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The Effect of Introducing a Curbside Recycling System on the Recycling Behavior of HouseholdsSärnholm, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
This research investigates whether the implementation of a curbside recycling system has an effect on the behavior of households with regard to the recycling of packaging material in Sweden. Previous research presented in the literature points out that the decision to engage in recycling behavior, rather than free-riding on the contributions of others, is based on the perceived contribution of others. Complying with social norms and the experience of warm-glow constitute forms of utility that are derived from engaging in recycling behavior. The recyclable packaging materials glass, paper, plastic, and metal, as well as the total of these materials, are considered in this study. Recycling data from 247 municipalities for the years 2010-2020 are used to research this topic. The analysis is carried out using a difference-in-difference model with multiple time periods and a model presented by Callaway and Sant’Anna. A positive and significant change in household recycling was found for plastic packaging waste, amounting to an average increase of 1.57-2.92 kilograms per resident per year when the curbside recycling system was introduced. The change in recycling was also positive for paper, but this result was not robust to changes in the original model specification. Significant increases in recycling were found for total recycling, glass, and metal as well. However, it is considered uncertain whether the identifying assumptions that have to be fulfilled to establish causality of the results are satisfied. The introduction of a curbside recycling system increases household recycling because the time and effort that are required to recycle decrease. The results presented in this study are in line with this notion.
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En fallstudie om hushållens källsortering i Augustenborg (A Case Study on Waste Management in Augustenborg)Altundal, Sadiye, Gullberg, Meloujane January 2007 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är en vision som hela världen eftersträvar att uppnå. Hushållsavfallshanter-ing är ett sätt för att uppnå en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Bra kunskap, information och sam-verkan mellan olika aktörer är ytterst nödvändigt för att kunna uppnå en hållbar samhällsut-veckling. Syftet med fallstudiet är att kartlägga en del av stadsdelen Augustenborg i Malmö för att se över hur hushållsavfallshantering fortskrider. Det är även vårt syfte att identifiera möjligheter och hinder för en ökad källsortering i området. Genom enkätundersökning och intervjuer har vi samlat information om hur olika faktorer påverkar avfallshantering i Augus-tenborg. Resultatet visar att det finns olika faktorer som påverkar avfallshanteringssystemet och dessa är inte bara det formella faktorer som till exempel regler och lagar men också andra faktorer som människans attityder har stor betydelse. / Sustainable development has become a major concern all over the world. Household waste management is one of the solutions to attain a sustainable development and community. It is today of great importance to have the proper knowledge, information and coordination be-tween different sectors and organizations in order to attain a sustainable development. This case study aims to investigate an area in Augustenborg, Malmö in order to analyze their existing waste management system. It is even our intention to identify the development pos-sibilities and obstacles of waste management in the area. Through survey and personal inter-views, we were able to gather information on different factors and variables that affect waste management system in Augustenborg. The results suggest that there are various factors that affect waste management, and these are not just formal factors, such as rules and regulations but also other factors, such as human behaviour.
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Improving Solid Waste Management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Based on the experience from Sweden, Östersund Municipality.Haile, Hilab January 2016 (has links)
Lack of genuine concern for solid waste management practices and inefficiency of sol-id waste management system is one of the greatest environmental issues in Addis Ab-aba, Ethiopia. The Current Municipal Solid Waste Management System is extremely inefficient and ineffective. An illegal waste dumping, inefficient waste collection, and informal recycling are some of the issues that need to be immediately rectified. There-fore, this study was conducted in order to get a knowledge transfer from a developed country, Sweden, Östersund Municipality. The practical waste management and recy-cling activities undertaking in the city of Östersund have been assessed, evaluated and discussed in the study. Physical site visits, surveys, informal interviews, and group dis-cussions have also been conducted to be able to draw an immensely useful and tangi-ble recommendation for the improvement of Solid Waste Management and Recycling Scheme in Addis Ababa. Based on the experience acquired from Östersund the entire Solid Waste Management system in Addis Ababa has been evaluated and useful dis-cussions, recommendations, and conclusions have been drawn. Besides as recycling is one of the most significant waste management hierarchy components, it should have been given top priority in reducing the amount of waste generation in developing countries like Ethiopia. However, the recycling activities taking place in the country are highly limited and informal. Moreover, evaluation of the potential of recyclable wastes in Addis Ababa, discussion on how and why recycling needs to be given prece-dence and later comparison is made with Östersund Municipality in order to be able to gain knowledge from the Swedish experience. Besides, discussions were made in order to address decisive measures that need to be taken to implement the Swedish experience in the Solid Waste Management and Recycling sector in Addis Ababa Ethiopia in an environmentally friendly and economical way.
