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Taikomosios kūno kultūros efektyvumas pacientams po galvos smegenų insulto, siekiant funkcinio nepriklausomumo / Effciency of the applied physical training in the restoration of functional independence of patiens suffering from the effects of brain insultGrušaitė, Vaida 08 June 2006 (has links)
Brain insult is one of the main medical – social problems of current concern, both due to the high death-rate and severe residual physical disability caused by this illness.
So far, one of the rehabilitation program elements, very widely discussed as a measure helping to recover functional independence of patients suffering from the after-effects of insult, is kinesitherapy. Implementation of the applied physical training in rehabilitation is not widely discussed yet.
The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of educational experimental motor training program in the development of functional independence.
Tasks of this study are as follows:
• To assess the functional state of patients suffering from the effects of insult before rehabilitation;
• To develop an education kinetic training program;
• To assess the change functional state indicators at the end of rehabilitation period.
• To assess the efficiency of experimental educational motor training program.
This research has been conducted in a Public Institution Mazeikiai Hospital, in the department of in-patient rehabilitation, from 30 September 2004 to 29 December 2005. 80 brain insult patients were covered by this study. All of them were subdivided into two groups of 40 individuals in each: comparison group (CG) and experimental group (EG). A therapy of physical exercises was applied to the control group, while the experimental group underwent experimental educational motor training program.
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Kränkande beteende på arbetsplatsen : Hur definierar vi kränkande beteende och vad är avgörande för vår definitionJakobsen, Tonje, Hussain, Zaynab January 2009 (has links)
<p>Earlier research has shown the difficulty of defining insulting behaviour in the workplace. It has been noted that the individual and subjective definition is connected to the specific situation in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred. In this study we designed a quantitative questionnaire in order to hopefully elucidate the comprehension of insulting behaviour and furthermore enable a more in-depth investigation on how important the contextual meaning is. This study examined 140 (n=140) working adult’s attitudes towards insulting behaviour in the workplace and the importance of the contextual variables. The results showed that improper contiguity (80,7 %), sexual insinuations (84,2 %) and being ignored (88,6 %) are what the respondents find most insulting. The results also show that the context in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred was not the sole determining factor when the respondents evaluated the incidence.</p>
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Kränkande beteende på arbetsplatsen : Hur definierar vi kränkande beteende och vad är avgörande för vår definitionJakobsen, Tonje, Hussain, Zaynab January 2009 (has links)
Earlier research has shown the difficulty of defining insulting behaviour in the workplace. It has been noted that the individual and subjective definition is connected to the specific situation in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred. In this study we designed a quantitative questionnaire in order to hopefully elucidate the comprehension of insulting behaviour and furthermore enable a more in-depth investigation on how important the contextual meaning is. This study examined 140 (n=140) working adult’s attitudes towards insulting behaviour in the workplace and the importance of the contextual variables. The results showed that improper contiguity (80,7 %), sexual insinuations (84,2 %) and being ignored (88,6 %) are what the respondents find most insulting. The results also show that the context in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred was not the sole determining factor when the respondents evaluated the incidence.
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Įžeidimas ir teisinė atsakomybė už jį / Insult and legal liability for itPanina, Svetlana 24 February 2010 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tema yra įžeidimas ir teisinė atsakomybė už jį. Ši tema yra ypač aktuali šiuolaikinėje demokratinėje visuomenėje, kurioje puoselėjamos tokios svarbios asmens vertybės kaip orumas ir garbė. Šių vertybių svarbą liudija tai, kad už jų pažeidimą numatyta įvairaus pobūdžio atsakomybė, tame tarpe ir baudžiamoji. Lietuvos baudžiamosios teisės mokslininkų tarpe ši tema nepasižymėjo populiarumu, nors mokslinės ir praktinės medžiagos analizė patvirtina problemų gausą šioje srityje. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėties požymių turinį. Tyrimo objektas – įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėtis. Tyrimo uždaviniai: nustatyti įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėties įstatymo saugomas vertybes; atskleisti pažeminimo kaip įžeidimo sudėtį sudarančios veikos turinį, esminius požymius ir būdus; pateikti įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos tyčios turinį; nustatyti kriterijus, pagal kuriuos įžeidimą galima atriboti nuo kitų nusikalstamų veikų; pateikti Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo kai kurių įžeidimą sudarančių požymių paaiškinimą. Darbe iškelta hipotezė: įžeidimas nepasižymi tokiu pavojingumu, kuris galėtų būti pagrindu traukti asmenį baudžiamojon atsakomybėn. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas analizuojant Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių baudžiamosios teisės literatūrą, Lietuvos teismų ir EŽTT praktiką, susijusią su įžeidimu. Atlikdami tyrimą, priėjome prie išvadų, kad įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėties įstatymo saugomos vertybės yra orumas ir garbė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this investigation is the insult and its legal liability. The subject is very relevant in modern democratic society, where there are being fostered such important values as human dignity and honour. The significance of these values testifies the fact that for infringements of human dignity and honour provided various character of legal responsibility, including the criminal. This theme was not popular among scientists of criminal law of Lithuania, though the analysis of a scientific and practical material has confirmed the presence of a considerable quantity of problems in this range. The aim of the investigation is to reveal the elements of such crime as the insult. The object of the research is the structure of insult as criminal action. The task of the investigation is to determine the law protected values of the insult as criminal action structure, reveal the matter of basic signs and ways of the humiliation, as the action making the insult, determine the mens rea as element of structure of the insult, identify criteria on which the insult can be distinguished from other criminal actions, to submit the description of some elements of the insult, given by European Human Rights Court. Work hypothesis: the insult is not especially dangerous act, which could be the basis for the criminal liability of the person.
