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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pacht / Usufructuary lease

Kešner, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to summarize usufructuary lease in accordance to Book Four of the current Civil Code, entitled "Relative property rights", Title II. "Obligations arising from juridical acts", second Chapter "Relinquishing a thing to be used by another" and the fourth Section entitled "Usufructuary lease", which is a separate type, that returns to code of private law after more than sixty years. At the beginning I dealt with circumstances of the return of the old-new Institute and the situation that preceded the efficiency of the Civil Code. Next chapter is devoted to the interpretation of some basic concepts that are not known to general public due to its archaic wording, but their definition is the basis for understanding the relationship between usufructuary lessor and usufructuary lessee. Part of this chapter also describes the thin line between lease and usufructuary lease, that lies mainly in different economic function, thus in fact, that a thing is according to a usufructuary lease contract, relinquished not only for use, but also for enjoyment. Subsequently, the diploma thesis continues with the history of usufructuary lease in the 19th and 20th centuries with an attention to Act no. 847/1811 Coll. a. s., General Civil Code, that was adopted into Czechoslovak legal...

Pacht závodu / Usufructuary lease of a business

Němec, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Usufructuary lease of a business ABSTRACT The object of the thesis is to analyse the current legal regulation of the usufructuary lease of a business and, in appropriate places, to compare this regulation with the previous legislation and to submit proposals for suitable contractual arrangements under the usufructuary lease of a business contract and the related documentation. At first, for the purpose of analysing the legal regulation of the usufructuary lease of a business, the thesis defines the institutes of a business enterprise and of a usufructuary. The first chapter focuses on the historical development of the concept of the institute of the business enterprise in Czech legal regulations, starting with the pre-war legal regulation and finishing with the current legislation. There is a passage devoted mainly to the definition of a business enterprise, a plurality of business enterprises and the nature of the business enterprise as a collective thing. This is followed by the effort to define the usufructuary lease of a part of a business enterprise constituting a separate organisational component, as the provisions on the usufructuary lease of a business are applied by analogy to the usufructuary lease of such part of the business. A part of the second chapter devoted to the institute of a...

Závod jako předmět právních vztahů (koupě závodu a pacht závodu) / Commercial establishment as an object of legal relationship (purchase of commercial establishment and usufructuary lease of commercial establishment)

Přibyl, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Commercial establishment as an object of legal relationship (purchase of commercial establishment and usufructuary lease of commercial establishment) The topic of this thesis is "Commercial establishment as an object of legal relationship (purchase of commercial establishment and usufructuary lease of commercial establishment)". From the title it is obvious that commercial establishment is an object of legal relationship but not a subject of legal relationship which is a considerable part of its understanding. With the acceptance of the Czech Civil Code a lot of changes came to this institute, including name change. This is the reason why it was necessary to conceive this matter complexly, from the basic term to specifics of particular legal relationships. The first part of this thesis is focussed on a basic term of commercial establishment and its circumscription in the Czech Civil Code, where it is understood as a set of asset and also as an agent for entrepreneurial activities. This part analyses particular kinds of commercial establishment and also branch of another parts of commercial establishment. The second part is dedicated to various examples of legal relationships where the commercial establishment might be the object. Particular legal relationships are concisely characterised. In this part there...

Le critère de la qualité d’associé : étude en droit français des sociétés / Criterion of corporations’ partnership : study in french company law

Barrillon, Clément 30 March 2016 (has links)
Confrontée depuis des années à la diversification des techniques d’organisation du patrimoine, la qualité d’associé n’apparaît plus réellement unifiée. Et les critères proposés par la doctrine ne semblent pas permettre d’y remédier, ce qui pose de nombreuses difficultés. L’usufruitier, le fiduciaire, le locataire de parts sociales ou d’actions, ou bien encore l’investisseur et l’empty voter ont-ils la qualité d’associé ? La question est loin d’être théorique puisqu’elle conditionne, en particulier, l’attribution des prérogatives telles que le droit de demander la dissolution de la société, d’exercer l’action sociale, de participer aux décisions collectives ou encore de percevoir le boni de liquidation. Mais elle s’avère également déterminante s’agissant de l’obligation aux dettes et, à cet égard, présente un réel intérêt pour les tiers. Les praticiens tentent aujourd’hui d’éloigner les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent en utilisant le critère de la propriété des parts sociales et des actions. Cependant, la présente étude révèle qu’il ne peut être considéré comme un critère satisfaisant. Au contraire, il apparaît que l’élément caractéristique de la qualité d’associé, qui permet de distinguer l’associé des tiers et qui s’impose à toutes les formes d’associé, est le risque de contribuer aux pertes sociales. Et l’application de ce critère conduit en particulier à refuser à l’usufruitier et au locataire la qualité d’associé. / The notion of corporation’s partner seems to have lost its unity due to the development of innovative skills and techniques in asset management. Criterions for corporations’ partnership that are proposed by legal doctrine appear to be inadequate. Can usufructuary, trustee and lessee of shares be considered as partners ? This question raises numerous difficulties in practice and the answer to be brought will determine the significant rights and duties attached to a partner such as the right to ask for the liquidation and dissolution of the corporation, the right to participate to a general assembly meeting or the liability for corporation’s debts. Given these uncertainties, the stakeholders often use the criterion of ownership of shares to establish who is partner. However this criterion is unsatisfactory. The research tries to demonstrate that risk is the key and distinctive criterion of partnership. The criterion of risk enables to distinguish partners from third parties and applies to partners of all types of corporations. Therefore, it provides for effectiveness, for instance to prevent from granting the quality of partner to usufructuary and lessee of shares.

