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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tratamento endodôntico em sessão única utilizando diferentes sistemas de irrigação de canais radiculares: avaliação radiográfica e imunohistoquímica / Endodontic treatment in single session using different irrigation systems of root canals: radiographic and immunohistochemistry evaluation

Jesus, Sidineia Feitoza de 06 December 2018 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo in vivo foi avaliar o reparo periapical e a expressão de mediadores inflamatórios após tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, dentes de cães com lesão periapical, utilizando protocolos de Irrigação por Pressão Apical Negativa, Irrigação Ultrassônica Passiva e Irrigação Convencional por Pressão Positiva. Um total de 80 canais radiculares de pré-molares de cães, com lesões periapicais experimentalmente induzidas, foram submetidos ao tratamento endodôntico em sessão única ou mantidas sem tratamento. Os dentes foram aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos: Grupo 1 - Irrigação por Pressão Apical Negativa (n=20 canais radiculares); Grupo 2 - Irrigação Ultrassônica Passiva (n=20 canais radiculares), Grupo 3 - Irrigação por Pressão Positiva (n=20 canais radiculares) e Grupo IV - Lesão periapical sem tratamento (n = 20 canais radiculares). Foi realizado os protocolos de irrigação com NaOCL 5,25% e instrumentação, utilizando limas Protaper rotatória F3-F4, em seguida os canais foram obturados com cimento AH Plus&reg;. Após 180 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados, as peças removidas e submetidas ao processamento histotécnico para análise imunohistoquímica para osteopontina, fator de necrose tumoral-&alpha; e interleucina 1-&alpha;. A análise radiográfica do reparo das lesões periapicais foi realizada por meio do Índice Periapical, obtido antes e 180 dias após o tratamento endodôntico. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística por meio do teste de Exato de Fisher ou Kruskal-Wallis seguido pelo pós-teste de Dunn. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Aos 180 dias após o tratamento endodôntico, o exame radiográfico mostrou a persistência de áreas radiolúcidas periapicais e descontinuidade da lâmina dura em 35% dos espécimes do Grupo pressão apical negativa, 40% dos espécimes do Grupo ultrassônica passiva e 40% dos espécimes do Grupo pressão positiva. Porém, quando comparado às radiografias previamente ao tratamento, em todos os grupos, pôde-se observar uma redução no tamanho das lesões periapicais. Não houve diferença entre os grupos, independente do protocolo de irrigação utilizado (p > 0,05). O tratamento endodôntico realizado em sessão única, resultou na menor síntese do fator de necrose tumoral-&alpha; e de osteopontina na região periapical, comparativamente à lesão periapical sem tratamento (p < 0,05), independente do protocolo de irrigação utilizado (p > 0,05). A produção de interleucina-1&alpha; não foi modulada pelo tratamento endodôntico (p > 0,05). Com base nas metodologias empregadas e nos resultados obtidos no presente estudo in vivo, pôde-se concluir que houve reparo da lesão periapical em cerca de 60% dos casos após tratamento endodôntico realizado em sessão única e menor síntese do fator de necrose tumoral-&alpha; e de osteopontina na região periapical, comparativamente à lesão periapical sem tratamento, independente do protocolo de irrigação utilizado (pressão apical negativa, ultrassônica passiva e por pressão positiva) / The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the periapical repair and the expression of inflammatory mediators after endodontic treatment in dogs with periapical lesions using Negative Apical Pressure Irrigation, Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and Conventional Positive Pressure Irrigation protocols. A total of 80 root canals of premolars of dogs with periapical lesions experimentally induced, were submitted to endodontic treatment in a single session, or maintained without treatment. The teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups: Group 1 - Irrigation by Pressure, Apical Negative (n=20 root canals); Group 2 - Irrigation, Ultrasonic, Passive (n=20 root canals), Group 3 - Irrigation by Positive Pressure (n=20 root canals), and Group IV - Lesion periapical without treatment (n = 20 root canals). Was done the protocols of irrigation with NaOCL 5.25% and instrumentation, using files Protaper rotatory F3- F4, then the channels were obturados with cement AH Plus&reg;. After 180 days, the animals were euthanized, the pieces removed and submitted to histotechnical processing for immunohistochemical analysis for osteopontin, tumor necrosis factor-&alpha; and interleukin 1-&alpha;. Radiographic analysis of the repair of the periapical lesions was performed using the Periapical Index, obtained before and 180 days after the endodontic treatment. The results were submitted to statistical analysis using Fisher\'s exact test or Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn\'s post-test. The level of significance was 5%. At 180 days after the endodontic treatment, the radiographic examination showed the persistence of periapical radiolucent areas and discontinuity of the lamina dura in 35% of the negative apical pressure group, 40% of the passive Ultrasonic Group specimens and 40% of the positive pressure Group specimens. However, when compared to radiographs prior to treatment, in all groups, a reduction in the size of periapical lesions was observed. There was no difference between the groups, regardless of the irrigation protocol used (p> 0.05). Endodontic treatment performed in a single session resulted in the lower synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-&alpha; and osteopontin in the periapical region, compared to untreated periapical lesion (p 0.05). The production of interleukin-1&alpha; was not modulated by endodontic treatment (p> 0.05). Based on the methodologies used and the results obtained in the present in vivo study, it was concluded that the periapical lesion was repaired in about 60% of cases after endodontic treatment performed in a single session and lower synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-&alpha; and osteopontin in the periapical region, compared to the untreated periapical lesion, regardless of the irrigation protocol used (negative apical pressure, passive ultrasonic and positive pressure)

Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado / Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado

Monaco, Gustavo Ferraz de Campos 20 October 2008 (has links)
A presente tese diz respeito à análise das hipóteses de atribuição da guarda dos filhos incapazes de pessoas que, por alguma razão, vivam separadamente, desmanchando eventual vínculo familiar entre elas existente. Corno esse fato não é apto a desfazer os vínculos entre cada um dos genitores e seus filhos, torna-se imperiosa a atribuição da guarda a um ou a ambos os pais (guarda simples, alternada ou compartilhada). A análise da questão toma em consideração os casos com elemento estrangeiro, ou seja, com algum fator que possa desvincular o caso fático de sua subsunção exclusiva ao ordenamento jurídico nacional, ligando-o, potencialmente, a outro ordenamento jurídico, quer pelo fato de um dos pais ser nacional de ou domiciliado em Estado estrangeiro, quer porque a criança seja estrangeira, ou, ainda, por um dos genitores manifestar a intenção de passar a residir no exterior, mesmo que todos os elementos até então existentes indicassem conexão exclusiva com o ordenamento brasileiro. Além da atribuição da guarda, outras conseqüências podem advir dessa relação fática, como a manutenção ou não do poder familiar, a regulamentação do direito de visitas, a estipulação do valor da pensão alimentícia etc. Torna-se necessário, assim, decidir qual a lei aplicável para a regulação da questão, bem como de suas conseqüências imediatas, vale dizer, a regulamentação do regime de visitas para o genitor afastado da convivência diuturna com os filhos, além da fixação da quantia necessária para a subsistência das crianças, por meio da pensão alimentícia a que façam jus. O estudo considera o direito à convivência familiar plena enquanto princípio maior e reitor da questão. O tema envolve, assim, urna série de institutos jurídicos ligados, em última análise, à proteção da criança em suas relações privadas (familiares), sejam elas de âmbito eminentemente pessoal, sejam, por outro lado, de âmbito patrimonial, englobando-se, desse modo, os direitos humanos e o direito internacional privado. Levou-se em conta o direito internacional privado convencional existente, mas ainda não ratificado pelo Estado brasileiro, indicando a eventual pertinência no que respeita a urna futura ratificação. A existência de uma série de convenções internacionais sobre o tema ainda não ratificadas pelo Brasil exigiu uma análise da questão não apenas do ponto de vista do direito interno, mas também, e principalmente, relativa à regulamentação sugerida pela sociedade internacional. O objetivo maior foi dar tratamento sistemático à matéria e indicar ao legislador nacional e ao Poder Executivo - dotado de competência para representar o país nas relações internacionais - um caminho que pode ser seguido pelo Estado brasileiro no que concerne à ratificação ou não dos tratados internacionais existentes sobre o assunto. A falta de estudos sistemáticos no Brasil a respeito do tema tem o condão de justificar a escolha empreendida, indicando a sua importância e sua originalidade, mormente quando se pretende indicar aos órgãos competentes as vantagens e/ou desvantagens que o sistema é capaz de proporcionar, seja na eleição do elemento de conexão posto em relevo para a escolha da lei aplicável à hipótese, seja nos aspectos procedimentais e de cooperação internacional envolvidos. O trabalho, em razão dos preceitos legislativos abrangidos, exigiu fossem seguidas duas metodologias distintas: uma de raiz e cunho dogmáticos a respeito dos institutos jurídicos conexos à questão e outra, de raiz e cunho comparativos a respeito da colação entre os sistemas existentes, qual seja, o sistema vigente no país e o sistema indicado pela sociedade internacional como o mais adequado para regular a questão. O método comparativo não se confunde com a mera descrição dos ordenamentos jurídicos (nacional e internacional), exigindo, isso sim, a análise de cada um dos fatores considerados relevantes em ambos os ordenamentos, procedendo-se a quadros comparativos que permitam ao intérprete atingir qual o sistema legislativo mais adequado para a hipótese. Não é recomendável, na aplicação de tal método, a análise de muitos ordenamentos jurídicos, daí