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"No" - Jose Saramago's subversive creativity from The History of the Siege of Lisbon to The Stone Raft: voyages into the idea of national identityMihai, Corina M. 19 February 2009 (has links)
This study outlines a reading of Saramago’s novels as tracing a reflective itinerary into history, questioning the modalities informing a contemporary consciousness, thus acknowledging and re–configuring the past. Through an interpretation of these narratives as ‘voyages into the idea of identity’ it is shown that they reveal a symmetrical pattern tracing the Portuguese national saga from its foundation myth in The History of the Siege of Lisbon to contemporary images of identity in The Stone Raft. In light of this, the analysis examines the subversive narrative strategies employed with regard to the interrogation of canonized historical facts that led to the construction of Portuguese cultural memory and identity. Although the discussion is particularly located within Portuguese texts, the issues raised are relevant within the broader context of Western civilization. It is argued that, within his fictional discourse, Saramago aims at a reformulation of the notion of identity, highlighting the importance of preserving and actively affirming one’s individuality.
Drawing on the postmodern perspective of pluralism in the reconstruction of the past, this analysis explores the relationship between history, fiction, memory and identity as reflected in the narratives under discussion. The focus will be on the textual nature of historiography as well as on the relative character of memory, aspects suggesting the irretrievable nature of the past and the necessity of using various acts of supplementation, construction and invention when representing it. Furthermore, the dialogue between Saramago’s fictional canvass and the theoretical framework, drawing on the thinking of critics such as Hayden White, David Lowenthal, Tzvetan Todorov, Linda Hutcheon, is intended to situate Saramago’s stance viz–à-viz the truthfulness of historiography within the contemporary preoccupation with the representation and construction of the past with an eye to reflecting present needs.
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La prégnance de l'imaginaire méditerranéen dans l'œuvre de Camus : au confluent du mythe, de l'utopie et de l'Histoire / The pregnancy of the mediterranean imaginary in the artwork of Albert Camus : a mid-way between the myth, the utopia and the HistorySelmi, Fathi 17 December 2018 (has links)
La Méditerranée est une riche matière mythique dans l’œuvre et l’imaginaire du premier Camus. Elle essaime notamment dans ses écrits de jeunesse de manière à prendre les allures d’un mythe primordial et fondateur où se consacrent les noces de l’homme avec le monde. Signe d’un accord profond mais ambivalent, le mythe méditerranéen tel qu’il se déploie dans l’œuvre du premier Camus se nourrit d’une part d’un imaginaire solaire et radieux ; d’autre part, il repose sur des tensions permanentes avec des notions corollaires comme l’Histoire et l’utopie. A contre-courant du mouvement destructeur et meurtrier de l’Histoire en marche, Camus brosse au cœur des années 1930 un mythe idyllique de la colonie, sorte d’utopie qui se désintéresse des tensions raciales et communautaires du moment. Si l’œuvre naissante chante avec des accents ivres les joies prodiguées par les rivages heureux de la terre originelle, l’Algérie, certains textes de l’auteur laissent entrevoir la menace grandissante qui plane sur l’avenir de cette patrie de l’âme et le frémissement de l’auteur à l’idée de la perdre irrémédiablement. D’où le déchirement et l’oscillation de Camus entre le rêve méditerranéen auquel il se laisse aller, à maints endroits de son œuvre, et l’exigence de lucidité quant à la réalité coloniale du pays natal. / The Mediterranean is a rich mythical subject in the imagination of the first Camus. It spreads in particular in his youthful writings so as to take on the appearance of a primordial and founding