The investigation was made analyzing the literature of criminal law of Lithuania and foreign countries, the Lithuanian courts and the European Human... [to full text]
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Insults and Terms of Abuse in HomerGuasti, Duccio 05 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Scrotal Insulation on Spermatozoal Morphology and Chromatin Stability to Acid Denaturation in the BovineAcevedo, Nicole 30 April 2001 (has links)
The sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), as developed by Evenson et al.(1980), utilizes flow cytometry to quantify the susceptibility of sperm chromatin to in situ acid denaturation via the metachromatic properties of acridine orange. SCSA is repeatable and has been used to distinguish between fertile and subfertile males in different species; however, it does not permit morphological evaluation of cells. In the present study, the SCSA was modified for the fluorescence/differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope to examine morphology and chromatin stability on the same cell. Semen from six Holstein bulls was collected twice weekly for six weeks. Semen was cryopreserved after collection. A 48-hr scrotal insulation was applied after the first three collections to exert a mild thermal insult to the testes; this induces specific spermatozoal morphological abnormalities to appear in a predictable chronological order, as determined by Vogler et al. (1993). Using DIC optics, sperm head morphology was classified as normal, slightly misshapen, pyriform, severely misshapen, or tailless. Vacuolization in the head region was scored separately as apical, diadem, or random. SCSA and modified-SCSA for fluorescence microscopy were used to assess chromatin instability in the samples. The SCSA parameter of 'cells outside the main population of alpha t' (%COMP alpha t) and the modified-SCSA parameter of '% cells shifted from green' were positively correlated (r=0.84; P<0.01). Both variables were positively correlated with the appearance of tailless, pyriform, severely misshapen, and randomly vacuolated cells (P< 0.01), but not with the appearance of diadems or apical vacuoles. Also, the fluorescence microscope detected a significant shift from green in normally shaped cells appearing in morphologically abnormal ejaculates (P<0.01). These results demonstrate that scrotal insulation-induced morphological abnormalities in spermatozoa signify a perturbation in chromatin structure, and that the chromatin perturbation extends into normally shaped cells in the same ejaculate. / Master of Science
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El Insulto: estudio prágmático-textual y representación lexicográficaColín Rodea, Marisela 27 November 2003 (has links)
La presente investigación es un estudio de carácter sincrónico que tiene como tema el insulto, entendido éste como la acción de insultar y la palabra o acto con que se insulta. Así, el insulto es analizado a partir de sus contextos de uso y delimitado al tipo de insulto en el que participa el léxico socialmente sancionado, lingüísticamente marcado como ofensivo, vulgar y grosero, observando para ello dos comunidades de habla del español: la mexicana y la peninsular. Son dos los ejes metodológicos de este trabajo, la idea del insulto como un fenómeno lingüístico y comunicativo, y la del insulto como un fenómeno de la cognición colectiva e individual.Los resultados de la investigación aportan información específica sobre la estructura, los micro-procesos de interpretación, tipos de textos asociados a diferentes situaciones de realización del insulto, datos sobre procesos de introspección y retrospección proporcionados por informantes de la variedad mexicana y peninsular, respectivamente. Y el trabajo concluye con la propuesta de ALI, Aplicación lexicográfica de representación del insulto para las variedades de nuestro estudio. / The thesis EL INSULTO: ESTUDIO PRAGMÁTICO - TEXTUAL Y REPRESENTACIÓN LEXICOGRÁFICA is a work framed in the lexicology, lexicography, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics, conceived as an applied linguistics subjects. It focus is the study of the Insult, understanding this notion like the word and the action of insulting. Assuming that the insult is a phenomenon that could be described like a linguistic and a communicative fact and like a social and individual cognition event, we have formulated three objectives: the first, to describe the elements that characterise the insult; the second, to investigate three objects of study about the insult- a linguistics, a pragmatic-textual and a cognitive object; and the third, to design one lexicography application on the theme of the insult.To carry out this dissertation, we have analyzed one corpus integrated by 25 words with social marks offensive, vulgar; considered by itself as insults. We have worked with two varieties of spanish language: the mexican and the peninsular and have constructing two corpus: one lexicography corpus, COLEXI and other textual corpus, el CREAI, based on the CREA of the RAE.The results reveal information about the structure, microprocess of interpretation, different text typologies, introspective and retrospective cognitive elements of the insult. We discussed the insult like a rational and irrational phenomenon of the communication; like the animal side of the civilisation.
