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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metz et ses rivières à la fin du Moyen-Âge / Metz and its Rivers at the End of the Middle Ages

Ferber, Frédéric 08 December 2012 (has links)
L'histoire de Metz est, au Moyen Âge, indissociable de celle de ses cours d'eau. La première partie porte sur les relations étroites qui unissent la cité, la Moselle et la Seille. La ville est tout d'abord replacée dans son environnement fluvial. Son développement est reconsidéré sous l'angle des interactions avec la dynamique fluviale. Les formes multiples et intensives d'exploitation du milieu fluvial, pourvoyeur de ressources, sont ensuite évoquées. Elles impliquent de nombreux aménagements du cours d'eau et de ses berges qui transforment le paysage riverain. Les rivières constituent malgré tout, à travers des phénomènes extrêmes comme les crues ou les débâcles, un facteur de vulnérabilité pour la ville. Au-delà de l'adaptation de la société à ces phénomènes, les actions et les aménagements anthropiques peuvent être également envisagés comme des facteurs aggravants.Les enjeux, les défis et les rivalités liées à la maîtrise et à la gestion de la rivière sont au coeur de la deuxième partie. Ils se manifestent dans des domaines aussi divers que le franchissement des cours d'eau, le contrôle du trafic fluvial, l'encadrement de la pêche, la gestion des moulins, ou encore la défense de la cité. L'affirmation du pouvoir municipal, qui s'illustre par des mesures législatives et politiques, mais aussi par une implication croissante dans les affaires et les conflits liés aux cours d'eau, constitue un fil conducteur incontournable.La troisième partie aborde les relations entre les Messins et leurs rivières sous l'angle social et culturel. Au-delà des métiers étroitement liés au cours d?eau, comme les pêcheurs et les bateliers, ou des habitants des quartiers riverains, se dessine une véritable culture de la rivière partagée par une grande partie de la société messine. Elle passe par l'expérience, la perception et la connaissance des cours d'eau, et laisse une trace dans les domaines de la littérature, de la religion, de la symbolique ou de la justice. / The history of Metz in the Middle Ages is closely linked to the rivers that run through it. The first part focuses on the close relationship between the city, the Moselle river and the Seille river, which are tightly entwined. The town is first portrayed in relation to its fluvial environment. Its development is reconsidered in the light of its interactions with the river dynamics. The various and intensive forms of exploitation of the river environment which provides resources are then tackled. Many changes are made to the watercourse and the banks of the rivers, which in turns transforms the local landscape. Through extreme phenomena such as floods or debacles, rivers are however a cause for vulnerability for the city. The anthropic actions and alterations are not just the adaptation of society to these phenomena, they can also be seen as aggravating factors.The second part explores the stakes, challenges and rivalries connected to the rivers control and management. They concern river crossing, inland navigation, fishing regulations, mills management or even the defence of the city. The way municipal power asserts itself, through political and legislative measures but also a growing involvement in river matters and conflicts, can be seen as a central issue.The third part discusses the relationship between the inhabitants and the rivers from a social and cultural point of view. A real river culture emerges, not only reserved to the nearby residents nor to trades such as fishermen or boatmen. The largest part of the population shares experience, perception and knowledge of rivers, expressed through literature, religion, symbolism or justice.

Zpracování studie revitalizace malého vodního toku / Preparation of revitalization study for small water course

KULICH, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to prepare a design for the revitalization measures of Biřkovský stream including a design for polders "Karlovka and Niva". The designed measures should protect the village Biřkov from flash floods and enhance further increase of both water management and ecological stability of the basin. The solution is based on the assessment of hydrological, pedological, hydrogeological and vegetation docementation as well as the results of a detailed field survey of the area which is also reported in this thesis.

