Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cards"" "subject:"waren""
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Ethical values in caring encounters from elderly patients’ and next of kin´s perspectiveJonasson, Lise-Lotte January 2009 (has links)
The welfare of the elderly population is one of the most important goals of the public health services. At macro level the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare state that the premier goal is for elderly people to have dignified and comfortable lives. They should have a life with a sense of value and feel confident. These ethical values which are expressed on macro level or as normative ethics are expected to prevail at micro level. In our study the micro level is the caring encounter between the elderly patient, next of kin and nurses. Ethical values and morals are important aspects that influence the quality of care, videlicet in empiric ethics. The aim of study (I) was to identify and describe the ethical values experienced by the older person in the daily interaction with nurses in a ward for older people during caring encounters. In study (II) the aim was to identify and describe the governing ethical values that next of kin experience in interaction with nurses who care for elderly patients at a geriatric clinic. Study (I) which was an empirical observational study included follow-up interviews. Twenty-two older people participated voluntarily. In study (II) interviews with fourteen next of kin were conducted. In both studies Constant comparative analysis, the core foundation of grounded theory was used. Five categories; Being addressed, receiving respect, desiring to participate, increasing self-determination and gaining self-confidence formed the basis for the core category in study (I): Approaching. Approaching concerns the way people become closer to each other in a physical space .It also includes how people become closer to each other in a dialogue, which involves verbal or bodily communication. Approaching indicates the ethical values that guide nurses in their caring encounters with older people. This ethical value is noted by the older person and has an individual value, as well as leading to improved quality of their care. The older person will be confident and satisfied with the caring encounter if the desired components in the nurse’s approaching are exhibited. Four categories were identified in study (II): Receiving, showing respect, facilitating participation and showing professionalism. These categories formed the basis of the core category: “Being amenable”, a concept identified in the next of kin’s description of the ethical values that they and the elderly patients perceive in the caring encounter. Being amenable means that the nurses are guided by ethical values; taking into account the elderly patient and next of kin. Nurses who focus on elderly patients’ well-being as a final principle will affect next of kin and their experience of this fundamental situation.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda personer i behov av palliativ vård på två medicinska vårdavdelningar : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Nurses' experiences of caring for people in need of palliative care in two medical wards : a qualitative interview studyArdegård, Anna January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Många av de som avlider i Sverige idag, avlider på sjukhus, eller tillbringar dagar på sjukhus sitt sista år i livet. På en medicinavdelning vårdas personer med många olika diagnoser och multisjuka äldre. Sjuksköterskor som arbetar på medicinavdelning möter därför många personer som är i behov av palliativ vård. Vården på en medicinavdelning är oftast kurativt och akut inriktad, och den palliativa vården kan därför lätt hamna i skymundan. Värdegrunden i den palliativa vården innefattar närhet, helhet, kunskap och empati. Allmän palliativ vård ska kunna ges till alla patienter som är i behov av det. För att skapa en god palliativ vård krävs att vårdpersonal arbetar förebyggande och åtgärdar symtom i ett tidigt skede. När god omvårdnad, empati, trygghet och medicinska kunskaper finns att tillgå kan den palliativa vården bli en naturlig fortsättning på den vård personen fått innan. På medicinavdelning får sjuksköterskan ta ett stort ansvar gällande den palliativa vården, då de är närmast patienten och träffar dem ofta. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda personer i behov av palliativ vård på medicinska vårdavdelningar. Metoden för studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie och sju stycken sjuksköterskor på medicinavdelning intervjuades. För analysen av den insamlade datan användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom tre kategorier; Det komplexa i att vara professionell i vården av personer i behov av palliativ vård, Förutsättningar för att kunna ge en god palliativ vård och Hinder för att kunna ge en god palliativ vård. I studien framkommer att det finns en vilja att vara nära personen men även ett behov av att hålla distans för att själv behålla hälsan och balans. Sjuksköterskan upplever att hon har ett stort ansvar gällande den palliativa vården på avdelning. Bekräftelse från patient och närstående upplevs som viktigt för att veta att arbetet är utfört på ett bra sätt. Sjuksköterskorna beskrev tiden som viktig för att kunna ge en god palliativ vård. När personen i behov av palliativ vård