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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and Testing of a Hydro-Chemical River MixingModel to Investigate Sources of Carbon and Mercury in the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada / Utveckling och testning av en vattenkemisk flodblandning Modell för att undersöka källor av kol och kvicksilver i Mackenzie-flodbassängen, Kanada

Erikson, Torbjörn-Johannes January 2020 (has links)
Mercury, Hg, is found in Arctic biota in alarming quantity, posing a potential health risk for the local population. It is believed that the large Arctic rivers contribute to this. The Mackenzie River annually transports approximately 325 km3 water to the Arctic Ocean, which is ca 10% of the freshwater received. The annual water flow also transports ca 2 ton of Hg. In order to investigate the source of Hg within the Mackenzie River Basin and the path of transport, a hydro-chemical river mixing model is constructed using field data gathered in summer 2018 and publicly available data. However, since the Hg concentration is very low in the river water and it is known that Hg binds very strongly to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC), both DOC and POC are utilized instead as proxies for Hg. The purpose of the model is to allow for estimations to be made of the relative contributions of different sub-basins and effluents to the total outflow of (e.g.) DOC at the mouth of the Mackenzie River, based on limited hydrographic and riverine water quality data. The model was used to estimate the mixing of DOC and POC sources for summer 2018 as an initial test of its performance. It performs adequately as it can estimate the amount of water discharge and DOC/TOC (total organic carbon) load that each node contributes to the Mackenzie River. The results from the model suggest that the contribution of organic carbon from each sub-watershed is not solely dependent on either drainage area size or water discharge; additionally, it appears to be determined by the local environment and geology. Water from catchment areas containing peatlands have high DOC content, and water passing through regions with coal layers have high POC content. The loss of POC towards the end of the model coincides well with the expected deceleration of the water discharge entering the Mackenzie River delta. It is concluded that the model should be useful for the study of Hg origin and transport in the Mackenzie River. Also, it has the potential for being a starting point for a more advanced or predictive model. / Varje år levereras stora mängder kvicksilver till det Arktiska havet. Kvicksilver är ett välkänt miljögift, tungmetall, och har kapaciteten att ackumuleras i näringskedjan.Kring Arktiska havet finns det ett flertal bosättningar där innevånarna får sin näring främst från havet och denna befolkning riskerar att bli påverkad av kvicksilverhalten i deras mat.Mackenziefloden mynnar ut i det Arktiska havet i norra Kanada. Med ett vattenflöde av ca 325 km3 vatten per år och ett avrinningsområde på 1.8 miljoner km2 bidrar Mackenziefloden med ca 10% av färskvattentillförseln till Arktiska havet. Det är också uppskattat att ca 2 ton av kvicksilver transporteras via Mackenziefloden.För att kartlägga flödet och ursprunget av kvicksilver används prover tagna i fält 2018 och allmänt tillgängliga data. Från det konstrueras en modell som kartlägger flödet och ursprung av partikulärt och kemiskt löst kol. Förekomsten av partikulärt och kemiskt löst kol är relaterat till förekomst av kvicksilver och är betydligt enklare att mäta.Tillsammans med data på flödeshastighet, tagna från existerande mätstationer, används provresultaten till att etablera en serie av punkter som kommer att representera de olika delarna av Mackenzieflodens dräneringsområde. På detta sätt kan de olika förgreningarna som mynnar ut i Mackenziefloden observeras var och en för sig, vilket gör det lättare att se vilka områden som tillför partikulärt och kemiskt löst kol och i vilka mängder.Det är föga förvånande att de stora floderna, så som Liardfloden och Peelfloden, är bland de största bidragarna av kol, både partikulärt och kemiskt löst. Nära Mackenzieflodens utlopp kan man se att mängden partikulärt kol i suspension avtar, i samband med att flödeshastigheten minskar och partiklar börjar att fällas ut då floden mynnar ut i deltat.Resultaten i den här studien visar en väldigt hög masstransport (i kg/km2/31d), gentemot tidigare observationer. Detta är dock orsakat av att fältproverna som använts här är tagna under en kort period väldigt nära vårfloden, vilket får de dagliga värdena att se väldigt stora ut. Dessa värden är dock bara aktuella en kortare tid och avtar resten av året.Denna modell utgör en potentiell bas för vidare studie av kol och kvicksilverförekomst i Mackenzieflodens avrinningsområde och eventuellt även för andra floder givet tillgängliga data.

