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A BIM-based Object-oriented Data Model to Support Sustainable Demolition Waste Management Decision Making at End-of-LifeHamidi, Behzad 22 May 2015 (has links)
Sustainable demolition waste management is rarely practiced within the construction industry. This is mainly due to the fact that the decision-making process for sustainable demolition waste management is a very resource-demanding and time-consuming task in terms of data collection and data management. The decision-making process includes multiple analyses of possible demolition waste management alternatives from economic, environmental, and social perspectives. Such analyses require waste managers to capture and manage huge amounts of data scattered within fragmented data sources at the end-of-life of a building. The process of capturing and managing this information for the building end-of-life would be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, the waste managers are reluctant to pursue sustainable demolition waste management practices in order to prevent potential delays and incurred costs.
This research identified information that is required to conduct sustainable demolition waste management analyses. The identified information was then classified based on information sources. An object-oriented data model (OODM) was proposed to allow the waste managers to more efficiently store and manage the information at the end-of-life phase. Furthermore, a sustainable demolition waste management prototype application was developed to demonstrate how the required information is captured from different sources of data, stored within OODM classes, and retrieved from the integrated database. Finally, the proposed OODM was verified in terms of its scope, flexibility, and implementability.
The goal of the research is to offer a method for storing and managing end-of-life information in an efficient and effective manner to support sustainable demolition waste management decision making. To achieve the goal, this dissertation outlines the objectives of the research, the methodologies used in developing the object-oriented data model, conclusions, limitations, and potential future research work. / Ph. D.
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Utilization of Recycled Brick Powder as Supplementary Cementitious Materials - A Comprehensive ReviewSalli Bideci, Ö., Bideci, A., Ashour, Ashraf 26 July 2024 (has links)
Yes / Over the past two decades, extensive research has been conducted to explore alternative supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in order to address the environmental concerns associated with the cement industry. Bricks, which are frequently preferred in the construction sector, generate a lot of waste during the production and demolition of existing buildings, requiring environmentally sustainable recycling practices. Therefore, many studies have been carried out in recent years on the use of brick waste as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in cement mortar and concrete production. This critical review evaluates the impact of waste brick powder (WBP) on the mechanical and durability properties of mortar and concrete when used as a partial replacement for cement. It was observed that the properties of WBP-blended cement mortar or concrete depend on several factors, including WBP particle size, replacement ratio, pozzolanic activity, and mineralogical structure. The findings indicate that WBP with a particle size range of 100 µm to 25 µm, with a maximum cement replacement level of 10–20%, exhibits a positive impact on the compressive strength of both mortars and concretes. However, it is crucial to emphasize that a minimum curing duration of 28 days is imperative to facilitate the development of a pozzolanic reaction. This temporal requirement plays a vital role in realizing the optimal benefits of utilizing waste brick powder as a supplementary cementitious material in mortars and concretes.
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Ecological food sense : connections between food waste flows and food production in Enkanini Informal Settlement, StellenboschMollatt, Michelle Claire 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In situ Informal Settlement Upgrading (ISU) was explored in this thesis, focussing on its relevance to waste
service upgrading options immediately available and practically implementable for residents of Enkanini, a
poorly serviced township (slum) in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Household food waste (kitchen scraps) was
chosen as a key point of entry for exploring the context and viability of in situ improvement of solid waste
management services in the area. This was done by investigating ways biological and social aspects of soil
quality and food waste management can be incrementally improved in the settlement. Transdisciplinary
methodology, Participatory Action Learning and Social Learning perspectives, combined with ecological
thinking were used to explore different methods of managing food waste in Enkanini. A food waste collection
pilot project was initiated in Enkanini by the Stellenbosch Municipality in 2012. The project was modified and
continued in 2013, which served as the case study for this thesis. In 2013, food waste was collected by 56
households over five months. It was treated with Bokashi Effective Micro-organisms (Bokashi EM) containing
yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, actinomycetes and photosynthetic bacteria. The Bokashi EM partially fermented
the waste before it was used for composting or feeding to Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae.
