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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of God’s encounter with Abraham in Genesis 18:1-15 against the background of the Abraham narrative

Ahn, Sang-Keun 23 October 2010 (has links)
The present work is a new attempt to interpret on the episode in Genesis 18:1-15 by the method of narrative criticism. The general tendency on the narrative had focused on the exemplary act of Abraham’s hospitality interpreting it as his righteousness by the perspective of NT (Heb 13:2) or by the test motive of Greek Myth (the birth of Orion). The retributive theology was considered too much in interpreting the Fellowship narrative (Gn 18:1-15).These interpretations conflict with the narrator’s own theological views: (1) righteousness by faith (Gn 15:6), (2) God’s mercifulness to save Lot (Gn 19:29), and (3) God’s being gracious to make Sarah conceive (Gn 21:1). This study attempts to find out the author’s own interpretative view indicated in the whole Abraham narrative (Gn 11:27-25:11) as well as in the Fellowship Narrative itself (Gn 18:1-15).The present work is an attempt to interpret on the narrative by the method of narrative criticism. This study pays attention to the narrator’s various literary skills: “linking structure with preceding episode” (Gn 18:1a); “Sandwiched structure” of the larger context (Gn 18:1-21:7); Unique Plot Sequence; and Repeated Clue word and phrase (“laugh,” “Sarah,” ”this time next year”). These literary skills are understood to indicate the faithfulness of the Lord who tries to fulfill what he promised. The conclusion of this study overturns the traditional interpretations on the Fellowship Narrative. This work attests that Abraham showed his righteousness not by doing hospitality but by obeying God’s new command of circumcision out of willing heart as he used to obey the Lord’s commands having faith in the promise of the Lord (ch. The motive of God’s visit is to have the covenantal fellowship with obedient Abraham (ch. 2.1.6; Abraham’s first moment recognition of deity is attested by interpreting of the technical pair verb, “And he lifted up his eyes and he saw and Lo!” (Gn 18:2a), which depicts prophetic experience of Abraham (ch.3.3). Abraham’s manner for the visitors is relevant to the higher ones (ch. The futile human endeavor without having faith is considered as the reason of being delayed of fulfillment of God’s promise (Gn 16). The fulfillment of the promised son was not attained by any human effort, but only by God’s merciful intervention in the Abraham narrative (ch. 4.4.4 and 4.4.5). / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Old Testament Studies / unrestricted

