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The personality profile of Zululand taxi driversNtuli, Velaphi Herbert January 2017 (has links)
A mini dissertation submitted to the Faculty Of Arts in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master Of Arts in Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University Of Zululand, 2017 / The purpose of this study was to identify whether there is a contributory relationship between the common unwanted behaviour of taxi drivers towards taxi commuters and the taxi drivers’ personality. The study involved 59 minibus taxi drivers sampled from the Empangeni and Richards Bay areas of the Zululand district. The participants were randomly selected in their respective taxi ranks/stations around the above mentioned areas. The Big Five 10-Item Personality Inventory and a tailored questionnaire were administered in an interview format. The findings depicted that the unacceptable behaviour usually portrayed by taxi drivers towards taxi commuters is not caused by the taxi drivers’ personality. They further illustrate that the nature of the profession, which induces pressure on the driver, is one of the main causes of the behaviour. The taxi commuters were reported to be largely the ones who cause most of the conflicts that arise between drivers and passengers. The more experience (in years) the driver had in the taxi driving job the more acceptable and non-provoking his style of interacting with taxi commuters becomes. The reciprocal determinism theory was used to psychologically conceptualise the outcome behaviour of the taxi driver taking into strong consideration his personal cognitive choices, emotions, past experiences and his environment in the work place.
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The international legal framework governing the treatment of unruly passengers : Tokyo convention flawsSeokotsa, Boipelo Immaculate January 2019 (has links)
The law has yet to catch up adequately with conventional aviation. This lag is nowhere more noticeable than in the field of criminal law and criminal jurisdiction as applied to civil aircraft1. Crimes that are committed on board the aircraft will include crimes like assault, theft and unruly behaviour2. A common dominator amongst these crimes is that the rules dealing with jurisdiction pose a significant source of controversy. Early expressions of the criminal conduct in international flights exposed lacunae in air law, which international lawyers are struggling to fill3. Because of this lacuna, as familiar problems present themselves in changing ways, therefore there is a need for a regime governing crimes in the air to be continuously reassessed and developed. In the last years, it became apparent that no rules exist for misbehaviour on board the aircraft in flight4, rules governing the exercise of jurisdiction over common crimes in airspace and on board the aircraft are sophisticated and unsettled / Mini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Public Law / LLM / Unrestricted
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REPRESENTAÇÕES SOCIAIS DA INFÂNCIA INDÓCIL: análise dos registros nos livros de ocorrência em uma escola municipal de Santa Maria/RS / SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF AN UNRULY CHILDHOOD: analysis of the registers in the occurrence books in a municipal school of Santa Maria/RSLuft, Sibila 03 September 2012 (has links)
The current thesis of Doctorate aims to know, to analyze and to understand how are produced the
social representations of unruly school children from the registers in the occurrence books of the early
years of a municipal school of Santa Maria/RS. It was developed in the Line of Research Special
Education of the Program of Post-Graduation in Education of the Educational Center of the UFSM/RS
(PPGE/CE/UFSM). As the category childhood is a social construction, we presented a new historical
view of representation, constitution and production of an unruly childhood: criminal , transgressor,
disrupted and medicated childhood, upon the look of the media, the Juridical Sciences, Medical
Sciences, Education and Special Education, contemplating knowledge at the level of interdisciplinarity
(JAPIASSÚ, 1976) going by the construction of world landmarks in the recognizing of the rights of the
children and of the Public Politics turned to these: To know the social representations (MOSCOVICI,
1978; 2010; JODELET, 2001) produced in the school space about the unruly school children, from the
analysis of occurrence books and identifying procedures adapted by the school in relation to the
unruly childhood demand, as well as what impacts in the practice of (in) exclusion, we contemplated
questions How the representations from the analysis of book occurrences produce the exclusion of
unruly students? The research was of documental nature and it involved materials that didn´t
receive an analytical treatment yet (GIL, 2008, p. 66), it occurred in a municipal school of the
Elementary School in the city of Santa Maria/RS with the use of 5 books of registers of occurrences
involving students of the early years with total samples of 954 registers, and among them 743 (seven
