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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La question de la bonne gouvernance et des réalités sociopolitiques en Afrique : le cas de la Côte d'Ivoire

Zadi, Jonas 18 February 2013 (has links)
Après une analyse sémantique de la notion de Bonne Gouvernance, afin d'éclairer le sens de cette notion assez complexe, notion dont les origines remontent à une époque assez lointaine. Ce principe, qui s'est construit à travers les siècles, a d'abord concerné le monde des entreprises, avant d'envahir le champ de la politique, dans la quête de la meilleure gestion des affaires publiques, afin de satisfaire au mieux les affaires de l'Etat. En tant que thérapie, mise en place par les institutions internationales, afin de sortir les Etats africains, souvent corrompus, du tunnel de la misère et du sous-développement, elle s'est révélée inefficace. La bonne gouvernance dans sa mise en place, en Afrique et en Côte d'ivoire, fait face à un monde où le jeu politique est influencé par des liens claniques, familiaux, tribaux… qui mettent l'intérêt des groupes au dessus de l'intérêt général, engendrant une déliquescence de l'Etat, avec une absence d'éthique , de responsabilité , de clarté dans la prise de décision, dans des sociétés où la quête de la démocratie est marquée du sceau de la démagogie, avec une prime accordée à l'opacité dans la gestion des affaires publiques. Cette quête d'efficacité est contrebalancée par le poids des traditions et des pratiques inhérentes au monde du tiers-monde, choses qui rendent la gestion des affaires publiques difficilement efficace. Cependant, le champ politique n'échappe pas à l'emprise du monde extérieur, qui influence les prises de décisions, avec des acteurs publics souvent soumis aux injonctions de ce monde capitaliste, dans un monde marqué du sceau de la globalisation et de la mondialisation. / After a semantic analysis of the notion of Good Governance, to light the sense of this complex notion, notion the origins of which go back up to a rather distant time. This principle, which built itself through centuries, concerned at first the world of companies, before invading the field of the politics, in the quest of the best management of the public affairs, to satisfy at best the affairs of the State. As therapy, organized by the international institutions, to bring out the African states, often corrupted States, of the tunnel of the poverty and the underdevelopment, it showed itself ineffective. The good governance in its implementation, in Africa and in Ivory Coast, faces a world where the political game set, is influenced by clan, family, tribal links, which put the interest of the groups above the general interest, engendering a decay of the State, with an absence of ethics, responsibility of brightness in the decision-making, in the societies where the quest of the democracy is marked with the seal of the demagoguery, with a premium granted to the opacity in the management of the public affairs. This quest of efficiency is counterbalanced by the weight of the traditions and the practices inherent to the world of the Third World, the things which return the with difficulty effective management of the public affairs. However, the political arena does not escape the influence of the outside world, which influences decision-making, with public actors often subjected to the orders of this capitalist world, in a world marked with the seal of the globalization and with the globalization.

Estado, acumulação de capital e subdesenvolvimento no Brasil (1930-1980). / State, accumulation of capital and underdevelopment in Brazil (1930-1980).

Milan, Marcelo 27 September 2002 (has links)
O objetivo da dissertação é analisar as relações entre Estado e acumulação de capital no Brasil no período compreendido entre 1930 e 1980. Em particular, o trabalho procura mostrar como a evolução econômica, apesar de ampliar a capacidade produtiva e proporcionar rápido crescimento, não conduziu o país ao desenvolvimento, entendido como elevação generalizada e universal do nível de bem-estar econômico e social. Sendo o Estado o principal articulador das estratégias de acumulação no período, reside na própria natureza do Estado em uma sociedade capitalista uma das razões para o subdesenvolvimento do país, na medida em que a riqueza mundial se encontra restringida pela própria dinâmica da economia mundial capitalista. / The main concern of this dissertation is to analyse the relationship between State and capital accumulation in Brazil in the period 1930 to 1980. The work seeks to stress, in particular, how the economic evolution, in spite of having increased the productive capacity and permiting fast growth, did not proceed to develop the country, in the sense of to generalize and to distribute the rising levels of economic and social well-being. Since the State is the main articulator of accumulation strategies in the period, one of the reasons of the underdevelopment lies beneath the own nature of State in capitalist societies, mainly under the assumption that the world wealth finds itself constrained by the dynamic of the capitalist world system.

