise a produção de verdades culpabilizadoras emergentes dessa bifurcação. Utiliza, para tanto, como aporte teórico-conceitual, o conceito-ferramenta de Biopoder, desenvolvido por Michel Foucault, e também de problematização da noção de inquérito, como instrumento legitimamente revelador das luzes que compõem e expõem a verdade dessa bifurcação da culpa. Como método, procura trilhar um percurso diferenciado: a construção de Uma Cartografia, conforme apresentado por Deleuze. É o desafio de constituir um método que possibilite o acompanhamento de processos de constituição das atuais análises investigativas dos eventos acidentários, e não a representação do objeto a ser estudado. Pondo em questão essa binarização da culpa, conclui que se processam mecanismos de subjetivação que parecem mitigar a importância dos atravessamentos/transversalidade de instituições que comparecem na constituição dos acidentes de trabalho típico. Na mesma direção, as formas de produção de subjetividade engendradas pelo capitalismo, na sua atual fase, parecem procura evitar a problematização do homem (nós) como força de trabalho, como utilidade econômica, fato que parece colocar o processo e o meio ambiente de trabalho como meras contingências

Georg Lukács e o espectro do realismo / Georg Lukács and the spectre of realism

Paula Alves Martins de Araújo 07 December 2015 (has links)
A partir dos anos 30, o filósofo húngaro Georg Lukács publica uma série de textos nos quais procura determinar o que é a literatura realista, atentando para seus desdobramentos no curso do desenvolvimento histórico. Afinal, dirá Lukács, a questão que se coloca é, justamente, compreender as importantes mudanças de estilo pelas quais passa o realismo, essa maneira especificamente artística de descobrir a realidade objetiva. Para Lukács, entretanto, tais mudanças não surgem a partir de uma dialética imanente das formas, por mais que se vinculem a formas do passado. A aposta teórica deste trabalho é a de que essa perspectiva sobre o realismo ganha um solo fértil, quando atentamos para o complexo de problemas evocado pela hostilidade do capitalismo às artes. Assumindo-o como nosso fio da meada, apresentamos então a leitura de Lukács sobre dois grandes autores realistas, Balzac e Tolstói, com destaque para as continuidades e diferenças entre eles. Nesse sentido, vem para o primeiro plano as considerações de Lukács sobre o típico, constituído de modo extremo, bem como a discussão em torno da incorporação de elementos dramáticos pelo romance, que já pode ser observada em Os anos de aprendizagem de Wilhelm Meister, de Goethe, e se torna fundamental nas obras de Balzac e Walter Scott. / From the 1930s onward, the Hungarian philosopher Georg Lukács published a series of texts in which he sought a definition for realism in literature, bearing in mind its historical consequences. For the matter, according to him, it was crucial to understand the important changes in style underwent by realism, a mode through which one is able to discover objective reality. For him, however, such changes do not appear out of an immanent dialectic of forms, even though they may be related to past forms. Our theoretical hypothesis in this research is that the perspective overcast on realism becomes productive once one is aware of the complexity of problems that the hostility of capitalism towards the arts engenders. Our train of thinking will be led by Lukácss readings of two major writers of realism, Balzac and Tolstoy, and the continuities and discontinuities among them. We will thus bring forth the philosophers considerations on typical, understood as an extreme form, as well as the debate surrounding the incorporation of dramatic elements into the novel, as can be seen in Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Apprenticeship, and more so in Balzacs and Walter Scotts writings.

Modernização capitalista e reprodução social da classe trabalhadora na periferia de Salvador/BA: o Pero Vaz e as formas e práticas derivadas da escravidão / Capitalist modernization and social reproduction of the working class on the outskirts of Salvador, Bahia: Pero Vaz and the forms and practices derived from slavery

