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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise das tensões de polimerização em função das dimensões do espécime em sistemas de alto compliance / Polymerization stress as function of specimem dimensions in a high compliance system

Boaro, Letícia Cristina Cidreira 03 June 2008 (has links)
Objetivo: avaliar a influência das dimensões do corpo-de-prova, Fator C e volume sobre a tensão de polimerização através de ensaios laboratoriais, e a distribuição de tensões através da análise por elementos finitos (FEA) em sistemas de teste com alto compliance. Material e Métodos: um compósito quimicamente ativado (Bisfil 2B, Bisco) foi inserido entre bastões de acrílico com 4, 6 e 8 mm de diâmetro fixados às garras de uma máquina de ensaios universais. A altura dos corpos-de-prova foi determinada ajustando-se a distância entre as extremidades dos bastões (0,5, 1, 2 ou 4 mm). A tensão de polimerização nominal foi determinada dividindo-se a força máxima de contração após 30 minutos de monitoramento pela secção transversal dos bastões. A distribuição das tensões foi avaliada através de modelos lineares elásticos axissimétricos. Os dados de tensão nominal foram analisados utilizando-se ANOVA de dois fatores e teste de Tukey (=5%) e análises de regressão tendo Fator-C ou volume como preditores. Resultados: a interação entre diâmetro e altura foi significante (p<0,01). Os valores de tensão nominal variaram entre 1,3 e 3,8 MPa. Para um mesmo diâmetro, houve um aumento na tensão com aumento da altura do espécime. Para as alturas 0,5 e 1 mm, apenas o diâmetro de 8 mm apresentou valores de tensão maiores que os demais. A tensão nominal apresentou correlações negativas com o Fator C e correlações lineares positivas com o volume para cada um dos diâmetros separadamente. Quando a tensão foi dividida pelo volume do corpo-de-prova, os valores obtidos apresentaram correlações lineares positivas fortes com o Fator C para cada um dos diâmetros separadamente e forte correlação negativa com o volume para todo o conjunto de dados. A simulação por elementos finitos mostrou que na direção longitudinal as tensões de tração aumentaram proporcionalmente com a altura, enquanto as tensões compressivas diminuíram. Na direção transversal as tensões de tração foram mais intensas nos espécimes de menor altura, e isto foi mais evidente nos espécimes de maior diâmetro. Conclusões: a tensão aumentou com a altura e com o diâmetro do corpo-de-prova. O Fator C não se mostrou um bom preditor da tensão, o mesmo acontecendo com o volume. Entretanto, este último apresentou uma correlação inversa forte com os dados de tensão normalizados pelo volume de compósito. Na direção longitudinal, foram observadas regiões com tensões compressivas, mais intensas nos corpos-de-prova de menor altura. A distribuição de tensões da direção transversal foi mais intensa nos espécimes de menor altura e maior diâmetro. / Objective: evaluate the influence of specimen dimensions, C-factor and volume on polymerization stress values through mechanical testing, as well as stress distribution by finite element analysis (FEA) in high compliance systems. Material and Methods: a self-cure composite (Bisfil 2B, Bisco) was inserted between acrylic rods with 4, 6 and 8 mm diameter attached to the opposite ends of a universal testing machine. Specimen height was determined by adjusting the distance between the rods (0,5, 1, 2 ou 4 mm). Nominal stress was determined dividing the maximum shrinkage force registered after 30 minutes by the crossection of the rods. Stress distribution was evaluated in axissymmetric, linear elastic models. Stress data were analyzed by twoway ANOVA/Tukey test (=5%) and regression analyses using C-factor or volume as predictors. Results: the interaction between diameter and height was significant (p<0.01). Stress values varied from 1.3 to 3.8 MPa. For a given diameter, stress increased with height. For 0.5 and 1 mm, only the 8 mm diameter specimens presented higher stress. Nominal stress showed negative correlations with C-factor and positive correlations with volume for each diameter separately. When stress was divided by specimen volume, values presented strong positive linear correlations with C-factor for each diameter and a strong negative with volume for the entire data set. FEA revealed that in the longitudinal direction, tensile stresses increased with height, while the compressive stresses decreased. Transversally, tensile stresses were more intense in specimens with lower heights, more noticeably in higher diameters. Conclusions: stress increased with specimen height and diameter. C-factor was not a suitable stress predictor, neither was the specimen volume. However, the latter presented a strong inverse correlation with stress data normalized by specimen volume. In the longitudinal direction, regions with compressive stresses were observed, more noticeably in specimens with lower height. Transversally, stress was more intense in specimens with lower height and higher diameter.

