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Saamelaisten maat ja vedet kruunun uudistiloiksi:asutus ja maankäyttö Inarissa ja Utsjoella vuosina 1749–1925Nahkiaisoja, T. (Tarja) 05 January 2016 (has links)
The land use rights of the Sami were based on collectively agreed immemorial rights of use. Land areas were inherited, bought and sold, fishing waters were shared between families. Disputes about land areas were settled at the so-called Sami court. Only rarely did the actual court system settle disputes between the residents on Inari and Utsjoki. In the mid-16th century, the government did not have much control, but their influence increased gradually. The border closing of 1852 was the final act that established government control over the region. It closed the border between Norway and Finland.
The first settlements were established in Inari as early as the 16th century. The first settlement was built in Utsjoki in 1831. The Sami tried to establish their rights of ownership and use for the land areas they had used for ages by establishing fishing settlements. They clearly derived from the old form of dwelling and land use. Fishing settlements were only established in Finnish Lapland in the 1840s and 1850s in Inari and Utsjoki. However, the solution was only temporary. The government took administrative actions to increase the pace of settlement. One of these actions was the organisation reform of 1858, which resulted in the authorities starting regional reviews. At the same time, land estates were transferred closer to winter dwellings. The extensive areas which the Sami had rights to use according to the seasons were limited. The term “settlement” is often thought to refer to new estates built on the crown's land. However, this was not the case in Inari and Utsjoki. There the Sami found new estates on the land areas they had inherited.
The imperial decree of 1866 gave the Forestry Board control of Inari's and Utsjoki's forests. The area was placed temporarily under the Forestry Board's control. The separation of the surplus land of the state was carried out in Inari in 1902–1906. The government was free to sell timber, whereas similar rights to sell timber were not issued to the landowners. After the Forestry Board started to control people's land use, the standing of people outside the land ownership system weakened. Establishing new estates became more difficult and felling and collecting lichen was restricted. With the help of the Forestry Board, government directed settlement towards crofts in crown forests. / Tiivistelmä
Saamelaisten maankäyttöoikeudet perustuivat yhteisesti määriteltyihin ikimuistoisiin nautintaoikeuksiin. Maita perittiin, ostettiin ja myytiin, kalavedet olivat jaettuja sukujen ja perheiden kesken. Maista syntyneet kiistat ratkaistiin kotakäräjillä. Varsinainen käräjälaitos ratkoi vain harvoin inarilaisten ja utsjokelaisten riitoja. Valtiovallan ote vielä 1700-luvun puolivälissä oli hyvin heikko mutta vahvistui vähitellen. Vallan vakiintuminen tapahtui viimeistään vuoden 1852 rajasulussa. Siinä Norjan ja Suomen vastainen raja suljettiin.
Ensimmäiset uudistilat perustettiin Inariin jo 1700-luvulla. Utsjoelle ensimmäinen uudistila perustettiin vuonna 1831. Saamelaiset yrittivät vakiinnuttaa omistus- ja nautintaoikeutensa vanhastaan käyttämiinsä maihin perustamalla kalastustiloja. Ne olivat vanhan asumismuodon ja maankäytön selkeitä perillisiä. Kalastustiloja perustettiin Suomen Lapissa 1840- ja 1850-luvulla vain Inariin ja Utsjoelle. Ratkaisu oli kuitenkin vain tilapäinen. Uudisasutusta kiihdytettiin hallinnollisilla toimilla. Tällainen oli vuoden 1858 organisaatiouudistus, jonka seurauksena viranomaiset ryhtyivät pitämään aluekatselmuksia. Samassa yhteydessä tiluksia siirrettiin lähemmäksi talvipaikkaa. Laajat vuosikierron mukaiset nautinta-alueet supistuivat pienemmiksi. Uudistiloista puhuttaessa syntyy yleensä kuva kruunun maille perustetuista tiloista. Inarissa ja Utsjoella näin ei ollut, sillä saamelaiset perustivat uudistilat vanhoille perintömailleen.
Inarin ja Utsjoen metsät otettiin metsähallituksen valvontaan 1866 annetulla keisarillisella kirjeellä. Alue asetettiin väliaikaisesti metsähallinnon alaiseksi. Kruunulle otetun liikamaan erottaminen tehtiin Inarissa vuosina 1902–1906. Valtio pääsi vapaasti myymään puuta, kun vastaavaa puunmyyntioikeutta ei annettu tilallisille. Kun metsähallitus alkoi valvoa asukkaiden maankäyttöä, tilajärjestelmän ulkopuolella olevien asema heikkeni. Uudistilojen perustaminen vaikeutui, puun- ja jäkälänottoa alettiin rajoittaa. Valtiovalta metsähallinnon avustuksella ohjasi asutuksen kruununmetsätorppiin.
