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Le monde rural gabonais entre production et conservation / Gabonese rural world-between production and conservationSello Madoungou, Leticia 05 December 2013 (has links)
Le monde rural gabonais est un espace en grande partie vidé de ses populations, soumis depuis longtemps aux pressions de l’exploitation forestière et, depuis une vingtaine d’années, à une politique de conservation très volontaire. Nous avons voulu étudier l’impact de ces pressions sur le monde rural contemporain en nous centrant plus particulièrement sur les aires de conservation. C’est dans la province de l’Ogooué-Ivindo, autour de trois parcs nationaux (Ivindo, Mwagné et Lopé), que nous avons examiné les activités de conservation, de production, les acteurs impliqués ainsi que les conflits qui en résultent. En dépit d’une histoire largement défavorable au monde rural, en dépit aussi de la mauvaise répartition des richesses, des infrastructures et des services, profitant presqu’exclusivement aux villes au détriment des zones rurales, et en dépit enfin de politiques de conservation très contraignantes pour les populations rurales, les villages continuent à exister – en grande partie grâce à la tradition. Les solutions proposées telles que l’attribution des forêts communautaires initiée récemment par l’état gabonais, peuvent-elles permettre de raviver les villages et de faire participer les populations rurales au processus de développement de leurs localités ? Au-delà de cette question, cette thèse permet d’engager des réflexions sur des actions possibles pour éviter l’extinction des villages gabonais. / Gabonese rural world is an area largely emptied of its populations, subjected for a long time to the pressures of the forestry development and, for about more than twenty years, to a very voluntary conservation policy. We have wanted to study the impact of these pressures on the contemporary rural world by focusing our work particularly on the conservation areas. It is in the province of Ogooué-Ivindo, around three national parks (Ivindo, Mwagné and Lopé) that we examined the activities of conservation and production, the actors involved as well as the conflicts which result from them. The history widely unfavorable to the rural world, the unequal distribution of wealth, infrastructures and services, benefiting almost exclusively the cities to the detriment of the rural areas and the conservation policies too binding for the rural populations have made it difficult for villages to survive. In despite of all this, they still exist - largely thanks to the local tradition. But, can possible solutions such as the attribution of community forests, introduced recently by the Gabonese state, bring villages back to life and make rural populations participate in the process of developing their localities? Beyond this question, this thesis seeks to initiate a process of reflection on possible actions to stop the extinction of the Gabonese villages.
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Les jeunes diplômés chinois à l’épreuve de la précarité. Mobilités, accès à l’emploi et rapport au travail. Le cas des jeunes migrants qualifiés dans les villages-urbains à Pékin / Young Chinese graduates faced with precariousness. Mobility, access to employment and relationships toward work. The case of young skilled migrants in urban villages in BeijingLiu, Ziqin 28 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la problématique générale de la transformation du marché du travail en Chine durant les deux dernières décennies et de la place des jeunes migrants dans ce processus. Dans un contexte de transition économique, nous assistons en Chine à des phénomènes de segmentation des marchés du travail, à la montée du taux de chômage, et à la création massive d'emplois informels, le tout se traduisant par une mise en mobilité généralisée du monde du travail, notamment à travers un phénomène massif de migration interne. Les jeunes en mobilité - notamment les jeunes diplômés « nomades » dans les grandes villes - se voient de plus en plus relégués dans les zones urbaines de vulnérabilité (Robert Castel) où différentes formes de précarités (notamment du travail et de logement) s’enchevêtrent et s’accumulent. Dans une société de croissance, les inégalités se multiplient et se creusent de manière vertigineuse. La mobilité sociale semble en panne et le sentiment d’injustice augmente. C’est donc à ce phénomène de migration dans un double mouvement de transformation du marché du travail et de recomposition urbaine que nous consacrons nos réflexions dans ce travail. Nous sommes en présence de jeunes migrants qualifiés vivant dans