Laboratory testing of food waste, compost, soils and larvae waste residue determined the safety, potential
and sustainability of food waste for recycling and contribution to local urban agriculture by closing the organic
waste loop, and for generating an income stream. A total of 5851kg food waste was collected, saving 6m3
landfill space. Households generated 5,2kg - 9,6kg food waste per week. Extrapolating this lower figure for
all of Enkanini (about 2400 households), about 50,2 tonnes of food waste could be generated per month. If
this were collected and recycled or composted, this would save 51,2m3
landfill space per month. The most
commonly cited benefit of food waste collections by participants was reduction of vermin in or around their
homes. Laboratory testing indicated that some samples had high levels of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.
No traces of Salmonella were found in food waste, compost and soil samples, and most were within
acceptable limits for heavy metals. It was cautioned that vegetables grown on soils or compost with high E.
coli be washed or cooked before consumption. Following socially and ecologically sustainable management
of Enkanini’s food waste requires a combination of waste management methods. Options include localised
composting - burying EM treated food waste in soil; in situ container composting of waste and adding this to
soil; processing of EM treated food waste by Black Soldier Fly larvae (and their subsequent use as feed for
chickens or fish); and finally by anaerobic digestion for generation of biogas and effluent fertiliser in local
biodigestors. The thesis showed that biological elements (such as bacteria and soil nutrients) have impacts
on residents in communities and these need to be considered significant. The thesis suggests ecological
elements be considered as indicators or building blocks for ISU locally, nationally and internationally.
Keywords: in situ incremental upgrading, food waste management, Effective Micro-organisms, social
learning, urban agriculture, closed-loop systems, organic waste management, informal settlements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In situ Opgraderingsprojek vir Informele Nedersetting (OIN) is in hierdie tesis ondersoek, met die fokus om
die relevansie van afval diens opgradering opsies prakties te implementeer vir die inwoners van Enkanini,
Stellenbosch, Suid Afrika, 'n gemeenskap met swak dienslewering. Huishoudelike kombuis voedselafval is
gekies om die konteks en lewensvatbaarheid van in situ verbetering van vaste afval bestuur dienste te
ondersoek. Dit is bereik deur maniere te ondersoek om die biologiese en sosiale aspekte van die kwaliteit
van grond en voedselafval bestuur in die nedersetting te verbeter. Transdissiplinêre metode, Deelnemende
Aksie Leer en Sosiale Leerprosesse, gekombineer met ekologiese denke, is gebruik is om verskillende
metodes van die bestuur van voedselafval in Enkanini te verken. 'N Enkanini voedselafval
versamelingsprojek is in 2012 deur die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit begin. Dit is in 2013 aangepas en vir
hierdie studie gebruik. Gedurende vyf maande in 2013 is voedselafval deur 56 huishoudings ingesamel. Dit
is behandel met Bokashi effektiewe mikro-organismes (EM Bokashi) met gis, melksuur bakterieë,
aktinomisete en fotosintetiese bakterieë. Die Bokashi EM het die afval gedeeltelik gegis voordat die afval
gebruik was vir kompos of voeding aan Swart Soldaat Vlieg (Hermetia illucens) larwes. Voedselafval,
kompos, grond en larwe oorskot laboratourim toetse het die veiligheid bepaal, asook die potensiaal en
volhoubaarheid van die afval vir herwinning en die bydrae tot die plaaslike stedelike landbou deur middel van
die organiese afval siklus, en vir inkomste generering. 5851kg voedselafval is ingesamel en 6m³ se
opvullingsruimte bespaar. Die huishoudings het 5,2kg – 9,6kg voedselafval per week gegenereer. Die laer
syfer in aggeneem, kan sowat 50,2 ton voedsalafval per maand in Enkanini (ongeveer 2400 huishoudings)
gegenereer word. As dit ingesamel, herwin of gekomposteer was, sou 51,2 m³ opvullingsruimte per maand
bespaar word. Die belangrikste voordeel van die voedselafval versamelings was die vermindering van knaag
en aasdiere rondom wonings. Laboratoriumtoetse het hoë vlakke van Escherichia coli (E. coli) bakterieë in
sommige monsters gevind. Geen spore van Salmonella is in die voedselafval, kompos en grondmonsters
gevind nie en meeste was binne die aanvaarbare perke vir swaar metale. Die gemeenskap is gewaarsku om
groente wat in die grond of kompos gekweek is voor verbruik in chloorwater te was of kook. Die sosiale en
ekologies volhoubare bestuur van Enkanini se voedselafval vereis 'n kombinasie van afval bestuursmetodes.
