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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gas flow through shale

Sakhaee-Pour, Ahmad 14 November 2013 (has links)
The growing demand for energy provides an incentive to pursue unconventional resources. Among these resources, tight gas and shale gas reservoirs have gained significant momentum because recent advances in technology allowed us to produce them at an economical rate. More importantly, they seem likely to contain a significant volume of hydrocarbon. There are, however, many questions concerning hydrocarbon production from these unconventional resources. For instance, in tight gas sandstone, we observe a significant variability in the producibilities of wells in the same field. The heterogeneity is even present in a single well with changes in depth. It is not clear what controls this heterogeneity. In shale gas, the pore connectivity inside the void space is not well explored and hence, a representative pore model is not available. Further, the effects of an adsorbed layer of gas and gas slippage on shale permeability are poorly understood. These effects play a crucial role in assigning a realistic permeability for shale in-situ from a laboratory measurement. In the laboratory, in contrast to in-situ, the core sample lacks the adsorbed layer because the permeability measurements are typically conducted at small pore pressures. Moreover, the gas slippages in laboratory and in-situ conditions are not identical. The present study seeks to investigate these discrepancies. Drainage and imbibition are sensitive to pore connectivity and unconventional gas transport is strongly affected by the connectivity. Hence, there is a strong interest in modeling mercury intrusion capillary pressure (MICP) test because it provides valuable information regarding the pore connectivity. In tight gas sandstone, the main objective of this research is to find a relationship between the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) and the petrophysical properties measured by drainage/imbibition tests (mercury intrusion, withdrawal, and porous plate) and by resistivity analyses. As a measure of gas likely to be trapped in the matrix during production---and hence a proxy for EUR---we use the ratio of residual mercury saturation after mercury withdrawal (S[subscript gr]) to initial mercury saturation (S[subscript gi]), which is the saturation at the start of withdrawal. Crucially, a multiscale pore-level model is required to explain mercury intrusion capillary pressure measurements in these rocks. The multiscale model comprises a conventional network model and a tree-like pore structure (an acyclic network) that mimic the intergranular (macroporosity) and intragranular (microporosity) void spaces, respectively. Applying the multiscale model to porous plate data, we classify the pore spaces of rocks into macro-dominant, intermediate, and micro-dominant. These classes have progressively less drainage/imbibition hysteresis, which leads to the prediction that significantly more hydrocarbon is recoverable from microporosity than macroporosity. Available field data (production logs) corroborate the higher producibility of the microporosity. The recovery of hydrocarbon from micro-dominant pore structure is superior despite its inferior initial production (IP). Thus, a reservoir or a region in which the fraction of microporosity varies spatially may show only a weak correlation between IP and EUR. In shale gas, we analyze the pore structure of the matrix using mercury intrusion data to provide a more realistic model of pore connectivity. In the present study, we propose two pore models: dead-end pores and Nooks and Crannies. In the first model, the void space consists of many dead-end pores with circular pore throats. The second model supposes that the void space contains pore throats with large aspect ratios that are connected through the rock. We analyze both the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the shale and the effect of confining stress on the pore size distribution obtained from the mercury intrusion test to decide which pore model is representative of the in-situ condition. We conclude that the dead-end pores model is more representative. In addition, we study the effects of adsorbed layers of CH₄ and of gas slippage in pore walls on the flow behavior in individual conduits of simple geometry and in networks of such conduits. The network is based on the SEM image and drainage experiment in shale. To represent the effect of adsorbed gas, the effective size of each throat in the network depends on the pressure. The hydraulic conductance of each throat is determined based on the Knudsen number (Kn) criterion. The results indicate that laboratory measurements made with N₂ at ambient temperature and 5-MPa pressure, which is typical for the transient pulse decay method, overestimate the gas permeability in the early life of production by a factor of 4. This ratio increases if the measurement is run at ambient conditions because the low pressure enhances the slippage and reduces the thickness of the adsorbed layer. Moreover, the permeability increases nonlinearly as the in-situ pressure decreases during production. This effect contributes to mitigating the decline in production rates of shale gas wells. Laboratory data available in the literature for methane permeability at pressures below 7 MPa agree with model predictions of the effect of pressure. / text

Protein functionality in turkey meat

Chan, Jacky Tin Yan Unknown Date
No description available.