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Kralupy u Chomutova: Demolice vesnic kvůli těžbě / Kralupy u Chomutova: The Demolition of villages due to miningVitíková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is telling the story of the village Kralupy u Chomutova that had to be demolished because of coal mining. It is following the life of people of the village from the time before World War I untill the 70's. It is the time when the village was demolished. Kralupy u Chomutova were located in so called Sudetenland. Therefore its rezidents where changing during 20th century. In the end It was them who were witnesses of the demolition and their stories are part of this thesis.
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IoT-based air pollution monitoring system for smart villagesJazavac, Nedim, Tatari, Hikmat January 2021 (has links)
Air pollution is a global issue which has negative impacts not only on the environment but also on human health. Therefore, it is important to design and implement systems to allow cities and villages to monitor air quality so that they take the required actions to maintain a good air quality in the city/village. Since IoT facilitates implementing efficient monitoring systems, many IoT systems have been proposed to monitor air pollution. In this paper, we review different IoT-based systems to monitor air quality. In addition, we do an experiment where we propose and evaluate our system to monitor air pollution in a smart village, Veberöd, utilizing the LoRaWAN and the IoT platform, Yggio, which is already used in the village. Our proposed system is used to monitor temperature, humidity, pressure, PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, and CO. As a result of our experiment, we found that the data received by Yggio was encoded, and Yggio did not provide the decoding functionality to decode the data sent from our devices. Therefore, another IoT platforms were used to decode, visualize, and analyse the data. The results of the experiments shows that as far as PM1, PM2.5, PM10, and CO are concerned, the air quality in the village is good. The results also showed that some LoRaWAN messages were lost and never received on Yggio.
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Integrated water management concept for craft villages - example from the food processing craft village Dai Lam: Short communicationHahn, Celia, Meier, Sebastian, Weichgrebe, Dirk, Tran, Thi Nguyet, Appel, Holger, Fechter, Leonhard, Werner, Peter 09 November 2012 (has links)
Craft villages played a significant role in the development of Vietnam’s rural economy for a long time. The range of products and production methods, including the processing of materials and chemicals, are now adapted to modern market requirements but environmental and labour protection issues are not adequately considered in the management of the craft villages. The reasons are various: poor education of responsible operators, deficient technical equipment or missing regulatory framework and implementation of existing regulations. The INHAND project (Integrated Water Management Concept for Craft Villages) started in 2011 and is studying the food processing village of Dai Lam located on the banks of the Cau River in the Bac Ninh province (about 40 km NE of the capital Hanoi). The household-scale business focus mainly on rice and cassava processing with 200 out of 1000 households producing alcohol from cassava and rice, 10 households producing tofu, and 30 households recycling aluminium. In addition, most households also raise pigs. The wastewater is released mostly untreated into the receiving stream. Within the framework of the INHAND project, four German und two Vietnamese partners will conduct a basic analysis inventory in the village with identification of suitable measure for an integrated, environmentally sound concept for the removal and reuse of all output streams. The second major task of the 3.5 years research project is the conceptualisation, development and implementation of pilot-scale treatment facilities in the village and the scientific monitoring of their planning and operation. / Đã từ lâu, làng nghề đóng vai trò quan trọng trong quá trình phát triển kinh tế nông nghiệp tại Việt Nam. Các sản phẩm và phương thức sản xuất, bao gồm cả giai đoạn xử lý vật liệu và hóa chất, đã từng bước được cải tiến cho phù hợp với yêu cầu của thị trường hiện đại. Tuy nhiên,
những yếu tố về môi trường và an toàn lao động vẫn chưa được quan tâm đúng mức tại các làng nghề do nhiều nguyên nhân như: trình độ của nhà sản xuất, vận hành còn hạn hẹp, thiếu trang thiết bị kỹ thuật, các quy chuẩn còn thiếu hoặc chưa được thi hành triệt để. Dự án INHAND (đề án xử lý nước tổng thể cho làng nghề) được khởi động từ năm 2011 và hiện đang tiến hành nghiên cứu làng nghề chế biến thực phẩm Đại Lâm ,nằm bên bờ song Cầu, thuộc tỉnh Bắc Ninh, cách Hà
Nội 40 km. Mô hình kinh tế hộ gia đình tại làng chủ yếu tập trung vào chế biến gạo và sắn: 200 trong số 1000 hộ gia đình nấu rượu gạo và sắn, 10 hộ sản xuất đậu phụ, 30 hộ tái chế nhôm. Ngoài ra, gần như tất cả các hộ đều có nuôi lợn. Nước thải của làng được dẫn trực tiếp ra các khối nước mở, gần như không qua xử lý. Trong khuôn khổ dự án INHAND, bốn đối tác Đức và hai đối tác Việt Nam sẽ tiến hành phân tích hiện trạng môi trường của làng để tìm ra những biện pháp thích hợp nhằm xử lý và tái sử dụng các dòng thải. Nhiệm vụ thứ hai trong thời gian 3,5 năm của dự án là lập ra đề án, phát triển và triển khai các trạm xử lý ở quy mô thử nghiệm, đồng thời quan trắc khoa học các quá trình thiết kế và vận hành.
