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Die Zwiespältige Papstwahl des Jahres 1159 /Madertoner, Willibald. January 1978 (has links)
Diss.--Kirchengeschichte--Wien, 1973. / Bibliogr. p. 183-196.
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The contributions of Victor Clarence Vaughan to public health and preventive medicine a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment ... Master of Science in Public Health ... /Angel, John Joseph. January 1934 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.P.H.)--University of Michigan, 1934.
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Deutschland von innen und von aussen die Tagebücher von Victor Klemperer und Thomas Mann zwischen 1933 und 1955 /Papp, Kornélia. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Potsdam, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 287-293).
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Radical union gender, personality, and politics in the marriage of Meta and Victor Berger /Abnet, Dustin A. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of History, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 42-43).
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Orígenes de la concepción fenomenológica de la enfermedad mental /Capdevila, José María. January 1970 (has links)
Texte extr. de: Th.--Madrid, 1968. / Bibliogr. p. 195-227.
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Three Early Twentieth Century Tango Songs Arranged for Brass QuintetJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Despite a quickly growing repertoire list for the brass quintet, the music of the early Argentine tango has remained relatively neglected by brass quintet arrangers and performers. With the goal of bringing a neglected art form to the brass quintet repertoire, three arrangements based on early twentieth century Argentine tango songs are presented here: "Elegante Papirusa" by Tito Roccatagliata, "A La Gran Muñeca" by Jesús Ventura, and "La Cotorrita" by Samuel Castriota. The arrangements follow the style of three early recordings produced by The Victor Talking Machine in 1920 and 1922, as performed by two authentic Argentine orquesta típicas: Orquesta Típica Select and Orquesta Típica Fresedo. A brief history of the style and instrumental evolution of tango music from its influences and origins up until 1920 is discussed, followed by a detailed account of the musicians and circumstances involved in the three early recordings. An explanation of the issues encountered by the author in adapting the early tango style to the brass quintet setting is discussed, along with the solutions realized in order to make the project successful and practical for a moderately advanced brass quintet. The full brass quintet scores are provided as part of the Appendix. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2011
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Anankè et le symbolisme del l'architecture dans Notre-Dame de Paris de Victor HugoSeganfredo, Ana Cecilia Gaspar January 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma leitura textual do romance Notre-Dame de Paris, de Victor Hugo, a partir de algumas imagens singulares apresentadas nesta produção hugoliana. O objetivo deste percurso de pesquisa consiste em evidenciar a leitura simbólica da obra em questão, captada das relações da literatura com a arquitetura, configurada por algumas imagens nucleares, como Anankè, que assombra as figuras que povoam o romance, como o advento da imprensa, como a lucarna, como a cela do padre, entre outras. Sob este ângulo, acredita-se que o campo psicanalítico permite decifrar os efeitos do enigma e da fascinação produzidos pela obra hugoliana sobre o leitor. Nesse sentido, considera-se que o inconsciente representa o ponto de irradiação das pulsões, território que vai traduzir as relações espaciais da literatura com a arquitetura, enquanto expressões do simbólico. Desta maneira, o caminho de pesquisa se articula em três capítulos. Enquanto o primeiro, intitulado "Notre-Dame de Paris e a representação por imagens", visa a situar este percurso de pesquisa do ponto de vista do corpus teórico, representado, sobretudo, por Barthes e Blanchot, no que se refere à literatura, e por Freud, no que se refere à psicanálise; o segundo, intitulado "Notre-Dame de Paris e a crítica literária", procura apresentar uma leitura crítica baseada em quatro prefácios diferentes, de Notre-Dame de Paris: enfatizam o que seus autores destacam no contexto histórico que aparece escondido sob as imagens impostas pela escritura hugoliana; finalmente, o terceiro, intitulado "Imagens simbólicas de Notre-Dame de Paris", estabelece a leitura textual das imagens simbólicas que se produzem em Notre-Dame de Paris, intermediadas pelo cruzamento da literatura com a arquitetura.