Studer, Ryan Paul 01 January 2012 (has links)
Plate girders are fabricated in situations where standard structural shapes do not possess the required strength necessary to carry applied loads. In many instances, plate girders are tapered so that the resistance to bending is proportional to the bending moment, creating cost effective, aesthetically pleasing structures. The AISC 2010 Specifications accurately predict the flexural capacity of tapered plate girders but recent research has suggested that the required shear strength is overly conservative. The researchers postulate that the required shear strength is overly conservative due to an effect known as modified shear that has been neglected from the AISC 2010 Specifications but has been suggested by several authors. This research investigates both analytically and experimentally, tapered member ultimate shear strength considering a “modified” and “unmodified” applied shear approach. A new design formula introduced by Lee et al. (2008) will be used in conjunction with the AISC 2010 Specification in making ultimate shear strength comparisons. A total of 12 specimens are tested to failure, ten tapered and two prismatic built-up plate girders.

<i>Ultimate frisbee</i> como práctica no convencional en la ciudad de La Plata

Rojas Correal, Julio Yadilton January 2014 (has links)
El Ultimate Frisbee, es una práctica que se desarrolla por equipos de siete jugadores, donde el objetivo es marcar gol recibiendo un disco en una zona de anotación sin haberlo dejado caer tras una serie de pases entre los integrantes de un equipo. Las dimensiones de la cancha son de 100 metros de largo por 37 de ancho y las zonas de gol son opuestas una de la otra en cada extremo del espacio de juego, como lo es en la mayoría de los deportes de conjunto. Un partido empieza con un “pull” o saque inicial por parte de un equipo lanzándole el disco al contrincante, quien lo recibirá y hará pases consecutivos sin dejar caer el disco al suelo o que un contrincante lo intercepte. Cada jugador tiene 10 segundos para realizar un pase después de haberlo recibido, tiempo en el cual no puede correr con el disco, solamente pivotear y amagar hasta lanzarlo a un compañero. De esta manera van avanzando hasta lograr el objetivo que es marcar gol. El Ultimate Frisbee es una práctica con un alto componente ético. Las reglas se encuentran institucionalizadas a nivel mundial bajo el nombre: “Espíritu de juego”, el cual garantiza derechos y deberes de los jugadores para lograr un desarrollo óptimo de la práctica ya que esta es auto-arbitrada. De este modo, esta investigación siguió una línea interpretativa. Para así poder comprender los intereses, motivaciones y sentidos atribuidos a la práctica del Ultimate por parte de los integrantes del grupo platense. El fair play desarrollado en el Ultimate, establece códigos de comportamiento por los propios jugadores, a partir de valores de camaradería implícitos en el reglamento. El respeto y la ética se hacen permanentes en todos los momentos lúdicos del Ultimate. Las relaciones establecidas entre los jugadores, responden y dan cuenta del “Espíritu de Juego” que es la base teórica e institucional de esta práctica. Las tensiones que genera esta práctica, la colocan entre lo deportivo y lo lúdico (recreativo). Su desarrollo no solo a nivel mundial, sino en el ámbito local genera múltiples interpretaciones desde la mirada y análisis que se le otorgue. Por tal motivo la pregunta de investigación fue: ¿Cómo se desarrolla el Ultimate Frisbee como práctica que tensiona los dispositivos tradicionales de las concepciones éticas, reglamentarias y cívicas del deporte? A partir de lo anterior, es que desde la interpretación y observación de todos los sujetos del Ultimate, se buscó evidenciar el sentido e importancia que le dan sus practicantes ética y competitivamente a la práctica, determinando así los aspectos que tensionan los dispositivos tradicionales de lo que es y no es deporte.

