Spelling suggestions: "subject:"videoobservation"" "subject:"videobservation""
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Evaluation of an innovative, employee-driven sign on hand washing behavior changes using video observationSchroeder, Matthew W. 03 December 2015 (has links)
Signs are commonly used in the foodservice industry to portray food safety messages. However, many of these signs do not consider employee preferences or current needs in the industry. Employee perceptions can provide crucial information about the design of effective food safety messages. Surveys were conducted with meat and poultry processing employers in the mid-Atlantic region to determine food safety needs in the industry. Follow-up focus groups in both English (5) and Spanish (5) were conducted based on language availability and size. The most important food safety topics were hand washing (60.9%), cleaning/sanitizing (78.3%), and cross contamination (69.9%). Employees believe that color, text, and multiple language options could increase employee recognition and retention of intended messages. New, employee-driven hand washing signs were developed from the information in the focus groups. Signs were evaluated by video observation through five hand washing practice behaviors (soap use, complete wash, time to wash, complete rinse, and towel use) at two different poultry processing facilities in the mid-Atlantic at three different time points (baseline, short term, and long term). Soap use significantly increased at both facilities when baseline data was compared to short term and long term time periods. Facility B showed a significant increase in washing, time, and rinsing when baseline data was compared to short term, which indicates that a new sign could increase hand washing compliance. Sign color had a significant effect on behavior for washing and time of washing, while time had a significant effect on behavior for four of five variables tested. New signs could be a useful way to encourage compliance to food safety message for multicultural employees; however, they may need to be frequently changed as workers tend to refer back to old habits. / Ph. D.
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Dining with dementia : continuing to find meaning in eating-related practices as a social experience among family dyads living with typical dementia and posterior cortical atrophyWoodbridge, Rachel January 2018 (has links)
Dementia affects around 850,000 people in the UK. Whilst there is no cure, understanding how to support people to live well with this condition is important. There are 'many faces of dementia' and delineating experiences of living with different dementias in daily life is a key step towards understanding how to support people to live well with different symptoms. Supporting eating-related practices in a socio-relational context, referred to in this thesis as 'dining' experiences, may help promote the psychological needs related to living well with dementia, including inclusion, occupation and identity. This study aimed to understand how dining experiences and interactions were affected when living with typical dementia (tAD) and posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) and the processes involved in supporting dining experiences. Data collection included in-depth interviews with 20 family dyads (9 tAD; 11 PCA) and video-based observations of four dining interactions. An 'informed' grounded theory approach was used and Goffman's (1974) Frame Analysis was identified to support understanding dining experiences in this study. Goffman's (1974) theory provides understanding around how people structure and define their social experiences and coordinate these understandings in interaction. Findings revealed how dining could become disrupted when living with tAD and PCA, relating to vulnerabilities in this experience and eating-related practices becoming more about 'management'. Interacting processes of revising frames, management strategies, optimising opportunities for continuity and engaging in supportive environments, were identified to support maintaining-meaning in dining. Video-based observations extended understanding in terms of contextual factors which shaped experiences and how people used the environment to support their dining interactions. Implications include supporting dining by using a balanced system of various processes to continue to create new meanings and experiences and using the environment to make 'dining' central, as opposed to focusing on eating-related practices as a 'care-task'.
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Emotional interplay and communication with patients diagnosed with schizophreniaFatouros Bergman, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Emotional interplay and communication with patients diagnosed with schizophrenia was studied in clinical interviews. Fifty-one video recorded interviews were conducted by two psychologists with nine patients. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in three successive studies. Study I examined the communicative interplay on an overall level, including verbal and nonverbal means of communication. The interviewer’s willingness to explore and pursue the emotional content in the patient’s narrative was found to be important for establishing well functioning communication. In Study II, the stability over time of facial affective expressions in the emotional interplay was evaluated, using EMFACS. For the patients, no substantial changes in the amount of affects were found across all the interview occasions, although for one interviewer, contempt slightly increased. Whereas previous findings found contempt to be the most frequent affect in patients, in the present material disgust was as common, but depended on the interviewer. Study III investigated gaze behaviour and facial affective expressiveness. The objective was to test whether patients reduced their negative facial affectivity during mutual gaze. The patients were found to not reduce their negative facial affectivity during the state of mutual gaze. This finding was independent of both interview occasion and interviewer and implies that the patients might have intended to communicate negative facial affectivity to the interviewer. The research suggests that the emotional interplay is dominated by the negative facial affective expressions of mainly disgust and contempt. It is proposed that these negative affects may be connected to a patient’s low self-esteem, as the self in schizophrenia may be engrained by self-disgusting and self-contemptive affective experiences. The interviewer’s capacity to respond to these negative facial expressions must therefore be considered as important.
