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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Identificação de áreas para conservação do solo e da água na Área de Proteção Ambiental do rio Uberaba com geoprocessamento /

Siqueira, Hygor Evangelista. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Gener Tadeu Pereira / Resumo: As Unidades de Conservação é um instrumento da Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente que determinou a criação de espaços para que sejam utilizados como proteção e garantia do equilíbrio ecossistêmico no território brasileiro. A Área de Proteção Ambiental do rio Uberaba (APA) é uma Unidade de Conservação criada com o objetivo de garantir a qualidade das águas do rio Uberaba, sendo este, o manancial de abastecimento público da cidade de Uberaba - MG. É caracterizada como uma unidade de conservação de uso sustentável, e algumas atividades altamente impactantes vêm sendo realizadas na sua área, com isso, causando diversas alterações no meio, tais como erosão, eutrofização de cursos d’água e alterações na qualidade e quantidade de água. Objetivou-se nesta proposta identificar as áreas prioritárias para conservação do solo e da água na Área de Proteção Ambiental do rio Uberaba utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. As áreas foram definidas a partir da estimativa de perdas de solos pela Equação Universal de Perda de Solo e dos usos e ocupação dos solos nas Áreas de Preservação Permanente. O modelado do relevo fora mapeado em 5 unidades: Dissecado Homogêneo de Topo Tabular – Dt (42,39%); Dissecado Homogêneo de Topo Convexo – Dtc (24,78%); Rampa de Colúvio– Arc (17,21%); Pediplano Degradado Inumado ‒ Pgi (11,45%); e o Dissecado Estrutural de Topo Convexo – DE (4,17%) da APA. O Potencial Nacional de Erosão (PNE) apresentou valores baixos(<100 t ha-1 ano-1 ) em 41,99% da APA, médios (100... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Conservation Units is an instrument of the National Environmental Policy that determined the creation of spaces to be used as protection and guarantee of the ecosystem balance in the Brazilian territory. The Uberaba River Environmental Protection Area (EPA) is a Conservation Unit created with the objective of guaranteeing the quality of the waters of the Uberaba River, which is the source of public supply of the city of Uberaba - MG. It is characterized as a sustainable use conservation unit, and some highly impacting activities have been carried out in its area, causing several changes in the environment, such as erosion, eutrophication of watercourses and changes in water quality and quantity. The objective of this proposal was to identify priority areas for soil and water conservation in the Uberaba River Environmental Protection Area using geoprocessing techniques. Areas were defined by estimating soil losses by the Universal Equation of Soil Loss and land use and occupation in Permanent Preservation Areas. The relief models were mapped in 5 units: Homogeneous Dissected Tabular Top - Dt (42.39%); Top Convex Homogeneous Dissected - Dtc (24.78%); Coluvium Ramp - Arc (17.21%); Degraded Pediplane - Pgi (11.45%); and the EPA Convex Top - Structural Dissection (4.17%). The Natural Erosion Potential presented low values (<100 t ha-1 year-1 ) in 41.99% of the APA, average values (100-200 t ha-1 year-1 ) in 25.64% and the high values (200-600 t ha-1 year-1 ), very high (600 -1... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

An investigation of the use of groynes as a means of riverbank erosion protection