myth. Sign of a deep but ambivalent agreement, the Mediterranean myth as it unfolds in the works of the first Camus feeds on the one hand from a solar and radiant imagination; on the other hand, it is based on permanent tensions with corollary notions such as history and utopia. A counter-current of the destructive movement of history, Camus brushes in 1930 years an idyllic myth of the colony, a kind of utopia that is losing interest in racial and community tensions of the moment. If his works sing the joys lavished by the happy shores of the original land, Algeria, some texts of the author suggest the growing threat to the future of this homeland and the thrill of the author at the thought of losing it irremediably
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Interroger l'émergence d'une nouvelle forme dramatique ˸ la "dystopie théâtrale" dans les réécritures contemporaines de Shakespeare (Müller, Bond, Barker) / The emergence of a new dramaturgical form ˸ the "theatrical dystopia" in Shakespeare's contemporary rewritings (Müller, Bond, Barker)Bumbas, Alexandru 31 January 2019 (has links)
Associant l’analyse du discours esthétique des auteurs comme Müller, Bond et Barker, à l’étude dramaturgique de leurs réécritures respectives de Shakespeare, cette thèse a pour but de s’interroger sur l’émergence d’une nouvelle forme dramatique – la dystopie théâtrale. En faisant appel à l’instrumentalisation de la catastrophe, à la fois shakespearienne et historique, les dramaturges s’empressent à écrire des pièces qui partagent presque la même vision sur l’avenir du monde et de l’homme. L’apocalypse du roi Lear et la vision cauchemardesque qu’Hamlet porte sur le monde sont greffées, par les dramaturges, sur des tissus dramatiques étayés déjà sur les traces des barbaries du XXe et XXIe siècles. En tant qu'écritures résolument catastrophistes, les « dystopies théâtrales » s’opposent, à première vue, à toute fonction utopique. Néanmoins, le ton apocalyptique (au sens derridien du terme) qui les caractérise, cache des fonctions esthétiques qui questionnent à nouveau la catharsis et la nature même du théâtre. En analysant ces fonctions, nous tentons de démontrer que ces formes dramatiques peuvent être vues aussi comme des dramaturgies censées provoquer l’éveil des consciences et ressusciter ainsi la pulsion utopique que l’Humanité semble avoir perdue. En plus d’une épuration émotionnelle (qui elle-même est remise en question), la dystopie théâtrale est aussi caractérisée par une catharsis inversée, dans le sens d’une surcharge intellective et d’une rétention émotionnelle qui touche souvent le paroxysme. Quel lien entre l’Utopie et la « dystopie théâtrale » ? / This thesis emphasizes the emergence of a new dramaturgical form – the theatrical dystopia. The study analyses the aesthetical discourse of authors such as Heiner Müller, Edward Bond and Howard Barker, as well as their contemporary rewritings of some of Shakespeare’s plays. Through their conceptualization of the Catastrophe, both Shakespearian and historical, these authors seem to have the same vision of the future of the world and the humans. King Lear’s apocalypse and the nightmarish “Hamletian” vision of the world are grafted on modern literary “tissues”, which are already imbued with the traces of the catastrophes from twentieth and the twenty-first century. Theatrical dystopias seem opposed to every utopian function. Nevertheless, le ton apocalyptique (Derrida) which characterizes them hides aesthetical functions, which cast new meanings to the catharsis notion and the nature of the theatre. By analyzing these functions by and large, this study shows that these new dramaturgical forms are to be seen as writings that highlight awareness and resuscitate the utopian impulse that the Humanity seems to have lost. Despite a strong emotional discharge (which also acquires new functions), theatrical dystopias are also characterized by inverse catharsis – a cerebral and emotional retention which often touches paroxysm. What is thus the connection between Utopia and theatrical dystopia?