fick kontinuitet, en plan och helhetssyn gav det sjuksköterskorna en känsla av att ha kunnat ge en god palliativ vård. Det är även viktigt att ha kunskap och erfarenhet inom palliativ vård för att ge sjuksköterskan, patient och närstående trygghet. Stöd från kollegor och specialiserat team var också en förutsättning. Organisationen gällande exempelvis resursbrist, och en miljö som inte var anpassad efter behoven, var något som många av sjuksköterskorna upplevde som ett hinder. Kunskapsbrist och erfarenhet saknades ibland och upplevdes som ett hinder i att ge en god vård. Detta kunde även leda till en upplevelse av att fel beslut togs gällande patientens fortsatta behandling. Studien visade att det finns förutsättningar för en god palliativ vård på medicinavdelningarna men att den behöver utvecklas. Detta för att personen i behov av palliativ vård ska få bästa möjliga vård. Det finns en önskan och vilja hos sjuksköterskor att göra annorlunda gällande till exempel omfördelning av resurser och vara mer närvarande i vården. Behov av utbildning och handledning både hos sjuksköterskor och hos läkare framkommer i studien. Organisatoriskt behövs mer resurser, tid och anpassad miljö för att kunna ge en helhetsvård till personen i behov av palliativ vård och dess närstående. / ABSTRACT Many of those who dies in Sweden today, dies in hospital or spend days in hospital their last year of life. In a medical ward people with many different diagnoses and multi-ill elderly is being cared for. Nurses' who works in a medical ward meets many people who are in need of palliative care. The care in a medical ward is usually curative and emergency-oriented and palliative care may be left aside. The values in palliative care includes; closeness, holism, knowledge and empathy. General palliative care should be given to all patients who are in need of it. To create a good palliative care requires that health professionals work to prevent and resolve symptoms in the early stages. With good care, empathy, security and medical knowledge available, the palliative care can be a natural continuation of the care the person had before. In medicine wards the nurses take a big responsibility regarding palliative care, since they are closest to the patient and meet them often. The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of caring for people in need of palliative care in medical wards. The methodology for this study was a qualitative interview in which seven nurses in medical wards were interviewed. A qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis of the collected data. The results revealed three main categories; The complexity of being a professional in the care of people in need of palliative care, Conditions order to provide good palliative care and Obstacles in order to provide good palliative care. There is a desire to be close to the person, but also a need to keep the distance to maintain your health and balance. The nurse feels that she has a great responsibility regarding palliative care in the wards. Confirmation from the patient and family are perceived as important to know that the work is carried out in a good way. To provide a good palliative care, time was described as important. When the person in need of palliative care got continuity, a plan and a holistic approach the nurses got a sense of having been able to give a good palliative care. It also revealed how important it is to have knowledge and experience in palliative care to give the nurse, patient and family security. Support from colleagues and specialized team was also a prerequisite. Many of the nurses experienced the organization with lack of resources and environmental problems as an obstacle. Lack of knowledge and experience was perceived as an obstacle in providing good care. This could also lead to an experience of wrong decisions were taken regarding the patients continued treatment. The study showed that there are conditions for good palliative care medicine departments but it needs to be developed. This is to make the person in need of palliative care receive the best possible care. There is a desire and willingness of nurses to do differently and be more present in care. Need for training and supervision of both the nurses and the doctor emerges in the result. Organizationally are more resources, time and adapted environment needed, in order to provide a holistic care to the person in need of palliative care and their family members.
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Sveikatos stiprinimo galimybės bei poreikis Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namuose / The opportunities and demand of health promotion in Klaipeda county children’s foster care homesKairienė, Brigita 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namų auklėtinių ir administracijos darbuotojų požiūrį į sveikatos stiprinimo galimybes bei poreikį Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namuose.
Tyrimo metodika. Atlikta anoniminė Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namų auklėtinių (12 – 18 metų amžiaus) apklausa. Pusiau struktūrizuotame interviu dalyvavo 18 Klaipėdos vaikų globos namų administracijos darbuotojų. Rezultatai apdoroti SPSS 17.0 versija ir MS Excel. Statistinis duomenų reikšmingumas buvo tiriamas naudojant Chi kvadrato (2) kriterijų, laisvės laipsnių skaičių (lls) bei statistinį reikšmingumą (p). Rezultatai laikomi statistiškai patikimais, kai p<0,05.