Van Den Heever, Arende Daniel De Waal 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Groynes are hydraulic structures typically constructed from gabions to extend from the outer bank of a river channel into the main flow. The principal uses for groynes are as river training structures, and to protect the riverbank from erosion. This is done by deflecting the current away from the riverbanks, dissipating energy and creating lower flow velocity zones, reducing the effects of erosion. Groynes have been used extensively in the Western Cape since the early 1990s as a means to protect agricultural lands. There is, however an absence of published manuals for the design of groynes around bends as a means of riverbank protection. This study was done to better understand the flow, scour and sediment deposition patterns associated with implementing a series of groynes around a bend. A physical model of a typical sinusoidal South African river was constructed in the Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of Stellenbosch. The model consisted of two succesive 90˚ bends to best simulate erosion patterns. Different layout designs for a series of groynes were tested to determine the optimal design for the given situation in terms of the projection lengths of the groynes, the spacing between the groynes as a factor of the projection length, and the orientation of the groynes with regard to the oncoming flow. An integrated software package, that was developed at the National Centre for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering, at the University of Mississippi, named CCHE2D was used to simulate the physical model numerically. The model was calibrated by adjusting the Manning‟s n value of the sediment, and the normal tailwater depth was calculated and used for the physical and numerical models. The flow rate used during the physical model experiments was also used for the numerical model. The model was validated by comparing scour depths obtained from the physical model to the resulting depth in the hydrodynamic model. From the results obtained from the physical and numerical models, it was found that groynes with a perpendicular orientation to the direction of the oncoming flow were optimal. Groynes with an upstream orientation resulted in excessive scour around the nose of the groynes, while recirculating flow patterns occurred at a velocity which caused bank failure. Groynes with a downstream orientation created very little recirculation of flow, resulting in less scour protection for the outer bank than found for groynes with perpendicular orientation. Finally, the optimal design was identified as a perpendicular groyne orientation with a projection length L and a spacing of 3.5 xL. For the given design, eddy currents covered the entire area between consecutive groynes, causing low flow zones near the outer banks, promoting sediment deposition and decreasing the potential for scour. Recommendations for further studies include the investigation of the effects of different bend radii, the sediment size, as well as various channel widths, flow rates and river slopes. The use of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model would also be advantageous in order to better understand the flow and scour mechanics associated