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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do comportamento dielétrico de isoladores de distribuição de média tensão frente a impulsos atmosféricos com formas de onda não normalizadas / Analysis of the dielectric behavior of medium voltage insulators under non-standard lightning impulse voltages

Braz, Celso Pereira 18 April 2011 (has links)
As linhas de distribuição de energia estão freqüentemente expostas a sobretensões causadas por descargas atmosféricas diretas e indiretas. As formas de onda dessas sobretensões têm uma faixa de variação muito ampla e podem diferir bastante do impulso atmosférico normalizado utilizado em ensaios para verificação da adequação dos projetos das isolações dos equipamentos frente a sobretensões atmosféricas (1,2 / 50 microssegundos). É fato conhecido que a suportabilidade das isolações depende não só da amplitude como da forma de onda das solicitações. Diferentes modelos têm sido propostos para se estimar o desempenho das isolações frente a impulsos não normalizados, sendo o modelo do efeito disruptivo (disruptive effect model) um dos mais utilizados. Existem, contudo, diferentes métodos de aplicação desse modelo, ou seja, diferentes formas de se estimar os parâmetros necessários para a sua aplicação. Este trabalho visa avaliar o comportamento dielétrico de isoladores de média tensão e analisar os principais métodos para estimativa da suportabilidade desses equipamentos frente a sobretensões atmosféricas com formas de onda diferentes da normalizada. Para essa avaliação foram realizados ensaios em um isolador tipo pino, de porcelana, com tensão nominal de 15 kV, nos quais foram utilizadas, além do impulso atmosférico normalizado, outras ondas selecionadas com base em resultados de medição e de cálculo. Modificações realizadas no circuito de um gerador de impulsos de alta tensão convencional permitiram a geração de tensões com formas de onda bastante semelhantes às de sobretensões induzidas por descargas atmosféricas tanto em linhas de tamanho natural como em experimentos realizados com modelo reduzido. São apresentados e discutidos os resultados dos ensaios de tensão disruptiva de impulso atmosférico a 50 % e as curvas tensão-tempo (U x t) obtidas para cada impulso, considerando ambas as polaridades. A avaliação dos métodos de aplicação do modelo do efeito disruptivo foi realizada com base em comparações entre as curvas tensão-tempo obtidas nos ensaios e as curvas previstas por cada modelo, para cada uma das ondas selecionadas. / Overhead distribution lines are often exposed to lightning overvoltages, whose waveshapes vary widely and can differ substantially from the standard impulse voltage waveshape used to test electric equipment insulation against lightning surges (1.2 / 50 microseconds wave). It is well known that the voltage withstand capability of insulation depends not only on the amplitude but also on the voltage waveshape. Different models have been proposed for predicting the strength of insulation subjected to impulses of non-standard waveshapes. One of the most commonly used is the \"disruptive effect model\". There are, however, different methods of applying this model, that is, different ways of estimating the parameters needed for its application. This thesis aims at evaluating the dielectric behavior of medium voltage insulators subjected to impulses of non-standard waveshapes, as well as at evaluating the main methods for predicting their dielectric strength against such impulses. For the analysis, tests were performed on a pin type porcelain insulator with rated voltage of 15 kV, using, besides the standard lightning impulse voltage waveshape, other s waveshapes selected based on the characteristics of measured and calculated lightning overvoltages. Modifications made to the circuit of a conventional impulse voltage generator allowed to obtain voltage waveshapes very similar to those of lightning-induced voltages measured in experiments conducted both in lines of natural size and in reduced model. The test results relative to the critical lightning impulse flashover voltage (U50) and the volt-time characteristics obtained for the positive and negative polarities of each waveshape are presented and discussed. The evaluation of the methods of determining the parameters of the disruptive effect model was based on comparisons between the volt-time curves obtained from the laboratory tests and those predicted by each method, for each of the selected voltage waveshapes.

