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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Visit My Mosque": Exploring Religious Activism to Help Tackle Islamophobia and Negative Perceptions of Muslims in Britain

Susilo, Moh January 2020 (has links)
Islamophobia and misconceptions or negative portrayal of Muslims have led Muslims in Western societies being discriminated by people who hold religious and racial prejudice. Against this backdrop, Muslim communities in Britain run a national campaign called “Visit My Mosque”. This thesis explores whether the campaign follows the three variables of social movements: political opportunities, mobilising structures, and framing processes to take shape and emerge. Close examination to data, collected from interviews with four Muslim activists, reveals themes which point to the variables. The regional political context in Europe following the terrorists attack at the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris triggers activists in Britain to launch the “Visit My Mosque” campaign. The political climate provides an opportunity for Muslims to take collective action. The pressure on Muslim communities, as a result of Islamophobia and negative portrayal of Muslims by some sections of the media, provides narratives to transform grievances into action. And finally, the campaign emerges due to the presence of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) which facilitates the campaign and provides support to networks of participating mosques. These findings may offer more understanding into the study of social movements in general and religious activism in particular.

Modèle et expériences pour la visite des musées en réalité augmentée sonore / Model and experience for audio augmented museums visit

Azough, Fatima-Zahra 16 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste à explorer l’usage de la réalité augmenté sonore pour la visite de musées. Notre objectif est de proposer un audioguide permettant d’immerger le visiteur dans une scène sonore constituée de sons ambiants et de commentaires associés aux objets exposés, et de minimiser ses efforts pour découvrir ces objets et interagir avec cet environnement sonore. La première contribution de cette thèse concerne la mise en place d’une preuve de concept de SARIM (Sound Augmented Reality Interface for visiting Museum). Cette preuvede concept a été développée en utilisant des capteurs de position et d’orientation filaire et non filaire. La deuxième contribution concerne la modélisation de la visite augmentée par la dimension sonore. Après une étude des modèles existants, l’objectif est de concevoir un modèle comprenant une représentation du visiteur,du paysage sonore et de la navigation et offrant une grande flexibilité pour créer l’environnement sonore. Ce modèle a comme finalité de faciliter la conception de différents types de scénarios de visite sur la base de la notion de zone d’audibilité. La troisième contribution de cette thèse est le travail d’évaluation mené dans un environnement réel qu’est le musée des arts et métiers de Paris, et qui a permis de confirmer l’utilisabilité, ainsi que l’apport didactique et ludique que procure la réalité augmentée sonore en général et le système SARIM en particulier pour prolonger et enrichir la visite de musées. / The goal of this thesis is to explore the use of sound to enhance the museum visit. We aim to provide anaudioguide to immerse the visitor in a soundstage consisting of ambient sounds and comments associated withthe exhibits, and minimize its efforts to discover these objects and interact with the sound environment. Thefirst contribution of this thesis is the implementation of a proof of concept of SARIM (Sound AugmentedReality Interface for visiting Museum). This proof of concept was developed using position sensors andguidance wired and wirelessly. The second contribution concerns the modeling of the augmented visit by thesound dimension. After a review of existing models, the objective is to design a model that includes arepresentation of the visitor, the soundscape and navigation, offering the flexibility to create the soundenvironment. This model has the purpose of facilitating the design of different types of scenarios based on theconcept of audibility area. The Third contribution of this thesis is the evaluation conducted in a realenvironment what the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris, which confirmed the usability, as well as providingeducational and ludic impact of the audio augmented reality in general and the SARIM in particular to extendand enrich the museum visits.