Navegação hidroviária interior no RS : vantagem econômica comparada aos outros modais e implantação do calado sazonal

Cunha, Gilberto Teixeira da January 2014 (has links)
O Rio Grande do Sul possui um grande potencial para a navegação interior devido à extensão de sua rede hidrográfica de quase 2200 km, sendo 930 km navegáveis. Aliado a isto, na última década o estado apresentou um crescimento econômico em relação ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de 167,2 %, segundo a Fundação de Economia e Estatística/RS. Mesmo com estas condicionantes favoráveis constata-se que o modelo atual da estrutura logística da movimentação de cargas continua a não privilegiar o setor hidroviário interior. Tendo em vista estes aspectos, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo cujos objetivos são: (i) identificar a representatividade do modal hidroviário interior em relação à movimentação de cargas, destinadas à exportação e importação, da metade norte do Rio Grande do Sul aos principais terminais privados hidroviários e ao porto público, localizados na cidade de Rio Grande; (ii) comparar o modal hidroviário com seus principais concorrentes, os modais rodoviário e ferroviário e (iii) avaliar o impacto econômico da adoção do calado sazonal. Para a comparação dos modais foram escolhidos três parâmetros que estabelecem custos em relação à tonelada quilometro transportada, são eles: custo médio de operação; custo despendido com combustíveis; e custos sociais. Após as informações coletadas foram processadas e analisadas, possibilitando identificar os custos gerados por cada modal. Na comparação destaca-se que o custo dos modais rodoviário e ferroviário são respectivamente 1541% e 405% maior do que o hidroviário interior e que a carga movimentada pelos três modais, em 2011, representou um custo total de R$ 1,79 bilhões, ou seja, 0,65% do PIB estadual. Na avaliação da adoção do calado sazonal foi estudado o possível ganho em termos de capacidade de transporte de cargas e a redução de custos gerada pela utilização do transporte hidroviário interior, no Rio Grande do Sul, decorrentes da possível implantação da permissividade de um calado sazonal, em função da variação histórica dos níveis de água, verificados através das curvas de permanências em nove estações pluviométricas localizadas na Laguna dos Patos e no Lago Guaíba. Constatou-se que a adoção do calado sazonal, no ano de 2011, teria um impacto de redução de custos de transporte na ordem de R$ 40,7 milhões, considerando a migração do modal rodoviário para o hidroviário e de R$ 10,1 milhões se fosse considerado a migração do modal ferroviário para o hidroviário. / The state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), in Brazil, has a significant potential for internal navigation due to the extent of its drainage network of almost 2,200 km, of which 930 km are navigable. Allied to this, in the last decade the state had an economic growth in relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 167.2%, according to the Foundation of Economics and Statistics/RS. Even with these favorable conditions it appears that the current model of logistic structure of shipment continues to not emphasis on the internal waterway sector. Considering these aspects, this dissertation presents a study whose objectives are: (i) identify the representativeness of the interior waterways in relation to handling, for export and import, the northern half of Rio Grande do Sul to the main private terminals waterway and the public port, located in the city of Rio Grande , (ii) compare the waterways with its main competitors, the road and rail modes, and (iii) evaluate the economic impact of the adoption of the draft season. To compare the modals, three parameters that establish costs in relation to the tone kilometers transported were chosen, they are: average cost of operation, cost spent on fuel, and social costs. After the data were processed and analyzed, it was possible to identify the costs generated by each mode. In comparison it is emphasized that the cost of road and rail modes are respectively 405% and 1541% higher than the inland waterway and the shipment handled by the three modes, in 2011, represented a total cost of R$1.79 billion, i.e. 0.65% of the state GDP. In assessing the adoption of the draft seasonal possible gain was studied in terms of load carrying capacity and reducing costs generated by the use of inland waterway transport, in Rio Grande do Sul, from the possible deployment of the permittivity of a quiet season in function of the historical variation in water levels, checked through the curves stays in nine rainfall stations located in the Patos Lagoon and Lake Guaiba. It was found that the adoption of the draft season , in 2011, would have an impact of reducing transport costs in the order of R$40.7 million, considering the migration from road transport to waterways and R$10.1 million if found migrating the railroad to the waterway.

