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Smurtą šeimoje patyrusių vaikų būvis / Life of children who have felt the violence in the family / La vie des enfants qui ont subbit la violence dans la familleNavikaitė, Rūta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Įtakos smurtui prieš vaikus turi tėvų gyvenimo istorija, asmenybės tipas, socialinė ir kultūrinė tėvų gyvenimo aplinka. Tiriant smurtą prieš vaikus išskiriamos trys jo formos: emocinis, seksualinis ir fizinis. Siekiant didesnio tikslumo ir aiškumo, įvardijamos ir kitokios smurto rūšys. Tai egzistencinis smurtas, religinis arba kulto smurtas, su lytėjimu susijęs smurtas. / The family is a place where are ensure emotional and physical security of children. International relations and laws guarantees the right to life in the family. But lately parents or others members of family commits acts of violence against children. Children felt violence every day. The violence was sudden and unexpectd. Parents, friends or classmates many of cases commit acts of violence against children. Children felt the violence psysical and psychological, insults, humiliations, discrimination and neglect. Consequences of violence are importants and dramatic. / La famille est le cadre le plus apte a proteger l'enfant et a assurer sa securite physique et emotionnelle. Ces dernieres annees on pu documenter la violence commise par des parents ou d'autres members de la famille sur des enfants. Les enfants rappellent qu'ils sont aussi blesses par la repetition frequente, quotidienne de petits actes de violence. La violence soit soudaine et inattendue, la plupart des auteurs des gestes violents contre les enfants sont des gens qu'ils connaissent et auxquels ils devraient pouvoir la confiance: parents, petit ami, camarades de classe. La violence contre les enfants inclue la violence physique ou psychologique comme les insults et humiliations, la discrimination, l'abandon ou la maltraitance.
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The role of international human rights law in guiding the interpretation of women's right to be free from violence under the South African constitutionHeléne Combrinck January 2010 (has links)
<p>The thesis firstly looks at how women&rsquo / s right to freedom from violence has developed in international (global) human rights law since the early 1990s. In this regard, the study finds that while the issue of violence against women (and women&rsquo / s rights generally) was barely on the international human rights agenda at the beginning of this period, an enormous degree of development has subsequently taken place. Through the adoption of documents such as General Recommendation No. 19 by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Declaration on Elimination of Violence against Women and the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action, international norms and standards were set regarding role of the State in providing women with protection against violence.</p>
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Ut ur hedersförtryck : En studie baserad på sju självbiografier skrivna av kvinnor som levt under hedersförtryck. / Out of honourbases opression : A study based on seven autobiographies written by women who lived during honourbased opressionBengtsson Rapp, Elin, Eriksson, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand which strategies helped women escape honourbased violence, by reading the autobiographies of seven women. Honourbased violence is a relatively new problem in Sweden, but it has existed for a long time. According to FN (2012) 5000 women are murdered every year in the name of honour. Honourbased violence is about maintaining the honour of the family. Womens sexuality is connected to men´s honour, and because of that they are not allowed to express it. They are being under constant control and surveillance by their family, to make sure they don´t violate the line. The father of the family has the right to make all the decisions of the whole family. In some cases, this leads to woman wanting liberation and successfully escape, starting a new life. In this study we wanted to investigate which persons and organizations meant the most to those women, during their journey. The study also investigates which strategies they used to become free. To help us analyze our result we used a theory based on power. We mean that honourbased violence rely on power and it´s structures, to maintain men´s power over women. We used a qualitative method using textual analyses. Results show that both single individuals and also organizations helped them escape. The most important strategies turned out to be hope, acceptance, denial, isolation, escape, resistance and even suicide attempt.
