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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Correlation Analysis of Climatic Variables, Migration and Dengue Cases in Southeast Florida

Lugo, Brunilda 01 January 2015 (has links)
Dengue fever is a debilitating, viral, mosquito-borne disease occurring in tropical and subtropical areas in the world. The majority of dengue cases in the United States were acquired in endemic areas by travelers or immigrants. However, in recent years, autochthonous (locally acquired) dengue cases have been diagnosed in Florida. The purpose of this study was to find an association between potential risk factors and the expansion of dengue fever in the United States. Guided by the eco-bio-social framework, which offers a broad assessment of risk factors for the illness, a retrospective design was used with archival data to correlate changes in climatic variables and imported dengue cases with autochthonous dengue cases in Southeast Florida from 1980 to 2013. A Spearman correlation indicated weak correlations between temperature and autochthonous dengue cases (rs = .999, p = 000) and imported dengue cases with autochthonous dengue cases (rs = .162, p = 000). A negative binomial multivariate regression was used to analyze the expansion of dengue to each monthly unit of temperature, rainfall, and imported dengue cases over 34 years. The results indicated that temperature (IRR = 2.198; 95% CI [1.903, 2.538]) and precipitation (IRR = .991; 95% CI [.988, .994]) were predictors for the geographic expansion of dengue fever in Southeast Florida. The positive social changes include the use of the results to develop an understanding of how climatic variables and migration may influence the expansion of dengue fever to nonendemic regions. The results can be used by public health authorities to address risk factors and to formulate evidence-based decisions in regard to prevention and education concerning dengue fever.

Epidémiologie des protozooses autochtones en PACA : de l'optimisation du diagnostic à l'éco-épidémiologie / Epidemiology of autochtonous protozooses in South-Eastern Franced : from optimisation of diagnosis to eco-epidemiology

Faucher, Benoit 18 December 2013 (has links)
La présence de Leishmania infantum et Toxoplasma gondii en Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (PACA) est connue depuis plus d’un siècle. Depuis, leur distribution évolue, l'environnement change, les populations touchées se déplacent, et de nouveaux outils techniques et statistiques permettent de mieux les saisir. Une réactualisation de nos connaissances paraissait donc nécessaire. Nous avons d’abord mené une revue de la littérature sur les leishmanioses viscérales. Ensuite, nous avons montré que la leishmaniose muqueuse à L. infantum est marquée par un probable sous-diagnostic, un caractère peu invasif localement et un risque de viscéralisation significatif. Puis une étude éco-épidémiologique a montré que les deux foyers de leishmaniose en PACA impliquaient des biotopes différents, avec une transmission en zone urbanisée dans le foyer marseillais. Enfin, une étude entomologique a confirmé cette transmission urbaine.Nous avons ensuite étudié la toxoplasmose congénitale. D’abord, nous avons essayé d'améliorer les performances techniques du dépistage en montrant l’intérêt pour le diagnostic moléculaire anténatal d’une extraction optimisée de l’ADN parasitaire sur liquide amniotique en utilisant NucliSENS easyMAG plutôt qu’une extraction manuelle utilisant QIAamp DNA minikit. Nous avons également montré l’apport pour le diagnostic néonatal de la toxoplasmose congénitale des IgM ciblant des antigènes de haut poids moléculaire lors de la comparaison des sera des mères et des enfants par Western Blot. Enfin, nous avons rapporté l’évolution sur 16 ans de 127 patients traités pour toxoplasmose congénitale et montré que 19% des enfants présentaient une choriorétinite au cours du suivi. / The epidemiology of Leishmania infantum and Toxoplasma gondii in the Mediterranean basin has been studied for more than a century. Yet, our understanding of these diseases must be updated because ongoing environmental modifications impact their distribution, because affected population change, and because new technical and statistical tools have become available. We first reviewed scientific literature about visceral leishmaniasis. Then, we conducted a clinical study about autochtonous mucosal leishmaniasis due to L. infantum: we showed that this disease was characterized by underrecognition, low local invasiveness, and risk of visceral spreading. Afterwards, an eco-epidemiological study showed that foci of leishmanisis involved different biotopes in South-Eastern France: we specifically highlighted a urban transmission in the Marseille focus. Finally, an entomological survey confirmed this urban transmission and addressed cocirculation with phleboviruses.Then, we studied congenital toxoplasmosis. We contributed to improve technical performances of current screening strategy: we first showed that an optimized extraction of Toxoplasma DNA from amniotic fluid using NucliSENS easyMAG proved superior to manual extraction using QIAamp DNA minikit. Then, we found that comparison of mother and child antibodies that target high-molecular-mass Toxoplasma gondii antigens by immunoblotting improves neonatal diagnosis. Finally, we reported the 16-year long evolution of 127 children congenitally infected with T. gondii and showed that despite early treatment 19% of children finally developed chorioretinitis.

