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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

智慧型互動電視之實驗平台的設計-SITV / An Experimental Platform for Smart Interactive TV-SITV

劉炳億, Liu, Ping-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧型互動電視是不少數位生活研究的焦點。我們認為,一個好的互動電視系統設計,必須了解使用者觀看電視時的行為與周遭情境。因此,在本研究中,我們以Windows Media Center為基礎,提出一套互動電視的實驗平台系統─「SITV」,希望可輔助我們找出使用者在觀看電視時的行為特徵以及主觀上的需求反應。在SITV上,實驗設計者可以模擬一般有線電視節目的瀏覽方式,安排頻道順序與節目流程,定義電視上的功能,收集使用者的操作資訊,以及整合其他外部應用系統。我們亦設計了幾個實驗來評估我們所設計的電視新功能之效用性,包括新的音量控制方式,快速地檢視最近觀看過的頻道,個人化的節目推薦功能以及幾個具情境感知的應用規則(以電腦視覺技術為主)。我們相信SITV將作為一個創新的實驗平台,可以使得智慧型互動電視的設計更為容易。我們也將持續的進行更多的心理實驗來了解使用者的行為,以及如何設計出有用的電視新功能。 / Smart interactive TV has been the focus of much research on digital life in recent years. We regard that a good design for interactive TV should be based on better understanding of user behaviors and viewing contexts in TV watching. Therefore, in this research, on top of the Windows Media Center, we propose to build an experimental platform called Smart Interactive TV (SITV) to help us find out the characteristics of user behavior and subjective needs when watching the kind of TV. On SITV, designers are allowed to emulate broadcasting programs, schedule the programs, define control functions, collect user interaction data, and incorporate external application systems. We have designed several experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our new context-aware control functions including volume control, fast retrieval of newly viewed programs, personalized program recommendation, and rule-based context-aware functions by the use of computer vision techniques. We believe that SITV will serve as a novel experiment platform to facilitate the design of smart interactive TV. We will continue to conduct more psychological experiments to better understand user behaviors and how to design effective functions on this kind of TV environment.

Study of baleen whales’ ecology and interaction with maritime traffic activities to support management of a complex socio-ecological system