with different designs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Groynes is hidrouliese strukture, tipies gebou uit skanskorwe in Suid Afrika, wat vanaf die buiteoewer van 'n rivier strek na die hoofkanaal. Groynes word hoofsaaklik aangewend as rigmure in riviere en om rivieroewers te beskerm teen erosie. Erosiebeskerming word geskep deur vloei weg te deflekteer van die rivieroewer en energie te dissipeer. Sodoende vorm areas met lae vloeisnelhede naby die oewer wat die potensiaal vir erosie verminder. Groynes is sedert die vroeë 1990s in die Wes-Kaap gebruik as 'n manier om landbougrond teen erosie te beskerm. Daar is egter 'n tekort aan gepubliseerde ontwerpriglyne vir die gebruik van groynes vir erosiebeskeriming in riviere. Hierdie studie is gedoen om die vloei-, uitskuringsen sediment neersettingspatrone, geassossiëer met die implementering van groynes, te ondersoek. 'n Fisiese model van 'n tipiese kronkelende Suid-Afrikaanse rivier is gebou in die Hidrouliese Laboratorium by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die model bestaan uit twee opeenvolgende 90˚ draaie om die erosie-patrone te simuleer. Verskillende uitlegte vir 'n reeks groynes is getoets om die optimale ontwerp vas te stel in terme die projeksielengte van die groynes, die spasiëring tussen opeenvolgende groynes as 'n faktor van die projeksielengte en die oriëntasie van die groynes ten opsigte van die aankomende vloeirigting. 'n Geïntegreerde sagteware pakket wat ontwikkel is by die “National Centre for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering”, by die Universiteit van Mississippi, genaamd CCHE2D is gebruik om die fisiese eksperimente numeries te simuleer. Die model is gekalibreer deur die Manning n waarde van die sediment aan te pas, die stroomaf waterdiepte wat bereken is, en die vloeitempo wat waargeneem is tydens die fisiese eksperimente. Die model is bekragtig deur uitskuurdieptes van die fisiese- en hidrodinamiese modelle te vergelyk. Vanuit die resultate wat verkry is in die fisiese- en numeriese modelle, is daar gevind dat groynes met 'n loodregte oriëntasie met betrekking tot die aankomende vloei optimaal is. Daar is gevind dat groynes met 'n stroomop oriëntasie oormatige uitskuring rondom die neus van die groynes ondervind, terwyl hersirkulasie van vloei teen 'n hoë snelheid plaasvind, wat erosie van die oewer tot gevolg het. Groynes met 'n oriëntasie na die stroomaf kant het baie min hersirkulasie van vloei tot gevolg gehad, wat tot minder erosiebeskerming van die buitebank gelei het. Die optimale ontwerp is geïdentifiseer as groynes met loodregte oriëntasie, 'n projeksielengte van 0.675 m en 'n spasiëring van 3.5 keer die projeksielengte. Vir die gegewe ontwerp is werwelstrome gevind wat die hele area tussen opeenvolgende groynes dek, wat area van lae vloei sones veroorsaak naby die oewer, wat sediment deponering bevorder en die potensiaal vir uitskuring verminder. Aanbeveling vir verdere studies sluit die studie van die effekte van verskillende draai radiusse en die sediment-grootte in, sowel as verskillende kanaalbreedtes, vloeie en rivierhellings. Die gebruik van 'n drie-dimensionele hidrodinamiese model sal ook voordelig wees om die betrokke vloei- en uitskuringspatrone rakende verskillende ontwerpe beter te verstaan.