hundred and forty-three) of them were used in the research. The analysis and the collect of material,
approved by the Ethic Committee in Research/UFSM, upon the number 0287.0.243.000-11/2011, the
analysis and the collect of the material occurred in the months of June to July, 2011, and it was used
diary of field and photocopy. Results evidenced that, in the context of the researched reality, questions
involving the unruly childhood are of behavior level in detriment of cognitive questions. We did not
evidence cases in which both the aspects were present in the registers, what implicates a
displacement and a new representation formed: nowadays those demands leave the scene with
problems of learning, as well as the disturbed, hyperactive and medicated students being these
productions of medicine, to give place to unruly students who probably will promote the juridical
instances, with that already produced in the transgressor childhood observed by the lights of the
media, which comes systematically divulging and diffusing newspaper reports about the transgressor
childhood, related to the appearance and explosion of a phenomenon of international level, the
Bullying. The lack of specific Public Politics for education and permanence of the unruly childhood at
school is of great urgency, which are added to the discussions upon the formation of teachers, due to
fact that school still uses punishing, menacing and exclusive methods and techniques, what shows the
unpreparedness for the work of this public. Other aspect which deserve to be evidenced involves
interdisciplinary approaches, being this thematic in question crucial for the investment in the field of
Public Politics in Education, contributing so for the permanence of these demands at school,
minimizing impacts of exclusion still presents. / A presente tese de Doutorado teve como objetivo conhecer, analisar e compreender como são
produzidas as Representações Sociais dos indóceis escolares, a partir dos registros nos livros de
ocorrência dos anos iniciais de uma escola municipal de Santa Maria/RS. Foi desenvolvida na Linha
de Pesquisa Educação Especial , do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação do Centro de
Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/RS (PPGE/CE/UFSM). Sendo a categoria infância
uma construção social, apresentamos uma visão histórica da representação, constituição e produção
da infância indócil: criminosa, infratora, transtornada e medicada, sob olhares da mídia, as Ciências
Jurídicas, as Ciências Médicas, a Educação e Educação Especial, contemplando saberes de âmbitos
da interdisciplinaridade (JAPIASSÚ, 1976), perpassando pela construção de marcos mundiais no
reconhecimento dos direitos das crianças e das Políticas Públicas voltadas para estas. Conhecer as
representações sociais (MOSCOVICI, 1978; 2010; JODELET, 2001) produzidas no espaço escolar
sobre os indóceis escolares a partir da análise dos livros de ocorrência e identificando procedimentos
adotados pela escola em relação à demanda infância indócil, bem como quais os impactos nas
práticas de (in) exclusão, contemplamos questões Como as Representações a partir da análise dos
livros de ocorrência produzem a exclusão de alunos indóceis? A pesquisa foi de cunho documental,
e envolveu materiais que ... não receberam ainda um tratamento analítico (GIL, 2008, p. 66),
ocorreu em uma escola municipal de Ensino Fundamental da cidade de Santa Maria/RS, com a
utilização de 05 livros de registros de ocorrência envolvendo alunos dos anos iniciais, com amostra
total de 954 registros, sendo que destes, 743 (setecentos e quarenta e três) foram utilizados.
Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa/UFSM, sob nº 0287.0.243.000-11/2011, a análise e
coleta do material ocorreu nos meses de junho a julho/2011, sendo utilizado diário de campo e
fotocópia. Os resultados evidenciaram que, no contexto da realidade pesquisada, questões
envolvendo a infância indócil são de âmbito comportamental em detrimento das cognitivas. Não
evidenciamos casos onde ambos os aspectos estivessem presentes nos registros, o que implica um
deslocamento e uma nova representação formada: na atualidade saem de cena aquelas demandas
com problemas de aprendizado, bem como os transtornados e hiperativos medicados, sendo estes
produções da medicina, para dar lugar aos indóceis escolares, os quais provavelmente irão fomentar
a instância jurídica, com a já produzida infância infratora, observada pelos holofotes da mídia, a qual
vem sistematicamente divulgando e propagando reportagens sobre a infância infratora, relacionada
com o surgimento e explosão de um fenômeno de âmbito internacional, o Bullying. A carência de
Políticas Públicas específicas para a educação e permanência da infância indócil na escola, faz-se de
tal urgência, somados às discussões sobre a formação de professores, visto a escola utilizar ainda
métodos e técnicas punitivas, ameaçadoras e excludentes, o que denota despreparo para o trabalho
com este público. Outro aspecto que merece ser evidenciado envolve abordagens interdisciplinares,
sendo esta temática em questão crucial para o investimento no campo das Políticas Públicas em
Educação, contribuindo assim para a permanência destas demandas na escola, minimizando
impactos da exclusão, ainda presentes.