Barnarbete - ett resultat av brister inom socialt arbete? : En litteraturstudie om det globala barnarbetet

Hindersson, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en systematisk litteraturstudie, vilken behandlar ämnet barnarbete utifrån ett globalt perspektiv. Hur ser barnarbetet ut i dess mest omfattande platser – i Afrika, Asien och Latinamerika? Hur ser det sociala arbetet ut där? Samt hur kan vi förstå sambandet mellan barnarbete och brister inom socialt arbete som en orsak till problemets kvarlevande? Studien syftar till att sammanställa det aktuella kunskapsläget om arbetande barn i de områden som ratificerat barnkonventionen, men där barnarbete trots det anses vara som mest skadligt och därav talas det ofta om den värsta typen av barnarbete i denna studie. Studien visar även en problematik gällande dessa områdens utveckling av socialpolitik samt det sociala arbetet och resultatet analyseras utifrån den marxistiska samhällsteorin. Resultatet och analysen visar att barnarbetet många gånger skiljer sig åt från land till land och från område till område, men också vilka likheter som råder oberoende plats. Exempelvis belys barnarbetarnas hälsotillstånd som någonting likartat världen över och därmed barnarbetets konsekvenser. Även om barnarbete är ett komplext problem där ett flertal olika faktorer spelar roll och bör förstås utifrån sin kontext visar slutligen analysen, med hjälp av den marxistiska samhällsteorin, att vi kan förstå de aktuella områdenas brist av socialt arbete, socialpolitik och sociala insatser som en del i varför barnarbete fortfarande finns kvar.

Who Really Controls Haiti's Destiny? An examination of Haiti's Historical Underdevelopment, Endless Poverty, and the Role played by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Scheld, Patrick 01 January 2018 (has links)
The presence of NGOs and development agencies is often considered an apolitical phenomenon, and that the very presence of NGOs within a country is a symbol of a global humanity in action; in short, NGOs equal charity which equals good work. Unfortunately, the reality is often much more complicated as NGOs can also be found to be self-serving, anti-democratic and strictly in pursuit of their next funding source. In this thesis I advance the central hypothesis that the international community’s continued pursuit of an NGO-led neoliberal economic development model has systematically failed to contribute to the sustainable development of Haiti because they pursue the wrongs means of achieving poverty alleviation goals. Throughout its history, Haiti has continuously been caught between the aspirations of its people and the legacy of foreign interventions. The recent trend of implementing neoliberal development goals and strategies, supported and executed by NGOs, has focused on the promotion of economic growth as a means to eradicate poverty. However, this strategy is an ineffective method at producing positive changes in well-being, the economy, or the environment (Edmonds, 2010; Shamsie, 2012). I argue that the relationship between NGOs and their donors continuously undermines the Haitian’s right to self-sufficiency that would lead to self-determination and enable the Haitian people to control their own destiny. A new approach for addressing extreme poverty in Haiti must be rooted in a different set of values and beliefs; a different outlook that puts morality, humanity, equality and the environment at the forefront. A new development path that is not based on a growth economy but focused on human well-being and environmental conservation. NGOs will need to enact increasingly participatory and transparent practices that allows for a development path that can regulated and determined by the Haitians themselves.

Kampen om kunskap: Vem bestämmer vad kunskap är och vem äger den? : En textanalys av WIPOs Development Agenda och Draft Treaty on Access to Knowledge

Löfberg, Anna-Lena January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsala universitet The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate, through text analysis, the role of copyright in development, with particular interest of how the concepts <em>knowledge </em>and <em>access to knowledge </em>are used in <em>Access to Knowledge Draft Treaty </em>and <em>WIPO Development Agenda</em>. The definition of the concept knowledge, as it is used in copyright, is based in a Western historical and philosophical context and therefore excludes knowledge created in another type of society. The consequences of this exclusion have effects on development. Further it is stated that knowledge according to the global copyright scheme will be reduced to a commodity, which will have consequences not only in societies in the global South. The difficulties in achieving <em>access to knowledge </em>in the global copyright regime are investigated. The flexibilities contained in the Berne Convention and the TRIPS Agreement are limited in scope and difficult to maintain. Exclusion from access to knowledge affects development and deepens inequalities both within countries and globally.</p>

Kampen om kunskap: Vem bestämmer vad kunskap är och vem äger den? : En textanalys av WIPOs Development Agenda och Draft Treaty on Access to Knowledge

Löfberg, Anna-Lena January 2008 (has links)
Uppsala universitet The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate, through text analysis, the role of copyright in development, with particular interest of how the concepts knowledge and access to knowledge are used in Access to Knowledge Draft Treaty and WIPO Development Agenda. The definition of the concept knowledge, as it is used in copyright, is based in a Western historical and philosophical context and therefore excludes knowledge created in another type of society. The consequences of this exclusion have effects on development. Further it is stated that knowledge according to the global copyright scheme will be reduced to a commodity, which will have consequences not only in societies in the global South. The difficulties in achieving access to knowledge in the global copyright regime are investigated. The flexibilities contained in the Berne Convention and the TRIPS Agreement are limited in scope and difficult to maintain. Exclusion from access to knowledge affects development and deepens inequalities both within countries and globally.