James Amorim Araújo 25 October 2010 (has links)
Esta tese se propôs a pesquisar a reprodução social da classe trabalhadora na periferia da metrópole soteropolitana. O objetivo era compreender, no bojo do processo de modernização capitalista, o relacionamento entre as formas sociais de reprodução com as práticas da classe trabalhadora a partir de duas dimensões específicas: a do habitar e a do trabalho. Para tanto, buscamos dialogar com duas abordagens teóricas: a marxista de Henri Léfèbvre e a da resistência de Michel de Certeau. Este trabalho se compõe de cinco capítulos, além da introdução e considerações finais. No primeiro apresentamos nosso referencial teórico-metodológico. No segundo e terceiro capítulos são descritas as formas e práticas de reprodução da classe trabalhadora, respectivamente, nos níveis espaciais da cidade e do bairro. O quarto capítulo é o dedicado à análise formal do objeto. Enquanto no quinto a análise é de caráter dialético. Concluímos que parte significativa da reprodução da classe trabalhadora na periferia ocorre através de formas e práticas derivadas da escravidão, porque é uma condição necessária e contraditória da modernização capitalista típica em nossa formação social. / This thesis set out to investigate the social reproduction of working class in the outskirts of the city of Salvador. The goal was to understand in the middle of the process of capitalist modernization, the relationship between social forms of reproduction with the practices of the working class through two specific dimensions: that of dwelling and of the work. To do so, we tried to dialogue with two theoretical approaches: the Marxist of Henri Lefebvre and the resistance of Michel de Certeau. This work consists of five chapters, plus introduction and closing remarks. At first we present our theoretical method. In the second and third chapters the forms and practices of reproduction of the working class are describing, respectively, in the space levels of the city and neighborhood. The fourth chapter is devoted to formal analysis of the object. While in the fifth analysis is dialectical. We conclude that a significant proportion of the reproduction of the working class in the outskirts occurs through forms and practices derived from slavery because it is a necessary and contradictory condition of the typical capitalist modernization in our social formation.

Caracterização físico-química, compostos fenólicos majoritários da fruta e atividade antioxidante da geléia de cambuci (campomanesia phaea O. Berg.) / Physicochemical characterization, major phenolic compounds of fruit and antioxidant activity of jam cambuci

Bagetti, Milena, 1983- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Alexandre Prado / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T21:32:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bagetti_Milena_D.pdf: 1465509 bytes, checksum: 5b6272cea8cf4d57c901fbd9188d205d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Doutorado / Ciência de Alimentos / Doutora em Ciência de Alimentos

Exploring the Relationship between Imitation and Social Communication in Infants

Hanika, Leslie 17 July 2014 (has links)
This study examined the relationship between emergent imitation skills and social communication skills in 15 to 18 month old infants, using a quantitative correlational research design. Imitation skills are an index of later social cognition and language development, and a critical mechanism in language learning for typically developing children. Social communication skills in this age predict later language skills. The relationship between imitation and social communication is poorly understood in infants. This study looked at the relationship between imitation and social communication at their emergence. This study included 30 typically developing infants, whose participation was volunteered by their parents. They were recruited through posters and word-of-mouth in communities in the Pacific Northwest. Infants’ imitation behaviors were measured using the Motor Imitation Scale (Stone, Ousley, & Littleford, 1997), and their social communication skills were measured using the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales- Developmental Profile (Wetherby & Prizant, 2002). This study used a naturalistic observation model so the one-hour play sessions took place in the infants' homes. Sessions were digitally recorded for later scoring and analysis. This study demonstrated a concurrent and predictive relationship between imitation and language understanding in this age group. The study suggests that imitation is an important variable in early language acquisition that needs further study, and needs to be addressed when assessing prelinguistic child development. The study suggests that imitation skills should be fostered early on and provides evidence-based methods for facilitating imitation and language development. / Graduate / 0525 / 0518 / 0620 / 0460 / lhanika@uvic.ca

The Effect of Prenatal Auditory Enrichment on Perceptual Narrowing in Bobwhite Quail Neonates

O'Dowd, Briana 10 October 2014 (has links)
The development of species-typical perceptual preferences has been shown to depend on a variety of socially and ecologically derived sensory stimulation during both the pre- and postnatal periods. The prominent mechanism behind the development of these seemingly innate tendencies in young organisms has been hypothesized to be a domain-general pan-sensory selectivity process referred to as perceptual narrowing, whereby regularly experienced sensory stimuli are honed in upon, while simultaneously losing the ability to effectively discriminate between atypical or unfamiliar sensory stimulation. Previous work with precocial birds has been successful in preventing the development of species-typical perceptual preferences by denying the organism typical levels of social and/or self-produced stimulation. The current series of experiments explored the mechanism of perceptual narrowing to assess the malleability of a species-typical auditory preference in avian embryos. By providing a variety of different unimodal and bimodal presentations of a mixed-species vocalizations at the onset of prenatal auditory function, the following project aimed to 1) keep the perceptual window from narrowing, thereby interfering with the development of a species-typical auditory preference, 2) investigate how long differential prenatal stimulation can keep the perceptual window open postnatally, 3) explore how prenatal auditory enrichment effected preferences for novelty, and 4) assess whether prenatal auditory perceptual narrowing is affected by modality specific or amodal stimulus properties during early development. Results indicated that prenatal auditory enrichment significantly interferes with the emergence of a species-typical auditory preference and increases openness to novelty, at least temporarily. After accruing postnatal experience in an environment rich with species-typical auditory and multisensory cues, the effect of prenatal auditory enrichment rapidly was found to rapidly fade. Prenatal auditory enrichment with extraneous non-synchronous light exposure was shown to both keep the perceptual narrowing window open and impede learning in the postnatal environment, following hatching. Results are discussed in light of the role experience plays in perceptual narrowing during the perinatal period.