In the Pipe or End of Pipe? : Transport and Dispersion of Water-borne Pollutants and Feasibility of Abatement Measures

Carstens, Christoffer January 2012 (has links)
Eutrophication is one of the key environmental problems of today, both in terms of complexity and magnitude. For the Baltic Sea (BS), eutrophication is an acute problem, leading to hypoxic conditions at the bottom; a situation that is sustained and amplified, when phosphorus is released from hypoxic sediments. Reducing nutrient loading is a top political priority but the present situation is believed to require active measures within the catchments and recipients to reduce both loading and adverse effects. Implementation of effective and cost-efficient abatement methods requires understanding of natural processes in watersheds, streams and recipients as well as technological expertise in order to compare the effects of measures of different kinds and locations. This thesis tries to combine process understanding of catchment transport behaviour, especially in coastal zones, and feasibility of certain technologies for reducing nutrient loading and effects of eutrophication in-situ. The over-arching theme is the fate of the individual contaminant, from injection to removal. Transport and dispersion in catchments are investigated, combining physically-based, distributed, numerical groundwater models with Lagrangian stochastic advective reactive solute (LaSAR) transport modelling. The approach is powerful in the sense that it incorporates catchment structural, geomorphological dispersion in the numerical model with hydrodynamic and sub-scale dispersion as well as uncertainty in the LaSAR framework. The study exemplifies the complex nature of transport time distributions in catchments in general and when varying source size and location, importance of dispersion parameters and retention due to molecular diffusion. It is shown that geomorphological control on dispersion is present even for relatively heterogeneous systems and that neither the mean residence time nor a statistical distribution may provide accurate representations of hydrological systems. To combat internal loading of P from sediments in-situ, large-scale aeration of deep waters, halocline ventilation, has been suggested. This study further investigates the feasibility of wave-powered devices to meet the energy demands for such an operation. It is shown that the required amount of oxygen needed to keep the sediments at oxic conditions could be provided, cheaply and efficiently, through the use of wave power. / QC 20120511

Hydraulic- hydromorphologic analysis as an aid for improving peak flow predictions

Åkesson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Conventional hydrological compartmental models have been shown to exhibit a high degree of uncertainty for predictions of peak flows, such as the design floods for design of hydropower infrastructure. One reason for these uncertainties is that conventional models are parameterised using statistical methods based on how catchments have responded in the past. Because the rare occurrence of peak flows, these are underrepresented during the periods used for calibration. This implies that the model has to be extrapolated beyond the discharge intervals where it has been calibrated. In this thesis, hydromechanical approaches are used to investigate the properties of stream networks, reflecting mechanisms including stage dependency, damming effects, interactions between tributaries (network effects) and the topography of the stream network. Further, it is investigated how these properties can be incorporated into the streamflow response functions of compartmental hydrological models. The response of the stream network was shown to vary strongly with stage in a non-linear manner, an effect that is commonly not accounted for in model formulation. The non-linearity is particularly linked to the flooding of stream channels and interactions with the flow on flood-plains. An evaluation of the significance of using physically based response functions on discharge predictions in a few sub-catchments in Southern Sweden show improvements (compared to a conventional model) in discharge predictions – particularly when modelling peak discharges. An additional benefit of replacing statistical parameterisation methods with physical parameterisation methods is the possibility of hydrological modelling during non-stationary conditions, such as the ongoing climate change. / QC 20101022

Development of Light Transmission Techniques for Quantification of CO2 Trapping in Porous Media / Utveckling av ljusöverföringsmetoder för kvantifiering av CO2-trapping i poröst medium