Opsies sluit gelokaliseerde kompos - begrawe EM behandelde voedsel afval in die grond; in situ houer
kompos afval en die toevoeging van hierdie tot die grond; verwerking van EM behandelde voedselafval deur
Swart Soldaat Vlieg larwes (en hul daaropvolgende gebruik as voer vir hoenders of vis); en uiteindelik deur
mestvergisting vir die generasie van biogas en kunsmis in biovergisters. Die tesis toon dat biologiese
elemente (soos bakterieë en voedingstowwe in grond)'n impak het op die gemeenskap se inwoners en as n
belangrik faktor beskou moet word. Die tesis dui ekologiese elemente as n toekomstige aanwysers aan
indien OIN plaaslik, nasionaal of internasionaal oorweeg word.
Sleutelwoorde: in situ toenemende opgradering, kos afval bestuur, effektiewe mikro-organismes, sosiale
leerproses, stedelike landbou, geslotestelsel-sisteme, organiese afval, informele nedersettings.
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An investigation into sustainable solid waste management alternatives for the Drakenstein Municipal AreaSpamer, Ernus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this research report is to investigate sustainable alternative solid waste
management methods for the Drakenstein Municipal Area in particular and South African
municipalities in general. The point of departure is that landfilling alone is not sustainable
and that alternative and/or complementary methods are required.
Current solid waste management policies and practices in various countries all over the
world are investigated in order to understand the global context of municipal solid waste
management. The development of solid waste management in both developed and
developing countries is considered in order to appreciate the different approaches and
legal frameworks underpinning each approach.
Several solid waste treatment methods, both established and advanced, are considered
before the development of solid waste management in South Africa since 1992 is
reviewed. An important aspect of evaluating alternatives is the identification of relevant
stakeholders, key drivers for success and the constraints.
An important conclusion reached in the research is that the lack of funding and the
inherent inability of most municipalities in South Africa to render even basic municipal
services currently make the introduction of advanced solid waste treatment methods non-sustainable.
It is therefore suggested that the newly developed legal framework underpinning solid
waste management in South Africa, be implemented in such a manner that all
stakeholders are involved in the implementation of the basic principles of the waste
hierarchy. The author believes that the introduction of technologically advanced waste
treatment and disposal options will be premature if the basics of the waste hierarchy are
not practiced by all. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie navorsingsverslag is ‘n ondersoek na volhoubare, alternatiewe vaste
afvalbestuursmetodes vir Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite in die breë en die Drakenstein
Munisipaliteit in die besonder. Die basiese uitganspunt is dat vaste afvalstorting alleen nie
volhoubaar is nie en dat alternatiewe/komplementêre metodes nodig word.
Die vaste afvalbestuursbeleid en –praktyke wat tans wêreldwyd gevolg word, word
ondersoek met die doel om die globale konteks daarvan beter te verstaan. Die
ontwikkeling van vaste afvalbestuur in beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande word
nagevors sodat die verskillende benaderings en wetlike raamwerke wat dit onderskryf,
bestudeer kan word.
Verskeie vaste afvalbestuursmetodes – beide gevestig en gevorderd – word bespreek
waarna die ontwikkeling van vaste afvalbestuur in Suid-Afrika sedert 1992 onder die loep
kom. ‘n Belangrike aspek van toepassing op die evaluering van alternatiewe, is die
identfikasie van alle rolspelers, kritiese suksesfaktore en beperkinge.
‘n Belangrike bevinding wat gemaak word, is dat die gebrek aan voldoende fondse sowel
as die inherente onvermoë van meeste Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite om selfs basiese
munisipale dienste te kan lewer, die implementering van gevorderde vaste
afvalbestuursmetodes tans onvolhoubaar maak.
In die verslag word dus aanbeveel dat die nuut-ontwikkelde wetlike raamwerk wat vaste
afvalbestuur in Suid-Afrika reguleer, so geïmplementeer moet word dat alle rolspelers
betrek word om die afval-hiërargie se basiese beginsels prakties toe te pas. Die outeur is
van mening dat die implementering van nuwe, tegnologiesgevorderde vaste
afvalbsetuursmetodes sal faal indien dit geïmplementeer sou word voordat die afval
hiërargie voldoende toegepas word.
