Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urs""
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Die russisch-nationale Rechte von 1968 bis zum Ende der Sowjetunion : eine Diskursanalyse /Kochanek, Hildegard. January 1999 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät--Universität Bonn, 1996. / Bibliogr. p. 284-310. Index.
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Proto-Industrialisierung in Russland : Wirtschaft, Herrschaft und Kultur in Ivanovo und Pavlovo, 1741-1932 /Gestwa, Klaus. January 1999 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Geschichtswissenschaftliche Fakultät--Universität Tübingen, 1996. / Bibliogr. p. 602-674. Index. Glossaire.
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Le Canada traduit en deux temps : Œuvres littéraires d’auteurs canadiens traduites en russe pendant la Guerre froide et en Russie contemporaineSidorovskaya, Zoya 07 November 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à analyser les traductions d’œuvres littéraires canadiennes en russe à l’époque soviétique (de 1945 à 1991) et à l’époque contemporaine (de 1991 à nos jours) pour voir dans quelle mesure le changement de régime politique a pu ou non influencer les traductions d’œuvres littéraires canadiennes dans l’État russe et, partant, les images qu’elles véhiculent.
En alliant certains principes de la théorie du polysystème à la théorie du monde social de Pierre Bourdieu et en s’appuyant sur de nombreuses recherches sur la censure et sur la pratique de la traduction littéraire dans des pays postcommunistes, la présente recherche explore les stades de sélection, de production et de réception d’ouvrages canadiens en URSS pendant la Guerre froide et en Russie contemporaine. Les trois stades étudiés sont comparés dans le but de montrer comment les différents systèmes sociaux pendant les deux époques aux idéologies grandement différentes influent sur les traductions littéraires d’œuvres d’auteurs canadiens. Les quatre études de cas figurant dans la thèse présentent des exemples d’interaction de différents systèmes sociaux et d’agents particuliers influant sur les traductions d’ouvrages canadiens et exposent les différentes stratégies de « cadrage » (notion et classification empruntées à Mona Baker) employées, s’il s’agit des traductions soviétiques, et des représentations qui découlent des traductions contemporaines, ainsi que des différences liées à la spécificité propre à chacune des deux époques quant à la sélection, la production et la réception des traductions. Mon analyse montre aussi où la littérature canadienne trouve accueil en URSS et en Russie et quelle place elle occupe au sein du système littéraire national.
Les résultats de mon étude enrichissent ainsi les connaissances en traductologie grâce à l’analyse comparée du rôle idéologique de la traduction dans un pays ayant connu deux régimes politiques différents, puis grâce à l’analyse de la manière dont le changement de régime a influé à son tour sur la traduction. Ma recherche est également pertinente pour les études canadiennes, car elle permet de dresser une liste exhaustive des ouvrages canadiens traduits en russe de 1945 à 2015. Enfin, ce projet revêt un intérêt particulier pour les études interculturelles, car il vise à étudier, à travers la littérature traduite, les représentations de la littérature canadienne (une culture qu’on associe souvent, pour ainsi dire, au « giron capitaliste américain ») dans une société tantôt anticapitaliste, tantôt capitaliste, qu’on identifie souvent comme l’autre « superpuissance » du 20e siècle.