les villages-Urbains à Pékin, figures analytiques des métamorphoses en cours. Cette recherche a été menée durant l’année 2011 – 2012 à Pékin. Ces individus ont de 2 à 8 ans d’expérience professionnelle et résident dans les villages urbains à Pékin au moment de l’enquête. Cette recherche s’appuie sur des matériaux empiriques collectés et analysés selon des méthodes variées. Le travail de terrain a permit de réaliser 180 questionnaires (données quantitatives), 60 entretiens biographiques (matériau qualitatif), ainsi qu’une observation ethnographique dans un village-Urbain.Cette étude a pour but d'appréhender, en termes de carrières, le parcours d’insertion ainsi que l’expérience migratoire des jeunes diplômés, à partir des processus structurels (politiques d'emploi, politique migratoire, réseaux, etc.), et de la mise en récit, par les jeunes, de leur parcours, afin de mettre en évidence les mécanismes de production des inégalités et la construction d’identités sociales derrière les changements observés en Chine. Notre étude poursuit trois objectifs. Le premier consisterait à saisir objectivement les différentes positions et statuts occupés et d'autre part, à saisir la manière dont les jeunes interprètent leur parcours selon la perspective dans laquelle ils se trouvent, les positions qu'ils occupent et les stratégies qu'ils mettent en place. Le deuxième objectif serait de démontrer d'une part, comment les identités objectives et subjectives interagissent et se redéfinissent et d'autre part, comment le rapport au travail des jeunes se construit. En troisième lieu, le but consiste à articuler la question de l’insertion professionnelle et du rapport à l’espace, alors que la mobilité tend à devenir une norme sociale tant dans le monde du travail que dans la gestion migratoire (Hélène Pellerin, 2011). / This thesis is part of the broader issue of the transformation of the labor market in China over the past two decades and the place of young migrant workers in this process. In the context of economic transition, Chine has witnessed many important changes such as the phenomenon of urban labor market segmentation, the rise in unemployment and the massive creation of informal jobs, all leading to increased mobility in the working world, as seen particularly in the phenomenon of mass domestic migration. Migrant working youth – especially university graduates from a rural background (or smaller cities) who move to large cities - are being increasingly relegated to the urban areas of vulnerability (Robert Castel,1995) where different forms of precariousness (especially in terms of employment and housing) overlap and accumulate. China’s strong economic growth has given rise to inequalities that are multiplying and deepening at a dizzying rate. Upward mobility seems broken as feeling of injustice is rising. This migration phenomenon, a simultaneous transformation of the labor market and urban restructuring, is the focus of our study. We shall examine the case of young skilled migrants living in urban villages in Beijing, analytical figures of metamorphosis in progress. This research was conducted between 2011 and 2012 in an urban village in Beijing. The subjects had between 2 and 8 years of professional experience and lived in urban villages in Beijing at the time of the survey. This research is based on empirical data collected and analyzed using various methods. Our fieldwork in China enabled us to distribute180 questionnaires (quantitative data), 60 biographical interviews (qualitative material) as well as an ethnographic observation in an urban village. This study aims to investigate, in terms of careers, the process of professional integration and the experience of migration of graduates by looking at structural factors (employment policy, migration policy, networks, etc.), and the narrative pattern used by young people to relate their journey, in order to highlight the mechanisms that produce inequalities and construct social identities underlying the changes being observed in China. Our study has three objectives. The first is to understand both the different positions and statuses held and the way in which young people interpret their journey from their perspective, the positions they hold and the strategies they adapt. The second objective is to demonstrate how their objective and subjective identities interact and are redefined, as well as how their relationships toward work are formed. Thirdly, the goal is to articulate the issue of professional integration and its relationship to physical space, in a context where mobility is becoming a social norm in both the working world and the management of migration (Hélène Pellerin 2011).
