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The determinants of participation in voluntary association: An empirical analysis of social service organization.Chiu, Po-ching 20 June 2000 (has links)
The voluntary association is the mediate between society and individuals; it serves as a prime engine for social changes. Therefore, it is very important to find out who the voluntary association participants are. Previous research has focused primarily on demographic attributes of voluntary association participants. In addition to the demographic factors, this study investigates the effects of job characteristics, work-related attitudes, perceptions of social inequality, and resource constrains on the probability of participation.
Based on 1996 ¡§ Taiwan Social Change Survey,¡¨ this study uses logistic regression to model the determinants of participation in voluntary associations of more than 2000 respondents. The result shows that job satisfaction is negatively associated with participation rate and job stability has a positive effect on participation. With respect to the perceived causes of social inequality, situational attribution is positively correlated with probability of participation. Finally, respondents with lower family responsibilities and higher income are more likely to participate in voluntary association.
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The cost benefit analysis and opinion research on military recruitments and conscription of Republic of China.Tsan, Chung-Yi 12 November 2008 (has links)
This cost benefit analysis and research are about the joint of military recruitments and conscription concept. The feasibility evaluation has put in consideration of compatriots¡¦ view points and the relative cost benefit of this operation. The analysis and research outcome are relevant to the authorities for decision making.
In order to increase the anticipation of society, the plan is put forth on how to encourage the public to adequately express their view points and expectations. Also arrange the interview in depth with public specialists to recognize the diversity of different culture on policy of military construction for the National Defense. The research is based on two phases. (Phase I: To interview with specialists. Phase II: Telephone research of general public).
The conclusions are based on the interview with public specialists, telephone research and card vote.
1.When total enrollment reaches to 275 thousand people and the final budget accounting set by law legislature in 2003. The human resource maintenance cost must drop below 45% of national defense budget. The ratio norm of conscription and recruitment is 60% : 40%. Therefore, National defense budge may increase up to 336 billion and human resource maintenance cost may increase up to 151.2 billion.
2.National defense budget should establish the fix percentage above the total government budget GDP ratio by 3% to meet the ratio norm of conscription and recruitment at 60% : 40%. And it only uses annual budget by not spending the special allowance.
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Personalens del i årsredovisningen : En studie på svenska börsföretag / The employees part of the annual report : A study of Swedish quoted companiesKleivard, Marika, Eskilsson, Christine January 2005 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Resurser som är svåra att värdera, och därmed inte kan tas upp i balansräkningen,i kombination med utvecklingen mot informationssamhället har lett till ett ökat behov och användande av tilläggsinformation i årsredovisningarna från företagens sida. Det finns både frivillig och reglerad tilläggsinformation. Ökningen av frivillig tilläggsinformation kan främst ses inom personalredovisning.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva utvecklingen av frivillig information om personal i årsredovisningen hos ett urval svenska börsnoterade företag. Den syftar också till att se om utvecklingen har sett olika ut i tillverkningsföretag respektive tjänsteföretag.</p><p>Metod: Från Stockholmsbörsens A-lista valdes sex tillverkningsföretag och sex tjänsteföretag ut. Med en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökningsmetod har de utvalda företagens årsredovisningar för åren 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001 och 2003 studerats. En modell innehållande sju kategorier; hälsa, mångfald, rekrytering, personalomsättning och trivsel, personalförmåner och motivation, utbildning samt kompetensutveckling, togs fram för att kunna se var inom personalredovisning utvecklingen har skett.</p><p>Slutsats: Efter slutförd studie kan det konstateras att mängden frivillig tilläggsinformation om personal har ökat, även om andelen information av den totala årsredovisningen endast har ökat nämnvärt för tillverkningsföretag. Gemensamt för tillverkningsföretags och tjänsteföretags redovisning av personal är att kompetensutveckling har varit den dominerande kategorin under perioden och att information om hälsa har ökat, även om ökningen har varit betydligt större i tillverkningsföretagens årsredovisningar. Olikheter är att information om rekrytering har fått stort utrymme i tillverkningsföretagens årsredovisningar men mycket litet i tjänsteföretagens. Personalomsättning och trivsel, mångfald samt personalförmåner och motivation har alla givits större mängd information i tjänsteföretagens årsredovisningar än i tillverkningsföretagens.