Rezultatai. Dauguma respondentų yra vidutinių gabumų mokiniai, kurie savo sveikatą vertina kaip „labai gerą arba gerą“ (66,9 proc.). Vaikų globos namuose gyvenančios mergaitės savo sveikatą nori pagerinti daugiausiai dėmesio skiriant sveikatos stiprinimui (sveikai mitybai ir fiziniam aktyvumui), o berniukai – žalingų įpročių atsisakymui. Priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo ypatybių analizė parodė, kad daugiausiai vaikų globos namų auklėtinių (didžiausias procentas) vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus (75,4 proc.), 44,4 proc. – yra bandę rūkyti arba ir šiuo metu rūko. Bent kartą kitas priklausomybę sukeliančias medžiagas yra bandę 38,1 proc. vaikų globos namų auklėtinių. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad statistiškai patikimai dažniau berniukai ir vyresnio amžiaus vaikų globos namų auklėtiniai rūko, vartoja... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: To evaluate the approach of administrators and juvenile wards to health promotion opportunities and demands in Klaipeda county children’s foster care homes.
Research methods: An anonymous survey amongst juvenile wards of Klaipeda county children’s foster care homes (age range: 12-18) was carried out. Additionally, partly-structured interviews of 18 Klaipeda county children’s foster care home administrators were conducted. The results have been processed using SPSS Version 17.0 and MS Excel. The statistic importance of the data was investigated using the criterion of Chi-square (2), the number of the degree of freedom (df) and statistical significance (p). Results were considered statistically reliable if p<0.05.
Results: Most of the juvenile respondents are schoolchildren with medium-level capabilities, who evaluated their health status as ‘very good’ or ‘good’ (66.9%). The girls who are living in foster care homes want to improve their health by paying greater attention to health promotion (healthy nutrition and physical activity), while boys want to emphasise anti-addiction work. An analysis of the use of addictive substances shows that the majority (75.4%) of the children in foster care homes are taking stimulants, 44.4% have tried or are using cigarettes. At least once in their lifetime 38.1% of juvenile respondents have tried one or more addictive substances. The research identify as statistically significant the fact that more often boys and older... [to full text]
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Närståendes upplevelser av vård vid livets slutskede på vårdavdelningar : En litteraturöversikt / Next of kin's experiences of end-of-life care given in hospital wards : A literature reviewHillerström, Susanna, Vannisse, Anja January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att vårdas vid livets slut kan vara en stor omställning för både patient och närstående. Enligt tidigare forskning saknas kunskap om de närståendes upplevelser kring vården och blev därmed ett relevant område att forska vidare på. Sjuksköterskan har som ansvar att se till de närståendes behov samt kunna erbjuda information, stöd och delaktighet i en situation som beskrivs som påfrestande. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva närståendes upplevelser av vård vid livets slutskede på vårdavdelningar. Metod: Litteraturöversikt. Åtta kvalitativa artiklar en kvantitativ artikel och en artikel med mixad metod samlades in från databaserna CINAHL Complete och PUBMED. Sökningarna begränsades till full text, peer reviewed, English samt avgränsning mellan 2006 och 2016. Resultat: Fyra teman framkom under analysen; kommunikationens betydelse för vård vid livets slut, relationens betydelse och behov av närhet, upplevelse av stöd, tröst och bemötande samt närståendes delaktighet vid livets slut. Kommunikationens betydelse var stor då många närstående upplevde informationen kring vården vid livets slutskede som bristfällig och således kände sig oförmögna att fatta rätt beslut. Även en del positiva och negativa aspekter vad gäller de närståendes upplevelse av stöd samt relationens betydelse för vårdandet framkom, vilket i sin tur ledde till deras chans till delaktighet. Diskussion: I resultatet framkom stora likheter vad gäller information och kunskap, alltså kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterska och närstående. En fungerande kommunikation ansågs enligt de närstående som en väsentlig faktor för hur upplevelsen av omvårdnaden utföll. Detta diskuteras utifrån Andersheds teori samt andra infallsvinklar och på vilket sätt de närståendes delaktighet påverkas. / Background: Receiving end-of-life care can turn into a big adjustment for both the patient and the next of kin. According to previous research the knowledge is