Répulsifs d’arthropodes à durée d’action prolongée : étude pharmacotechnique, devenir in situ et efficacité / Arthropod repellent having a long lasting effect : pharmacotechnic investigation, in situ fate and effectiveness

Ladj-Minost, Audrey 04 October 2012 (has links)
Les répulsifs sont des molécules naturelles ou synthétiques dont le but estd’empêcher l’approche des arthropodes afin de prévenir la transmission demaladies vectorisées. Un exemple type est celui de la transmission de Leishmaniainfantum responsable de la Leishmaniose canine, qui est contractée après la piqûre d’un chienpar un phlébotome. Divers répulsifs d’arthropodes sont commercialisés pour une applicationtopique, ils ont tous une durée d’action courte, imposant des applications répétées deformulations basiques de type solution.La formulation de molécules actives à propriétés répulsives incorporées dans des systèmesnanoparticulaires et présentant une action prolongée dans le temps a été retenue. Lesnanoparticules sont des vecteurs colloïdaux intéressants dans le domaine de la technologiepharmaceutique vu leur capacité à former des complexes avec des molécules hydrophobes,telles que la plupart des molécules répulsives (DEET, Picaridin®, IR3535®…). Le ciblage, laprotection contre la dégradation et le contrôle de la libération sont les avantages principauxapportés par les nanoparticules contenant une matière active.Les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des nanoparticules (taille et potentiel zêta) permettantleur stockage dans les couches supérieures de la peau et une accroche le long des fibrespileuses ont été déterminées. Ainsi des nanoparticules cationiques de 200 nm de diamètre ontété formulées. Cette formulation originale inspirée du procédé de nanoprécipitation a permisl’obtention en une seule étape de suspensions concentrées en matière active (concentrationsupérieure à 10%) et sans ajout d’agents stabilisants. Une corrélation entre les profils delibération et l’efficacité sur insecte modèle (la drosophile) a été vérifiée. De ce fait, lepourcentage en polymère régule la libération de la molécule active encapsulée. Une efficacitérépulsive de formulations nanoparticulaires supérieure à 15 jours a été validéeexpérimentalement. La transposition d’échelle du procédé de nanoprécipitation permetd’envisager un développement industriel pour la formulation d’un répulsif d’arthropodeinnovant à longue durée d’action. / The repellents are natural or synthetic molecules whose aim is to prevent theapproach of arthropods to avoid transmission of vector-borne diseases. A typicalexample is the transmission of Leishmania infantum responsible for canineLeishmaniasis, which is contracted after a sandfly bite on a dog. The arthropod repellentsmarketed for topical application have all a short action duration, requiring repeatedapplications of basic formulations (solution).The formulation of active molecules having repellent properties, incorporated intonanoparticle systems and having a prolonged action in time was selected. Nanoparticles arecolloidal carriers interesting in the pharmaceutical technology field due to their ability to formcomplexes with hydrophobic molecules, such as repellent molecules (DEET, Picaridin®,IR3535®...). Targeting, protection against degradation and control of the release are the mainadvantages provided by the nanoparticles containing an active ingredient.The nanoparticle physicochemical characteristics (size and zeta potential) permitting theirstorage in the upper dog skin layers and a along the hairs were determined. For that reasoncationic nanoparticles of 200 nm in diameter were formulated. This original formulationinspired from the nanoprecipitation process has allowed us to obtain one single stepconcentrated suspensions (above 10% of active molecules in the final product) and withoutstabilizer addition. A correlation between the release profiles and the effectiveness of modelinsect (Drosophila) has been verified. Therefore the percentage of polymer regulates therelease of encapsulated active molecules. Repellent efficacy of nanoparticulate formulationgreater than 15 days has been validated experimentally. The scale transposition of thenanoprecipitation process makes conceivable an industrial development for the formulation ofan innovative arthropod repellent having a long lasting effect.

