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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Responsive Web Design and Optimizing Loading Times on Mobile Devices for Enhanced Web Presence

Modé, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Surfing the web has moved from the stationary computers to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. As the technology moves further and more devices comes out on the market this is a trend that will continue. This makes it more important for web developers to adapt and make their websites fit not only for one device. The website needs to fit all devices. Since many of these devices are using wireless connections, the website performance has also become even more important in order to give the users a good experience.   Responsive web design is an approach for designing and developing web pages. By using the three techniques of flexible grid layout, flexible images and media, and media queries, websites can get a design that fits all devices. Responsive web techniques will also make the web page perform better on each device since it makes the web page adapt to its environment. There are several performance techniques that can be applied to a website in order to increase performance and loading time. Responsive web design including performance techniques can together make a great impact on a website's loading speed and user experience.   This thesis embraces this approach for web development. By developing a design theory, a website emerges where these approaches of web development have been implemented. During the development of the website the experiences implementing this approach and techniques is discussed. The website developed for this thesis was able to finish loading below 4 seconds on a mobile device using a 3G connection. We argue that responsive web design and performance techniques can help a website immensely to increase its user experience and performance.

Webbsystem säkerhet : Ur ett API och webbapplikations perspektiv

Månsson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Web applications and APIs have become more popular every year, and security risks haveincreased. Along with more security risks and the large amount of sensitive informationshared on web applications today, the problem grows. I therefore wanted to explore morein security deficiencies to increase my own knowledge and others in the field. To do that,a web application was developed and a survey was made of what security threats existtoday and what solutions they have. Some of the solutions encountered during theinvestigation were then implemented and tested in the web application. The result showedsome general solutions such as validation, which was a solution to a number of threats.The investigation also showed that security is not black and white and that it is possibleto implement actions but attackers can still find ways to attack systems.

Životní cyklus projektu webové prezentace v sektoru B2B / The life cycle of a website project in the B2B sector

Dušek, Václav January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on realization of a new website division ITreklama of DISKUS company. The creation of this new web solution entails specific needs, mainly due to the business focus on the B2B sector in which the divisional segment falls. The project uses the traditional project management with all relevant instruments to achieve the highest added value. The main objective is the successful launch of the new website and the sub-objectives are identification the needs of the target group and description of the specific requirements for website in B2B business sector. Explanation of the project life cycle, along with the identification of specific needs for a website in the B2B sector, has subsequently serve as a methodology for B2B area of website realization.

Excellenta perspektiv på webbtillgänglighet : En fallstudie om vad som krävs för att införa tillgänglighet på webben.

Byhlin, Victor January 2020 (has links)
I takt med införandet av webbtillgänglighetsdirektivet har fenomenet webb­tillgänglighet aktualiserats. Begreppet tillgänglighet används inom webbutveckling för att be­skriva i vilken mån en produkt, en service eller en miljö är användbar och navigerbar för per­soner med särskilda behov eller funktionsnedsättningar. Webbtillgänglighet innebär strävanden efter att göra det enklare för sådana personer att uppfatta, navigera, förstå och bidra till webben (Kulkarni 2019). Den här uppsatsen undersöker vad arbetsverksamma inom webbutveckling anser krävs för att införa tillgänglighet på webben. Syftet är att nå en ökad förståelse av vad arbetsverksamma anser krävs för att införa tillgänglighet på webben samt vilka hinder och vil­ken problematik de stöter på i processen. Forskningsfrågan är ”vad tycker webbutvecklare och interaktionsdesigners krävs för att skapa tillgäng­lighet på webben?”. Undersökningen är utformad som en kvalitativ, deskriptiv fallstudie. Datainsamlingen utförs genom semistruktu­rerade intervjuer med konsulter hos IT-bolaget XLENT. Datan har tematiserats med hjälp av kodning och analyserats utifrån det teoretiska ramverket som används, nämligen aktivitetsteori (AT). Problem är bland annat att webtillgänglighet ofta prioriteras lågt hos beställare, svårig­heter att förklara fördelar och vikt av webbtillgänglighet samt begränsade resurser. Slutsatsen är att det som anses krävas är ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om webbtillgänglighet hos be­ställare och arbetsverksamma, fler incitament för att införa tillgänglighet, pragmatisk lagstift­ning, prioritering av tillgänglighet från början av ett projekt, mer samarbete med testpersoner samt fler färdigt inbyggda lösningar i webbläsare. / The web accessibility directive has made web accessibility as a phenomenon a current issue. The concept of accessibility is used in web development to describe to what extent a product, a service or an environment is usable and navigable for people with certain needs or disabilities. Web accessibility involves the goal of making it easier for such persons to perceive, navigate, understand and contribute to the web (Kulkarni 2019). This study examines what practitioners in web development think is required to initiate accessibility on the web. The pur­pose is to reach a greater insight into what practitioners think is required to initiate web acces­sibility and what obstacles and problems they encounter during the process. The research ques­tion is: “what do web developers and interaction designers think is required to initiate web accessibil­ity?”. The study is a qualitative, descriptive case study. The data collection is made through semi-structured interviews with consultants at the IT-company XLENT. The data has been the­matized through coding and has been analyzed based on the theoretical framework, namely activity theory (AT). Problems observed are, among others, that web accessibility often is a low priority among clients, difficulties in explaining advantages and the importance of web acces­sibility and limited resources. The conclusion is that what is considered required is increased knowledge and awareness among clients and practitioners, more incentives to initiating web accessibility, pragmatic legislation, that web accessibility is prioritized from the very beginning of a project, more cooperation with people with disabilities during the process and more ready-made solutions in browsers.