Développement d’un convertisseur analogique-numérique innovant dans le cadre des projets d’amélioration des systèmes d’acquisition de l’expérience ATLAS au LHC / Development of an innovative analog-digital converter chip in the scope of the upgrade of data acquisition infrastructure of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC

Zeloufi, Mohamed 09 November 2016 (has links)
À l’horizon 2024, l’expérience ATLAS prévoit de fonctionner à des luminosités 10 fois supérieures à la configuration actuelle. Par conséquent, l’électronique actuelle de lecture ne correspondra pas aux conditions de ces luminosités. Dans ces conditions, une nouvelle électronique devra être conçue. Cette mise à niveau est rendue nécessaire aussi par les dommages causés par les radiations et le vieillissement. Une nouvelle carte frontale va être intégrée dans l’électronique de lecture du calorimètre LAr. Un élément essentiel de cette carte est le Convertisseur Analogique-Numérique (CAN) présentant une résolution de 12bits pour une fréquence d’échantillonnage de 40MS/s, ainsi qu’une résistance aux irradiations. Compte tenu du grand nombre des voies, ce CAN doit remplir des critères sévères sur la consommation et la surface. Le but de cette thèse est de concevoir un CAN innovant qui peut répondre à ces spécifications. Une architecture à approximations successives (SAR) a été choisie pour concevoir notre CAN. Cette architecture bénéficie d’une basse consommation de puissance et d’une grande compatibilité avec les nouvelles technologies CMOS. Cependant, le SAR souffre de certaines limitations liées principalement aux erreurs de décisions et aux erreurs d’appariement des capacités du CNA. Deux prototypes de CAN-SAR 12bits ont été modélisés en Matlab afin d’évaluer leur robustesse. Ensuite les conceptions ont été réalisées dans une technologie CMOS 130nm d’IBM validée par la collaboration ATLAS pour sa tenue aux irradiations. Les deux prototypes intègrent un algorithme d’approximations avec redondance en 14 étapes de conversion, qui permet de tolérer des marges d’erreurs de décisions et d’ajouter une calibration numérique des effets des erreurs d’appariement des capacités. La partie logique de nos CAN est très simplifiée pour minimiser les retards de génération des commandes et la consommation d’énergie. Cette logique exécute un algorithme monotone de commutation des capacités du CNA permettant une économie de 70% de la consommation dynamique par rapport à un algorithme de commutation classique. Grâce à cet algorithme, une réduction de capacité totale est aussi obtenue : 50% en comparant notre premier prototype à un seul segment avec une architecture classique. Pour accentuer encore plus le gain en termes de surface et de consommation, un second prototype a été réalisé en introduisant un CNA à deux segments. Cela a abouti à un gain supplémentaire d’un facteur 7,64 sur la surface occupée, un facteur de 12 en termes de capacité totale, et un facteur de 1,58 en termes de consommation. Les deux CAN consomment respectivement une puissance de ~10,3mW et ~6,5mW, et ils occupent respectivement une surface de ~2,63mm2 et ~0,344mm2.Afin d’améliorer leurs performances, un algorithme de correction numérique des erreurs d’appariement des capacités a été utilisé. Des buffers de tensions de référence ont étés conçus spécialement pour permettre la charge/décharge des capacités du convertisseur en hautes fréquences et avec une grande précision. En simulations électriques, les deux prototypes atteignent un ENOB supérieur à 11bits tout en fonctionnant à la vitesse de 40MS/s. Leurs erreurs d’INL simulés sont respectivement +1,14/-1,1LSB et +1,66/-1,72LSB.Les résultats de tests préliminaires du premier prototype présentent des performances similaires à celles d’un CAN commercial de référence sur notre carte de tests. Après la correction, ce prototype atteint un ENOB de 10,5bits et un INL de +1/-2,18LSB. Cependant suite à une panne de carte de tests, les résultats de mesures du deuxième prototype sont moins précis. Dans ces circonstances, ce dernier atteint un ENOB de 9,77bits et un INL de +7,61/-1,26LSB. En outre la carte de tests actuelle limite la vitesse de fonctionnement à ~9MS/s. Pour cela une autre carte améliorée a été conçue afin d’atteindre un meilleur ENOB, et la vitesse souhaitée. Les nouvelles mesures vont être publiées dans le futur. / By 2024, the ATLAS experiment plan to operate at luminosities 10 times the current configuration. Therefore, many readout electronics must be upgraded. This upgrade is rendered necessary also by the damage caused by years of total radiations’ effect and devices aging. A new Front-End Board (FEB) will be designed for the LAr calorimeter readout electronics. A key device of this board is a radiation hard Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) featuring a resolution of 12bits at 40MS/s sampling rate. Following the large number of readout channels, this ADC device must display low power consumption and also a low area to easy a multichannel design.The goal of this thesis is to design an innovative ADC that can deal with these specifications. A Successive Approximation architecture (SAR) has been selected to design our ADC. This architecture has a low power consumption and many recent works has shown his high compatibility with modern CMOS scaling technologies. However, the SAR has some limitations related to decision errors and mismatches in capacitors array.Using Matlab software, we have created the models for two prototypes of 12bits SAR-ADC which are then used to study carefully their limitations, to evaluate their robustness and how it could be improved in digital domain.Then the designs were made in an IBM 130nm CMOS technology that was validated by the ATLAS collaboration for its radiation hardness. The prototypes use a redundant search algorithm with 14 conversion steps allowing some margins with comparator’s decision errors and opening the way to a digital calibration to compensate the capacitors mismatching effects. The digital part of our ADCs is very simplified to reduce the commands generation delays and saving some dynamic power consumption. This logic follows a monotonic switching algorithm which saves about70% of dynamic power consumption compared to the conventional switching algorithm. Using this algorithm, 50% of the total capacitance reduction is achieved when one compare our first prototype using a one segment capacitive DAC with a classic SAR architecture. To boost even more our results in terms of area and consumption, a second prototype was made by introducing a two segments DAC array. This resulted in many additional benefits: Compared to the first prototype, the area used is reduced in a ratio of 7,6, the total equivalent capacitance is divided by a factor 12, and finally the power consumption in improved by a factor 1,58. The ADCs respectively consume a power of ~10,3mW and ~6,5mW, and they respectively occupy an area of ~2,63mm2 and ~0,344mm2.A foreground digital calibration algorithm has been used to compensate the capacitors mismatching effects. A high frequency open loop reference voltages buffers have been designed to allow the high speed and high accuracy charge/discharge of the DAC capacitors array.Following electrical simulations, both prototypes reach an ENOB better than 11bits while operating at the speed of 40MS/s. The INL from the simulations were respectively +1.14/-1.1LSB and +1.66/-1.72LSB.The preliminary testing results of the first prototype are very close to that of a commercial 12bits ADC on our testing board. After calibration, we measured an ENOB of 10,5bits and an INL of +1/-2,18LSB. However, due to a testing board failure, the testing results of the second prototype are less accurate. In these circumstances, the latter reached an ENOB of 9,77bits and an INL of +7,61/-1,26LSB. Furthermore the current testing board limits the operating speed to ~9MS/s. Another improved board was designed to achieve a better ENOB at the targeted 40MS/s speed. The new testing results will be published in the future.

