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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Osmose inversa aplicada no reúso da água do rio Sarapuí em processos industriais / Reverse osmosis applied in Sarapuí river water reuse in industrial processes

Raphael da Rocha Sixel 14 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o desempenho de um sistema de captação e tratamento de água do rio Sarapuí, por meio de uma estação de tratamento composta por um sistema de pré-tratamento convencional, ligado a um sistema de separação por membranas de osmose inversa, no Município de Belford Roxo RJ, instalado para fornecer água de processo a instalações industriais. Foi verificado que a água captada encontra-se em condição bastante degradada e que a unidade de tratamento removeu, em média, 97% do teor dos poluentes presentes na água, enquadrando-a nos parâmetros requeridos pelo processo industrial. Foi possível comprovar que o processo de separação por osmose inversa pode ser utilizado em escala industrial, proporcionando ganhos econômicos consideráveis, além de evitar o consumo de água potável para fins de processos industriais e, ainda, contribuir para a retirada de carga orgânica de uma fonte degradada / The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of a system to capture and treat water from Sarapuí river through a treatment system consisting of a conventional pré-treatment stage, linked to a reverse osmosis separation system membranes, in the city of Belford Roxo - RJ, installed to provide process water for industrial plants. It was found that the water is captured in highly degraded condition and the treatment plant removed an average of 97% of the pollutants in the water, fitting the parameters required by the industrial process. It could be demonstrated that the separation process by reverse osmosis can be used on an industrial scale, providing significant economic gains, and avoid the consumption of potable water for industrial processes and also contribute to the removal of organic pollutants from a degraded source

Analýza investičního rozhodování o přestavbě a rozšíření ÚČOV Praha v kontextu evropských dotací / Analysis of investment policy in case of re-building and reconstruction of the CWTP in Prague in context of European grant

Večerník, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The Reconstruction of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Prague constitutes a fundamental challenge for the Czech capital city of Prague. The existing wastewater treatment plant is obsolete and fails to comply with limits set forth by the Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment. Thus, it is necessary to build a new waterline and reconstruct the old one. As such a project would be financially demanding, its implementation is dependent upon a subsidy from the EU Operational Programme "Environment". There are also more variants of the reconstruction of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Prague. In the thesis, the author compares the contemplated options of re-building and reconstruction of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Prague. He also examines the influence of negotiations with European Commission representatives and of the amount of the subsidy upon the choice of the final option. A hypothesis of the study is that due to the subsidy policy creates pressure on the final form of the reconstruction of the Prague Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, which directly interact its economic efficiency.

Remoção de fósforo de efluentes de estações de tratamento biológico de esgotos utlizando lodo de estação de tratamento de água. / Phosphorus removal in effluent of wastewater treatment plant with water treatment residuals (WTR).