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Utveckling och visualisering av en återvinningsanläggning / Development and visualisation of a recycling plantFältholm, Anna, Thomasson, Hugo January 2016 (has links)
Sverige är ett av de länder med högst återvinnings- och skräphanteringsratio. Mängden deponi har minskat mer och mer under de senaste åren och ersatts med fler återvinningsmetoder samt energiåtervinning. Dock så är en hög andel av det material som förbränns och hamnar på deponi fortfarande användingsbart vid återvinning. Därför finns det ett behov att hitta en mer effektiv lösning för materialåtervinning. Rapporten täcker arbetet med att utveckla och visualisera ett koncept för en single-stream återvinningsanläggning som skall kunna appliceras i Sverige. Material och skräptyper har studerats och evaluerats. Detta gav sju olika fraktioner: blandat papper, PE, PP, HDPE, järnhaltiga metaller, icke järnhaltiga metaller samt trä. För dessa fraktioner har sedan maskiner valts ut och sedan 3D-modellerats. Omgivande komponenter som t.ex. trappor och ställningar har även modellerats för att ge ett verkligt intryck av återvinningsanläggningen. För exteriören av anläggningen har fotogrammetri använts för att återskapa en topografi för att sedan integrara byggnaden i topografin. Animationer har gjorts för både exteriören och interiören för att visa hur skräpet kommer till anläggningen, behandlas, och sedan transporteras iväg. Eftersom arbetet har varit på ett konceptuell nivå ges rekommendationer och tips på fortsatt arbete för att kunna verkställa en sådan anläggning i Sverige. / Sweden is one of the countries with the highest recycling and waste processes rates. Over the years the landfill has been reduced and replaced by better recycling and waste-to-energy through combustion. However, a large amount of the waste that goes to to combustion and landfill are still useable if recycled. Therefore there is a demand of finding a more efficient solution for recycling material. The report covers development and visualisation of a concept for a single stream recycling plant that could be applied on waste in Sweden. Materials and waste has been studied and evaluated to find seven fractions to recycle from a mixed waste stream: mixed paper, PE, PP, HDPE, ferrous metals, non ferrous metals, and wood. Machines were selected and 3D modelled. Photogrammetry was used to recreate a topography of the surroundings to put the plant in. Animations were made of the exterior and interior demonstrating how the waste arrives to the plant, gets sorted, and finally transported away. Since the work is on a conceptual level the report provides recommendations and future work for how to further develop the plant, and finally build it in Sweden.