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Municipal solid waste management and recycling: a comparison of Hong Kong and Beijing鄭彩如, Cheng, Choi-yu. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / China Area Studies / Master / Master of Arts
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Sistema de avaliação da gestão integrada de resíduos da construção civil na esfera municipal / Evaluation system of integrated construction and demolition waste management at the municipal level. 2012Lima, Rosimeire Midori Suzuki Rosa 23 April 2012 (has links)
Os Resíduos da Construção Civil (RCC) representam uma importante questão ambiental a ser considerada na gestão urbana dos Municípios. Os grandes volumes gerados e a sua destinação têm ocasionado diversos impactos ambientais ao meio urbano, com evidentes efeitos à saúde da população. Esta situação impõe aos gestores públicos a adoção de soluções mais eficazes para a gestão desses resíduos, sendo imprescindível o planejamento estratégico e integrado e a avaliação das ações implementadas. O objetivo desta tese é a proposição de um sistema de avaliação da gestão municipal dos RCC, de acordo com a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, Resolução CONAMA 307/2002 e demais resoluções pertinentes ao tema. A pesquisa exploratória foi desenvolvida em três etapas: i) revisão bibliográfica; ii) elaboração do sistema, considerando três eixos essenciais: universalidade dos serviços; proteção à saúde ambiental; e preservação dos recursos naturais, tendo como base a ferramenta FPEEEA (método de construção de indicadores) e iii) avaliação da gestão dos RCC de um município brasileiro utilizando o sistema proposto para verificar a sua aplicabilidade e identificação de fragilidades e potencialidades da gestão. Como resultado, é apresentado o Sistema de Avaliação da Gestão Integrada dos RCC denominado SAGI-RCC para apoiar a gestão no âmbito municipal. Este sistema propõe ações para a gestão integrada e os respectivos indicadores para monitorá-las, de forma que se constitui em uma ferramenta para ser inserida em processo de melhoria contínua da gestão municipal desses resíduos. Este sistema visa induzir os gestores municipais à reflexão a respeito da gestão de RCC e o SAGI-RCC permite avaliar o atendimento da gestão dos RCC às dimensões da sustentabilidade no âmbito municipal. Além disso, pode ser aplicado a distintas realidades, pois os valores para a avaliação são adaptáveis às condições locais. Quando aplicado a um município de médio porte (cerca de 500.000 habitantes), constatou-se que o conjunto de indicadores que compõe o SAGI-RCC é relevante, pois abrange as diferentes dimensões de sustentabilidade da gestão integrada, estabelecidas pela Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, além de identificar fragilidades e potencialidades da gestão de RCC deste município. / Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is an important environmental issue to be considered in Municipal Urban Management. The large volume generated and its disposal have caused several environmental impacts to the urban environment, with obvious effects on population health. This requires public managers to adopt more effective solutions to manage these wastes such as the implementation of integrated strategic planning and evaluation of actions which are extremely necessary. The aim of this work is to propose an evaluation system for municipal construction waste management, according to the premises of the National Policy for Solid Waste; Resolution 307 issued by the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) and other theme related resolutions. Exploratory research was carried out in three steps: i) literature review; ii) development of the system, considering three main pillars: scope of the service, environmental health protection and preservation of natural resources, based on the FPEEEA tool (methods for building environmental health indicators) and iii) assessment of CDW management in a Brazilian city using the proposed system to verify its applicability and identify its management strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the Evaluation System of Integrated CDW Management - called SAGI-CDW is presented to give support to management at a municipal level. This system proposes action towards integrated management and the respective indicators to monitorate, so that it becomes a tool to be inserted in CDW Municipal Management Continuous Improvement Processes. This system aims at inducing city managers to reflect on CDW management, and SAGI-CDW can assess the CDW management action strategies in terms of extension of sustainability at a municipal level. Moreover, it can be applied to different situations, because the parameters for evaluation are adapted to local conditions. When applied to a medium size city (approximately 500.000 inhabitants), it was found that the set of indicators that make up the SAGI-CDW is relevant as it covers the different dimensions of sustainability for integrated management established by the National Policy for Solid Waste, and also identifies weaknesses and strengths of this municipalitys CDW management.