Spin-transfer torques in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions

Bernert, Kerstin 12 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis discusses spin-transfer torques in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions. The voltage-field switching phase diagrams have been experimentally determined for in-plane CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions. In order to limit the effect of thermal activation, experiments have been carried out using nanosecond voltage pulses, as well as at low-temperature (4.2 K). The bias-dependence of the two spin-torque terms (Slonczewski-like and field-like) has been determined from thermally-excited ferromagnetic resonance measurements, yielding values which are in good agreement with previous reports. Additionally, material parameters such as the effective magnetisation and the damping factor have also been extracted. Using these values as input, the switching voltages as function of the applied magnetic field have been calculated numerically and analytically by solving the modified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. Unlike previous studies, the field-like spin-torque has also been included. Moreover, different configurations have been considered for the magnetic anisotropy directions of the reference and free layer, respectively. / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Spin-Transfer-Torque-Effekten in MgO-basierten magnetischen Tunnelstrukturen. Die Phasendiagramme als Funktion von Spannung und Magnetfeld von CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB-Tunnelstrukturen mit Magnetisierung in der Ebene wurden experimentell bestimmt. Um thermische Anregungseffekte zu limitieren, wurden die Experimente einerseits mit nanosekundenlangen Spannungspulsen und andererseits bei niedrigen Temperaturen (4.2 K) durchgeführt. Die Spannungsabhängigkeit der beiden Spin-Torque-Parameter (in-plane und senkrechter Spin-Transfer-Torque) wurde aus Messungen der thermisch angeregten ferromagnetischen Resonanz bestimmt, wobei sich Werte ergaben, die gut mit vorangegangenen Untersuchungen übereinstimmen. Zusätzlich wurden Werte für Materialparameter wie die effektive Magnetisierung und den Dämpfungsparameter gewonnen. Unter Verwendung der erhaltenen Werte wurden die Schaltspannungen als Funktion des angelegten Magnetfeldes analytisch und numerisch berechnet, indem die erweiterte Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Gleichung gelöst wurde. Im Gegensatz zu vorangegangenen Untersuchungen wurde der senkrechte Spin-Transfer-Torque dabei mit einbezogen. Darüber hinaus wurden verschiedene Konfigurationen für die Richtung der magnetischen Anisotropie der freien und fixierten Schicht berücksichtigt.

