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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os instrumentos para a preservação do poder e do Estado em Maquiavel

Freitas, William de Jesus Costa 12 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-06-16T19:20:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 William de Jesus Costa Freitas_.pdf: 676655 bytes, checksum: 642d1876c089bd163e3e99afcfe9e99f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-16T19:20:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 William de Jesus Costa Freitas_.pdf: 676655 bytes, checksum: 642d1876c089bd163e3e99afcfe9e99f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-12 / Nenhuma / No contexto de Maquiavel observamos a decadência da cristandade, da ascensão do capitalismo, do desenvolvimento dos estados nacionais, onde os soberanos locais são absorvidos pelo fortalecimento das monarquias e pela crescente centralização das instituições políticas. Maquiavel como pensador empírico, observa a consolidação do poder central na Inglaterra e França, sendo que o mesmo não ocorre na sua querida cidade, a Itália que se apresenta como sendo um conglomerado de pequenas cidadesestados rivais, disputadas pelo Papa, Alemanha, França e Espanha. Disputa que favorece os particularismos, mas se torna catastrófica para o destino da península. Percebe a existência de uma racionalidade instrumental no homem que o leva a buscar êxitos sem se importar com valores éticos. Fato este que o leva a pensar em uma natureza humana decaída pela maldade. De homens levianos, cobardes, ingratos, invejosos que é preciso estar sempre preparado para tudo, isto é, para o pior, da parte deles. Diante desta realidade o florentino vai se tornar o precursor de duas importantes ideias de teoria política, ligadas entre si, ambas expressas em suas obras. A primeira, de que só o poder controla o poder é a única arma que conta. A segunda ideia é que a discórdia interna é inerente aos governos livres. Neste sentido Maquiavel se torna revolucionário contra uma tradição que estigmatizava a discórdia como “tumulto”, primando pela harmonia e pela unidade. Preocupado com a situação da Itália Maquiavel sente a necessidade de uma mão firme capaz de confrontar a fortuna, considerada pelo florentino como contingência própria das ações humanas e não mais manifestações de Deus. Pensa também a necessidade de um estado com poder central e soberano que tem na figura do príncipe a constituição dos seus atos de governo como atos de soberania. Nos atos de governo do príncipe, há de fato mais que a manifestação de seu domínio da arte de governar; o príncipe está na origem do poder político e deve estabelecer que – no interior de seu principado, assim como nas relações que este mantem com as outras potencias – ele é sua origem única ou ao menos domina suas fontes. Dai, no exercício do poder deve fazer uso dos instrumentos necessários que possam mantê-lo com maior tempo possível no poder e que possa garantir a estabilidade do Estado. Considerando o exposto, a presente dissertação tem como proposito categorizar os instrumentos adequados para o êxito do governante. Antes porem fez-se necessário contextualizar o autor, pois foi em decorrência dos acontecimentos na sua terra natal que Maquiavel pensou a política moderna, o poder, a necessidade do estado, o bom governante e os instrumentos a serem utilizados. A abordagem metodológica partiu de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, utilizando-se de fontes primárias (as obras escritas por Maquiavel) e fontes secundárias (comentadores). / In the context of Machiavelli observed the decay of Christianity, capitalism’s rise, the development of national states, where local rulers are absorbed by the strengthening of the monarchies and the increasing centralization of political institutions. Machiavelli as empirical thinker, notes the consolidation of central power in England and France, and the same is not true in their beloved city, Italy which appears to be a conglomeration of small rival city-states, disputed by the Pope, Germany, France and Spain. Dispute favoring particularism, but becomes catastrophic for the fate of the peninsula. Realize the existence of an instrumental rationality in man which leads him to seek success without caring about ethical values. This fact leads him to think of a fallen human nature by evil. In vain men, cowardly, ungrateful, envious that we must always be prepared for anything, that is, for the worst of them. Given this reality the Florentine will become the precursor of two major political theory of ideas, linked together, both expressed in his works. The first, that only the power controls the power is the only weapon that counts. The second idea is that the internal discord is inherent in free governments. In this sense Machiavelli becomes revolutionary against a tradition that stigmatized discord as “turmoil”, striving for harmony and unity. Concerned about the situation in Italy Machiavelli feels the need for a firm hand able to confront the fortune, considered by Florentine as own contingency of human actions and not manifestations of God. Also think the need for a state with central and sovereign power you have in Prince include the establishment of their acts of government as sovereign acts. Acts of the prince government, there is indeed more than the manifestation of his mastery of the art of government; Prince is the source of political power and should provide that - within their first, and in relations that this keeps with the other powers - it is your only source or at least dominates their sources. Hence, the exercise of power should make use of the necessary tools that can keep it as long as possible in power and that can guarantee state stability. Considering the above, this thesis has as purpose categorize the appropriate tools for the success of the ruler. Before however it was necessary to contextualize the author because it was a result of the events in his homeland that Machiavelli modern political thought, the power, the need of the state, the good ruler and the instruments to be used. The methodological approach started from a literature review on the topic, using primary sources (the works written by Machiavelli) and secondary sources (commentators).