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Sistema de avaliação da gestão integrada de resíduos da construção civil na esfera municipal / Evaluation system of integrated construction and demolition waste management at the municipal level. 2012Rosimeire Midori Suzuki Rosa Lima 23 April 2012 (has links)
Os Resíduos da Construção Civil (RCC) representam uma importante questão ambiental a ser considerada na gestão urbana dos Municípios. Os grandes volumes gerados e a sua destinação têm ocasionado diversos impactos ambientais ao meio urbano, com evidentes efeitos à saúde da população. Esta situação impõe aos gestores públicos a adoção de soluções mais eficazes para a gestão desses resíduos, sendo imprescindível o planejamento estratégico e integrado e a avaliação das ações implementadas. O objetivo desta tese é a proposição de um sistema de avaliação da gestão municipal dos RCC, de acordo com a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, Resolução CONAMA 307/2002 e demais resoluções pertinentes ao tema. A pesquisa exploratória foi desenvolvida em três etapas: i) revisão bibliográfica; ii) elaboração do sistema, considerando três eixos essenciais: universalidade dos serviços; proteção à saúde ambiental; e preservação dos recursos naturais, tendo como base a ferramenta FPEEEA (método de construção de indicadores) e iii) avaliação da gestão dos RCC de um município brasileiro utilizando o sistema proposto para verificar a sua aplicabilidade e identificação de fragilidades e potencialidades da gestão. Como resultado, é apresentado o Sistema de Avaliação da Gestão Integrada dos RCC denominado SAGI-RCC para apoiar a gestão no âmbito municipal. Este sistema propõe ações para a gestão integrada e os respectivos indicadores para monitorá-las, de forma que se constitui em uma ferramenta para ser inserida em processo de melhoria contínua da gestão municipal desses resíduos. Este sistema visa induzir os gestores municipais à reflexão a respeito da gestão de RCC e o SAGI-RCC permite avaliar o atendimento da gestão dos RCC às dimensões da sustentabilidade no âmbito municipal. Além disso, pode ser aplicado a distintas realidades, pois os valores para a avaliação são adaptáveis às condições locais. Quando aplicado a um município de médio porte (cerca de 500.000 habitantes), constatou-se que o conjunto de indicadores que compõe o SAGI-RCC é relevante, pois abrange as diferentes dimensões de sustentabilidade da gestão integrada, estabelecidas pela Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, além de identificar fragilidades e potencialidades da gestão de RCC deste município. / Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is an important environmental issue to be considered in Municipal Urban Management. The large volume generated and its disposal have caused several environmental impacts to the urban environment, with obvious effects on population health. This requires public managers to adopt more effective solutions to manage these wastes such as the implementation of integrated strategic planning and evaluation of actions which are extremely necessary. The aim of this work is to propose an evaluation system for municipal construction waste management, according to the premises of the National Policy for Solid Waste; Resolution 307 issued by the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) and other theme related resolutions. Exploratory research was carried out in three steps: i) literature review; ii) development of the system, considering three main pillars: scope of the service, environmental health protection and preservation of natural resources, based on the FPEEEA tool (methods for building environmental health indicators) and iii) assessment of CDW management in a Brazilian city using the proposed system to verify its applicability and identify its management strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the Evaluation System of Integrated CDW Management - called SAGI-CDW is presented to give support to management at a municipal level. This system proposes action towards integrated management and the respective indicators to monitorate, so that it becomes a tool to be inserted in CDW Municipal Management Continuous Improvement Processes. This system aims at inducing city managers to reflect on CDW management, and SAGI-CDW can assess the CDW management action strategies in terms of extension of sustainability at a municipal level. Moreover, it can be applied to different situations, because the parameters for evaluation are adapted to local conditions. When applied to a medium size city (approximately 500.000 inhabitants), it was found that the set of indicators that make up the SAGI-CDW is relevant as it covers the different dimensions of sustainability for integrated management established by the National Policy for Solid Waste, and also identifies weaknesses and strengths of this municipalitys CDW management.