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Moscou 1980 : la séduction olympique de l'Afrique : diplomatie sportive et relations soviéto-africaines (1917-1980)Brosseau, Louis 21 May 2024 (has links)
À l'été 1980, les Jeux olympiques de Moscou, envisagés par leurs organisateurs comme la rencontre la plus achevée et réussie de l'histoire, sont confrontés à l'appel de boycott lancé par le président étasunien Jimmy Carter au lendemain de l'invasion soviétique de l'Afghanistan de décembre 1979. Symbole de la « seconde guerre froide » entamée au tournant de la décennie 1980 à la suite d'un affaiblissement du processus de *détente* au lendemain de la signature de l'Acte final d'Helsinki (1975), les Jeux de Moscou conservent une position singulière dans la littérature scientifique s'intéressant au croisement du sport et de la politique. Or, si les logiques diplomatiques de l'axe Est-Ouest dominent l'historiographie, les effets du boycott affectent également les relations internationales du Kremlin entretenues avec le tiers-monde, particulièrement l'Afrique. Initiateur de potentiels boycotts sportifs aux trois derniers Olympiques d'été à titre de levier politique, l'Afrique, de par son instrumentalisation sportive, représente une menace conséquente pour le succès des Jeux de Moscou, jaugé notamment par une pleine participation à l'événement. Ce mémoire se veut le premier regard exhaustif étudiant la campagne soviétique de « diplomatie olympique » menée par le Comité organisateur des Jeux olympiques de Moscou s'échelonnant *grosso modo* de 1976 à 1980 et visant à convaincre l'Afrique de participer aux XXIIᵉ Jeux d'été. Cette démonstration est précédée par un survol historique du développement général des relations soviéto-africaines, ainsi que des relations sportives soviéto-africaines jusqu'au milieu des années 1970, lesquelles constituent le soubassement de notre entreprise principale. / In the summer of 1980, the Moscow Olympic Games, envisioned by its organizers as the most accomplished and successful Olympiad in history, was confronted with Jimmy Carter's call for a boycott following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979. Perceived as a symbol of the "New Cold War" initiated at the tail end of the 1970s owing to the weakening of the *détente* policy following the signing of the Helsinki Final Act (1975), the Moscow Games maintain a singular posture in the scientific literature interested in the junction of sports and politics. However, if the diplomatic mechanisms of the East-West axis overshadow the historiography, the effects of the boycott also had an impact on the Kremlin's international relations with the Third World, especially Africa. The instrumentalization of sport carried out by the African continent represents a significant menace to the success of the Moscow Games, notably measured by a full participation at the event. This masters' thesis is the first exhaustive study of the Soviet campaign of "Olympic diplomacy" (1976-1980) aiming at persuading African states to participate in the XXII Olympiad. This thesis is divided into three parts: the first part provides a historical overview of the general development of the Africa-Soviet Union relations, followed by an overview of Soviet-African sports relations prior to the mid-1970s. The last part mainly focuses on the Soviet campaign of "Olympic diplomacy" (1976-1980), along with the themes of *agency*, ideology and pragmatism in Soviet diplomacy towards Africa.
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La revue photographique Kôga : Nojima Yasugô, Nakayama Iwata, Kimura Ihee et Ina Nobuo : Passerelles entre les modernités / Kôga : A Photography Review Nojima Yasuzô, Nakayama Iwata, Kimura Ihee and Ina Nobuo In Between ModernitiesLaly, Cécile 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la revue Kôga, une publication photographique mensuelle japonaise lancée en 1932, et sur ses photographes fondateurs Nojima Yasuzô, Nakayama Iwata et Kimura Ihee, rejoints par le critique Ina Nobuo à partir du deuxième numéro. Fondée afin de rivaliser avec les revues étrangères, telles que Photographie en France, Das Deutsche Lichtbild en Allemagne et Studio Annual of Camera Art en Angleterre, elle est aujourd’hui un atout majeur pour comprendre la photographie japonaise moderne du début des années trente. Et ce, malgré sa courte existence. Le premier chapitre questionne la notion de « modernité » dans le cadre du Japon. Le deuxième chapitre analyse le numéro d’inauguration de la revue en soulignant ses caractéristiques propres, au regard du contexte moderne japonais. Enfin, le troisième chapitre traite individuellement les travaux de Nojima Yasuzô, Nakayama Iwata, Kimura Ihee et Ina Nobuo. Ceux-ci permettent de faire valoir les différentes orientations respectives présentées dans la revue Kôga, qui sont représentatives de la scène photographique japonaise à un moment charnière. Ils permettent également de mettre en évidence la notion de passage : entre la Photographie d’Art (geijutsu shashin) et la Nouvelle Photographie (shinkô shashin) ; Entre la Nouvelle Photographie (shinkô shashin) et la photographie de reportage (hôdô shashin) et la Photographie d’Avant-garde (zen’ei shashin) ; Entre les différentes disciplines culturelles et artistiques ; Entre le domaine artistique et le domaine professionnel ; Entre l’œuvre d’art unique et la reproductibilité ; Ou encore, entre l’art et la société. / This work examines the Kôga review, a monthly Japanese photography magazine that was created in 1932 by photographers Nojima Yasuzô, Nakayama Iwata, and Kimura Ihee, with critic Ina Nobuo joining the review from the second issue. Founded to emulate Western magazines such as the French Photographie, the German Das Deutsche Lichtbild and the British Studio Annual of Camera Art, today Kôga, despite its short existence, is a major asset in understanding modern Japanese photography of the early 1930’s.The first chapter defines “modernity” within the framework of Japanese culture and history. The second chapter analyzes the opening issue of Kôga and emphasizes the specific characteristics that embody modern Japan’s photography reviews. Finally, the third chapter discusses the works of Nojima Yasuzô, Nakayama Iwata, Kimura Ihee and Ina Nobuo. This chapter also details the various orientations of photography that appear in the Kôga review and explains how they represent Japan’s photographic scene at a transitional period. Developed throughout the chapter is the concept of transition between: Art Photography (geijutsu shashin) and New Photography (shinkô shashin); New Photography (shinkô shashin) and reportage photography (hôdô shashin) and Avant-garde Photography (zen’ei shashin); art and society; artistic and professional fields; the unique master piece and reproducibility; and in between the various cultural and artistic disciplines.