por que a limitação do trabalho. Assim, não se perverte o método, conservando-se a cientificidade que o trabalho visou realizar. / The present thesis concerns the analysis of hypotheses on attributing the custody of children to people who, for some reason, live separately, undoing the possible family bond existing between them. As this fact is cannot undo the bonds between each of the parents and their children, the attribution of custody to one or to both parents (simple, alternate or shared custody) becomes imperious. The analysis of the matter takes into consideration the cases with a foreign element, that is, with a factor that may disentail the phatic case from its exclusive subsunction to the national legal system, potentially linking it to another legal system, be it for the fact of one of the parents being a foreign citizen or domiciled in a foreign country, be it for the child being a foreigner, or, still, for one of the parents manifesting the intention of living abroad, even if all the elements existing until then indicate exclusive connection with the Brazilian legal system. Besides the attribution of custody, other consequences may derive from this phatic relationship, such as the maintenance or not of the family power, the regulation of visit rights, the stipulation of the fee, etc. It turns thus necessary to decide what law is applicable to regulate the matter, as well as their immediate consequences, that is, the regulation of the visit regime for the parent removed from the daily coexistence with the children, besides the establishment of the necessary sum for the childrens subsistence, by means of the alimony they are entitled to. The study considers the full family coexistence right, while a major principle and ruler of the matter. The theme thus involves a number of legal institutions, in a final analysis, linked to children protection in their private (family) relationships, either of eminently personal ambit, or, conversely, of patrimonial ambit, thus comprehending human rights and private international law. The work took into consideration conventional existing private international law, not yet ratified by Brazil, indicating the possible pertinence concerning a future ratification. The existence of a number of international conventions on the theme, not yet ratified by Brazil, required an analysis of the matter, not only from the point of view of domestic right, but also - and mainly - related to the regulation suggested by international society. The major purpose was to provide a systematic treatment to the matter and to indicate to the national lawmaker and to the Executive Power endowed with competence to represent Brazil in international affairs a path that may be followed by Brazil concerning the ratification or not of the existing international treaties on the matter. The lack of systematic studies on the theme in Brazil have the prerogative of justifying the choice undertaken, indicating its importance and originality, specially when intending to indicate to the competent organisms the advantages and/or disadvantages the system is capable of providing, be it in the choice of the connecting factor detached for choosing the law applicable to the hypothesis, be it in the procedural and international cooperation aspects involved. The work, owing to the legislative rules encompassed, required two distinct methodologies to be followed: one of dogmatic root and character with respect to the legal institutions connected to the matter and another, of comparative root and character with respect to the collation of the existing systems, which is the system in force in Brazil and the system indicated by the international society as the most adequate to regulate the matter. The comparative method is not to be confounded with the mere description of (national and international) law systems, but one requiring the analysis of each of the factors considered relevant in both systems, referring to comparative tables that allow the interpreter to decide on the most adequate legal system for the hypothesis. In the application of the method, the analysis of different legal systems is not advisable, hence the limitation of the work. Therefore, the method is not perverted, preserving the scientificity aimed at by the work.