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Notskrift – En akilleshäl? : En observationsstudie i att undervisa i noter på elgitarr på kulturskolan / Musical notation – An Achilles' heel? : An observational study in the teaching of musical notation on electric guitar at arts schoolGunnarsson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att få inblick i hur elgitarrlärare arbetar för att få sina elever att lära sig notskrift. I bakgrundskapitlet beskrivs tidigare forskning om notläsning och notskrift. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt används ett designteoretiskt perspektiv, vilket fokuserar på hur människor använder olika tecken för att designa sin kommunikation och sitt lärande. Studien vilar på en kvalitativ forskningsansats med videoobservation som metod. Sex elgitarrlärare på olika kulturskolor har videoobserverats. Det inspelade materialet har sedan transkriberats och analyserats med fokus på de teckenskapande resurser lärarna använder i sin undervisning. I resultatet framkommer att lärarna använder såväl tal, sång, kropp, instrument, musikaliska termer och ljudande bakgrunder för att undervisa traditionell notskrift och/eller tabulatur till eleverna. I diskussionen berörs två övergripande undervisningssätt som har lyfts fram hos lärarna: en traditionell notbunden och musikteoribaserad undervisning och en tabulatur- och gehörsbaserad undervisning. / The study aims to gain insight into how guitar teachers working to get their students to learn musical notation. In the background chapter, previous research in music reading and notation is shown. As a theoretical basis the design theory perspective is used, which focuses on how people use different characters to design their communication and learning. The study is based on a qualitative research with video observation as method. Six electric guitar teachers at different arts schools have been observed using video recording. The recorded material was then transcribed and analysed with a focus on the character-building resources teachers use in their teaching. The result shows that teachers use speech, voice, body, instrument, musical terms and sounding backing tracks to teach traditional music notation and/or tablature for students. In the discussion two comprehensive teaching methods that have been highlighted by the teachers is discussed: a traditional sight-reading and music theory based teaching and a tablature and ear based instruction.
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Investigating the potential for new media and new technologies in design and technology undergraduate educationHepburn, Marian January 2012 (has links)
Investigating Potential for New Media & New Technologies in Design & Technology Undergraduate Education This research explores potential for New Media and New Technology (NM & NT) in the Design School at Loughborough University. Using action research to investigate potential, this research develops a new way of managing inquiry based on Susman and Evered s five cycles of action research (Susman and Evered, 1978). In particular, it extends the double- helix metaphor (Dick, 2000) for action research. This new way of conducting action research looks at educational and IT- based aspects; in particular, developing strategies, guidelines and materials for implementing video podcasting (Vodcasting) and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) into Design School undergraduate modules. In looking at potential, the research involved 6 lecturer s interviews and thematic analysis. Findings suggest that limitations to the current uses of NM & NT related to lecturers lack of skills in NM & NT and scepticism about what the benefits might be. Some recognised potential for NM & NT to manage module administration. One lecturer wanted to stop students using dubious sources from the Internet for assessment on a Sustainable Design module. This led to using RSS to resolve this problem in a mobile learning scenario. In this research, 98 D and T students were surveyed to identify current uses of mobile technology. Results suggested that students would like module content streamed to their mobile device. Lecturers too could see benefits for NM & NT, if they stopped lecturers from having to repeat themselves to students. This led to using Vodcasting to resolve this problem in a mobile learning scenario. Video observational data was collected from 6 students using RSS to perform mobile learning tasks for a Sustainable Design module. The findings suggested that the technology at the time of study was not quite up to the task, although some NM & NT learning resources relating to Sustainable Design were found by students using RSS. Similarly, video observation data was collected from 4 students using Vodcasts to design electronic circuits. Findings showed more technological competence with this technology and students suggested future modules where this type of NM & NT would have further educational potential. Through exploring potential, this research develops new strategies, guidelines and materials for design and technology educators. This research reveals the educational benefits of Vodcasting and RSS in labs and workshops, and concludes that there is potential for NM & NT in D and T education.