Application Of The Wave Equation Analysis To Pile Driving

Oranc, Nazire Zeynep 01 June 1990 (has links) (PDF)
The methods of analysis used to determine ultimate bearing capacity of piles are applied to a field case in Turkey. During the pile driving works of the Atat&uuml / rk Culture Center in Samsun, Delmag D22-13 and Delmag D-15 diesel pile driving hammers have been used. The ultimate bearing capacity and skin friction values calculated using static formulas have been given as input to the wave equation pile analysis program FADWAVE written by J.E.Bowles. The analytical method used in this program was based on the wave propagation in solids originated in 1962 by E.A.L.Smith. The results obtained from the program are compared with each other.

Protein functionality in turkey meat

Chan, Jacky Tin Yan 06 1900 (has links)
Turkey with pale, soft, exudative (PSE)-like condition is one of the growing concerns in the poultry industry as it affects meat quality due to low ultimate pH at 24 h post mortem (pH24). Hence, there is a need for better utilization of PSE-like meat for the preparation of further processed products. In the first two studies, the biochemical, functional, rheological, and textural properties of proteins in turkey breast meat with different pH24 in fresh and frozen conditions were investigated. These studies revealed that low and normal pH meat had similar properties indicating similar extent of protein denaturation, except for lower water holding capacity (WHC) in low pH meat. High pH meat had similar or better functional properties than normal pH meat. In the third study, improvements in WHC, protein solubility, and gel forming ability of low pH meat was achieved by the application of high pressure processing (HPP). / Food Science and Technology

Inför döden är vi alla olika : En undersökning av diskurser om värde som upprätthållare av social distinktioni Katha Upanishad och Phaedo

Günther, Axel January 2018 (has links)
The Katha Upanishad and Plato’s Phaedo are two texts are both part of a philosophical and religious canon that form existential cornerstones in two respective systems of thought. Both texts claim to be formulations of eternal and unchangeable truths, a claim that to a considerable extent has been accepted historically. Furthermore, they show striking similarities as to how they express views of ultimate value. The parallels that can be drawn between these texts do not end there, however. This essay argues that the central message in both texts served an additional function: That of beneficially affecting the hierarchic position of the authors in their respective societies. Conceptualising their historical contexts as fields of power in the manner of modern sociology applied historically, the following essay will analyse the two texts in the light of established strategies for elevating, upholding and defending one´s position in society. The analysis shows that these strategies in all probability had a relevant role in the shaping of both texts.

Análise comparativa dos fatores influentes na tensão última de protensão em cabos aderentes e não aderentes / Comparative analysis on the influent factors in the ultimate stress in bonded and unbonded tendons

