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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As tramas dos tapeceiros narradores: técnica e criação

Hülse, Elke Otte 30 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:19:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elke.pdf: 9748460 bytes, checksum: 80b7b93161d2a69664be1cdc4748bc50 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tapestry is one of the oldest artistic languages that survived through time and is revealing in the world s distinct regions. This work aims to watch anachronically the Middle Ages tapestries series denominated The Lady and the Unicorn and examples of contemporary tapestries, both starting from a card and using materials and colors compatible to its time of execution. In a second moment it intends to analyze the narrator s figure, enunciated by Walter Benjamin, doing a parallel with the tapestry weaver when this passes along the technical knowledge to young tapestry weavers. This process repeats itself through time and is adapted to the realities of the many regions where it is done. Watching many examples of contemporary tapestries images it is possible to perceive a dialogue with the painting. Such the trompe l oeil as the reticule are features that appear in both languages. Maybe in the Middle Age painting was at service of the tapestry, but through time this process has changed and today tapestry searches its own identity. The first hypothesis due to this supposed change occurred in the centuries is the anachrony which Georges Didi-Huberman describes in many other artistic manifestations. The second hypothesis is that the technical resources used in the Middle Age still are the reference to the contemporary tapestry weaver. Perhaps semblance is the best definition in the search for the contemporary tapestry s identity. The third hypothesis shows that the tapestry demands an exhaustive learning time, other of card creation and work execution. Maybe the small tapestries or mini-textiles are the solution found nowadays such in factor time as the work s final costs. The research is theoretical, but is only completed through analysis of images which allow a bigger approximation to the process. This is a basic research and the theoretical-methodological references are structured in the Brazilian tapestry weaver s reality that has access to this content via Internet, books and imported magazines; however there are lacks of living changes. To present this research maybe renews and instigates the local tapestry weaver / A tapeçaria é uma das mais antigas linguagens artísticas que ao longo dos séculos vem se manifestando em regiões distintas do mundo. Este trabalho tem por objetivo observar anacronicamente a série de tapeçarias da Idade Média, denominadas A Dama e o Unicórnio e exemplares de tapeçarias contemporâneas, partindo ambas de um cartão e usando materiais e cores compatíveis com sua época de execução. Num segundo momento pretende analisar a figura do narrador, enunciado por Walter Benjamin, fazendo um paralelo com o tapeceiro quando esse repassa o conhecimento técnico aos jovens tapeceiros. Esse processo se repete ao longo dos séculos e adapta-se às realidades das diversas regiões onde é executado. Observando muitos exemplares de imagens de tapeçarias contemporâneas é possível perceber um diálogo com a pintura. Tanto o trompe l oeil como a retícula são características que se manifestam nas duas linguagens. Talvez na Idade Média a pintura estivesse a serviço da tapeçaria, mas ao longo dos tempos esse processo se modificou e hoje a tapeçaria busca sua identidade. A primeira hipótese decorrente dessa suposta mudança ocorrida ao longo dos séculos é a anacronia que Georges Didi-Huberman descreve em várias outras manifestações artísticas. A segunda hipótese é de que os recursos técnicos usados na Idade Média ainda hoje são o referencial para o tapeceiro contemporâneo. Talvez o simulacro seja a melhor definição na busca pela identidade da tapeçaria contemporânea. A terceira hipótese mostra que a tapeçaria exige um tempo exaustivo de aprendizagem, outro de criação do cartão e da execução da obra. Talvez as pequenas tapeçarias ou mini-têxteis sejam a solução encontrada na atualidade tanto no fator tempo como custo final da obra. A pesquisa é teórica, mas só se completa através da análise das imagens que possibilita uma aproximação maior com o processo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa básica e as referências teórico-metodológicas fundamentam-se na realidade do tapeceiro brasileiro que tem acesso aos conteúdos via internet, livros e revistas importadas, mas existem carências de trocas vivenciais. Apresentar essa pesquisa talvez renove e instigue o tapeceiro local

Utilização de syngas em substituição a combustíveis gasoso em processos siderúrgicos