Refugees and underdevelopment in Africa : the case of Barundi refugees in Tanzania

Daley, Patricia O. January 1989 (has links)
Using an empirical study of the Barundi refugee settlements of Ulyankulu, Mishamo, and particularly Katumba in Western Tanzania, this study argues that the causes and consequences of the African refugee problem must be examined outside the normative humanitarian framework. It postulates that the refugee problem can be understood only in the historical context of the integration of African communities into the capitalist system and their resultant underdevelopment. Furthermore, that the neo-colonial state, its class character, and ethnic divisions, aggravated by economic crisis, fosters a climate of repression - prompting forced migration. The unequal relationship between western capital and Tanzania is exemplified in the microcosm of the refugee phenomenon, where international/ regional policy, legislation, security considerations, and aid not only demobilize a potential political force, but usurp the authority of the national and local state. Donor/state/refugee relationships are further discussed in the context of the settlements. The schemes, located in remote areas and with tight restrictions on mobility, while providing a humanitarian solution, act as mechanisms for the control of the Barundi refugees. Utilization of their labour is intentionally part of Tanzania's development strategy. Settlement and integration are discussed in relation to the contribution of Barundi people to the development of commodity production in Tanzania both historically and with regard to their current potential. While dismissing the notion of an undifferentiated mass of refugees, this study reveals how donor activities and the objective material conditions of the rural areas contribute to commodity production and mercantilist activities with increasing inequalities. It concludes that large groups of refugees in rural areas will inevitably heighten local tensions, and that only through greater x political liberalization' - removal of restrictions on mobility and political representation, will Barundi refugees gain control of their lives, and Tanzania's long-standing goal of the liberation of African peoples be realized.

Eixos do desenvolvimento : uma análise da evolução da estrutura produtiva dos setores difusores do conhecimento na economia brasileira nos anos 2000

Vilaça Júnior, Ademir Pedro January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação procura analisar a evolução dos setores com maior potencial de inovações intersetoriais na economia brasileira a partir dos anos 2000. Nesse sentido, estabelecemos o referencial teórico estruturalista como ponto de partida para a compreensão da dinâmica de acumulação de capital em economias periféricas. Com isso, buscamos argumentar que a abordagem ainda tem relevância para a compreensão das leis de movimento das economias subdesenvolvidas. Esse referencial é complementado com os aportes neoschumpeterianos com o intuito de ponderar a importância dos setores com inovações horizontais para contornar as restrições estruturais ao crescimento das estruturas periféricas. A partir desse referencial teórico, analisamos dados sobre a estrutura desses setores. A Relação Anual de Informações Sociais apresenta dados sobre a evolução do emprego e características do mercado de trabalho. A Pesquisa Industrial Anual fornece informações sobre estrutura financeira e alguns indicadores de produtividade, ao passo que a base de dados do Aliceweb fornece informações sobre os fluxos de comércio exterior. Dessa forma, é possível avaliar o desempenho desses setores e sua significância na matriz produtiva nacional. / This dissertation analyzes the evolution of the sectors with bigger potential to generate intersectoral innovations in the Brazilian economy in the 2000’s. The theoretical approach is based in the structuralist contributions to the understanding of the dynamics of capital accumulation in peripheral economies. In this sense we argument that this approach still has relevance to comprehend the essential laws of motion in underdeveloped economies. It is complemented by the neoschumpeterian contributions to incorporate the importance of the sectors with horizontal innovations to overcome the structural restrictions inherent to peripheral economies. Based on this theoretical perspective, we analyze data about the performance of these sectors. The Relação Annual de Informações Sociais’ database presents information about the evolution of employment e characteristics of the labor market. The Pesquisa Industrial Anual has data about the financial structure and productivity indicators while the Aliceweb database provides information about the commercial relations. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the performance of these sectors and their significance in the national productive matrix.