Iara Regina Soares Chao 18 October 2006 (has links)
O fósforo é apontado como o principal responsável pelo enriquecimento nutricional de mananciais de abastecimento público, desencadeando por meio do fenômeno de eutrofização, a floração de grupos algais tóxicos e, portanto a sua remoção passa a ter grande significado para a saúde pública e para o meio ambiente. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com os objetivos de: avaliar a eficiência de remoção de fósforo do efluente de um sistema convencional de lodos ativados (Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos de Barueri) pelo lodo de uma estação de tratamento de água, que utiliza sulfato de alumínio como coagulante (Estação de Tratamento de Água do Alto Cotia) e verificar a influência das seguintes variáveis nesta remoção: tempo de permanência do lodo no decantador, dosagem de lodo, potencial zeta, teor de matéria orgânica no lodo, pH da mistura lodo/efluente e uso de polímero na coagulação/floculação da água bruta. Para o desenvolvimento prático da pesquisa, foram realizados ensaios de jarros, variando as condições operacionais, de tal forma a averiguar o efeito das variáveis mencionadas anteriormente na remoção do fósforo. Observou-se que esta remoção era dependente do pH; da dosagem de lodo; do tempo de permanência do mesmo no decantador; do tempo de mistura e da presença de polímero. Independia do potencial zeta e do tempo de sedimentação. A máxima remoção obtida foi de 100% (concentração inicial de 2,9 mg P/L), em pH de 4,5, com dosagem de 37 mg lodo/L, tempo de mistura de 15 minutos a 40 s-1 de gradiente, tempo de sedimentação de 30 minutos, tempo de permanência do lodo no decantador de 80 dias, sem polímero. Nestas condições, a concentração de fósforo do efluente tratado foi de 0,01mg P/L. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho sinalizam uma alternativa tecnológica, que pode vir a ser utilizada em projetos sustentáveis, em que as estações de tratamento de esgotos e estações de tratamento de água sejam planejadas de forma integrada, considerando o reaproveitamento e encaminhamento do lodo de ETA como insumo a ser utilizado no fim do processo de tratamento de esgotos para remoção de fósforo do efluente final, em consonância com os conceitos de produção mais limpa na busca da qualidade. / Phosphorus is considered as the main responsible for the nutritional enrichment of reservoirs of public drinking water supplies, because eutrophication process has resulted in toxic algae blooms, and therefore its removal has a great significance since these toxins represent a public health risk and environment. The aim of this research work was to evaluate the efficiency of removal of phosphate from activated sludge process (Barueri Wastewater Treatment Plant) by sludge from water treatment plant that uses aluminum sulfate as coagulant (WTP Alto Cotia) and verify the influence of following operational parameters in this removal: aging of sludge, sludge dose, zeta potential, mixing time, sedimentation time, concentration of organic matter, pH and use of polymer in coagulation/flocculation process. For the experimental research, the jar tests were operated with different conditions. The removal of phosphate was dependent of pH, sludge dose, aging of sludge, mixing time and presence of polymer. It was independent of zeta potential and sedimentation time. It was verified that maximum efficiency of phosphate removal was around 100% (initial concentration = 2,9 mgP/L), in pH 4,5 with the use of 37 mg of sludge from Alto Cotia Water Treatment Plant per liter of effluent from Barueri Wastewater Treatment Plant, with a mixing time of 15 minutes at 40 s-1, 30 minutes for sedimentation time, 80 days for aging of sludge, without polymer. Under these conditions it was obtained phosphate concentrations around 0,01mgP/L. Results obtained in this research work show a technological alternative, that can be used in projects, that sewage and water treatment plants can be planned together, considering the reuse and forwarding the water treatment plant sludge as beneficial use in the end of the sewage treatment process for the phosphorus removal, in consonance with concepts of a cleaner production practices in Environmental Management Systems.

Kungsängsverkets kväverening : inverkan på den interna fosforbelastningen i Ekoln / Kungsängsverkets nitrogen removal : effect on the internal phosphosous load in Ekoln

Lousa-Alvin, Alexandra January 2011 (has links)
Många sjöar är idag påverkade av mänsklig aktivitet, bland annat är 1 % av Sveriges sjöar eutrofierade, däribland Ekoln. Ekoln är en stor sjö i Uppsala län söder om Uppsala som länge varit eutrofierad. Fyrisån och Örsundaån är de största inflödena till Ekoln och Sävjaån är ett betydande biflöde till Fyrisån. Kungsängsverket är Uppsalas reningsverk och har sitt utlopp i Fyrisån och som ett led i att minska eutrofieringen byggdes fosforreningen ut 1972. Fosforhalterna i Ekoln sjönk och algblomningarna blev färre. Kvävereningen byggdes ut 1999 och i detta arbete utvärderas detta reningssteg.   Hypotesen är att när ammonium minskar i bottenvattnet kommer syrgasförhållandena att förbättras på grund av minskad ammoniumnedbrytning som förbrukar syrgas. Med ökad halt syrgas är det känt sedan tidigare studier att den interna fosforbelastningen och algblomningen minskar.   För att undersöka om det skett en signifikant minskning av näringsämnen i intransporten till Ekoln och av halterna i Ekoln utfördes statistiska test av ämnena för perioden före och perioden efter införandet av kväverening. Intransporterna modellerades även i StormTac.   Resultatet visar att det skett en minskning av kväve- och ammoniumtransport och en ökning av fosfor-, fosfat- och TOC-transport. I Ekoln har en minskning påvisats i ammonium-, totalfosforhalt och en ökning i fosfat- och TOC-halt. Ammoniumhalten har minskat i bottenvattnet så den minskade intransporten av ammonium gett en effekt. Fosfor- och fosfathalten har inte förändrats signifikant i bottenvattnet, men det har skett en viss minskning av fosfor och en viss ökning av fosfat i Ekoln perioden 1990-1998 till 2000-2010. Även syrgashalten har ökat i bottenvattnet.   Att det inte skett signifikanta förändringar i fosfor, fosfat och syrgas tyder på att intransporten till vattenmassan inte förändrats. Ökade TOC-halter leder till ökad nedbrytning där syrgas förbrukas i bottenvattnet. Det är möjligt att situationen sett ännu värre ut i Ekoln om inte kväveutsläppen minskat.

