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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da disponibilidade de água no desenvolvimento de plantas de capim-marandu e milho: cultivo solteiro e consorciado / Influence of water supply on Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich) Staph cv. Marandu and Zea mays plants development: single pasture and crop-livestock integrated systems

Leandro Coelho de Araujo 12 February 2008 (has links)
O projeto foi desenvolvido na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste (São Carlos/SP) no ano de 2007. A primeira etapa consistiu de um experimento em casa-de-vegetação avaliando-se o desenvolvimento da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu sob déficit hídrico durante o período de estabelecimento. Os tratamentos foram representados pela suspensão da irrigação em diferentes épocas do estabelecimento (semeadura, germinação e inicio do perfilhamento) até que o solo apresentasse teor de água equivalente a 75, 50 e 25% da umidade na capacidade de campo (%Ucc), além da testemunha que sem restrição hídrica. As avaliações de número de perfilhos surgidos por vaso, folhas verdes por perfilho e altura de planta foram realizadas semanalmente, iniciando-se quando 50% das plantas emitiram os perfilhos primários, até a quinta avaliação. Uma coleta de biomassa foi realizada aproximadamente 30 dias após o término do último tratamento, fracionado-a em colmos, folhas, material senescente e raízes, período em que o solo foi mantido próximo da Ucc. A segunda etapa foi representada por um experimento, tendo por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e as características produtivas do capim-marandu em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com o milho (Zea mays L.) e do milho em consórcio com o capim-marandu, sob déficit hídrico em estádios críticos. O experimento foi realizado em campo durante o período de 04/04 a 16/09/2007, utilizando-se um delineamento em blocos completos com esquema em parcelas sub-divididas e três repetições. Nas parcelas foram alocados os tratamentos de déficit hídrico e nas sub-parcelas o tipo de cultivo (solteiro ou consorciado). A irrigação foi suspensa em dois estádios de desenvolvimento do capim-marandu (geminação e perfilhamento) e do milho (V4 e V15) e retornada quando o teor de água no solo apresentava umidade equivalente a 25% da capacidade de armazenamento de água (CAD). A densidade populacional de perfilhos e a altura de plantas de capimmarandu foram avaliadas semanalmente. A massa seca da parte aérea e a área foliar do capim-marandu e do milho foram determinados no momento do pendoamento do milho. Além disso, a massa seca e a área foliar do capim-marandu e os componentes da produção do milho foram avaliados no momento da coleta de grãos. Os resultados demonstraram que o déficit hídrico, em plantas cultivadas em vaso, suficiente para que o teor de água no solo apresentasse 25%Ucc, reduziu o perfilhamento primário das plantas assim como a produção de biomassa, independentemente do estádio em que a irrigação foi suspensa. Porém, quando o déficit foi realizado em condições de campo, observou-se apenas uma redução no perfilhamento inicial da plantas, não afetando a produção de massa seca quando houve um período de recuperação mínimo de 75 dias. A densidade populacional de perfilhos e a massa seca de parte aérea do capimmarandu foi menor no cultivo consorciado. A produtividade do milho não foi influenciada pelos déficits hídricos, indicando que o nível de 25%Ucc não foi suficiente para provocar estresse severo às plantas de milho nas condições experimentais avaliadas. / Two experiments were held at Embrapa South-East Cattle Research Center (São Carlos, Sp, Brazil) in 2007 to determine the effect of limited water supply over Brachiaria brizantha and Zea mays plants development when cultivated on single or on croplivestock integrated systems. The effect of water supply restriction on the initial development of Brachiaria brizantha was evaluated in a green-house experiment. The pots were arranged in a factorial design (3x3+1) with replicate blocks. Treatments were the combination of conditions for interruption of water supply, based on plant development (seeding, germination and initial tillering), and for return of watering, based on soil humidity (75, 50 and 25% of soil field capacity). A control treatment, with no water restriction, was additionally established. The number of tillers per plant and the number of green leaves per tiller were evaluated weekly, for five weeks after first tillers appeared. The plants were harvested 30 days after the last water restriction period for determination of shoots, roots, stems, leaves and senescente tissues dry mass. Besides that, a field experiment was conducted between April and September/2007. A split-plot experimental design in replicate blocks was used. Periods of irrigation interruption were assigned to main plots and single (Brachiaria brizantha) or integrated (Brachiaria brizantha + Zea mays) systems were assigned to sub-plots. Irrigation was interrupted according to plants developmental stages: germination and initial tillering of Brachiaria brizantha and V4 and V15 phenological phase of Zea mays. For all treatments, irrigation was returned when soil humidity was 25% of its total water storage capacity. Tillers population density and height of Brachiaria brizantha plants were evaluated weekly. Shoot dry mass and leaf area of both Brachiaria brizantha and Zea Mays plants were evaluated when Zea mays plants flowered. Besides that, Brachiaria brizantha shoot dry mass and leaf area and corn production were evaluated at the moment of corn harvest. In the green-house experiment, initial tillering was postponed and plants dry mass was reduced when water supply was interrupted until 25% of soil field capacity humidity; on field condition, just tillering was reduced by water stress. Tillers population density and shoot dry mass of Brachiaria brizantha plants cultivated with Zea mays were lower than those of the single-treatment. Irrigation interruption did not affect corn production in the field experiment, suggesting that 25% of total soil water storage capacity was not sufficient to determine severe stress on plants in the environmental conditions of the experiment.