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Biblická témata v Legendě věků od Victora Huga / Biblical Themes in the Legend of the Centuries by Victor HugoJELENOVÁ, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the role of biblical themes in the collection of poems The Legend of the Centuries by Victor Hugo. First chapter pursues selected aspects of the collection (humanistic values, conception of history, character and time aspects). The aim of the second chapter is to put the collection into the literary context of the concerned period (romantism, symbolism) and into the context of the author's philosophical and religious ideas. This part considers the relation among the collection, the myth and the psychoanalysis. Focus of the thesis lies in the third part that analyzes selected poems of the collection. These are classified according to the role of biblical aspects. The first type of Hugo's application of the biblical elements is represented by an opening poem of the collection "La Vision d'ou est sorti ce livre", which refers to the biblical stories, characters and themes via different poetic techniques. The second group of poems represents a direct updating of the biblical stories. The last type unifies the author's convictions with the biblical elements and recreates the so-called biblical poems. The aim of the thesis is to research this new type of myths that Victor Hugo creates throughout the biblical themes.
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Ecriture ensauvagée, écriture de combat : une ethnocritique des romans de jeunesse de V. Hugo / Ensavaged writing, combative writing : an ethnocritic of Victor Hugo's early novelsDumoulin, Sophie 20 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'univers ethnoculturel que donnent à lire les quatre premiers romans de V. Hugo : Han d'Islande (1823), Bug-Jargal (1826), Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamné (1829) et Notre-Dame de Paris (1831). La récurrence de certains motifs dans cette jeune écriture fait apparaître une architecture formée de réseaux symboliques que nous pouvons appréhender suivant deux grandes structures culturelles : la dialectique littératie/oralité (ou culture écrite/culture orale) et le schème carnaval/carême. Deux structures qui sous-tendent l'organisation fictionnelle et narrative de chacune des oeuvres, et s'agencent de manière à y faire émerger une dynamique générale : l'antinomie ordre et désordre. Partant d'une approche ethnocritique (V. Cnockaert, J.-M. Privat, M. Scarpa), nous nous penchons ainsi sur la question des rites et des coutumes pris comme signes ethnographiques, et des modalités de leur intégration dans le tissu romanesque. Notre thèse repose d'une part sur l'étude des rapports entre ce qui relève de la logique du carême - les grandes institutions, qui imposent un ordre et instaurent des régimes oppressifs - et ce qui relève du carnavalesque (ou des pratiques collectives des carnavals traditionnels) - les personnages-désordre, qui sont tous voués à un destin singulier -, et s'attache à montrer d'autre part comment ces représentations ethno-logiques sont, suivant une perspective plus large, au coeur de relations belligérantes entre littératie et oralité. Nos lectures tiennent également à mettre en lumière ce qu'autorise cette pluralité culturelle à l'écriture même de Hugo, qui se veut une écriture de changement. Réappropriés par l'auteur, transformés dans et par l'écriture, les schèmes (et motifs) culturels reçoivent, de fait, « un nouveau sens dans le système de relations constitutif de l'oeuvre » (Bourdieu). Aussi non seulement sont-ils à l'origine d'une carnavalisation littéraire (Bakhtine), mais encore donnent-ils lieu à la mise en place d'un système unifiant dans notre corpus de jeunesse. La portée polyphonique des effets de carnavalisation générés dans les textes - à partir de ces croisements, métissages et confrontations culturels - permet d'avancer une interprétation d'ensemble en regard des récits, de même qu'en regard de la pensée hugolienne (les vues, croyances et convictions de l?auteur) que véhiculent les romans. Il s'agit en somme, dans cette thèse, d'examiner comment Hugo, à travers une écriture de combat, éclaire autrement la situation générale de la France du début du XIXe siècle - la situation de cette jeune nation qui tente de se redresser après les violences (encore fraîches) de la Révolution de 1789 / This thesis explores the ethnocultural world of Victor Hugo's first novels: Hans of Iceland (1823), Bug-Jargal (1826), The Last Day of a Condemned Man (1829) and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831). It appears that recurrent motifs in this early writing form a symbolic architecture that can be understood to follow two main cultural structures: the dialectics of literacy/orality and Carnival/Lent. Both structures underpin the narrative and fictional organization of each novel, while they construct throughout the corpus a general dynamic of order/disorder antinomy. Following an ethnocritical approach (V. Cnockaert, J. M. Privat, M. Scarpa), we look into the question of rites and customs considered as ethnographic signs, and examine their modes of integration in the fictional fabric. On the one hand we study the connections between what is related to the logic of Lent - the