inadequate regarding this type of care-giving, which turned out to be a relevant area for further research. The nurse carries a great responsibility when it comes to the wishes and requirements of the next of kin, and is also providing information, support and involvement in this trying situation. Aim: The aim was to describe how someone who is a next of kin might experience the end-of-life care in hospital wards. Method: Literature review. Eight qualitative articles, one quantitative article and one article with mixed method were collected from the databases CINAHL Complete and PUBMED. The searches were limited to full text, peer reviewed, in English and the years of publishing from 2006 to 2016. Results: Four themes emerged during the analysis; The importance of communication for end-of-life care, the relationship’s importance and the need of closeness, experience of support, comfort and attitude and next of kin’s involvement in end-of-life care. The importance of communication was vital. This emerged from the experiences the next of kin described as inadequate, and thus feeling unable to make the right decisions. Also, some positive and negative aspects regarding the next of kin’s experiences of support emerged. This included the meaning of the relationships for the caring, which leads to an improved chance for them to get involved. Discussion: The results showed great similarities in terms of information and knowledge, which leads to improved communication between the nurse and next of kin. Direct communication was considered, according to the next of kin, as an essential factor in the development of the perception of nursing care. This is discussed on the basis of Andershed’s theory, as well as other perspectives, of the nurses and the patients, and the way in which the next of kin’s involvement is affected.
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Les majeurs protégés en France : dénombrement, caractéristiques et dynamique d’une sous-population méconnue / Adult wards in France : enumeration, characteristics and dynamics of a little-known sub-populationMalherbe, Paskall Alice Cathy Marie 18 June 2012 (has links)
Depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi n° 68-5 du 3 janvier 1968 portant réforme du droit des incapables,la sous-population des majeurs protégés s’est fortement modifiée, aussi bien au niveau de son effectifqu’au niveau de sa structure. Toutefois, par manque de données statistiques, cette sous-population estde nos jours encore méconnue. Afin d’améliorer la connaissance de la sous-population des majeursprotégés nous avons réalisé une analyse démographique de sa dynamique. L’objectif était de comblerun certain nombre de lacunes concernant d’une part le stock de majeurs sous tutelle, curatelle ousauvegarde de justice (effectif, répartition par sexe et par âge...) et d’autre part les caractéristiques desouvertures, des fins et des changements de régime de protection (fréquence, décomposition desflux...). Ce travail de recherche mené grâce à une approche multi-sources, a permis de distinguer cequi dans les évolutions observées, tenait à la modification des comportements de mise sous protectionet ce qui tenait aux changements de composition de la population française du point de vue de l’âge etde l’état de santé. Il a conduit à mettre en évidence la liaison forte, mais en transformation, entre typede mesure de protection et caractéristiques des majeurs bénéficiaires. Enfin, ce travail de recherchepourra servir de base pour appréhender ultérieurement le devenir de la sous-population des majeursprotégés dans un contexte de modification législative. / The sub-population of wards in France has changed significantly, both in size and composition, sinceLaw no. 68-5 of 3 January 1968 on incapacitated adults came into force. However, a lack a statisticaldata means it is still badly known. To improve our knowledge of the sub-population of wards, ademographic analysis of its dynamics was conducted. The purpose was to fill knowledge gaps relatingto the existing population of vulnerable adults under guardianship (e.g. number, sex, age) and to thecharacteristics of the court orders establishing, amending or ending guardianship (e.g. frequency,flows). Thanks to a multi-source approach the study identifies what derives from the changes inbehaviour relating to the establishment of guardianship and from the changes undergone by the Frenchpopulation in terms of age structure and health. The study highlights a strong but changing relationshipbetween the type of guardianship and the characteristics of individual wards. The study may also serveas a starting point for further analysis of the sub-population of wards following recent changes in thelaw.