Putrescina no desenvolvimento do tomateiro cv. Justyne em condições de estresse hídrico /

Torres, Thaís Prado January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Elizabeth Orika Ono / Resumo: O tomateiro é uma hortaliça de importância econômica e sua produção está relacionada, principalmente, à utilização de produtos químicos, podendo ser reguladores vegetais como as poliaminas e nesse estudo, foi avaliada a ação da putrescina (Put). Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas fisiológicas do tomateiro à putrescina na redução dos efeitos de estresse hídrico. Para tanto, foram conduzidos dois experimentos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso (DIC) em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, plantas com e sem deficiência hídrica e quatro doses de putrescina (Put 0, 4, 8 e 12μM), com quatro repetições cada. As doses foram aplicadas via foliar na cultura no momento de submissão do tomateiro ao estresse hídrico, sendo esse no terceiro racemo de flores de cada experimento. O efeito das doses do produto foi avaliado por análises biométricas, bioquímicas de folhas, produtivas e físico/químicas dos frutos pós-colheita. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram maior atividade da putrescina na dose de 12 μM em plantas nos dois experimentos realizados. / Abstract: The tomato is a vegetable of economic importance and its production is available, mainly, to the use of chemical products, which can be plant regulators such as polyamines and, in this study, it was evaluated in a putrescine action (Put). Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the borrower's physiological responses to putrescine in reducing the effects of water stress. For this purpose, two experiments were conducted in outdoor design (DIC) in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, plants with and without hydric and four doses of putrescine (Put 0, 4, 8 and 12μM), with four replicates each. As the doses were applied via leaf culture at the time of the borrower's submission to water stress, this being the third flower motif of each experiment. The effect of product doses was evaluated by biometric, biochemical leaf, productive and physical / chemical analysis of post-harvest fruits. The results obtained showed greater putrescine activity at a dose of 12 μM in plants in the two experiments performed. / Mestre

Grapevine age : Impact on physiology and berry and wine quality / Age de la vigne : Impact sur la physiologie et la qualité des baies et du vin

Bou Nader, Khalil 21 December 2018 (has links)
L’âge de la vigne et sa relation avec la qualité du vin sont des sujets d’intérêt récurrents, tant scientifiques qu’économiques. Les consommateurs et acteurs de la filière vitivinicole semblent s’accorder à propos de la capacité des vieilles vignes à produire des vins de caractère supérieur. Malgré les recherches en cours, la validité de ce point de vue reste débattue et les questions concernant les mécanismes à travers lesquels de vieilles vignes aboutiraient à des vins qualité supérieure restent nombreuses. Pour tenter d’y répondre, l’impact de l’âge des vignes sur la physiologie, la tolérance au stress hydrique, ainsi que la qualité des baies et du vin ont été étudiés dans un vignoble expérimental constitué de plants de Vitis vinifera L. cv. de matériel génétique identique (Riesling de clone Gm 239 greffé sur 5C Teleki) mais aux dates de plantation différentes.En 2014 et 2015, les vignes plantées en 2012 n’avaient pas encore atteint leur plein potentiel et avaient une productivité végétative et un rendement significativement inférieurs à ceux des vignes plantées en 1995 et 1971. Par ailleurs, les vignes plantées en 2012 n’ont pas été soumises au même traitement d’enherbement que les vignes plus âgées pendant cette période afin de prévenir une compétition excessive pendant leur établissement. La capacité inférieure de ces vignes et l’absence d’enherbement ont mené à une plus grande exposition des grappes à la lumière et une plus grande accumulation d’azote, ce qui s’est traduit par une plus grande concentration en acides aminés, monoterpènes, norisoprénoides, et flavonols en 2014 et 2015. Les années suivantes (2016 et 2017), le rendement et le poids des bois de taille de ces vignes, ainsi que la composition des baies, étaient comparables à ceux des vignes plus âgées. Les paramètres de maturité technologique (°Brix, l’acidité totale et le pH de moûts) n’ont pas été significativement affectés par l’âge des vignes. […]Des analyses sensorielles et chimiques ont été réalisées en 2017 sur des vins de millésimes précédents. Les vins des plus jeunes vignes ont été associés à des arômes de fruits mûrs et de l’arôme de pétrole typique du Riesling. Ces vins ont aussi été identifiés par de plus hautes concentrations de monoterpènes et norisoprénoides potentiels et de composés soufrés volatils, en 2014 et 2015 uniquement. Les profils sensoriels et chimiques de vins issus des vignes plantées en 1995 et 1971 étaient dépendants du millésime mais pas de l’âge des vignes. Les profils des vins produits en 2016 étaient en superposables pour les trois groupes d’âge.Les travaux décrits dans ce manuscrit de thèse sont uniques, du fait notamment que le vignoble dans lequel ils ont été conduits a été conçu spécifiquement pour étudier l’effet de l’âge de la vigne dans des conditions environnementales comparables. Une fois que les vignes les plus jeunes ont atteint leur potentiel fructifère et ont été conduites de la même manière que les vignes plus âgées, leur productivité, la composition de leurs baies et la qualité des vins qu’elles produisent ont convergé avec celles des deux autres groupes. Plus intéressant encore, des vignes âgées de 19 et 43 ans se sont comportées de la même façon tout au long de l’étude et ont abouti à des vins comparables en termes d’analyses sensorielles, ce qui va à l’encontre de l’idée reçue qui veut que les vignes les plus âgées produisent des vins de qualité différente.Des travaux précédents ont démontré que la productivité des vignes, quel que soit leur âge, pouvait être expliquée par les réserves de bois et par la taille du tronc. Pour avoir une meilleure idée des différences liées aux réserves, la technique dite « structure-from-motion with multi-view stereo-photogrammetry » (SfM-MVS) a été testée pour mesurer l’épaisseur des troncs et leur volume. Cette technique qui permet la création de modèles tridimensionnels géo-référencés et à l’échelle a pu générer des modèles précis de tronc de vignes plantées en champ. / Vine age and its relation to the quality of the wine are topics of recurring interest, both scientific and economic. Consumers and actors in the wine sector seem to agree on the ability of old vines to produce wines of superior character. Despite ongoing research, the validity of this point of view remains debated and questions about the mechanisms through which old vines would end up with superior quality wines remain numerous. To try to answer them, the impact vine age on physiology, tolerance to water stress, and berry and wine quality were studied in an experimental vineyard planted with Vitis vinifera L. cv. of identical genetic material (Riesling Gm 239 grafted on 5C Teleki) but planted in different years.In 2014 and 2015, the vines planted in 2012 had not yet reached their full potential and had a significantly lower vegetative productivity and yield than the vines planted in 1995 and 1971. Moreover, the vines planted in 2012 were not subjected to the same grass treatment as older vines during this period to prevent excessive competition during establishment. The lower capacity of these vines and the absence of cover crop led to greater exposure of clusters to light and greater nitrogen accumulation, which resulted in a higher concentration of amino acids, monoterpenes, norisoprenoids, and flavonols in 2014 and 2015. In the following years (2016 and 2017), the yield and pruning weight of these vines, as well as their berry composition, were comparable to those of the older vines. The parameters of technological maturity (° Brix, total acidity and must pH) were not significantly affected by vine age.Vines planted in 1995 and 1971 showed similar physiological characteristics throughout the study with the exception of a higher incidence of esca syndrome in the older group. This disease was responsible for the decline in the total yield of vines planted in 1971, but individual yield per vine was equivalent for both groups.Sensory and chemical analyzes were conducted in 2017 on wines from previous vintages. The wines of the youngest vines were associated with aromas of ripe fruit and the kerosene aroma that is typical of Riesling. These wines were also identified by higher concentrations of potential monoterpenes and norisoprenoids and volatile sulfur compounds in 2014 and 2015 only. The sensory and chemical profiles of wines from vineyards planted in 1995 and 1971 were dependent on the vintage but not on the age of the vines. The wine profiles produced in 2016 were overlapping for the three age groups.The works described in this thesis manuscript are unique, particularly because the vineyard in which they were conducted was designed specifically to study the effect of the age of the vine under comparable environmental conditions. Once the youngest vines reached their fruiting potential and were conducted in the same way as the older vines, their productivity, the composition of their berries and the quality of the wines they produce converged with those of the two other groups. More interestingly, vines aged 19 and 43 years behaved similarly throughout the study and resulted in wines comparable in terms of sensory analysis, which goes against the an idea that the older vines produce wines of a different profile.Previous studies have shown that the productivity of the vines, whatever their age, could be explained by the wood reserves and the size of the trunk. To have a better idea of differences linked to reserves, the structure-from-motion with multi-view stereo-photogrammetry (SfM-MVS) method was tested to measure trunk thickness and volume. The technique, which allows the creation of scaled, georeferenced 3D models based on photographs, was able to produce accurate models of field-grown grapevine trunks.