Estudo geológico-geotécnico dos processos erosivos e proposta de macrodrenagem: Voçoroca do Córrego do Cravo (Nazareno-MG) / Geological and geotechnical study of erosive processes and proposition of a macro-drainage system: Córrego do Cravo Gully (Nazareno-MG, Brazil)

Sampaio, Ligia de Freitas 19 May 2014 (has links)
A dinâmica dos sistemas naturais se constrói na integração de todos os elementos pertencentes ao ambiente. Caso o conhecimento do meio físico e da influência das atividades antrópicas nesta dinâmica não sejam considerados em conjunto com o uso e ocupação, problemas ambientais de difícil recuperação, como as voçorocas, podem ser gerados, prejudicando a própria manutenção e expansão das atividades humanas. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar de forma integrada os condicionantes geológicos e geotécnicos e as propriedades que interferem na drenagem da água superficial e subsuperficial em uma voçoroca do município de Nazareno, no estado de Minas Gerais (voçoroca do Córrego do Cravo). Diante disso, foram elaborados mapas com a utilização de SIG para levantamento e análise das características da bacia do Córrego do Cravo e da bacia de contribuição da voçoroca. Ensaios em laboratório (permeabilidade, erodibilidade, parâmetros físico-químicos, matéria orgânica, MCT e MEV/EDS) foram realizados para caracterização geológica e geotécnica, assim como o tratamento de dados pluviométricos e o programa ABC 6, para estudo do comportamento e da vazão das chuvas. Por fim, para avaliação das propostas de macrodrenagem na bacia de contribuição da voçoroca do Córrego do Cravo, utilizou-se o programa Canal. Os resultados apontaram que, nesta região, as elevadas declividades e susceptibilidade do solo saprolítico (Cambissolo) são os principais condicionantes do ambiente, sendo a intensidade das chuvas, as direções do fluxo superficial, sua concentração (originada pela retirada da cobertura vegetal e manejo inadequado do solo tanto pelas atividades agropecuárias como pela implantação de obras de infraestrutura, como estradas, por exemplo), e a exposição do nível d\'água subterrâneo no interior da voçoroca, os principais fatores que proporcionam o desenvolvimento e retorno dos processos erosivos. Dessa forma, a redução do volume e da energia do escoamento superficial em direção ao solo saprolítico, concomitante ao recolhimento e disciplinamento da água subsuperficial no interior da voçoroca, são consideradas imprescindíveis à estabilização dos processos erosivos. As propostas de macrodrenagem, de maneira geral, poderão ser aplicadas, não somente na voçoroca do Córrego do Cravo, mas também em outras voçorocas de Nazareno com propriedades geológicas-geotécnicas similares. / The dynamics of natural systems are based on the integration of all environmental elements. If the knowledge of physical conditions and of the influence of anthropogenic activities are not considered jointly with land use difficult environmental problems, as gullies, are generated and may cause damages both on maintenance and on expansion of human activities. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the geological and geotechnical constraints and properties which interfere in the superficial and subsuperficial drainage systems of a gully in the Nazareno municipality, at Minas Gerais state, Brazil (Córrego do Cravo gully). Therefore, maps to survey data from the Córrego do Cravo basin and the gully contribution area were made, using GIS tools. In addition, laboratory tests (permeability, erodibility, physical-chemical parameters, organic matter, MCT and SEM/EDS) were conducted for a geological and geotechnical characterization, as well as a study of the precipitation data was done and the software ABC 6 was used to evaluate rainfall and flow. Finally, for the macro drainage system assessment the software Canal was used. The results showed that the steep slopes and the saprolite soil susceptibility (Cambisol) are the main environmental constraints, and the rainfall intensity, the flow directions and its concentration (that is generated by the removal of vegetation and inadequate land use, both urban and agricultural), and the exposure of the water table level in the gully are the main factors that developed and brought the erosive processes back. Hence, both flow volume and energy towards the saprolite soil, in addition with subsuperficial water collection and its discipline inside the gully, are considered indispensable to stabilize of the erosive processes. The macro drainage system proposition can be applied in other gullie areas with similar geological and geotechnical properties.