A veterinary perspective on the use of animals in preschool education

McCrindle, Cheryl Myra Ethelwyn 07 December 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate human-animal interactions in the triad comprising the veterinarian, the animal and the preschool and in so doing to elucidate the role of the veterinarian in the health and education of preschool children. The area of focus was a comparison of preschools in high and low income areas in and around Pretoria by means of qualitative and quantitative observational methods. It was found that all preschools investigated, included animals in the curriculum and a majority visited the zoo. Interactions included direct contact between children and animals kept permanently or temporarily at school, animal themes and topics, animal protagonists in books, videos, toys and games and excursions to the zoo, urban farms, agricultural museums and animal welfare societies. Teachers felt that child-animal interactions contributed positively to the holistic development of the preschool child, but were worried about management of animals at school and the possibility of zoonotic diseases. As protein of animal origin, such as milk, eggs, meat and fish, formed part of the diet of preschool children, this could also result in a risk of zoonotic disease, particularly in developing areas, where meat and milk hygiene were found to be inadequate. In order to address these fears, the literature was reviewed with regard to zoonotic diseases which could affect preschool children in South Africa. Incidence and prevalence were not well documented and the comparative significance could not be assessed. Therefore the comparative morbidity of diseases diagnosed by the paediatric department of a hospital serving the low income areas studied and a private practice serving the high income areas, were investigated. It was discovered that zoonotic disease formed a very minor proportion of diseases diagnosed. The diagnoses were, however, based on symptoms rather than aetiology and zoonotic causes for, in particular, respiratory and gastro-intestinal disease, could not be excluded. In the light of this, criteria were proposed for the prevention of zoonotic disease outbreaks at preschools. An outbreak of zoonotic disease at a preschool was documented and the application of primary health care principles suggested. Constraints were found to be mainly administrative. Co-operation between the departments of Health and Agriculture was complicated by financial implications which had not been budgeted. Despite this, the intervention was successful in controlling the disease and preventing further outbreaks. The presence of a veterinarian as part of the primary health care team was advocated. Within the preschool it was found that teachers lacked knowledge in the fields of animal ethology and management. Cost, ease of management and appeal to children were taken into account in the choice of animals by preschools. Rodents and birds were considered preferable to carnivores. Housing was evaluated and criteria suggested for management systems which would benefit both children and animals. Death and euthanasia of animals kept permanently at preschool was investigated and suggestions made for a teaching strategy to facilitate understanding by children of the abstract concepts of life, death and grief. A method was developed for the analysis of animal content in literature, games and toys at preschools. It was found that animals were central to the theme of a majority of the books and toys. Realistic fiction where anthropomorphic animals were the central protagonists, had most appeal for children and it was suggested that these could be used in veterinary extension materials for prevention of zoonotic diseases or promotion of animal welfare. An evaluation system was proposed which included the input of veterinary ethologists. Animal facilities visited by preschools during excursions were evaluated. It was found that they were not sufficiently child-centred and environmen¬tally safe for young children. It was suggested that veterinary public health officials should become involved in order to improve animal well-being, particularly with regard to handling facilities and hygiene. In conclusion, a schematic representation of the multitude of roles for veterinarians in the holistic development of the preschool child was drawn up. The roles for different veterinary specialities were also tabulated in order to illustrate the important part played by this profession in the health and education of preschool children. / Die doel van die studie was om mens-dier-interaksies in die driehoek tussen veearts, dier en die kleuterskool te ondersoek om sodoende die rol van die veearts in die gesondheid en opvoeding van die voorskoolse kind aan te dui. Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is gebruik om kleuterskole in die lae en hoë inkomste-gebiede in en om Pretoria te vergelyk. Alle kleuterskole wat ondersoek is, het diere in die kurrikulum ingesluit en die meerderheid skole het uitstappies na die dieretuin onderneem. Kind-dierinteraksies het die volgende ingesluit: direkte kontak tussen kind en dier op skool; diere in temas, stories, boeke, speletjies en speelgoed; asook uitstappies na die dieretuin, landelike museums, stedelike plase en dierwelsynsorganisasies. Onderwyseresse het gemeen dat die interaksies positief bygedra het tot die holistiese ontwikkeling van die voorskoolse kind, maar het kommer uitgespreek oor bestuur en siektes van diere. Omdat proteïene van dierlike oorsprong deel uitmaak van die dieet van voorskoolse kinders, was soönose ook 'n moontlikheid, veral in kinders van ontwikkelende areas waar dit uitgewys was dat higiëne met betrekking tot vleis en melk, nie na wense was nie. 'n Literatuurstudie het aangetoon dat die algemeenheid en omvang van soönotiese siektes, wat moontlik gevaarlik kon wees vir voorskoolse kinders, nie volledig genoeg omskryf was nie. Die vergelykende morbiditeit van siektes by Ga-Rankuwa Hospitaal se kinderafdeling (pasiënte van lae-inkomste gebiede) en 'n private praktyk in die oostelike voorstede van Pretoria (hoë inkomste gebied), is dus ondersoek. Soönotiese siektes het 'n klein deel uitgemaak van die siektes wat gediagnoseer was, maar die diagnose was op simptome, eerder as die etiologie van die siektes, gebaseer. Die vermoede bestaan dat veral siektes wat gediagnoseer is as respiratories en gastro-enteries, 'n soönotiese oorsprong kon gehad het. 'n Uitbreek van 'n soönotiese siekte by 'n kleuterskool is ondersoek en daar is voorgestel dat primêre gesondheidsorgmetodes gebruik word om dit te bekamp. Teenkanting op administratiewe vlak was die belangrikste probleem wat ondervind was, maar ten spyte daarvan kon die ondersoek suksesvol verloop. Die rol van die veearts as deel van die primêre gesondheidspan is ook hierdeur beklemtoon. Binne die kleuterskool is gevind dat daar 'n gebrek aan kennis is oor diere-etologie en dierebestuur. Kostes, praktiese versorgingsmetodes en die stimuluswaarde van diersoorte, was belangrike aspekte in die keuse van diere wat by skole aangehou is. Daarom was knaagdiere, voëls en vissies meer gewild as honde en katte. Die behuising van die diere is geëvalueer volgens voorgestelde kriteria wat tot voordeel van beide diere en kinders kan strek. Die dood en genadedood van diere by twee kleuterskole is ondersoek en voorstelle is gemaak uit 'n opvoedingkundige oogpunt, om die kinders konsepte betreffende lewe, dood en rou te laat begryp en ook om dit te kan verwerk. 'n Metode is ook ontwerp vir die analise van boeke en speelgoed en daar is bewys dat diere 'n hoofrol gespeel het in die meerderheid boeke en speelgoed by voorskole. Kinders het boeke verkies waar die hoofkarakters antropomorfiese diere was en die omgewing vergelykbaar was met die lewenswêreld van kinders. 'n Voorstel is dus gemaak dat sulke karakters gebruik word om veeartsenykunde voorligtingsboodskappe oor soönotiese siektes of dierwelsyn oor te dra aan jong kinders.Stedelike plasies, die dieretuin, landboumuseums en die Dierebeskermingsvereniging in Pretoria is besoek en daar is bevind dat dit nie veilig genoeg vir jong kinders is nie. Daar word dus aanbeveei dat veeartse in diens van plaaslike owerhede se gesondheidsdienste sulke plekke besoek, om voorstelle oor verbeterde veiligheid en higiëne te maak.Ten slote is 'n skematiese voorstelling van die veelsydige rol van veeartsenykundiges in die holistiese ontwikkeling van die voorskoolse kind saamgestel. Die verskillende rolle vir verskillende spesialiteite is ook voorgelê om die belangrike bydrae van veeartsenykunde tot die gesondheid en opvoeding van voorskoolse kinders aan te dui. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1995. / Production Animal Studies / unrestricted