Plant Root Exudates / Variation between Species and Reaction to Water Deficit

Akter, Pervin 17 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Contrôle moléculaire de la croissance sous déficit hydrique : analyse cinématique et régulation de l'expression des aquaporines TIP1 dans l'apex de la racine du peuplier / Molecular control of growth under water deficit : kinematic analysis and regulation of expression of TIP1 aquaporins in the poplar root apex

Merret, Rémy 10 November 2010 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le contrôle moléculaire de l'expansion cellulaire dans l'apex de la racine du peuplier. L'étude a été focalisée sur la régulation de l'expression des aquaporines TIP1s sous deux niveaux de déficit hydrique. Un cadre conceptuel, combinant analyse de la densité de transcrits à haute résolution spatiale et un formalisme de la mécanique des fluides, a été établi pour décrire la régulation de l'expression des gènes dans le temps et l'espace, le long de l'apex. Deux états de croissance contrastés ont été étudiés : un où la croissance de l'apex de la racine est rétablie (après 3 jours de stress modéré, 80 mosmol kg-1, 100 g L-1 de polyéthylène glycol PEG à 3500 g mol-1) et un où elle est réduite (après 3 jours de stress fort, 250 mosmol kg-1, 200 g L-1 de PEG). L'analyse cinématique a révélé une sensibilité différentielle de la vitesse d'allongement relatif (REGR) selon le niveau de stress et la position le long de l'apex. Au niveau moléculaire, nous montrons que lorsque la croissance est réduite, les pics de densité de transcrits des TIP1s sont plus forts et décalés dans les premiers millimètres de l'apex, zone où la croissance des cellules est maintenue. Cependant les niveaux d'induction/répression n'étaient jamais plus élevés que dans la condition témoin, soulignant qu'une forte densité de transcrits n'est pas forcément synonyme d'une forte induction de l'expression. Focalisé sur la combinaison de deux processus dynamiques, l'expansion cellulaire et l'expression des gènes, cette étude a mis en évidence que les conclusions tirées de l'analyse de ces processus sont influencées par la façon dont le temps, l'espace sont considérés / This study consideres the molecular control of cell expansion in poplar root apex. The study was focused on the regulation of the TIP1 aquaporins expression under two levels of water deficit. A conceptual framework combining transcript density analysis (quantitative PCR) at a high spatial resolution and a fluid mechanics formalism was established to describe the regulation of gene expression in time and space along the root apex. Two contrasting growth status were both studied: root growth rate is either restored (after three days of moderate stress, 80 mmol kg-1, 100 g L-1 polyethylene glycol PEG 3500 g mol-1) or root growth rate is reduced (after 3 days of high stress, 250 mosmol kg-1, 200 g L-1 PEG). Kinematic analysis revealed a differential sensitivity of the relative elemental growth rate (REGR) according to the stress level and to the coordinate along the apex. At the molecular level, we showed that growth reduction was associated with a shift of maximal densities of transcripts towards the first millimeters of the apex, where cell expansion was maintained. Meanwhile the induction/repression levels were never stronger than in the control condition underlying that a high transcript density does not mean a high transcriptional induction. Focused on the combination of two dynamic processes, cell expansion and gene expression, my thesis showed that the conclusions issued from the analyses of these processes are influenced by the way time, space and age are considered