Estimativa de erosão utilizando a Equação Universal de Perdas de Solos (EUPS): o caso do alto curso do rio Chopim / Erosion estimantion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE): the case of the upper course of Chopim river

Basso, Bruna Tauana 04 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fabielle Cheuczuk (fabielle.cheuczuk@unioeste.br) on 2018-11-29T18:04:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Versão Final.pdf: 3865354 bytes, checksum: c057a961a6b88478a6890a7fc6df2932 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-29T18:04:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Versão Final.pdf: 3865354 bytes, checksum: c057a961a6b88478a6890a7fc6df2932 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-04 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The erosive process ocurrs naturally, however it is being accelerated by anthropic action causing changes in the natural characteristics of soil, reduction of crop productivity, rivers silting and several environmental problems. The implementation of sustainable studies models in watershed, aims preservation, utilization and dinamic of the environment, having an important role as environmental resources management tool. This study aims to establish estimation of soil loss to upper course of Chopim River watershed through aplication of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), applying Qgis 3.0 software. The study area is located in the south of Paraná State. Were considered pluviosity rainfall data from 1985 to 2015 to calculate annual average erosivity and was obtained a variation from 9752 Mj/ha.mm/year to 8180Mj/ha.mm/year, constituting an moderate to strong erosivity. The present soils in the study area have an average erosivity of 0,02030, 0,02092, 0,02410 and 0,02681 Mg.ha.h.ha-1.MJ-1.mm-1 for Nitosol, Latosol, Cambisol, Neosol, respectively. The declivity degree associated with ramp length results in topographic factor, which indicated the study area with flat and smooth wavy relief. The factors of use, management and conservation practices of soil, were estimated according to soil use classification and literature review, alternating from 0 to 0,143. The types of use soil classes were differentiated by Pine, Forest, Open Fields, Conventional Cultivation and Exposed Soil, Urban Area. The annual average soil loss was estimated in 39,36 ton/ha.year what can be considered as moderated soil loss. In the maps analysis were not possible to identificate only one factor that individualizes as soil losses. However, was observed that the association of the erosivity factor and the topographic factor, indicates the high values of soil loss. Nevertheless, the soil loss estimation map in the upper course of the watershed of Chopim River provides enough data to the analysis and environmental planning of study area. / O processo erosivo ocorre de maneira natural, porém pode ser acelerado pela ação antrópica ocasionando mudanças nas características naturais do solo, redução da produtividade de culturas, degradação dos solos, assoreamento de rios e diversos problemas ambientais. A implementação de estudos de modelos sustentáveis em bacias hidrográficas visando a preservação, utilização e dinâmica do meio ambiente possui um papel importante como ferramenta de gestão dos recursos ambientais. Este estudo visou estabelecer estimativas de perda de solo para o setor do Alto Curso da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Chopim por meio da aplicação da Equação Universal de Perda de Solos (EUPS), com o auxílio do software QGis 3.0. A área de estudo localiza-se no Sul do estado do Paraná, abrange grande parte do município de Palmas. A erosividade anual média, considerando os dados pluviométricos de 1985 a 2015, teve uma variação de 9752 MJ/ha.mm/ano a 8180 MJ/ha.mm/ano, constituindo uma erosividade moderada a forte. Os solos presentes na área de estudo possuem uma erodibilidade média tendo valores mínimos de 0,02030, 0,02092, 0,02410 e 0,02681 Mg.ha.h.ha-1.MJ-1.mm-1 para o Nitossolo, Latossolo, Cambissolo e Neossolo respectivamente. O grau de declividade associado ao comprimento de rampa resulta no fator topográfico o que indicou a área de estudo com um relevo plano e suave ondulado. Os fatores de uso e manejo do solo e práticas conservacionistas foram valorados de acordo com a classificação do uso do solo e a revisão da literatura, e alternaram de 0 a 0,143. As classes dos tipos de uso de solos se diferenciaram por Pinus, Floresta, Campo Limpos, Cultivo convencional e solo exposto, área urbana. A perda de solo média anual foi estimada em 39,36 ton/ha.ano o que pode ser considerada como perda de solo moderada. Na análise dos mapas não foi possível identificar apenas um fator que individualize as perdas de solos. A associação da erosividade com o fator topográfico indicam os valores elevados de perda de solo, sendo os elementos principais que estariam influenciando na perda de solo na área. Ainda assim, o mapa de estimativa de perdas de solo do Alto Curso da Bacia hidrográfica do Rio Chopim fornece dados suficientes para a análise e planejamento ambiental da área de estudo.

Indicadores de perda de solo espacializados como ferramenta de apoio à decisão para gestão ambiental integrada de bacias hidrográficas / Spacialized indicators of soil loss as a decision-making tool for integrated environmental management of watersheds