Mathematical Models for Mosquito-borne Infectious Diseases of Wildlife

Kyle J Dahlin (8787935) 01 May 2020 (has links)
<div>Wildlife diseases are an increasingly growing concern for public health managers, conservation biologists, and society at large. These diseases may be zoonotic -- infective wildlife are able to spread pathogens to human populations. Animal or plant species of conservation concern may also be threatened with extinction or extirpation due to the spread of novel pathogens into their native ranges. In this thesis, I develop some mathematical methods for understanding the dynamics of vector-borne diseases in wildlife populations which include several elements of host and vector biology. </div><div><br></div><div>We consider systems where a vector-borne pathogen is transmitted to a host population wherein individuals either die to disease or recover, remaining chronically infective. Both ordinary differential equations (ODE) and individual based (IBM) models of such systems are formulated then applied to a specific system of wildlife disease: avian malaria in Hawaiian honeycreeper populations -- where some species endure disease-induced mortality rates exceeding 90\%. The ODE model predicts that conventional management methods cannot fully stop pathogen transmission.</div><div><br></div><div>Vector dispersal and reproductive biology may also play a large role in the transmission of vector-borne diseases in forested environments. Using an IBM which models dispersal and mosquito reproductive biology, we predict that reducing larval habitat at low elevations is much more effective than at higher elevations. The ODE model is extended to include distinct populations of sensitive and tolerant hosts. We find that the form which interaction between the hosts takes has a significant impact on model predictions.</div>

Towards Mosquitocides for Prevention of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases : discovery and Development of Acetylcholinesterase 1 Inhibitors / Mot nya insekticider för bekämpning av sjukdomsbärande myggor : identifiering och utveckling av acetylkolinesteras 1 inhibitorer

Knutsson, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Diseases such as malaria and dengue impose great economic burdens and are a serious threat to public health, with young children being among the worst affected. These diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes, also called disease vectors, which are able to transmit both parasitic and viral infections. One of the most important strategies in the battle against mosquito-borne diseases is vector control by insecticides and the goal is to prevent people from being bitten by mosquitoes. Today’s vector control methods are seriously threatened by the development and spread of insecticide-resistant mosquitos warranting the search for new insecticides. This thesis has investigated the possibilities of vector control using non-covalent inhibitors targeting acetylcholinesterase (AChE); an essential enzyme present in mosquitoes as well as in humans and other mammals. A key requirement for such compounds to be considered safe and suitable for development into new public health insecticides is selectivity towards the mosquito enzyme AChE1. The work presented here is focused on AChE1 from the disease transmitting mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae (AgAChE1) and Aedes aegypti (AaAChE1), and their human (hAChE) and mouse (mAChE) counterparts. By taking a medicinal chemistry approach and utilizing high throughput screening (HTS), new chemical starting points have been identified. Analysis of the combined results of three different HTS campaigns targeting AgAChE1, AaAChE1, and hAChE allowed the identification of several mosquito-selective inhibitors and a number of compound classes were selected for further development. These compounds are non-covalent inhibitors of AChE1 and thereby work via a different mechanism compared to current anti-cholinergic insecticides, whose activity is the result of a covalent modification of the enzyme. The potency and selectivity of two compound classes have been explored in depth using a combination of different tools including design, organic synthesis, biochemical assays, protein X-ray crystallography and homology modeling. Several potent inhibitors with promising selectivity for the mosquito enzymes have been identified and the insecticidal activity of one new compound has been confirmed by in vivo experiments on mosquitoes. The results presented here contribute to the field of public health insecticide discovery by demonstrating the potential of selectively targeting mosquito AChE1 using non-covalent inhibitors. Further, the presented compounds can be used as tools to study mechanisms important in insecticide development, such as exoskeleton penetration and other ADME processes in mosquitoes.