Réponses morphologiques et architecturales du système racinaire au déficit hydrique chez des Chenopodium cultivés et sauvages d'Amérique andine. / Morphological and architectural responses of the root system to water deficit in cultivated and wild Chenopodium of Andean America.

Alvarez Flores, Ricardo Andrés 18 December 2012 (has links)
Le genre Chenopodium comprend environ 150 espèces réparties sur l'ensemble du globe et établies dans une large gamme de milieux. En Amérique du Sud, différentes espèces, cultivées comme C. quinoa Willd. et C. pallidicaule Aellen, ou sauvages comme C. hircinum Schrader, sont distribuées sur des gradients pédoclimatiques allant du niveau de la mer au Chili, jusqu'à plus de 4000 m d'altitude sur l'altiplano boliviano-péruvien, sur des sols plus ou moins profonds et riches en nutriments, et sous des climats allant du tropical humide jusqu'au froid aride. Ces espèces sont phylogénétiquement apparentées, et on admet généralement que C. quinoa a été domestiqué à partir de C. hircinum et qu'une partie de son génome proviendrait de C. pallidicaule. Leur large distribution dans des écosystèmes naturels ou agricoles et leur plus ou moins grande tolérance aux contraintes du milieu, font de ce groupe d'espèces un modèle intéressant pour examiner la diversité des réponses des plantes, notamment face à la faible disponibilité en eau dans le sol. La totalité de l'eau nécessaire à la vie de ces plantes passant par le système racinaire, nous nous sommes intéressés aux variations intra- et interspécifiques de l'architecture et de la croissance des racines et à leurs réponses au déficit hydrique, en faisant l'hypothèse que les plantes provenant d'un milieu aride ou d'un système de culture à faible usage d'intrants, ont développé des traits racinaires qui leurs permettent d'accroître l'acquisition des ressources du sol. Pour tester cette hypothèse nous avons comparé la croissance et le développement racinaire de plantes de deux écotypes de C. quinoa de régions plus ou moins arides, et de populations de C. pallidicaule et de C. hircinum, placées dans des conditions de culture contrôlées non limitantes ou déficitaires en eau, en pots et en rhizotrons. Les principaux résultats de ce travail de thèse montrent que, malgré de grandes différences dans la production de biomasse et la morphologie aérienne, les populations étudiées présentent toutes la même typologie racinaire. Elles diffèrent entre elles par plusieurs traits d'architecture et de morphologie racinaire qui déterminent la capacité d'exploration et d'exploitation des ressources du sol. Certains de ces traits, comme la vitesse d'élongation de la racine principale, présentent une grande plasticité de réponse au déficit hydrique. D'autres traits, comme la longueur spécifique des racines, sont moins plastiques mais présentent des différences interspécifiques importantes. Ces variations de l'architecture des plantes forment des syndromes adaptatifs favorisant la survie des plantes dans les milieux les plus contraignants. Mots clés : Chenopodium quinoa, Chenopodium hircinum, Chenopodium pallidicaule, système racinaire, architecture racinaire, topologie racinaire, ontogénie, rhizotron, élongation racinaire, analyses de croissance, espèces cultivées, espèces sauvages, croissance racinaire, morphologie racinaire. / The genus Chenopodium comprises about 150 species distributed all around the world and over a wide range of environments. In South America, differents species, either cultivated as C. quinoa Willd. and C. pallidicaule Aellen, or wild as C. hircinum Schrader, are distributed over pedoclimatic gradients from the sea level in Chile, up to an altitude of 4000 m in the altiplano of Bolivia and Peru, on soils more or less thick and rich in nutrients, and under climates from tropical humid to arid and cold. These species are phylogenetically related, and it is generally admitted that C. quinoa was domesticated from C. hircinum and that part of its genome comes from C. pallidicaule. Their wide distribution in natural and crop ecosystems and their more or less strong tolerance to environmental constraints, make this group of species an interesting model for examining the diversity of responses of the plants, in particular facing a low disponibility of resources in the soil. As all the water necessary for the life of the pass through the root system, we focused our interest in the intra- and interspecific variations in the root growth and architecture, and their responses to the water deficit, with the hypothesis that plants from arid habitats or from low-input agrosystems, developed root traits that allowed them to increase the acquisition of resources in the soil. To test this hypothesis we compared the root growth and development in plants of two ecotypes of C. quinoa from more or less arid regions, and of populations of C. pallidicaule and C. hircinum, placed under non-limiting or water deficit growth conditions, in pots and in rhizotrons. The main results of this research show that, despite large differences in biomass production and morphology of the aerial plant part, the studied populations showed the same root typology. They differed by several traits of root architecture and morphology which control the capacity of the plant to explore and exploit the soil resources. Some of these traits, such as the taproot elongation rate, showed a high plasticity in response to the water deficit. Other traits, like the specific root length, were less plastic but showed large interspecific differences. These variations in plant root architecture conforms adaptive syndromes that favor the plant survival in the most limiting environments. Key words : Chenopodium quinoa, Chenopodium hircinum, Chenopodium pallidicaule, root system, root architecture, topological index, ontogeny, rhizotron, root elongation, plant growth analysis, cultivated species, wild species, root growth, root morphology.