Institutions, which enforce an order mainly based on oppressive regimes - and what is related to the Carnivalesque (or the common practices of traditional Carnivals) - the characters of disturbance, who are all destined for singular fates. And on the other hand, we demonstrate how these ethnologic references are part of a larger scheme, generating cultural belligerencies between literacy and orality. Our thesis also seeks to shed light on what this cultural plurality brings to Hugo's writing, a writing which lays claim to change and social revolution. Readapted by the author, transformed by and in the writing, the cultural structures indeed get a new meaning in the work's constituent system of relations (Bourdieu). Therefore not only do they give rise to what Bakhtine calls a -carnavalisation littéraire -, but they set up a unifying coherence in our corpus. The polyphonic range of the ensavagement effects generated by this carnivalesque writing -where opposite cultural elements are confronted and sometimes crossbred - allows us to put forward an overall interpretation regarding the narratives, as well as the way Hugo's thinking (his views and beliefs) passes through his early novels. The main objective of this thesis is to examine how Hugo, through a combative writing, brings another perspective to France's general situation in the early 19th century - a different understanding of this young nation's efforts to recover from the still fresh violence of the French Revolution
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O design de Victor Burton / The graphic design of Victor BurtonCarolina Noury da Silva Azevedo 04 April 2014 (has links)
Victor Burton é um designer que dedicou a maior parte do seu trabalho ao livro. A fascinação por este objeto começou ainda na infância devido ao contato com as obras raras da biblioteca da família, o que aguçou o desejo de se tornar designer exclusivamente para projetar livros. Sua atuação no mercado editorial brasileiro começou no final dos anos 1970, na editora Confraria dos Amigos do Livro. Como o maior interesse de Victor no livro é a relação entre texto e imagem, os livros iconográficos se tornaram seu principal objetivo e são nos livros desta natureza onde melhor conseguimos visualizar seu estilo. Victor desenvolveu uma linguagem gráfica própria que redefiniu o padrão do mercado editorial brasileiro. Numa época em que o projeto gráfico, principalmente a capa do livro, entre tantas cores e atrativos disputam a atenção do consumidor nas prateleiras das livrarias, já não é tão fácil identificar nem a editora nem a autoria do projeto gráfico e da capa. Entretanto, os livros de Victor Burton possuem um estilo que nos permite reconhecer sua assinatura. Desta forma, a questão que norteou este trabalho foi por que conseguimos identificar os livros do designer Victor Burton? Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi enumerar e identificar os aspectos gráficos que caracterizam o estilo deste designer nos livros iconográficos. Para isso, nos
baseamos no método descritivo desenvolvido por Guilherme Cunha Lima, em O Gráfico Amador. A partir das características levantadas, pudemos identificar os principais elementos que nos permite reconhecer a autoria dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por Victor Burton. O uso desses aspectos gráficos reflete o trabalho meticuloso do designer Victor Burton que consegue criar uma narrativa visual auxiliando a leitura do texto através de uma nova leitura gráfica, sobretudo nos livros iconográficos / The designer Victor Burton has dedicated the most part of his work to the book. The interest for this object begun in childhood due the contact with rares books that are part of his
familys collection, which increased the desire to become designer only to design books. When Victor started to work in the Brazilian editorial market at the end of the 1970s, at the
Confraria dos Amigos do Livro house publisher. As the Victors main interest is the relationship between text and image, the iconographic books became his main goal and are in
books of this nature that we can better visualize his style. Victor developed his own graphic language that has redefined the standard of the Brazilian editorial market. At a time when
graphic design, especially the book cover, among many colors and attractive vie for consumer attention on the shelves of bookstores, is not so easy to identify neither the publisher nor the author of the graphic design and cover. However, the books of Victor Burton have a style that allows us to recognize your signature. Thus, the question that guided this study was why we can identify books of Victor Burton? Thus, the aim of this study was to enumerate and identify graphic aspects that characterize the style of this designer in iconographic books. For
this, we based on descriptive method developed by Guilherme Cunha Lima in O Gráfico Amador. From the characteristics raised, we could identify the major elements that allow us
to recognize the authorship of the work of Victor Burton. The use of these graphic aspects reflects the meticulous work of the designer Victor Burton who can create a visual narrative
aiding reading the text through a new graphic reading, especially in iconographic books.
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