Deep Learning Classification and Model Explainability for Prediction of Mental Health Patients Emergency Department Visit / Emergency Department Resource Prediction Using Explainable Deep Learning

Rashidiani, Sajjad January 2022 (has links)
The rate of Emergency Department (ED) visits due to mental health and drug abuse among children and youth has been increasing for more than a decade and is projected to become the leading cause of ED visits. Identifying high-risk patients well before an ED visit will enable mental health care providers to better predict ED resource utilization, improve their service, and ultimately reduce the risk of a future ED visit. Many studies in the literature utilized medical history to predict future hospitalization. However, in mental health care, the medical history of new patients is not always available from the first visit and it is crucial to identify high risk patients from the beginning as the rate of drop-out is very high in mental health treatment. In this study, a new approach of creating a text representation of questionnaire data for deep learning analysis is proposed. Employing this new text representation has enabled us to use transfer learning and develop a deep Natural Language Processing (NLP) model that estimates the possibility of 6-month ED visit among children and youth using mental health patient reported outcome measures (PROM). The proposed method achieved an Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve of 0.75 for classification of 6-month ED visit. In addition, a novel method was proposed to identify the words that carry the highest amount of information related to the outcome of the deep NLP models. This measurement of word information using Entropy Gain increases the explainability of the model by providing insight to the model attention. Finally, the results of this method were analyzed to explain how the deep NLP model achieved a high classification performance. / Dissertation / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / In this document, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach for predicting 6-month Emergency Department (ED) visits is proposed. In this approach, the questionnaires gathered from children and youth admitted to an outpatient or inpatient clinic are converted to a text representation called Textionnaire. Next, AI is utilized to analyze the Textionnaire and predict the possibility of a future ED visit. This method was successful in about 75% of the time. In addition to the AI solution, an explainability component is introduced to explain how the natural language processing algorithm identifies the high risk patients.

Depressive Symptoms and Healthcare Utilization in Late Life. Longitudinal Evidence From the AgeMooDe Study

Buczak-Stek, Elzbieta W., Löbner, Margrit, Stein, Janine, Stark, Anne, Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna, Werle, Jochen, Heser, Kathrin, Wiese, Birgitt, Weyerer, Siegfried, Wagner, Michael, Scherer, Martin, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G., König, Hans-Helmut, Hajek, André 27 October 2023 (has links)
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the longitudinal impact of depressive symptoms on utilization of healthcare in terms of GP visits as well as specialist visits and hospital admission in late life among community-dwelling individuals. Methods: Longitudinal data (baseline and follow-up) were derived from the German multicentre, prospective cohort study “Late-life depression in primary care: needs, health care utilization and costs” study (AgeMooDe). At baseline, n = 1,230 patients aged 75 years and older were recruited from primary care practices. Main outcomes of interest were use of health care services: the number of GP visits, the number ofmedical specialist visits, and hospital admission. We used the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) to measure depression. Outcomes were analyzed with multilevel random intercept negative binominal regression and logistic random-effects models. Results: At baseline (n = 1,191), mean age was 80.7 (SD 4.6) years, 62.9% were female, and 196 individuals (16.5%) had depression (GDS-15 6). Our longitudinal analyses indicated that older individuals with more depressive symptoms visited their GP more often (IRR=1.03; CI [1.01-1.04], p < 0.001), were visiting medical specialists more frequently (IRR=1.03; CI [1.01-1.04], p < 0.01), and had higher odds of being hospitalized (OR=1.08; CI [1.02-1.13], p < 0.01). Conclusions: Based on this large longitudinal study we showed that, after adjustment for important covariates, older individuals with more depressive symptoms had higher health care utilization over time. They visited their GP and specialists more frequently and they had higher odds of being hospitalized. This may suggest that higher utilization of specialist care and increased likelihood of being hospitalized may be also attributable to unspecific symptoms or symptoms that are elevated through depressive symptoms