Étude de l'allocation du carbone dans la plante en réponse à la contrainte hydrique : impact sur l'expression des transporteurs de saccharose dans les organes source et puits / Study of plant carbon allocation under water deficit : impact on sucrose transporters genes expression in source and sink organs

Durand, Mickael 11 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les transporteurs de saccharose impliqués dans le développement des organes puits, et plus précisément leur rôle dans la racine des plantes soumises à la contrainte hydrique.L’expression des transporteurs AtSUCs et AtSWEETs a été cartographiée, au cours du développement complet de plantes A. thaliana cultivées en hydroponie, dans la rosette, la hampe, les siliques et les racines. En parallèle, nous avons évalué l’allocation du carbone et le métabolisme des sucres dans la plante entière au cours du développement pour finalement (1) avoir un aperçu de l’allocation du carbone, du métabolisme des sucres ainsi que de l’expression des transporteurs de saccharose et (2) discuter leurs possibles relations.Dans un second temps, nous avons conçu un système de culture en sol innovant appelé « Rhizobox » permettant la récolte de racines propres, l’analyse de l’architecture du système racinaire et l’application de la contrainte hydrique. Lors de la contrainte hydrique, la croissance racinaire est réduite, mais l’exploration en profondeur du système racinaire est maintenue probablement pour améliorer l’absorption d’eau. De plus, même si la rosette soumise à la contrainte hydrique était plus petite, l’export de 14C, vers la racine, était augmenté. Dans le même temps, les niveaux de transcrits des gènes de facilitateurs de saccharose AtSWEET11 et AtSWEET12 ainsi que du gène AtSUC2, un symporteur saccharose:H+ spécifique de la cellule compagne, tous trois impliqués dans le chargement du saccharose dans le phloème, étaient augmentés dans les feuilles des plantes soumises à la contrainte hydrique, corroborant l’augmentation de l’export du carbone vers la racine. De façon intéressante, les niveaux de transcrits des gènes AtSUC2 et d’ASWEET11-15, étaient plus élevés dans les racines stressées, soulignant (1) la potentielle existence d’un déchargement apoplastique du saccharose dans la racine d’A. thaliana et (2) un rôle putatif pour ces transporteurs de saccharose dans le déchargement du saccharose dans la racine étant donné qu’ils sont principalement exprimés dans les zones de la racine où la demande en carbone est importante. / The aim of this thesis was to investigate the sucrose transporters involved in sink organs development, and more precisely their role in roots of plants submitted to water deficit.The expression of AtSUCs and AtSWEETs transporters was mapped during the full development of A. thaliana plants grown hydroponically in rosette, stem, siliques and roots. In parallel, we evaluated C partitioning and sugar metabolism in whole plant during development to finally (1) get an insight on C allocation, sugar metabolism and sucrose transporters genes expression and (2) discuss their possible relationships.Secondly, we designed an innovating soil culture system, called “Rhizobox” which allows clean roots harvest, root system architecture analysis and water deficit experiment. Under water deficit, root growth was reduced, but in depth root exploration was maintained probably to improve water uptake. In addition, although shoot submitted to water deficit were smaller, 14C exported to the roots increased. In the same time, the transcript levels of the sucrose effluxers gene AtSWEET11 and AtSWEET12 and the companion-cell specific sucrose:H+ symporter gene AtSUC2, all three involved in sucrose phloem loading, are up-regulated in leaves of water deficit plants, agreeing with the increase in carbon export to the roots. Interestingly, the transcript levels of AtSUC2, and AtSWEET11-15, were higher in stressed roots, underlying (1) the potential existence of sucrose apoplastic unloading in Arabidopsis roots and (2) a putative role for these sucrose transporters in sucrose unloading in root since they are mainly expressed in root zones where C demand is high.