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Life cycle assessment of industrialized lithium-ion battery recycling : Mechanical and hydrometallurgical treatment from an ex-ante perspective / Livscykelanalys av industrialiserad återvinning av litiumjonbatterierBalsvik, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
As the use of lithium-ion batteries exponentially increases through demand for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, so will the need for end-of-life treatment subsequently increase. Recycling the valuable materials from batteries in an efficient and extensive fashion could decrease the environmental impacts of batteries. Northvolt AB is a Swedish battery manufacturer currently constructing a Gigafactory in Skellefteå and is furthermore developing a recycling process, focused on hydrometallurgy, with full-scale recycling operations a couple of years away. In order to assess the environmental hotspots of the process, with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions, a life cycle assessment was conducted with data from Northvolt AB. This data was based on learnings from a pilot plant currently under operation but scaled up to industrial level for an ex-ante type of assessment. The industrial operations at Skellefteå represented +95% of the climate change impact, the remainder arising from a European collection point. The most significant impact driver was waste management (56,5% of the climate change impact category), specifically incineration of recovered materials and residuals. The results indicate that harnessing renewable energy in both the direct operations and the supply chain is of high importance. Chemicals (27%) and electricity (7%) had extensively smaller emissions thanks to the harnessing of renewable energy in both direct operations and the supply chain, compared to electricity mixes with large shares of fossil fuels. Furthermore, large variability was found in impacts of recovered materials depending on the chosen allocation method. The benefit of the Revolt process is likely to be affected by ongoing research projects to recycle and upgrade materials that are currently sent to incineration. For an as high environmental efficiency as possible, it is important that the process make as much use of all the recovered materials as possible, find efficient waste treatment processes, and continue to source from production using as electricity mixes with high shares of renewable energy. / Givet att användningen av litium-jon batterier ökar exponentiellt, drivet av efterfrågan på elfordon och energilagringssystem, så kommer behovet av att avfallshantera utgående batterier att öka. Att återvinna värdefulla material från batterier på ett effektivt och omfattande sätt skulle kunna minska batteriernas miljöpåverkan sett över hela dess livscykel. Northvolt AB är en svensk batteritillverkare som bygger en fabrik i Skellefteå och parallellt utvecklar en återvinningsprocess med fokus på hydrometallurgi, med fullskalig återvinning planerad. För att utvärdera vilka aspekter av processen som driver dess miljöpåverkan, med fokus på utsläpp av växthusgaser, gjordes en livscykelanalys med data från Northvolt AB. Datainventeringen baserades på lärdomar från en pilotanläggning som för närvarande är under drift, men skalades upp till industriell nivå för en förhandsbedömning. Industriverksamheten i Skellefteå stod för +95% av klimatpåverkan, resten härrör från en europeisk insamlingsplats av utgående batterier. Den viktigaste bidragsfaktorn för klimatutsläpp var avfallshantering (56,5 % av utsläppen), särskilt förbränning av återhämtade material och restprodukter. Resultaten visar att det är av stor betydelse att utnyttja förnybar energi i både den direkta verksamheten och leverantörskedjan. Kategorierna kemikalier (27%) och el (7 %) hade betydligt lägre utsläpp tack vare att förnybar energi utnyttjades, i jämförelse med nationella elmixer med större andelar fossila bränslen. Vidare konstaterades stor variation i resultatet av miljöpåverkan på återvunnet material beroende på vald allokeringsmetod. Fördelarna med Revoltprocessen kommer sannolikt att påverkas av pågående forskningsprojekt för att återvinna och uppgradera material som för närvarande skickas till förbränning. För minskade klimatutsläpp är det viktigt att processen i så stor utsträckning som möjligt materiellt återvinner alla utgående material, hittar effektiva avfallshanteringsprocesser och fortsätter att etablera en leverantörskedja som producerar med stora andelar förnybar energi. Utöver att utvärderingen gjordes med preliminära data resonerades avfallshanteringen vara den enskilt största källan till osäkerhet. Framtida livscykelanalyser skulle dra nytta av uppmätt data när den industriella anläggningen är operationell, samt vidga analysen med mer utförlig datainhämtning från relevanta avfallsprocesser och återvinningstekniker.