Εκτίμηση της τοξικότητας των τελικών εκροών από το σταθμό βιολογικής επεξεργασίας των αστικών αποβλήτων της Πάτρας με την χρήση βιοδεικτών (biotest)

Κονταλή, Ματίνα 03 April 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε εκτίμηση της τοξικότητας των τελικών εκροών πριν και μετά το στάδιο της απολύμανσης (με τη χρήση της μεθόδους της χλωρίωσης) από το σταθμό βιολογικής επεξεργασίας των αστικών αποβλήτων της Πάτρας με την χρήση βιοδεικτών (biotest). Η μελέτη των τοξικών επιπτώσεων αυτών των εκροών και από τα δύο στάδια πραγματοποιήθηκε σε οργανισμούς-Βιοδείκτες τόσο των γλυκών όσο και αλμυρών υδάτων, όπως οι οργανισμοί Thamnocephalus platyurus και Artemia franciscana (με τη μορφή βιοτέστ Thamnotoxkit F και Artoxkit MTM αντίστοιχα), όσο και σε φυτικά είδη, όπως τα Sorghum saccharatum, Lepidum sativum και Sinapis alba (με τη μορφή Phytotoxkit). Επιπλέον έγινε ανίχνευση του μικροβιακού φορτίου πριν και μετά το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης, για την εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της μεθόδου απολύμανσης των εκροών, καθώς και χημική ανάλυσή τους. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης, οι τελικές εκροές υγρών αποβλήτων που καταλήγουν στο στάδιο της απολύμανσης, με τη μέθοδο της χλωρίωσης παρουσιάζουν μεγάλες διακυμάνσεις τόσο στις φυσικοχημικές παραμέτρους και στη συγκέντρωση βαρέων μετάλλων που μετρήθηκαν, όσο και στην τοξικότητα που μπορεί να επιφέρουν στους οργανισμούς που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν. Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης έδειξαν την αποτελεσματικότητα της μεθόδου όσο αφορά τη μείωση του μικροβιακού φορτίου των τελικών εκροών. Αντίθετα, η μελέτη τοξικότητας των τελικών εκροών με τη χρήση οργανισμών τόσο του γλυκού όσο και του αλμυρού νερού (Thamnocephalus platyurus και Artemia franciscana αντίστοιχα), καθώς και σε φυτικούς οργανισμούς (Sorgum saccharatum, Sinapsis alba και Lepidum sativum) έδειξε σημαντικές εποχικές μεταβολές στην επαγωγή τοξικών φαινομένων. Συγκεκριμένα, οι εκροές (μετά το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης effluents) φαίνεται να είναι λιγότερο τοξικές για τους οργανισμούς του αλμυρού νερού, συγκριτικά με τις τοξικές επιπτώσεις που προκαλούν οι εκροές πριν το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης (influents). Αντίθετα, οι εκροές που προκύπτουν μετά το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης παρουσιάζουν μεγαλύτερη τοξικότητα σε οργανισμούς του γλυκού νερού, σε σχέση με τις επιπτώσεις που προκαλούν οι εκροές πριν το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης, ενώ παρατηρήθηκε σημαντική αναστολή της αυξητικής ικανότητας των ειδών Sorgum saccharatum και Sinapsis alba σε κάθε περίπτωση. Συμπερασματικά, από τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης, φαίνεται η αποτελεσματικότητα της μεθόδου απολύμανσης των τελικών εκροών, όσο αφορά την απαλλαγή τους από μολυσματικούς παράγοντες, αλλά αναδεικνύονται τα προβλήματα τοξικότητας που μπορεί να επιφέρουν οι τελικές εκροές σε οργανισμούς των τελικών υδάτινων αποδεκτών (γλυκό και αλμυρό νερό), καθώς και η αναποτελεσματικότητα της χρήσης των τελικών εκροών σε δραστηριότητες όπως η άρδευση, λόγω της αναστολής που προκαλεί η χρήση τους σε φυτικούς οργανισμούς. / In this study was estimated the toxicity of the final effluents before and after the stage of disinfection (using the method of chlorination) in the wastewater treatment plant of Patras using bioindicators (biotest).The study of the toxic effects of these effluents and of the two stages was performed on organisms bioindicators both in freshwater and salt water, such as Thamnocephalus platyurus and Artemia franciscana (in the form of biotest Thamnotoxkit F and Artoxkit MTM respectively) and on plant species such as Sorghum saccharatum, Lepidum sativum and Sinapis alba (in the form of Phytotoxkit). Moreover the treated effluents were tested for microbiological parameters before and after the stage of chlorination, to assess the effectiveness of the method of disinfection of effluents, and also a chemical analysis was performed. According to the results of this study, the final effluents of wastewater that end in the process of disinfection, with the method of chlorination, vary widely both in physicochemical parameters and heavy metals that were measured, and as well the toxicity that can cause to organisms used. The results of this study showed the effectiveness of the method as regards reducing the microbial load of the final effluents. Instead, the study of final effluents toxicity using organisms of both fresh and saltwater (Thamnocephalus platyurus and Artemia franciscana, respectively) and in plant organisms (Sorgum saccharatum, Sinapsis alba and Lepidum sativum) showed significant seasonal changes in the induction of toxic reactions. Specifically, the effluents (after-chlorination effluents) seem to be less toxic for organisms of salt water, compared with the toxic effects caused by effluents before the stage of chlorination (influents). However, the effluents after the stage of chlorination are toxic in freshwater organisms compared to the effects caused by effluents before the stage of chlorination, while there was significant inhibition of growth capacity of species Sorgum saccharatum, Sinapsis alba in each case. In conclusion, the results of this study show the effectiveness of the method of disinfection of final effluents, as regards the discharge from contaminants, but highlighted the problems of toxicity that the final effluents can cause to organisms in the final water receiver (fresh and salty water), and the inefficiency of using of final effluents in activities such as irrigation, due to the inhibition caused by their use in plant organisms.