Contribuição ao estudo do gerador de indução duplamente alimentado: operação durante distúrbios na rede elétrica / Contribution to study of doubly-fed induction generators: operation under network disturbances

Costa, Jean Patric da 30 August 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is one of the most frequently deployed large grid connected Wind Turbines (WT) concept. The implementation of classical vector control techniques, have been proven to work well for considering the initial grid code requirements. However, recently many grid operators are requiring WT to remain connected during grid faults, resulting in low voltage fault ride through capability (LVRT). In addition, it is required for WTs to contribute with reactive support during the fault. As a result, the improvements of the transient behavior of the DFIG, the power converter protection and the controller design have become a challenge for WT manufactures. This work presents a high performance stationary frame non-linear controller for doubly fed induction generator, which improves the steady state and transient behavior of the grid connected wind turbines especially under unbalance voltage dips resulting from network unbalance faults. A controller design procedure that guarantees the DFIG stability under uncertainties and disturbances at grid side is presented in details. Furthermore, it is demonstrated in the thesis that with the proposed controller different goals such as control of grid side active and reactive power, minimization of torque pulsation under unbalance operation and improvement of the low voltage ride through capability can be easily achieved. Simulations and experimental results are given to illustrate the good performance of a grid connected DFIG with the proposed controller. / Turbinas eólicas modernas que utilizam o Gerador de Indução Duplamente Alimentado (GIDA) são amplamente empregadas para geração de energia elétrica. Essa grande parcela de aero-geradores baseados na tecnologia GIDA e técnicas de controle vetorial clássicas já comprovaram ao longo dos últimos anos que este conceito apresenta méritos e foi capaz de satisfazer requisitos de conexão de turbinas eólicas com a rede elétrica inicialmente elaborados. No entanto, atualmente, os operadores do sistema estão revisando os códigos de rede em muitos países, introduzindo novos requisitos e estreitando os limites definidos inicialmente. Basicamente, os geradores eólicos estão assumindo maiores responsabilidades no sistema de potência. A capacidade de sobrevivência e suporte de reativos durante afundamentos de tensão, introduzidos nos novos códigos de rede, tornaram-se os maiores desafios para os fabricantes de aero-geradores com tecnologia GIDA. Essa tese de doutorado tem como principal objetivo desenvolver estratégias de controle para melhorar o desempenho dinâmico do Gerador de Indução Duplamente Alimentado conectado a rede elétrica frente aos requisitos de sobrevivência aos afundamentos de tensão no Ponto de Conexão (PC). Para isso, essa tese propõe um controlador não linear de alto desempenho baseado em modos deslizantes para o controle do GIDA em eixos estacionários. O controlador proposto melhora o comportamento transitório do GIDA principalmente durante distúrbios na tensão no PC. O projeto do controlador é desenvolvido de forma a garantir a estabilidade do GIDA conectado à rede elétrica mesmo considerando incertezas associadas ao modelo nominal. Outras características do controlador proposto, além da robustez, são a sua simplicidade de implementação e a sua excelente resposta transitória. Ainda, dois modos de operação são propostos para geração de referência do GIDA, MODO 1 para operação em condições normais da tensão da rede elétrica, MODO 2 com uma metodologia para o cálculo das referências de corrente de forma a dar suporte de reativos durante faltas próximas ao PC. O comportamento dinâmico do sistema e o desempenho da estratégia de controle são verificadas através de simulações e também experimentalmente.

High voltage direct current (HVDC) in applications for distributed independent power providers (IPP)

Giraneza, Martial January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / The development of power electronics did remove most of technical limitations that high voltage direct current (HVDC) used to have. HVDC, now, is mostly used for the transmission of bulk power over long distances and for the interconnection of asynchronous grid. Along with the development of the HVDC, the growth of power demand also increased beyond the utilities capacities. Besides the on-going increasing of power demand, the reforms in electricity market have led to the liberalization and the incorporation of Independent power providers in power system operation. Regulations and rules have been established by regulating authority for grid integration of Independent power providers. With the expected increase of penetration level of those new independent power providers, result of economic reason and actual green energy trend, best method of integration of those new power plants are required. In this research HVDC technology, namely VSC-HVDC is used as interface for connecting independent power providers units to the grid. VSC-HVDC has various advantages such as short-circuit contribution and independent control of active and reactive power. VSC-HVDC advantages are used for a safe integration of IPPs and make them participate to grid stabilization. MATLAB/Simulink simulations of different grid connected, through VSC-HVDC system, IPPs technologies models are performed. For each IPP technology model, system model performances are studied and dynamics responses during the disturbance are analyzed in MATLAB/ Simulink program. The simulation results show that the model satisfy the standard imposed by the regulating authority in terms of power quality and grid support. Also the results show the effect of the VSC-HVDC in preventing faults propagation from grid to integrated IPPs units.