Aprimoramento do zoneamento agrícola de risco climático do sistema de produção da soja em Mato Grosso do Sul / Improvements on the agricultural climate risk zoning of soybean production system in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Comunello, Éder 11 February 2016 (has links)
Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) é um estado brasileiro cuja economia é fortemente dependente da atividade agrícola, sendo diretamente afetado pelas flutuações das safras. Soja e milho são as principais culturas exploradas, chegando a representar 96% dos cultivos temporários. Perdas agrícolas decorrentes de adversidades climáticas são relativamente frequentes nesses cultivos, sobretudo por déficit hídrico. Nesse sentido, estratégias que minimizam perdas, como o Zoneamento Agrícola de Risco Climático (ZARC), são essenciais para garantir o sucesso dos produtores. Todavia, o ZARC não está isento de falhas, requerendo ajustes e melhorias, face às grandes alterações que ocorreram no processo produtivo nas últimas décadas, dentre as quais a ampliação e a atualização da base de dados meteorológicos empregada na determinação dos riscos e o uso de coeficientes de cultura (Kc) atualizados, especialmente no caso da soja com hábito de crescimento indeterminado. Desse modo, os objetivos deste estudo foram: a) comparar o desempenho de duas diferentes estruturas lisimétricas para a obtenção da evapotranspiração das culturas (ETc) da soja e do milho; b) determinar localmente os valores de Kc, com base na lisimetria (ETc) e na evapotranspiração de referência de Penman-Monteith (ETo), considerando cultivares de soja com hábitos de crescimento determinado e indeterminado; c) gerar mapas atualizados de risco climático para a cultura da soja em MS, considerando-se novos Kc e a ampliação da base de dados, para distintas épocas de semeadura; e d) avaliar épocas de semeadura da soja em MS e seus efeitos no risco climático. Os resultados mostraram que as estruturas lisimétricas podem ser empregadas na determinação da ETc, sem diferenças significativas (p < 0,01), apesar das peculiaridades de cada uma. Assim, foi constatado que as determinações de Kc (milho e soja) não sofreram influência do tipo de lisímetro utilizado. Em todos os experimentos realizados, as plantas do interior dos lisímetros apresentaram o mesmo padrão de crescimento, desenvolvimento e produtividade do entorno. Na fase inicial da cultura do milho outonoinverno (0-15 DAE), o Kc médio obtido foi 0,54, com incremento linear até atingir o máximo de 1,37 no pendoamento (50 DAE), decaindo gradualmente durante a fase reprodutiva, ficando próximo a 0,80 na maturação fisiológica (110 DAE) e 0,40 na colheita. Para a cultura da soja, os valores de Kc diferiram significativamente (p < 0,05) entre as cultivares com diferentes hábitos de crescimento, havendo também diferenças entre os Kc propostos nesse estudo em relação àqueles utilizados pelo ZARC e FAO, especialmente na fase reprodutiva, mais longa para as cultivares de hábito indeterminado. Finalmente, o emprego de novos Kc e uso de dados climáticos atualizados (até 2013) e ampliados (190 estações) resultou em mudanças substanciais no ZARC da soja em MS, alterando a proporção de áreas com alto risco nas épocas avaliadas e levando à uma perspectiva diferenciada da antecipação da semeadura da soja. Com base nesses resultados concluiu-se que é necessária uma profunda revisão do ZARC utilizado no Brasil, sendo recomendada a atualização e expansão da base de dados climáticos empregados, assim como a revisão dos parâmetros culturais exigidos pelo modelo Sarra. / Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) is a Brazilian state whose economy is highly dependent on agriculture, being, therefore, directly affected by fluctuations on production. Soybean and maize are the main crops, representing 96% of temporary crops cultivated along the year. Agricultural losses caused by adverse climatic conditions are relatively frequent in these crops, especially by water deficit. Considering that, strategies for minimizing losses, as the Agricultural Climate Risk Zoning (ZARC), are essential to ensure growers success. However, the ZARC requires adjustments and improvements, due the great changes that have occurred in the production system in the past decades. Among the most important changes are the expansion and updating of the climatic database used for determining the risks and the use of new crop coefficients (Kc) concerning to modern cultivars, especially for soybean with indeterminate growth habit. Therefore, this study has as objectives: a) to compare the performance of two different lysimetric structures to obtain soybean and maize evapotranspiration (ETc); b) to determine Kc values for maize and for determinate and indeterminate soybean cultivars, based on ETc from lysimeters and Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration (ETo); c) to generate updated maps of climatic risk for the soybean crop in MS, considering new Kc values and the updated and extended climatic databases, for different sowing dates; and d) to evaluate different sowing dates in MS and their impacts on soybean climatic risk. The results showed that lysimetric structures can be employed to determining ETc without significant differences (p < 0.01), despite the peculiarities of each one. Kc values for maize and soybean were not affected by lysimeter type. In all experiments, the plants inside the lysimeters had the same growth patterns than those in the surrounding area. For autumn-winter maize crop, the average Kc from 0 to 15 days after emergence (DAE) was 0.54, with a linear increase up to the maximum of 1.37 at tasseling (50 DAE), gradually decreasing during the reproductive phase, getting close to 0.80 at physiological maturity (110 AED) and 0.40 at harvest. For soybean, Kc values differed significantly (p < 0.05) between cultivars with distinct growth habits, and also among those proposed here and used by ZARC and FAO, mainly during the reproductive phase, which was longer for indeterminate cultivars. Finally, the use of new soybean Kc values and updated climatic data (190 stations with data until 2013) resulted in substantial changes on the soybean ZARC in MS, mainly in the proportion of areas with high risk, leading to new perspectives about soybean sowing anticipation. The main conclusion of this study is that ZARC used in Brazil requires to be deeply reviewed, for both the climatic database used and crop parameters required by Sarra model.