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Environmental System Analysis of Waste Management : Experiences from Applications of the ORWARE ModelBjörklund, Anna January 2000 (has links)
Waste management has gone through a history of shiftingproblems, demands, and strategies over the years. In contrastto the long prevailing view that the problem could be solved byhiding or moving it, waste is now viewed as a problem rangingfrom local to global concern, and as being an integral part ofseveral sectors in society. Decisive for this view has beensocietys increasing complexity and thus the increasingcomplexity of waste, together with a general development ofenvironmental consciousness, moving from local focus on pointemission sources, to regional and global issues of more complexnature. This thesis is about the development and application orware;a model for computer aided environmental systems analysis ofmunicipal waste management. Its origin is the hypothesis thatwidened perspectives are needed in waste managementdecision-making to avoid severe sub-optimisation ofenvironmental performance. With a strong foundation in lifecycle assessment (LCA), orware aims to cover the environmentalimpacts over the entire life cycle of waste management. It alsoperforms substance flow analysis (SFA) calculations at a ratherdetailed level of the system. Applying orware has confirmed the importance of applyingsystems perspective and of taking into account site specificdifferences in analysis and planning of waste manage-ment,rather than relying on overly simplified solutions. Somefindings can be general-ised and used as guidelines to reduceenvironmental impact of waste management. Recovery of materialand energy resources from waste generally leads to netreductions in energy use and environmental impact, because ofthe savings this brings about in other sectors. Waste treatmentwith low rate of energy and materials recovery should thereforebe avoided. The exact choice of technology however depends onwhat products can be recovered andhow they are used. Despite the complexity of the model and a certain degree ofuser unfriendliness, involved stakeholders have expressed thevalue of participating in orware case studies. It providesimproved decision-basis, but also wider understanding of thecomplexity of waste management and of environmental issues ingeneral. The thesis also contains a first suggestion of a frameworkto handle uncertainty in orware, based on a review of types ofuncertainty in LCA and tools to handle it. / QC 20100413
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The effect of waste disposal on soils in and around historic small townsGolding, Kirsty Ann January 2008 (has links)
Soils in the urban environment are distinctive in that they are modified through waste amendments. Consideration has been given to how urban soil properties reflect current human influence; however, recent studies highlight their potential as historical archives. The impact of waste disposal on the nature, properties and formation of urban soils is significant, especially in historic small towns where the extent and complexity of refuse management practices is only just emerging. This study uses a multi-method approach to characterise and understand modes of urban anthrosol formation in three Scottish burghs; Lauder, Pittenweem and Wigtown. The objectives of this study are threefold; to establish the nature and diversity of urban anthrosols in and near to historic small towns, to characterise and account for the multiplicity of urban anthrosols in and near to historic small towns, and to elucidate the processes associated with waste management and disposal in historic small towns. Physical, chemical and micromorphological analysis of topsoil deposits indicate sustained addition of past waste materials to soils within and near to historic small towns. Soil characteristics were heterogeneous across burghs; however, distinct patterns according to past functional zones were identified. The burgh core and burgh acres are important areas of interest at all three burghs. Soil modification was most pronounced within burgh cores resulting in the formation of hortic horizons. Soils within burgh cores are characterised by neutral pH, increased organic matter content, enhanced magnetic susceptibility and elevated elemental concentrations such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium. In comparison the nature and extent of soil modification within burgh acres is more varied. At Lauder hortic soils were identified in the burgh acres suggesting pronounced soil modification through cultivation. Deepened topsoil in the burgh acres at Pittenweem provided evidence for application of mineral rich waste materials in the past. Moreover, magnetic and elemental enhancement (barium, phosphorus, lead, zinc) within the burgh acres south of Wigtown revealed historic soils based anthropogenic signal. It is argued that changes in soil characteristics at Lauder, Pittenweem and Wigtown can be explained through processes of waste management and disposal in the past. Evidence from micromorphological analyses suggests that waste in burgh cores typically comprised domestic waste, animal waste, building materials and fuel residues. These materials were also identified within burgh acres, although it is noted that their abundances were significantly lower. Variation in urban anthrosol characteristics between burghs is attributed to differing industries and patterns of resource exploitation, for example marine waste associated with fishing was only identified in coastal burghs. The sustained addition of waste materials to soils within and near to historic small towns was an effective waste management strategy. Waste disposal in burgh cores was likely to be a combination of direct application and midden spreading in back gardens. This led to enhanced soil fertility which was important in the development of urban horticulture; particularly for poorer inhabitants who did not have access to arable farm land adjacent to the burgh. Dunghills acted as temporary stores of waste in the main thoroughfares of Lauder, Pittenweem and Wigtown. These dunghills were systematically transported to the burgh acres for further use as a fertiliser; hence, an early form of urban composting. Processes of waste disposal could not be deduced from soil characteristics alone; however, likely methods include direct waste deposition, storage and redistribution of midden waste, and storage and redistribution of dunghills. The limitations of soil classification systems and mapping are highlighted, for example urban soils are either omitted from soil maps or are misclassified. It is recommended that urban soils in historic towns should be incorporated into future regional soil maps. Urban soils represent a complex archive of past human behaviour not necessarily reflected in archaeological excavation or documentary analysis. It is argued that soil and artefacts are equally important, hence soil should be a consideration in urban heritage and conservation strategies.