Martins, Cristiane C. A. 12 1900 (has links)
La gestion du milieu marin pour de multiples usages est une problématique de plus en plus en complexe. La création d’aires marines protégées (AMP) a été désignée comme étant une stratégie efficace afin de concilier la conservation avec les autres usages. Cependant, pour atteindre les objectifs de conservation, un plan de gestion bien défini de même qu’un programme de suivi efficace doivent être instaurés. En 1998, le parc marin du Saguenay–Saint-Laurent (PMSSL) a été créé afin de protéger plusieurs écosystèmes important de l’Estuaire du Saint-Laurent. Une industrie d’observation en mer de baleines en pleine croissance était déjà établie dans la région, qui est également traversé par une voie de navigation commerciale importante. Treize espèces de mammifères marins sont présentes dans la région, parmi lesquelles, quatre espèces de rorquals sont le centre d’intérêt du présent travail : le petit rorqual (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), le rorqual commun (Balaenoptera physalus), le rorqual à bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae) et le rorqual bleu (Balaenoptera musculus). La réduction des risques de collision et des perturbations du comportement susceptibles d’entrainer des conséquences physiologiques constitue un des enjeux majeures pour la conservation des baleines dans cette région. Avant de s’intéresser aux impacts du trafic maritime, des questions de base doivent être étudiées: Combien de baleines utilisent le secteur? Où sont les zones de fortes concentrations? Pour répondre à ces questions, des données d’échantillonnage par distance le long de transect linéaire sur une période de quatre ans (2006-2009) ont été utilisées pour estimer la densité et l’abondance et pour construire un modèle spatiale de la densité (MSD). Les espèces les plus abondantes sont le petit rorqual (45, 95% IC = 34-59) et le rorqual commun (24, 95% IC=18-34), suivi du rorqual bleu (3, 95% IC=2-5) et du rorqual à bosse (2, 95% IC=1-4). Les modèles additifs généralisés ont été utilisées afin de modéliser le nombre d’individus observé par espèce en fonction des variables environnementales. Les MSD ont permis l’identification des zones de concentration de chaque espèce à l’intérieur des limites de la portion de l’estuaire maritime du PMSSL et à valider les abondances estimées à partir des recensements systématiques. De plus, ils ont validé la pertinence de la zone de protection marine de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent proposée (ZPMESL) pour la conservation du rorqual bleu, une espèce en voie de disparition. Un exercice d’extrapolation a également été effectué afin de prédire les habitats du rorqual bleu à l’extérieur de la zone d’échantillonnage. Les résultats ont montré une bonne superposition avec des jeux de données indépendants. Malgré la nature exploratoire de cet exercice et dans l’attente de meilleures informations, il pourrait servir de base de discussion pour l’élaboration de mesures de gestion afin d’augmenter la protection de l’espèce. Ensuite, les systèmes d’informations géographiques ont été utilisés afin de vérifier le degré de chevauchement entre la navigation commerciale et les résultats des MSD de chaque espèce et l’exercice d’extrapolation. Les analyses ont identifiées les zones de forte cooccurrence entre les navires et les rorquals. Ces résultats démontrent la pertinence des mesures de gestion récemment proposées et ont mené à une recommandation d’ajustement de l’actuel corridor de navigation afin de diminuer le risque de collision. Finalement, le chevauchement avec l’industrie d’observation de baleines a été caractérisé avec des données d’un échantillonnage à partir de points terrestres conduit de 2008 à 2010. Bien que toutes les espèces de rorquals aient été suivies, seulement les résultats concernant les rorquals bleus et les rorquals à bosses sont présentés ici. Pour les rorquals bleus, 14 heures de données d’observation ont été analysées. Les rorquals bleus étaient exposés aux bateaux (<1 km), principalement les zodiacs commerciaux, dans 74 % des intervalles de surface (IS) analysés. L’exposition continue était de 2 à 19 IS et le nombre moyen de bateaux à l’intérieur d’un rayon de 1 km était 2.3 (±2.7, max=14). Lorsqu’en observation de l’animal focal, tous les bateaux commerciaux ont utilisé la zone à l’intérieur de 400 m, enfreignant ainsi le règlement qui prescrit une distance de retrait minimale de 400 m dans le cas d’espèces en voie de disparition. De plus, la variance du taux respiratoire de chaque individu était corrélée avec le pourcentage d’exposition au bateaux (0.73, p<0.05) suggérant une modification comportementale susceptible d’entrainer des conséquences physiologiques. Bien que le rorqual à bosse n’ait pas un statut de conservation critique, sont comportements en fait une cible importante de l’industrie d’observation. Un total de 50.4 heures d’observation du rorqual à bosse a été analysé. Les rorquals à bosse étaient exposés aux bateaux, principalement aux zodiacs commerciaux, pendant 78.5% du temps d’observation. Le nombre moyen de bateaux dans un rayon de 1 km était de 1.9 (±2.3, max=22). L’exposition cumulative aux activités d’observation de baleines peut avoir des conséquences à long terme pour les rorquals. L’application du règlement et des mesures pour augmenter la sensibilisation et le respect de la règlementation actuelle sont nécessaires. Des suggestions pour améliorer la règlementation actuelle sont proposées. Ce travail présente pour la première fois des estimés d’abondance pour l’aire d’étude, améliore les informations disponibles sur les zones de fortes concentrations, donne un appui à l’établissement d’un plan de zonage adéquat à l’intérieur des limites du PMSSL et souligne l’importance de l’établissement de la ZPMESL proposée. Par sa revue compréhensive de la question du trafic maritime en lien avec les rorquals présents dans l’estuaire, cette étude fournit des informations précieuses pour la gestion de ce système socio-écologique complexe. / Management of the marine environment for multiple usages has become increasingly complex. The creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has been pointed out as a successful strategy for combining conservation with other uses. However, to attain conservation goals, a well-defined management plan and a robust monitoring program need to be set. In 1998, the Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park (SSLMP) was decreed to protect important ecosystems of the St. Lawrence River Estuary. A growing whale watching industry was already established in the area which is also crossed by an important shipping lane. Thirteen marine mammal species occur in the area, among them, four baleen species, which are the focus of the present work: minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and the blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus). Whales’ protection in this area of intensive marine traffic is of concern due to a high collision probability and induced behavioral and physiological changes. Before addressing the effects of the marine traffic, some basic questions needed to be answered: How many baleen whales use the area? Where are their core areas? To answer that, line-transect distance-sampling data collected over four years (2006-2009) were used to estimate density and abundance and to build a spatial density model (SDM). The most abundant species were minke (45, 95% CI=34-59) and fin whales (24, 95% CI=18-34), followed by blue (3, 95% CI=2-5) and humpback whales (2, 95% CI=1-4). Generalized additive models were used to model each species count as a function of space and environmental variables. The SDM allowed the identification of each species core area within the marine portion of the SSLMP, and corroborated the abundance estimates derived from design-based methods. In addition, it corroborated the relevance of the proposed St. Lawrence Estuary Marine Protected (SLEMPA) Area to the conservation of essential habitats of the endangered blue whale. An extrapolation exercise was performed to predict blue whales’ habitats outside the surveyed area. Despite its exploratory nature, the results showed a good match with independent data sets and in the lack of better information could guide the discussion of management measures to enhance species’ protection. Next, Geographic Information System capabilities were used to verify the degree of overlap between the navigation corridor and the resulting SDM of each species and the extrapolation model. The analysis highlighted areas of important co-occurrence of whales and ships, corroborated the adequacy of recently proposed management measures and resulted in a recommendation of adjustment to the current shipping lane in order to decrease collision risk. Finally, the overlap with the whale watching industry was characterized with data from a land-based survey conducted from 2008 to 2010. Although all baleen whale species were tracked, here only results of blue and humpback whales were presented. For blue whales, data from 14 hours of observation were analyzed. Whales were exposed to boats, mainly commercial zodiacs, in 74% of their surface intervals (SI). Continuous exposure ranged from 2 to 19 SI and the mean number of boats within a 1 km radius was 2.3 (±2.7, max=14). A complete lack of compliance with the current whale watching regulations was observed. Additionally, individual blow rate variance was correlated with percentage of exposure to boats (0.73, p<0.05). Although humpback whales do not have a critical conservation status, their intrinsic behaviour makes them a major target to the industry. A total of 50.4 hours of humpback whale observation was analysed. Whales were exposed to boats, mainly commercial zodiacs, during 78.5% of the observation time. The mean number of boats within a 1 km radius was 1.9 (±2.3, max=22). The cumulative exposure to whale watching can have long-term consequences for whales. Law enforcement and measures to raise awareness and compliance to current regulations are urgently needed. Suggestions to improve the current regulation were provided. The present work presents the first abundance estimates for the study area, refines the available information on baleen whales core areas, provides support to the establishment of an adequate zoning plan within the SSLMP and stresses the relevance of the SLEMPA. In addition it provides an in depth overview of the marine traffic issue and provides valuable information to support management of this complex socio-ecological system. / Thesis written in co-mentorship with Robert Michaud.