Weiler, Elenice Broetto 23 February 2017 (has links)
In order to minimize the soil degradation (natural or anthropic), we have sought alternatives that aim to the economic development allied to the sustainable development. To produce without destroying, knowledge and planning are needed among many things. The study of erosion potential in order to diagnose areas that are more likely to soil losses (current and potential) in watershed can help to prepare preventive measures to protect the soil and others natural resources, avoiding damages to the environment and the human activities. This study was aimed to evaluate the use of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in a spacialized way as an indicator of soil loss and the susceptibility of areas to the potential erosion; to verify how sensitive the model`s response is to the calculation of rainfall erosivity and the uncertainty in the values of the model parameters in different land use scenarios; as well as to propose a methodology for the use of this tool to support the decision on integrated environmental management of river watershed. The model of the potential erosion loss calculus used was based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) of Wischmeier and Smith (1978), with the aid of a Geographic Information System, ArcGis 10.2.1 software, where the factors of soil, rainfall, relief, soil use and conservation practices were spacialized for the total drainage area of the watershed. The study area is located in the Ibicuí River Watershed at the geographic coordinates 29°00' and 29°30' South latitude and 53°39' and 54°06' West longitude with a total drainage area of 1541.9 km2. It is inserted in the zone of transition between Central Depression and the Sul-Riograndense Plateau characterized by shallow soils to very deep, with predominance of Entisol U.M. Guassupi (48.9%), with flat relief to very mountainous, being drained by the Toropi River, which encompasses the municipalities of Tupanciretã, Quevedos, Júlio de Castilhos and São Martinho da Serra. Soil losses were calculated for the current use situation of the watershed soil as well as for 32 elaborated scenarios with combinations of different equations to calculate the R factor (Rufino et al., 1993; Cassol et al., 2007 and Santos, 2008) and different land use situations. Then, in function to the result, the areas were classified by erosion bands according to Ribeiro's methodology, 2006. The largest area percentages for the current use scenario are located in the class of 1-10 t.ha-1.ano-1, classified as having low erosive potential. Those classified as mean potential loss of soil in the watershed are in the order of 38.5; 32.1; 24.7 t.ha-1.ano-1 for the different R equations, which shows a low to moderate erosive character in this watershed. Comparing the different simulated scenarios, the analysis was based on the observation of the differences in the distribution of watershed areas between the classes of potential soil loss. In relation to the influence of the C factor (soil use) on soil loss rates, it highlights that the use of native forest provides the lowest losses, followed by Agriculture in the SPS system (Soybean/Pasture/Soybean) and later on Forest/Reforestation in all scenarios tested with these uses. Using the model, an application strategy was designed to identify suitable areas for each type of use, such as support for the land use planning. Considering the current use, among the criteria adopted for tolerance to soil loss, it was identified that: 56.48% of the watershed area needs revision of the soil use, here called planning, when considered the criterion of up to 10 t.h-1.ano-1; 21.58% for the criterion of up to 50 t.h-1.ano-1 and 12.44% for the criterion of up to 100 t.h-1.ano-1. As a prognostic of land uses, it is estimated that 810.62 km2 of the watershed area will serve for Agriculture - SPS and 328.61 km2 for Forest./Reforestation when adopted a limit of potential soil loss of 10 t.h-1.ano-1. In conclusion, the spatialized USLE model allows the identification of susceptible areas to potential soil losses, being possible to quantify and spatialize the areas in accordance with limits of potential soil loss and also those that do not tolerate the use of the soil tested. It allows to plan areas according to the definition of a tolerable limit of potential soil loss for a priority use and to reclassify these scenarios based on this limit. In addition, the USLE model adapted to GIS has proved to be a robust and sensitive tool in the differentiation of potential erosions between areas with different soil uses, different soils and different slopes, and it is possible to create varied maps for this studied watershed, providing useful information for decision makers who can prioritize and implement the better management practices to reduce the erosion load. / Com intuito de minimizar a degradação do