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Les premiers « déplacés spéciaux » de Stalin et leur destinée dans le Nord européen de l’URSS / Stalin’s first « special settlers » and their fate in the Northern territory of the Soviet Union (1930-1948)Mondon, Hélène 24 November 2011 (has links)
De toutes les campagnes de déportations programmées par la direction stalinienne, la première est restée la plus importante. Elle touche en 1930-1931 plus d’un million huit cent mille paysans «dékoulakisés » – les premiers « déplacés spéciaux » de Stalin.En 1930, la région du Nord soviétique est choisie pour servir de laboratoire à cette triple expérience – répressive, sociale et humaine –, qui impose à des dizaines de milliers de familles d’exploiter les ressources naturelles de ce territoire hostile et de s’établir définitivement dans des « villages spéciaux », conçus pour devenir des officines de rééducation.Au-delà de la reconstitution de cette déportation-expérimentation, ce travail documente, à partir de sources d’archives et de témoignages des survivants, l’histoire du quotidien dans ce nouveau microcosme goulaguien. Il éclaire les destinées des familles paysannes en relégation, leurs stratégies de survie face aux conditions extrêmes des premières années, ainsi que leurs modes d’adaptation et de réintégration dès la seconde moitié des années 1930. Il expose les changements survenus dans les « peuplements spéciaux » durant la guerre et retrace le processus d’affranchissement des déportés après dix-huit ans d’exil, qui préfigure l’aboutissement de la plus longue déportation amorcée, puis désamorcée par Stalin. / « Dekulakization » represents the single largest operation from all Stalinist mass deportations. In 1930 and 1931, more than one million eight hundred thousands peasants were sent into internal exile, becoming Stalin’s first « special settlers ».In 1930, the Soviet Northern territory was chosen to be the laboratory of this repressive and social experimentation on human beings, which obliged thousands and thousands of peasant families to extract the natural resources of these fozen hinterlands. They had to remain durably in the so-called « special villages » built for their reforging.This research, based on archival materials combined with survivor’s stories, endeavors to retrace the evolution of this experimental deportation and moreover to document the history of everyday life in the emerging order of the Gulag’s « special settlements ». It throws new light on the fate of peasant families in the North, their strategies to survive when facing the most horrific first years of repression, as well as their ways of adaptation and rehabilitation within society since the second half of the 1930s. This dissertation states the changes occurred in the « special settlements » during the war and charts the process of the deportees’ liberation after eighteen years of exile, which pointed out the end of the longest deportation initiated, and finally defused by Stalin.
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Protecting the character of Hong Kong villages: a community initative [sic] approachLeung, Min-hang, Helen., 梁勉恆. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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中國大陸山東省鄉鎮企業產權改革之研究 / The Research of Townships and Villages Enterprises Property Rights Reform in Mainland China Shandong Province李焱求, LEE, HYUK-KU Unknown Date (has links)
開始於70年代末和80年代初的改革有效地重整了中國大陸農村經濟。農村工業部門成為80年代中國大陸經濟中最具活力的部門之一,而中國大陸農村工業的發展是以鄉鎮集體所有的企業為先導的。然而,80年代末和90年代初,鄉鎮企業的外部環境開始變得日益嚴峻起來。並且,隨著改革開放和市場經濟快速發展,鄉鎮企業原有制度安排存在的低效率問題日益顯現出來,私有企業和國有企業不斷提高的競爭力,以及中國大陸宏觀經濟的週期性問題,而顯著地降低了鄉鎮企業的效益。由於鄉鎮企業所面臨的問題的增多,一些地方政府開始意識到如果鄉鎮企業要繼續成為農村發展的強大動力,產權改革是必要的。當中央政府於1996年採取了「抓大放小」的政策後,產權改革試點的政治基礎大大擴展了,中國大陸的鄉鎮企業也開始出現明顯的組織和所有制的改革。到2001年,以產權制度為主要內容的鄉鎮集體企業改革進一步擴大,其中涉及產權制度的改革已達90%。本論文將描述並分析鄉鎮企業產權制度改革過程,以及改制後的影響。 / In Shandong and most other parts of China, rural industrial growth was led by enterprises that were collectively owned by townships and villages (TVEs).However, during the late 1980s and the early 1990s, increased competition from private and state-owned enterprises, management problems, and the cyclical nature of the Chinese macro-economy significantly reduced the profitability of TVEs. As the problems facing TVEs multiplied, some local governments began to realize that property rights reform might be necessary and desirable if TVEs are to continue to be a strong engine of rural growth. When the central government adopted its “Zhua-da-fang-xiao” policy in 1996, the political space for experimentation in property rights reform expanded significantly, and China’s TVEs began to undergo significant organizational and ownership changes. By the end of 2001, about 90 percent of TVEs in Shandong had undergone property rights reform. The purpose of this and its companion volumes is to describe and to analyze the process of property rights reform among township-village enterprise in Shandong and to study the consequences of the reform.