Um domingo qualquer - estratégias de grade de programação de televisão aberta no Brasil / Any Given Sunday: Broadcast Brazilian TV Programming Strategies. São Paulo, 2013. Dissertation

Erthal, Claudia 26 June 2013 (has links)
Pesquisa em Comunicação na área de Meios de Processos Audiovisuais que estuda as estratégias de grade de programação de domingo na TV aberta brasileira. Ênfase no domingo em virtude de ser o dia com maior número de telespectadores ligados e por ser um dos dias com maior visibilidade dos produtos veiculados. As principais linhas teóricas utilizadas na interpretação da pesquisa tratam da formação do hábito de ver televisão, do contrato afetivo entre o fluxo da grade de programação e o telespectador e do Princípio da Razão Durante através da teoria do Metáporo. Texto multidisciplinar que reúne teóricos de Comunicação, Estudo de TV, Estudos Culturais, Sociologia, Filosofia para construir um corpo teórico que trata de entender estratégias utilizadas pelas emissoras para montar a grade de programação e de como a grade se torna um específico da TV, um produto audiovisual único e fluído e uma forma discursiva estratégica das empresas de comunicação. / Research in Communication within the Audiovisual Media Process area focused on the broadcast Sunday Brazilian TV programming strategies. It emphasizes the Sunday programming due to be the day with the largest number of viewers watching TV and due to one of the days that gets more visibility to the media products and production. The main theoretical lines used in the research are about the habit of watching TV, the emotional contract established between the programming flow and the TV viewer and also the Princípio da Razão Durante (Ongoing Principle) through the Metaporo´s theory. Multidisciplinary text gathering theories from Communication, TV Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology and Philosophy to build a theoretic body of work to understand the strategies used by the TV stations and networks to form the programming grid and how the grid becomes TV´s specific language, one fluid and exclusive audiovisual product and also an strategic discursive form belonging to the communication enterprises.