Audiovisual sobre visita domiciliar na atenção básica, como prática emancipatória: que óculos você usa? / Audiovisual on Home Visit in primary care as emancipatory practice: Which glasses do you wear?

Figueiró, Miriam de Toledo Leitão 14 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O objeto deste estudo é o audiovisual pedagógico que tem como tema a Visita Domiciliar (VD) emancipatória. A escolha da VD, um instrumento do trabalho em saúde, foi realizada por ter potencialidade para a captação de necessidades em saúde dos grupos sociais, portanto, no âmbito do coletivo. O grupo social escolhido foi o grupo das famílias com instabilidade nas condições de trabalho e de vida. O processo de produção coletiva do audiovisual pautou-se na abordagem emancipatória, a qual pressupõe a participação dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo educativo na busca de respostas aos problemas por eles identificados. Neste estudo, o processo de construção conjunta ancorou-se nos conceitos de educação emancipatória, determinação social do processo saúde-doença, necessidades em saúde dos grupos sociais e processo de trabalho em saúde. Objetivo: construir audiovisual pedagógico sobre a VD e material gráfico que sirva de guia para a utilização do vídeo em processos educativos. Método: Pesquisa-Ação emancipatória. Participaram do vídeo cinco enfermeiras que atuam na Atenção Básica (AB) na área pertencente à Supervisão Técnica de Saúde Butantã (STS) e de outras STS que compõem a Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde Centro-Oeste, inclusive a autora dessa pesquisa. P a r t i c i p a r a m também uma Agente Comunitária de Saúde, um usuário da USF Jardim Boa Vista e trabalhadoras da EEUSP. Critério de inclusão: enfermeiras deveriam ter o trabalho envolvido com a AB. A gravação foi feita a partir de roteiro desenvolvido em pesquisa anterior. Resultados: este estudo tem como produtos um audiovisual pedagógico sobre VD realizada em Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) e um material gráfico nos moldes de guia para estudo dirigido, disponível em: http://eaulas.usp.br/portal/video.action?idItem=7035. O audiovisual é um instrumento pedagógico desde a construção coletiva (elaboração do roteiro, planejamento da gravação) até a sua finalização (vídeo e guia). A intencionalidade é que o vídeo, a finalização do processo, seja utilizado como instrumento em processos de educação em saúde. O guia gráfico sinaliza a importância do reconhecimento dos problemas que acometem a comunidade através do levantamento das necessidades em saúde dos grupos sociais, do reconhecimento do território, e dos perfis de reprodução social. As cenas do vídeo retratam e sinalizam essas observações ao longo da apresentação do audiovisual, esses itens apontam possibilidades de aprimoramento teórico e prático sobre esses temas considerados relevantes para o processo educativo. Considerações finais: A construção conjunta de instrumentos pedagógicos, desde que realizada em processos educativos emancipatórios possibilita resultar em produtos para uma prática de saúde crítica, reflexiva e transformadora. O audiovisual se constitui como importante ferramenta a ser utilizada nos processos de formação e capacitação. No que se refere ao aprimoramento das práticas em saúde, os trabalhadores dos serviços de saúde devem ter apoio para viabilizar espaços para o desenvolvimento de processos que visem à construção conjunta de respostas às necessidades em saúde dos grupos sociais que compõem os territórios. / Introduction: The purpose of this study is the educational audiovisual whose theme is the emancipatory Home Visit (HV). The choice of the HV, an instrument of health work, was held to have potential for raising health needs of social groups, so in the context of collective. The chosen social group was the group of families with instability in working and living conditions. The collective production process of audiovisual was based on the emancipatory approach, which presupposes the participation of the subjects involved in the educational process in the search for answers to the problems they have identified. In this paper, the joint construction process was anchored in the concepts of emancipatory education, social determination of the health-disease, health needs of social groups, and health work process. Objective: To build on the educational audiovisual HV and graphic material to serve as a guide for the use of video in educational processes. Method: It is an emancipatory Action Research. Participated on the video five nurses who work in Primary Care (PC) in the area belonging to the Health Technical Supervision Butantã (HTS) and other HTS that make up the Midwest Regional Coordination of Health, including the author of this research.Moreover, a Health Community Agent, a member of the USF Jardim Boa Vista, and EEUSP workers contributed with this study. Inclusion criteria: Nurses should have the work involved with primary care. The recording was made from script developed in earlier research. Results: This study has as products an educational audiovisual about the HV performed in Basic Health Unit (BHU) and a graphic material in the templates of guide for the directed study, available in: http://eaulas.usp.br/portal/video.action?idItem=7035. The audiovisual is an educational tool since the collective construction (preparing the script, recording planning) to the finish (video and guide). The intention of this video is to be used as a tool in the process of he alth education. The graphic guide indicates the importance of the recognition of the problems that affect the community through a survey of the social groups health needs, the territory recognition, and social reproduction profiles. The scenes of the video show and reveal these comments throughout the presentation of the audiovisual, these items link theoretical and practical improvement possibilities on these topics relevant to the educational process. Final Considerations: A joint construction of pedagogical tools, if carried out under emancipatory educational processes, enables products to result in a practice of critical health, reflective and transforming. The audiovisual constitutes an important tool to be used in training and capacity building processes. As regards the improvement of health practices, workers health services must have support to make space for the development of processes aimed at joint construction of health needs the answers of the social groups that make up the territories.