Caputo, Paula Diniz [UNESP] 18 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-12-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:25:46Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 caputo_pd_me_guara.pdf: 1452016 bytes, checksum: bd796f6ea43f3ec75f5c6bf6d5e2078a (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta dissertação analisa a possibilidade de utilizar combustíveis gasosos alternativos para reduzir o consumo de gás de coqueria em usinas siderúrgicas integradas. Foram consideradas misturas a) de gás de coqueria com gases de gaseificação e b) de gás natural com gases de gaseificação, para substituir o gás de coqueria puro e misturas do gás de coqueria com gás de alto forno. Os dois parâmetros principais que definem a intercambiabilidade entre os gases foram o Índice de Wobbe e o Índice de Weaver relativo a descolamento de chama. O percentual de economia de gás de coqueria foi calculado para as diversas misturas consideradas. / This dissertation analyzes the possibility of using alternate fuel gases to reduce the consumption of coke oven gas in integrated steel making plants. The following gas mixtures were considered: a) coke oven gas with different gasification gases and b) natural gas with different gasification gases to substitute either pure coke oven gas or mixtures of coke oven gas with blast furnace gas. Eight gasification gases from biomass and coal were selected from the literature as prospective substitutes. The two main parameters that defined the interchangeability were the Wobbe Index and the Weaver Index related to flame blow out. The economy of coke oven gas was calculated for all considered alternate gases.

The Cathedral of Ice: Terministic Screens, Tyrannizing Images, Visual Rhetoric, and Nazi Propaganda Strategies

Barton, Matthew 04 1900 (has links)
Many aspects of the Nazis’ methods of persuasion, especially the rhetoric and psychology of printed propaganda and the speeches of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels have been the subjects of intensive study. Oddly, the subject of technology applied as an instrument or supplement to propaganda, or the rhetorical contributions of technological devices, has very little representation in Nazi studies, despite the significance it played in their rise to power. This thesis attempts to fill that gap. Specifically, I will be treating lights and lighting, sound and music, the Nuremberg Party Rallies, radio, and cinema from a rhetorical perspective. The rhetorical framework I have constructed to analyze these elements relies on a synthesis of Richard Weaver’s Tyrannizing Image and Kenneth Burke’s Terministic Screen concepts. Burke provides an important connection to visual rhetoric while Weaver provides links to culture, myth, and history.The ultimate goal of this thesis is to show how the rhetorical theories of Kenneth Burke and Richard Weaver can be used to explain the Nazis’ persuasion tactics. Aristotle demanded that rhetors “know all available means of persuasion,” and obviously, technological devices have rhetorical value. To prove this, I have relied as much as possible on primary sources, especially the autobiographies of former Nazis and Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but the Hitler biographers (Joachim Fest, Robert Waite, and John Toland) have also proved their usefulness. While this thesis is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject, it at least sows the field with seeds of thought. I do not address either the printed propaganda of Nazism or the speeches of Hitler or Goebbels. I examine instead the rhetorical devices and methods used by the Nazis to reinforce these types of persuasion.

Influência da transferência do ligamento coracoacromial no tratamento de lesões do ombro / Influence of the coracoacromial ligament transfer in the treatment of shoulder injuries