Influência do sedentarismo e obesidade no diabetes mellitus gestacional / Influence of the sedentary lifestyle and obesity gestational diabetes mellitus

Panigas, Tiago Facchini 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:06:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Facchini Panigas.pdf: 1126125 bytes, checksum: 1c4c17d8ae5ea0c4d6192df3270b350c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has been presented as an important problem of public health, it has been the disease with highest incidence during pregnancy. The treatment includes changes in eating habits and increment of physical activity. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of obesity and physical activity in pregnant women suffered from gestational diabetes mellitus. In epidemiological case-control study, were evaluated 23 pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDMG) and 23 normoglycemic pregnant women (CG), and 17.4% were black (GDMG 21.7% and 13% CG), 13% smokers (GDMG 13% and 13% CG) and 39.1% nulliparous (GDMG 26.1% and 52.2% CG). The average age of the sample was 30.3 ± 5.4 years (GDMG 31.3 ± 4.7 and CG 29.2 ± 5.9 years) and body mass index was 30.6 ± 7.5 kg/m2 (GDMG 34.29 ± 7.70 and CG 27.02 ± 5.27 kg/m2). The women were selected from public maternities and public clinics in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. The level of physical activity in sport / exercise, transportation / mobility, housework, occupational, leisure and care for others, referring to the 20 first weeks of pregnancy, was quantified through the application of physical activity questionnaire for pregnant women (PAQPW) coming from the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ). The fields related to housework (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 1.02 to 1.11, p = 0.01) and the time devoted to watching television (OR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1 0.02 to 1, 14, p = 0.01), albeit with a significant statistical difference, in practice was deemed irrelevant by the negligible difference, as those related to physical activity, sport / exercise, occupational activities, caring for others, leisure, transportation and movement did not present significant association with risk of GDM. Only BMI above 30 kg/m2 increased substantially the risk of pregnant women to acquire GDM (OR = 6.86, 95% CI: 2.69 to 25.17, p = 0.01). The women in both groups had low physical activity level of sport / exercise (GDMG 21.7% and 30.4% active GC), and the level of inactivity in both groups was also high. / O diabetes mellitus gestacional apresenta-se como importante problema de saúde pública, sendo a doença de maior incidência durante a gestação. O tratamento inclui a mudança de hábitos alimentares e incremento da atividade física. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a influência da obesidade e da atividade física em gestantes acometidas de diabetes mellitus gestacional. Em estudo epidemiológico do tipo caso-controle, foram avaliadas 23 gestantes com diabetes mellitus gestacional (GDMG) e 23 gestantes normoglicêmicas (GC), sendo que 17,4% eram negras (GDMG 21,7% e GC 13%), 13% tabagistas (GDMG 13% e GC 13%) e 39,1% nulíparas (GDMG 26,1% e GC 52,2%). A média de idade da amostra foi de 30,3 ± 5,4 anos (GDMG 31,3 ± 4,7 e GC 29,2 ± 5,9 anos) e o índice de massa corporal foi de 30,6 ± 7,5 Kg/m2 (GDMG 34,29 ± 7,70 e GC 27,02 ± 5,27 Kg/m2). As gestantes foram selecionadas em maternidades públicas e postos de saúde da cidade de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. O nível de atividade física de esporte/exercício, transporte/locomoção, tarefas domésticas, ocupacionais, lazer e cuidar de outras pessoas, referente às 20 primeiras semanas gestacionais, foi quantificado por meio da aplicação do Questionário de atividade física para gestantes (QAFG), oriundo do Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ). Os domínios relacionados às tarefas domésticas (OR=1,06; 95% IC; 1,02-1,11; p=0,01) e ao tempo destinado a assistir televisão (OR=1,07; 95% IC:1,02-1,14; p=0,01), embora com diferença estatisticamente significante, na prática foi considerada irrelevante pela desprezível diferença, assim como os relacionados à atividade física esporte/exercício, atividades ocupacionais, cuidar de outras pessoas, lazer e transporte e locomoção que não apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa com o risco de DMG. Somente o IMC superior a 30 Kg/m2 aumentou consideravelmente o risco das gestantes de adquirir DMG (OR=6,86; 95% IC: 2,69-25,17; p=0,01). As gestantes de ambos os grupos apresentaram baixos nível a atividade física de esporte/exercício (GDMG 21,7% e GC 30,4% ativas), sendo que o nível de sedentarismo em ambos os grupos foi igualmente elevado.