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Stachka: um ensaio sobre os antagonismos / Stachka: um ensaio sobre os antagonismosPessoa, Peterson Soares 18 December 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a maneira como a noção de encomenda social se apresenta na obra do cineasta soviético Sergei M. Eisenstein (1898-1948), em seu primeiro filme A Greve (Stachka, URSS, 1925) , no âmbito de sua relação com o Construtivismo Russo (vanguarda artística soviética, que perdurou nos primeiros anos da década de 1920) e o movimento da Cultura Proletária (Proletkult) A análise parte da perspectiva proposta pelo historiador François Albera, em Eisenstein et Le Constructivisme Russe (1989), que considera, como fundamento da atividade artística construtivista, sua preocupação com a dimensão social da pratica artística. Para Albera, a noção de encomenda social, na acepção do escritor e dramaturgo Sergei Tretiakov (1892-1937), é um conceito chave para se entender como os artistas construtivistas compreendiam sua missão social. A pesquisa realizada demonstrou que a teoria da \"montagem de atrações\" de Eisenstein se constituiu num modo de construção artística, nos âmbitos do teatro e do cinema, que tinha como diretriz o trabalho com as emoções do espectador. Tal forma de práxis artística, articulada ao conceito de \"encomenda social\", ligava-se à nova escala da luta de classes, na chave posta pela implementação da Nova Política Econômica (NEP). / The present work analyzes how the concept of social command is presented in the work of Soviet filmmaker Sergei M. Eisenstein (1898-1946) in his first film Strike (Stachka, USSR, 1925) - within the sphere of his relationship with Russian Constructivism (Soviet artistic avant-garde, which lasted in the early years of the 1920s) and the Proletarian Culture (Proletkult) movement. The analysis starts with the approach proposed by the historian François Albera, who considers the social dimension of artistic practice as the foundation for constructivist artistic activity. For Albera, the notion of \"social command\" as defined by the writer and dramatist Sergei Tret\'iakov (1892-1937), is a key concept for understanding how constructivist artists understand their social mission. The research presented demonstrates that the theory of \"montage of attractions\", developed by Eisenstein, constitutes a mode of artistic construction which shapes the emotions of the spectator in both theater as well as cinema. This form of artistic practice, articulated by the concept of \"social command\", is linked to a new level of class struggle as produced by the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP).
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O colapso da URSS: um estudo das causas / The collapse of the USSR: a study of its motivesRodrigues, Roberio Paulino 20 March 2006 (has links)
Investiga as causas históricas, políticas, sociais e econômicas que mais contribuíram para o colapso e desaparecimento da União Soviética em 1991. Como um esforço de reinterpretação do fenômeno, desde a gênese até o esgotamento da URSS, apóia-se em análises e dados de alguns dos mais conhecidos especialistas no assunto. Considera que um conjunto de elementos se combinou para tal desfecho. Aponta como causas principais: a) o atraso material e cultural da velha Rússia para iniciar a construção do socialismo; b) o isolamento da Revolução Russa, fruto, entre outros fatores, do reformismo político que paralisou a classe operária no Ocidente; c) as agressões militares que a URSS sofreu, com suas imensas perdas humanas e os custos insuportáveis de defesa, derivados da ameaça permanente que vinha do exterior, que contribuíram para exauri-la economicamente; d) a natureza ditatorial do sistema político, como elemento central, que se pôde acelerar a industrialização e a modernização em uma primeira fase, trouxe imensos prejuízos humanos por outro e funcionou a partir de certo ponto no tempo como uma trava à continuidade do desenvolvimento da economia e da sociedade; e) o esgotamento do modelo extensivo de crescimento na virada para os anos 70, a desaceleração econômica que chega à estagnação no início dos anos 80 e o acentuado atraso tecnológico em relação ao mundo capitalista, verificado já na década de 70; f) As grandes transformações sociais, culturais e comportamentais ocorridas no mundo e na URSS, a Revolução da Informação e as mobilizações democráticas em todo Leste Europeu, que erodiram as fundações do sistema soviético; g) A Perestroika, que como programa de reformas acelerou a democratização do regime político, levando à desagregação do velho mecanismo burocrático de planejamento e gestão estatais da economia, o que por sua vez gerou caos; h) As mobilizações nacionalistas e a ofensiva restauracionista