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Våld i nära relationer : Sjuksköterskors beredskap och agerande vid mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor / Intimate partner violence : Nurses‟ preparedness and interaction when encountering abused womenLöfgren, Katarina, Nilsson, Moa January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer innebär fysiskt, psykiskt och/eller sexuellt våld. Det anses vara ett stort hälsoproblem som främst drabbar kvinnor och ger fysiska, psykiska och sociala konsekvenser. Hälso- och sjukvården har ett stort ansvar gällande att upptäcka och hjälpa utsatta kvinnor samt förebygga våld i nära relationer, men många kvinnor upplever att de inte fått adekvat stöd och hjälp från hälso- och sjukvården. Syfte: Att belysa faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors beredskap inför och agerande vid mötet med kvinnor som misstänks vara eller är utsatta för våld i nära relation. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med analys och sammanställning av tio vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Resultat: Faktorer som påverkade beredskap och agerande var dels relaterade till sjuksköterskan som person; attityder och tankar kring sjuksköterskans professionella roll, sjuksköterskans känslor samt personliga och professionella erfarenheter av våld i nära relationer. Dels påverkade också faktorer som var relaterade till sjuksköterskans omgivning och förutsättningar; utbildning och praktiska färdigheter, miljö samt organisation. Slutsats: Fördjupade kunskaper, erfarenhet och en mer öppen, förstående attityd hos sjuksköterskor visade sig kunna vara avgörande för kvaliteten på vården av kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Klinisk betydelse: Utbildning inom våld i nära relationer skulle kunna utvecklas, attityder diskuteras och handlingsplaner införlivas på ett tydligare sätt i vården. / Background: Intimate partner violence involves physical, psychological and/or sexual violence. It is viewed as a major health problem that mainly affects women and has physical, psychological and social consequences. The health care system has a great responsibility in identifying and helping subjected women and in preventing intimate partner violence, yet many women feel that they do not get adequate support and help from the health care services. Aim: To illuminate factors affecting nurses‟ preparedness for and interaction with women who may be or are subjected to intimate partner violence. Method: General literature review with analysis and synthesis of ten research articles with both qualitative and quantitative data. Results: Factors were partly related to the nurse in person; attitudes and conceptions about the nurses‟ professional role, the nurses‟ feelings, and personal and professional experiences of intimate partner violence. Other factors were related to the nurses‟ environment and conditions; education and practical skills, environment and organization. Conclusion: Enhanced knowledge, experience and more open-minded and understanding attitudes among nurses could be determining for the quality of care of women subjected to intimate partner violence. Clinical significance: Education about intimate partner violence could be developed, attitudes discussed and guidelines implemented in a more explicit manner in healthcare.
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Love that turns into terror: Intimate partner violence in Åland : nurses’ encounters with battered women in the context of a government-initiated policy programmeHäggblom, Anette January 2008 (has links)
Violence against women is a problem in all countries in the world, including the small autonomy of the Åland Islands. The violence ranges from psychological threats to femicide. In the Åland Islands the issue has been placed on the agenda of politicians and the authorities, while reports about severe violence against women have been brought to the public. In Åland no scientific research on violence against women has been performed. The overall aim of this dissertation is to gain a deeper insight into how battered women in Åland are cared for by nurses, and how the official organizations have responded to the government policy directives. In this thesis, the first study, a descriptive survey, describes how nurses identify and support battered women. In the second and third studies, the method of grounded theory was used to explore the experiences and perceptions of nurses and battered women of violence against women. In the fourth study a case study approach was used to explore government policies for intimate partner violence. The main findings in this thesis are that battered women used health services to receive help. We found that nurses identified and supported abused women, even though services for these women were inadequate. Nurses were willing to help the women, but they often lacked support. Battered women reported that they received ad hoc help. They were often left alone, dependent on a nearby person to escape, survive, and recover. Another finding was that the Government of the Åland Islands demanded that the official organizations should allocate services to battered women, but the organizations’ response to the directives had some limitations. From a public health perspective, the phenomenon presents an urgent challenge. Overall, the public health community can and should contribute greatly towards the understanding, prevention, and control of violence by applying and adapting already constructed principles, and by implementing strategies. / Våld mot kvinnor är ett problem som förekommer i alla länder I världen inkluderat det lilla autonoma området Åland. Fenomenet kan jämföras med terror. Våld mot kvinnor utövas i former från hot till mord. På Åland har problemet lyfts fram både genom politikers som tjänstemäns agendor, samtidigt som rapporter om allvarligt förekommande våld mot kvinnor rapporterats till allmänhetens kännedom. Våld mot kvinnor har inte studerats genom vetenskaplig forskning på Åland. Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling är att uppnå fördjupade insikter angående hur våldsutsatta kvinnor bemöts av sjukskötare och hur de offentliga organisationerna agerat utifrån regeringens direktiv. I denna avhandling är den första studien en beskrivande undersökning som beskriver hur sjukskötare identifierar och hjälper våldsutsatta kvinnor. Den andra och tredje studien har använtgrounded theory för att studera sjukskötare och våldsutsatta kvinnors erfarenheter och uppfattningar angående våld mot kvinnor. Den fjärde studien en case study studie har undersökt regeringens riktlinjer angående våld mot kvinnor. Huvudfynden i denna avhandling visar att våldsutsatta kvinnor söker hjälp från hälsovården. Vi fann att sjukskötare identifierar och stöder våldsutsatta kvinnor även då servicen var otillräcklig. Sjukskötare var villiga att hjälpa kvinnorna men de saknade ofta själva stöd. Våldsutsatta kvinnor rapporterade att de erbjöds en hjälp som de uppfattade som ad hoc. De var ofta lämnade ensamma helt beroende av en närstående person för att kunna fly, överleva, och återhämta sig. Ett annat fynd var att Ålands landskapsregering hade uppmanat de offentliga organisationerna att erbjuda service till våldsutsatta kvinnor, men organisationernas respons var begränsade. Fenomenet utgör en akut utmaning sett utifrån ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Slutligen, de ansvariga för folkhälsan i samhället kan och borde bidra med förståelse, prevention, och kontroll av våldet genom att tillämpa och anpassa redan konstruerade principer, och genom en implementering av åtgärder.