Modélisation multi-échelle de la dynamique spatiale de la Dengue : application à la Nouvelle-Calédonie et à la région Pacifique / Multi-scale modelling of dengue spatial dynamics : application to New Caledonia and the Pacific region

Teurlai, Magali 18 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, les pays du Pacifique sont de plus en plus fréquemment touchés par des maladies vectorielles telles que la Dengue, le Chikungunya ou le Zika. Le contrôle de ces maladies nécessite la connaissance de leur distribution spatio-temporelle au sein de la population ainsi que la compréhension des facteurs et mécanismes, souvent multiples, régissant cette distribution. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation spatio-temporelle des déterminants de la dynamique spatiale de la dengue à l'échelle régionale du Pacifique, l'échelle territoriale de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, et l'échelle d'une ville, Nouméa, capitale de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.Dans le Pacifique, la dengue survient sous la forme de vagues épidémiques successives dues à l'introduction et à la diffusion régionale d'un nouveau sérotype tous les cinq à sept ans. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, la dengue présente une dynamique épidémique saisonnière, le sérotype dominant étant celui circulant dans la région. L'émergence d'une épidémie nécessite des conditions climatiques précises, et un indicateur annuel prédictif du risque d'émergence est maintenant utilisé de manière opérationnelle par les autorités de santé. Sur le plan spatial, au cours d'une épidémie, en moyenne, la circulation du virus est plus intense dans les zones où la température moyenne ainsi que les densités locales de population sont élevées. Que ce soit sur le territoire entier ou dans la ville de Nouméa, lors de la ré-émergence d'un même sérotype, la diffusion spatiale du virus paraît limitée par l'immunité de population créée par les épidémies précédentes. Cette thèse permet de mettre en évidence la nature complexe et multi-factorielle des maladies vectorielles, et de souligner l'intérêt d'analyses multi-échelles pour l'étude de leur épidémiologie. Au-delà des résultats obtenus sur la dengue dans la région Pacifique, notre volonté était de développer un cadre méthodologique pour l'analyse spatio-temporelle des données de surveillance épidémiologique applicable à d'autres contextes géographiques ou épidémiologiques. / Since the 1970's, the frequency of vector-borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya or Zika has significantly increased in the Pacific region. Understanding the factors and mechanisms underlying the spatio-temporal distribution of these diseases provides useful information regarding their control and prevention. In this thesis, we identified dengue spatio-temporal patterns and used modeling tools to identify the factors associated to an increased epidemiological risk at a regional scale (Pacific), a territorial scale (New-Caledonia), and a city scale (Noumea, the capital of New-Caledonia).Every five to seven years, dengue spreads over the entire Pacific as large epidemics caused by the introduction and regional diffusion of one of the four dengue virus serotypes. In New Caledonia, dengue has a seasonal epidemic pattern. The emergence of an epidemic requires specific climatic conditions. The identification of these conditions led to the implementation of an operational early warning system to predict dengue annual epidemic risk. Spatially, at the territorial scale, during epidemic years, high levels of viral circulation are found in areas with higher mean temperature and higher local population densities. Whether at the territorial scale or at the city scale, the spatial diffusion of the virus during epidemics caused by the re-emergence of the same serotype seems limited by the population immunity created by past epidemics. This thesis highlights the complexity and the multi-factorial aspect of vector-borne diseases, and discusses the usefulness of a multi-scale approach in modelling their epidemiology. Besides enhancing our understanding of dengue epidemiology over the Pacific area, we also developed a methodological framework that can be used in other geographical or epidemiological settings for the spatio-temporal analysis and modeling of epidemiological surveillance data.