Riziko chudoby v ČR / The Risk of Poverty in the Czech Republic

Taliánová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The task of my diploma thesis which I wrote on the topic: The risk of poverty in Czech Republic, is to search for typical factors that can be considered as "risky" due to their impact to households income. The work is mainly focused on analysis of the situation in the Czech republic, compared to other member countries of the European Union. I focused in bigger detail for selected factors, such as the progress of the gross domestic product, inflation, unemployment, health status of population, education, risk of households from the view of the monetar poverty, material deprivation or social exclusion


Lauffer, William Harmon 13 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examined the relationship between personality, individual values, work values and conditions of performance. The objective of this study was to determine what motivational constructs predict a smaller differential between performance outcomes under typical conditions of performance versus maximum conditions of performance. This study examined four research questions. 1) Is there a relationship between personality traits and conditions of performance? 2) Is there a relationship between individual values and conditions of performance? 3) Is there a relationship between work values and conditions of performance? 4) Which of the overall relationships are more highly correlated? Sackett et al. (1988) characterized maximum performance as evidenced when three conditions are met: 1) there must be explicit awareness that one is being evaluated, 2) there must be awareness of and acceptance of implicit or explicit instructions to maximize effort, and 3) performance must be measured over a short enough duration that the performer's attention remains focused on achieving maximum performance. Conversely, typical performance would be characterized by situations in which individuals were not cognizant of any performance evaluation, were not attempting to perform to the best of their ability, and in which performance was monitored over an extended period of time (Sackett et al., 1988). In this study, FFM personality traits of were proposed to correlate with a differential in performance outcomes between the two conditions of performance. Similarly, individual values of conformity, stimulation, hedonism, benevolence and achievement were proposed to correlate with a similar differential in performance. A specific set of work Values drawn from the Protestant Work Ethic were also proposed to correlate with a performance differential. The results of this research suggested performance outcomes do significantly vary under each performance condition, but that the results are highly correlated (.620 with p-value < .05). Individuals who perform at a superior level under conditions of typical performance also perform at a higher level under conditions of maximum performance as well. The study did not find support for the expected relationships between personality traits, individual values or work values and outcomes between conditions of typical and maximum performance.

Exploration du discours dans le vieillissement typique et la maladie d'Alzheimer : liens avec les modifications neurocognitives sous-jacentes / Discourse investigation in typical aging and Alzheimer's disease in relation with neurocognitive changes

Pistono, Aurélie 30 May 2017 (has links)
Le langage demeure préservé des effets du vieillissement mais précocement atteint dans la Maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Le discours, en mobilisant l'ensemble des fonctions cognitives, pourrait mettre en évidence davantage de difficultés. Ce travail vise à analyser des productions de patients et de participants âgés typiques en lien avec les changements cognitifs et cérébraux. Une étude s'est intéressée à la production de discours portant sur des événements personnellement vécus. Une deuxième visait à comparer ce type de discours à un discours sur support imagé. Les résultats montrent que les difficultés rencontrées lors d'un discours d'événements vécus seraient corrélées à l'atteinte mnésique des patients. A l'inverse, elles seraient associées à l'atteinte exécutive et lexicale dans un discours imagé. Une dernière étude s'est focalisée sur la variabilité existant chez les participants âgés "typiques". Une analyse en cluster a montré quatre profils de locuteurs, dont un profil "hors-sujet" qui pourrait refléter une zone ambiguë entre vieillissement normal et pathologique. Ce travail pointe des marqueurs de MA prodromale, en lien avec les modifications cognitives et cérébrales. Certaines difficultés seraient liées à une atteinte mnésique ou exécutive indépendamment de l'altération langagière. / Language is the most preserved cognitive function from the effects of aging. Unlike typical aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by an early impairment. Analysis of discourse may reveal more difficulties than other tests since it mobilizes a large set of cognitive functions. This work aims to analyze various discourses in AD patients and participants with typical aging, in relation to various cognitive tests as well as neuroimaging data. One study focused on a memory-based discourse. A second study compared a memory-based and in a picture-based discourse. Patients' difficulties were correlated on one hand with memory impairment in the memory-based discourse and on the second hand with lexical-executive impairment in the picture-based discourse. A final study focused on discourse variability in the general aging population. A cluster analysis revealed four profiles of speakers. Among them, an "off-topic" profile could reflect a grey zone between normal and pathological aging. This work allowed us to shed light on deficit markers and compensatory strategies in prodromal AD, in relation with cognitive and cerebral changes. In particular, many difficulties may actually be related to memory or executive impairment, regardless of a language alteration.

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