Udén, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Light transmission can be used to measure the amounts of certain constituents within a system by analyzing the amount of light they have absorbed. The aim of this study was to improve methods for light transmission measurements in two phase systems. In this study, the main reason is to be able to use light transmission for measurements of CO2-trapping in natural sandstone. The latter is something that does not exist today. The study investigated the possibility to use selected liquids that both represent an analogue CO2-brine system and have similar refractive index as each other to simplify Beer-Lamberts law. The simplification suggested that a change in light intensity within a system was controlled solely by the length of a liquid that had replaced another liquid. Two methods were implemented to test this. A tank containing high transparency sand and glycerol was injected several times with dyed oil in order to test equations developed to calculate the length of oil that light had passed. The glycerol and oil were chosen due the ratio between them in density and viscosity. These are properties that make them ideal for modelling the trapping of supercritical CO2 in sandstone saturated with brine. The other method for testing was to measure a coefficient of light absorption for the oil, then applying that coefficient to an injection of a known volume of oil. The analysis results showed that a linear relationship exists between difference in light intensity and the volume of oil in a system. The developed equation for oil length, as a function of light absorption specific for that oil, is sufficient for calculating the volume of oil in the system. It could not be used for calculating exact values in each part of the tank. The placement of oil was crucial to the measured light intensity for a single point. Oil occuring further back in the tank gave lower values of light intensity than oil occuring in the front. The study show that with further investigation into the role of oil placement in the light path, a simpler method could be developed for some light transmission measurements. The method could be used in its current form for modelling CO2 in sandstone but should be further developed if exact values are important / Light transmission är en teknik som används för att mäta mängden av en vätska eller gas genom att låta ljus passera genom det och se hur mycket ljuset minskade i styrka. Tekniken används idag bl.a. för att titta hur föroreningar sprider sig i sand. Vid dessa mätningar så har man en tank med glasväggar fylld av sand och vätska. Syftet med denna studie är att ta fram en metod som gör light transmission mer tillgängligt och enklare att använda. Målet är att ta fram en metod som är så pass allmän att den går att applicera på naturlig sand och sandsten. I sandstenen testas CO2-trapping i djup berggrund. Modelleringen av CO2-trapping i sandsten är något som inte existerar idag med hjälp av light transmission teknik. Metoden i denna studie bygger på att förenkla den formel som normalt används för att beräkna ljusförluster när en stråle ljus passerar genom ett material, Beer-Lamberts lag. Förenklingen sker genom att noggrant välja konstituenterna som används så att den refraktion av ljus som normalt sker mellan två medium försvinner. De konstituenter som skall anpassa är vätskor som ska representera flytande CO2 samt saltvatten. Genom att ta en bild som sedan jämförs med bilder under tiden en injektion av olja sker, så skall enligt teorin endast längden olja som ljuset passera förändra ljusets styrka. De vätskor som väljs är en hydraulolja och glycerol. Dessa väljs eftersom att de beter sig liknande hur CO2 beter sig i saltvatten under högt tryck. 2D experiment på skalor av tiotals cm gör det möjligt att studera hur heterogenitet i sandstenen påverkar hur mycket CO2 som kan fastläggas och därmed lagras på ett säkert sätt. Mer avancerade visualiseringstekniker klarar ofta bara små prover med längdskalor på någon cm. Dessa använder t.ex. röntgenstrålning. I studien används flera kyvetter fyllda med olja som placeras efter varandra för att mäta hur ljusmängden förändras beroende på längden olja den passerar. Detta samband testas sedan på en tank fylld med sand, glycerol och en känd mängd olja. Oljans ljusabsorption framtagen med kyvetter visade sig att inte gå att använda på den uppställning den testades på. Ett annat försök att ta fram ljusabsorptionskoefficienten för oljan gjordes genom att injicera en känd mängd olja i flera steg i samma uppställning som tidigare testats på. Inte heller detta försök gick att använda eftersom koefficienten varierade kraftigt beroende på injektionstillfälle samt mängden olja den beräknades för. Det visade sig finnas en stark korrelation mellan mängden olja i tanken och skillnad i ljusmängd. Det gick dock inte att skapa något generellt samband mellan mängden olja i en specifik punkt och skillnaden i ljus. Det visade sig ha stor betydelse i vilken del av tanken som oljan befann sig. Den olja som låg längre bak i tanken gav mindre ljusskillnad än den som låg längst fram mot glaset. På grund av det starka sambandet mellan ljusskillnad och oljemängd så tyder det på att metoden borde gå att bygga vidare på, men vidare studier krävs. Den metod som testas här måste utvecklas ytterligare för att gå att applicera på sand eller sandsten.