Posouzení biologické čistitelnosti odpadních vod z výroby DPG (diphenylguanidinu). / Biological treatment expertise of sewage water rising from production od DPG (diphenylguanidine).

VEPŘEKOVÁ, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to expertise biological treatment of sewage water rising from production of DPG (diphenylguanidine). The theoretical part is focused on the water and means of sewage disposal. There is shortly described mechanism of physical, chemical, biological and combinated methods of sewage disposal. In practical part of this thesis, focused on expertising degradation of DPG and aniline was chosen high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique, which made it possible to determined their biodegradation abilities. The next component of this thesis are sideline products determination, phenylurea especially. This thesis is focused on monitoring of biofilm´s character and the activity of Rhodococcus erythropolis bacterial culture, used in biodegradation of DPG in chemical-biological wastewater treatment plant, LZD a.s.

Využití tlakovzdušné flotace pro terciární stupeň čištění odpadních vod / The use of a dissolved air flotation for tertiary stage of wastewater treatment

Čmaradová, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the area of wastewater treatment. There is a solution possibility of using flotation for the removal of phosphorus precipitates formed during the tertiary treatment of wastewater. The first part is devoted to a general description of wastewater treatment, there is also described as a flotation separation technology and precipitation of phosphorus. The second part is practically oriented. It describes the experimental equipment used for the precipitation of phosphorus and subsequent removal of the precipitate flotation, during the experiment and the results obtained.

Účinnost technologie ČOV České Budějovice pro eliminaci farmak / Efficiency of the technology of WWTP České Budějovice for the elimination of pharmaceuticals

BARTOŇ, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in České Budějovice for the elimination of selected pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, diclofenac, atenolol, metoprolol, sotalol, bisoprolol, valsartan, verapamil and tramadol) over a long time period (March 2011 - February 2012). Time-proportional 24 hours pooled samples of wastewater from influent and effluent of the WWTP were used to assess the efficiency of WWTP. The concentrations of target compounds were determined by using in line SPE/LC-MS/MS analysis. The average annual concentrations in the effluent of WTP were in the range of 0,019 microgram/l (verapamil) to 1,00 microgram/l (atenolol). Average annual efficiencies of pharmaceutical elimination in WWTP based on pooled samples were found in the case of carbamazepine (-22 %), tramadol (-15 %), sotalol (-1 %), diclofenac (15 %), metoprolol (16 %), verapamil (43 %), bisoprolol (48 %) and valsartan (85 %). The statistical analysis of daily results in the winter and in the summer period showed significantly higher efficiency of the WWTP in the summer for 5 target compounds (diclofenac, atenolol, valsartan, sotalol and bisoprolol). Removal efficiency for the rest of pharmaceuticals did not show significant differences. Elevated temperature and longer irradiation period in summer can positively affect biodegradation or increased photolysis respectively.