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Klassisk musik på gehör : En fenomenologisk självstudie / Classical music by ear : A phenomenological self-studySöderqvist, Fanny January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utforska och beskriva erfarandet av vad som sker i min livsvärld när jag arbetar med gehörsbaserad instudering av ett klassiskt stycke. För att uppnå syftet är följande forskningsfråga ställd: Hur erfars gehörsmässig inlärningsprocess av ett klassiskt violinstycke? Självstudien utgår från ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Utgångspunkt var ett klassiskt violinstycke som övades in under en period av 9 veckor. Stycket övades 3 gånger varje vecka och samtliga övningspass dokumenterades med loggbok. Ett övningspass i veckan filmades för att också observeras. Resultatet bygger på de återkommande mönster som framkom under analysen och beskrivs i tre faser: Första fasen - Övningsstrategier, Andra fasen – Svårigheter och avslutningsvis Tredje fasen – Lösningar. I diskussionen berörs teman som erfarandet av att lära in ett klassiskt stycke på gehör, inlärningsstrategier och förändrad livsvärld. / The purpose of this self-study is to explore and describe the experiences of studying a classical peace by ear. The perspective is the phenomenological life-world perspective. Starting point was a classical piece for violin which I practiced for a period of 9 weeks. The piece was practiced 3 times each week and all sessions were documented in a logbook. Once a week the pratice occasions was also filmed for video observation. The result is based on the patterns which appeard during the analysis and are presented in three phases: First phase-Practice strategies, Second phase-Difficulties and Third phase-Solutions. A discussion about experiences of learning a classic piece by ear, learning strategies and changes in the life-world are made in the last chapter.
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Hur börjar nästa vers? : En självobservationsstudie i memorering av sångtext ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv / How does the next verse begin? : A self-observation study of memorizing song lyrics from a hermeneutic perspectivePaulsson Karlsson, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Denna självstudies syfte föddes ur ett antagande om mig själv, att jag upplever mig ha svårt för att lära mig sångtexter och framföra dessa utantill. Studien behandlar en djupdykning i min egen instuderingsprocess av sångtexter ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Studien dokumenterades genom videoinspelning och loggboksskrivande, där jag studerar in två sånger utantill. Tolkningen av resultatet sammanfattas med fyra teman utifrån mina forskningsfrågor: styrkor i instuderingsprocessen vilka tolkas vara förmågan till inlevelse av texten där jag målar upp inre bilder och berättelser, och svagheter i instuderingsprocessen vilka tolkas vara övningsstrategi och pianospel, samt en jämförelse mellan att använda förinspelad musik eller inte där fokus hamnar på i vilket syfte förinspelad musik används och dess konsekvenser för mig, att den förinspelade versionen används som en bekräftelse för korrekt uttal av texten. I diskussionen diskuteras sedan tolkningen av resultatet gentemot bakgrundslitteratur och tidigare forskning på området. / The purpose of this self study was born out of an assumption I have made of myself, that I find it difficult to learn song lyrics by heart and perform them by heart. From a hermeneutic perspective the study takes a deep dive into my learning process whilst learning song lyrics. The study is documented by video and logbook writing, where I learn two songs by heart. The analysis results are summarized in four themes based on my research questions: strengths in the rehearsal process, interpreted as empathy of the text where I create inner pictures and stories, and weaknesses in the rehearsal process, interpreted as practice strategy and playing the piano, as well as a comparison between using pre-recorded music or not, a comparison focusing on the purpose of pre-recorded music and its consequences for me; consequently that the pre-recorded music was used as a confirmation for correct pronunciation of the lyrics. The discussion debates the interpretation of the results against the background literature and previous research.