Avaliação de desempenho do gerador de indução trifásico assimétrico conectado a uma rede monofásica - aplicações rurais / Evaluation of performance of the assymmetrical three - phase induction generator connected to single-phase supply system rural applications

Carvalho, Hamilton Dias de 30 June 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work has for motive to obtain the project and build of an assymmetrical three-phase induction generator connected to single-phase supply system, in order to be used in rural areas. This equipment has been presented as a better alternative in relation the others proposed more commercialized at the moment, due to its robustness, low cost, less maintenance requirements and excellent performance. Firstly, in the theoric part concerned to the system it is presented a mathematical representation, frequency domain mathematical model, whose equations are performed in function of an unbalance factor in order to obtain balance three-phase voltages in the system. Then, some simulations are performed in the simulator that was developed in the Microsoft Excel program. From these implements, it is carried out study cases to prove the assymmetrical three-phase induction generator use potentialities. A prototype is projected and built, which experimental results are compared to the computer result. / O objetivo deste trabalho é obter o projeto e a construção de um gerador de indução trifásico assimétrico conectado a um sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica monofásica; visando aplicá-lo em áreas rurais. Este dispositivo, em face de sua robustez, baixo custo, menores requisitos de manutenção e bom desempenho, consiste numa alternativa bastante atrativa em relação às outras propostas existentes atualmente. O estudo teórico inicia-se através da elaboração de uma modelagem matemática para o sistema, no domínio da freqüência, cujas equações são colocadas em função de um fator indicativo do nível de desbalanceamento, visando à obtenção de tensões balanceadas na carga. Para tanto, a modelagem matemática elaborada é implementada num simulador desenvolvido no programa Microsoft Excel. A partir desta implementação, são efetuados estudos de casos no sentido de evidenciar as potencialidades do gerador assimétrico conectado a cargas rurais. Os trabalhos computacionais são devidamente validados à luz de resultados experimentais extraídos de um protótipo de equipamento concebido, projetado e construído para fins deste trabalho. / Mestre em Ciências

Avaliação do comportamento dielétrico de isoladores de distribuição de média tensão frente a impulsos atmosféricos com formas de onda não normalizadas / Analysis of the dielectric behavior of medium voltage insulators under non-standard lightning impulse voltages

Celso Pereira Braz 18 April 2011 (has links)
As linhas de distribuição de energia estão freqüentemente expostas a sobretensões causadas por descargas atmosféricas diretas e indiretas. As formas de onda dessas sobretensões têm uma faixa de variação muito ampla e podem diferir bastante do impulso atmosférico normalizado utilizado em ensaios para verificação da adequação dos projetos das isolações dos equipamentos frente a sobretensões atmosféricas (1,2 / 50 microssegundos). É fato conhecido que a suportabilidade das isolações depende não só da amplitude como da forma de onda das solicitações. Diferentes modelos têm sido propostos para se estimar o desempenho das isolações frente a impulsos não normalizados, sendo o modelo do efeito disruptivo (disruptive effect model) um dos mais utilizados. Existem, contudo, diferentes métodos de aplicação desse modelo, ou seja, diferentes formas de se estimar os parâmetros necessários para a sua aplicação. Este trabalho visa avaliar o comportamento dielétrico de isoladores de média tensão e analisar os principais métodos para estimativa da suportabilidade desses equipamentos frente a sobretensões atmosféricas com formas de onda diferentes da normalizada. Para essa avaliação foram realizados ensaios em um isolador tipo pino, de porcelana, com tensão nominal de 15 kV, nos quais foram utilizadas, além do impulso atmosférico normalizado, outras ondas selecionadas com base em resultados de medição e de cálculo. Modificações realizadas no circuito de um gerador de impulsos de alta tensão convencional permitiram a geração de tensões com formas de onda bastante semelhantes às de sobretensões induzidas por descargas atmosféricas tanto em linhas de tamanho natural como em experimentos realizados com modelo reduzido. São apresentados e discutidos os resultados dos ensaios de tensão disruptiva de impulso atmosférico a 50 % e as curvas tensão-tempo (U x t) obtidas para cada impulso, considerando ambas as polaridades. A avaliação dos métodos de aplicação do modelo do efeito disruptivo foi realizada com base em comparações entre as curvas tensão-tempo obtidas nos ensaios e as curvas previstas por cada modelo, para cada uma das ondas selecionadas. / Overhead distribution lines are often exposed to lightning overvoltages, whose waveshapes vary widely and can differ substantially from the standard impulse voltage waveshape used to test electric equipment insulation against lightning surges (1.2 / 50 microseconds wave). It is well known that the voltage withstand capability of insulation depends not only on the amplitude but also on the voltage waveshape. Different models have been proposed for predicting the strength of insulation subjected to impulses of non-standard waveshapes. One of the most commonly used is the \"disruptive effect model\". There are, however, different methods of applying this model, that is, different ways of estimating the parameters needed for its application. This thesis aims at evaluating the dielectric behavior of medium voltage insulators subjected to impulses of non-standard waveshapes, as well as at evaluating the main methods for predicting their dielectric strength against such impulses. For the analysis, tests were performed on a pin type porcelain insulator with rated voltage of 15 kV, using, besides the standard lightning impulse voltage waveshape, other s waveshapes selected based on the characteristics of measured and calculated lightning overvoltages. Modifications made to the circuit of a conventional impulse voltage generator allowed to obtain voltage waveshapes very similar to those of lightning-induced voltages measured in experiments conducted both in lines of natural size and in reduced model. The test results relative to the critical lightning impulse flashover voltage (U50) and the volt-time characteristics obtained for the positive and negative polarities of each waveshape are presented and discussed. The evaluation of the methods of determining the parameters of the disruptive effect model was based on comparisons between the volt-time curves obtained from the laboratory tests and those predicted by each method, for each of the selected voltage waveshapes.