Estimating greenhouse gas emission via degassing and modeling temperature profiles in tropical reservoirs.

Wilson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this project was to quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the degassing process ofhydroelectrical reservoirs in tropical regions.Reservoirs represent 25 % of the total area of man-made freshwater systems and are a source of GHG emissions tothe atmosphere. There are plans to construct an additional ca 3700 medium and large hydropower dams with theaim to double the current global energy production by hydropower. The majority of these are planned to be constructed in tropical regions. By understanding the processes controlling GHG emissions from these hydropowerreservoirs, the design of new hydropower plants can be developed to minimize the emissions.This project were designed to investigate GHG emissions from the turbines of two reservoirs in Brazil, as partof the larger ”Hydrocarb” project that investigates the total emissions from a number of reservoirs in Brazil. Toestimate the GHG emissions from the degassing process, a sampling campaign in the reservoir Chapeu D’Uvaswas conducted in April 2020 .Water samples from the entire water column at the water inlet, and directly afterthe dam were taken by using a sampling technique that involved a newly developed deep-water sampler. Themethane concentration was then analyzed for each depth of the water column and in the water directly after theoutlet. The results showed that at the deep layers with low oxygen concentration in the water column containedhigh concentrations of methane. These high methane concentrations were also found in the water at the outlet.This method was also planned to be used for the hydropower reservoir Funil, but due to the global COVID-19pandemic the campaigns were canceled. A modeling approach was instead constructed with the aim to modelthe methane concentration at the intake of the water in Funil, and to estimate the degassing as the water passesthe turbines. The first stage of this modeling approach was made within this study, where temperature profiles ofthe reservoir were modeled. The predicted profiles matched the observed temperatures profiles with a root meansquare error of 1.5 ◦C. The study concluded that the method of collecting methane concentrations throughout thefull water profile using the sampler were successful and can be used to examine methane concentration at the levelof the water inlet in reservoirs. The methane emission from the outlet at Chapeu D’Uvas was estimated to below contributing to 1.1 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions from the reservoir. For the modelling of methaneconcentration in water columns, the first part of the method to model daily temperature profiles that can be usedto implement empirical models of oxygen demand and methane production in the model.

Modelling the Impact of Climate and Socio-Economic Changes on Nutrient Dynamics in the Catchment of Lake Vomb / Modellera effekten av klimatförändringar och socioekonomiska förändringar på näringsämnesdynamiken i Vombsjöns avrinningsområde

Zhou, Yanhe January 2023 (has links)
Climate change and socio-economic development are greatly affecting the quality of freshwater, especially the excessive accumulation of nutrients (N and P), which eventually leads to the occurrence of eutrophication. Lake Vomb is one of the main sources of drinking water in southern Sweden and the nutrient load from the catchment makes it a eutrophic lake with recurring algal blooms. This project developed a hydrological model by Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model the impact of climate and socio-economic changes on nutrient dynamics on Lake Vomb. Two combinations of future scenarios were selected as combinations of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP): 1) SSP1/RCP4.5 and 2) SSP5/RCP8.5. For the calibration and validation period, satisfactory results were obtained for monthly flow (R2 and NSE were 0.92 and 0.82, respectively) and yearly nutrient load simulation obtained overall convincing results (R2, NSE and PBIAS were 0.67, 0, 17% for total nitrogen (TN) and 0.78, -0.11, -1% for total phosphorus (TP) at the main inflow and R2, NSE and PBIAS were 0.46, 0.27, 15% for TN and 0.62, -0.01, -0.06% for TP at the second inflow). Simulation results of increased future flow scenarios showed higher peaks under the RCP8.5 scenario than under RCP4.5. Also, there was an increasing trend that flow will continuously rise during the simulation period. Results from future nutrient load simulation showed that the TN load was below the baseline in most scenarios and the TP load was all above the baseline. Besides, nutrient loading is more sensitive to the combination of SSPs and RCPs and got the highest loads under RCP4.5/SSP1. The challenge of reducing nutrient load increases over time, especially for P because the simulated load was higher for 2090-2100 than the load for 2040-2050. This project has limitations such as uncertain agriculture activities input and nutrient observations. This project provides projections of flows and nutrient loads into Lake Vomb for a combination of possible future scenarios and more different scenarios such as different RCPs and different designed SSPs deserve to be studied in the future.