Résistance aux insecticides et transmission de la malaria chez le moustique Culex pipiens / Insecticide resistance and malaria transmission by Culex pipiens mosquitoes

Vézilier, Julien 21 June 2011 (has links)
L'évolution de la résistance aux insecticides chez les moustiques responsables de la transmission de maladies infectieuses compromet notre capacité à contrôler ces populations de vecteurs et pose de graves problèmes de santé publique. Mais les nombreuses modifications physiologiques associées au phénomène de résistance aux insecticides pourraient altérer l'épidémiologie de ces maladies de manière plus indirecte en modifiant la capacité vectorielle des moustiques. Afin d'étudier cette question nous avons mis en place un nouveau système expérimental composé du parasite aviaire Plasmodium relictum SGS1 et de son vecteur naturel le moustique Culex pipiens. Nous avons étudié l'effet de différents allèles de résistance aux insecticides (représentant deux mécanismes principaux i.e. la résistance métabolique ou la modification de la cible) sur une série de traits d'histoire de vie du parasite et du moustique. L'impact de ces différents allèles a été étudié d'une part, dans les conditions contrôlées de leur expression dans un même fond génétique (en utilisant plusieurs souches de moustiques isogéniques), et d'autre part, dans les conditions plus réalistes de leur expression dans un fond génétique hétérogène (utilisation de moustiques échantillonnés sur le terrain). Nous montrons que la résistance aux insecticides a des effets pleïotropes sur l'immunocompétence et les traits d'histoire de vie des moustiques. Son effet sur le développement de Plasmodium semble en revanche limité. Nous discutons d'une part, de la nécessité de poursuivre une approche multifactorielle (impliquant la physiologie, l'immunité et le comportement des moustiques) afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la résistance aux insecticides sur la transmission de Plasmodium, et d'autre part des perspectives intéressantes qu'offrent ce nouveau système expérimental pour l'étude de l'écologie évolutive des maladies à vecteurs. / The evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes threatens our ability to control many-vector-transmitted diseases, thereby raising serious public health issues. Insecticide resistance entails numerous physiological changes in mosquitoes. This thesis investigates whether these physiological changes alter the quality of mosquitoes as vectors of malaria. To address this issue, we developed a new experimental system consisting in the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum SGS1 and its natural vector, the mosquito Culex pipiens. We investigated the impact of two insecticide resistance mechanisms (target site resistance and metabolic resistance) on several mosquito and parasite life history traits relevant for malaria transmission. The effect of different insecticide resistant genes was investigated using both isogenic laboratory mosquito strains (i.e. against a homogeneous genetic background) and sympatric field caught mosquitoes (i.e. under the more realistic, albeit noisier, conditions of a heterogeneous genetic background). We show that insecticide resistance has a pleiotropic effect on several mosquito traits (immunocompetence, longevity, fecundity), whereas it has only a limited effect on Plasmodium development. We discuss, on the one hand, the need to pursue such a multi-factorial approach (combining the mosquito physiology, immunity and behavior) to better understand the impact of insecticide resistance on malaria transmission and, on the other hand, the promising perspectives offered by this new experimental system for studying the evolutionary-ecology of infectious diseases.