Monteiro, Tiago Carvalho Leite January 2008 (has links)
A protensão não-aderente caracteriza-se pela liberdade de deslocamento relativo entre o cabo de protensão e a fibra de concreto adjacente. A tensão na armadura de protensão no estado limite último é de difícil obtenção, não sendo dependente apenas das deformações em uma determinada seção transversal, mas sendo função de todas as deformações que ocorrem no concreto adjacente ao perfil de protensão. Para que seja obtida a tensão última, é necessária a integração das curvaturas ao longo de todo o elemento a fim de se obter o alongamento no cabo de protensão, o que se consegue com precisão apenas recorrendo-se a ferramentas numéricas, devido às não-linearidades físicas envolvidas no problema. O método construtivo com protensão não aderente vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado na execução de edifícios no Brasil. O principal sistema de protensão não aderente é o que utiliza a mono-cordoalha engraxada e plastificada, que alia os benefícios da protensão e a simplicidade necessária às obras moldadas no local. Apesar disso, não há no Brasil um volume de pesquisa sobre o comportamento dos elementos com protensão não aderente, compatível com a demanda da indústria da construção civil. Visando contribuir para o desenvolvimento das formulações nacionais de projeto dos elementos com protensão não aderente, o presente trabalho é a continuação de uma pesquisa que vem sendo realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil – PPGEC/UFRGS, a qual foi iniciada com a implementação de um modelo numérico capaz de analisar elementos com protensão não aderente e seguida de uma análise paramétrica sobre as principais variáveis que influenciam na tensão última na armadura de protensão. O trabalho que ora se apresenta traçou uma correlação entre os resultados não-aderentes obtidos da análise paramétrica com resultados aderentes, os quais são de mais fácil obtenção, pois se baseiam na compatibilidade de deformações na seção transversal. Foram feitas análises numéricas e analíticas com aderência dos mesmos protótipos estudados anteriormente sem aderência. Os resultados obtidos mostraram incrementos de tensão maiores no caso aderente, bem como maiores capacidades portantes. Estudou-se também uma metodologia capaz de computar a tensão última na armadura não aderente com análises do tipo compatibilidade de deformações, com a utilização de um coeficiente Lo/L redutor de aderência. Os resultados iniciais mostraram-se bons para carregamento nos terços, mas insatisfatórios para carregamentos distribuído e concentrado. Através de um ajuste no coeficiente Lo/L baseando-se nos dados da pesquisa precedente, bons resultados foram obtidos para todos os tipos de carregamento. A metodologia apresentada foi validada pela comparação com diferentes protótipos analisados numericamente, bem como protótipos ensaiados experimentalmente por diversos autores. / Unbonded post-tensioning is characterized for allowing relative displacement between the tendon and the concrete adjacent fiber. The ultimate stress in the unbonded tendon is difficult to be obtained, because it is not only dependent on the deformed shape of a cross section, but on the whole deformations occurring in the tendon profile adjacent concrete. To evaluate this ultimate stress, it is necessary to integrate all curvatures along the whole element, in order to obtain the total tendon elongation. This can only be precisely obtained using numerical tools, due to the non-linear factors involved in the problem. Unbonded post-tensioning is becoming ever more used in Brazilian building construction. The main unbonded post-tensioning system uses the unbonded mono-strand, that joins the benefits of prestressing with the necessary building simplicity. Nevertheless, there is no research effort in Brazil compatible with the construction industry demand. This study seeks to contribute to the development of the national formulations design of unbonded posttensioning elements. This work is a continuation of a research being undertaken at PPGEC/UFRGS. A numerical model able to determine the behavior of unbonded posttensioned elements was first developed, followed by a parametric study about the main parameters influencing the ultimate stress in unbonded tendons. The present work traced a correlation between the results for unbonded elements, obtained from the parametric analysis, with results for bonded elements. The latter are easily obtained, because they are based on the compatibility of strains in the cross section. Numerical and analytical calculations were performed for the same prototypes studied in the previous research, but now considering the existence of bond in the tendons. The results showed greater increments in stress for the bonded cases and also greater ultimate resistance. It was also devised a calculation method able to determine the ultimate stress in the unbonded tendon using an analysis similar to strain compatibility, but with a reduction bond coefficient Lo/L. The initial results obtained for a third-point loading showed a good agreement, but that not happened for the results of distributed and concentrated loads. However, by an adjustment of the Lo/L coefficient, based on the data of the previous research, good agreement was observed for all loading types. The presented methodology was validated by comparing results with other prototypes analyzed by the numerical model, and also results of experimental studies carried out by several authors.

Sintonia de controladores PID descentralizados baseada no método do ponto crítico

