Spelling suggestions: "subject:"visat"" "subject:"visar""
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The case study of applying benchmarking to local governmentChang, Chang-Kuei 15 August 2002 (has links)
Facing the global situation and challenges that were getting to be severely competitive, all over the countries in the world started to implement ¡§Government Innovation¡¨ and imported the concept of business operation for promoting the competitive edge. Benchmarking originated in the business industries that had made remarkable success with it. Benchmarking is a process¢wa series of actions, steps, functions, or activities that bring about an end or a result: the identification and importation of best practices to improve performance. This research systematically introduced the contents and application procedure of benchmarking, and probed into the successful experience of implementing benchmarking from advanced countries in the world, then chose Kaohsiung Tzuo-ying District Administration as a case study. After practically applying benchmarking to Kaohsiung Tzuo-ying District Administration and analyzing the results of the questionnaire, there are some findings as follows:
1. The leader¡¦s support and employees¡¦ identification are critical factors for successfully implementing benchmarking.
2. Employees always exclude the implementation of new policy.
3. The work attitude of benchmarking team is very important for the benchmarking project.
4. The benchmarking project needs the support of the benchmarking partner.
5. It¡¦ll be necessary to apply multi-approach to stimulate employee to get involved with benchmarking project.
6. The results of questionnaire indicate that the level of understanding, approval of the benchmarking project and the level of being willing to participate is obviously relevant.
According to the above findings, this research offered recommendations for Kaohsiung Tzuo-ying District Administration and Kaohsiung City government as follows:
1. Kaohsiung Tzuo-ying District Administration:
. The aspect of enhancing activities of communication and propagation
. The aspect of selecting benchmarking team
. The aspect of selecting benchmarking item
. The aspect of selecting benchmarking partner
2. Kaohsiung City government:
. The aspect of incentive measure
. The aspect of education and training
. The aspect of benchmarking syndicate
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Distriktssköterskans upplevelser av och reflektioner kring arbetet med hembesök till nyblivna föräldrar : En intervjustudieSandberg, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrunden visar att hembesök till nyblivna föräldrar är en bra och väletablerad metod för personal vid barnavårdscentralen och är en del av det nationella Barnhälsovårdsprogrammet som erbjuds alla barn och deras föräldrar. Syftet med föreliggande studien var att genom intervjuer med distriktssköterskor vid barnavårdscentraler belysa deras arbete med och reflektioner kring hembesök hos nyblivna föräldrar. Metoden var en kvalitativ ansats med en beskrivande design. Åtta distriktssköterskor som arbetar vid barnavårdscentraler runt om i ett län intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att samtliga av de intervjuade distriktssköterskorna ansåg att det var viktigt med hembesök till nyblivna föräldrar, då det gav en möjlighet att skapa en relation på ett helt annat sätt än vid enbart besök på mottagningen. Andra fördelar med hembesöket var att distriktssköterskan fick en chans att se familjens hem och relationen mellan såväl föräldrarna som mellan förälder och barn. Det som oftast försvårade arbetet med hembesök var tidsbrist eller brist på kollegor eller färdmedel. Resultatet av intervjuerna utmynnade i ett tema för de tre första kategorierna; Viljan finns att genomföra hembesök, men vissa svårigheter finns för att lyckas. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att de distriktssköterskor som arbetar med BVC-verksamhet och hembesök till nyblivna föräldrar anser att besöken är väldigt viktiga för att kunna etablera en bra relation med familjerna. Det som ibland försvårar arbetet är hur hembesöken prioriteras av såväl ledning och chefer, men även av distriktssköterskorna själva. Andra hinder i arbetet är brist på tid, kollegor och färdmedel. / The background shows that home visits to new parents is a good and well-established method for the staff at the child care center and is part of the National Child Health program offered to all children and their parents. The aim of the present study was through interviews with district nurses at the child health centers highlight their work and reflections on home visits to new parents. The method was qualitative with descriptive design. Eight district nurses working at Child Care Centers around a county were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The results showed that all of the interviewed district nurses felt that it was important to do home visits to new parents, as it gave an opportunity to create a relationship in a completely different way than the mere visit to the clinic. Other advantages of the home visit were that the district nurse had a chance to see the family´s home and the relationship between the parents and between parents and child. Lack of time, colleagues that could fill in at the center and transportation hindered home visits. The result of the interviews yielded a theme for the first three categories; The desire is to carry out home visits, but some difficulties are present that hindrance full success. The conclusion of this study is that the district nurses who works at the Child Care Centers, and who conduct home visits to new parents, believe that the visits are very important to establish a good relationship with the families. What sometimes complicates the work is how home visits is prioritized by both management and executives, but also by district nurses themselves. Other obstacles in the work are lack of time, colleagues and transport.