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Waste diagnostic - A caste study of a company’s waste management / Avfallsdiagnostik, en fallstudie av ett företags avfallshanteringaf Ugglas, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
This case study of the waste management at a pharmaceutical company investigates the current situation and possible improvements for future work in terms of amount of waste generated, treatment methods and economy. The scope of the project was to assess all current waste streams from the everyday activities and find potential areas for improvement. Chemical/solvent waste have not been investigated thoroughly because of the complexity to make changes within the manufacturing processes. Waste generated during demolition and construction by external contractors have been excluded since it is not a part of the business as usual. The company has set the goal to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and waste generated by 15% and to achieve these goals the waste diagnostic project have been initiated. Waste reports and guided tours at each department have been compiled to assess and map out all waste streams at the site. The waste management hierarchy has been used as a tool together with performance measurements to evaluate current situation and with examples from literature, other sites and industries recommendations have been made. The waste management hierarchy is a tool used to prioritize waste management to reach a circular economy, with landfill at the bottom and reduction/reuse at the top of the hierarchy the current status of a company can be assessed and also what areas that have to be improved in order to climb the hierarchy. The company shows a good environmental performance today and comply with internal standards, the waste metric scoring calculation results in a value of, , 464 which corresponds to energy recovery level of the waste management hierarchy. An ISO certificate ensures customers that a product or service meet the standards the customer have. There are ISO standards within many different areas and ISO 14001 applies to environmental management which the company is not certified with. The company comply with the internal standards but an ISO certificate would result in extra credibility. Some of the recommendations to the site includes a waste management communication program to engage employees, reuse of disposable pallets, drying of wastewater sludge and installation of paper shredder to reduce costs related to classified documents. / Denna fallstudie om avfallshanteringen på ett läkemedelsföretag undersöker den nuvarande situationen och potentiella förbättringsmöjligheter för framtida arbete beträffande mängd avfall som genereras, behandlingsmetoder och ekonomi. Projektets mål var att utvärdera alla avfallsströmmar från de dagliga aktiviteterna och identifiera potentiella områden för förbättring. Kemiskt/lösningsmedelavfall har inte undersökts på djupet på grund av komplexiteten att göra ändringar inom tillverkningsprocesserna. Projektavfall som genererats under rivning och byggande av externa entreprenörer har uteslutits eftersom det inte är en del av den dagliga verksamheten. Företaget har satt som mål att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser med 20% och avfall genererat med 15% och för att uppnå dessa mål har ”waste diagnostic” projektet inletts. Avfallsrapporter och guidade turer vid varje avdelning har sammanställts för att utvärdera och kartlägga alla avfallsströmmar på siten. Avfallshierarkin har använts som ett verktyg tillsammans med prestandamätningar för att utvärdera den aktuella situationen och med exempel från litteratur, andra siter och branscher har rekommendationer gjorts. Avfallshanteringshierarkin är ett verktyg som används för att prioritera avfallshantering för att uppnå en cirkulär ekonomi, med deponering i botten och minskning / återanvändning högst upp i hierarkin kan den aktuella statusen för ett företag bedömas och även vilka områden som måste förbättras för att nå högre upp i avfallshierarkin. Siten visar på en bra miljöprestanda idag och uppfyller de interna standarder som fastställts. Beräkningen av ”waste metric scoring” resulterar i ett värde, , på 464 vilket motsvarar nivån för energiåtervinning i avfallshanteringshierarkin. Ett ISO-certifikat garanterar kunder att en produkt eller tjänst uppfyller de standarder kunden har. Det finns ISO-standarder inom många olika områden och ISO 14001 är certifikatet för miljöledning som siten inte är certifierad med. Företaget följer de interna standarder som har satts men ett ISO-certifikat skulle resultera i ökad trovärdighet. Några av de identifierade rekommendationerna till företaget inkluderar ett kommunikationsprogram för avfallshantering för att engagera och utbilda anställda, återanvändning av engångspallar, torkning av slam och installation av dokumentförstörare för att minska kostnaderna kring sekretessbelagda dokument.