Avaliação da disponibilidade óssea para enxertos, na região de calota craniana, por meio da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico / Evaluation of available bone for grafting in the cranial bone region by means of cone beam computed tomography

Géssyca Moreira Melo de Freitas Guimarães 23 February 2017 (has links)
A reabsorção óssea dos processos alveolares da maxila e mandíbula, após exodontias, é um grande problema para sua reabilitação estético-funcional. Entre as opções de tratamento, os enxertos ósseos são realizados com o objetivo de resolver esta carência de osso, e a escolha das possíveis áreas doadoras de osso para este tipo de reconstrução depende, principalmente, do volume de osso que se necessita e do tipo de defeito ósseo a ser corrigido, podendo ser proveniente de áreas doadoras intrabucais ou extrabucais. Quando a quantidade necessária de osso é pequena, pode-se utilizar áreas doadoras intrabucais. Para reconstruções maiores, as áreas doadoras extrabucais, como a crista do ilíaco, calota craniana, tíbia, fíbula e costelas são os locais de escolha. Entretanto, o volume de osso disponível nas diferentes áreas doadoras ainda é avaliado de forma empírica. Neste estudo foi considerada uma região correspondente à área doadora de formato hexagonal medindo 8cm de comprimento e 6cm de largura e logo em seguida foi calculado a área desse hexágono. Foram também realizadas medidas da espessura de osso cortical, osso medular e osso total, em 9 regiões da calota craniana, em 50 tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (TCFC). Essas medidas foram realizadas com a ferramenta distância do software i-CAT Vision®, utilizado para a visualização dos exames em reformatações sagitais e coronais. O resultado da área do hexágono correspondente a área doadora multiplicado pela média de espessura dos 9 pontos da calota craniana foi de 2.499mm3. / The bone resorption of the alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible, after exodontia, is a great problem for its aesthetic-functional rehabilitation. Among the treatment options, bone grafts are performed with the aim of solving this bone deficiency, and the choice of possible bone donor areas for this type of reconstruction depends, mainly, of the volume of bone required and the type of osseous defect to be corrected, which may be from intraoral or extraoral donor areas. When the required amount of bone is small, intraoral donor areas may be used. For larger reconstructions, extraoral donor areas, such as iliac crest, skull cap, tibia, fibula, and ribs are the sites of choice. However, the volume of bone available in the different donor areas is still evaluated empirically. In this study was considered a region corresponding to donor area of hexagonal shape measuring 8cm in lenght and 6cm in widht and then calculated the area of this hexagono. In this study, measurements of the thickness of cortical bone, medullary bone and total bone were performed in 9 regions of the skull cap in 50 conical beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. These measurements were performed with the distance tool of the i-CAT Vision® software, used to visualize the exams in sagittal and coronal reformations. The result of hexagon area corresponding to donor area multiplies by average of the thickness of 9 points of skull cap was 2.499mm3.

Large-Eddy Simulation of constant volume combustion in a ground-breaking new aeronautical engine / Simulation aux Grandes Echelles de la combustion à volume constant dans une architecture de moteur aéronautique en rupture