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Den pedagogiska dokumentationens agens vid re-visittillfällen - ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv : Re-visit med förskolans yngsta barnEck Aginger, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Genom denna studie ville jag utforska den agens som uppstår i mötet mellan barnen och den pedagogiska dokumentationen samt hur posthumanistiskt inspirerade analyser av re-visittillfällen kan bidra med förståelse för de yngsta barnens möjlighet till kommunikation och meningsskapande genom den pedagogiska dokumentationen. Jag observerade och filmade re-visittillfällen där en grupp yngre barn möter dokumentation för att få syn på vad som sätts igång i detta möte. Genom att använda en posthumanistisk ansats betraktas inte bara människor, utan också ickemänniskor som agentiska, de gör och genererar förändring (Lenz Taguchi, 2012:12). Tänkande, intention och kommunikation brukar betraktas som mänskliga förehavanden men i ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv betraktas det som fenomen som uppstår i intra-agerande mellan olika agenter. Analyser av filmsekvenserna gjordes utifrån Barads (2007) diffraktionsbegrepp och Lenz Taguchis (2012) begrepp om cirkulära och horisontella rörelser vilka beskriver processerna i användandet av pedagogisk dokumentation. Uppsatsen belyser några av de möjligheter och tillblivelser som perspektivet bidrog med och att den pedagogiska dokumentationens agens kan ses som något som uppstår i agenternas möten. De mänskliga och ickemänskliga agenterna samhandlade och kommunicerade, en kommunikation som kan ses som samtidig, överlappande och utvidgande. Den pedagogiska dokumentationen och de övriga agenterna gör något, de aktiverade agerande och artikulerade förslag. Ur det uppstod nytt agerande, ny kommunikation och nytt meningsskapande
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Travelling green : Variables influencing students’ intention to select a green hotelLindqvist, Julia, Andersson, Mikaela January 2015 (has links)
Problematization: Tourism has a major impact on the environment. However, there is a conflict of interest making it difficult for the hotel business to decrease this impact. On the one hand, there is a pressure for environmentally friendly behaviour from society. On the other hand, the customers want to be pampered during their hotel stay. This makes it necessary to further investigate what influences customers’ intention to select a green hotel. Therefore this thesis examines students’ intention to select a green hotel. Since, it might make it easier for hotels to design and implement strategies to be greener, if they know what is important. Purpose: The aim with this thesis is to examine how the variables subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, perceived moral obligation and environmental awareness influence students’ intention to select green hotels. The main theory used is the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). However, to make the TPB model fit better to the context green hotels, the variables perceived moral obligation and environmental awareness were added. The reason for adding these variables was because they are closely entwined with each other and is argued in previous research argues they influence environmentally friendly behaviour. Methodology: This study used an online questionnaire and a small experiment in the questionnaire. The sample consisted of students from Kristianstad University. Conclusion: The result of this study shows that all the hypotheses were rejected and therefore the null hypotheses are retained.
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Den pedagogiska dokumentationens agens vid re-visittillfällen - ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv : re-visit med förskolans yngsta barnEck Aginger, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Genom denna studie ville jag utforska den agens som uppstår i mötet mellan barnen och den pedagogiska dokumentationen samt hur posthumanistiskt inspirerade analyser av re-visittillfällen kan bidra med förståelse för de yngsta barnens möjlighet till kommunikation och meningsskapande genom den pedagogiska dokumentationen. Jag observerade och filmade re-visittillfällen där en grupp yngre barn möter dokumentation för att få syn på vad som sätts igång i detta möte. Genom att använda en posthumanistisk ansats betraktas inte bara människor, utan också ickemänniskor som agentiska, de gör och genererar förändring (Lenz Taguchi, 2012:12). Tänkande, intention och kommunikation brukar betraktas som mänskliga förehavanden men i ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv betraktas det som fenomen som uppstår i intra-agerande mellan olika agenter. Analyser av filmsekvenserna gjordes utifrån Barads (2007) diffraktionsbegrepp och Lenz Taguchis (2012) begrepp om cirkulära och horisontella rörelser vilka beskriver processerna i användandet av pedagogisk dokumentation. Uppsatsen belyser några av de möjligheter och tillblivelser som perspektivet bidrog med och att den pedagogiska dokumentationens agens kan ses som något som uppstår i agenternas möten. De mänskliga och ickemänskliga agenterna samhandlade och kommunicerade, en kommunikation som kan ses som samtidig, överlappande och utvidgande. Den pedagogiska dokumentationen och de övriga agenterna gör något, de aktiverade agerande och artikulerade förslag. Ur det uppstod nytt agerande, ny kommunikation och nytt meningsskapande.
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Fritidspedagogens möte med ett museum : Fritidspedagogens uppdrag och det pedagogiska arbetet under ett studiebesökSeeger, Karl-Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Essay means attempt, and is a paper written based on self-experienced dilemmas, which the writer then returns to, reflect upon and discusses on the basis of literature and accepted theories. In this essay, I reflect upon my own professional role as a leisure-time pedagogue. The leisure-time pedagogue must provide activities that in different ways relate to the curriculum 2011. I have therefore a responsibility to influence the students' desire for knowledge. Focus of learning is different from the one in school, with an emphasis on informal learning. The dilemma is that I am unable to do any pedagogical work at the museum because of many conflicts. And that there is an ambivalence of what is expected of my work. By writing this essay, I want to explore and reflect upon leisure-time pedagogue´s meeting with a museum. I also reflect how to obtain an educational meeting, despite poorly developed awareness among teachers, other professionals, parents, and museums. There are many ways to implement work with the curriculum with a visit to the museum, and that would make the leisure-time pedagogue more of support for the whole visit. It would facilitate if the museums themselves hade a material adapted for leisure-time centre. With an emphasis on informal learning and for example aesthetic learning processes.