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Quand proférer, c’est faire : resignifications des filles « ingouvernables » chez Josée Yvon, Chloé Savoie-Bernard et Catherine LalondeAnctil-Raymond, Camille 08 1900 (has links)
Fondé sur la force performative de l’injure qui travaille l’écriture de trois poètes québécoises, ce mémoire s’intéresse aux stratégies discursives grâce auxquelles elles renversent la stigmatisation du féminin inscrite dans le discours haineux. Les « fées mal tournées », « plotes de riches », « crisse de folles », « bâtardes », « sorcières » et « chiennes » sont légion dans Filles-commandos bandées (1976) de Josée Yvon, Royaume scotch tape (2015) de Chloé Savoie-Bernard et La dévoration des fées (2017) de Catherine Lalonde. Les poètes font toutes trois entendre des voix qui se réapproprient des injures pour les « resignifier », au sens où l’entend Judith Butler dans Le pouvoir des mots (1997). À la fois injuriées et injurieuses, elles s’emparent du pouvoir qui anime l’insulte pour la dévier, y aménagent des significations inattendues et la transforment même parfois en un lieu positif d’identification. Reprenant à leur compte les injures reçues, les écrivaines les entremêlent aux personnages puissants de l’Amazone, de la sorcière et de la fée, et façonnent des figures qui rejettent les corsets dans lesquels on tente d’enserrer non seulement leur corps, mais également leur discours. Parfois violentes, vulnérables, souffrantes ou effrayantes, ces « filles » brillent d’une souveraine irrévérence. Ainsi, elles apparaissent toutes comme des incarnations de la « femme ingouvernable » (1995) de Kathleen Rowe, symbole d’insoumission. Emportés par les affects qui les habitent, leurs corps excessifs, désirants, désacralisés et parfois grotesques, voire abjects, sont traversés de pulsions et de fantasmes violents. Ce mémoire se penche donc sur les manières dont les « filles » d’Yvon, de Savoie-Bernard et de Lalonde s’approprient le pouvoir de la colère et, en se positionnant entre vulnérabilité et ingouvernabilité, se font à la fois menaçantes et rassembleuses. / Based on the performative force of insults that shapes the writing of three Quebec poets, this dissertation explores the discursive strategies through which they reverse the stigmatization of women embedded in injurious speech. Such vocabulary as “fées mal tournées”, “plotes de riche”, “crisse de folles”, “bâtardes”, “sorcières” and “chiennes” is plentiful in Filles-commandos bandées (1976) by Josée Yvon, Royaume scotch tape (2015) by Chloé Savoie-Bernard and La dévoration des fées (2017) by Catherine Lalonde. The poets all create voices that reclaim insults in order to “re-signify” them, as Judith Butler conceives in Excitable Speech (1997). Being both the insulted and the insulting, they seize the power that animates insults to deflect them, endowing them with unexpected meanings and transforming them into neutral and even positive terms of identification. Taking up the insults received, the writers intertwine them with the powerful characters of the Amazon, the witch and the fairy, and shape figures who reject the corsets that enclose not only their body, but also their speech. These “girls”, at times violent, vulnerable, suffering or frightening, all shine with sovereign irreverence. In that, they appear to be incarnations of Kathleen Rowe’s Unruly Woman (1995), a symbol of insubordination. Carried away by the affects that inhabit them, their excessive, desiring, desacralized and sometimes grotesque, even abject bodies, are filled with impulses and violent fantasies. This research thus examines the ways in which the “girls” of Yvon, Savoie-Bernard and Lalonde appropriate the power of anger and, positioning themselves between vulnerability and ungovernability, reveal themselves as both threatening and unifying.
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Nine Lives: A History of Cat Women, Subversive Femininity, and Transgressive Archetypes in FilmBarnett, Katrina 08 1900 (has links)
The intention of this thesis is to identify and analyze the cat woman archetype as a contemporary extension of the transgressive witch archetype, which rampantly appears over the course of cinema history, working as a signifier of a patriarchal society's fear of autonomous and subversive women. The character of Catwoman is the ultimate representation for this archetype on grounds of her visibility, longevity, and ability to return again and again. More importantly, Catwoman and her sisterhood of cat women work against male creators as a means of female empowerment through trickery. Within this thesis, key films of varying genres are drawn from throughout cinema history and analyzed in order to demonstrate the intertextual network of characters that make up the cat woman archetype, and the importance of the Catwoman character in her many forms.
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