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Strategies for the reduction of alcohol and substance abuse among adolescents at two selected universities in EthiopiaAlemayehu Nigatu Gebremichael 11 1900 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the magnitude, behavioural issues and other contributing factors for alcohol and substance abuse, in order to develop a strategy for alcohol and substance abuse among Ethiopian university students.
Method: An explorative, mixed method approach research was used. Data were collected from adolescents at Arbaminch and Wolaita Sodo universities that were purposively selected for this study. Review of literature resulted in the researcher developing questionnaire items for quantitative data (N=738) (Annexure F).
Framework: The theory of planned behavior change was applied to guide the study. The theory was applied to enable understanding of behavioural intentions, individual attitudes and subjective norms surrounding performance of a specific behavior. This theory was applied to understand the problem among the student and as a framework for developing the strategy.
Research Findings: The study highlighted alcohol and substance abuse among the university students was widespread. Behavioural findings showed that respondents have favorable attitudes but no intention to discontinue the use of alcohol and substances. Various factors including behavioural, environmental and policy issues have contributed to the problem. However, intervention packages and strategies to respond to the growing problem were non-existent or very minimal.
Conclusion: Alcohol and substance abuse among university students has become global public health problem. However, university management did not have plans in place to attend to the problem. The researcher envisages that the implementation of these strategies would provide a workable intervention in reducing alcohol and substance abuse among students at the Ethiopian Higher Learning Centres.
Recommendations: University management should step in and initiate urgent intervention measures. Adequate coordination among various stakeholders to respond to such a multi-dimensional problem is a necessity. The parliament has to revisit the current alcohol, drug and substance advertisement, circulation and trading related legislations including the use of ‘Khat which is Ethiopia’s unique problem. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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The attitudes of L1-African language students towards the LOLT issue at UnisaBekker, Ian 28 February 2002 (has links)
Recent language policy developments at the University of South Africa (Unisa) indicate that the language attitudes of its students should be researched, particularly the attitudes of students who have an African language as their first language.
This study takes a first but solid step towards meeting this requirement. It conducts exploratory research into the nature of the relevant language attitudes and, based on the findings of this research, constructs an attitude scale that can be usefully employed in the measurement of such attitudes, both at Unisa and other tertiary institutions in South Africa.
In order to achieve its aims, the study places much emphasis on the use of proper methodology, in order to counteract the trend in much local language-attitude research of ignoring the complexity of language attitudes and avoiding methodologically sophisticated and rigorous statistical techniques that are equipped to accommodate such complexity. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)
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Evaluating the effect of academic literacy intervention programme on the SATAP English scores of first year students at a university in the Eastern Cape Province, South AfricaLudidi, Yolisa Yolande 02 1900 (has links)
The effect of the academic literacy intervention programme on the SATAP English scores was evaluated. This study begins as a longitudinal study in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology (FSET). 120 subjects from the Electrical, Civil, Building and Mechanical departments in the FSET were randomly selected to serve as an experimental group. The research design employed a quantitative methodology. Data was collected using the Standardised Assessment Tests for Access and Placement (SATAP) English Test. The test was administered to the experimental group as a pre- test and post-test measure at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. The SPSS statistical programme with frequency tables and graphs was utilised to analyse the data obtained. The results indicated that the difference between the pre-test scores and the post-test scores was statistically significant. The post-test scores were significantly higher than the pre-test ones. It was concluded that the academic literacy intervention programme was effective in increasing the SATAP scores and therefore addressed some of the language needs of students. / Language Education Arts and Culture / M. Ed. (Adult Education)
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Development of HIV Testing Belief Scale (HTBS) and application of Health Belief Model (HBM) to predict HIV testing intention and behaviour among university students in EthiopiaZelalem Mehari Alemayehu 11 1900 (has links)
Appendix B (leaves 217-218), Appendix M (leaves 239-247) and Appendix O (leaves 253-259) in English and Amharic / The purpose of this research was to develop HIV testing Health Belief Scale (HTBS)
that contains the constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM), and also to analyse HIV
testing intention and behaviour among university students.
The mixed method approach was used in phases. First, Literature review and in-depth interviews were
conducted to develop item pool for HTBS, which was followed by content validity assessment by
experts. In the second phase, a pilot survey was conducted on randomly selected 318 university
students to refine the HTBS using item analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Lastly,
cross-sectional survey was conducted on representative sample of 612 students in order to further
refine the HTBS using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and also analyse predictors of HIV testing
intention and behaviour. A total of 61 items was written for the HTBS and 23 of these were generated from the
in-depth interviews. Content validity assessment by three experts indicated that the average
content validity index (CVI) for the 61 items was 91.2% which was more than the recommended cut off
point of 90%. The HTBS, after experts review, contained 64 items.