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Hembesök - hur gör man? : - en fokusgruppsstudie av socialsekreterares kunskap och tillvägagångssätt gällande hembesök vid barnavårdsutredningar / Home visits - how are they done? : - A focus group study of social workers knowledge and practice regarding home visits in child welfare investigationsSvensson, Angela, Lindström, Josefin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine what knowledge social workers express about home visits in child welfare investigations and how they know what to do. Sixteen social workers who work with social investigations concerning children were asked to discuss the topic home visit in three focus group interviews in three different municipalities in southern Sweden. The social workers in our focus group interviews mainly discussed the purpose of the home visit, what social workers do during home visits and furthermore their opinions about guidelines and policy documents regarding the home visit. To get an understanding of what type of knowledge is the basis for social workers use of the home visit, we used Polanyi's concept of 'tacit knowing' as well as the Aristotelian theory of knowledge containing three forms of knowledge, that is, episteme, techne and fronesis. We found that the displaying of ‘tacit knowing’ was a consistent feature in all groups, as they had difficulty expressing their knowledge use. This may be considered as an effect of their knowledge being deeply incorporated into them as social workers. Our observations also indicate that the social workers mostly use the form of knowledge fronesis which is aimed at the common sense and the practical wisdom. Evidence for this was found in how respondents frequently described how they observe the interpersonal interaction, and that they sense the home's atmosphere to get a picture of the child's situation.
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Hospital-based Visits and Admissions for Maxillofacial Injuries in Ontario: An 8-year Retrospective StudyAl-Dajani, Mahmoud 20 November 2013 (has links)
Objectives: (1) To calculate rates for maxillofacial (MF) injury-related visits in emergency departments (EDs) and hospitals in Ontario; (2) To investigate socio-demographic distribution of MF injuries; (3) To identify common causes for MF injuries.
Methods: An 8-year retrospective study design was implemented. Two datasets were used: Discharge Abstract Database and National Ambulatory Care Reporting System. Color-coded maps were created using ArcGIS.
Results: From 2004 to 2012 in Ontario, 1,457,990 ED visits and 41,057 hospitalizations due to MF injuries were registered. MF injuries are most frequent in males and occur mainly in evenings (7:00 to 9:00 pm) and weekends. Higher rates of MF injury are seen in rural areas and low-income neighborhoods. The leading cause of MF injuries is falls.
Conclusion: 3 out of 100 ED visits and 1 out of 200 hospitalizations were caused by MF injury. Male youth and female older people suffered high rates of MF injury.
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Hospital-based Visits and Admissions for Maxillofacial Injuries in Ontario: An 8-year Retrospective StudyAl-Dajani, Mahmoud 20 November 2013 (has links)
Objectives: (1) To calculate rates for maxillofacial (MF) injury-related visits in emergency departments (EDs) and hospitals in Ontario; (2) To investigate socio-demographic distribution of MF injuries; (3) To identify common causes for MF injuries.
Methods: An 8-year retrospective study design was implemented. Two datasets were used: Discharge Abstract Database and National Ambulatory Care Reporting System. Color-coded maps were created using ArcGIS.
Results: From 2004 to 2012 in Ontario, 1,457,990 ED visits and 41,057 hospitalizations due to MF injuries were registered. MF injuries are most frequent in males and occur mainly in evenings (7:00 to 9:00 pm) and weekends. Higher rates of MF injury are seen in rural areas and low-income neighborhoods. The leading cause of MF injuries is falls.
Conclusion: 3 out of 100 ED visits and 1 out of 200 hospitalizations were caused by MF injury. Male youth and female older people suffered high rates of MF injury.
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Exploring the role of post-visit action resources in free-choice environmental learning: Translating environmental knowledge into sustainable actionBueddefeld, Jill 26 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to explore how post-visit action resources, such as printed handouts and email updates, impact environmental free-choice learning and sustainable behaviour after a visit to an environmental free-choice learning centre. Free-choice learning, which occurs in places like zoos, is an increasingly popular and effective experience to communicate environmental sustainability and climate change issues to the public. This research specifically explored how post-visit resources provided after a visit to the International Polar Bear Conservation Centre in Winnipeg’s Assiniboine Park Zoo in Manitoba, Canada affected environmental learning and sustainable behaviour change over a two-month period. Questionnaire and personal meaning mapping interview responses revealed that post-visit resources can be an effective way to improve environmental learning, increase awareness, and encourage some sustainable behaviour change. The implications for environmental free-choice learning experiences are discussed and recommendations for future practices explained.
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