selaram a desagregação do sistema soviético. O processo final que levou ao colapso da URSS parece mais uma combinação de progressivas revoluções ou mobilizações democráticas - que em muito se assemelham às revoluções burguesas, já que suas bandeiras e demandas não diferem muito daquelas levantadas nas revoluções de 1789 e 1848 - com a implosão de um sistema político debilitado e ultrapassado, onde já não cabiam as forças produtivas e sociais que dentro dele se desenvolviam / The major historical, political, social and economic reasons contributing to the collapse as well as the disintegration of the USSR in 1991 are the core aspects scrutinized in this study. In an effort to make sense of the phenomenon from a different perspective, departing from the genesis to the collapse of the USSR, data analyzed by some of the most renowned researchers has been used as a theoretical basis. In this sense, such an outcome is attributed to a series of combined factors. Not only the material and cultural backwardness of slow-tochange Russia in order to set up socialism, but also the consequent isolation of the Russian Revolution, a result - amongst other factors - of the political conventionalism that paralyzed the Western working class, are two of the main explanations pointed out. A third aspect equally relevant refers to the military attacks that Russia had to cope with, not to mention its huge human losses and the unbearable defense costs - a consequence of permanent external threats -, thus impoverishing the country. On top of that, there is - as a crucial component - the double-edged essence of the dictatorial political system for, if on one hand, it speeds up both industrialization and modernization, on the other hand, it also accounts for huge human losses, thus representing - from a given moment - an obstacle to the continuing economic and social development. A fifth chain of events worth highlighting is the failure of the extensive economic development pattern at the turn of the seventies, followed by the economic deceleration, almost on the verge of stagnation in the eighties, not to mention the conspicuous technological delay when compared to the capitalist world, where it had been in evidence since the seventies. In addition to this, the huge social, cultural and behavioral changes - which took place in the world as well as in the USSR, followed by both the Information Revolution and democratic mobilizations throughout Eastern Europe - undermined the foundations of the Soviet system. Furthermore, while the Perestroika - as a restructuring program - became the catalyst for dismantling the conservative bureaucratic structures of government led planning and management, on the other hand, it also accelerated the democratization of the political government, which produced chaos. Last but by no means least, the nationalist mobilizations allied to the restoration offensive determined the downfall of the Soviet system. By and large, the final process responsible for the collapse of the USSR resembles more a combination of consecutive revolutions or a series of democratic mobilization - very similar to the bourgeois revolutions in many aspects given that its causes and demands do not differ substantially from the ones arisen in the 1789 and 1848 revolutions, - with the dismantling of a debilitated and outdated political system, since productive and social forces in full development in its interior could not fit into such a structure anylonger
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Idéologie et vie quotidienne de soldats soviétiques durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : une analyse de correspondances militairesCampeau, Marilyn 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire s'intéresse au quotidien des soldats soviétiques qui ont combattu sur le front de l'Est entre 1941 et 1945 et consiste en une analyse de leurs correspondances personnelles. Sur un tel sujet, une historiographie non négligeable nous précède. Cette recherche s'inspire donc des travaux d'Omer Bartov et de ses successeurs sur le phénomène de la « barbarisation » sur le front de l'Est, de différentes études abordant la réalité du soldat au front et la vie quotidienne au temps de Staline ainsi que d'ouvrages exploitant comme sources de base des correspondances ou des récits personnels. En mettant de l'avant une approche sociale de la guerre, ce travail vise à faire la lumière sur les conditions physiques et psychologiques dans lesquelles Ivan, le soldat soviétique moyen, a évolué, tout en évaluant à quel point il fut « brutalisé » par son expérience au front et quel fut le rôle de l'idéologie du régime en place dans ce processus. Notre utilisation du cadre d'analyse de Bartov, appliqué à notre corpus, vise à valider si