Contaminantes emergentes em estações de tratamento de esgoto aeróbia e anaeróbia

Grosseli, Guilherme Martins 21 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-05T11:02:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGMG.pdf: 4914831 bytes, checksum: 1d048739debba70d1c2f92d0a969f785 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-16T13:42:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGMG.pdf: 4914831 bytes, checksum: 1d048739debba70d1c2f92d0a969f785 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-16T13:43:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGMG.pdf: 4914831 bytes, checksum: 1d048739debba70d1c2f92d0a969f785 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T13:43:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGMG.pdf: 4914831 bytes, checksum: 1d048739debba70d1c2f92d0a969f785 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-21 / Outra / The wastewater treatment plant (WWTPs) play an important role to ensuring the health and preservation of aquatic ecosystems through biological removal (mainly) of pollutants and microorganisms in the sanitary and industrial sewage, avoiding the disposal "in natura" of sewage on water and soil. Among these organic contaminants stand out Emerging Contaminants (EC), like pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disruptors, drug abuse, etc.In this study, it was investigated the occurrence and evaluated the removal of 12 EC: naproxen (NPX), diclofenac (DCF), ibuprofen (IBU), caffeine (CAF), carbamazepine (CBZ), propranolol (PRP), atenolol (ATL ), 1-hydroxyibuprofen (IBU-1OH), 2-hydroxy-ibuprofen (IBU-2OH), 10,11-dihydro-10,11-dihydroxy-carbamazepine (CBZ-DIOH), 2-hydroxy-carbamazepine (CBZ-2OH) at two wastewater treatment plants operating with biologic system, one aerobic and another one anaerobic. The first one is located in Jundiaí / SP city and the second one in São Carlos / SP. The target compounds were extracted from the aqueous phase by solid phase extraction (SPE). The analytical determinations were done through liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with triple quadrupole analyzer (UPLC-MS / MS).Pharmaceuticals, metabolites and personal care product triclosan were detected in all samples. The WWTP CSJJundiaí, which operates in aerobic system showed high removal values (R>70%), in all samples, for the CAF, NPX, ATL, IBU-1OH and TCS, moderate removal (70%>R> 20%) for the IBU and IBU-2 OH, low removal (R <20%) and production (R <0%) for CBZ and PRP.On the other hand ETE-Monjolinho, which operates in an anaerobic system presented a less removal of contaminants, where only caffeine had R> 70%.Thecompounds TCS IBU-2OH, IBU-1OH and ATL was moderate removal, CBZ-DIOH, CBZ and IBU was poorly removal, while it was observed production of DCF, PRP and CBZ-2OH (R < 0%). The metabolite CBZ-DIOH was recalcitrant to degradation in both WWTP. Moreover, it was noticed that WWTP can not only promote the degradation of some contaminants but also the production of the same, as is the case of DCF, CBZ, CBZ-2OH, CBZ-DIOH and PRP in both WWTP, and Moreover, it is possible to observe that STPs can promote not only the degradation of some contaminants but also the production of the same, as is the case of DCF, CBZ, CBZ-2 OH, CBZ-DIOH and PRP in both STPs, and ATL, IBU, and IBU-1OH only in ETE-Monjolinho. Despite both WWTP not completely remove the organic contaminants, it was found that WWTP with aerobic biodegradation has proved more effective in removing the EC than anaerobic biodegradation.The currently WWTP technologies are not able to eliminated most of EC, providing this contaminants into water bodies. This work aim to contributes to the understanding the EC in WWTP, in order to support better operating parameters of WWTP or the requirement of new technologies which allowed the removal of these contaminants providing treated wastewater that could helping for the global water scarcity problem. / As Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETEs) desempenham papel importante na garantia da saúde pública e preservação dos ecossistemas aquáticos por meio da remoção biológica (majoritariamente) de poluentes e microorganismos presentes no esgoto sanitário e industrial, evitando o aporte“in natura”do esgoto nos corpos hídricos e solos. Dentre estes contaminantes orgânicos destacam-se os Contaminantes Emergentes (CE), uma categoria composta por fármacos, produtos de higiene pessoal e desreguladores endócrinos, drogas de abuso, entre outros. Neste trabalho foi investigada a ocorrência e avaliada a remoção de 12 CE, sendo eles: naproxeno (NPX), diclofenaco (DCF), ibuprofeno (IBU), cafeína (CAF), carbamazepina (CBZ), propranolol (PRP), atenolol (ATL), 1- hidroxi-ibuprofeno (IBU-1OH), 2-hidroxi-ibuprofeno (IBU-2OH), 10,11-dihidro-10,11-dihidroxi-carbamazepina (CBZ-DIOH), 2-hidroxi-carbamazepina (CBZ-2OH) em duas estações de tratamento de esgoto que operam sistemas biológicos, sendo uma aeróbia e outra anaeróbia. A primeira fica na cidade de Jundiaí/SP e a segunda opera na cidade de São Carlos/SP. Os compostos alvos foram extraídos da fase aquosa por extração em fase sólida (SPE). As determinações analíticas foram feitas por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência acoplada àespectrometria de massas com analisador triplo quadrupolo (UPLC-MS/MS). Os fármacos, metabólitos e o produto de higiene pessoal triclosan foram detectados em todas as amostras analisadas. A CSJ-Jundiaí, que opera em regime aeróbio, apresentou ao longo das campanhas amostrais, altos valores de remoção (R>70%) para a CAF, NPX, ATL, IBU-1OH e TCS, remoção moderada (70%> R > 20%) para o IBU e IBU-2OH, baixa remoção (R<20%) e formação/produção (R<0%) para a CBZ e PRP. Já a ETEMonjolinho, que opera em regime anaeróbio, apresentou um panorama menos favorável na remoção dos contaminantes alvos obtendo R>70% apenas para a cafeína. Os compostos TCS, IBU-2OH, IBU-1OH e ATL tiveram remoção moderada, ao passo que CBZ-DiOH, CBZ e IBU apresentaram baixa remoção e formação/produção do DCF, PRP e CBZ-2OH. O metabólito CBZ-DiOH mostrou-se recalcitrante a degradação em ambas ETEs. Além do mais, é possível observar que as ETE podem promover não somente a degradação de alguns contaminantes mas também a formação/produção dos mesmos, como é o caso do DCF, CBZ, CBZ-2OH, CBZ-DiOH e PRP em ambas ETEs, havendo ainda na ETE-Monjolinho a formação de ATL, IBU, e IBU-1OH. Apesar de ambas ETEs não removerem completamente os compostos avaliados, observouse que o tratamento de esgoto empregando a biodegradação aeróbia tem se mostrado mais eficaz na remoção dos CEs frente à biodegradação anaeróbia. Os sistemas atualmente empregados na maioria das ETEs, não livram os corpos aquáticos da presença de CE. Este trabalho contribui para o conhecimento do comportamento de alguns CE em modelos de ETE comumente empregadose pode amparar estratégias de ajustes de condições operacionais ou o uso de tecnologias que possibilitem a remoção destes contaminantes, contribuindo para que os efluentes das ETEspossam ser transformados em água de reuso de boa qualidade, atualmente uma das alternativas para o gerenciamento do problema global da escassez hídrica.