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Modulating effects of physiological, genetic, and biochemical factors on the sequelae of childhood traumatic brain injuryLo, Tsz-Yan M. January 2009 (has links)
Brain trauma occurs frequently in children and its consequences cause significant health and financial burden to the patients, their carers and society. This thesis assessed the modulating effects of physiological, genetic, and biochemical factors on the sequelae of childhood brain trauma. Primary brain injury from the mechanical forces of trauma and secondary brain insults consequent on the primary injury are determinants of brain trauma outcome. The most important secondary insults recognised are reduced cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and raised intracranial pressure (ICP). CPP is governed by the mean arterial blood pressure and the ICP. During childhood these physiological measures change with age. With continuous physiological recordings, ‘critical’ age-related minimum CPP thresholds for children aged 2-6, 7-10 and 11-15 years were defined as 48, 54 and 58mmHg respectively. Utilising these thresholds and a novel cumulative pressure-time index (PTIc), we have demonstrated that CPP insult still remains a feature in 80% of the severe brain trauma patients and significantly relates to global outcome. Brain trauma and cerebral ischaemia are stimuli to the inflammatory cascade leading to further brain damage. Serum adhesion molecule levels after brain trauma indicate injury severity and predict outcome better than brain specific proteins. Predictability is improved using more than one serum biomarker level. Neuro-inflammatory pathways involving adhesion molecules may have a strong modulating effect on brain trauma outcome but warrants further investigations in relation to CPP insult. Genetic factors such as Apolipoprotein E (APO E) genetic polymorphisms may additionally influence outcome, but it was not known whether genetic factors lessen the quantity of CPP insult or the cellular response to it. We demonstrated that the e4 carriers who had unfavourable outcome had 22 times less CPP insult than the non-e4 carriers, while the e3 homozygous who had good recovery had 26 times more CPP insult than the non-e3 homozygous. This suggests that APO E polymorphisms may affect the patient’s cerebral ischaemic tolerance differently, indicating especially the need to prevent CPP insult among e4 carriers. Cerebral ischaemia may, therefore, be a common pathway through which physiological and genetic factors modulate outcome after brain trauma.