Ecovillages as Destinations : Potential of Educational Tourism for Coping with Climate-Anxiety

Rothe, Lena January 2021 (has links)
Climate-anxiety is a growing mental health issue among the public and particularly among students in sustainability-related studies in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). As education on climate change in HEI overly relies on cognitive learning, students are not able to address their emotions and potential worries about climate change adequately. The research field of climate-anxiety has emerged after 2007 and relates to other mental health responses to environmental destruction such as eco-anxiety. This study examines whether climate-anxiety affects students within HEI and what coping strategies are used by them. The aim is to suggest approaches for HEI and educational tourism providers to better address climate-anxiety. Specifically, it investigates whether non-formal actors like ecovillages can help students to cope with climate-anxiety. Ecovillages are increasingly recognising their role in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and helping students with climate-anxiety could balance the shortcomings of HEI. Five case studies of ecovillages were included to determine the potential of educational tourism in reducing climate-anxiety. Even though the study found that short-term study visits were not helpful for students climate-anxiety, it can be assumed that students could gain hands-on coping techniques from more extended stays at ecovillages. Particularly the ecovillages learning environment and pedagogy are beneficial for coping with climate-anxiety. It is suggested that HEI should initiate cooperations with local ecovillages to improve climate-anxiety among students, as it was found that lecturers and Student Mental Health Services (SMHS) in HEI in Sweden do not sufficiently address climate-anxiety.