Motivación de visita al Complejo Arqueológico Huaca Ventarrón, 2021

Paredes Berru, Cindy Gianella January 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general el identificar el nivel de motivación de visita en los turistas del Complejo Arqueológico Huaca Ventarrón, 2021.La metodología empleada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, en cuanto al instrumento y a la técnica fueron el cuestionario y la encuesta, con una población de 181 visitantes nacionales encuestados. A su vez, es de tipo aplicada, su nivel es descriptivo y el diseño es no experimental transversal. El modelo base fue desarrollado por Sastre & Phakdee (2017) quienes investigaron las motivaciones de viaje, las cuales son de empuje y atracción y el comportamiento de los turistas británicos que van a Phuket-Tailandia, desarrollando un constructo en base a teorías relacionadas a la variable en estudio; motivación de visita. La variable en estudio está dimensionada en factor de empuje, cuyos indicadores son diversión, descanso y relajación, escapar de la rutina, hacer algo emocionante, visitar algo nuevo, aventura, aliviar estrés, experimentar nuevas culturas, experiencia y conocimiento mientras que en el factor de atracción tenemos a paisajes naturales, amabilidad, clima, seguridad, calidad de servicio, higiene, alimentos, calidad de aire, agua y suelo. El resultado del estudio de los niveles de la variable motivación de visita, el más relevante fue el moderado con el 43.6%, mientras que el nivel bajo tiene el 30.9% y, por último, el 25.4% equivale al nivel alto. Concluyendo que, la afluencia de turistas ya sea nacionales o internacionales es muy reducida, mencionando la carencia de una planta turística, lo que repercute en la poca atractividad para volver a visitarlo. / This research project has as a general objective to identify the level of motivation to visit in tourists of the Huaca Ventarrón Archaeological Complex, 2021.La methodology used was of quantitative approach, in terms of the instrument and the technique are the questionnaire and the survey, with a population of 181 national visitors to survey. In turn, it is of applied type, its level is descriptive and the design is non-experimental cross-sectional. The base model was developed by Sastre & Phakdee (2017) who investigated travel motivations which are of push and attraction and the behavior of British tourists going to Phuket-Thailand, developing a construct based on theories related to the variable under study; motivation to visit. The variable under study is dimensioned in thrust factor, whose indicators are fun, rest and relaxation, escape from routine, do something exciting, visit something new, adventure, relieve stress, experience new cultures, experience and knowledge while in the attraction factor we have natural landscapes, friendliness, climate, safety, quality of service, hygiene, food, air, water and soil quality. The result of the study of the levels of the variable motivation of visit, the most relevant was the moderate with 43.6%, while the low level has 30.9% and finally, 25.4% is equivalent to the high level. Concluding that, the influx of tourists, whether national or international, is very small, mentioning the lack of a tourist plant, which affects the lack of attractiveness to visit it again.

Zpracování statistik přístupů k webovým systémům / System for Processing of Statistic Information of Web Systems Acessing

Zajda, Vladan Unknown Date (has links)
This study deals with processing of web traffic statistics and traffic statistics of systems in general. Statistics allow finding out where the users came from, how much time they spent on the site, in which information were they interested in, and which technical devices were they using to browse the web site. Measured data are stored fore later evaluation by the owner or administrator of the monitored web site. Results are displayed in form of statistics. Gathered information could be used for quality or content improvement in order to the best satisfaction and benefit to the users. By secured areas of the application the attempts for not granted access could be tracked. Those gathered information statistic can be used to increase security of the application or eventually for identification of the attackers.

L’expérience de proches aidants au regard de leurs interactions sociales avec un parent atteint de démence et présentant un comportement d’errance en centre d’hébergement