Exilard, Gorka 11 October 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, le transport aérien de passagers connaît un développement sans cesse croissant et continue ainsi d’accroire sa contribution aux émissions mondiale de CO2. Par conséquent, un effort commun entre les avionneurs est fait pour diminuer les émissions de CO2 et de polluants. Pour encourager cet effort, les réglementations deviennent de plus en plus drastiques en terme d'émissions et de polluants tels que le CO2, les NOx mais aussi le bruit. Ces nouvelles limitations sont à la fois définies à court et moyen-long termes pour inciter les motoristes à travailler sur les technologies de plus en plus efficientes.Pour concevoir des moteurs toujours plus performants tout en respectant ces réglementations à court terme, les motoristes travaillent sur l'optimisation de leurs technologies conventionnelles, en améliorant des leviers bien identifiés comme l'augmentation du taux de compression. Cependant, cette optimisation des turbomachines actuelles a déjà atteint un niveau de maturité très élevé. Il semble ainsi difficile de continuer indéfiniment leurs optimisations. Par conséquent, pour atteindre les objectifs à moyen-long terme, les motoristes sont dès aujourd'hui en train d'étudier des nouveaux systèmes propulsifs avancés comme les chambres de Combustion à Volume Constant (CVC) qui peuvent accroître le rendement thermique. Contrairement aux chambres de combustion traditionnelles, qui fonctionnent à flux continu, les chambres CVC opèrent de façon cyclique afin de créer un volume constant pendant la phase de combustion et libérer les gaz chauds dans les étages de turbines.Pendant cette thèse, une approche numérique permettant d'évaluer ce type de chambres est développée. Tout l'enjeu est de pouvoir étudier des chambre de combustion intégrant des parties mobiles, qui permettent de créer le volume constant dédié à la combustion tout en évitant les fuites à travers ces systèmes mobiles lors de l'élévation de la pression dans la chambre. Cette modélisation doit aussi prédire correctement les phases transitoires comme l'admission des gaz frais, qui pilote la phase de combustion. Cette étude utilise des objets immergés pour modéliser les parties mobiles. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de rendre ces objets immergés imperméables et adapter la méthode aux différents modèles utilisés pour étudier les milieux réactifs tels que le modèle de combustion ECFM-LES ou encore l'injection liquide Lagrangienne utilisée pour résoudre l'injection du fuel.Dans cette étude, une nouvelle formulation est développée puis testée sur différents cas tests de plus en plus représentatifs des chambres CVC. Cette approche numérique est ensuite évaluée sur une chambre réel étudiée expérimentalement au laboratoire PPRIRME de Poitiers. Dans cette dernière étude, deux cas non réactifs permettent de comparer les évolutions de pression à deux endroits dans la dispositif expérimental, ainsi que les champs de vitesse au sein de la chambre de combustion, aux simulations réalisées. Pour ces cas complexes, l'utilisation des objets immergés permet de prédire les résultats expérimentaux à un coût attractif.Un des cas non réactif est ensuite carburé et allumé pour confronter l'évolution pression et les champs de vitesse dans la chambre de combustion des résultats numériques obtenus aux mesures expérimentales. L'approche numérique développée a permis d’enrichir les données expérimentales, d'analyser les variabilités cycle-à-cycle rencontrées au banc et d'identifier les leviers qui permettraient d'optimiser ce type d’architecture. / Over the past few years, aircrafts have become a common means of transport, thus continuously increasing their contribution to global CO2 emissions. Consequently, there is a common effort between aircraft manufacturers to reduce CO2 and pollutant emissions. To encourage this effort, regulations are becoming more and more stringent on the emissions and pollutants like CO2, NOx and noise. These regulations are both defined in the short and medium-long terms to urge aircraft manufacturers to work on more and more efficient technologies.In order to design more efficient engines while respecting the short term objectives, engine manufacturers are working on the improvement of conventional architectures by using well-known levers like the increase of the Overall Pressure Ratio (OPR). However, the optimization of the present turbomachinery has already reached a high level of maturity and it seems difficult to continuously enhance their performances. Consequently, to reach the medium-long term objectives, engine manufacturers are working on new advanced propulsion systems such as the Constant Volume Combustion (CVC) chambers, which can increase the thermal efficiency of the system. Contrary to present turbomachinery which are burning fresh gases continuously, CVC chambers operate cyclically so as to create the constant vessel dedicated to the combustion phase and to expand the burnt gases into turbine stages.In this PhD thesis, a numerical approach is developed to allow the evaluation of these kind of combustors. The challenge is to be able to evaluate CVC chambers by taking into account the moving parts which create the constant volume and avoid mass leakages through these moving parts during the increase of the combustion chamber pressure when the combustion occurs. This approach also has to correctly predict unsteady phases like the intake, which directly controls the combustion process.These moving parts are modeled with a Lagrangian Immersed Boundary (LIB) method .The main goals of this thesis is to make the LIB as airtight as possible and to render this approach compatible with the different models which are adapted to analyse reactive flows such as the ECFM-LES combustion model or Lagrangian liquid injection, used for fuel sprays. In this study, a new formulation is developed and tested on several test cases from very simple ones to cases more representative of CVC chambers.Then, this approach is evaluated on a real chamber experimentally analysed in PPRIME laboratory in Poitiers. Two non-reactive operating points are used to compare the experimental pressure at two positions in the apparatus and the experimental velocity fields in the combustion chamber with the numerical results. In this complex configuration, the LIB method allows the prediction of the experimental results with a low CPU cost. As in the experiment, one non-reactive case is carburized and ignited to compare the measured pressure and the velocity fields in the combustion chamber with the simulations. The proposed numerical approach allows the data enhancement of the experiment and then the analysis of the cycle-to-cycle variability encountered during the experimental measurements. Last but not least, this method enables the identification of the different levers that could decrease the variability and then could improve operability of this type of combustors.

Reconstrução tri-dimensional de imagens obstétricas de ultra-som utilizando linguagem computacional Java e OpenGL / Reconstruction three-dimensional of obstetritics images of ultrasound using computational language JAVA and OpenGL

Goes, Claudio Eduardo 15 June 2007 (has links)
Este projeto de pesquisa trata da elaboração de um sistema de reconstrução de imagens obstétricas de fetos, em aparelhos de ultra-som convencionais, para a visualização dessas imagens em três dimensões utilizando a internet como meio de utilização do sistema, com o principal objetivo de proporcionar aos médicos ginecologistas melhor visualização do formato e das estruturas internas, e em especial da face do feto, através do processo de reconstrução tridimensional feito a partir de um conjunto de imagens bidimensionais capturadas em aparelhos convencionais de ultra-som. O uso clínico deste projeto está previsto para o setor de obstetrícia do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto. / This project of research deals with the laboration of a reconstruction system of obstetrics images of embryos in devices of ultrasound will be conventional the visualization of these images in three dimensions using the internet half of uses of the system, with the main objective provides to the medical gynecologists a better visualization of the format and the internal structures and in special the face of the embryo through the made process of three-dimensional reconstruction from a dataset of captured bi-dimensional images in conventional devices of ultrasound. The clinical uses of this project is foreseen will be the sector of obstetrics of the Hospital of the Clinics of Ribeirão Preto.