Histoire des relations entre Paris et ses canaux : formes, usages et représentations, 1818-1876 / History of the relations between Paris and its canals : forms, uses and representations, on 1818-1876

Guével, Solenn 27 January 2017 (has links)
La recherche propose d’interroger ce qui lie et qui a pu un jour lier Paris à ses canaux, afin d’alimenter et d’élargir les réflexions actuelles sur les problématiques urbaines et sur la définition des modes et temps de constitution de la ville, soit de comprendre les liens entre ville et infrastructure.À travers l’étude de la forme du paysage et du tissu rural et urbain, des projets, des acteurs privés et publics, des activités et des usages et, enfin, des représentations, le rôle et la place tenus par les canaux parisiens, destinés au transport de marchandises et à l’adduction d’eau, sont appréhendés, permettant ainsi de saisir, dans le temps, la complexité des processus de constitution et d’évolution de l’espace urbain à Paris, révélant, à l’échelle locale et à l’échelle territoriale, au gré des questions posées, les relations entre ville et canal au XIXème siècle.Dans un premier temps, pourquoi la capitale a-t-elle besoin de canaux ? Quelles sont les conditions de leurs implantations ? Quelles sont les spécificités de cette infrastructure ? Quel est son tracé ? Comment les canaux se sont-ils surimposés aux territoires ? Quels paysages ont-ils fabriqués ? Sont-ils un embellissement et un monument pour le territoire et/ou une coupure dans les tissus existants ? Par rapport à ces questions, nous essayons de comprendre comment les canaux parisiens se sont inscrits dans le territoire.Dans un second temps, pourquoi des entrepôts sont-ils construits le long des voies d’eau ? De quels types sont-ils ? Y-a-t-il une distinction entre ceux établis à Paris et ceux réalisés à La Villette ? Quelles transformations engendrent-ils ? Quelle place tiennent-ils dans le développement industriel et commercial de la capitale ? De plus, comment le territoire s’urbanise-t-il aux abords des infrastructures ? Par rapport à ces questions, nous tentons de montrer comment la ville s’est adaptée aux canaux parisiens.Dans un troisième temps, pourquoi est-il décidé de couvrir une partie du canal Saint-Martin sous le Second Empire ? Quels sont les impacts de cette couverture sur le transport de marchandises et l’activité industrielle bordant la voie d’eau ? Comment les trames viaire et parcellaire évoluent-elles ? Des projets, liés au service de l’infrastructure et/ou de la ville, apparaissent-ils ? Alors qu’une partie du canal Saint-Martin est recouvert et que la commune de La Villette est rattachée à la capitale, pourquoi des travaux de modernisation des canaux de l’Ourcq et Saint-Denis sont-ils entrepris ? Quels aménagements sont réalisés ? Comment le territoire traversé par l’infrastructure évolue-t-il ? Par rapport à ces questions, nous essayons de mesurer comment les canaux parisiens se sont intégrés à la ville.Nous tentons donc de comprendre comment les canaux parisiens, grands ouvrages à vocation industrielle, se sont inscrits dans le territoire ; comment la ville s’est adaptée à cette infrastructure et comment cette dernière s’est intégrée à Paris. Nous essayons de montrer que de leur création à la fin du XIXème siècle (1818-1876), qu’ils servent au transport de marchandises ou à l’adduction d’eau, qu’ils soient à l’air libre ou recouverts, les canaux ont exercé une influence forte sur la formation de la ville qu’ils traversent ; ils peuvent ainsi être considérés comme des éléments fondateurs de l’espace urbain à leurs abords.Visant à construire un objet historique, en analysant la pluralité des relations entre Paris et ses canaux au cours du XIXème siècle, la thèse souhaite mener une enquête à partir de questionnements divers qui empruntent à plusieurs disciplines, s’attachant aux questions des formes, des usages et des représentations. Outil de réflexion visant à une meilleure compréhension des liens entre ville et infrastructure, elle souhaite apporter des pistes de réflexions face aux interrogations