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En quête d'une société idéale : la dialectique de l'utopie et de la dystopie dans Travail d'Emile Zola et La Possibilité d'une île de Michel Houellebecq / In search of an ideal society : the conflict between Utopia/Dystopia through the novels Travail (1901) by Emile Zola and The Possibility of an Island (2005) by Michel Houellebecq.Giri, Hemlata 23 October 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche sur deux romans d'Emile Zola et Michel Houellebecq est conduite dans une perspective comparatiste, en raison des préoccupations communes qui animent les deux écrivains. Les deux romans traitent en des termes diamétralement opposés de l'utopie et de la dystopie, mais l’intérêt pour la science constitue un point de convergence. Au XIXe siècle la science et la technologie ont fait d'énormes progrès. La Troisième République a réaffirmé les valeurs de la liberté, de l’égalité et de la fraternité qui a inspiré les idéaux de la Révolution française ; l’État et la religion ont été séparés en 1905. Mais peu après, à la suite des deux guerres mondiales, le rêve d'établir un monde utopique s’est effondré. Par la suite,le concept utopique a été déformé, et on l’a défini en termes libéraux comme un résultat de la croissance économique. Cent ans après,Houellebecq dénonce l'existence de ce monde utopique rêvé. Pour Houellebecq, le libéralisme est devenu synonyme de violence, d'inégalité et de débauche. Emile Zola et Michel Houellebecq examinent différemment le rôle de la science dans le développement social. Zola, déçu par le rôle de la religion, croit en la réalisation d'un monde meilleur fondé sur le progrès scientifique et technologique. En revanche, Houellebecq s’oppose à l'idée de progrès par la science dans laquelle il voit une forme de destruction de l'humanité. En travaillant sur Travail de Zola et La possibilité d'une île de Houellebecq, nous avons choisi une approche originale qui consiste à analyser la notion du roman utopique/dystopique ainsi que la place de l'utopie et dystopie dans la fiction chez les deux auteurs. / This doctoral research on the works of Emile Zola and Michel Houellebecq is constituted in a comparative perspective because they share common concerns. While both novels deal with diagonally opposite terms of utopia and dystopia, science remains the common link. In the nineteenth century science and technology made huge progress. The rise of the Third Republic reaffirmed the values of liberty, equality, fraternity that inspired the ideals of the French Revolution; also State and religion were separated in 1905. But soon after, with two World Wars the dream of establishing utopia fell apart. Thereafter, the utopian concept was distorted per convenience and it came to be defined in liberal terms as an outcome of the rise of market economy. Hundred years after, Houellebecq denounces the existence of utopian world. For Houellebecq, liberalism has become a synonym of violence, inequality and debauch. Emile Zola and Michel Houellebecq look differently at the role of science in social development. On one hand, Zola disillusioned by the role of religion, believed in the achievement of a better world based on scientific and technological progress. In contrast, Houellebecq opposes the idea of progress through science and advocates it as a mean of destruction of the humanity. In quest to work on the novels Travail of Zola and The possibility of an island of Houellebecq, we’ve selected an original approach that will analyze the poetics of the notion of utopian/dystopian novel and the question of utopia and dystopia in the selected works of both authors.
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Reintegração social da pessoa presa na comarca de Miranorte: uma proposta de implementação do método ApacNunes, Cledson José Dias 29 January 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de relatório técnico de pesquisa vinculado à linha Efetividade das Decisões Judiciais
e Direitos Humanos, do Mestrado Profissional Interdisciplinar em Prestação Jurisdicional e
Direitos Humanos da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT) e Escola Superior da
Magistratura do Tocantins (ESMAT), com o escopo de analisar se a reintegração social dos
presos da Comarca de Miranorte é uma utopia ou uma finalidade da pena que pode ser
alcançada por meio da instalação de uma Associação de Proteção e Assistência ao Condenado
(APAC), método criado no início da década de 70 e atualmente utilizado em quatorze Estados
do Brasil e até em outros países. A pesquisa foi realizada entre março de 2015 e janeiro de
2016. O percurso metodológico foi orientado pelos princípios da fenomenologia e pelos
procedimentos da pesquisa-ação, caracterizada pelo exercício contínuo, sistemático e
empiricamente fundamentado de aprimorar a prática da prestação jurisdicional na Comarca de
Miranorte. Inicialmente, foi individualizada a situação prisional da Comarca, que é composta
pelos municípios de Miranorte e Barrolândia, em que estão instaladas as duas cadeias, e ainda
pelos municípios de Dois Irmãos do Tocantins e Rio dos Bois. Na sequência, foram
analisados os doze elementos constitutivos do método APAC, descrevendo-se a realidade
local relativamente a cada um deles. Ao final, foram apresentadas as teorias clássicas da pena.