Dion, Rosalie 07 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude était d’explorer et de comprendre l’expérience que peuvent vivre les proches aidants au regard de leurs interactions avec leur parent âgé qui erre, lors de leurs visites au centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée. Une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée en s’inspirant de la conception des interactions sociales de Khosravi (2003, 2007) et de la théorie de l’être humain unitaire de Rogers (1970, 1990). À l’aide d’un guide d’entretien semi-dirigé, des entrevues individuelles ont été effectuées auprès de cinq filles aidantes ayant un parent errant hébergé. Le but de cette étude était d’explorer et de comprendre l’expérience que peuvent vivre les proches aidants au regard de leurs interactions avec leur parent âgé qui erre, lors de leurs visites au centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée. Une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée en s’inspirant de la conception des interactions sociales de Khosravi (2003, 2007) et de la théorie de l’être humain unitaire de Rogers (1970, 1990). À l’aide d’un guide d’entretien semi-dirigé, des entrevues individuelles ont été effectuées auprès de cinq filles aidantes ayant un parent errant hébergé. Les résultats de l’analyse thématique suggèrent que ces aidantes sont en mesure d’expliquer l’errance en identifiant plusieurs causes à ce comportement, entre autres la recherche de repères connus, les habitudes de vie antérieures, le besoin de liberté et le désir de retourner chez soi. Être en mesure d’expliquer le comportement semble en favoriser l’acceptation. Cette compréhension et cette acceptation du besoin constant de se mouvoir permettent aux aidantes d’entretenir des interactions avec leur parent et de passer de « bons moments » lors des visites. Pour maintenir ces interactions encore importantes, les aidantes ont développé des stratégies de communication non verbales comme le toucher et la marche rapide. Elles ont également su se familiariser avec ce comportement en évitant de confronter leur parent et en faisant preuve de créativité. Ces résultats mettent en lumière des pistes d’interventions infirmières afin de favoriser des interactions harmonieuses entre les résidents errants et leur proche aidant. / This study aimed to explore and understand the experience of family caregivers in their interactions with wandering loved ones during their visits to long-term care facilities. A qualitative study was designed based on Khosravi’s (2003, 2007) concept of social interactions and Rogers’ (1970-1990) notion of the unitary human being. Using a semi-structured interview guide, individual interviews were conducted with five caregiving daughters of wandering parents residing in a nursing home. Thematic analysis suggests that these caregivers are able to explain wandering by identifying several causes, including the search for known reference points, resurgent habits, the need for freedom and the desire to return home. The ability to explain the behavior was found to facilitate acceptance. This understanding and acceptance of the need for constant movement allowed caregivers to interact with their parents and enjoy “quality time” during visits. The caregivers had developed nonverbal communication strategies such as touching and fast walking to preserve these still meaningful interactions. They had also adapted by avoiding confrontation with the parent and showing creativity during wandering episodes. The study’s findings shed light on potential intervention strategies for nurses to promote harmonious interactions between wandering residents and their caregiving loved ones.

Barns nybesök hos logoped för utredning av tal och språk : En studie av vårdnadshavares förväntningar och upplevelser / Children’s First Visit at the Speech and Language Pathology Clinic for Assessment of Speech and Language : a Study of Caretakers´ Expectations and Experiences