Use of Electronic Visit Verification System to reduce Time Banditry for Optimized Quality of Care in Home Health Care by Certified Nursing Assistants

Ndikom, Kyrian Chinedu January 2021 (has links)
No description available.


Borsellino, Sydney Teny 04 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Refracted Realism and the Ethical Dominant in Contemporary American Fiction

Potkalitsky, Nicolas J. 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Unleashing the Potential: Investigating the Effects of an Extended Museum Visit Concept on Visitor Experience and Behavior : A Case Study on Using AR Technology to Extend the Museum Visit / Det Förlängda Museibesöket: En Undersökning av ett Koncepts Effekter på Besökarnas Upplevelse och Beteende : En Fallstudie om Användningen av AR-teknologi för Att Förlänga Museibesöket

Shutrick, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Museums contribute to the cultural landscape of a country. To attract visitors, museums should embrace new technology and constantly expand their offerings. This projects desired outcome was to develop a post-visit experience that would enhance visitor satisfaction, increase the likelihood of revisits, and encourage visitors to share their experiences with others. The design concept heavily relied on the principles of Experience Economy theory. In the proposed study, visitors at Tekniska museet in Stockholm got to, for 48 hours, farm a cell at home using an Augmented Reality (AR)-based smartphone application. The proposed application’s effectiveness was compared to that of visitors who did not utilize the application during the same 48-hour period. However, based on the study’s findings, there was no statistically significant improvement in overall satisfaction, short-term or long-term revisit intentions, or word-of-mouth intentions among the participants who engaged with the AR experience. Several factors could have contributed to this outcome, such as suboptimal user experience within the application, technical difficulties, and the limited duration of the testing period. Nevertheless, the results did indicate a positive attitude toward the general concept of "bringing the museum home." This suggests that museums should further explore the potential of such approaches, despite the specific implementation in this study not yielding the desired outcomes. / Museer bidrar till ett lands kulturella landskap. För att locka besökare bör museer omfamna ny teknik och ständigt expandera sitt utbud. Projektets mål var att utveckla en upplevelse som skulle förbättra besökarnas tillfredsställelse med besöket, öka sannolikheten för å terbesök och uppmuntra besökarna att dela sina upplevelser med andra. Designkonceptet byggde starkt på principerna i Upplevelseekonomi-teori. I studien fick besökare på Tekniska museet i Stockholm möjlighet att, efter sitt besök, under 48 timmar odla en cell hemma med hjälp av en AR-baserad smartphoneapplikation. Den föreslagna applikationens effektivitet jämfördes med besökare som inte använde applikationen under samma 48-timmarsperiod. Studiens resultat visade ingen statistiskt signifikant förbättring av total tillfredsställelse, kortsiktiga eller långsiktiga återbesöksavsikter eller avsikter att rekommendera upplevelsen till andra. Flera faktorer kan ha bidragit till detta resultat, såsom bristande användarupplevelser i applikationen, tekniska problem och den begränsade testperioden. Trots detta visade resultaten en positiv inställning till den generella idn om att "ta museet hem". Detta tyder på att museer bör fortsätta utforska potentialen med sådana tillvägagångssätt, trots att den specifika implementationen i denna studie inte gav ö nskade resultat.