actuelles sur les possibilités de tirer profit de leur présence et sur la manière dont peuvent ou pourraient se reconstituer leurs abords / This research proposes to investigate the comprehensive set of past and present relations between Paris and its canals, in order to fuel and expand the current reflection on urban issues and the definition of the specific modes and temporalities at stake in the formation of the city, allowing one to understand the links between city and infrastructure.Through the study of a broad scope of themes, from landscape to the form of urban or rural fabric; to projects, private and public actors, acjavascript:nouvelleZone('abstract');_ajtAbstract('abstract');tivities and uses; to their representation; this study seeks to understand the role played by the canals and their place in Paris, as a means for both the transportation of merchandise and the supply of water, in order to grasp the complexity of the evolution and processes of formation of Parisian urban spaces over time, thus revealing at both local and territorial scale the relations between city and canal during the XIXth century.Firstly, we will focus on the need for canals in Paris, capital of France. What are the conditions governing their position? What is specific about this infrastructure and its layout? How are the waterways superimposed upon the urban territory, and what landscape do they generate? Are they a form of territorial embellishment and monument, and/or an incision in the existing urban fabric? With regard to these questions, we will try to understand how Parisian waterways are inscribed in this territory.Secondly, why are the warehouses built along the waterways? Of what type are they? Is there any differentiation between those established in Paris and those in La Villette? What kind of transformation are they generating? What is their place in the industrial and commercial development of the capital? Furthermore, how are the adjacent areas to the waterways urbanized? In relation to these issues, we will try to demonstrate how the city has adapted to the Parisian canals.Thirdly, why has the decision been made to cover a segment of Canal Saint-Martin during the Second Empire? How does this covering impact freight transportation and industrial activity along the waterway? How does the street systems and lot configurations evolve? Are any projects linked to this infrastructure and/or the city, coming up? Why are modernization projects for both canals of Ourcq and Saint-Denis undertaken while a length of the Saint-Martin canal is covered and the town of La Villette is annexed to Paris? What was the scope of work for these projects? How does the territory traversed by the infrastructure evolve? In this regard, we will attempt to measure how the Parisian canals were integrated to the city.We will try to understand how the Parisian canals, as large works of civil and industrial engineering, are inscribed within its territory, how the city adapts to this infrastructure and, inversely, how it adapts to the city. We will try demonstrate that, since their creation at the end of the XIXth century (1818-1876), canals have strongly influenced the urban formation of the cities from which they were excavated, whether used for the transportation of merchandise or water supply, whether open-air or covered. These canals can thus be considered as founding elements for their surrounding urban spaces.Through an analysis of the plurality of relations between Paris and its canals along the XIXth century, this thesis aims to construct an historical object. As an investigation starting from various issues borrowing from multiple disciplines, it focuses on the questions of form, use and representation. As a tool of reflexion intended to foster a greater understanding of the links between city and infrastructure, it seeks to bring new perspectives to the current issues of existing infrastructure and develop strategies, which exploit their presence within urban fabric, and the ways in which their edges and surroundings could be reconstituted