solo (natural ou antrópica), têm-se buscado alternativas que visem o desenvolvimento econômico aliado ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Para produzir sem destruir, é preciso dentre muitas coisas conhecimento e planejamento. O estudo do potencial de erosão com a finalidade de diagnosticar áreas mais suscetíveis a perdas de solo (atual e potencial) em bacias hidrográficas pode auxiliar no planejamento de medidas preventivas de proteção do solo e dos recursos naturais, evitando prejuízos ao ambiente e às atividades humanas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o uso do Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) espacializado como indicador de perda de solo e de suscetibilidade de áreas à erosão potencial; verificar quão sensível é a resposta do modelo ao cálculo da erosividade da chuva e à incerteza nos valores dos parâmetros do modelo em diferentes cenários de uso da terra; bem como propor uma metodologia para uso da ferramenta no apoio a decisão em gestão ambiental integrada de bacias hidrográficas. O modelo de cálculo da perda de erosão potencial utilizadofoi baseado na Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) de Wischmeier e Smith (1978), com o auxílio de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, o software ArcGis 10.2.1, onde os fatores de solo, pluviosidade, relevo, uso do solo e práticas conservacionistas foram espacializados para toda área de drenagem da bacia. A área de estudo localiza-se na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Ibicuí, nas coordenadas geográficas 29°00’ e 29°30’ de latitude Sul e 53°39’ e 54°06’ de longitude Oeste e com área de drenagem de 1541,9 km2. Insere-se na zona de transição entre Depressão Central e o Planalto Sul-Riograndense caracterizada por solos rasos a muito profundos, com predominância de Neossolo U.M. Guassupi (48,9%), com relevo plano a forte montanhoso, sendo drenada pelo Rio Toropi e Guassupi, que engloba os municípios de Tupanciretã, Quevedos, Júlio de Castilhos e São Martinho da Serra. As perdas de solo foram calculadas para a situação de uso atual do solo da bacia, bem como para os 32 cenários elaborados, com combinações de diferentes equações para cálculo do Fator R (Rufino et al., 1993, Cassol et al., 2007 e Santos, 2008) e diferentes situações de uso do solo. Após, em função do resultado, as áreas foram classificadas por faixas de erosão de acordo com metodologia de Ribeiro, 2006. As maiores porcentagens de área para o cenário de uso atual estão localizadas na classe de 1-10 t.ha-1.ano-1, classificadas como de baixa potencialidade erosiva. Já as classificadas como de perda potencial média de solo na bacia estão na ordem de 38,5; 32,1; 24,7; t.ha-1.ano-1 para as diferentes equações de R, o que evidencia um caráter erosivo de baixo a moderado na bacia. Comparando-se os diferentes cenários simulados, a análise realizada baseaou-se na observação das diferenças na distribuição de áreas da bacia entre as classes de perda de solo potencial. Em relação à influência do Fator C (uso do solo) nas taxas de perda de solo, destaca-se que uso de Floresta Nativa proporciona as menores perdas, seguido de Agricultura no sistema SPS (Soja/Pastagem/Soja) e posteriormente Florestamento/Reflorestamento em todos os cenários testados com estes usos. Com o uso do modelo, foi concebida uma estratégia de aplicação com intuito de identificar áreas adequadas para cada tipo de uso, como apoio a planejamento de uso do solo. Considerando o uso atual, dentre os critérios adotados de tolerância a perda de solo, identificou-se que: 56,48% da área da bacia necessita de revisão do uso do solo, aqui chamado de planejamento, quando considerado o critério de até 10 t.ha-1.ano-1; 21,58% para o critério de até 50 t.ha-1.ano-1 e 12,44% para o critério de até 100 t.ha-1.ano-1. Como prognóstico de usos do solo, estima-se que 810,62 km2 da área da bacia sirvam para Agricultura - SPS e 328,61 km2 para Florestamento/Reflorestamento quando adotado um limite de perda de solo potencial de 10 t.h-1.ano-1. Conclue-se que o modelo USLE espacializado possibilita a identificação de áreas suscetíceis à perdas de solo potencial, sendo possível quantificar e espacializar as áreas em conformidade com limites de perda de solo potencial e também aquelas que não toleram o uso do solo testado. Permite planejar áreas em função da definição de um limite tolerável de perda potencial de solo para um uso prioritário e reclassificar estes cenários com base neste limite. Ainda, o modelo USLE adaptado para SIG mostrou-se uma ferramenta robusta e sensível na diferenciação nos potenciais erosivos entre áreas com diferentes usos do solo, diferentes solos e diferentes declividades, sendo possível criar mapas variados para a bacia em estudo, fornecendo informações úteis para tomadores de decisão, que possam priorizar e implementar as melhores práticas de gestão para reduzir a carga de erosão.