Maternal health care seeking behaviour and preferences for places to give birth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Yibeltal Tebekaw Bayou 11 1900 (has links)
PURPOSE: The main aim of this study was to systematically assess women’s maternal health care seeking behaviour and its determinants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. DESIGN: A quantitative and cross-sectional community based study was the selected methodology for this study. METHOD: Data was collected using structured questionnaire administered to 903 women aged 15-49 years through a stratified two-stage cluster sampling technique. Binary and multinomial logistic regression models were employed to identify predictors of adequacy of antenatal care and delivery care. RESULTS: Most of the women (97.9%) visited health care facilities at least once for antenatal care follow up. About 86.5% of them had at least four visits during their last pregnancy; and only 51.1% started their first antenatal visit early. Further, only about one out of five of the antenatal care attendees received sufficient content of antenatal care services. Consequently, only about one out of ten women received overall adequate antenatal care mainly due to inadequate use of the basic components of antenatal services. Most of the women delivered in public health care institutions (76.3%) despite the general doubts about the quality of services in these facilities. Women of better socioeconomic status preferred to give birth at private health care facilities. Caesarean section delivery rate in Addis Ababa (19.1%) is higher than the maximum WHO recommended rate (15.0%); particularly among the non-slum residents (27.2%); clients of private health care facilities (41.1%); currently married women (20.6%); women with secondary (22.2%) and tertiary (33.6%) level of education; and women who belong to the highest wealth quintile (28.2%). The majority (65.8%) of the caesarean section clients were not informed about the consequences of caesarean section delivery and about 9.0% of the caesarean section births had no medical indication. CONCLUSION: Disparities in maternal health care utilisation between the socio-economic groups was evident, requiring urgent attention from policy makers and other stakeholders to enable Ethiopia to meet its millennium development goal 5. Improving the quality of antenatal care in public health facilities which are the main provider of health care services to the majority of the Ethiopian population is urgent. The increase in the rate of caesarean section beyond the World Health Organization recommended upper limit has to be taken seriously. / Health Studies / D. Litt.. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Faculty Senate Minutes April 3, 2017

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 15 May 2017 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Suivi postnatal à domicile après un congé précoce : Critères de sélection et Appréciation du délai