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The representation of women in municipal councils and executive structures - analysing the trends in the implementation of the Municipal Structures Act from the results of the 2006 and 2011 South African local government electionsSelokela, Thulaganyo Goitseone January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Hot och våld inom sjuksköterskeyrket : En litteraturstudie / Threat and violence in the nurse profession : A literature reviewJensen, Marlen, Svensson, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: På 1990-talet började hot och våld inom vården uppmärksammas vilket ledde till fler rapporter framkom inom området. Det finns dock fortfarande ett behov av att olika riskfaktorer som påverkar hot och vålds utbredning och konsekvenserna för sjuksköterskan. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa riskfaktor som finns gällande hot och våld gentemot sjuksköterskor på somatiska sjukhusavdelningar för vuxna samt sjuksköterskans hantering och eventuella konsekvenser av hot och våld. Metod: Resultatet bygger på 17 kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som kritiskt genomlästs och granskats. Resultat: Resultatet visade att det fanns organisatoriska, patient- och sjuksköterskerelaterade riskfaktorer för hot och våld. Det framkom att sjuksköterskor ofta fick emotionella men efter en incident. Det kunde även ge upphov till en osäkerhet gällande yrkesvalet. Det fanns en tveksamhet bland sjuksköterskor att rapportera hot- och våldsincidenter. Många valde att inte prata om det som skett. Det fanns även de sjuksköterskor som hanterade hot- och våldsincidenten genom att förändra sitt beteende. Resultatdiskussion: Utbildning inom hot och våld är en viktig preventiv åtgärd. Genom detta kan sjuksköterskan lära sig hantera utåtagerande patienter och därmed behålla sitt professionella förhållningssätt. Det är även viktigt att sjukvårdsledningen bjuder in till samtal efter incidenten för att öka sjuksköterskans trygghet i yrket. / Background: During the 1990s threat and violence began to be acknowledged, which lead to more reports in the area. But there is still a need to highlight different risk factors that affects the prevalence of threats and violence and the consequences for the nurse. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight risk factors regarding threats and violence against nurses in somatic hospital wards for adults, and the handling and eventual consequences of threats and violence against nurses. Method: The result is built up on 17 quantitative scientific articles that have been critically reviewed to get material relevant to this study. Results: The result shows that there are organizational, patient and nurse related threats and violence risk factors. It was shown that nurses often got emotional harms after an incident. This could also cause an insecurity regarding the career-choice. There was hesitation among nurses to report threat- and violence incidents and many chose not to talk about what had happened. There were also nurses that handled the threats and violence incidents by changing their behavior. Discussion of results: Education in threats and violence is an important preventive measure. By this the nurse can learn to handle outward behavioral patients and thereby remain a professional approach. It is also important that healthcare management invites to a dialog after the incidents to increase the nurses safety in their profession.
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The representation of women in municipal councils and executive structures - analysing the trends in the implementation of the Municipal Structures Act from the results of the 2006 and 2011 South African local government electionsSelokela, Thulaganyo Goitseone January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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När hjärtat stannar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda vid ett hjärtstopp på vårdavdelningar. / When the heart stops : A qualitative interview study on nurses' experiences of caring for a patient suffering from in-hospital cardiac arrest.Branje, Johanna, Josefsson, Marielle January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: När en patient drabbas av hjärtstopp ingår det i allmänsjuksköterskans uppgifter att påbörja HLR för att försöka rädda patientens liv. På allmän vårdavdelning används mer avancerad behandling, så kallad S-HLR. En hjärtstoppsituation kan upplevas skrämmande för sjuksköterskan eftersom hen sannolikt behöver gå från en mer lugn till en akut situation. Det kan kännas påfrestande men kunskap och erfarenhet hjälper hen att agera. Behandlingen av hjärtstopp utförs i team tillsammans med flera professioner vilket innebär att det är viktigt med ett väl fungerande teamarbete. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka allmänsjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda vid ett hjärtstopp på vårdavdelningar. Metod: Som metod valdes en kvalitativ intervjustudie där resultatet baserades på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades sedan med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som besvarade syftet för studien. Resultat: Resultatet visade på att det fanns fyra kategorier som bidrog till upplevelsen av hjärtstopp; ”Kunskap om hjärtstopp” där vikten av utbildning, rutiner och erfarenhet påtalades. ”När hjärtstopp pågår” som innefattar första reaktionen, HLR-situationen och att avbryta HLR. ”Att arbeta i team” bestående av samarbete, trygghet och verktyg för teamet. Slutligen ”Bearbetning efter hjärtstopp” som handlade om debriefing, uppföljning och uppfattning om hjärtstopp. Alla dessa områden bildade tillsammans en uppfattning av hjärtstopp. Slutsats: Hjärtstoppsvård är en påfrestande situation som sjuksköterskan minns länge och det är därför viktigt att avdelningarna arbetar med samtliga kategorier som framkommit i resultatet för att stödja och underlätta för de sjuksköterskor som engageras vid ett hjärtstopp på en vårdavdelning. / Background: When a patient has a cardiac arrest, it is included in the RN's duties to start CPR in order to try to save the patient's life. In the general nursing ward, more advanced treatment, so-called hospital CPR, is used. A cardiac arrest can be daunting for the nurse because they probably need to shift from a calm situation to an emergency situation. It may feel stressful, but knowledge and experience helps the RN to act. The treatment of cardiac arrest is performed in teams with several professions which means that it is important to have a good teamwork. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the RN’s experiences of caring for a cardiac arrest occurring at nursing wards. Method: As a method, a qualitative interview study was chosen, based on seven semi- structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and then analyzed with a qualitative content analysis that suited the aim of the study. Result: The result showed that there were four categories that contributed to the experience of cardiac arrest; "Knowledge of cardiac arrest", emphasizing the importance of education, routines and experience. "When cardiac arrest is in progress" that includes the first response, CPR situation, and termination of CPR. "Working in team" consisting of cooperation, safety and instruments for teamwork. Finally, "Processing after cardiac arrest" that involved debriefing, follow-up and perception of cardiac arrest. All of these areas together formed an idea of cardiac arrest. Conclusion: Cardiac arrest is an urgent situation that the nurse remembers for a long time, and it is therefore important that the wards work with all categories identified in the results to support and facilitate the nurses engaged in a cardiac arrest in a nursing ward.
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Patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings in Saudi Arabia : a mixed methods studyBanaser, Manal S. January 2016 (has links)
Background: Since the 1980s, Saudi Arabia’s socio economic transformation has led to vast social development. As a result there has been increased adoption of behaviours such as smoking and sedentary life styles, which pose a risk to health. It is anticipated that cancer incidence will double over the next two decades and it is thus vital that high quality of care is provided to meet the growing health care demands. Moreover, it is important that patients are satisfied with their care provision. This thesis begins with a narrative synthesis of the existing literature about patient satisfaction in the Saudi context and beyond. An evaluation of the key concepts for understanding patient satisfaction illuminated the lack of evidence about the assessment of patient satisfaction including specific key domains of the structure and process of care. This evaluation also indicated the need to further investigate the Saudi patient perspectives in oncology hospital setting. The aim of my study was to examine the extent to which clinical effectiveness impacts upon patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Methods: A sequential explanatory mixed methods design was employed. The Donabedian quality framework (1980) and Patient experience model (Reimann and Strech 2010) were used to assess patient satisfaction with quality of care provided. A quantitative phase was followed by a qualitative phase. In the first phase, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) IN-PATSAT32 validated questionnaire was used to collect data from 100 adult oncology inpatients at a Cancer Centre in Riyadh. The second qualitative phase involved semi-structured telephone and face to face interviews with 22 adult oncology inpatients who previously answered the questionnaire. Synthesis occurred at the intersection of quantitative Phase 1 and qualitative Phase 2 data. The qualitative Phase 2 thus further explored the satisfaction scores of quantitative Phase1 to deepen the understanding of patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings in KSA. Findings: The main findings were that patient satisfaction levels are influenced by the clinical effectiveness of doctors and nurses, accessibility to health care and socio-demographic factors. Specifically, the interpersonal aspects of care were deemed core to patient experiences in oncology ward settings in KSA. It emerged that doctor-patient relationships, nurse shortages and language barriers are particular areas where changes could be made to improve care, thereby enhancing patient satisfaction. These findings contribute important new insights into the interpersonal aspects of care in the light of the underlying social and cultural contextual factors that influence patient satisfaction in the KSA. Conclusion: This study has provided new evidence supporting the need for stronger interpersonal relations and a more patient-centred approach in the oncology health system in KSA. In particular, the influential role of cultural issues in influencing patient satisfaction in oncology ward settings was apparent. Evidence provided by this research will make a substantial contribution to policy makers and hospital management teams in the KSA wanting to improve patient satisfaction in oncology wards and in other health care settings.
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