</p> / <p>Background: Resources that are hard to put a value on and cannot be classified as assets in the balance sheet as well as the development towards the information society has led to an increasing need and use for voluntary information in the annual reports. The increase of voluntary information can foremost be seen in the field of human resources.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the development of voluntary information about human resources in the annual report of a number of Swedish quoted companies. The purpose is also to see if there is a difference in the development between manufacturing companies and service companies.</p><p>Method: Six manufacturing companies and six service companies were chosen from the Stockholm exchange A-list. Using both a qualitative and quantitative research method the annual reports of the chosen companies were studied for the years 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003. A model consisting of seven categories; health, diversity, recruitment, staff turnover and comfort, benefits and motivation, education and competence development, was developed to clarify were the development took place.</p><p>Conclusions: After finishing the study one can tell that the amount of voluntary information about human resources in the annual report has increased even though the percentage share of the total annual report only has increased appreciably for manufacturing companies. Manufacturing companies and service companies have in common that competence development is the most frequent disclosed information during the period. Information about health has increased, even though the increase is more considerable in the annual reports of manufacturing companies. Differences can be seen between manufacturing companies and service companies in the recruitment category,were manufacturing companies disclose more information. Service companies, on the other hand, disclose more on staff turnover and comfort, diversity and benefits and motivation.</p>
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Frivilligt redovisad information i årsredovisningar : -Sköld, Henrik, Danielsson, Erik, Svensson, David January 2008 (has links)
<p>Frågor kring frivillig redovisningsinformation har under senare år varit av växande intresse. Missnöjet med den obligatoriska redovisningen bland investerare och andra nyckelintressenter har bidragit till att kraven på företagen att förse dessa intressenter med mer information ökat. Företag uppmuntras därför att förbättra den ekonomiska rapporteringen.</p><p>Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förklara vilka faktorer som påverkar företag att lämna frivillig information i årsredovisningar.</p><p>Uppsatsen bygger på kvantitativ forskningsstrategi då den syftar till att kvantifiera förekomsten av frivillig redovisningsinformation i årsredovisningar. Genom en innehållsanalys av 389 slumpmässigt utvalda aktiebolags årsredovisningar med hjälp av ett kodningsschema kvantifieras den frivilliga informationen. Denna kvantitativa information har sedan statistiskt bearbetats för att kunna bidra till att testa de uppställda hypoteserna.</p><p>Börsnotering är den faktor som har störst inverkan på mängden redovisad frivillig information och den teori som är mest tillämpbar för att förklara förekomsten av frivillig redovisning är legitimitetsteorin.</p>
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Savanorystės organizavimo ypatumai vykdant projektinę veiklą bendruomenėje / The features of the organization of voluntary service while implementing project activities in the communityBorovskaja, Olga 28 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe yra apžvelgiama bendruomenės ir savanorystės samprata, savanorystės raiška bendruomenėje, savanorystės formos. Taip pat yra kalbama apie savanorių motyvacijos įtaką ir reikšmę bendruomenių projektinėje dalyje, kaip turi būti organizuojamas savanoriškas darbas, kokie organizavimo etapai pasireiškia. Šio darbo tikslui pasiekti ir pasirinktajai problemai tirti buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas. Tyrimas buvo vykdytas Vilniaus mieste. Apklausiami Vilniaus mieste veikiančių socialinių institucijų specialistai ir religinių bendruomenių lyderiai, organizuojantys savanorišką darbą bei turintys ne mažiau trijų metų darbo su savanoriais, projektų rašymo ir bendruomenės organizavimo patirtį. / The work is carried out the survey of conceptions of community and voluntary service, expression of the voluntary service in the community and the forms of voluntary service. Also in the work is reviewed volunteers motivation‘s influence and significance in the community project activities and how the voluntary service should be organised, what organization stages are displayed. The method of qualitative research was used in this work in order to reach the aim of this work and research the chosen problem. Research was done in Vilnius city. In the survey participated specialists from Vilnius social institutions and leaders of religious communities, who organise voluntary work and have not less then 3 years of experience in work with volunteers, project writing and community organization.