La question du modèle animal chez les cyniques

Séguin, Luc 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude cherche à établir un rapport entre les nombreuses références positives à l’animal présentes dans le corpus cynique et une certaine conception de l’activité philosophique mise de l’avant par ces philosophes et, plus particulièrement, incarnée par la figure de Diogène de Sinope. Comme il le sera brièvement montré dans la première partie, l’animal est un concept pratiquement absent de la pensée grecque qui tend à penser l’unité du vivant. Il ne peut faire son apparition que dans un contexte moral afin de fonder les normes de l’agir proprement humain, et dans ce contexte, les références positives à l’animal sont plutôt rares. La position des philosophes cyniques, qui exhortent fréquemment les hommes à s’inspirer des animaux afin d’atteindre la vertu, est donc, à cet égard, excessivement singulière. Comment interpréter ce renversement de perspective où l’homme ne semble plus occuper la position intermédiaire entre les immortels et les bêtes? En examinant les thèses de Thierry Gonthier, d’Ovide Florès-Junior et de Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé sur la question, la deuxième partie de cette étude nous mettra sur la voie de la rhétorique d’exhortation qui, nous le verrons, est constitutive même de la pratique philosophique cynique. Il reste cependant à déterminer à quoi, plus précisément, les philosophes cyniques exhortent leurs concitoyens et, ce qui est pour cette étude le nœud du problème, dans quelle mesure la figure de l’animal est-elle susceptible de nous renseigner. La troisième partie de cette étude portera ainsi sur l’idéal de sagesse cynique et sur la figure emblématique du mouvement, le chien. Nous tâcherons alors de montrer, en prolongeant les lectures qu’en ont faites Jean-Marie Meilland, D. Deleule et Peter Sloterdijk, que la valorisation de l’animal chez les cyniques ne doit pas être comprise comme un vil appel à la régression en l’animalité mais plutôt comme la promotion d’une singulière conception de l’activité philosophique. / This study tries to make a connection between the numerous positives references to animals in the cynic corpus and a certain conception of the philosophical activity as suggested by the Cynics and more precisely embodied by Diogenes of Sinope. As shown in the first section, the concept of the animal is practically absent in the classic Greek philosophy. It can only appear in a moral context which tries to establish the ethics and norms of human acts and in this context, positives reference to animals are rare. The Cynic’s position-- exhorting their fellow citizens to mimic animals as a means to acquiring virtue-- is in this regard exceptionally unusual. How do we interpret this radical change of perspective in which man seems to no longer occupy the intermediate position between gods and animals ? Following the theses of Thierry Gonthier, Olimar Florès-Junior and Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé, the second section leads us on the path of the rhethoric of exhortation that is, an essential element of the Cynic’s practice. What actions the Cynic’s exhort their fellow citizens to ? And how the figure of the animal is able to exemplifies it? The third section discusses the cynic’s ideal of wisdom and their emblematic figure, the dog. We will finally demonstrate with the help of studies by Jean-Marie Meilland, D. Deleule et Peter Sloterdijk that the valorisation of the animal in the Cynic’s perspective must not be understood as a vile regression to animality but as a legitimate activity in and of itself.