Campestrini, Lucíola January 2006 (has links)
Controladores PID são largamente utilizados no controle de processos industriais, tanto em sistemas monovariáveis como em sistemas multivariáveis. No entanto, muitos dos controladores encontrados na indústria são mal sintonizados. Um dos métodos mais simples de sintonia de controladores PID consiste em identificar algumas grandezas, as quais se relacionam com características do processo a controlar, e em seguida aplicar fórmulas para os parâmetros dos controladores baseadas nestas grandezas. Estas grandezas são o ganho e o período críticos do processo, os quais se relacionam diretamente com o limite de estabilidade do sistema. Uma característica bastante interessante deste método é que o mesmo pode facilmente ser implementado por um controle auto-ajustável. Por este fato, métodos de auto-ajuste destes controladores têm sido bastante utilizados em sistemas monovariáveis, através do uso do método do relé como procedimento de obtenção das grandezas críticas, necessárias à sintonia dos controladores. O método do relé consiste em aplicar um controle bang-bang em malha fechada com o processo do qual se quer identificar as grandezas críticas. Este procedimento, dentro de certas condições, provoca uma oscilação sustentada na saída do processo, da qual as grandezas críticas são obtidas. Tendo como objetivo o auto-ajuste de controladores PID em sistemas multivariáveis, o método do relé também pode ser utilizado para obtenção das grandezas críticas, devidamente adequado de maneira a obter as grandezas críticas multivariáveis do processo. Diferentes procedimentos de ensaios com relés podem ser aplicados em sistemas multivariáveis, porém somente um destes procedimentos é capaz de identificar as grandezas críticas multivariáveis do processo diretamente: o ensaio descentralizado com relés. Mesmo assim, a sintonia proposta na literatura é baseada nas fórmulas monovariáveis de Ziegler-Nichols e afins, mostrando-se, muitas vezes, inadequada. Desta forma, este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar um método de ajuste multivariável para controladores PID descentralizados, baseado nas grandezas críticas do processo. Este método estende o método do ponto crítico para sistemas monovariáveis aos sistemas multivariáveis, através da análise multivariável do problema. A análise do método do ponto crítico para sistemas monovariáveis mostra que um controlador PI ou PID sintonizado pelas fórmulas baseadas nas grandezas críticas do processo sempre irá deslocar o ponto crítico do processo para um outro ponto no plano complexo, determinado pelas fórmulas utilizadas. Da mesma forma, o método de sintonia proposto neste trabalho desloca o ponto crítico do processo para outro ponto no plano complexo, escolhido a priori, alterando a freqüência crítica do sistema. / PID controllers are widely used in process control, in singlevariable systems as well as in multivariable ones. Yet, many of the controllers found in industry are poorly tuned. One of the simplest tuning method of PID controllers consists in identifying some values which are related to the process characteristics, and simply apply some formulae based on these quantities to determine the parameters of the controllers. Theses quantities are the ultimate gain and the ultimate period of the process, which are directly related to the system stability limit. A very interesting characteristic of this method is that it is easily implemented by an auto-tuning control. Thus, auto-tuning methods of this kind of controllers have been largely used in singlevariable systems, using the relay feedback experiment in order to obtain the ultimate quantities, which are needed to tune the controllers. The relay feedback experiment consists in applying a bang-bang control to the process from which the ultimate quantities are to be identified. This procedure, under some conditions, provides a sustained oscillation in the process’ output, from which the ultimate quantities are obtained. Aiming at auto-tuning of PID controllers in multivariable systems, the relay feedback experiment can also be used in order to get the ultimate quantities. Different relay feedback procedures can be applied to multivariable processes, but only one of these can identify the real multivariable ultimate quantities, formally considering the multivariable nature of the process: the decentralized relay feedback (DRF). However, the tuning of the controllers proposed in the literature is based on Ziegler-Nichols like formulae, what seems to be, many times, inappropriate. This work presents a multivariable tuning method of decentralized PID controllers, based on the process’ ultimate quantities. This method extends the ultimate point method used in SISO systems to multivariable ones, through multivariable analysis of the problem. The analysis of the ultimate point method used in singlevariable systems shows that a PI or PID controller tuned through formulae based on the process’ ultimate quantities will always dislocate the ultimate point to another point in the complex plane, determined by the used formulae. The tuning method proposed in this work dislocates the process’ ultimate point of a multivariable process to another point in the complex plane, chosen a priori, modifying the system’s ultimate frequency.

Análise comparativa dos fatores influentes na tensão última de protensão em cabos aderentes e não aderentes / Comparative analysis on the influent factors in the ultimate stress in bonded and unbonded tendons