Osmose inversa aplicada no reúso da água do rio Sarapuí em processos industriais / Reverse osmosis applied in Sarapuí river water reuse in industrial processes

Raphael da Rocha Sixel 14 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o desempenho de um sistema de captação e tratamento de água do rio Sarapuí, por meio de uma estação de tratamento composta por um sistema de pré-tratamento convencional, ligado a um sistema de separação por membranas de osmose inversa, no Município de Belford Roxo RJ, instalado para fornecer água de processo a instalações industriais. Foi verificado que a água captada encontra-se em condição bastante degradada e que a unidade de tratamento removeu, em média, 97% do teor dos poluentes presentes na água, enquadrando-a nos parâmetros requeridos pelo processo industrial. Foi possível comprovar que o processo de separação por osmose inversa pode ser utilizado em escala industrial, proporcionando ganhos econômicos consideráveis, além de evitar o consumo de água potável para fins de processos industriais e, ainda, contribuir para a retirada de carga orgânica de uma fonte degradada / The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of a system to capture and treat water from Sarapuí river through a treatment system consisting of a conventional pré-treatment stage, linked to a reverse osmosis separation system membranes, in the city of Belford Roxo - RJ, installed to provide process water for industrial plants. It was found that the water is captured in highly degraded condition and the treatment plant removed an average of 97% of the pollutants in the water, fitting the parameters required by the industrial process. It could be demonstrated that the separation process by reverse osmosis can be used on an industrial scale, providing significant economic gains, and avoid the consumption of potable water for industrial processes and also contribute to the removal of organic pollutants from a degraded source

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