Um domingo qualquer - estratégias de grade de programação de televisão aberta no Brasil / Any Given Sunday: Broadcast Brazilian TV Programming Strategies. São Paulo, 2013. Dissertation

Claudia Erthal 26 June 2013 (has links)
Pesquisa em Comunicação na área de Meios de Processos Audiovisuais que estuda as estratégias de grade de programação de domingo na TV aberta brasileira. Ênfase no domingo em virtude de ser o dia com maior número de telespectadores ligados e por ser um dos dias com maior visibilidade dos produtos veiculados. As principais linhas teóricas utilizadas na interpretação da pesquisa tratam da formação do hábito de ver televisão, do contrato afetivo entre o fluxo da grade de programação e o telespectador e do Princípio da Razão Durante através da teoria do Metáporo. Texto multidisciplinar que reúne teóricos de Comunicação, Estudo de TV, Estudos Culturais, Sociologia, Filosofia para construir um corpo teórico que trata de entender estratégias utilizadas pelas emissoras para montar a grade de programação e de como a grade se torna um específico da TV, um produto audiovisual único e fluído e uma forma discursiva estratégica das empresas de comunicação. / Research in Communication within the Audiovisual Media Process area focused on the broadcast Sunday Brazilian TV programming strategies. It emphasizes the Sunday programming due to be the day with the largest number of viewers watching TV and due to one of the days that gets more visibility to the media products and production. The main theoretical lines used in the research are about the habit of watching TV, the emotional contract established between the programming flow and the TV viewer and also the Princípio da Razão Durante (Ongoing Principle) through the Metaporo´s theory. Multidisciplinary text gathering theories from Communication, TV Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology and Philosophy to build a theoretic body of work to understand the strategies used by the TV stations and networks to form the programming grid and how the grid becomes TV´s specific language, one fluid and exclusive audiovisual product and also an strategic discursive form belonging to the communication enterprises.

Shared Spaces: The Human and the Animal in the Works of Zora Neale Hurston, Mark Twain, and Jack London

Harper, Pamela Evans 08 1900 (has links)
Living in tune with nature means respecting the natural environment and realizing its power and the ways it manifests in daily life. This essay focuses on the ways in which respect for nature is expressed through animal imagery in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, Mark Twain's "The Stolen White Elephant," Roughing It, and Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Jack London's The Call of the Wild. Each author encouraged readers to seek the benefits of nature in order to become better human beings, forge stronger communities, and develop a more unified nation and world. By learning from the positive example of the animals, we learn how to share our world with them and with each other.

Study of baleen whales’ ecology and interaction with maritime traffic activities to support management of a complex socio-ecological system

Martins, Cristiane C. A. 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Počátky televizního vysílání v Československu a formování jeho divácké obce / The beginnings of television broadcasting in Czechoslovakia and the formation of its audience

Prchlíková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The author aims to focus the work on the formation of audiences from the early days of television. The key is to introduce readers to the beginnings of broadcasting from the perspective of the viewer, not just the overview of the history of television broadcasting in Czechoslovakia. The studied time period is mainly the 50s of 20th century with a brief insight into the interwar period. In the end the author compares the past with current state of television entertainment. The work is methodologically processed by archival research and professional literature in combination with the oral history method using real interviews with narrators. This leads to a comparison of officially available information about the beginnings of television broadcasting with the testimony of their direct audience.However, the result of the research is a mutual agreement in the field of television technology (first receivers), as well as in the sphere of program distribution, in the social area and also it presents how popular was the television in leisure activities of population in the 50s­60s of 20th century.