Marketingová strategie elektronického obchodu Fotodekorace.cz / Marketing strategy of the e-commerce fotodekorace.cz

Vlčková, Simona January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is analysing methods of increasing the visit rate of the internet shop fotodekorace.cz, especially it is concerned about the utilities of the internet marketing. The aim of the master's thesis is, on the basis of undertaken analysis suggest internet marketing strategy of this particular internet project, which should lead to an increase in sales. The premises of the thesis is to analyse the effectively of online marketing activities. One of the outcomes is the outline of the effective optimized advertising campaign in search engines. The master's thesis is relying mainly on mentioned theoretical project, which is subsequently applied. At the end there are formulated advices for the future development of the internet shop, which should be beneficial for the following increase in the potential of the website.

A physics-based maintenance cost methodology for commercial aircraft engines

Stitt, Alice C. January 2014 (has links)
A need has been established in industry and academic publications to link an engine's maintenance costs throughout its operational life to its design as well as its operations and operating conditions. The established correlations between engine operation, design and maintenance costs highlight the value of establishing a satisfactory measure of the relative damage due to different operating conditions (operational severity). The methodology developed in this research enables the exploration of the causal, physics-based relationships underlying the statistical correlations in the public domain and identifies areas for further investigation. This thesis describes a physics-based approach to exploring the interactions, for commercial aircraft, of engine design, operation and through life maintenance costs. Applying the "virtual-workshop" workscoping concept to model engine maintenance throughout the operating life captures the maintenance requirements at each shop visit and the impact of a given shop visit on the timing and requirements for subsequent visits. Comparisons can thus be made between the cost implications of alternative operating regimes, flight profiles and maintenance strategies, taking into account engine design, age, operation and severity. The workscoping model developed operates within a physics-based methodology developed collaboratively within the research group which encompasses engine performance, lifing and operational severity modelling. The tool-set of coupled models used in this research additionally includes the workscoping maintenance cost model developed and implements a simplified 3D turbine blade geometry, new lifing models and an additional lifing mechanism (Thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF)). Case studies presented model the effects of different outside air temperatures, reduced thrust operations (derate), flight durations and maintenance decisions. The use of operational severity and exhaust gas temperature margin deterioration as physics based cost drivers, while commonly accepted, limit the comparability of the results to other engine-aircraft pairs as the definition of operational severity, its derivation and application vary widely. The use of a single operation severity per mission based on high pressure turbine blade life does not permit the maintenance to vary with the prevalent lifing mechanism type (cyclic/steady state).