SWAT Runoff Modeling and Salinity Estimation in the Odra River Catchment

Thebe, Tassilo January 2023 (has links)
In 2022, a significant fish die-off happened in the Odra River due to a bloomof the toxic gold algae species Prymnesium parvum, which occurs in saline andwarm waters. This event is seen as a major ecological disaster in recent Europeanriver incident history. Understanding the hydro-climatic factors and basin characteristicsthat led to this disaster is crucial to prevent similar occurrences inthe future. Multiple national and international research groups have been activelystudying this event, reconstructing its chronology and analyzing the toxicalgal bloom. However, the specific relationship between the algal occurrence andhydro-climatic conditions, as well as the potential for recurrence, remains largelyunexplored. This project utilizes the semi-distributed hydrological model Soiland Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) on a daily time scale to investigate runoffbehavior during the disaster year. The main goal is to assess SWATs capability tosimulate runoff in a large-scale watershed. The obtained results are then analyzedin relation to water quality parameters and climatic conditions. The focus is onunderstanding the relationship between runoff and salinity, which is further examinedthrough a climate change scenario analysis to evaluate the potential riskof increased river salinity due to a change in the flow regime in the future. Byimplementing two Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios in the calibratedand validated SWAT model, a relative trend of runoff behavior and salinityin the Odra River is examined. The findings indicate that SWAT effectively simulatesrunoff in a large-scale catchment, despite limited information and computationalresources. The analysis reveals a significant relationship between salinityand runoff. The climate change scenario analysis predicts a decrease in runoffunder the pessimistic scenario, while the optimistic scenario suggests a more balancedrunoff trend. Additionally, the estimation of future river salinity suggestsan increase under reduced runoff conditions, and a subsequent recovery in salinitylevels for high discharge conditions. This thesis provides insights into the2022 disaster event in the Odra River and highlights the interplay between hydroclimaticfactors, catchment conditions, and toxic algae blooms. The findings contributeto a better understanding of potential risks and can give information foreffective water management strategies to protect the river ecosystem.

Investigation of unknown groundwater flows to two leachate ponds at Hovgården / Undersökning av okända grundvattenflöden till lakdammar på Hovgården

Nordström, Katja January 2023 (has links)
The leaching of groundwater into two polishing ponds, the last step in the wastewater treatment process on Hovgarden waste facility, was examined. The focus of this study was to analyse the PFAS composition profile (fingerprint) to trace the leaching groundwater. PFASs are very persistent man-made substances, used invarious fields and have been linked to several health issues. Polishing pond data and groundwater data for ions and PFAS was collected, compiled with old data and surveyed, mainly by using principle component analysis (PCA). The results indicate that there is a water flow and a mass flow of ions to the ponds, and possibly also a flow of PFAS. The ponds appear to have a different composition, which possible could be the result of a mass flow, however the macro ion distributionis similar. Of the groundwater wells, data suggests that 18G09, P3 IN and P8 were most affected by the landfill. PFOA was the most detected PFAS, and the sampling points with the highest concentration of PFAS was 18G09, P3 IN and the first sampling point (R1) in the wastewater treatment plant. While no apparent correlation between the polishing ponds and groundwater wells were discovered,data suggest that the leaching may come from some of the wells more affected by the landfill.