Avaliação da função pulmonar por espirometria na leishmaniose visceral / Pulmonary function evaluation by spirometry in visceral leishmaniasis

Isabel Aragão Maia 23 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Das formas clínicas das leishmanioses, a forma clássica da leishmaniose visceral (LV) é a forma mais grave da doença, afetando órgãos como baço, fígado e linfonodos. Como a doença apresenta um comprometimento intersticial secundário à infecção pela Leishmania, existe o envolvimento de outros órgãos. No pulmão, o envolvimento se manifesta pela pneumonite intersticial. Essa alteração foi provada por estudo anatomopatológico em hamsteres, cães e homens. Embora as pesquisas pulmonares na doença avaliem as alterações ultraestruturais provocadas pela leishmaniose, não existem estudos que avaliem o impacto dessas sobre a função pulmonar. Objetivo: Caracterizar o distúrbio ventilatório em pacientes internado com LV por espirometria. Métodos: Foram avaliados transversalmente 20 pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado por Kalazar detect, mielograma e/ou sorologia. Os parâmetros medidos foram a capacidade vital forçada (CVF), volume expiratório forçado do primeiro segundo (VEF1), índice de Tiffeneau e fluxo expiratório forçado (25-75%). Posteriormente, foram utilizados, na análise estatística, o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, teste exato de Fisher, não paramétrico de Wilcoxon e o coeficiente de correlação de Speraman. Nível de significância com p < 0,05. Resultados: A espirometria mostrou-se alterada em 14 pacientes (70%). O padrão de distúrbio ventilatório apresentado foi somente restritivo. Em relação aos dados laboratoriais, os pacientes com hipoalbuminemia apresentaram espirometria alterada. Não foi achada correlação estatisticamente significativa entre tempo de medicação, consumo de tabaco, infecção, sintomas respiratórios, ocupação, tempo de sintomas. Conclusão: Os achados da espirometria evidenciaram volumes pulmonares reduzidos, com diminuição da CVF e, em 55% dos pacientes com VEF1, também diminuído. Neste estudo, demonstrou-se que a alteração da função pulmonar está, provavelmente, relacionada à fibrose pulmonar que ocorre na LV, como descrito / The clinical forms of leishmaniasis, the classic form of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is the most severe form of the disease, affecting organs such as the spleen, liver and lymph nodes. As the disease presents an interstitial deterioration secondary to the infection by Leishmania, there is the involvement of other organs. In the lung, the involvement is manifested by the interstitial pneumonitis. This alteration has been proved by anatomopathological studies in hamsters, dogs and men. Although the researches concerning this lung disease assess the ultrastructural alterations caused by leishmaniasis, there are no studies evaluating the impact of these on lung function. Objective: To characterize the ventilatory disorder in patients hospitalized with VL by spirometry. Methods: 20 patients were transversely evaluated with diagnosis confirmed by Kalazar Detect, myelogram and / or serology. The measured parameters were the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), Tiffeneau index and forced expiratory flow (25-75%). Thereafter, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, Fisher\'s exact test, non-parametric Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation coefficient were used in the statistical analysis. Significance level of p < 0.05. Results: The spirometry was altered in 14 patients (70%). The presented ventilatory disorder pattern was only restrictive. Regarding the laboratory data, patients with hypoalbuminemia presented altered spirometry findings. It was not found statistically significant correlation between time of medication, smoking, infections, respiratory symptoms, occupation, time of symptoms. Conclusion: The findings of spirometry showed reduced lung volumes, with decreased FVC and in 55% of patients with FEV1 also decreased. In this study it was shown that the change in lung function is probably related to pulmonary fibrosis that occurs in the VL as described in anatomicopathological studies conducted earlier

Definição do volume de planejamento do alvo (PTV) e seu efeito na radioterapia / Planning target volume (PTV) definition and its effects in the radiotherapy