Diversité et Immunogénicité des protéines salivaires de Culicidae

Fontaine, Albin 24 March 2011 (has links)
Eviter la piqûre de moustiques vecteurs en utilisant des mesures antivectorielles reste le meilleur moyen de se protéger des maladies vectorielles. La salive de moustique peut induire une réponse anticorps (Acs) spécifique chez l’hôte qui pourrait être utilisé pour définir l'efficacité de ces mesures de protection antivectorielle. L’objectif de notre projet était d’évaluer la possibilité d’utiliser cette réponse Acs anti-salive de moustiques pour mesurer l’exposition à des espèces spécifiques de moustiques ainsi que d’identifier des marqueurs d’exposition. Nous nous sommes tout d’abord assurés de l’absence de différences intraspécifiques entre différentes colonies de moustiques, une condition indispensable pour pouvoir observer des différences au niveau de l’espèce. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis au point un protocole pour préserver les échantillons salivaires dans des conditions de terrains non optimales. A partir de ces expérimentations préliminaires, nous avons évalué la diversité du répertoire protéique salivaire de quatre espèces d’Anopheles par des différentes approches, et montré une spécificité de genre et d’espèce aussi bien au niveau protéique qu’antigénique. Enfin, nous avons montré une évolution spatio-temporelle de l’intensité de la réponse Acs anti-salive ainsi que sa spécificité de genre et d’espèce, chez des individus exposés à différents niveaux à Ae. caspius. Ces résultats souligne la possibilité de caractériser des antigènes salivaires spécifiques de genre et d’espèces qui peuvent avoir un intérêt pour mesurer le contact hôte/vecteur au niveau individuel, le risque de transmission de maladies vectorielles ou l’efficacité des mesures antivectorielles. / The primary mean to protect individuals from arthropod-borne diseases is the prevention of bites from infected arthropods which could be achieved by vector control strategies. Mosquito saliva could induce a specific antibody response in exposed individuals that could be used to assess the effectiveness of anti-vector measures. The aim of this study is to assess the possibility to use anti-mosquito saliva antibody responses in order to evaluate the exposure to specific species of vectors and to identify salivary protein candidates that can be used as immunological markers of exposure. We first verify the lack of intraspecific differences among several mosquito colonies which is essential to further observe potential differences at the species level. Moreover, a convenient storage method was developed to preserve salivary samples in non optimal condition on the field. Based on these preliminary results, we evaluated the salivary gland protein repertory diversity among four Anopheles species using complementary approaches and we shown a genus and species specificity at the protein and antigen level. At least, a spatio-temporal evolution of anti-saliva antibody responses was shown according to the Aedes caspius density using sera of differentially exposed individuals. The specificity of this response was also reported at the genus and species level. All together, these results suggest the feasibility to characterize genus and species specific salivary antigens which could be used as immunological markers of exposure to evaluate host/vector contacts, the risk of vector-borne disease transmission or the effectiveness of anti-vector strategies.