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The endangered lives of women : peace and mental health among Tibetan refugeesRaney, Shonali January 2008 (has links)
This study explored how Tibetan refugee women have coped with the possible trauma they experienced in Tibet and when escaping from Tibet. It also examined how these women envisioned peace between Tibet and China and what meanings they constructed about the violence they may have experienced.Twelve Tibetan refugee women were interviewed in New York City. They came from all three regions of Tibet and their mean age was 35.5 years old. Only two participants were fluent in English. A qualitative semi-structured interview was employed to understand participants' unique experiences with past trauma and any continued repercussions. The interviews also assessed how participants envisioned peace between China and Tibet and if they believed peace was at all possible. An interpreter assisted with all the interviews.The data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology; with the help of two research assistants. This methodology offered the best opportunity to investigate the participants' understandings of their experiences and their beliefs. Using the constant comparative method, the results revealed the role of participants' religion, their belief in karma, and communal support as keys in their adjustment and mental health. Additionally, the women reported feelings of loss, fear, and loneliness, but not anger or hostility. The participants also revealed, however, feelings of relief and safety leaving the threat of imprisonment or torture behind in Tibet. Further, the women expressed feelings of appreciation for their freedom and their ability to hope for a better future for themselves and their families.The results suggested that there are some specific cultural variables that helped these Tibetan refugee women navigate the course of leaving Tibet and moving to a new country. Additional studies are needed to more fully comprehend the effects of trauma on the migration of Tibetan refugee women. Such studies can help further explain the relationship between trauma and culture-bound expressions of distress. Other implications (e.g., provision of services) of the current findings are discussed, as are several limitations to the study. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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The interaction effect of television violence and cultural identity on international students' perceived vulnerabilityLee, Sook-Young January 1999 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of television violence and cultural identity on international students' perceived vulnerability. A total of 73 international students who registered at Ball State University spring semester 1999 participated in the survey research project. MANOVA revealed a significant relationship between perceived vulnerability and television exposure. Although no significant relationship was found between perceived vulnerability and cultural identity levels, there was a significant interaction effect between television exposure and cultural identity. International students who were heavy viewers and had assimilated identity exhibited the greatest perceived vulnerability. Theoretical and methodological implications of the findings were discussed for future research. / Department of Speech Communication
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Forms of Resistance : A study of understandings regarding intimate partner violence among women in EthiopiaHägglund, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Of all the countries studied in the large-scale WHO Multi-country Study on Women´s Health and Domestic Violence against Women (2005), Ethiopian women had the highest numbers of acceptance of intimate partner violence. And according to previous research on the subject, Ethiopian women have a high tolerance for and acceptance of the violence they endure. Yet when I interviewed women in Ethiopia (all of whom had been victims of violence) I discovered multiple forms of resistance to - rather than acceptance of - violence. Rather than confirming how women come to accept violence, my study uncovers many ways in which women resist violence, even in contexts where the available means of resistance are extremely limited.The aim of my inductive study is to begin to do justice to these forms of resistance, which are easily overlooked. First, as I argue in the analyses of my interviews with the women, our ability to discern forms of resistance in situations of intimate partner violence requires a more capacious notion of resistance than the one usually employed. Second, as I argue through my engagement with the previous research and the analyses of my interviews with women’s organizations in Ethiopia, the inability to discern multiple and varied forms of resistance leads one to underestimate the degree of non-acceptance and active resistance in situations of intimate partner violence. Thus, while my limited study does not permit general conclusions about violence against women in Ethiopia, I conclude by suggesting that my findings have two important implications for social work, one theoretical and one practical.
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How Female Leaders Affect Attitudes Towards Women in Nicaragua and BrazilSutherland, Christina 01 January 2015 (has links)
This paper analyzes how female leaders affect the attitudes towards women in Nicaragua and Brazil. It discusses general and specific literature on the historical and current situations in each country. It analyzes the effects colonialism, culture, religion, traditions and the law have on the perceptions of women. The paper further analyzes and measures how past and current female leaders like President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro and President Dilma Rouseff affect people’s views towards women. The rates of violence against woman and domestic abuse in Nicaragua and Brazil are analyzed and compared to Latin America and the world. This paper argues that women in positions of leadership lead to changes in the general attitudes towards women, but it is not clear if women leaders decrease the rates of violence against women.
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R.A.G.E.: Reflections on Acts of Gendered Violence and our Educational LivesWyper, Laura 29 November 2012 (has links)
This is an arts-informed qualitative research study looking at violence against women and how it affects their educational outcomes. It uses an art installation in which the narratives of the women involved are combined with photographs and real world objects in which viewers take on a ‘walking meditation’ as well as the use of participation stations for viewer feedback and further sharing of stories anonymously.
This project is based on the belief that through a feminist research lens, participatory practice with the use of storytelling can be a form of transformation in community development.
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