les trois facteurs de « brutalisation » des soldats d'Hitler avancés par cet historien (les conditions du front, les antécédents sociaux et éducationnels et l'endoctrinement des troupes) peuvent également expliquer la « brutalisation » des soldats de Staline pendant cette période. En étudiant les propos des soldats qui abordent leur alimentation, leur hygiène, leurs conditions de travail et la logistique au front, nous sommes amenés à réduire l'importance accordée aux conditions physiques du front de l'Est dans le processus de « brutalisation » des troupes par rapport au cas allemand. Alors que les écrits de ces combattants au sujet du moral au front, de leurs inquiétudes liées à leurs proches ainsi que de leur état psychologique général renforcent l'idée d'une forte politisation de la vie quotidienne en URSS avant même le début du conflit, qui a eu pour effet de rendre ces hommes encore plus perméables à la propagande de guerre. Aussi, en analysant les calques du discours de la propagande soviétique, les représentations de l'ennemi ainsi que les traces de « brutalisation » présentes dans les correspondances étudiées, il est possible de démontrer le rôle crucial de l'endoctrinement idéologique. Finalement, la présence d'une spirale de violence, liée au désir de vengeance face aux crimes commis par les envahisseurs dès le début du conflit, explique également le comportement excessivement violent de ces militaires soviétiques, tant envers les soldats allemands que les civils, lorsqu'ils firent leur entrée en Allemagne en 1945. L'intérêt de cette recherche réside dans le fait qu'elle constitue un apport à un des débats fondamentaux du champ d'études, surtout sur le plan de la critique de sources importantes, mais mal exploitées, puisqu'elle permet, entre autres, de définir le profil idéologique d'un échantillon représentatif de millions de Soviétiques appelés sous les drapeaux durant le second conflit mondial.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Histoire, URSS, Deuxième Guerre mondiale, Front de l'Est, Armée rouge, Soldat, Correspondances, Conditions sociales, Idéologie.
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Stachka: um ensaio sobre os antagonismos / Stachka: um ensaio sobre os antagonismosPeterson Soares Pessoa 18 December 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a maneira como a noção de encomenda social se apresenta na obra do cineasta soviético Sergei M. Eisenstein (1898-1948), em seu primeiro filme A Greve (Stachka, URSS, 1925) , no âmbito de sua relação com o Construtivismo Russo (vanguarda artística soviética, que perdurou nos primeiros anos da década de 1920) e o movimento da Cultura Proletária (Proletkult) A análise parte da perspectiva proposta pelo historiador François Albera, em Eisenstein et Le Constructivisme Russe (1989), que considera, como fundamento da atividade artística construtivista, sua preocupação com a dimensão social da pratica artística. Para Albera, a noção de encomenda social, na acepção do escritor e dramaturgo Sergei Tretiakov (1892-1937), é um conceito chave para se entender como os artistas construtivistas compreendiam sua missão social. A pesquisa realizada demonstrou que a teoria da \"montagem de atrações\" de Eisenstein se constituiu num modo de construção artística, nos âmbitos do teatro e do cinema, que tinha como diretriz o trabalho com as emoções do espectador. Tal forma de práxis artística, articulada ao conceito de \"encomenda social\", ligava-se à nova escala da luta de classes, na chave posta pela implementação da Nova Política Econômica (NEP). / The present work analyzes how the concept of social command is presented in the work of Soviet filmmaker Sergei M. Eisenstein (1898-1946) in his first film Strike (Stachka, USSR, 1925) - within the sphere of his relationship with Russian Constructivism (Soviet artistic avant-garde, which lasted in the early years of the 1920s) and the Proletarian Culture (Proletkult) movement. The analysis starts with the approach proposed by the historian François Albera, who considers the social dimension of artistic practice as the foundation for constructivist artistic activity. For Albera, the notion of \"social command\" as defined by the writer and dramatist Sergei Tret\'iakov (1892-1937), is a key concept for understanding how constructivist artists understand their social mission. The research presented demonstrates that the theory of \"montage of attractions\", developed by Eisenstein, constitutes a mode of artistic construction which shapes the emotions of the spectator in both theater as well as cinema. This form of artistic practice, articulated by the concept of \"social command\", is linked to a new level of class struggle as produced by the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP).