EFA indicated that a five factor model which was roughly consistent with HBM was identified and 44
items were retained based on factor loading and reliability analysis. The Cronbach’s alpha for all
the six constructs of HBM and HIV testing intention in the HTBS were >0,70.
(susceptibility, benefit, self-efficacy and HIV testing intention) fitted the sample data based on
chi-square test. However, all the seven constructs demonstrated RMSEA value of less than 0.08 and
GFI value of >0.90 indicating acceptable fit. The final HTBS was reduced to 39 items based on
factor loading and reliability assessment. All the constructs demonstrated a Cronbach’s alpha value
>0.70 except for perceived susceptibility and cues to action.
Analysis of multiple linear regression indicated that class year, perceived benefit, perceived
self-efficacy and cues to action were significant predictors of HIV testing intention. However,
only marital status and cues to action were significant predictors of recent history of HIV testing
through analysis of binary logistic regression. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Grönstrukturens funktion och betydelse för studenternas återhämtning (under covid-19 restriktioner) / Green structure's function and importance for students' recovery (during Covid-19 restrictions)Ahmad, Doaa January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att exponering för grön miljö tillhandahåller hälsofördelar. Dessa fördelar indikerar bland annat återhämtningseffekt av stress, trötthet och uppmärksamhetsutmattning, vilket är särskilt viktigt för universitetsstudenter. Därför syftade denna studie att undersöka om det finns en koppling mellan universitetsstudenters kontakt med grönstruktur i/nära studiemiljö och studenternas upplevelse av sin studiemiljö under covid-19 restriktionerna. Detta med hjälp av en dagbokundersökning som förstudie och telefonintervjuer. Analysverktyget bestod av teoretiska ramverk, Attention Restoration Theory (ART) och Stress Reduktion Theory (SRT). Resultat och analys har bekräftat Attention Restoration Theory (ART), där det uppges att gröna naturliga miljöer ger återhämtningseffekt och väcker uppmärksamhet efter en mental trötthet. Därtill bekräftade den även Stress Recovery Theory (SRT), där det uppges att gröna naturliga miljöer ger positiva effekt på stressminskning, -bearbetning och -återhämtning. Slutsatsen till denna undersökning är att grönstruktur har en stor betydelse för universitetsstudenterna, detta då alla väljer att vistas eller komma i kontakt med gröna naturen på ett eller annat sätt, till exempel gå en promenad i naturen eller åka till en stuga i skogen. Att naturen är en del av studenternas vardag verkar vara framför allt en omedveten upplevelse för de flesta och sker utan erkännande eller bearbetning av miljön. Dock framkommer det att processen kan vara medveten för vissa studenter. / Previous research has shown that exposure to the green environment provides health benefits. These benefits indicate among other things, recovery effect of stress, fatigue and attention-exhaustion, which is especially important for university students. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether there is a connection between university students' contact with the green structure in / near the study-environment and the students' experience of their study environment during the covid-19 restrictions. This with the help of a diary-survey as a pilot-study and telephone interviews. The analysis tool consisted of theoretical frameworks, Attention Restoration Theory (ART) and Stress Reduction Theory (SRT). Results and analysis have confirmed Attention Restoration Theory (ART), where it states that green natural environments have a recovery effect and attracts attention after a mental fatigue. In addition, it also confirmed the Stress Recovery Theory (SRT), which states that green natural environments have a positive effect on stress reduction, processing and recovery. The conclusion of this study is that green structure is of great importance to university students, as everyone chooses to reside or get in touch with green nature in one way or another, for example going for a walk in a green environment or staying in a cottage in the forest. That nature is a part of the students' everyday life seems to be above all an unconscious experience for most and takes place without recognition or processing of the environment. However, it appears that the process may be conscious for some students.
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Návrh podnikového trainee programu a jeho zavedení pomocí technik projektového managementu v organizaci / Corporate Trainee Program Design and Implementation into an Organization Using Project Management TechniquesDrápalíková, Jitka January 2021 (has links)
digitization, digital transformation, innovation, energy industry, HR, work with students, trainee program, trainee scheme, corporate culture, project management, onboarding, gen Z, generation Z
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