Ivehorn Axelsson, Cornelia, Söderlund, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
It is important to know patients’ expectations and experiences concerning their medical visits in order to facilitate health care improvements (Socialstyrelsen, 2006; Sveriges kommuner och landsting, n.d.). There are however no studies available dealing with Swedish caretakers’ expectations of their children’s first contact with a speech and language pathologist (SLP), nor studies dealing with whether or not their expectations were met and their experiences of the visit. Thus the aim of the present study was to acquire knowledge about this to determine whether or not the given health care is satisfying and if there are any areas in need of improvement. The material consisted of two questionnaires and a telephone interview. In total, 20 caretakers filled out the questionnaire prior to the visit. Of these, 15 also filled out the questionnaire after the visit and 8 participated in the interview. The results of the study show that the caretakers’ expectations were met to a high degree and that they were highly satisfied with the visit. Moreover, this contentment seemed to coincide with their experience of met expectations. The caretakers expected the SLP to share an evaluation of the child’s speech and language and to give much information (e.g. about the child’s speech and language and communicative adjustments), that the child’s pre-school would be contacted and that the caretakers would be provided with material for home exercises, advice and support. Of great importance for a positive experience was also the SLP’s personality and that there was enough time during the visit. The level of worry and the perceived need for SLP consultations decreased after the visit. The caretakers’ expectations were not met regarding information about the purpose of the testing, the level of difficulty of a specific test, pre-school contacts, material for home exercises, waiting times and support. The information about the presence and level of difficulties as well as a possible diagnosis were not clear to several of the participants. The results show that there are certain aspects that are important in order for first contacts with a SLP to reach a high quality. Among these are the SLP’s approach and that the SLP provides an assessment, good advice and material for home exercises. There are however some areas in need of improvement that should be considered by SLPs, for example regarding waiting times, support, preschool contacts and information about the children’s difficulties. The results and conclusions emanating from this study should however be treated with some caution due to a low number of participants. / Det är viktigt att undersöka patienters förväntningar inför och upplevelser av vårdbesök för att möjliggöra förbättringar inom hälso- och sjukvården (Socialstyrelsen, 2006; Sveriges kommuner och landsting, u.å.). Det saknas studier angående vad vårdnadshavare till svenska barn har för förväntningar inför sina barns nybesök hos logoped för utredning av tal och språk, huruvida förväntningarna infrias samt hur de upplever besöket efteråt. Syftet med föreliggande studie var således att få mer kunskap om detta för att utröna om den vård som ges är tillfredställande och om det finns möjliga förbättringsområden. Material för datainsamling utgjordes av en enkät som besvarades inför besöket, en enkät som besvarades efter besöket samt en intervju via telefon efter besöket. Totalt deltog 20 vårdnadshavare som svarade på enkäten inför besöket, av dessa 20 besvarade 15 deltagare enkäten efter besöket och åtta deltog i telefonintervjun.    Studiens resultat visade att vårdnadshavarnas förväntningar motsvarades i hög grad. De var även i hög grad nöjda med besöket och denna nöjdhet förefaller sammanhänga med deras upplevelse av motsvarade förväntningar. Vårdnadshavarna förväntade sig att logopeden skulle delge en bedömning av barnets tal och språk och ge mycket information (t.ex. om barnets tal och språk samt kommunikativa anpassningar), att kontakt skulle tas med barnets förskola samt att vårdnadshavarna skulle få material för hemträning, tips och råd och stöd med att komma igång med träningen. Av stor vikt för upplevelsen, utöver ovan nämnda aspekter, var även hur logopeden var som person, hur denne bemötte barnet och vårdnadshavaren samt att tid fanns under besöket. Deltagarnas oro och upplevda behov av logopedkontakt minskades efter besöket. Deltagarnas förväntningar motsvarades inte beträffande information om testernas syfte, ett tests svårighetsgrad, kontakt med förskolan, material för hemträning samt väntetider och stöd. Information om förekomst av svårigheter hos barnet samt eventuell diagnos och grad av svårigheter upplevdes inte som tydlig för ett flertal deltagare.  Resultaten pekar på att det finns vissa aspekter som troligtvis bidrar till att logopediska nybesök uppnår en god kvalitet, bland annat logopedens bemötande samt att logopeden ger en bedömning, tips och råd samt material för hemträning. Det finns dock även några förbättringsområden som logopeder bör beakta, exempelvis beträffande väntetider, stöd, kontakt med förskolan och information om barnets svårigheter. Resultat och slutsatser bör dock tolkas med försiktighet på grund av lågt deltagarantal.

S'ajuster, interpréter et qualifier une pratique culturelle : Approche communicationnelle de la visite muséale / Adjusting, interpreting and qualifying a cultural practice : Communicational approach to the museum visit