Lightning induced voltages in cables of power production centers / Tensions Induites par une agression foudre dans les câbles de contrôle-mesure des centres de production d'énergie

Diaz Pulgar, Luis Gerardo 29 November 2016 (has links)
Lorsqu’un bâtiment d’un centre de production d’électricité est frappé par la foudre, il se produit une dangereuse circulation de courants dans tous les composants connectés au bâtiment: les murs, le réseau de terre, et les câbles sortant du bâtiment. L’intérêt du présent travail est d’étudier les tensions transitoires aux extrémités de ces câbles, en particulier des câbles contrôle mesure, dans la mesure où ces câbles sont connectés à des équipements électroniques susceptibles d’être endommagés par des perturbations électromagnétiques engendrées par la foudre. Une approche basée sur la résolution numérique des équations de Maxwell via une méthode FDTD est adoptée. Notamment le formalisme de Holland et Simpson est utilisé pour modéliser toutes les structures constituées d’un réseau de fils minces: l’armature métallique du bâtiment, la grille en cuivre du réseau de terre, la galerie de béton et le câble coaxial de contrôle mesure. Une validation des modèles électromagnétiques développés pour chaque composant du site industriel est présentée. Une analyse de sensibilité est conduite pour déterminer l’influence des paramètres du système. En outre, la technique des plans d’expérience est utilisée pour générer un méta-modèle qui prédit la tension maximale induite aux extrémités du câble en fonction des paramètres les plus influents. Cela représentent un outil de calcul précis et informatiquement efficace pour évaluer la performance foudre des câbles de contrôle et de mesure. / When lightning strikes a building in a Power Generation Center, dangerous currents propagates through all the components connected to the building structure: The walls, the grounding grid, and the cables leaving the building. It is the interest of this work to study the transient voltages at the terminations of these cables external to the building.Particularly, the Instrumentation and Measure (IM) cables, since they are connected to electronic equipment susceptible of damage or malfunctioning due to lightning ElectroMagnetic perturbations. A full wave approach based on the numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations through the FDTD algorithm is adopted. Notably, the formalism of Holland and Simpson is used to model all the structures composed of thin wires: the building steel structure, the grounding copper grid, the concrete cable ducts and the coaxial IM cables. A validation of the model developed for each component is presented. A sensitivity analysis is performed in order to the determine the main parameters that configure the problem. Also, the Design of Experiments (DoE) technique is used to generate a meta-model that predicts the peak induced voltages in the cable terminations, as a function of the main parameters that configure the industrial site. This represents an accurate, and computationally efficient tool to assess lightning performance of IM cables.

DC To DC Converter Topologies For High Voltage Power Supplies Under Pulsed Loading

Vishwanathan, Neti 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Development Of An Application Specific Parallel Processing Real-Time System For MTDC System Control

Shyam, V 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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