E, após o estudo do tema à luz de pensadores da criminologia, concluiu-se que os termos
ressocialização e reintegração social não são sinônimos, que a reintegração social se processa
apesar da pena e do cárcere, pressupondo um diálogo entre a parte encarcerada e a sociedade
livre, não se tratando, portanto, de uma finalidade da pena. A partir dessa nova perspectiva, e
diante dos dados coletados durante a pesquisa, observou-se que o método APAC se alinha ao
conceito de reintegração social e que ele pode ser aplicado na comarca de Miranorte como
forma de reintegrar os presos à sociedade. Não obstante, sua efetiva implantação demanda a
reunião de esforços do Poder Público e da sociedade e, consequentemente, tempo para que
possam ser executadas. Assim é que, enquanto não se concluem as etapas necessárias à
implantação integral do método APAC e diante do clamor por mudanças imediatas no sistema
penitenciário, foi proposta a adoção de uma nova prática, consistente na elaboração e na
execução de um plano de atendimento individualizado (PAI) para todos os condenados. Ainda
no curso da pesquisa, essa prática foi implementada após reunião realizada com os secretários
de saúde, educação e assistência social dos municípios de Miranorte e Barrolândia e posterior
assinatura de termo de cooperação técnica entre o Poder Judiciário e os citados Municípios.
Por fim, foi apresentada sugestão de melhoria consistente na criação de um sistema nacional
de reintegração social (SINARS), semelhante ao que fora instituído pela Lei n. 12.584/2012. / This is the research technical report linked to the research line Effectiveness of Judicial
Decisions and Human Rights of the Interdisciplinary and Professional Master's Program in
Human Rights and Jurisdictional Provision of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and
the School of Judges of Tocantins (Esmat) with the aim of analyzing if the social reintegration
of prisoners in the judicial district of Miranorte is utopia or a purpose of the penalty that may
be achieved through the installation of a Protection and Assistance to the Condemned
Association (APAC – Associação de Proteção e Assistência ao Condenado), method created
in the early 70’s and currently used in fourteen states in Brazil and even in other countries.
The research was conducted from March 2015 to January 2016. The methodological approach
was guided by the principles of phenomenology and the procedures of action research,
characterized by continuous, systematic and empirically based exercise to improve the
jurisdictional provision practice in the judicial district of Miranorte. Initially the prison
situation of the judicial district was individualized, which is composed by the towns
Miranorte and Barrolândia, where two jails are installed, and also the towns Dois Irmãos do
Tocantins and Rio dos Bois. In sequence, twelve constituent parts of the APAC method were
analyzed, describing the local situation for each one of them. Finally, the classical theories of
punishment were presented and, after studying the issue taking into consideration criminology
thinkers, it was concluded that the terms rehabilitation and social reintegration are not
synonymous, that the social reintegration takes place despite the penalty and the prison,
presupposing a dialogue between the prisoner and the free society, not being, therefore, a
purpose of the punishment. From this new perspective, and before the data collected during
the research, it was observed that the APAC method is aligned to the concept of social
reintegration and that it can be applied in the judicial district of Miranorte as a way to
reintegrate prisoners into society. However, its effective implementation requires the
gathering of efforts of the public power and society and hence time so they can be executed.