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Arqueologia na Amazônia Central vista de uma perspectiva da região do lago do Limão / Central Amazon Archaeology from Lago do Limão region perspectiveMoraes, Claide de Paula 05 April 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados obtidos com o levantamento, escavação e análise material arqueológico provenientes de sítios na região do lago do Limão, município de Iranduba - AM. Os dados obtidos após a identificação de 15 sítios arqueológicos são comparados aos trabalhos já executados na região, com vistas a responder algumas hipóteses criadas para interpretar o processo de ocupação da região amazônica antes da chegada dos europeus. Com o trabalho identificamos algumas peculiaridades relacionadas à fase Paredão, tais como construção de montículos artificiais e assentamentos em aldeias circulares. A partir dos dados obtidos apresentamos uma hipótese interpretativa para a chegada da cerâmica policrômica associada à fase Guarita na Amazônia Central, fato que acreditamos estar relacionado também ao surgimento da fase Paredão. / The results obtained from survey, excavation and material analysis of archaeological material found in sites in the lago do Limão region, Amazonas State, Brazil are presented herein. The data gathered after the identification of 15 archaeological sites is compared to work previously done in the region, aiming to determine the occupational process of the pre-colonial Amazonian region. Peculiarities related to the Paredão phase (7th to 12th century AD) are identified herein, such as the construction of artificial mounds and ring village settlements From the data obtained, an interpretative hypothesis is presented for the arrival of the polychrome ceramics associated with the Guarita phase (9th to 15th century AD) in Central Amazon, a fact that we believe to be also related to the upcoming of the Paredão phase.
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Partnership in the redevelopment of urban villages in China: the cases in Shenzhen李昕, Li, Xin January 2010 (has links)
With rapid urbanization and population growth in urban areas, urban development is
necessary and urgent. However, with tight land supply from expropriating new
farmland, redeveloping urban villages at central urban area would be full of potential.
Basically, an urban village is the byproduct of rapid urbanization, with
collective-owned non-agricultural use land surrounded by a state-owned urban area.
Because of the particular land ownership structure in urban villages, conventional
urban redevelopment methods are not suitable for the redevelopment of urban
villages, public-private partnerships had been introduced into urban redevelopment
to integrate the power and resources of private sector into the process of urban
redevelopment with a legal contract, to form a collaboration between public and
private sections, and to share the profits and benefits. A study on such partnerships in
the redevelopment of urban villages could be instructive and enlightening for the
future redevelopment of rural non-agricultural land in China.
The major aim of the research is to discover the conditions under which partnerships
for the redevelopment of urban villages could be established in China. The
redevelopment of three urban villages in Shenzhen, namely the villages of Yunong,
Gangxia and Huanggang, were thoroughly studied. A research framework has been
established by examining the power relations of such partnerships and has been
tailored to the scenario of redevelopment of urban village in China. The partnership
synergy between local government, urban village communities and private
developers, and role conflicts of each participants have been analyzed by considering
the impact factors inherent in the institutional context of municipal government and
the cultural context of urban villages in Shenzhen. These factors affect the
composition, the process and the outcome of partnership in redevelopment of urban
The study found that because institutional support and land resource are exclusively
and irreplaceably provided by the local government and the urban village, local
government with systematic power is the primary partner who influences the
partnership in redevelopment of urban villages the most. The local government
arranges and executes the redevelopment timetable, decides the objective of
redevelopment and devises rules of redistributing redevelopment profits. Under some
conditions like better location, larger size and well-organization and efficient
leadership, the secondary dominator namely village community becomes more
important on the power balance of partnership. Private developer has no unique
advantage in the partnership and could only be the follower of other two partners.
Case studies from different cities with diversified institutional and cultural context are
expected to be included into the future research areas. / published_or_final_version / Real Estate and Construction / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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The known, the imagined, and the recreating Lei Yue Mun Village : the making and re-making of HakkaChan, Yuen-ming, Mary, Lee, Chun-kau, Paul, 李震球, 陳婉明 January 2012 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Conservation / Master / Master of Science in Conservation
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Transformation of traditional village and courtyard house: the design and planning for the house prototype inQiangang VillageQian, Min, Angel., 錢閩. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Education units of marine fish farming朱逸俊, Chu, Yat-chun, Jackson. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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