Návrh protierozních opatření v modelovém projektu komplexní pozemkové úpravy

NOVÁKOVÁ, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The topic of my thesis deals with the proposal of erosion control measures in a model comprehensive landscaping project. Literature research is used to explanation of basic terms, to familiarization with problems of land adjustment, water erosion and erosion control measures, but also with laws and regulations. The second part is dedicated to the proposal of erosion control measures. In program ArcGIS have been identifited 16 drainpaths, for which have been calculated surface drain and proposal erosion control measures. The results are processed into clearly tables.

Metody analýzy hydrochemických dat v prostředí statistického softwaru na příkladu modelového území Novohradska

VESELÁ, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was a statistical evaluation of the impact of farming methods and the land cover on hydrochemical parameters of surface waters. The area for the evaluation is located in Novohradsko and consist of lower and upper parts of the basin of Vackovy potok and a lower part of Pasecky potok. The area was chosen to include different landscape managements (arable soil, forest and meadows). Due to this fact, it is possible to compare the impact of the management on values of the chosen hydrochemical parameters, which were conductivity, N NO3-, TOC, NL105 and the outflow. Based on the results, it is possible to say that the surface waters from the intesively farmed part of the basin of Vackovy potok have the higher values of all chosen parameters compared to the forest basin or the meadow basin. There was a trend of the increase of the outflow and the values N NO3- in the surface waters always one day after a heavy rainfall. Overall, it is possible to claim that the arable soil has reduced abilities of the retention. This is supported by the large water drainage from the agricultural area.

Přínosy projekce cestní sítě v komplexních pozemkových úpravách pro protierozní ochranu / The benefits of road network design in comprehensive land adjustment for anti-erosion protection

ŠILHA, Radek January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of the work is to demonstrate that properly designed field paths within the comprehensive land adjustment may serve as an important anti-erosion element. The exploration area is the land area Plešovice in the district of Český Krumlov. The anti-erosion effect was studied at properly leaded roads. The road network was evaluated with respect to the condition before and after the comprehensive land adjustment. Firstly field paths that were indicated as anti-erosion ones in the joint facilities plan were located. Further 2 detailed field surveys were carried out in which information and photographs were collected. The partial aim is to determine the vulnerability of agricultural land by water erosion by means of the latest methodology called Protecting agricultural land from erosion, which was published in early 2012. The use of current value of rain erosion factor (R = 20), which today appears to be undervalued, is mainly reflected. At the end of the work technical parameters of field paths were determined so that they comply with the conditions of anti-erosion protection.

Vliv opatření GAEC II na snížení odnosu sedimentů ve zvolených povodích / The influence of a control measure GAEC 2 on the sediment denuding reduction in chosen basins

HUMPÁL, David January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of sediments (undissolved substances) and with the possibilities of reducing sediment denudation in an agricultural landscape, especially my means of GAEC 2. The principal object of the thesis is to assess the effect of GAEC 2 on sediment denudation and to propose complementary erosion control measures in a landscape of interest. The research basin of the Jenínský Brook with permanent graminaceous vegetation on its soil blocks (without GAEC 2 application) and the basin of the Budský Brook in the soil blocks of which the GEAC 2 standard is applied were chosen for this thesis. The data series of concentrations of undissolved substances and flow-rates were processed to obtain the required data. The data series were gathered from themonitoring of collection cross-sections J1, J2 (Jenínský Brook micro - basin) and collection cross-section B1 (Budský Brook micro - basin) in the hydrological years 2011 and 2012. The results obtained were compared and the causes of the resulting values including the GAEC 2 effect were established. Appropriate measures to be taken to reduce sediment denudation were proposed based on the detailed research of the basins in question.

Řešení protierozní ochrany na rozhraní povodí v různých projektech pozemkových úprav / Anti erosion protection solution on the basins' borderline in various landscaping projects

HIRŠOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is analysis of the problems of anti erosion precaution on the interface basin. The part of this work is literature contains where are described erosion phenomenons and calculation and anti erosion precaution of soil against water erosion. Erosion is calculated by using the universal equation Wischmeier Smith Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Soil loss is solved within the basin catchment, not within administrative boundaries. For this master thesis was chosen cadastral areas Pohorovice, Kloub and Lidmovice. The resulting values are compared with values of a land adjustment project. To reduce erosion loss and protection of agricultural land resources are proposed anti erosion precaution.

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