Menegaz, Gabriela Lima 31 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The upper limbs are constituted by the shoulder, arm, forearm and hand. The shoulder consists of the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular and shoulder joints. The acromioclavicular joint is stabilized by ligaments and deltoid and trapezius muscles. The ligaments which constitute this joint are the acromioclavicular, coracoacromial and coracoclavicular, which is divided into trapezoid and conoid. The joint can be injured due to the direct fall on shoulder or on extended upper limb and are common in sports with hard contact. The acromioclavicular dislocation is classified into different types and there are specific treatments for each one. The Weaver-Dunn technique is one of the most common and consists in removing the intact coracoacromial ligament of the acromion, followed by its direct attachment to the structure of the clavicle. This technique has disadvantages when compared with others that do not require the transfer of the ligament. This occurs because it is an invasive procedure, require longer surgical time and require a longer period of healing. In this study, the techniques of Weaver-Dunn and coracoclavicular sling were evaluated. In both procedures, sutures are used to replace the coracoclavicular ligaments that have been injured. The analysis of the influence of coracoacromial ligament transfer was performed using three-dimensional models by the finite element method. Here is also investigated the tensile strength of some commercial sutures. Sutures composed by polyblend, as Fiberwire® and HiFi®, showed higher tensile strength than polyester sutures, as Ethibond®. In intact acromioclavicular joint, considering the proposed conditions, the trapezoid ligament showed higher stress values. The distance between the clavicle and the coracoid process showed similar behavior among the techniques evaluated. Thus, considering the simplifications of the models, it was concluded that there would not be a positive influence in the implementation of the transfer of the coracoacromial ligament to stabilize the acromioclavicular joint. To verify the results of this study, it is important the development of new numerical models and clinical research related to surgical techniques assessed. / Os membros superiores são constituídos pelo ombro, o braço, o antebraço e a mão. O ombro é composto pelas articulações esternoclavicular, acromioclavicular e do ombro. A articulação acromioclavicular se estabiliza através dos ligamentos e dos músculos deltóide e trapézio. Os ligamentos que constituem a articulação são o acromioclavicular, o coracoacromial e os coracoclaviculares, trapezóide e conóide. As lesões mais comuns ocorrem devido à queda sobre o ombro ou sobre o membro superior estendido, sendo comuns em esportes de contato. A luxação acromioclavicular é classificada em diferentes tipos e existem tratamentos específicos para cada um deles. A técnica de Weaver-Dunn é uma das mais utilizadas e consiste na retirada do ligamento coracoacromial intacto do acrômio, seguida pela sua fixação direta na estrutura da clavícula. Essa técnica apresenta desvantagens em relação a outras que não necessitam da transferência do ligamento, por ser um procedimento invasivo, demandar maior tempo cirúrgico e necessitar de um maior período de cicatrização. Nesse estudo, foram avaliadas as técnicas de Weaver-Dunn e dos amarrilhos coracoclaviculares. Em ambos os procedimentos, usam-se os fios de sutura para substituir os ligamentos coracoclaviculares rompidos. Analisou-se a influência da transferência do ligamento coracoacromial através de modelos tridimensionais de elementos finitos. Além disso, verificou-se a resistência à tração de alguns fios de sutura comerciais. Os fios constituídos de polimistura, como o FiberWire® e o HiFi®, apresentaram maiores valores de resistência à tração do que os fios de poliéster, como o Ethibond®. Para as condições propostas, o ligamento trapezóide apresentou os maiores níveis de tensão na articulação acromiclavicular intacta. A distância entre a clavícula e o processo coracóide apresentou comportamento semelhante entre as técnicas avaliadas. Assim, considerando as simplificações dos modelos, conclui-se que não há influência positiva na realização da transferência do ligamento coracoacromial para a estabilização da articulação acromioclavicular. Para a comprovação dos resultados deste estudo, é importante a realização de novas modelagens numéricas e pesquisas clínicas relacionadas com as técnicas cirúrgicas abordadas. / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Dějiny cechovních řemesel v Krupce / The History of the Guild Crafts in a Town Krupka

Flaková, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis entitled "The history of guild crafts in a town Krupka" aims to bring the origin, development and functioning of craft guilds which operated in the town Krupka. The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the content of guild orders, guild books and file material from different perspectives, which are described in detail in the chapters, in which the work is divided. The chapter sources and literature reflects the important archival sources related to guilds in a general scale for the territory of Krupka and the chapter also informs about the basic issued publications, that are thematically bind to the guild organizations, their development and functioning. The following section outlines the administrative development in the town Krupka. At the core is the chapter dealing with the guild craft in Krupka from different angles and perspectives. The annexes attached to this thesis is complemented with information referred to in the text of the work, and are composed mainly of namespaces of craftsmen.

”Ja, det är ju de det handlar om, det är ju kommunikation, annars kan man ju låta bli.” : -en studie om kulturhistoriska museers syn på kommunikation i utställningssituationer

Eklund, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>Purpose/Aim: Exhibitions in cultural-historical museums have traditionally been object-centered and associated with one-way communication. The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how exhibition producers – and educationalists at swedish cultural-historical museums today relate to communication in exhibitions from a communication scientific perspective.</p><p>Material/Method: The method of the thesis is interviews exhibition producers – and educationalists at five swedish cultural-historical museums about how they work with communication issues in exhibitions. The empiricism gained from the interviews have been analyzed from a communication scientific angle, using two communication theories as idealtypes for communication processes; Shannon and Weaver´s model and Stuart Hall´s encoding/decoding-theory.</p><p>Main results: Communication in exhibitions have developed, much due to the use of more channels for communicating with the visitors and the acknowledgement of the visitor as an active subject in interpreting the exhibitions and their message.Despite this development, communication in exhibitions still have features of a one-way communication. The main feature is the lack of possibilities for visitors to communicate their interpretations and point of views of the exhibition back to the exhibition producers. This leaves the visitors more or less passive in the communication process that is taking place in exhibitions in the same way that the model for communication by Shannon and Weaver describes.</p>

”Ja, det är ju de det handlar om, det är ju kommunikation, annars kan man ju låta bli.” : -en studie om kulturhistoriska museers syn på kommunikation i utställningssituationer