Eficiência do uso da água em cana-de-açúcar irrigada por gotejamento com base em medições de trocas gasosas IRGA: fotossíntese e transpiração / Water use efficiency in sugarcane drip irrigated based on gas exchange measurements IRGA: photosynthesis and transpiration

Barros, Timóteo Herculino da Silva 06 July 2015 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar apresenta-se como umas das principais culturas do agronegócio no Brasil e está integrada à matriz energética nacional, servindo também como matéria prima para diversos produtos industrializados. Em virtude das alterações nos padrões de precipitação natural que está ocorrendo em várias regiões do mundo, observam-se perdas significativas de produtividade na cana-de-açúcar devido ao déficit hídrico no solo, sendo esse um dos principais entraves atuais para maximização e para produtividade desta cultura. A busca por variedades resistentes ao estresse hídrico nos programas de melhoramento genético tem procurado selecionar genótipos que convertam de maneira mais eficiente à transpiração da planta em biomassa, evitando a perda de água excessiva para a atmosfera, de modo tal que a planta \"economize a água do solo\" para poder sobreviver posteriormente durante os períodos de estiagem. Este trabalho tem por hipótese que seja possível estimar a eficiência do uso da água (produtividade da água) e o acúmulo final de carbono na cultura de cana-de-açúcar em diferentes níveis de disponibilidade hídrica no solo, através de medidas pontuais da taxa de fotossíntese e transpiração (IRGA - Trocas gasosas) nos estágios iniciais e intermediários de crescimento da cultura. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar, de forma comparativa, variáveis relacionadas às trocas gasosas de oito variedades de cana-de-açúcar quando submetidas a déficit hídrico durante a fase inicial de crescimento vegetativo. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP), em Piracicaba-SP. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial (4x4x8) com parcelas sub-subdivididas com 3 repetições, totalizando 128 tratamentos e 384 parcelas experimentais. As mensurações de trocas gasosas foram realizadas entre 45 e 195 dias após inicio do ciclo cana soca sob condições controladas de luz e CO2. As quatro lâminas de irrigação utilizadas foram L50, L75 L100 e L125. Na lâmina L100 a umidade do solo foi mantida próxima à capacidade de campo (&theta;cc) ao longo de todo experimento, nas demais lâminas aplicou-se uma fração da L100. Verificou-se que o estresse hídrico afetou as trocas gasosas: fotossíntese líquida, transpiração, condutância estomática e eficiência do uso da água. Os valores de produtividade da água reais medidos no experimento oscilaram entre 5 a 9 kg de matéria seca m-3 de água evapotranspirada. Os maiores acúmulos de biomassa foram observados para as variedades V1, V2 e V4 na lâmina de irrigação de 100%, com mais de 80 t ha-1 de biomassa seca. A produtividade da água real de uma variedade de cana-de-açúcar pode ser estimada com base em medidas de trocas gasosas, porém deverá ser aplicado um fator de correção específico para cada variedade que oscila entre 3,1 e 5,2 para a lâmina de 100 %. / Sugarcane crop is one of the main crops of agribusiness in Brazil and is integrated into the national energy matrix, also serving as raw material for various industrial products. Due to changes in natural precipitation patterns taking place in various regions of the world in recent years, there are significant losses of productivity in sugarcane due to water deficit in the soil, making a major current obstacle to maximizing this crop productivity. The search for varieties resistant to water stress in breeding programs has sought to select genotypes that convert more efficiently the transpiration of the plant, avoiding excessive loss of water to the atmosphere, such that the plant \"save water in the soil\" in order to survive during periods of drought in the future. This work has the primary hypothesis that it is possible to estimate the water use efficiency (water productivity) and the final accumulation of carbon in the sugarcane crop at different soil water levels availability through localized measurements of photosynthesis and transpiration (IRGA - Gas exchange equipment) during initial and intermediate stages of crop growth. This study aims to evaluate, on a comparative basis, variables related to gas exchange for 8 varieties of sugarcane subjected to water stress during early vegetative growth. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions at Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP) in Piracicaba-SP / Brazil. The treatments were distributed in a factorial scheme (4x4x8) with sub-divided plots with three repetitions, totaling 128 treatments and experimental units. Measurements of gas exchange took place between 45 and 195 days after the beginning of the sugarcane cycle ratoon under controlled conditions of light and CO2. The four irrigation depths used were L50, L75 L100 and L125. In the L100 treatment soil moisture was kept close to field capacity (&theta;cc) throughout the experiment; L50, L75 and L125 received a fraction of the L100. It was found that water stress affected plant gas exchange: net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency. The actual water use efficiency (water productivity) measured in the experiment varied between 5 and 9 kg of dry matter m-3 of evapotranspired water. The highest accumulation of biomass were observed for varieties V1, V2 and V4 on the L100 irrigation treatment, up to 83 t ha-1 dry matter (V1). Water use efficiency (water productivity) of sugarcane varieties can be estimated based on measurements of gas exchange, but must be assigned a specific correction variety factor ranging between 3.1 and 5.2 for the L100 tratment.

Considerações sobre o manejo de irrigação na produtividade e qualidade de gemas de cana-de-açúcar para viveiros de mudas-pré-brotadas (MPB) / Water management considerations on productivity and quality of sugarcane seedlings to the formation of bud chips nursery