Market Sensitivity of a High Frequency Trading Firm Stock

Frazier, Rosalie 01 January 2016 (has links)
The major purpose of this study is to explore the stock movements of a publicly traded high-frequency trading firm, Virtu Financial. Virtu Financial, as of November 2015, is the only publicly traded high frequency trading firm, offering a opportunity to study the market behavior of a new kind of stock. Since Virtu serves as a unique financial intermediary, my hypothesis is that Virtu should be a market-neutral company since it is able to profit equally in economic upswings and downturns. This study uses a regression based on the Fama and French three factor model, focusing on the influence of the market risk premium, small sized company vs. medium sized company returns, and growth stock vs. value stock returns in changes in inter-daily Virtu Financial returns, These results are then compared to the returns of Virtu’s brokerage competitors, as deemed so by analysts, and CBOE Holding, a company with . The results suggest that Virtu Financial has a market neutral stock, consistent with its means of generating revenue, while its traditional brokerage competitors do not. On the basis of this research, it is concluded that HFT brokerages may present an opportunity to invest in a non-cylcical segment of the finance industry.


LEONARDO VELLO DE MAGALHÃES 18 July 2016 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho visa analisar a relação entre o conflito de grandes e povo e a liberdade política dele decorrente. Para tanto, inicialmente, será feito um estudo de como Maquiavel entende a virtú e a fortuna. Após, analisar-se-á a forma como Maquiavel pensa a ética, a religião, a moral, a Política, as armas, a liberdade e a igualdade. Uma vez dissecadas essas premissas básicas e necessárias, passar-se-á ao estudo da teoria dos humores que se inicia com a máxima que o povo não quer ser dominado e oprimido, enquanto que os grandes desejam dominar e oprimir. Posteriormente, será demonstrado como se deram os Conflitos das Cidades, iniciando-se com o modelo Romano, o modelo Florentino e o modelo de Esparta e Veneza. Estabelecidas às bases de seu pensamento, será demonstrada que a lei, resultante do conflito entre os grandes e o povo, gera a liberdade de todo o corpo político. / [en] This study aims to analyze the relationship between conflict of the great and the people and political freedom brought by this. Therefore, initially, a study of how Machiavelli understands the virtu and fortune will be made. After, we will examine how Machiavelli thinks about ethics, religion, morality, policy, guns, freedom and equality. Once dissected the this basic assumptions, the study will analyze the theory of humors, that starts with the maximum that people do not want to be dominated and oppressed, while the great wish exactly to dominate and oppress them. After that, the study proceeds about how were the Conflict of Cities, beginning with the Roman model, Florence model, the model of Sparta and Venice. After established the bases of his thought, this work will demonstrate that the resulting law of conflict between the great and the people generates the freedom of all political body.

The Swedish Holocaust Museum Between the Physical and the Virtual : A Perspective on the Importance of the Physical and Pedagogical in Virtual Museums

Simu, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The creation of a new Holocaust museum in Sweden has sparked discussion regarding placement, how to make it accessible, and how to make that accessibility equal between the physical and virtual. The National Historical Museums of Sweden was given the task to open the Swedish Holocaust Museum in Stockholm 10 month after they were appointed the task (Regeringskansliet 2021b). This and receiving less than half of the funds requested for the project lead to the museum not being able to open with a physical space but will be a purely digital space on the official website when opened (ibid.; Hörmark 2022). The museum will then gradually gain a physical space (Annika 2022). Academic research on a new Holocaust museum and their implementations of virtual and digital tools has not been found, therefore this thesis aims to fill that gap with the aid of the previous research. The thesis examines the current available material for the not yet opened Swedish Holocaust Museum through qualitative methods. The pre-process entailed gathering available reports and public discussions, getting into contact with the staff at the National Historical Museums of Sweden and limiting the scope of the thesis. Interviews were conducted with three employees and observations were conducted on two testimony AI by Dimensions in Testimony. The post-process was transcribing, analysing, and categorizing the material under different themes. Throughout the process, academic research has continuously been read and implemented.   The analysis was conducted on the importance of the location of the museum and the public discourse on whether the museum ought to be located in Malmö or Stockholm. It also analyses the expected contents of the website, being the testimony AI and the interactive timeline through a pedagogical perspective. The website will only include the Dimensions in Testimony AI as well as five items and their description when it launches. Finally, the expected website contents were analysed through the potential of being a virtual museum.  The thesis found that the importance of the location might have been mediated by putting emphasis on accessibility through the website. Both the testimony AI and the timeline are pedagogically rich but comes with some technical difficulties. The website has great potential in becoming a virtual museum and should be viewed as such. The thesis also found that interactions between the physical and virtual space might increase the perceived authenticity of the virtual museum and generate more interest.

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