Monteiro, Tiago Carvalho Leite January 2008 (has links)
A protensão não-aderente caracteriza-se pela liberdade de deslocamento relativo entre o cabo de protensão e a fibra de concreto adjacente. A tensão na armadura de protensão no estado limite último é de difícil obtenção, não sendo dependente apenas das deformações em uma determinada seção transversal, mas sendo função de todas as deformações que ocorrem no concreto adjacente ao perfil de protensão. Para que seja obtida a tensão última, é necessária a integração das curvaturas ao longo de todo o elemento a fim de se obter o alongamento no cabo de protensão, o que se consegue com precisão apenas recorrendo-se a ferramentas numéricas, devido às não-linearidades físicas envolvidas no problema. O método construtivo com protensão não aderente vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado na execução de edifícios no Brasil. O principal sistema de protensão não aderente é o que utiliza a mono-cordoalha engraxada e plastificada, que alia os benefícios da protensão e a simplicidade necessária às obras moldadas no local. Apesar disso, não há no Brasil um volume de pesquisa sobre o comportamento dos elementos com protensão não aderente, compatível com a demanda da indústria da construção civil. Visando contribuir para o desenvolvimento das formulações nacionais de projeto dos elementos com protensão não aderente, o presente trabalho é a continuação de uma pesquisa que vem sendo realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil – PPGEC/UFRGS, a qual foi iniciada com a implementação de um modelo numérico capaz de analisar elementos com protensão não aderente e seguida de uma análise paramétrica sobre as principais variáveis que influenciam na tensão última na armadura de protensão. O trabalho que ora se apresenta traçou uma correlação entre os resultados não-aderentes obtidos da análise paramétrica com resultados aderentes, os quais são de mais fácil obtenção, pois se baseiam na compatibilidade de deformações na seção transversal. Foram feitas análises numéricas e analíticas com aderência dos mesmos protótipos estudados anteriormente sem aderência. Os resultados obtidos mostraram incrementos de tensão maiores no caso aderente, bem como maiores capacidades portantes. Estudou-se também uma metodologia capaz de computar a tensão última na armadura não aderente com análises do tipo compatibilidade de deformações, com a utilização de um coeficiente Lo/L redutor de aderência. Os resultados iniciais mostraram-se bons para carregamento nos terços, mas insatisfatórios para carregamentos distribuído e concentrado. Através de um ajuste no coeficiente Lo/L baseando-se nos dados da pesquisa precedente, bons resultados foram obtidos para todos os tipos de carregamento. A metodologia apresentada foi validada pela comparação com diferentes protótipos analisados numericamente, bem como protótipos ensaiados experimentalmente por diversos autores. / Unbonded post-tensioning is characterized for allowing relative displacement between the tendon and the concrete adjacent fiber. The ultimate stress in the unbonded tendon is difficult to be obtained, because it is not only dependent on the deformed shape of a cross section, but on the whole deformations occurring in the tendon profile adjacent concrete. To evaluate this ultimate stress, it is necessary to integrate all curvatures along the whole element, in order to obtain the total tendon elongation. This can only be precisely obtained using numerical tools, due to the non-linear factors involved in the problem. Unbonded post-tensioning is becoming ever more used in Brazilian building construction. The main unbonded post-tensioning system uses the unbonded mono-strand, that joins the benefits of prestressing with the necessary building simplicity. Nevertheless, there is no research effort in Brazil compatible with the construction industry demand. This study seeks to contribute to the development of the national formulations design of unbonded posttensioning elements. This work is a continuation of a research being undertaken at PPGEC/UFRGS. A numerical model able to determine the behavior of unbonded posttensioned elements was first developed, followed by a parametric study about the main parameters influencing the ultimate stress in unbonded tendons. The present work traced a correlation between the results for unbonded elements, obtained from the parametric analysis, with results for bonded elements. The latter are easily obtained, because they are based on the compatibility of strains in the cross section. Numerical and analytical calculations were performed for the same prototypes studied in the previous research, but now considering the existence of bond in the tendons. The results showed greater increments in stress for the bonded cases and also greater ultimate resistance. It was also devised a calculation method able to determine the ultimate stress in the unbonded tendon using an analysis similar to strain compatibility, but with a reduction bond coefficient Lo/L. The initial results obtained for a third-point loading showed a good agreement, but that not happened for the results of distributed and concentrated loads. However, by an adjustment of the Lo/L coefficient, based on the data of the previous research, good agreement was observed for all loading types. The presented methodology was validated by comparing results with other prototypes analyzed by the numerical model, and also results of experimental studies carried out by several authors.

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