Maria Esmeralda Ramos Poli 28 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho visa estudar as margens necessárias para definir o volume de planejamento do alvo (PTV) requeridas para tratar adequadamente tumores móveis como os localizados na próstata ou tumores localizados em áreas com pouca mobilidade como os da região da cabeça e pescoço, na ausência de localização do alvo por imagem. Também tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto causado pelo PTV, em termos de dose, nas estruturas críticas ao seu redor e sua influência quando planejamento inverso é utilizado na radioterapia com modulação de feixe (IMRT). Dados de 387 pacientes de próstata foram analizados retrospectivamente. Todos os pacientes receberam localização pré-tratamento com ultra-som 2D resultando em 10.327 localizações, cada uma com deslocamento de isocentro em três direções: antero-posterior (AP), lateral direitaesquerda (DE), e superior-inferior (SI). O deslocamento médio e desvio padrão (SD) para cada direção foi estimado a partir dos dados de tratamento gravados diariamente. As incertezas (SD) na posição do alvo foram 4,4 mm (AP), 3,6 mm (DE), e 4,5 mm (SI). O estudo das incertezas no posicionamento diário de 78 pacientes com tumores de cabeça e pescoço que utilizaram máscaras termoplásticas como imobilizadores, avaliados com equipamento de portal com imagem eletrônica (EPID), mostrou variações (SD) na posição do isocentro de tratamento de 3,1 mm (AP), 1,5 mm (DE), 4,5 mm (SI). Aplicando estes desvios num simulador antropomórfico estudou-se os histogramas de dose-volume resultantes do deslocamento do isocentro no tratamento diário. Os resultados mostraram a importância de se colocar margens no volume clínico do alvo para garantir um tratamento adequado e também mostraram que a variação diária do isocentro de tratamento pode causar um aumento de dose maior que o nível de tolerância dos órgãos críticos. / This work intends to study the margins required to define a planning target volume (PTV) for adequate treatment of the mobile tumors such as prostate or those located in areas with less mobility as the ones in head and neck region, in the absence of daily localization imaging based. It is also intends to evaluate the impact caused by the PTV, in terms of dose, to the critical structures surrounding the PTV and its influence when inverse planning is used in the intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Data from 387 prostate patients were analyzed retrospectively. Every patient in the study received daily pre-treatment localization with 2D ultrasound resulting in a total of 10,327 localizations, each comprising of an isocenter displacement in 3 directions: anterior-posterior (AP), right-left lateral (RL), and superior-inferior (SI). The mean displacement and standard deviation (SD) for each direction for each patient was computed from daily treatment records. The uncertainties (SD) in the target position were 4.4 mm (AP), 3.6 mm (RL), and 4.5 mm (SI). A study of the uncertainties in the daily positioning of 78 head and neck patients who used thermoplastic mask to immobilize them, evaluated with electronic portal imaging device (EPID), showed variations (SD) in the isocenter treatment position of 3.1 mm (AP), 1.5 mm (RL), and 4.5 mm (SI). By applying these shifts in an anthropomorphic phantom it was studied the dose-volume histograms resultant of the isocenter displacement in the daily treatment. The result showed the importance of putting margins in the clinical target volume to assure an adequate treatment and also showed that isocenter daily variation can cause an increase to the dose greater than the tolerance level to the critical organs.

Transporte de água em células de melanona murino S91 submetidas a condições anisosmóticas / Water transport in murine melanoma S91 cells submitted to anisosmotic conditions

James Fernando Malta da Silva 06 June 2007 (has links)
Uma das principais necessidades da célula é a regulação do seu ambiente interno. Aparte da considerável importância teórica, o transporte de água é de importância prática numa ampla gama de processos, desde a proteção de células na preservação criogênica até os efeitos de certos hormônios em alguns tecidos. Virtualmente todas as células são submetidas a transições osmóticas durante o seu período de vida, uma vez que tanto o metabolismo intracelular quanto o transporte por membranas produzem flutuações nas concentrações dos solutos osmoticamente ativos. A regulação de volume celular é um fenômeno ubíquo e permite, às células, manter o seu volume normal. Células submetidas a choques anisosmóticos agudos sofrem rápidas alterações de volume (dependentes do gradiente osmótico e da permeabilidade da membrana à água e osmólitos) podendo ou não ser seguidas de lentas alterações regulatórias de volume. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho visou esclarecer alguns aspectos do transporte de água em células de melanoma murino S91 submetidas a condições anisosmóticas. Células de melanoma murino S91, foram mantidas em meio de cultura F12 HAM (290 mOsm.kgH2O-1). As medidas morfométricas das mudanças relativas de volume foram realizadas usando-se um sistema de aquisição e análise de imagens (Image Pro-Lite, Media Cybernetics). As células foram expostas tanto a choques hiposmóticos agudos (190 mOsm.kgH2O-1) como a choques hiperosmóticos agudos (350 mOsm.kgH2O-1) em diferentes temperaturas (de 17 a 37 oC) e em diferentes doses (de 0,001 a 1000 µM) de HgCl2, um bloqueador de aquaporinas (AQP). Os resultados sugerem que: (i) o tempo de regulação de volume em células de melanoma murino S91 é dependente da temperatura; (ii) o fluxo osmótico de água apresenta valores de Energia de Ativação compatíveis com aqueles propostos para o trânsito de água através de aquaporinas (Ea < 6 kcal.mol-1); (iii) o HgCl2 afeta de forma dose dependente as respostas osmóticas em células de melanoma murino S91 e sugerem a presença de mais de um tipo de AQP. Nestas condições as concentrações necessárias para reduzir ao máximo a permeabilidade osmótica à água estão localizadas na faixa de 0,1-1,0 µM HgCl2. / One of the major needs of living cells is the regulation of their internal environment. Apart from being of considerable theoretical importance, the transport of water is of practical importance in a broad range of process, from the protection of cells undergoing cryogenic preservation to the effects of certain hormones in some tissues. Virtually all the cells are submitted the osmotic transitions during their period of life, because both intracellular metabolism and transmembrane transport produce fluctuations in concentrations of osmolytes. The regulation of cellular volume is a phenomenon ubiquitous and allows, to the cells, to keep their normal volume. Cells subjected to acute anisosmotic shocks suffer from fast alterations in volume (depending on the osmotic gradient and on the permeability of the membrane to the water and osmotically active substances), and followed or not by a slow volume regulation response. Thus, the present work aims to clarify some aspects of the water transport in murine melanoma S91 cells subjected to anisosmotic conditions. S91 murine melanoma cells were grown in F12 HAM medium (290 mOsm.kgH2O-1). Morphometric measurements of relative changes in cell volume were performed using a video microscopy system and a PC software (Image Pro-Lite, Media Cybernetics). The experimental cells were exposed either to acute hyposmotic shocks (190 mOsm.kgH2O-1) or to acute hyperosmotic shocks (350 mOsm.kgH2O-1), in different temperatures (ranging from 17 to 37 oC) and in the presence of HgCl2 (from 0,001 to 1000 µM), an aquaporin blocker. The results of the present study indicate that: (i) the time of volume regulation in S91 murine melanoma cells is dependent on temperature; (ii) the values of osmotic water flow are compatible with activation energy through aquaporins (E < 6 kcal.mol-1) and (iii) HgCl2 treatments affect osmotic behavior of S91 murine melanoma cells in a dose-response manner and also suggest the presence of more than one type of aquaporin. Minimum osmotic water permeabilities were observed in a range of µM HgCl2 treatments.