Nödsituationer i en hyresgästs lägenhet : vilka är en hyresvärds rättigheter och skyldigheter?

Anastasios Tekeoglou, Joakim Prevander January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to clarify the landlord’s rights and obligations towards the tenant when a case of emergency occurs in the tenant’s apartment. What can a landlord do to get access to the tenant’s apartment when a case of emergency occurs? Will the landlord be liable if he damages any property of the tenant during the time in the apartment? These are some of the questions that we will answer. The problem is guided by two main principles: the landlord’s right of possession of the apartment and also the tenant’s right of use of the same property. The conflict between these two principles and between the interests of the landlord and the tenant is the foundation of this problem. Case of emergencies in an apartment are not regulated in Swedish law. Therefore, we have chosen to do comparisons to other forms of similar situations, which already are regulated in the law. These comparisons are made to see if similar rules can be applicated to cases of emergencies in the tenant’s apartment. In addition to this, we have also used case law, which treats similar situations, to see if the principles from these cases also can be applicated in case of emergencies in the tenant’s apartment. / Uppsatsens syfte är att klargöra hur hyresvärdens rättigheter och skyldigheter gentemot hyresgästen regleras vid en nödsituation i hyresgästens lägenhet. Frågor som vi kommer att försöka svara på är bl a: hur långt får hyresvärden gå när han bereder sig tillträde till hyresgästens lägenhet? Blir han ersättningsskyldig om han skulle skada hyresgästens egendom då en nödsituation föreligger? Problemet är utöver ett obligationsrättsligt, även ett sakrättsligt problem. De sakrättsliga principer som ligger till grund för problemet är äganderätten och nyttjanderätten. I vårt fall kommer dessa till uttryck genom att hyresvärden, som har äganderätten till sin egendom, upplåter nyttjanderätten av sin egendom till hyresgästens förmån. Det här förhållandet mellan hyresvärden och hyresgästen är en av orsakerna till att det uppstår ett problem vid hyresvärdens tillträde till lägenheten vid en nödsituation. Eftersom nödsituationer inte är reglerade i 12 kap. 26 § Jordabalken har vi valt att göra jämförelser med andra typer av situationer som finns reglerade i lagen. Dessa är: mindre brådskande förbättringsarbete och annat arbete, brådskande förbättringsarbete och bekämpning av ohyra i hyresgästens lägenhet. Dessa jämförelser görs för att utreda vilka regler som kan tänkas tillämpas då en nödsituation föreligger. För att uppfylla syftet har vi även tagit hjälp av ett par äldre rättsfall som behandlar områden som har nära anknytning till vårt problem.

Smlouva o nájmu podniku / A contract to lease an enterprise

Lužová, Irena January 2015 (has links)
A contract to lease an enterprise A contract to lease an enterprise (Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code) was replaced by an agreement of usufructuary lease of an establishment with effect from 1. January 2014, when the New Civil Code came into force. Due to a new legislation, thesis in some chapters mentions comparison between present and former legal regulations, especially represented by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code. Some chapters explain concept of usufructuary lease of an establishment from the historical point of view. The thesis deals with Czech legal regulation of the agreement of usufructuary lease of an establishment. It is an agreement regulated by Section 2349 atc. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the New Civil Code. Usufructuary lease of an establishment is a contractual type related to contract of purchase of an establishment. Firstly, the thesis explains term establishment and defines objects we can classify as an establishment. The work also deals with the term part of an establishment ( branch) and other contextual terms. The main part is devoted to contracts essentialia negotii and the content of the contract from the view of the changes that have occurred with the effect of the Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. Especially problematic issues are rights and obligations,...

Právo stavby a jiné možnosti postavit dům na cizím pozemku / Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another

Buchar, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another The purpose of this thesis is to analyse comprehensively the institute of usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another. Other legal institutes that can be used to set up home on a foreign land are easements, lease, usufructuary lease, precarious loan and loan for use. The Civil Code, after more than sixty years, is returning to the superficial principle, with which is the usufructuary right of building inherently connected and which represents an exception from that principle. Thesis is divided into four parts. The largest is the first part, which deals with the usufructuary right of building. The second part is devoted to other institutes, which enable the establishment of a house on a foreign land. The third part is the comparison of the usufructuary right of building with other institutes. The fourth part focuses on the usufructuary right of building legislation abroad. The focus of this thesis is in the first part, which consists of nine chapters. The first chapter defines the basic concepts and institutes related to the usufructuary right of building. The second chapter describes the history of the usufructuary right of building. The third to the seventh chapter...

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