Jutant, Camille 18 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse contribue à comprendre le rapport qui peut s’établir entre expérience spécifique de la culture et relation à la culture, dans le cas particulier de la visite muséale. C’est la notion d’ajustement qui est proposée pour rendre compte de ce rapport. Celle-ci désigne un régime d’interaction au cours duquel, l’acteur social s’engage dans un corps-à-corps avec un dispositif de communication et interprète la situation en mobilisant des représentations de cette situation et de son rôle de visiteur. Aussi la première partie montre – grâce à un détour par les théories de l’ethnométhodologie, des représentations sociales et de l’interaction médiatisée – comment le cadre méthodologique de la thèse a été construit pour appréhender la pratique du visiteur en train de se déployer. Deux terrains ont été choisis pour cette analyse : une exposition temporaire, dans les salles du musée du Louvre, qui engage une situation postulée comme une expérience de visite ; et un jeu pédagogique sur téléphone portable, mené dans les salles du musée des arts et métiers, qui ébranle, précisément, ce prérequis. La deuxième partie présente ainsi une analyse qui met en regard l’étude de la préfiguration des situations de communication par les dispositifs pour chacun des terrains, et la dynamique de leur redéfinition par les visiteurs, dans un ajustement progressif. L’exemple du texte, en tant qu’il est un opérateur de médiation aux objets et aux savoirs, permet de voir comment le visiteur s’ajuste à une double anticipation (l’activité de lecture et l’activité de visite), dans une tension entre la caractérisation de ses postures de lecture, la retextualisation des propositions et la reformulation permanente du projet général de la visite. La troisième partie consiste alors à regarder comment le visiteur caractérise la situation qu’il est en train de vivre, non plus seulement à partir de son expérience de lecture, mais à partir de sa compréhension de son activité générale de visite. On observe alors que les visiteurs vivent profondément une situation d’interaction médiatisée, c'est-à-dire qu’à la fois ils postulent une forme de dialogue avec un concepteur qui leur « parle » et en même temps ils identifient en permanence le geste expographique qui consiste à mettre en scène un espace. Cette situation est vécue dans un jeu d’attention très forte aux caractéristiques sémiotiques de l’exposition et de suspension volontaire de l’incrédulité. Pour terminer, l’analyse a permis de mettre au jour trois formes d’ajustement caractéristiques : (1) la mobilisation et construction de figures de parcours et de figures de visiteurs qui médiatisent le rapport de l’acteur à sa propre pratique et qui lui permettent de juger la situation de communication qu’il est en train de vivre. (2) La prise de rôle qui s’élabore à partir de la nécessité de trouver un cadre pertinent d’interprétation pour l’activité. (3) Et enfin, le jeu entre description de l’activité et cadre général d’interprétation qui permet au visiteur de construire un rapport plus général à la culture. / The thesis contributes to facilitate an understanding of the relation that can be established between a specific experience of culture and a relationship to culture, in the specific case of the museum visit. The notion of adjustment is proposed in order to account for this relation and points to a system of interaction during which the social agent is engaged in an embodied relationship with a dispositif (or apparatus) of communication and interprets the situation by using representations of this situation and of his role as a visitor. Thanks to a detour via the theories of ethnomethodology, of the social representations and of the mediated interactions, the first part shows how the methodological framework of the thesis has been built in order to apprehend the practice of the visitor as it is being deployed. Two case studies have been chosen for this analysis, a temporary exhibition in the galleries of the museum le Louvre, which engages a situation formulated as an experience of a visit; and a pedagogical game on mobile phone, set in the galleries of the museum arts et metiers, which disturbs this previous assumption. The second part then presents an analysis that puts into dialogue the study of the configuration of situations of communication through the dispositifs at play in each of these situations, and the dynamic of their redefinition by the visitors, through a progressive adjustment. The example of the text since it is considered to be a means of mediation with objects and with knowledge, reveals how the visitor adapts to situation that anticipate a double usage (reading and visiting), with a tension between the characterisation of his gesture and of his reading postures, the retextualisation of the propositions and the permanent reformulation of the general project of the visit. The third part consists in looking at how the visitor defines the situation that he is going through, not only from his experience of reading, but also from his general understanding of his visit. We then observe that the visitors profoundly live a situation of mediated interaction, which means that they simultaneously postulate a form of dialogue with a conceptor that “speak” to them and constantly identify the expographic gesture that consists in staging a space. This situation is experienced through a game of strong attention to the semiotic characteristics of the exhibition and through a willing suspension of disbelief. Finally, the analysis has allowed to bring to light three characteristic forms of adjustment: (1) The mobilisation and construction of figures of paths and figures of visitors which mediate the relationship between the agent and his own practice and which allow him to judge the situation of communication that he is going through. (2) The fulfilment of a role that is being elaborated from the necessity to find a relevant framework of interpretation for the activity. (3) And finally, the game between the description of the activity and the general framework of interpretation that allows the visitor to construct a broader relationship to culture.

Pomoc a podpora dětem vězněných rodičů v ČR / Support and Assistance to children of imprisoned parents in the Czech republic

Vašíčková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on problems of children with imprisoned parents in the Czech Republic to which our society pays only a low attention. The study points to specific problems which children have to deal with, to a children's unhealthy psychosocial development influated by a longtime separation from their parent and to an unsufficient observance of childern's rights, especially the regular contact with a parent. This work presents posibilites how children can stay in touch with a busted parent and describes supporting activites of Czech Helsinki Comitee. The empirical part of the thesis tries to clarify the influence of a parent's imprisonment on a quality of a relationship between parents and children and define main fields where changes would be needed. KEY WORDS Imprisonment, parenthood, child, children, family, parent, sentenced, contact, relationship, rights, prison, psychosocial development, Czech Helsinki Comitee, EUROCHIPS

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