Eklund, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: Exhibitions in cultural-historical museums have traditionally been object-centered and associated with one-way communication. The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how exhibition producers – and educationalists at swedish cultural-historical museums today relate to communication in exhibitions from a communication scientific perspective. Material/Method: The method of the thesis is interviews exhibition producers – and educationalists at five swedish cultural-historical museums about how they work with communication issues in exhibitions. The empiricism gained from the interviews have been analyzed from a communication scientific angle, using two communication theories as idealtypes for communication processes; Shannon and Weaver´s model and Stuart Hall´s encoding/decoding-theory. Main results: Communication in exhibitions have developed, much due to the use of more channels for communicating with the visitors and the acknowledgement of the visitor as an active subject in interpreting the exhibitions and their message.Despite this development, communication in exhibitions still have features of a one-way communication. The main feature is the lack of possibilities for visitors to communicate their interpretations and point of views of the exhibition back to the exhibition producers. This leaves the visitors more or less passive in the communication process that is taking place in exhibitions in the same way that the model for communication by Shannon and Weaver describes.

Utilização de syngas em substituição a combustíveis gasoso em processos siderúrgicos /

Caputo, Paula Diniz. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Esta dissertação analisa a possibilidade de utilizar combustíveis gasosos alternativos para reduzir o consumo de gás de coqueria em usinas siderúrgicas integradas. Foram consideradas misturas a) de gás de coqueria com gases de gaseificação e b) de gás natural com gases de gaseificação, para substituir o gás de coqueria puro e misturas do gás de coqueria com gás de alto forno. Os dois parâmetros principais que definem a intercambiabilidade entre os gases foram o Índice de Wobbe e o Índice de Weaver relativo a descolamento de chama. O percentual de economia de gás de coqueria foi calculado para as diversas misturas consideradas. / Abstract: This dissertation analyzes the possibility of using alternate fuel gases to reduce the consumption of coke oven gas in integrated steel making plants. The following gas mixtures were considered: a) coke oven gas with different gasification gases and b) natural gas with different gasification gases to substitute either pure coke oven gas or mixtures of coke oven gas with blast furnace gas. Eight gasification gases from biomass and coal were selected from the literature as prospective substitutes. The two main parameters that defined the interchangeability were the Wobbe Index and the Weaver Index related to flame blow out. The economy of coke oven gas was calculated for all considered alternate gases. / Orientador: João Andrade de Carvalho Junior / Coorientador: Sergio Leite Lopes / Banca: Mauricio Araujo Zanardi / Banca: Marco Aurelio Ferreira / Mestre

Lättillgängligt eller löjligt? : ‐En studie av attityder till ungdomsmottagningarnas webbtexter.

Säterberg, Elsa January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om och hur väl texterna på ungdomsmottagningarnas gemensamma webbplats UMO når fram till gymnasister samt hur texterna värderas av dem. 110 gymnasielever från tre olika teoretiska gymnasieprograms andraårsklasser besvarade en enkät baserad på två av webbplatsens texter. Resultatet av enkäten analyserades med Shannon &amp; Weavers matematiska kommunikationsmodell (1949) och Fiskes (2009) synsätt på lyckad respektive misslyckad kommunikation. Studien visar att eleverna överlag upplever texterna som alltför lättlästa. Det framkommer också att eleverna i regel anser sig för gamla för texternas utformning och innehåll. Vissa tydliga skillnader i textuppfattning och värderingar finns mellan eleverna på de olika gymnasieprogrammen. Sammantaget kan UMO sägas lyckas med att få alla läsare att förstå innehållet men misslyckas med att lägga sig på rätt nivå för just denna åldersgrupp.

The effects of cultural differences on business communication : A study in OnlineFactory.asia

Odell, Fanny, Näsberg, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
Cultural differences have always been the ground to barriers within communication. Due to globalization this is becoming an increasingly important aspect of how business communication is done.  Therefore, there is a need for organizations to have the skillset to deal with the cultural differences that a cross-cultural business environment entails.  To understand the effect of cultural differences in business communication, more specifically the Swedish and the Filipino culture at OnlineFactory.asia, a qualitative research approach was used to conduct a case study. Interviews with two employees were conducted, one of Filipino descent and the other with both Swedish and Filipino roots. The study has followed the structure as can be seen in the frame of reference according to the studies three main subjects: globalization, culture and communication and business communication.    The data gathered through the interviews showed that cultural differences have a significant impact on business communication, as can be seen through the study done at OnlineFactory.asia. The two cultures that were studied differ in cultural values which in turn had an effect on their communication. The Hofstede framework was used to analyze the differences between the two cultures and used as guidance throughout this study. Factors like language barriers, adaptability and cultural values have shown to have an impact on the way that the two employees communicate within business. OnlineFactory.asia’s educational program is a way to use cultural differences and turn them into their competitive advantage. Having an understanding of each other's cultural differences, provides the tool needed to minimize miscommunications that often occur in a cross-cultural workplace.

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