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A Landfill Reclamation Project: an Observatory that Observes the SelfKnotts, Amy Margaret 19 January 2006 (has links)
"Transparency- the ability to see into and understand the inner workings of a landscape- is an absolutely essential ingredient to sustainability"
-Robert Thayer from "Green World, Green Heart"
Current land filling practices that bury waste and debris below layers of earth and synthetic caps do not take into account the potential of reclamation of the site after the landfill debris has become stable. As development and consumerism increases, the need for land reclamation grows stronger, as earth will succumb to overabundance of human excessiveness. Can a space be created that not only reclaims land, but also exposes what is hidden- in order to educate the public on the importance of recycling and sustainability? Is it possible to design a space that addresses the issues and culture of the past, present and future, particular to a geographic site? Can landscape architects use landscape as an educational medium for self-discovery? / Master of Landscape Architecture
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Textila företags avfallshantering : En undersökning av svenska textilföretags utmaningar och strategier gällande hantering av textilavfall / Textile companies’ waste management : An investigation of swedish textile companies’ challenges and strategies in managing textile wasteBruun, Alicia, Klingberg Rydh, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
Textilindustrin utgör en betydande resursförbrukning och genererar omfattande mängder avfall genom hela värdekedjan. Denna studie har genomfört litteratursökning och en enkätundersökning, för att analysera textilindustrins avfallshantering och de utmaningar som uppstår med EU-kommissionens förslag om ökat producentansvar och avfallskrav. Resultaten belyser textilföretagens utmaningar, inklusive administrativa och ekonomiska belastningar, infrastrukturproblem, materialåtervinningens komplexitet samt osäkerhet kring producentansvar. Studien har identifierat de övergripande strategier som svenska textilföretag använder för att hantera avfall, såsom materialbesparande tekniker, återanvändning av förpackningar och samarbete med leverantörer. Trots dessa insatser kvarstår tekniska och ekonomiska hinder. Studien föreslår förbättringar genom investeringar i infrastruktur, utveckling av innovativa tekniker såsom, samt ekonomiska incitament för att stödja hållbara processer. / The textile industry is a significant consumer of resources and generates substantial amounts of waste throughout the entire value chain. This study conducted a comprehensive literature review and survey to analyze the waste management practices in the textile industry and the challenges posed by the EU Commission's proposals for increased producer responsibility and waste regulations. The results highlight the challenges faced by textile companies, including administrative and economic burdens, infrastructure issues, the complexity of material recycling, and uncertainty regarding producer responsibility. The study identifies the strategies used by Swedish textile companies to manage waste, such as material-saving techniques, reuse of packaging, and collaboration with suppliers and manufacturers. Despite these efforts, technical and economic barriers remain. The study suggests improvements through investments in infrastructure, the development of innovative technologies, and economic incentives to support sustainable processes.
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City of Denton Municipal Solid Waste Characterization and Management StrategiesBrady, Patricia D. 05 1900 (has links)
Due to concern about diminishing landfill space, the City of Denton contracted a municipal solid waste characterization study in 1999 that would identify materials for diversion. This paper describes the results of 5 1-week waste sorting events, a scale-house analysis, a recycling participation study, a recycler profile and a similar city study. The results of the characterization studies suggest that at least 50% of each waste stream is recyclable or divertible though paper products accounted for no more than 45% by weight of any waste stream. Curbside recycling participation rate was 71% during the 6-week study period though the average weekly set-out rate was 37%. Recycling participation rates varied significantly by zip code and by home value categories but not by gender. Denton is fairly progressive in its waste management approach when compared to demographically similar cities on a 15-question assessment though recommendations for improvement have been identified.
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A BIM-based Object-oriented Data Model to Support Sustainable Demolition Waste Management Decision Making at End-of-LifeHamidi, Behzad 22 May 2015 (has links)
Sustainable demolition waste management is rarely practiced within the construction industry. This is mainly due to the fact that the decision-making process for sustainable demolition waste management is a very resource-demanding and time-consuming task in terms of data collection and data management. The decision-making process includes multiple analyses of possible demolition waste management alternatives from economic, environmental, and social perspectives. Such analyses require waste managers to capture and manage huge amounts of data scattered within fragmented data sources at the end-of-life of a building. The process of capturing and managing this information for the building end-of-life would be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, the waste managers are reluctant to pursue sustainable demolition waste management practices in order to prevent potential delays and incurred costs.
This research identified information that is required to conduct sustainable demolition waste management analyses. The identified information was then classified based on information sources. An object-oriented data model (OODM) was proposed to allow the waste managers to more efficiently store and manage the information at the end-of-life phase. Furthermore, a sustainable demolition waste management prototype application was developed to demonstrate how the required information is captured from different sources of data, stored within OODM classes, and retrieved from the integrated database. Finally, the proposed OODM was verified in terms of its scope, flexibility, and implementability.
The goal of the research is to offer a method for storing and managing end-of-life information in an efficient and effective manner to support sustainable demolition waste management decision making. To achieve the goal, this dissertation outlines the objectives of the research, the methodologies used in developing the object-oriented data model, conclusions, limitations, and potential future research work. / Ph. D.
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