Morfologia, arquitetura radicular e metabolismo de nitrog?nio em variedades de arroz sob baixa disponibilidade de am?nio / Morphology, root architecture and nitrogen metabolism in rice varieties under low ammonium availability

RANGEL, Rafael Passos 26 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-23T19:49:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Rafael Passos Rangel.pdf: 2601166 bytes, checksum: 8cd9cbb0ff858a2d7c7c31027eaf3efb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-23T19:49:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Rafael Passos Rangel.pdf: 2601166 bytes, checksum: 8cd9cbb0ff858a2d7c7c31027eaf3efb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / CAPES / Root morphology is a major factor related to the efficiency of nutrient acquisition. For this reason, this work compared this characteristic in three contrasting rice varieties: IAC 47 (improved variety) and two traditional varieties cultivated in the state of Maranh?o (Piau? and Manteiga originated in an environment with low nutrient input). These varieties were subjected to a low N-NH4+ supply and analyzed for the root morphology parameters, expression of ammonium high affinity transport system (OsAMT1.1~1.3) and GS activity in three segments of the root system. It was also determined the soluble fractions and total nitrogen in the different segments of the plants (leaves, sheaths and roots) to verify the metabolic alterations as a result of low ammonium input. The GS activity was higher in the second segment in the Manteiga and IAC-47 varieties compared to Piau?, in the other segments. A similar result was observed in the Manteiga variety in the third segment (bottom of the root system) submitted to NH4+ resupply. When grown without NH4+, the Manteiga variety showed higher OsAMT1.3 expression in the lower segment of the root system, and greater root growth, indicating a possible involvement of this transporter in the control of root morphology in rice plants. There was lower expression of OsAMT1.1 and OsAMT1.2 unlike OsAMT1.3 but being distributed to other segments of the root system. In resupply with NH4+ (38 DAG) there was repression of ammonium transporters in the bottom (PI) of the root system and increased expression of OsAMT1.2 the median part (PM) in Piau? variety. In the upper part of the roots (PS) higher levels of ammonium transporter expression was observed in the IAC-47, and Manteiga. This difference in expression between varieties originated from regions with low N availability (Piau? and Manteiga) and improved IAC-47 is an indication that under conditions of limited N, the highest expression of OsAMT1.3 may be associated with an increase in morphological parameters. / A morfologia radicular ? uma das principais caracter?sticas relacionadas ? efici?ncia de aquisi??o de nutrientes em plantas. Deste modo, variedades de arroz contrastantes: uma melhorada, (IAC-47) e duas variedades locais do Maranh?o: (Piau? e Manteiga, origin?rias de cultivos com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes) foram submetidas a um baixo suprimento de N-NH4+ e avaliadas quanto aos par?metros de morfologia radicular, express?o dos transportadores de alta afinidade para am?nio (OsAMT1.1~1.3) e atividade de GS em tr?s segmentos do sistema radicular. Tamb?m foram determinadas as fra??es sol?veis e o nitrog?nio total nas diferentes partes da planta (folha, bainha e raiz) de forma a acompanhar altera??es metab?licas em resposta a baixa disponibilidade de am?nio. A atividade da GS foi maior na segunda coleta, nas variedades Manteiga e IAC-47 em rela??o a Piau?, nas demais coletas. Resultado semelhante foi observado na parte inferior do sistema radicular, para a variedade Manteiga na terceira coleta com ressuprimento com am?nio. Quando cultivada sem suplementa??o amoniacal, a variedade Manteiga apresentou maior express?o do OsAMT1.3 na parte inferior (PI) do sistema radicular, e maior crescimento de ra?zes, indicando um poss?vel envolvimento desse transportador com o controle da morfologia radicular de plantas de arroz. Houve menor express?o do OsAMT1.1 e OsAMT1.2 diferentemente do OsAMT1.3, por?m distribuindo-se a outros segmentos do sistema radicular. No ressuprimento com am?nio aos 38 dias ap?s a germina??o (38 DAG) houve repress?o dos transportadores de am?nio na parte inferior (PI) do sistema radicular e aumento de express?o do OsAMT1.2 na parte mediana (PM) para a variedade Piau?. Na parte superior das ra?zes (PS) os maiores n?veis de express?o dos transportadores de am?nio de alta afinidade foram observados para as variedades IAC-47 e Manteiga. Esta diferen?a de express?o entre variedades oriundas de regi?es com baixa disponibilidade de N (Piau? e Manteiga) e a variedade melhorada IAC-47 ? um indicio que sob condi??es limitantes de N, a maior express?o do OsAMT1.3 pode estar associado com incremento nos par?metros morfol?gicos.