Navegação hidroviária interior no RS : vantagem econômica comparada aos outros modais e implantação do calado sazonal

Cunha, Gilberto Teixeira da January 2014 (has links)
O Rio Grande do Sul possui um grande potencial para a navegação interior devido à extensão de sua rede hidrográfica de quase 2200 km, sendo 930 km navegáveis. Aliado a isto, na última década o estado apresentou um crescimento econômico em relação ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de 167,2 %, segundo a Fundação de Economia e Estatística/RS. Mesmo com estas condicionantes favoráveis constata-se que o modelo atual da estrutura logística da movimentação de cargas continua a não privilegiar o setor hidroviário interior. Tendo em vista estes aspectos, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo cujos objetivos são: (i) identificar a representatividade do modal hidroviário interior em relação à movimentação de cargas, destinadas à exportação e importação, da metade norte do Rio Grande do Sul aos principais terminais privados hidroviários e ao porto público, localizados na cidade de Rio Grande; (ii) comparar o modal hidroviário com seus principais concorrentes, os modais rodoviário e ferroviário e (iii) avaliar o impacto econômico da adoção do calado sazonal. Para a comparação dos modais foram escolhidos três parâmetros que estabelecem custos em relação à tonelada quilometro transportada, são eles: custo médio de operação; custo despendido com combustíveis; e custos sociais. Após as informações coletadas foram processadas e analisadas, possibilitando identificar os custos gerados por cada modal. Na comparação destaca-se que o custo dos modais rodoviário e ferroviário são respectivamente 1541% e 405% maior do que o hidroviário interior e que a carga movimentada pelos três modais, em 2011, representou um custo total de R$ 1,79 bilhões, ou seja, 0,65% do PIB estadual. Na avaliação da adoção do calado sazonal foi estudado o possível ganho em termos de capacidade de transporte de cargas e a redução de custos gerada pela utilização do transporte hidroviário interior, no Rio Grande do Sul, decorrentes da possível implantação da permissividade de um calado sazonal, em função da variação histórica dos níveis de água, verificados através das curvas de permanências em nove estações pluviométricas localizadas na Laguna dos Patos e no Lago Guaíba. Constatou-se que a adoção do calado sazonal, no ano de 2011, teria um impacto de redução de custos de transporte na ordem de R$ 40,7 milhões, considerando a migração do modal rodoviário para o hidroviário e de R$ 10,1 milhões se fosse considerado a migração do modal ferroviário para o hidroviário. / The state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), in Brazil, has a significant potential for internal navigation due to the extent of its drainage network of almost 2,200 km, of which 930 km are navigable. Allied to this, in the last decade the state had an economic growth in relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 167.2%, according to the Foundation of Economics and Statistics/RS. Even with these favorable conditions it appears that the current model of logistic structure of shipment continues to not emphasis on the internal waterway sector. Considering these aspects, this dissertation presents a study whose objectives are: (i) identify the representativeness of the interior waterways in relation to handling, for export and import, the northern half of Rio Grande do Sul to the main private terminals waterway and the public port, located in the city of Rio Grande , (ii) compare the waterways with its main competitors, the road and rail modes, and (iii) evaluate the economic impact of the adoption of the draft season. To compare the modals, three parameters that establish costs in relation to the tone kilometers transported were chosen, they are: average cost of operation, cost spent on fuel, and social costs. After the data were processed and analyzed, it was possible to identify the costs generated by each mode. In comparison it is emphasized that the cost of road and rail modes are respectively 405% and 1541% higher than the inland waterway and the shipment handled by the three modes, in 2011, represented a total cost of R$1.79 billion, i.e. 0.65% of the state GDP. In assessing the adoption of the draft seasonal possible gain was studied in terms of load carrying capacity and reducing costs generated by the use of inland waterway transport, in Rio Grande do Sul, from the possible deployment of the permittivity of a quiet season in function of the historical variation in water levels, checked through the curves stays in nine rainfall stations located in the Patos Lagoon and Lake Guaiba. It was found that the adoption of the draft season , in 2011, would have an impact of reducing transport costs in the order of R$40.7 million, considering the migration from road transport to waterways and R$10.1 million if found migrating the railroad to the waterway.

En studie i TSFS 2014:96, Föreskrifter och allmänna råd om tekniska krav för fartyg i inlandssjöfart / A study in TSFS 2014:96, Regulations and general advice on technical requirements for inland waterway vessels

Antti, Silvasti, Svanström, David January 2021 (has links)
Inom Europa har länge bedrivits en framgångsrik och attraktiv inlandssjöfart som ett led inom transportkedjan där gods framför allt har flyttats över från vägnätet till sjöfarten. Då sjöfarten som transportsätt är ett mycket miljövänligt alternativ finns det utöver miljövinster även samhällsekonomiska vinster att göra. Då den tunga trafiken på vägnätet avlastas minskas därmed risken för trafikolyckor. Vid transport av farligt gods minskar samtidigt risken för utsläpp av farliga ämnen i naturen. I Sverige har inlandssjöfarten inte haft samma genomslagskraft som i övriga länder med kanalsystem, trots att det finns ett stort behov av att avlasta det redan överbelastade vägnätet och ett uttalat mål från regeringen om att flytta över gods till sjöfarten. Genom att jämföra regelverken som finns för inlandssjöfarten inom Europa med de svenska reglerna är målet att ta reda på varför inlandssjöfarten inte har samma genomslagskraft i Sverige som i övriga Europa. Utöver reglerna som arbetet berör så analyseras även kostnaderna för inlandssjöfarten i Sverige kontra Europa och ytligt nämna andra faktorer som gör den mindre slagkraftigt. En av slutsatserna som framkom  ur detta arbete är att Sveriges tolkning och tillägg till det Europeiska regelverket inte är den största anledningen till att det inte finns någon ekonomiskt stabil inlandssjöfart i Sverige utan endast en av faktorerna. / Europe has a great history of successful and attractive shipping on the inland waterways as a part of the transport infrastructure, where a great amount of cargo has been transferred from the roads to the inland waterways. Shipping as a type of transportation is a very environmentally friendly alternative besides advantages for the society. As shipping decreases the heavy traffic on the public roads, the risk for traffic accidents and the risks in transporting dangerous cargo will be lower.In Sweden the shipping on the inland waterways has not been as successful compared to the european neighbours with inland waterways, and despite this there is a great need for transferring cargo from the roads to the sea and an official goal from the government for doing this. By comparing the swedish regulation regarding the shipping on inland waterways with the european regulations, the aim is to find out why  shipping on the inland waterways are not successful in Sweden. Besides the comparative of the regulations this report will also analyse the different costs and other factors making it less attractive. What the authors can conclude in this study is that the swedish adaptation and additions to the european rules is not the only factor why there is no  economically functioning traffic of the swedish inland waterways, it is just another brick in the wall.