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Planos municipais de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos : desafios na implementação da política nacional de resíduos sólidos na bacia hidrográfica Tietê Jacaré – SPSantiago, Cristine Diniz 30 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Livia Mello (liviacmello@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-05T18:52:49Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / In Brazil, waste management has developed with delay when compared to some
countries which sought solutions for the area in advance. The national legislative
framework is the National Waste Policy (NWP), Law n. 12.305/2010, regulated by
Decret n. 7.404/2010, which decentralizes waste management, according to the
pattern established on the National Environment Policy. Decentralization is explicited
by the proposition of a tool called Integrated Waste Management City Plan (IWMCP),
which has proved to be a challenge to municipalities. This research analyses the
elaboration process of IWMCPs – five years after the passing of the NWP – in
municipalities of the 13 th Hydric Resources Management Unit (HRMU) in São Paulo
state – Tietê Jacaré’s HRMU, through surveys and multiple case studies. Results
show the complexity and uniquenesses of the cities, highlighting the absence of data,
resources and technical staff capacitation as main barriers, and the possibility of
hiring companies to elaborate the IWMCP as the main facilitator according to the
cities. Other incipient aspects present in the city planning process are the search of
joint solutions and social participation. Thus, the decentralization proposed by the
NWP presents difficulties for the law enforcement since municipalities still do not rely
on the necessary means to develop complex planning as recommended by the NWP.
This way, efforts from both the federal and state governments are recommendable
aiming at the capacitation and resources availability, what shall make the city
emancipation possible throughout the planning process. The proposal of alternatives
for shared solutions is also crucial for the waste management optimization, as
prioritized by the NWP. / No Brasil, a gestão de resíduos sólidos desenvolveu-se com atraso, se comparada a alguns países que se adiantaram na busca de soluções nesta temática. O marco legislativo nacional é a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), Lei no 12.305/2010, regulamentada pelo Decreto no 7.404/2010, que descentraliza a gestão de resíduos, seguindo o padrão da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente. A descentralização é explicitada pela proposição do instrumento de gestão denominado Planos Municipais de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos (PMGIRSs), que tem se apresentado como um desafio para as municipalidades. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar de que forma ocorre o processo de elaboração dos
PMGIRSs – cinco anos após a promulgação da PNRS – nos municípios da Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (UGRHI) 13, Tietê Jacaré, no Estado de São Paulo, por meio de questionários e estudos de caso múltiplos. Os resultados revelam a complexidade e singularidade dos municípios, com destaque para a ausência de dados, recursos e deficiência na capacitação do corpo técnico como principais entraves, e a possibilidade de contratação de empresas para elaboração do PMGIRS como principal facilitador na visão das municipalidades. Outros aspectos que ainda são embrionários no processo de planejamento municipal são a busca por soluções consorciadas e a participação social. Dessa forma, observa-se que a descentralização proposta pela PNRS apresenta dificuldades para a efetivação, uma vez que os municípios não possuem na atualidade os meios necessários para desenvolver um planejamento complexo como preconizado pela Política, sendo necessários esforços dos governos federal e estaduais no sentido de capacitação e disponibilização de recursos que possibilitem a emancipação municipal no processo de planejamento. A proposição de alternativas de soluções compartilhadas também é crucial para a otimização da gestão de resíduos sólidos, conforme priorizado pela PNRS.
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