Détermination des caractéristiques fondamentales de combustion de pré-mélange air-kérosène, de l’allumage à la vitesse de flamme : représentativité de surrogates mono et multi-composants / Determination of the Combustion Fubdamental Characteristics for Air-Kerosene Premixed Flames, from Ignition to Laminar Burning Velocity : Representation with Mono and Multi-Component Surrogates

Le Dortz, Romain 19 June 2018 (has links)
Face à l’explosion du trafic aérien attendue ces prochaines années, l’impact de l’aviation civile sur l’environnement est un enjeu majeur. Les instances environnementales internationales comme l’ACARE (Conseil Consultatif pour la Recherche Aéronautique en Europe), en partenariat avec les grands groupes aéronautiques internationaux, ont fixé des objectifs drastiques pour préserver l’environnement : une réduction des émissions de CO2de 75 %et une réduction de 90 % des rejets d’oxydes d’azote dans l’atmosphère sont attendues d’ici 2050 par rapport aux avions fabriqués au début du 21èmesiècle. Les turbomachines actuelles possédant un degré de maturité très élevé ne permettront pas d’atteindre ces objectifs. Les motoristes cherchent donc à étudier de nouveaux concepts en rupture technologique pour les horizons 2050, comme les moteurs à détonation, ou encore les moteurs de type combustion à volume constant. Actuellement, les phénomènes physiques associés à la combustion du kérosène dans ce type de moteur sont encore mal documentés. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de contribuer à l’amélioration de la connaissance et de la compréhension de ces phénomènes physiques.Au cours de cette étude, les flammes de pré-mélanges de kérosène et d’air sont étudiées expérimentalement grâce à des diagnostics optiques (strioscopie,PIV) et métrologiques. Le processus de combustion est notamment étudié dans des conditions thermodynamiques semblables à celles rencontrées dans un moteur aéronautique. La phase de propagation est dans un premier temps analysée dans des conditions laminaires et adiabatiques à travers la détermination de la vitesse fondamentale de flamme non-étirée, grandeur qui pilote le processus de combustion. Puis la sensibilité du front de flamme à l’étirement et la formation des instabilités de combustion sont dans un second temps examinées. Enfin, la phase d’allumage des pré-mélanges de kérosène et d’air dans des conditions aérodynamiques critiques est elle aussi traitée.Un second point abordé au cours de cette étude concerne la reproduction d’un kérosène réel par un substitut constitué d’un nombre d’espèces limité pour simplifier les problématiques industrielles et les études amont. En effet, la composition d’un kérosène commercial est complexe et variée et l’utilisation d’un représentant permet de modéliser numériquement le phénomène de combustion plus facilement. La pertinence de quelques surrogates plus ou moins représentatifs, formulés dans la littérature et élaborés au cours de différents travaux est notamment traitée dans cette étude en comparant les résultats obtenus avec ceux d’un kérosène commercial. De plus, la modélisation de ces kérosènes de substitution par un schéma cinétique valide estégalement analysée.Ce travail prend place dans le cadre de la chaire industrielle CAPA sur la combustion alternative pour la propulsion aérobie financée par SAFRANTech, MBDA et l’ANR. / With air traffic expected to soar in the next few years, the impact of civil aviation on the environment is a major issue. International environmental organizations such as ACARE (the Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research and Innovation in Europe), in partnership with the main international aeronautical groups, have set drastic objectives to preserve the environment: a reduction of 75 % of CO2emissions and a reduction of 90 % of nitrogen oxide emissions into the atmosphere are sought by 2050, with reference to aircraft produced at the beginning of the 21st century. Current turboshaft engines have a very high degree of maturity and may not achieve these objectives. Engineers are therefore aiming to study new concepts that will become technological breakthroughs at the 2050 horizon, such as detonation engines or constant volume combustion engines. Currently, the physical phenomena associated with the combustion of kerosene in those kinds of engines are still poorly documented. The objective of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge and understanding of these physical phenomena. In this work, premixed flames of kerosene and air are experimentally studied with optical diagnostics (Schlieren, PIV) and metrology techniques. The combustion process is here studied in thermodynamic conditions similar to those encountered in an aeronautical engine. First, the propagation phaseis analyzed in laminar and adiabatic conditions through the determination of the unstretched laminar burning velocity, which drives the combustion process. Then, in a second stage, the sensitivity of the flame front to stretch and the formation of combustion instabilities are examined. Finally, the ignition phase of premixed flames of kerosene and air under critical aerodynamic conditions is also investigated. A second issue tackled in this work is the reproduction of a real kerosene by a surrogate made up of a limited number of species, to simplify industrial problems and initial studies. Indeed, the composition of a commercial kerosene is complex and can vary, and the use of a surrogate allows an easier numerical simulation of the combustion process. The relevance of some more or less representative surrogates, formulated in the literature and elaborated all through different studies, is also studied in this thesis, by comparing the results obtained with those of a commercial kerosene. In addition, the modelling of those surrogates by a valid chemical kinetic mechanism is also analyzed. This research was conducted within the CAPA industrial Chair project dedicated to innovative combustion modes for air-breathing propulsion, financially supported by SAFRAN Tech, MBDA and France’s ANR national research agency.