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Hur svårt ska det vara med lite text? : En självobservationsstudie av textinlärning i sång / How hard could it be with some lyrics? : A self observation study of learning lyrics in songAntonér, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att identifiera olika typer av resurser för lärande. I detta självständiga arbete beskrivs tre olika typer av strategier för instudering med fokus på textinlärning, och vid varje ny strategi användes en ny sång. Studien baseras på mig själv i form av loggbok och videoinspelningar, som gjordes över tre veckor med totalt 15 loggboksinlägg och sex videoinspelningar under hösten 2015. Arbetet utgår från ett multimodalt designteoretiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar hur jag använder mig av olika resurser för att studera in tre olika sångtexter, som studerades in utifrån tre olika textinlärningsstrategier. Slutligen diskuteras resultatet i relation till det designteoretiska perspektivet och tidigare forskning. / In this independent project three kinds of strategies for learning with focus on learning lyrics is described and explored. For every new strategy a new song is used. The purpose is to explore and identify different kinds of resources when learning. The study is based on observations of myself in form of a logbook and video recordings over three weeks with a total of 15 practicing sessions in the fall of 2015. The starting point is a multimodal and design theoretical perspective. The result show how I use different resources when learning different lyrics by using three kinds of strategies for learning lyrics. Finally I discuss, in relation to the design theoretical perspective and earlier research.
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Långstråkigt : En självstudie i inlärning av ny repertoar på kontrabas / Take a bow! : A self-study on learning new double bass repertoireHellsten, Eli January 2019 (has links)
Den föreliggande studien är en självobservation med syfte att studera hur min inlärningsprocess tar form vid instuderingen av stycket Old French Song för solokontrabas, och studien utgår ifrån ett designteoretiskt perspektiv på lärande. Instuderingsprocessen fortgick under fem veckor hösten 2018 med sammanlagt 22 övningspass. Av dessa dokumenterades fem med hjälp av videoinspelning. I resultatet presenteras de resurser som användes vid designen av inlärningen, och på vilket sätt de användes. Resultatet visar också på vilket sätt resurser kombinerades för att göra inlärningsprocessen multimodal. I diskussionen diskuteras resultatet med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning om instudering samt i relation till det designteoretiska perspektivet på lärande. / The present study is a self-observation meant to study how my learning process takes shape during the studying of the piece Old French Song, played on the double bass. The study is based on a design theoretical perspective on learning. The learning process proceeded for five weeks during the autumn of 2018, making for a total of 22 separate practice occasions of which five was documented using video recording. The result shows the different resources used in the design of my learning process, and the different ways they were used. It also shows in what way different resources were combined to form a multimodal learning process. The last section discusses the result based on previous research on the studying of musical pieces, and in relation to a design theoretical perspective on learning.
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Det är ju samma instrument – eller? : En hermeneutisk studie av olika saxofonstorlekar i ensemble. / It´s the same instrument – right? : A hermeneutic study of different saxophone sizes in ensemble.Öman, Sven January 2018 (has links)
Mitt projekt handlar om att studera hur de olika saxofonstorlekarna samspelar i enensemble. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur jag förändrar mitt saxofonspel närjag byter från barytonsaxofon till sopransaxofon i en saxofonkvartett. Minaforskningsfrågor är: Hur ändrar jag mitt spel och min roll när jag går från att spelabarytonsaxofon till att spela sopransaxofon? Vad beror dessa skillnader på? Ibakgrunden tas begrepp som är viktiga för ämnet upp såsom rytm, intonation,embouchyr, stöd, formella roller och informella roller. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunktutgörs av ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. I metodkapitlet presenteras de metoder jaganvänt, nämligen videoobservation och loggbok. Slutligen presenteras resultatet av deanalyser som har gjorts av bytet från barytonsaxofon till sopransaxofon. Studien gårigenom alla de förändringar jag har gjort gällande intonation, tempo, rytm, frasering;embouchyr, luft, artikulation; hållning, rörelse, motorik samt ledarskap och roller. / My project is about studying how the different saxophone sizes interact in an ensemble.The purpose of the study is to investigate how I change the way I play the saxophonewhen switching from baritone saxophone to soprano saxophone in a saxophone quartet.My research questions are: How do I change the way I play the saxophone and my role inthe ensemble when I switch from playing baritone saxophone to playing sopranosaxophone? What are these differences due to? In the background chapter, concepts thatare important to the topic are presented such as rhythm, intonation, embouchure,support, formal roles and informal roles. The theoretical foundation of the study is ahermeneutic perspective. The methodology chapter presents the methods I used,namely video observation and logbook. Finally, the results of the analyzes made of theswitch from baritone saxophone to soprano saxophone are presented. The studypresents all the changes I have made regarding intonation, pace, rhythm, phrasing;embouchure, air, articulation; posture, movement, motor skills, leadership and roles.
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