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Designing optimal water supply systems for developing countriesUkoli-Onodipe, Grace O. 05 September 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Jian Shan Village: Case-Study Research and Evaluation of China’s “New Socialist Villages”Schnaars, Paul H. 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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An examination of the Mirage-Net web-community from a uses and gratifications perspectiveThaldorf, Carey L. 01 October 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Planning for the urban-rural fringe areas of Hong Kong: case study of Wo Yi Hop VillageLau, Oi-ha, Joanne., 劉愛霞. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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La " fabrique péri-urbaine ", système d'acteurs et production des ensembles pavillonnaires dans la Grande Couronne francilienne.Callen, Delphine 08 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les périphéries des grandes métropoles présentent des paysages facilement reconnaissables : maisons roses autour de rues en boucle ou en impasse... Ces ensembles pavillonnaires apparaissent comme une "image-type" de l'étalement urbain et sont souvent "accusés" d'uniformiser les paysages, de renforcer l'homogénéisation sociale et la ségrégation spatiale. En Ile-de-France, ces ensembles résultent souvent d'opérations groupées produites par un promoteur immobilier qui en réalise toutes les étapes de façon intégrée. Traditionnellement local, le secteur de la promotion immobilière s'est concentré et internationalisé au cours des vingt dernières années. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que le développement des grands groupes a des conséquences sur l'organisation du système de production des ensembles pavillonnaires, sur les manières de faire des différents acteurs et qu'il a une influence sur la morphologie et, en particulier, sur l'homogénéité de ces ensembles. Ces réflexions s'inscrivent dans un cadre plus large consistant à savoir jusqu'à quel point la mondialisation du secteur immobilier peut conduire à l'uniformisation des villes et des pratiques d'habiter. Nous cherchons à comprendre dans quelle mesure les transformations des différents acteurs de la production, les conditions de la " fabrique " périurbaine, liées au contexte de mondialisation et de métropolisation, ont un rôle sur les types d'espaces produits.
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Toward a Grounded Theory of Community NetworkingMasten-Cain, Kathryn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents a preliminary grounded theory of community networking based on 63 evaluations of community networking projects funded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) between 1994 and 2007. The substantive grounded theory developed is that TOP projects differed in their contribution to positive outcomes for intended disadvantaged community beneficiaries based on the extent and manner in which they involved the disadvantaged community during four grant process phases: partnership building, project execution, evaluation, and close-out. Positive outcomes for the community were facilitated by using existing communication channels, such as schools, to connect with intended beneficiaries; local financial institutions to provide infrastructure to support local trade; and training to connect community members to jobs. Theoretical contributions include situating outcomes for disadvantaged communities within the context of the grant process; introducing the “vulnerable community” concept; and identifying other concepts and properties that may be useful in further theoretical explorations. Methodological contributions include demonstrating grounded theory as a viable method for exploring large text-based datasets; paving the way for machine learning approaches to analyzing qualitative data; and illustrating how project evaluations can be used in a similar fashion as interview data. Practical contributions include providing information to guide community networking-related policies and initiatives from the perspectives of stakeholders at all levels, including establishing funded projects as local employment opportunities and re-conceptualizing sustainability in terms of human networks rather than technological networks.
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