So that, while the necessary steps for the full implementation of the APAC method are not
completed and before the clamor for immediate changes in the prison system, the adoption of
a new practice was proposed, consisting in the preparation and implementation of an
individualized care plan (PAI – plano de atendimento individualizado) for all condemned
people. Still along the research, this practice was implemented after a meeting with the
secretaries of health, education and social assistance in Miranorte and Barrolândia and
subsequent signing of technical cooperation agreement among the Judiciary and the
mentioned cities. At last, a suggestion of improvement was presented, consisting on creating a
national social reintegration system (SINARS – sistema nacional de reintegração social),
similar to what was established by Law n. 12,584/12
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A questão ética na advocacia: uma abordagem crítica / The lawyersethics: a critical approachKhalil, Antoin Abou 29 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade construir uma reflexão crítica a respeito da ética na advocacia. Não da ética dos advogados enquanto indivíduos, mas enquanto investidos da função social que lhes cabe em seu afazer profissional. A partir da premissa metodológica do materialismo histórico, procura-se demonstrar a correspondência necessária entre capitalismo (forma-mercantil) e direito (forma-jurídica), bem como, nesse eixo, da fundamental contribuição dos advogados à práxis capitalista, da qual o direito é imprescindível amarra estrutural. Os reflexos dessa dinâmica na ética advocatícia são examinados, de modo específico, no cenário de aplicação de três preceitos profissionais básicos: os da independência, da probidade e da publicidade moderada , a partir dos quais fica claro seu constrangimento pelas formas sociais capitalistas. No curso do trabalho, o tema da ideologia é abordado para ilustrar o profundo grau em que ela contribui para a reprodução das relações sociais e para a constituição dos indivíduos enquanto sujeitos - e, sob o capitalismo, enquanto sujeitos moldados pelo capital e em prol dos interesses do capital. Debate-se o papel ideológico não só do direito, e de seus agentes, como também da teoria filosófica que se constrói em torno de todo esse afazer. Contudo, se por um lado a filosofia pode servir para reforçar ideologicamente a práxis da exploração, também lhe é reservado o papel de apontar o caminho por meio do qual seja possível romper com ela. Por essa razão, à luz do conceito de utopia concreta, dado por Ernst Bloch, apontamos para a possibilidade histórica de efetivação de uma nova matriz sociológica, de caráter socialista, na qual o direito e seus agentes deixarão de exercer o protagonismo de uma justiça que é meramente formal, para dar lugar à justiça em sentido concreto, materializada no plano social. / The current paper aims at building a critical reflexion on lawyers ethics. Not in the sense of ethics in lawyers as individuals, but as they are invested in the social role they have when they are in the exercise of their professions. Starting with the methodological premise of historical materialism, we have tried to demonstrate the necessary correspondence between capitalism (commodity form) and law (legal form), as well as the fundamental contribution of lawyers to the capitalist praxis, of which law is the essential structural tie. The reflexes of this dynamic in lawyers ethics are examined in a specific way, in the scenery of the application of three professional basic premises: independence, probity and moderate advertising based on which its embarrassment before social capitalist forms is clear. In the course of the paper, the ideological theme is approached to illustrate the profound degree in which it contributes to the reproduction of social relations and to the constitution of individuals as subjects and, under capitalism, as subjects moulded by capital and for the interests of capital. The ideological role is debated not only as the law and its agents, but also the philosophical theory that is built around this entire task. Nevertheless, if on the one hand philosophy can be used to ideologically reinforce the exploitation praxis, it also has the role of pointing the way in which it may be feasible to break with it. For this reason, under the light of concrete utopia, as given by Ernst Bloch, we point at the historical possibility of effectiveness of a new sociological matrix, of socialist characteristic, in which law and its agents will cease to exert the leading role of justice that is merely formal to make way to justice in its concrete sense, materialized in the social plan.