Ett vänerföretags val av logistik : efter kommande infrastruktursatsning på Göta älv / A company’s choice of logistics options : after upcoming infrastructure investment on the Göta river

Magnusson, Tobias, Nilsson, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
Ett företag står inför nya logistiska alternativ när förutsättningar förändras. Det kan handla om infrastrukturförändringar, men det kan också handla om lag- och regelförändringar när samhället vill skärpa krav på miljömedvetenhet och hållbarhetsredovisning. I vänerområdet finns skogsindustri som i sina verksamheter är beroende av tunga transporter. Det är en energiintensiv industri. Historiskt har Vänern och Göta älv använts för utskeppning av exportvaror. Numera går dock många transporter på järnväg för omlastning i Göteborgs hamn. Slussarna i Trollhättan är gamla och betongkonstruktionerna har börjat att vittra sönder. För fortsatt möjlighet att använda fartyg till och från Vänern har Sjöfartsverket, Trafikverket och kommunerna längs Göta älv beslutat att bygga nya och större slussar i farleden. Detta kommer att ge nya möjligheter för industrierna kring Vänern, som framöver kommer att kunna använda större fartyg i sin logistik. I denna uppsats har StoraEnsos kartongbruk i Skoghall studerats för en fallstudie om styrande faktorer vid val gällande lönsam exportlogistik, hållbara transporter och effektiva godsflöden till kund. Semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts med representanter för StoraEnso, Sjöfartsverket och representanter för rederier som sedan länge trafikerar Vänern. I en diskussion ställs resultaten mot teorier relaterade till logistik och hållbarhet. Studiens slutsatser indikerar att nya större slussar kan ge fördelar genom ökade alternativ i företagens logistikkedjor och därmed en bättre redundans vid transporter. Det framkom att det finns vissa logistiska hinder på grund av att myndigheter och kommuner längs Vänern och Göta älv bättre borde koordinera underhåll och infrastrukturförändringar. Från respondenterna och från teorin noteras att jämförelser mellan olika transportslags lönsamhet och miljövänlighet är svåra att göra. Företagen har ofta komplexa logistiklösningar som har mejslats fram under lång tid. Det framkom att StoraEnso arbetar tydligt med miljöfaktorer i upphandling av nya logistikfunktioner. StoraEnso ser det som ett viktigt arbete för egen lönsamhet, men också för legitimering av sin verksamhet i samhället. / A company in a changing world is faced with new logistical options when conditions change. It can be about infrastructure changes, but it can also be about law and rule changes when society wants to tighten requirements for environmental awareness and sustainability reporting. In the Lake Vänern area, there is a forest industry that is dependent on heavy transport in its operations. It is an energy-intensive industry. Historically, Lake Vänern and Göta rivers have been used for shipping export goods. Nowadays, however, many transports go by rail for transshipment in the Port of Gothenburg. The locks in Trollhättan are old and the concrete structures have begun to crumble. For the continued possibility of using ships to and from Vänern, the Swedish Maritime Administration, the Swedish Transport Agency and the municipalities along the Göta river have decided to build new and larger locks. This will provide new opportunities for the industries around Lake Vänern, which in the future will be able to use larger ships in their logistics. In this essay, StoraEnso’s cardboard mill in Skoghall has been studied for a case study on profitable export logistics and sustainable transport. Semi-structured qualitative interviews have been conducted with representatives of StoraEnso, the Swedish Maritime Administration and representatives for shipping companies that have been sailing Lake Vänern for a long time. The mill’s audit firm was also contacted. In a discussion, the results are compared against theories related to logistics and sustainability. The study’s conclusions indicate that new, larger locks can provide benefits through increased options in companies’ logistics chains and thus better redundancy in transport. It emerged that there are certain logistical obstacles due to the fact that authorities and municipalities along the Vänern and Göta rivers should better coordinate maintenance and infrastructure changes. Comparisons between the profitability and environmental friendliness of different modes of transport are difficult to make, due to the fact that the companies often have complex logistics solutions that have been developed over a long period of time. StoraEnso works clearly with environmental parameters in the procurement of new logistics functions. StoraEnso sees it as important work for its own profitability, but also for legitimizing its operations in society.