Diálogo das teses do subdesenvolvimento de Rostow, Nurkse e Myrdal com a teoria do desenvolvimento de Celso Furtado

Gumiero, Rafael Gonçalves 03 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:14:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3647.pdf: 736148 bytes, checksum: 0c67293f045f84911b330a72bebe59c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-03 / Centro Internacional Celso Furtado de Políticas para o Desenvolvimento / The period after the end of First World War and the crisis of 1929 introduces (from the critical to the liberal economic model and the emergence of strategies planned development and alternative Keynesian of economic regulation) a new investigation problem: the issue of delay and the condition of underdevelopment. In terms of world literature, this problem has been worked in an original and vigorous way by Ragnar Nurkse in "Problems of capital formation in underdeveloped countries ", by Rostow in "Stages of Economic Development", and Gunnar Myrdal in "Economic Theory and Regions Underdeveloped . These works and authors were not only well received by the national-developmentalist intelligentsia, as strongly influenced the theory of underdevelopment of Celso Furtado. This research has two objectives: 1) identify in the dialogue established between the arguments of Rostow, Nurkse and Myrdal agreement, kept their proper proportions in the work of Furtado (fundamental author in understanding the developmental question of the years 50/60); 2) to analyze how this influence has been received, appropriate and resignified according to perspectives of Furtado in the formulation of development theory for the Brazilian industrial planning. / O período posterior ao fim da I Guerra Mundial e a crise de 1929 introduz (a partir da crítica ao modelo econômico liberal e o surgimento das estratégias de desenvolvimento planificado e da alternativa keynesiana da regulação econômica) um novo problema de investigação: o tema do atraso e da condição de subdesenvolvimento. Em termos da literatura mundial, esta problemática foi trabalhada de maneira original e vigorosa por Ragnar Nurkse em Problemas de formação de capital em países subdesenvolvidos , por Rostow em Etapas do desenvolvimento Econômico , e por Gunnar Myrdal em Teoria Econômica e Regiões Subdesenvolvidas . Estes trabalhos e autores não apenas foram bem recebidos pela intelligentsia nacional-desenvolvimentista, como influenciaram fortemente a teoria do subdesenvolvimento de Celso Furtado. Nesta pesquisa são dois os objetivos buscados: 1) identificar no diálogo estabelecido entre os argumentos de Rostow, Nurkse e Myrdal a concordância, guardadas as suas devidas proporções na obra de Furtado (autor fundamental na compreensão da questão do desenvolvimentismo dos anos 50/60); 2) analisar de que maneira essa influência foi recebida, apropriada e ressignificada segundo as perspectivas de Furtado na formulação da Teoria do Desenvolvimento para o planejamento industrial brasileiro.

Eixos do desenvolvimento : uma análise da evolução da estrutura produtiva dos setores difusores do conhecimento na economia brasileira nos anos 2000

Vilaça Júnior, Ademir Pedro January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação procura analisar a evolução dos setores com maior potencial de inovações intersetoriais na economia brasileira a partir dos anos 2000. Nesse sentido, estabelecemos o referencial teórico estruturalista como ponto de partida para a compreensão da dinâmica de acumulação de capital em economias periféricas. Com isso, buscamos argumentar que a abordagem ainda tem relevância para a compreensão das leis de movimento das economias subdesenvolvidas. Esse referencial é complementado com os aportes neoschumpeterianos com o intuito de ponderar a importância dos setores com inovações horizontais para contornar as restrições estruturais ao crescimento das estruturas periféricas. A partir desse referencial teórico, analisamos dados sobre a estrutura desses setores. A Relação Anual de Informações Sociais apresenta dados sobre a evolução do emprego e características do mercado de trabalho. A Pesquisa Industrial Anual fornece informações sobre estrutura financeira e alguns indicadores de produtividade, ao passo que a base de dados do Aliceweb fornece informações sobre os fluxos de comércio exterior. Dessa forma, é possível avaliar o desempenho desses setores e sua significância na matriz produtiva nacional. / This dissertation analyzes the evolution of the sectors with bigger potential to generate intersectoral innovations in the Brazilian economy in the 2000’s. The theoretical approach is based in the structuralist contributions to the understanding of the dynamics of capital accumulation in peripheral economies. In this sense we argument that this approach still has relevance to comprehend the essential laws of motion in underdeveloped economies. It is complemented by the neoschumpeterian contributions to incorporate the importance of the sectors with horizontal innovations to overcome the structural restrictions inherent to peripheral economies. Based on this theoretical perspective, we analyze data about the performance of these sectors. The Relação Annual de Informações Sociais’ database presents information about the evolution of employment e characteristics of the labor market. The Pesquisa Industrial Anual has data about the financial structure and productivity indicators while the Aliceweb database provides information about the commercial relations. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the performance of these sectors and their significance in the national productive matrix.

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