Molecular Modulation of a-Subunit VISIT-DG Sequence Residue Asp-350 in the Catalytic sites of <em>Escherichia coli</em> ATP Synthase.

Jonnalagadda, Sneha R 01 May 2011 (has links)
ATP Synthase is the fundamental means of cellular energy production in animals, plants, and almost all microorganisms. In order to understand the mechanism of ATP catalysis, critical amino acid residues involved in Pi binding have to be identified. The αVISIT-DG sequence at the interface of α/β subunits that contains residues from 345-351 is highly conserved and αAsp-350 has been chosen because of its negative charge side chain and its close proximity (~2.8 Å) to the known phosphate binding residue αArg-376. The mutant's αD350R, αD350Q, αD350A, αR376A/D, and αG351R/A/D were generated by site directed mutagenesis and several biochemical assays were performed on them to understand the role played by the amino acid residues in Pi binding. Biochemical results suggest that αD350 may be involved in catalysis of ATP synthase and play an important role in Pi binding, whereas αG351 may be involved only in the structural integrity.

Conception et évaluation d'un outil de revue de projet architectural en réalité virtuelle : problématique de la perception des distances en environnement virtuel / Design and evaluation of architectural project review tool in virtual reality : issue of distance perception in virtual environments

Boustila, Sabah 25 May 2016 (has links)
La réalité virtuelle (RV) va révolutionner de nombreux domaines comme le domaine médical, industriel, architectural, etc. C'est devenu un élément important dans la phase de développement d'une solution, notamment dans le domaine architectural. Que ce soit pour la commercialisation ou la revue de projet, la RV permet de faire des visites virtuelles de maisons visualisées à l'échelle réelle en environnement virtuel (EV). Aujourd'hui, l'architecte dispose d'un véritable outil de commercialisation en proposant aux acheteurs potentiels des visites virtuelles de maisons. Lors de ces visites virtuelles, le client peut avoir une idée de la maison. Avec la visualisation à l'échelle 1:1 le client a la possibilité d'explorer la maison et peut ainsi se projeter plus facilement dans la maison pour prendre plus facilement des décisions. L'espoir est que cette visite virtuelle puisse conduire plus rapidement à une signature de précontrat. Par ailleurs, lors du processus de conception, l'architecte peut effectuer une revue de projet en EV avec le client afin de le guider dans ses choix et d'affiner le recueil des besoins. À l'issue de cette revue, ensemble, ils valident le plan de la maison en termes de taille et d'agencement des pièces, de position des fenêtres, etc. Par conséquent, la RV permet un gain de temps et d'argent considérable aux architectes. Les décisions prises en EV sont généralement basées sur la perception des distances et des volumes. Par conséquent, l’efficacité des décisions prises dépend de la capacité des visiteurs à porter un jugement sans biais sur ce qu’ils voient dans l’EV par rapport à l’environnement réel correspondant. Plusieurs études ont montré que l'estimation des distances en EV est différente de l'estimation en environnement réel. De multiples facteurs peuvent être à l'origine de ce problème, comme le dispositif d'affichage, le champ de vision restreint, la qualité graphique, etc. Malgré les différentes études consacrées à cette problématique, les causes de ce phénomène restent diverses et mal identifiées. Notre travail s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet architectural : le projet CIMBEES. Ce projet vise à intégrer la RV dans le processus de vente/achat et de conception au travers de la visite virtuelle et de la revue de projet en EV. Notre travail consiste à concevoir et à évaluer l'outil de revue de projet architectural en EV. La phase de conception consiste à proposer un outil de revue de projet permettant la visualisation des maquettes numériques à l'échelle réelle et offrant une interaction qui répond aux besoins des architectes. Au cours de cette phase nous avons développé un outil de revue de projet et nous avons modélisé les maquettes numériques nécessaires à partir de plans réels de maison.Dans la phase d'évaluation de l'outil de revue de projet architectural, nous nous sommes intéressés à la problématique de la perception des distances en EV. L'objectif de cette évaluation est d'identifier et d'étudier les facteurs les plus importants pour l'outil afin de proposer des paramètres adaptés à notre contexte applicatif (les visites virtuelles). Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué une étude expérimentale qui porte sur l'étude de l'influence de trois facteurs sur la perception des distances : 1) le profil cognitif des utilisateurs, 2) le contexte environnemental et 3) la vitesse de navigation [...] / Virtual reality (VR) will revolutionize many fields such as medicine, industry, architecture, etc. It has become an important element in the development of a solution, particularly in the architectural field. Whether for marketing or project review, VR allows virtual visits of homes in virtual environment (VE) at real scale. Today, the architect has a real marketing tool by providing to potential customer virtual visits of homes. During these virtual visits, the customer can get an idea of the house. With the visualization at scale 1: 1, the customer has the opportunity to explore the house and he can easier project himself into the house to take decisions more easily. The hope is that, this virtual visit would more quickly lead to a signing agreement.Furthermore, during the design process, the architect can make a project review in VE with customer to guide his choices and refine the collection of needs. Following this review, together, they validate the plan of the house in terms of size and layout of rooms, window position, etc. Therefore, the VR allows considerable time and money saving for architects. Decisions taken in VE are generally based on the perception of distances and volumes. Therefore, the effectiveness of the decisions depends on the ability of customers to make judgments about what they see in the VE similar to the judgments they would have made in the corresponding real environment. Several studies have shown that the estimation of distances in VE is different from the estimation in real environment. Several factors can be the source of this problem such as the display device, the limited field of view, graphical quality, etc. Despite these studies, factors that cause this phenomenon remain unclear, and diverse. Our work is part of an architectural project: CIMBEES project. This project aims to integrate VR in the process of selling / buying and of the design through virtual visits and project review in VE. Our work is to design and evaluate architectural project review tool. The design stage is to suggest a project review tool for the visualization of digital mockups at real scale in VE and providing interaction that meets the needs of architects. During this stage we developed a project review tool and we modeled necessary digital mockups from real house plans. In the evaluation stage of the architectural project review tool, we were interested at the problem of the perception of distances in VE. The aim of this evaluation is to identify and to study the most important factors for the tool, to propose suitable parameters for our application context (virtual visits). To do this, we conducted an experimental study that focuses on the study of the influence of three factors on the perception of distances: 1) the cognitive profile of users, 2) the environmental context and 3) the speed of navigation. [...]