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O colapso da URSS: um estudo das causas / The collapse of the USSR: a study of its motivesRoberio Paulino Rodrigues 20 March 2006 (has links)
Investiga as causas históricas, políticas, sociais e econômicas que mais contribuíram para o colapso e desaparecimento da União Soviética em 1991. Como um esforço de reinterpretação do fenômeno, desde a gênese até o esgotamento da URSS, apóia-se em análises e dados de alguns dos mais conhecidos especialistas no assunto. Considera que um conjunto de elementos se combinou para tal desfecho. Aponta como causas principais: a) o atraso material e cultural da velha Rússia para iniciar a construção do socialismo; b) o isolamento da Revolução Russa, fruto, entre outros fatores, do reformismo político que paralisou a classe operária no Ocidente; c) as agressões militares que a URSS sofreu, com suas imensas perdas humanas e os custos insuportáveis de defesa, derivados da ameaça permanente que vinha do exterior, que contribuíram para exauri-la economicamente; d) a natureza ditatorial do sistema político, como elemento central, que se pôde acelerar a industrialização e a modernização em uma primeira fase, trouxe imensos prejuízos humanos por outro e funcionou a partir de certo ponto no tempo como uma trava à continuidade do desenvolvimento da economia e da sociedade; e) o esgotamento do modelo extensivo de crescimento na virada para os anos 70, a desaceleração econômica que chega à estagnação no início dos anos 80 e o acentuado atraso tecnológico em relação ao mundo capitalista, verificado já na década de 70; f) As grandes transformações sociais, culturais e comportamentais ocorridas no mundo e na URSS, a Revolução da Informação e as mobilizações democráticas em todo Leste Europeu, que erodiram as fundações do sistema soviético; g) A Perestroika, que como programa de reformas acelerou a democratização do regime político, levando à desagregação do velho mecanismo burocrático de planejamento e gestão estatais da economia, o que por sua vez gerou caos; h) As mobilizações nacionalistas e a ofensiva restauracionista selaram a desagregação do sistema soviético. O processo final que levou ao colapso da URSS parece mais uma combinação de progressivas revoluções ou mobilizações democráticas - que em muito se assemelham às revoluções burguesas, já que suas bandeiras e demandas não diferem muito daquelas levantadas nas revoluções de 1789 e 1848 - com a implosão de um sistema político debilitado e ultrapassado, onde já não cabiam as forças produtivas e sociais que dentro dele se desenvolviam / The major historical, political, social and economic reasons contributing to the collapse as well as the disintegration of the USSR in 1991 are the core aspects scrutinized in this study. In an effort to make sense of the phenomenon from a different perspective, departing from the genesis to the collapse of the USSR, data analyzed by some of the most renowned researchers has been used as a theoretical basis. In this sense, such an outcome is attributed to a series of combined factors. Not only the material and cultural backwardness of slow-tochange Russia in order to set up socialism, but also the consequent isolation of the Russian Revolution, a result - amongst other factors - of the political conventionalism that paralyzed the Western working class, are two of the main explanations pointed out. A third aspect equally relevant refers to the military attacks that Russia had to cope with, not to mention its huge human losses and the unbearable defense costs - a consequence of permanent external threats -, thus impoverishing the country. On top of that, there is - as a crucial component - the double-edged essence of the dictatorial political system for, if on one hand, it speeds up both industrialization and modernization, on the other hand, it also accounts for huge human losses, thus representing - from a given moment - an obstacle to the continuing economic and social development. A fifth chain of events worth highlighting is the failure of the extensive economic development pattern at the turn of the seventies, followed by the economic deceleration, almost on the verge of stagnation in the eighties, not to mention the conspicuous technological delay when compared to the capitalist world, where it had been in evidence since the seventies. In addition to this, the huge social, cultural and behavioral changes - which took place in the world as well as in the USSR, followed by both the Information Revolution and democratic mobilizations throughout Eastern Europe - undermined the foundations of the Soviet system. Furthermore, while the Perestroika - as a restructuring program - became the catalyst for dismantling the conservative bureaucratic structures of government led planning and management, on the other hand, it also accelerated the democratization of the political government, which produced chaos. Last but by no means least, the nationalist mobilizations allied to the restoration offensive determined the downfall of the Soviet system. By and large, the final process responsible for the collapse of the USSR resembles more a combination of consecutive revolutions or a series of democratic mobilization - very similar to the bourgeois revolutions in many aspects given that its causes and demands do not differ substantially from the ones arisen in the 1789 and 1848 revolutions, - with the dismantling of a debilitated and outdated political system, since productive and social forces in full development in its interior could not fit into such a structure anylonger
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