Comparing Groundwater Drawdown with Estimated Influence Radius – A Case Study of Infrastructural Projects in Sweden / Jämförelse av grundvattenavsänkning med uppskattat påverkansområde – Fallstudier av svenska infrastrukturprojekt

Druid, Staffan January 2022 (has links)
Infrastructural projects may sometimes require excavation of soils and the groundwater table to be lowered, temporarily or permanently. As there are risks in connection to groundwater lowering, the extent of the affected area is of interest. The distance from the source of the drawdown to the point of unaffected groundwater table is known as the influence radius, and can be analytically estimated by a number of formulas, using input based on aquifer properties. Using data from two infrastructural projects in Sweden, the formulas could be evaluated in respect to groundwater level measurements and actual influence radius. The aim of this study was to compare different the results of the formulas to observed drawdown, as well as to evaluate the sensitivity of the formulas, i.e. how changes in input yielded changes in influence radius. Data from the two projects were used as input to the formulas, where the output could be compared to time series of groundwater table measurements in order to evaluate the accuracy of each specific formulas in each case. The sensitivity analysis was carried out by changing the values of the input data, one parameter at a time within a range of typical values, and evaluating the change that occurred. The evaluation was made by comparisons between the original calculation of influence radius and the new set of influence radii, calculated by changes in input parameters. A large change in the value of influence radius indicate a high sensitivity and vice versa. The calculated influence radii varied largely between the two cases, and no clear result as to the accuracy of the formulas could be seen. What this implies is that the choice of formula when estimating influence radius matters greatly, and that a few different formulas should be used if the input data is available. For greater knowledge of the suitability of the formulas, a greater number of case should be investigated, but overall the theoretically derived formulas, with a greater number of input parameters, seem to be more reliable. The sensitivity analysis showed that a certain formula could have different sensitivities, depending on the magnitude of the input – a small change on the low part of the input range could have a greater change on the influence radius than a large change at the high part of the influence range. When making estimations, it’s thus a good practice to use a range of input values, i.e. minimum and maximum values, for a better estimation of influence radius. Hydraulic conductivity is a particularly important parameter when calculating the influence radius, and is oftentimes hard to determine exactly. Using a safety margin for the input when using the formulas is a good method for a better understanding of the extent of the influence radius. While hard to determine a single parameter associated with a high uncertainty, the empirical formulas did exhibit a larger sensitivity than the theoretical, further promoting the use of theoretical formulas in general when possible, and Theims (confined) well equation in particular, regardless of the aquifer type. / Många byggnadsprojekt kan kräva att marken grävs upp, där exempelvis ledningar, grundläggning för byggnader eller vägar ska anläggas. Det finns risk för att en sådan anläggning går ned under grundvattenytan, eller att arbetsförhållandena kräver att grundvattenytan sänks, tillfälligt eller permanent. En sänkt grundvattenyta kan riskera sprida sig till omgivande mark, beroende på markens egenskaper. Exempel på skador som kan uppstå från en sänkt grundvattenyta är sämre funktion eller kapacitet i brunnar samt sättningar i byggnader som är grundlagda på sättningskänslig mark. Det är således av stort intresse att känna till hur stort område som kan påverkas av sänkt grundvattenyta omkring den sänkning som anläggningen kräver. Det område som påverkas av sänkta grundvattennivåer kallas för influensområde, och det avstånd från anläggningen till opåverkade nivåer kallas följaktligen influensradie. Detta eftersom avståndet som influeras av grundvattensänkningen ofta antas ske jämnt i alla riktningar från en punkt. Influensradien kan uppskattas med hjälp av ett stort antal matematiska formler som använder sig av grundvattenmagasinets och områdets egenskaper (parametrar). Formlerna är i många fall lika, men kan ge väldigt olika resultat. I dagsläget saknas konsensus om vilken eller vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för att bestämma influensområdet, eller hur de skiljer sig åt i samma sammanhang. Med hjälp av data från två infrastrukturprojekt i Sverige utvärderades formlernas lämplighet och användbarhet till att uppskatta en viss influensradie. Formlernas beräknade värde på influensradie jämfördes med mätningar av grundvattennivåer och kunde på så sätt utvärderas i relation till en faktisk influensradie. Syftet med detta arbete var dels att jämföra utfallen av formlerna mot den faktiska influensradien, samt att undersöka formlernas känslighet, d.v.s. hur ändringar i indata gav förändringar i utfallet. Känslighetsanalysen genomfördes genom att ändra värden på indata, en parameter i taget inom ett spann av typiska värden för grundvattenmagasinet, och utvärdera förändringen som uppstod. Utvärderingen gjordes genom jämförelse mellan den ursprungliga influensradien och de nya influensradier som uppstod med förändrad indata. En stor förändring i influensradie indikerar stor känslighet och vice versa. Resultaten från utvärderingen av formlerna skilde sig åt mellan de två fallen, och något entydigt resultat om bäst lämpade formler gick inte att se utifrån den tillgängliga datan. Däremot gav olika formler både under- och överskattningar för samma uppsättning indata, vilket visar på att valet av formel vid uppskattning spelar stor roll, och att det är säkrast att göra uppskattningen för ett par olika formler om indata är tillgänglig. För större kännedom kring formlernas lämplighet kan fler fall utvärderas, men det tycks finnas en viss fördel för de formler som är teoretiskt härledda och tar hänsyn till fler egenskaper av grundvattenmagasinet. Känslighetsanalysen visade att en parameter kan ha olika stor påverkan på känsligheten beroende på inom vilket spann rimliga värden på parametern finns. Att göra beräkningar med ett max- och min-värde är således en bra metod för att få reda på ungefär vilken influensradie som kan väntas utifrån beräkningar. Hydraulisk konduktivitet (genomsläpplighet) är en i synnerhet viktig parameter vid beräkning av influensradie som dessutom är svår att bestämma med stor säkerhet. Med hjälp av en viss säkerhetsmarginal kan influensområdet bättre förstås. Även om det är svårt att urskilja någon enskild parameter som i synnerhet känslig verkar det som att de empiriska formlerna är mer känsliga än de teoretiska. Detta styrker ytterligare ett användande av teoretiska formler generellt, och i synnerhet Theims brunnsekvation (för slutna akviferer), oavsett vilken typ av akvifer som beräkningen utförs för.