Teenagers´unintended pregnancies and contraception

Falk, Gabriella January 2010 (has links)
Teenage pregnancies are often not intended, and there is a high risk that unintended pregnancies will lead to abortion. The wide-spread availability of Youth Clinics, the subsidizing of contraceptives and the introduction of new and effective contraceptives have failed to lower the abortion rates. The aim of this thesis was to study possible risk groups and to highlight underlying reasons for contraceptive failure. Methods: Study I and II were quantitative studies with the aims of investigating whether teenagers who sought emergency contraception (Paper I) and teenage mothers (Paper II) were at risk for new unintended pregnancies during a 12-month follow-up period. Study III and IV were qualitative studies. The aim in study III was to see how contraceptive use was documented in medical records (MRs) concerning teenagers who had attended for induced abortion. In study IV the aim was to find out reasons for non- use or inconsistent use of contraceptives among teenagers attending for abortion. Results: In study I and II data were collected from medical and antenatal records. The results showed that both groups, despite contraceptive counselling, were at high risk for new unintended pregnancies leading to abortion. Attendance at the postpartum visit was low and 24% of the teenage mothers did not receive any recommendation about using a particular contraceptive method. Within 12 months 25% had a new pregnancy and of these one third led to legal abortion. In Study III two themes were generated from the analysis of the MRs; ‘Contraceptive methods previously used’ and ‘Plan for future contraceptive use’. All MRs did not contain information about contraceptive use. In study IV one theme was generated from the analysis of the interview text: ‘Struggling with feelings of uncertainty and patterns of behaviour’. Conclusion: Teenagers using emergency contraceptive pills and teenage mothers were at high risk for unintended pregnancies. Contraceptive failure in teenagers who have had an abortion may be due to in part to the absence of contraceptive counselling at abortion visits and in part to problems with contraceptive use due to insufficient knowledge and not knowing what do when side-effects occurs.