Fraga Junior, Eusimio Felisbino 29 April 2015 (has links)
O cultivo da cana-de-açúcar depara-se com a falta de tecnologias alternativas inovadoras para impulsionar sua produtividade diante dos crescentes custos de mão de obra e insumos, tornando-se essencial aumentar a produtividade da cana de forma sustentável. A cana-de-açúcar é comercialmente plantada, utilizando-se cortes de toletes ou gemas. Este método de cultivo está se tornando gradualmente antieconômico, devido ao elevado custo das \"áreas de viveiros\" usadas para a renovação de canaviais, que demandam mais de 20 por cento do custo total de produção para renovação/novos plantios. Dessa forma, necessita-se de métodos alternativos de plantio, que impulsionem a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar sobre princípios de um planejamento adequado; entre outras práticas, devem estar inclusas a formação de viveiros sadios, com otimização de áreas destinadas à multiplicação de mudas e também a escolha das melhores opções entre os materiais genéticos para a formação do canavial. Este trabalho baseia-se na hipótese de que, para viveiros de cana-de-açúcar, exista uma combinação mais adequada entre a lâmina de irrigação/intensidade do déficit hídrico e a posição da gema ao longo do colmo; desta forma, aumenta-se a produtividade de gemas de cana-de-açúcar, que serão utilizadas no plantio do sistema de mudas-pré-brotadas (MPB). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, no que se refere ao viveiro de mudas, o efeito de quatro lâminas de irrigação, quatro intensidades de déficit hídrico na fase de maturação, quatro posições ao longo do colmo para oito variedades de cana-de-açúcar irrigadas por gotejamento, assim como também a produtividade por área e os custos de produção de gemas viáveis de cana-de-açúcar. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Piracicaba - SP, no Departamento de Engenharia de Biossistemas da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (ESALQ/USP), em ambiente protegido (estufa). O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos inteiramente aleatorizados, com três blocos completos. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial (4x4x4x8), totalizando-se assim 511 tratamentos e 1536 parcelas experimentais. Os tratamentos testados foram: lâmina de irrigação ao longo do ciclo, com quatro níveis (Lâmina); intensidade do déficit hídrico na fase final do ciclo para maturação da cana-de-açúcar, com quatro estratégias de restrição hídrica (Maturação); posição da gema ao longo do comprimento do colmo, com quatro posições (Posição); e variedade comercial de cana-de-açúcar, com oito variedades (Variedade). Considerando-se que o presente estudo foi desenvolvido através de irrigação por gotejamento de alta frequência sob irrigação plena e irrigação com déficit, pode-se concluir que: a) a lâmina de irrigação que repõe o total de água requerido com alta frequência (L100) promove um aumento médio de 42% no total de gemas viáveis produzidas por hectare, comparado com o fornecimento de metade da lâmina de irrigação requerida (L50); b) as gemas localizadas no segundo quarto do dossel da touceira tem maior capacidade de pegamento, bem como as próximas do ápice; c) a adoção de déficit hídrico na fase pré-colheita (estratégias de maturação) em condições de irrigação plena (L100) podem reduzir em média 11% o número de gemas viáveis por hectare; d) a produtividade da água para gemas de cana-de-açúcar (2,88 à 3,17 litros gema-1) não tem relação com a lâmina de irrigação ou a estratégia de maturação adotada, sendo influenciada somente pelo material genético utilizado (variedade); e) as estratégias de restrição do volume de água aplicado (L50, L75 e L125) oneram em até 51% os custos de produção para cada gema viável produzida, comparado à irrigação plena (L100). / Sugarcane crop is facing a difficult road ahead due the rising input and labor costs and the lack of innovative alternative technologies to boost productivity. Thus, it is essential not only increase the productivity of sugarcane, but also keep it in a sustainable way, had conserving limited resources throughout time. To accomplish this, there is a strong necessity to use alternative methods of production to boost sugarcane productivity on the principles of \'\'more with less\'\'. More than ever, the answer refers to proper planning, which includes among other practices, the formation of healthy nursery, with definable areas intended to multiplication of seedlings and the choice of the best options among the available materials for the formation of cane field. Sugarcane is cultivated using cuts of stalks or bud chips and this cultivation method is gradually becoming uneconomical due the cost of \"nurseries areas\" used for renew old areas, requiring more than 20 percent of the total production cost for renovation/new plantings. This work has the hypothesis that for sugarcane, there is a better combination of water depth / intensity of water stress and bud chip position along the stem, in order to maximize the fixation / development of buds. The objective is evaluate the effect of four irrigation levels, four water stress intensities in the maturation phase, four positions along the stem, for eight varieties of sugarcane submitted to drip irrigation, analyzing the related variables quality seedlings (productivity and cost of viable buds of sugarcane). The experiment was conducted in Piracicaba - SP, in the research area of the Department of Biosystems Engineering of the College of Agriculture \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (ESALQ / USP), in a protected environment (greenhouse). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with 3 complete blocks. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design (4x4x4x8), totaling 511 treatments and 1536 experimental plots. The treatments were: water depth during the cycle with 4 levels (Water depths); commercial variety of cane sugar, with 8 varieties (Variety), intensity of water deficit in the final phase of the maturation of sugarcane, 4 water restriction strategies (maturation); and bud chip position along the stem length, 4 position (position). Considering the conditions in which this study was developed: drip irrigation high frequency under full irrigation and irrigation deficit, it can be concluded that: a) The water depth that returned the total water required in high frequency (L100) promotes an average of 42% increase in total viable bud chips produced per hectare, compared with when it was supplied half of the required water depth (L50); b) Bud chips located in the second part of the canopy has a higher fixation capacity, as well as the buds located at the top; c) The adoption of water deficit in the pre-harvest phase (maturity strategies) in full irrigation conditions (L100) can reduce an average of 11% the number of viable buds per hectare; d) The water productivity of sugarcane bud chip (2,88 à 3,17 litros gema-1) has no relation to the water depth or adopted maturation strategy, being influenced by the used genetic material (variety); e) The restriction water strategies applied (L50, L75 and L125) can increase up to 51% of the costs for each viable bud produced compared to full irrigation (L100).

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