Discovering Natural Product Chemistries for Vector Control

Lide Bi (15347593) 25 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) represent a significant health burden worldwide, threatening approximately 80% of the global population. Insecticide-based vector control is the most effective method to manage many VBDs, but its efficacy has been declining due to high levels of resistance in vector populations to the main insecticide classes which operate via limited modes of action. Therefore, the discovery of new chemistries from non-conventional chemical classes and with novel modes of action is a priority for the control of vectors and VBDs. Natural products (NPs) are diverse in chemical structures and, potentially, modes of action. They have been used as insecticides for many decades and have inspired the development of multiple synthetic insecticides, suggesting the discovery of novel NPs could lead to the development of highly effective insecticides. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In this thesis, I report two studies with a main goal to identify novel mosquito-active insecticide leads that operate via modes of action distinct from existing insecticides. First, I tested the hypothesis that new mosquito-active insecticide leads with novel chemical structures, possibly operating via novel modes of action, can be identified by high-content larval phenotypic screening against a natural product collection and using novel phenotypic endpoints in addition to mortality endpoints. Here, I performed a high-content larval phenotypic screen using first instar (L1) larvae of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Linnaeus, 1762) against 3,680 compounds from the AnalytiCon MEGx Natural Product Libraries and a screening platform developed by Murgia et al., (2022). Compounds were screened in a 384-well plate format using the Perkin Elmer Opera Phenix and larvae were scored for lethal and novel phenotypic endpoints. Screening revealed five chemistries that caused larval mortality, including rotenone and a new NP chemistry, NP-4. The identification of rotenone confirmed the ability of the screen to detect mosquito-active NP chemistries. NP-4 caused high levels of larval mortality in the screen, and toxicity was confirmed in a subsequent concentration-response assay against third instar (L3) larvae of <em>Ae. aegypti</em>. 140 chemistries that caused atypical larval phenotypes, including cuticular pigmentation and morphometric changes relative to negative controls, were also identified by the screen. Some of these chemistries may operate by disruption of pathways regulating melanization, growth and development, and novel targets in the insect nervous systems, thus representing potential leads for further insecticide toxicity and mode of action studies. To facilitate quantitative analyses of atypical phenotypes, an attempt was made to assess the morphometrics of the thorax in larvae exposed to test chemistry, relative to control larvae. However, assessment was limited by the number of larvae images of suitable quality for measurements. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In the second study, I tested the hypothesis that metergoline (Murgia et al., 2022) and NP-4 (this study), two chemistries identified by the HTP phenotypic screen described in this project, operate via disruption of targets in the insect nervous systems that are distinct from the current insecticidal modes of products used in mosquito control programs. Specifically, I explored the hypothesis that metergoline operates via one or more insect orthologs of the mammalian G protein-coupled serotonin and dopamine receptors. An electrophysiology study was performed using the suction electrode technique and ganglia of the German cockroach, <em>Blattella germanica </em>(Linnaeus, 1767). To facilitate the investigation of metergoline agonism/antagonism and disruption of invertebrate GPCR signaling, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin) was included as a chemical probe. Electrophysiological recordings showed 5-HT (10µM and 1mM) and metergoline (10µM) caused no significant neurological activity at the tested concentrations in comparison to the saline control. However, a consistent neuro-inhibitory trend was observed, suggesting possible agonism of a 5-HT1-like receptor ortholog and antagonism of a putative 5-HT7-like receptor ortholog in the cockroach, respectively.  NP-4 caused significant neuro-inhibition at the tested concentration of 20µM, in comparison to the negative saline control. Given the demonstration of rapid contact toxicity to <em>Ae. aegypti</em> larvae and neurological inhibition in <em>B. germanica</em>, we propose NP-4 may act at one or more conserved targets in the insect nervous systems, which remain to be elucidated. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The significance of the present study is three-fold. First, this study reports the first high-content phenotypic screen of mosquito larvae against a NP collection and identification of 145 mosquito-active chemistries associated with lethal and phenotypic endpoints. These data confirm that the screening platform provided an innovative and effective system to rapidly identify mosquito-active small molecules with potential novel modes of action. Second, metergoline and NP-4 represent potential novel chemical leads for the development of new insecticides that can be incorporated into vector control programs targeting insecticide-resistant populations. Lastly, the study describes the first electrophysiology study of 5-HT, metergoline, and NP-4 via the suction electrode technique in an insect system and contributes new knowledge to the study of the insect serotonergic system, which represents an expanding area of vector biology research given its roles in feeding regulation.  </p> <p><br></p> <p>Future studies resulting from this thesis might include: (1) development of a set of morphometric criteria for quantitative analyses of atypical larval phenotypes, (2) incorporation of new phenotypic endpoints to expand the capacity of the screen to identify novel mode of action chemistries for insecticide discovery, and (3) identification of chemistry candidates suitable for further development from the 140 chemistries associated with atypical larval phenotypes in the primary screen using chemo-informatic and toxicological studies. In addition, studies using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cell-based expression systems, mutant/insecticide resistant strains, and patch clamp electrophysiology could be pursued to further investigate the molecular mode of action of metergoline and NP-4, and potential for vector control.</p>

Including Human Population Characteristics in Ecological Niche Models for Aedes aegypti when Modeling Projected Disease Risk due to Climate Change

Obenauer, Julie, Quinn, Megan, Li, Ying, Joyner, Andrew 07 April 2017 (has links)
The Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for transmission of four vector-borne diseases that cause considerable global morbidity and mortality. Projections of the future effects of global climate change indicate that expansion of this species due to changing habitats is possible. Furthermore, since A. aegypti is highly dependent on human populations for feeding and egg-laying sites, changing human population characteristics are likely to alter the risk of exposure for humans based on geographic location. This study aims to create future potential risk maps for human exposure to A. aegypti using human population density as a predictor. Using current population density data and future growth trajectories, high-resolution human population density forecasts were created for 2050, then included as variables in ecological niche models developed using Maxent. Species occurrence data and high resolution climate data for current and future conditions (best and worst case scenarios) were included in the model, as well. Model fit indices and variable contributions indicated that the inclusion of human population density improves model accuracy for A. aegypti. Risk maps created by these models showed that areas currently adjacent to large cities within endemic regions, such as central Africa and western Brazil, are likely to see the greatest increase in risk to human populations. This corroborates current projections on increasing urbanization in the future and suggests that these models can be used to target interventions in high risk areas.

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