Alternative fuels for Swedish short sea shipping and inland waterways: Techno-economic study

Maszelin, Julien January 2022 (has links)
Climate change is raising huge challenges for all industries worldwide. It is mainly due to anthropogenic activity and energy consumption which is the cause for emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) among other environmental impacts and is expected to have huge impact on our societies globally. Of those global GHG emissions, around a quarter is emitted by transportations of all kinds as transportation relies heavily on fossil fuels. If the past years have seen a rising share of electrification within the passenger car industry, the commercial transportation isn’t that prone to electrification and other pathway to decarbonization are studied. Shipping is responsible for around 90% of the world commercial transportation work and therefore is a keyplayer in the transition toward low carbon transportation. It relies exclusively on fossil fuels with different kinds of oil-based fuels being the historical fuel suppliers and has seen a quick increase of the share of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the past decade. Yet the international maritime organization (IMO) has set ambitious emission reduction targets for shipping and alternative fuel technologies are considered to be a relevant pathway if not the most promising pathway to low carbon or even zero carbon shipping. This study aims at evaluating and comparing different alternative fuels pathways available to perform the shift toward low carbon fuel technologies within Swedish short sea shipping (SSS) and inland waterway transportation (IWT) based on a set of criteria designed to reflect all aspects of the implementation of an alternative fuel pathway implementation. Those criteria are divided into 5 different categories which are technological, technical, economic, environmental, and finally social. There are 2 main categories to consider for low carbon fuels, biofuels and electrofuels. Fossil fuels are also included within the study so that the alternative pathways get compared not only with one another but also with the current marine fuels. The first comparison between different alternative fuel pathways is relevant to choose the most promising and feasible one while the comparison between a chosen alternative fuelpathway and the main marine fossil fuels is what stakeholders will look at when considering an alternativefuel pathway implementation challenge. The electrofuels included within the comparison are ammonia and hydrogen within 2 similar pathways which include production using water electrolysis and renewableelectricity (the carbon intensity of the Swedish grid is considered) before consumption within fuel cells (FC)instead of internal combustion engines (ICE). Those electrofuels end up with the last ranks within the comparison due to low technological maturity, technical and economic challenges remaining and social issued to address despite being the most environmentally promising pathways. Biofuel’s pathways on the other hand include both fischer tropsch diesel (FTD) and bio-methanol production using as feedstock various mixes of black liquor (BL) andpyrolysis oil (PO). FTD ends up as the most promising alternative fuel pathway within the whole studywhile bio-methanol appears more challenging but also more promising toward environmental criteria. / Klimatförändringarna innebär stora utmaningar för alla branscher världen över. Den beror främst på antropogen aktivitet och energikonsumtion som orsakar utsläpp av växthusgaser bland andra miljöeffekter och förväntas få stora konsekvenser för våra samhällen globalt. Av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser kommer omkring en fjärdedel från alla typer av transporter, eftersom transporterna är starkt beroende avfossila bränslen. Under de senaste åren har man sett en ökande andel elektrifiering inom personbilsindustrin,men kommersiella transporter är inte lika benägna att elektrifieras och andra vägar till avkolning studeras. Sjöfarten står för cirka 90 % av världens kommersiella transportarbete och är därför en nyckelspelare i övergången till koldioxidsnåla transporter. Den är uteslutande beroende av fossila bränslen med olika typer av oljebaserade bränslen som historiska bränsleleverantörer och har sett en snabb ökning av andelen flytande naturgas (LNG) under det senaste decenniet. Internationella sjöfartsorganisationen (IMO) har dock fastställt ambitiösa mål för minskning av utsläppen för sjöfarten, och tekniker för alternativa bränslen anses vara enr elevant väg, om inte den mest lovande, för att uppnå en sjöfart med låga koldioxidutsläpp eller till och med utan koldioxidutsläpp. Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera och jämföra olika alternativa bränslen som finns tillgängliga för att genomföra övergången till bränsleteknik med låga koldioxidutsläpp inom svensk närsjöfart (SSS) och transport på inre vattenvägar (IWT) utifrån en uppsättning kriterier som är utformade för att återspegla alla aspekter av genomförandet av en alternativ bränslesatsning. Dessa kriterier är indelade i fem olika kategorier som är tekniska, tekniska, ekonomiska, miljömässiga och slutligen sociala. Det finns två huvudkategorier att ta hänsyn till när det gäller bränslen med låga koldioxidutsläpp, nämligen biobränslen och elektrobränslen. Fossila bränslen ingår också i studien så att de alternativa vägarna inte bara jämförs med varandra utan också med de nuvarande marina bränslena. Den första jämförelsen mellan olika alternativa bränslevägar är relevant för att välja den mest lovande och genomförbara, medan jämförelsen mellan en vald alternativ bränsleväg och de viktigaste marina fossila bränslena är vad intressenterna kommer att titta på när de överväger att genomföra en alternativ bränsleväg. De elektrobränslen som ingår i jämförelsen är ammoniak och vätgas inom två liknande vägar som omfattar produktion med hjälp av vattenelektrolys och förnybar el (det svenska elnätets koldioxidintensitet beaktas) innan de förbrukas i bränsleceller i stället för i förbränningsmotorer. Dessa elektrobränslen hamnar på de sista platserna i jämförelsen på grund av låg teknisk mognad, återstående tekniska och ekonomiska utmaningar och sociala problem som måste lösas, trots att de är de miljömässigt mest lovande vägarna. Biobränslevägar omfattar å andra sidan både fischer tropsch diesel(FTD) och produktion av biometanol med olika blandningar av svartlut (BL) och pyrolysolja (PO) som råmaterial. FTD är den mest lovande alternativa bränslevägen i hela studien, medan bio-metanol verkar vara en större utmaning men också mer lovande när det gäller miljökriterier.

Effect of Vessel-Generated Waves in Near Low Tide Conditions on Shorelines in the Intracoastal Waterways

Sanchez, Mackenzie Lee 01 January 2018 (has links)
Erosion is caused when there is a net loss of sediment in a coastal system, i.e. when the amount of sediment leaving a system is more than the amount of sediment entering that same system. This investigation will focus on vessel-generated waves and their effect on the shorelines of the Jacksonville, Florida Intracoastal Waterways near low tide conditions. The investigation conducted herein examines variations in turbidity and pressure measurements in response to passing vessels at a single site location previously selected in 2016. The primary water/shoreline interaction recorded during this investigation is located below the visible scarp (near low tide conditions). It was concluded that vessel-generated wave height and water level influenced turbidity levels. Turbidity measurements were greater during lower water levels. Vessel passage reduction or no wake zones during low water levels is recommended to reduce the erosion of the intracoastal shorelines into the channel. Future research is recommended to better determine the influence of low tide conditions on turbidity.

Wetland delineation and section 404/401 permitting an internship with Carolina Wetland Services /

Jenkins, Matthew Lee. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. En.)--Miami University, Institute of Environmental Sciences, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 35 [1st set of paginations]).

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