Definição do volume de planejamento do alvo (PTV) e seu efeito na radioterapia / Planning target volume (PTV) definition and its effects in the radiotherapy

Poli, Maria Esmeralda Ramos 28 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho visa estudar as margens necessárias para definir o volume de planejamento do alvo (PTV) requeridas para tratar adequadamente tumores móveis como os localizados na próstata ou tumores localizados em áreas com pouca mobilidade como os da região da cabeça e pescoço, na ausência de localização do alvo por imagem. Também tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto causado pelo PTV, em termos de dose, nas estruturas críticas ao seu redor e sua influência quando planejamento inverso é utilizado na radioterapia com modulação de feixe (IMRT). Dados de 387 pacientes de próstata foram analizados retrospectivamente. Todos os pacientes receberam localização pré-tratamento com ultra-som 2D resultando em 10.327 localizações, cada uma com deslocamento de isocentro em três direções: antero-posterior (AP), lateral direitaesquerda (DE), e superior-inferior (SI). O deslocamento médio e desvio padrão (SD) para cada direção foi estimado a partir dos dados de tratamento gravados diariamente. As incertezas (SD) na posição do alvo foram 4,4 mm (AP), 3,6 mm (DE), e 4,5 mm (SI). O estudo das incertezas no posicionamento diário de 78 pacientes com tumores de cabeça e pescoço que utilizaram máscaras termoplásticas como imobilizadores, avaliados com equipamento de portal com imagem eletrônica (EPID), mostrou variações (SD) na posição do isocentro de tratamento de 3,1 mm (AP), 1,5 mm (DE), 4,5 mm (SI). Aplicando estes desvios num simulador antropomórfico estudou-se os histogramas de dose-volume resultantes do deslocamento do isocentro no tratamento diário. Os resultados mostraram a importância de se colocar margens no volume clínico do alvo para garantir um tratamento adequado e também mostraram que a variação diária do isocentro de tratamento pode causar um aumento de dose maior que o nível de tolerância dos órgãos críticos. / This work intends to study the margins required to define a planning target volume (PTV) for adequate treatment of the mobile tumors such as prostate or those located in areas with less mobility as the ones in head and neck region, in the absence of daily localization imaging based. It is also intends to evaluate the impact caused by the PTV, in terms of dose, to the critical structures surrounding the PTV and its influence when inverse planning is used in the intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Data from 387 prostate patients were analyzed retrospectively. Every patient in the study received daily pre-treatment localization with 2D ultrasound resulting in a total of 10,327 localizations, each comprising of an isocenter displacement in 3 directions: anterior-posterior (AP), right-left lateral (RL), and superior-inferior (SI). The mean displacement and standard deviation (SD) for each direction for each patient was computed from daily treatment records. The uncertainties (SD) in the target position were 4.4 mm (AP), 3.6 mm (RL), and 4.5 mm (SI). A study of the uncertainties in the daily positioning of 78 head and neck patients who used thermoplastic mask to immobilize them, evaluated with electronic portal imaging device (EPID), showed variations (SD) in the isocenter treatment position of 3.1 mm (AP), 1.5 mm (RL), and 4.5 mm (SI). By applying these shifts in an anthropomorphic phantom it was studied the dose-volume histograms resultant of the isocenter displacement in the daily treatment. The result showed the importance of putting margins in the clinical target volume to assure an adequate treatment and also showed that isocenter daily variation can cause an increase to the dose greater than the tolerance level to the critical organs.

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