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Rap: espaço para representação de uma possível utopia? uma análise enunciativaLinck, Débora 26 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho propõe um estudo, conduzido pelas teorias da enunciação, sobre linguagem e subjetividade. Recorre a noções de intersubjetividade e referência propostas por Benveniste e a formulações sobre adolescência elaboradas sob o ponto de vista da psicanálise. Pretende investigar, levando em conta marcas lingüísticas indicativas de processos referenciais encontradas em letras de rap, as representações que os adolescentes fazem de si e da realidade, bem como de sua possível utopia. A partir daí, busca elementos para compreender que modos de subjetivação são engendrados na conjuntura atual, marcada pelo esvaziamento e a pulverização das referências e utopias que sustentavam gerações passadas. Parte do pressuposto de que a linguagem é condição da subjetividade (1); o ato trivial de colocação da língua em ato introduz aquele que fala em sua fala (2); o centro da referência no discurso é o sujeito da enunciação; assim, todos os elementos da língua precisam ser analisados na instância de discurso (3); através d / This work proposes a study, conducted by enunciation theories, about language and subjectivity. It makes use of intersubjectivity notions and references proposed by Benveniste and of formulations about adolescence elaborated from the point of view of psychoanalysis. It intends to investigate, considering linguistic marks which are indicative of referential processes found in rap lyrics, the representation that adolescents make of themselves and of reality, as well as their possible utopia. By doing this, the study looks for elements to understand which subjectivation are engendered in the current situation, marked by the emptying and the pulverization of the references and the utopias that supported previous generations. It departs from the presupposition that language is the condition for subjectivity (1); the trivial act of staging the language introduces the one who speaks in his/her talk (2); the reference center in discourse is the subject of enunciation; thus all language elements have to be analyzed in
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O tríptico literário em Terra Nostra, de Carlos FuentesRamírez, María Rebeca Ramírez 30 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The thesis establishes a relationship between the three worlds of Terra Nostra
(1975), written by Carlos Fuentes. Differently from the linear concept of history, the
pre-Colombian tradition understands the world as a multiplicity of historical times,
making it possible that several past ages become contemporary realities during the
narrative. Terra Nostra goes through the time and space transversalities of
Amerindian myths and the history of the New World conquistadors. Conquered and
conquerors rescue the popular memory, hidden by the linear historical discourse,
through imagination and poetical language, in a discontinuous, fragmented,
polyphonic, carnivalized way, according to Mikhail Bakhtin, Walter Mignolo, Edgar
Morin, Giambattista Vico. Terra Nostra can be considered as a parallel and
alternative understanding of the reality that, at the same time, discusses Latin-
American anthropogenesis, observes an unfinished past that is always present at the
future conceptions, which are social and political utopias / A tese estabelece a relação tríptica entre os três mundos de Terra Nostra (1975) de
Carlos Fuentes. Ao contrário da concepção linear da História, difundida pelas
correntes do progresso, a tradição precolombina indica a multiciplicidade de tempos
possibilitando que variadas e distantes épocas sejam realidades contemporâneas no
instante da narrativa. Sob esse prisma, o romance percorre as transversalidades
temporais e espaciais dos mitos ameríndios e da história dos conquistadores do
Novo Mundo. De forma descontinua, fragmentada, polifônica e carnavalizada,
segundo a óptica de Mikhail Bakhtin, Walter Mignolo, Edgar Morin, Giambattista
Vico, o popular e o erudito, o passado, o presente e o futuro, conquistadores e
conquistados se imbricam em circularidades trípticas que resgatam por meio da
imaginação e da linguagem poética a memória encoberta pelo discurso histórico
linear. Terra Nostra pode ser interpretada como uma leitura paralela e alternativa
que, ao mesmo tempo em que discute a antropogênese latinoamericana, observa
um passado inacabado e constantemente presente nas formulações do devir, isto é,
das utopias sociais e políticas