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Ethnographie des conflits domestiques en Kabylie : injures, commérages, malédictions / Ethnography of domestic conflicts in Kabylia : insults, gossip, maledictionsKhichane, Samia 05 December 2018 (has links)
En Kabylie, société de tradition patriarcale à domination masculine, les femmes ont recouru pendant des siècles à une multitude de pratiques détournées, décrites dans la littérature comme des « contre-pouvoirs » (Lacoste-Dujardin, 1985, 2008). À travers nombre de processus, elles semblent avoir de tout temps défié l’autorité dominante par le recours à des pratiques magiques, par une adaptation aux normes et valeurs de la société, mais surtout par la subtilité et la maîtrise de l’art de la parole. L’injure féminine, en tant qu’acte de langage, fait également partie des stratégies qu’utilisent les femmes kabyles afin d’exercer leur pouvoir de manière indirecte sur la société dominante, autrement dit, sur les hommes.La plupart des recherches qui se sont penchées sur la question de l’injure en Kabylie ont été menées par des anthropologues qui l’abordent dans son aspect ritualisé (Aït-Ferroukh, 1999 ; Rabia, 1988) ou par des linguistes dont les réflexions portent essentiellement sur le critère sémantique envisagé en rapport avec la vision du monde et la société (Mebtouche-Nejai 2012). Dans la perspective anthropologique qui m’intéresse, l’injure sera appréhendée comme un ensemble d’actes sociaux porteurs de conséquences (Laforêt et Vincent, 2004), plutôt que comme une catégorie de parole dépréciative, d’où la nécessité de prendre en compte sa valeur pragmatique dans la dimension du tort causé ou subi ou effet injure (Larguèche 1983, 1993, 2004, 2009) qui est nécessaire à sa compréhension.En m’appuyant sur les spécificités typologiques de l’injure féminine, je tenterai de montrer, dans une optique essentiellement pragmatique, comment dans une société à domination masculine où la parole est codifiée, l’injure, en tant que transgression langagière, permet aux femmes d’exercer leur pouvoir de manière indirecte. L’examen de ces procédés permettra de cerner les enjeux du pouvoir féminin et de voir dans quelle mesure l’injure peut être utilisée comme contre-pouvoir. / In Kabylia, a society with a male-domination patriarchal tradition, women have employed for many centuries a set of indirect practices, defined in the literature as « counter-powers » (Lacoste-Dujardin, 1985, 2008). Through several processes, they looked as they have always defied the dominant authority by exercising magical practices, adapting to the norms and values of society, but also, by their mastery and subtle use of the art of speech. Female term of abuse, as an act of language, is one of the strategies used by kabyle women to exert their power in an indirect manner on the dominant society, constituted by the men.Most of the research work that focused on the issue of insults in Kabylia has been conducted by anthropologists who analyzed it in its ritualized aspect (Aït-Ferroukh, 1999, Rabia, 1988) or by linguists whose reflections were conducted essentially on the semantic criterion in relation with the worldview and society (Mebtouche-Nejai, 2012). In the anthropological perspective that interests me, the insult will be apprehended as a set of social acts with consequences (Laforêt and Vincent, 2004), rather than as a category of deprecating speech, hence the need to take into account its pragmatic value in the dimension of the harm caused or suffered or the insulting effect (Larguèche, 1983, 1993, 2004, 2009) which is necessary for its comprehension.Based on the typological specifics of female insults, I will try to show, from an essentially pragmatic perspective, in a male-dominating society where the speech is codified, how the insult, as a linguistic transgression, allows women to exert their power indirectly. Examining these processes will help to identify the stakes of feminine power and to see at what extent the insult can be used as a counter-power.
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Garderobsmysteriet : en studie om homofobi heteronormativitet och om homosexuella ungdomars anonymitet i gymnasieskolan / The closet phenomenon : a study of homophobia heterosexual norms and homosexual youth anonymity in senior high schoolMoberg, Morgan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att försöka förstå varför så få homosexuella ungdomar väljer att komma ut offentligt med sin homo-bisexualitet i gymnasieskolan. Min frågeställning löd ”Av vilka anledningar väljer så få gymnasieelever att öppet visa sin homo-bisexualitet”. Metoden jag använt består i tre kvalitativa intervjuer med två lärare och en rektor. Intervjuerna spelades in på band. Tre gymnasieklasser svarade också på en enkät bestående av tio frågor, sammanlagt deltog trettiotvå elever.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att lärare och rektor inte har någon erfarenhet av öppet homo-bisexuella elever, och därmed inte känner sig insatta i problemet. De anser inte heller att homofobiska skällsord är vanligt förekommande i skolan. Majoriteten av eleverna känner heller inget obehag inför homo-bisexuella personer men anser att homofobiska skällsord är vanligt förekommande i skolan. Litteraturen och samtliga informanter är ense. Rädslan är stor för allmänhetens förlöjligande och fördömande av öppet homo-bisexuella personer.</p> / <p>The purpose of this examination work has been to understand why so few high school students choose to come out with their homo/bi sexuality. The question at issue were “Why are so few high school students open with their homo/bi sexuality?” The methods being used were three quality interviews with two teachers and one principal. The interviews were recorded on tape. Three high school classes answered a questionnaire, containing ten questions, in all there were thirty three students participating. The result of the survey shows that teachers and principals don’t know how to handle situations with openly homo/bisexual youth because of lack of experience. Their view is also that homophobic foul language isn’t commonly occurring in school. The majority of students don’t fell any discomfort in present of homo/bisexual students but consider that homophobic foul language is commonly used in school. Both the literature and all other sources are in agreement. Homosexual youth are afraid of people’s reactions and for them to condemn their sexual aptitude.</p>
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