Pomerleau, Sophie G. 08 1900 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la satisfaction des utilisateurs des services de santé est reconnue comme une mesure de la qualité des soins. Au Québec, le congé précoce en obstétrique constitue la norme pour les mères ayant donné naissance à un bébé en santé. Selon la littérature, cette pratique n’entraîne pas de répercussions négatives pour la santé des mères et de leur nouveau-né à condition qu’un suivi adéquat soit assuré. D’autre part, bien qu’il semble que la diminution de la durée du séjour hospitalier soit appréciée par les mères, peu de données sont disponibles relativement aux caractéristiques menant à l’appréciation du suivi postnatal. Objectifs : Cette étude s’intéresse principalement à la première visite à domicile effectuée par une infirmière suite au congé précoce en obstétrique. Dans un premier temps, elle vise à tracer un portrait des mères en fonction du délai de la première visite à domicile et, dans un second temps, à connaître les facteurs associés à l’appréciation, par les mères, du délai de cette visite. Méthode : Les données de cette étude ont été recueillies au Québec, entre janvier 2002 et janvier 2003, lors d’une enquête téléphonique effectuée auprès de mères de bébés nés en santé, un mois suivant leur accouchement vaginal sans complication (n=1548). Pour nos analyses, nous avons retranché les mères ayant eu une durée de séjour de plus de 60 heures, une grossesse de moins de 37semaines et un bébé pesant moins de 2500 g à la naissance. Notre échantillon se compose donc de 1351 mères. Résultats : 86,2 % des mères ont reçu une offre de visite à domicile. La majorité (80.2 %) des mères ont reçu la visite dans les trois premiers jours suivant leur retour à la maison, dont près du tiers (28,1 %), dans les 24 premières heures. Comparativement aux mères visitées au deuxième ou troisième jour suivant le congé, celles visitées dans les 24 premières heures ont jugé la durée de séjour hospitalier trop courte (p=0,018) et reçu un appel de l’infirmière qui a duré plus longtemps (p=0, 009). De plus, au moment du congé, elles perçoivent leur bébé en moins bonne santé (p=0,029). Elles ont aussi accouché d’un bébé plus petit (p=0,052) qui a tendance à avoir présenté des signes d’ictères pendant le séjour hospitalier (p=0,100). D’autre part, la majorité des mères (86,4 %) disent que le délai de la première visite à domicile est adéquat alors que 11,6 % le jugent trop court et 2,3 % trop long. Pour les mères visitées au premier jour, l’analyse multivariée révèle que certaines caractéristiques et certains besoins sont associés à la perception que le délai de la visite est trop court : une seule visite postnatale, un revenu familial de plus de 40 000 $, la perception que la durée de séjour est trop longue et le fait de ne pas allaiter. Pour les mères qui reçoivent la visite au deuxième et troisième jour, ce sont, seulement, le fait d’avoir été au rendez-vous médical et le fait d’avoir reçu une seule visite qui sont associés à la perception que le délai de la visite est trop court. Pour conclure, au Québec, le programme de suivi postnatal universel semble en mesure d’offrir une visite à domicile dans les délais prescrits à une majorité de mères. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que le délai de la première visite à domicile n’est pas optimal pour toutes les mères et permettent d’envisager que certaines mères auraient souhaité recevoir une seconde visite plus tardivement au cours de la période postnatale. D’autres recherches devront être effectuées afin de parfaire nos connaissances relativement au moment idéal pour réaliser les interventions postnatales.Mots clefs : Satisfaction, appréciation des utilisateurs, qualité des soins, programme universel, suivi postnatal, congé précoce en obstétrique, visite à domicile, délai de la visite, provision des services. / Patient satisfaction is now recognized as part of a measure of quality of care. In Québec, early discharge following normal delivery is common practice. Early discharge was proven to have no impact on the mother’s and baby’s health status when adequate follow-up is ensure. Women’s seems to appreciate early discharge but few studies have explored the factors contributing to the expression of satisfaction regarding home visits in the context of postnatal early discharge. Objectives: This study as two main objectives. First, we want to identify which characteristics are associated with the delay of the first postnatal visit. Second, we want to determine which factors are contributing to the appreciation of the visit’s delay. Methods : Data were obtained through a telephone survey conducted in the province of Quebec between January 2002 and January 2003. Mothers that had a normal vaginal delivery and a healthy baby were reached one month after giving birth (n=1548). For analysis purposes, mothers with length of stay above 60 hours, less than 37 week of pregnancy and a newborn weighing less than 2500 g at birth were cut off leaving a sample of 1351 mothers. Results: 86.2% of the mothers have been offered a postnatal visit. Most women (80.2%) received a home visit within three days and almost a third (28.1%) within the first 24 hours after hospital discharge. When compared to the mothers who received the visit within 2 or 3 days, mothers that received a visit within the first 24 hours found the hospital stay too short (p=0.018) but received a longer telephone call by the nurse (p=0.009). These mothers gave birth to smaller babies (p=0.052) whom also presented jaundiced while being in the hospital (p=0.100). Finally, at discharge, these mothers perceive their baby to be less healthy (p=0.029). On the other end, 86.4 % of all mothers are satisfied with the delay of the first postnatal visit, while 11.6% of them found it too short and 2.3% too long. For the mothers visited the first day, logistic regression analysis reveals that some characteristics as: having only one postnatal visit, a family income of more than 40 000$, perceived hospital stay as too long and not breastfeeding, are significantly associated with the perception of having a visit too soon after hospital discharge. For mothers visited on the second or third day after discharge, the perception that the delay was too short is only significantly associated with having a baby’s medical appointment within the first two weeks and one postnatal visit. Conclusion: Quebec’s postnatal visit program seems to offer a visit within an adequate length of time for the majority of mothers. Results of this study suggest that the time after the hospital discharge for the first visit might not be optimal for all mothers. This allows us to consider that some mothers would have appreciated a second postnatal visit. Further studies are needed to pursue analysis of the delays between discharge and the first visit in order to better meet the needs of mothers. Keywords :Satisfaction, user evaluation, quality of care, universal program, postnatal care, postpartum early discharge, home visit, timing, service provision

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