Spatio-temporal analysis of groundwater-dependent precipitation based on Lagrangian moisture tracking

Li, Daowei January 2022 (has links)
Groundwater abstraction for irrigation use has steadily increased over the past decades, resulting in additional evaporation to the atmosphere, and increased precipitation. The precipitation stemming from groundwater irrigation (or Groundwater-dependent precipitation) has received little attention during recent years and is solely researched by the Eulerian model. This study aims to provide a supplement and improvement of the global fate of groundwater-dependent precipitation with the Lagrangian model outcome. The analysis combines the UTrack model output between 2008 to 2017, a global groundwater irrigation area map, groundwater abstraction from PCR-GLOBWB version 1, and groundwater irrigation efficiency to generate the global groundwater-dependent precipitation trajectory from 2001 to 2010. The primary assumption is that atmospheric factors do not change significantly in all pressure levels during 2001 – 2010 and 2008 – 2017. The simulation result shows that groundwater-dependent precipitation is generally more substantial in Asia than in other continents. Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Yemen, and Afghanistan are the top six countries receiving high groundwater-dependent precipitation contributions monthly and yearly. Moreover, groundwater-dependent precipitation in the continent and country shows a significant seasonal change in the monthly average. A country or continent with a high groundwater abstraction does not necessarily receive a massive amount of groundwater-dependent precipitation regardless of monthly and yearly scale. For instance, China has a yearly average groundwater abstraction of 100 km3 year-1 but receives less than 1% groundwater-dependent precipitation contribution per year. Approximately 75% of groundwater-dependent precipitation falls into the land, and 25% ends in the ocean from 2001 to 2010. The groundwater-dependent precipitation does not significantly contribute to land and ocean, with 0.16% and 0.015%, respectively. Consequently, the study suggests groundwater-dependent precipitation does not have a greater effect on downwind area precipitation on a yearly scale but a larger effect during a specific month. The highest monthly average groundwater-dependent contribution is 18% in January, whereas the highest yearly groundwater-dependent contribution is 2.5% in 2006. Major regions with high groundwater-dependent precipitation contributions are found along the Himalayas Range from January to April and moving eastward to Arabic Peninsula in July.

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