L’expérience de proches aidants au regard de leurs interactions sociales avec un parent atteint de démence et présentant un comportement d’errance en centre d’hébergement

Dion, Rosalie 07 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude était d’explorer et de comprendre l’expérience que peuvent vivre les proches aidants au regard de leurs interactions avec leur parent âgé qui erre, lors de leurs visites au centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée. Une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée en s’inspirant de la conception des interactions sociales de Khosravi (2003, 2007) et de la théorie de l’être humain unitaire de Rogers (1970, 1990). À l’aide d’un guide d’entretien semi-dirigé, des entrevues individuelles ont été effectuées auprès de cinq filles aidantes ayant un parent errant hébergé. Le but de cette étude était d’explorer et de comprendre l’expérience que peuvent vivre les proches aidants au regard de leurs interactions avec leur parent âgé qui erre, lors de leurs visites au centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée. Une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée en s’inspirant de la conception des interactions sociales de Khosravi (2003, 2007) et de la théorie de l’être humain unitaire de Rogers (1970, 1990). À l’aide d’un guide d’entretien semi-dirigé, des entrevues individuelles ont été effectuées auprès de cinq filles aidantes ayant un parent errant hébergé. Les résultats de l’analyse thématique suggèrent que ces aidantes sont en mesure d’expliquer l’errance en identifiant plusieurs causes à ce comportement, entre autres la recherche de repères connus, les habitudes de vie antérieures, le besoin de liberté et le désir de retourner chez soi. Être en mesure d’expliquer le comportement semble en favoriser l’acceptation. Cette compréhension et cette acceptation du besoin constant de se mouvoir permettent aux aidantes d’entretenir des interactions avec leur parent et de passer de « bons moments » lors des visites. Pour maintenir ces interactions encore importantes, les aidantes ont développé des stratégies de communication non verbales comme le toucher et la marche rapide. Elles ont également su se familiariser avec ce comportement en évitant de confronter leur parent et en faisant preuve de créativité. Ces résultats mettent en lumière des pistes d’interventions infirmières afin de favoriser des interactions harmonieuses entre les résidents errants et leur proche aidant. / This study aimed to explore and understand the experience of family caregivers in their interactions with wandering loved ones during their visits to long-term care facilities. A qualitative study was designed based on Khosravi’s (2003, 2007) concept of social interactions and Rogers’ (1970-1990) notion of the unitary human being. Using a semi-structured interview guide, individual interviews were conducted with five caregiving daughters of wandering parents residing in a nursing home. Thematic analysis suggests that these caregivers are able to explain wandering by identifying several causes, including the search for known reference points, resurgent habits, the need for freedom and the desire to return home. The ability to explain the behavior was found to facilitate acceptance. This understanding and acceptance of the need for constant movement allowed caregivers to interact with their parents and enjoy “quality time” during visits. The caregivers had developed nonverbal communication strategies such as touching and fast walking to preserve these still meaningful interactions. They had also adapted by avoiding confrontation with the parent and showing creativity during wandering episodes. The study’s findings shed light on potential intervention strategies for nurses to promote harmonious interactions between wandering residents and their caregiving loved ones.

Hodnocení atraktivnosti turistických středisek na Jindřichohradecku / Evaluation the attractiveness tourist resorts on the Jindřichohradecko

KOVÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the attractiveness of Jindřichův Hradec. The theoretical part is a description of the basic assumptions, which are used as standard assessments of potential for tourism. Other, more complex methods are spatial analysis and overlay analysis. The practical part is the description field under review. Detailed analysis of the primary components of the assumptions offer and secondary offer. For further evaluation method is developed based on defining the conditions for tourism, which are then scored and ranked and the obtained information are summarized. The same data are used to create maps in the GIS program. All results are evaluated for overall impression of intensity and attractiveness of tourism. Conclusion is a recommendation for the development of sustainable tourism in the area Jindřichův Hradec.

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