Ztraceno v překladu: Problematika překladu afroamerického dialektu do češtiny / Lost in Translation: Challenges of Translating the African American Vernacular into the Czech Space

Horká, Natálie January 2021 (has links)
dialect is introduced. Toni Morrison's ce Walker's analyse the way in which Michael Žantovsk Nejmodřejší oči ) and Jiří The thesis is concluded with a part that focuses on Zora Neale Hurston's The novel's language is analysed compared to the novels by Walker and Morrison, and the analysis presents specifics of Hurston's portrayal of African American ejich oči

Automatisk uppspelning på Netflix: Sambandet mellan funktionen och hur mycket användaren binge-tittar / Post-Play on Netflix: The correlation between the feature and the extent to which the user binge watches

Scholz, Anne-Charlot, Andersen, Adelina January 2019 (has links)
Netflix är en streamingtjänst som har hjälpt till att mynta termen för fenomenet binge-tittande, vilket i det här arbetet definieras som att titta på minst tre avsnitt av en serie i sträck. Tjänsten använder sig av en funktion som kallas automatisk uppspelning som förhandsgranskar nästa avsnitt av en TV-serie efter att användaren har avslutat föregående avsnitt och därefter automatiskt spelar upp det efter ett antal sekunder har passerat. Frågan som undersöks i denna uppsats är huruvida automatisk uppspelning på Netflix har en inverkan på hur mycket användare binge-tittar. Detta i hopp om att användare som binge-tittar kan bli mer medvetna om en eventuell inverkan funktionen har på deras tittarvanor och därför kan göra ett mer informerat val kring att använda funktionen eller inte. Relaterad forskning som är relevant för det här arbetet är studier om flow experience, beroende, dark design patterns och tidigare undersökningar kring Netflix. Frågeställningen undersöktes genom att genomföra intervjuer med en testgrupp av studenter från KTH samt dokumentera, jämföra och analysera data från deras tittarhistorik på Netflix. Testgruppen blev ombedda att inaktivera automatisk uppspelning i en vecka och historiken från testperioden jämfördes sedan med den från veckan innan. Resultatet från studien visar att inaktiveringen av funktionen ledde till en minskning på 45 minuter av den tid som individerna binge-tittade per tillfälle. Däremot hittades ingen signifikant inverkan på tittarvanorna hos testpersonerna i form av antalet tillfällen och hur länge de binge-tittade, samt hur många avsnitt de såg per binge-tillfälle. Det konstaterades även att inaktiveringen av automatisk uppspelning ökade medvetenheten om testgruppens binge-tittande, vilket talar för att automatisk uppspelning ökar användarens flow experience. Detta skulle eventuellt kunna medföra att funktionen ökar risken för ett beroende av binge-tittande. Andra aspekter som upptäcktes under undersökningen men inte undersöktes vidare och därför kan vara fokuspunkter för efterföljande studier inkluderar den inverkan automatisk uppspelning har på tittarvanor när användaren binge-tittar aktivt versus passivt samt vid binge-tittande på olika enheter. / Netflix is a streaming service that has helped coin the term for the phenomenon of binge watching, which in this essay is defined as watching at least three episodes of a tv-series back-to-back. Netflix provides a feature called post-play which previews the next episode of a TV series after having finished the previous one and then automatically plays it after a couple of seconds. The question examined in this essay is whether post-play on Netflix has a significant impact on the extent to which users binge watch. This is done in the hope of making users who binge watch more aware of any possible influence the feature can have on their binging-habits and therefore being able to make a more informed choice about disabling post-play or not. Related research that was relevant to this paper include studies on flow experience, addiction, dark design patterns and previous studies surrounding Netflix. The thesis was investigated by conducting interviews with a test group of students from KTH as well as documenting, comparing and analyzing their viewing-history on Netflix. The test group was asked to disable post-play during a week and the viewing-history from the test period was then compared to that from the week before. The results of the study showed that disabling of the feature led to the users reducing the amount of time they spent binge-watching per binge-session by 45 minutes. There was however no evidence of the function having a significant impact on the viewing-habits of the subjects in terms of the amount of episodes watched per binge-session or the overall amount of instances and hours they binge-watched during the test period. It was found that the disabling of post-play raised the awareness of binge watching in the subject, which indicates that post-play increases the flow experience for the user. This would subsequently suggest that the feature heightens the risk for addiction to binge watching. Aspects that were discovered but not examined and could therefore be focus points of subsequent studies include the impact of post-play on viewing habits when binge watching actively vs passively and when binge watching on different units.

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