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Subjektyvios vyrų įsitraukusių į savanorišką veiklą prasmės / Subjective reasons of men involved into a voluntary activityRudnickaitė, Gitana 26 June 2012 (has links)
Savanorystė – atspindi kaip visuomenėje žmonės yra pasiruošę padėti kitiems, atliekant tam tikras veiklas neatlygintinai, skiriant savo laisvą laiką. Savanoriška veikla – vienas iš demokratinės valstybės ir pilietinės visuomenės ir jos gerbūvio kūrimo polių. Savanoriškos veiklos esminis požymis – susitelkusių žmonių pagalba suteikia naudą visai visuomenei ir kiekvienam savanoriui atskirai. Mūsų visuomenėje nėra įprasta, kad vyriškos lyties atstovai aktyviai įsitrauktų į savanoriavimą. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama atsakyti kodėl vyrai įsitraukia į savanorišką veiklą? Kas juos motyvuoja tapti savanoriais? Subjektyvių vyrų įsitraukusių į savanorišką veiklą prasmių tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti subjektyvias vyrų įsitraukusių į savanorišką veiklą prasmes.
Kadangi vyrų savanorių įsitraukimo į savanorystę tyrimui atlikti pasirinktas kokybinio tyrimo tipas, tai jam pagrįsti tinkama interpretuojamoji-konstruktyvistinė ontologija. Tyrimo metu remtasi subjektyvistine-interpretuojamąją epistemologija. Analizuojant subjektyvias vyrų, įsitraukusių į savanorišką veiklą, prasmes siekta apibūdinti savanoriškos veiklos išskirtinius bruožus, atskleisti hegemoninio vyriškumo aspektus, bei išsiaiškinti, kokie veiksniai įtakoja vyrus įsitraukti į savanorišką veiklą. Tyrimo dalyviai – 7 vyrai, kurie yra savanoriavę organizacijoje/įstaigoje arba savanoriavę organizuojant renginius. Atsižvelgta, į savanoriškos veiklos aktyvumą. Respondentų savanoriška veikla truko ne trumpiau nei keturias savaites. Dalyviams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Volunteering reveals the preparation and willingness of humans to assist each other without any reward while sacrificing their own free time in the society. Voluntary activity is one of the axis to create democratic state and civic society. Essential feature of it is the reciprocal help both sides: the common activity of people gives positive outcomes to the society, as well as to every volunteer separately. It is not common in our society for men to be active in volunteering. This research aims to answer, why certain men are involved in the volunteering and what are their main motivating factors. The aim of the research of subjective reasons of men involved into a voluntary activity is to reveal their common sense and reasoning for it.
In order to research on the men involved into voluntary activity was chosen qualitative analysis, and the adequate reasoning for the choice is interpreting-constructive ontology. Research was based on the subjective-interpreting epistemology. Analyzing the subjective reasons of men involved into voluntary activities, the volunteering was described through expressing its unique features, as well as the features of non hegemonic masculinity and the motivating factors of men involved into voluntary activity. The participators of the research were 7 men, who are/were volunteers in organizations/institutions or while organizing different events. The intensity of volunteering was also considered. The volunteering activity was lasting not less than 4... [to full text]
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Essays on Public Good ContributionSong, Zhen 26 November 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores some theoretical and empirical issues in the voluntary contributions to public good. Chapter I contains a brief motivation and introduction. In chapters II and III, we
analyze two non-cooperative methods for either enhancing or mitigating externality-causing activities. Chapter II deals with
positive externality in the public good contribution context, and chapter III with negative externality in the pollution abatement context. Chapter IV contains an empirical analysis of charitable donations by the elderly.