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A modernidade em lugar nenhum: o mundo moderno revisitado pelos romances utópicos de William Morris, H. G. Wells e Aldous Huxley / Modernity in nowhere: the modern world revisited by the utopian novels of William Morris, H. G. Wells e Aldous HuxleyMorais, Rafael Pinto 06 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Modernity is still alive, but not in the same way it has always been. Nowadays, the condition of the modern world is coldly examined, many of its institutions are analyzed and greatly frowned upon, and, therefore, the need for change is evident. The present dissertation arises from this context and aims at taking part in its discussions from the perspective of literature, more precisely of the genre utopia. The objective of our study is to understand what William Morris, H. G. Wells and Aldous Huxley, in their utopian novels, have to say about the modern civilization and what changes they propose regarding the problems they witness. First, we start the research by adopting the belief that there is a logic that is present in, permeates and moulds the modern practices and existences: the enlightened reason. Second, we take modernity for its reason, describe it in details and try to see it embodied in the material life, in the segments of production and consumption, politics and science. After this characterization of what modernity is, we finally get to the analyses of the novels. By revealing how the writers see modern reason in their books, we achieve our main goal. Briefly speaking, while Wells views the imperatives of the modern world as great principles that must be clung to and spread, Morris e Huxley are much more critical: both see the darkness of our times and show, through their own understanding of the facts, possible ways out of it. The two writers bring us important contributions that should be considered in the path we have been walking on lately / A modernidade ainda está viva, mas não da forma que sempre esteve. Nos dias atuais, examina-se a condição do mundo moderno friamente, jogam-se luzes sobre seus trabalhos sem gostar muito do que se vê e, por fim, percebe-se a necessidade de mudanças. A presente dissertação surge desse contexto e tem como intuito geral tomar parte em suas conversações a partir da literatura, mais precisamente do gênero utopia. O objetivo do trabalho é compreender o que William Morris, H. G. Wells e Aldous Huxley, em seus romances utópicos, dizem a respeito da civilização moderna e propõem como saída para suas contradições. Damos início à pesquisa assumindo a noção de que existe uma lógica que sustenta, permeia e molda as práticas e existências modernas: a razão esclarecida. Logo após, tomamos a modernidade por sua razão, descrevemos esse elemento basilar da civilização moderna e buscamos enxergá-lo corporificado nas esferas da produção e do consumo, da política e da ciência. Feita a delimitação, caracterização e mapeamento do que é a modernidade, chegamos à análise dos romances. Revelando a postura dos autores diante da razão que alicerça o mundo moderno, nosso propósito é alcançado. Em suma, enquanto Wells se prende aos imperativos do período e tenta de todas as formas propagá-los, Morris e Huxley têm uma postura mais crítica, conseguem enxergar a obscuridade de nosso tempo e expor, na própria apreensão dos fatos, possíveis caminhos para fora das trevas. Os dois autores, assim, trazem contribuições que nos auxiliam a pavimentar o caminho que percorremos na atualidade
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O tríptico literário em Terra Nostra, de Carlos FuentesRamírez, María Rebeca Ramírez 30 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The thesis establishes a relationship between the three worlds of Terra Nostra
(1975), written by Carlos Fuentes. Differently from the linear concept of history, the
pre-Colombian tradition understands the world as a multiplicity of historical times,
making it possible that several past ages become contemporary realities during the
narrative. Terra Nostra goes through the time and space transversalities of
Amerindian myths and the history of the New World conquistadors. Conquered and
conquerors rescue the popular memory, hidden by the linear historical discourse,
through imagination and poetical language, in a discontinuous, fragmented,
polyphonic, carnivalized way, according to Mikhail Bakhtin, Walter Mignolo, Edgar
Morin, Giambattista Vico. Terra Nostra can be considered as a parallel and
alternative understanding of the reality that, at the same time, discusses Latin-
American anthropogenesis, observes an unfinished past that is always present at the
future conceptions, which are social and political utopias / A tese estabelece a relação tríptica entre os três mundos de Terra Nostra (1975) de
Carlos Fuentes. Ao contrário da concepção linear da História, difundida pelas
correntes do progresso, a tradição precolombina indica a multiciplicidade de tempos
possibilitando que variadas e distantes épocas sejam realidades contemporâneas no
instante da narrativa. Sob esse prisma, o romance percorre as transversalidades
temporais e espaciais dos mitos ameríndios e da história dos conquistadores do
Novo Mundo. De forma descontinua, fragmentada, polifônica e carnavalizada,
segundo a óptica de Mikhail Bakhtin, Walter Mignolo, Edgar Morin, Giambattista
Vico, o popular e o erudito, o passado, o presente e o futuro, conquistadores e
conquistados se imbricam em circularidades trípticas que resgatam por meio da
imaginação e da linguagem poética a memória encoberta pelo discurso histórico
linear. Terra Nostra pode ser interpretada como uma leitura paralela e alternativa
que, ao mesmo tempo em que discute a antropogênese latinoamericana, observa
um passado inacabado e constantemente presente nas formulações do devir, isto é,
das utopias sociais e políticas
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