Chapter II models the so-called ``corporate challenge gift'' used in real world fund-raising, and adopts the concept to voluntary
contributions to public goods more generally. We model the process as a sequential game in public good contributions. One of the agents sets a quantity-contingent matching scheme to leverage higher contributions from the other players. Under the assumption that the
preferences of agents are public information and the assumption that
the scheme setter can commit to the matching plan, we show that the scheme brings efficient levels of total contributions to the public good.
Chapter III applies some ideas from a joint work with Professor Robin Boadway and Professor Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Tremblay on
``Commitment and Matching Contributions to Public Goods'' to the issue of reducing negative externality-causing activity. In
particular, it adapts both the Guttman-Danziger-Schnytzer type of rate-matching mechanism and the quantity-contingent matching method for public good contributions to the international pollution
abatement problem. In a simple two-country model, we find that both matching schemes induce the countries to internalize the negative externality imposed on the other country. However, perhaps due to the lack of enough policy instruments, they cannot equate the marginal costs of abatement across the countries, leaving room for
Pareto improvement. This further improvement can be achieved if the
two countries also contribute to a conventional public~good.
Chapter IV is an empirical exercise on some positive externality-generating activities by the elderly. It attempts to document the charitable giving of money and time by people aged 60 or above in the 2003 PSID data for the United States and analyze the influences of some economic and demographic factors on these activities. Income,
wealth, the subjective rating of health status, and years in school are found to have statistically significant impacts. Income and wealth appear to have distinct influences. The tax price of money donation also has a statistically significant effect on money donations. / Thesis (Ph.D, Economics) -- Queen's University, 2007-11-19 01:48:10.777
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HIV counselling and testing among Kenyan male youth aged 13-15 years: The Theory of Planned Behaviour AppliedPIKARD, JENNIFER L 07 December 2009 (has links)
An understanding of individual cognitions that influence both behavioural intentions and the enactment of actual behaviours is provided by the conceptual model of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). This study used the Theory of Planned Behaviour, with the added variable of perceived risk, to predict Kenyan students’ intention to use HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) centres within the country. We conducted a survey questionnaire with 200 students, aged 13-15 years, within high schools in the Nairobi and Nakuru districts in May 2009. Chi-squared analysis showed no relationships between age, school, school level, knowledge of a VCT centre, or past sexual experience with intention to uptake HIV counselling and testing. Pearson product-moment analysis revealed a small positive correlation between attitude and subjective norm and a medium negative correlation between perceived behavioural control and perceived risk. One-way analysis of variance showed a relationship between perceived behavioural control and intention. Results of block entry logistic regression analysis indicate that perceived behavioural control and perceived risk were significant predictors of intention to use VCT services in the TPB model. The present study suggests that Kenyan teens’ perceived ease/difficulty in performing a specific behaviour is the most influential aspect in predicting their subsequent intention to carry through the behaviour. A theory-based intervention program should focus on reducing practical barriers related to the use of VCT services. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2009-12-04 10:06:25.104
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One week of daily voluntary apnoea training does not alter acute hypoxic ventilatory response or erythropoietin concentration in healthy malesGillespie, Erin Unknown Date
No description available.
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Barriers to voluntary counseling and testing of individuals in selected areas of the Gurage Zone, Ethiopia.Amde , Woldekidan Kifle. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">
<p align="left">Despite wide acceptance of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) as a crucial entry point for the prevention, treatment, care and support of HIV-infected persons / the prevalence of testing in Ethiopia remains very low. A review of the literature identifies the set of factors that influence HIV testing of individuals to include socio-economic and demographic factors, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, risk perception, fear of stigma, social capital and the perceived benefit of VCT. By drawing assumptions based on the known literature, this mini-thesis explores the relationship between VCT usage and the above factors in order to explain the status of HIV testing in Moher and Aklil district, Gurage Zone, Ethiopia. The study hopes to address the dearth of material on VCT and contribute to it in a non-clinical and rural context.</p>
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