Company Intranet

Afram, Abboud, Sarab Fard Sabet, Danial January 2021 (has links)
Many companies use intranets where only authorized personnel can share, create, and access news, events, and knowledge in a company. An intranet is a web application with dynamic content. It consists of various functions and features that facilitate the information management and knowledge flow within the company. The main goal of this project is to create and design an intranet demo that is adaptable and extendable by companies and organizations. The intranet contains various primary functions that users can interact with. The designed intranet is based on the EPiServer Content Management System framework and is programmed in back-end and front-end with the Visual Studio IDE tool. The back- end part is mainly programmed in C# language to create functions and logic such as the intranet structure and then linked to the front-end part where the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript library React is used to encode the front-end and get a user interface. The finalized intranet contains various primary functions where authorized employees have individual profiles with their status and contact information. Users can share corporate events and access corporate news. / Många företag använder intranät där endast auktoriserad personal har tillgång till att dela, skapa och komma åt nyheter, händelser och kunskap inom företaget. Intranät är en webbapplikation med dynamiskt innehåll. Den består av olika funktioner som underlättar informationshantering och kunskapsflöde inom företaget. Målet med detta projekt är att skapa och designa en intranätdemo som är anpassningsbar och extensibel för företag och organisationer. Intranätet innehåller olika primära funktioner som användarna kan interagera med. Intranätet är baserat på EPiServer Content Management System ramverket och är programmerat i back-end och front-end med Visual Studio IDE-verktyget. Back-end delen kommer huvudsakligen att programmeras i C# språk för att skapa funktioner och logik som strukturen av en färdig designat intranät. Sedan länkas färdig programmerade back-end delen till front- end delen där HTML, CSS och JavaScript-biblioteket React används för att koda front-end för att få ett användargränssnitt. Den utvecklade och slutförda intranätet innehåller olika primära funktioner där auktoriserade anställda har enskilda profiler med sin anställnings status och kontaktinformation. Användare kan dela företagsevenemang och få tillgång till företagsnyheter.

The municipal challenges of the accessibility act : A study of the challenges in compliance with the Swedish act on accessibility to digital public service within Swedish municipalities

Westin, Mia January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization in society is going fast and was accelerated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. By this, many people's everyday tasks were transferred to digital environments. This meant in Sweden that most new internet users in 2020 were people over the age of 75 and people with different types of disabilities. Due to this increase in digitalization and all these new internet users, accessibility online is a subject that has gained higher significance. Since September 2020, all Swedish municipalities' websites must be accessible by law. Municipalities have a great responsibility to make information and necessary services available to the public. The purpose of this study was to investigate how well municipalities succeed with their work with web accessibility as a consequence of the legislation in Sweden and identify where the municipalities meet concrete obstacles in order to comply with the law. The purpose was also to investigate how the work with web accessibility on municipal websites can be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities. To fulfill the purpose, two research question was formed for the study: 1.     In the process of making municipalities’ websites accessible, which are the concrete obstacles that make the work difficult for those who work with such issues in the municipalities?   2.     How can the work with the accessibility of municipal websites be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities? To answer the research questions, two methods were chosen, a web survey and in-depth interviews, which corresponds to a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative method. The web survey was sent out to all municipalities in Sweden with the focus to answer RQ1 and the in-depth interviews were conducted with two accessibility experts with the focus to answer RQ2. Several obstacles were identified relating to lack of resources, lack of competence, lack of understanding of the law and the interpretation of it, attitudes, and old technology. Solutions on how the work can be simplified for those who work with web accessibility were identified relating to attitudes, resources, competence, legislation, and consumer demands. The main conclusions were that even though a municipality comply fully with the law, it does not mean that the website is accessible for all users, hence the law is not comprehensive enough. It also shows that there are several aspects that makes it hard for the municipalities to comply with the law and that most of these aspects also are the areas that needs improvement for the work to be simplified for the municipalities.

A Systematic Mapping Study on APIs Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Technology

Güler, Dilvan, Mahdi, Mohamed January 2021 (has links)
This thesis covers the systematic mapping of established public Application Programming Interface (API)s that are employing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. This due to the fact that the problem has been the lack of systematic maps of AI APIs in the present time, therefore this thesis has the purpose of increasing the insight in the area by creating the mapping study. The goal is to provide both a basis for research and to aid the general developer which uses the AI APIs. The systematic mapping of the AI APIs will be conducted by examining the information of the APIs and iterations classifying the AI APIs into categories and presented in tables. The analysis and discussion of the study was made based on the results from the study, namely the phases, the iterations, the result tables and the final systematic map. Additionally, an analysis was made on the validity threats of the study. The evaluation of each API in this study was done in cycles, by categorizing each AI API into a category that is included in the final result, which is a systematic map. The result has been proven to be useful for the target group of this study, the researchers and developers, by aiding them in finding the right API for them to use in their work. Therefore, this work will help future developers and researchers due to the fact that the thesis is providing relevant information in the development phases of employing AI in the web interfaces at the present time. / Detta examensarbete omfattar en systematisk kartläggning av etablerade publika API:er som använder sig utav AI- teknik. Eftersom bristen på systematiska kartor över AI API:er varit stor, har detta examensarbete syfte att öka insikten i området genom att skapa denna kartläggningsstudie. Målet med den systematiska kartläggningen är att bygga en grund för framtida forskning inom detta område, samt förenkla processen av att hitta AI API:erna för den allmänna utvecklaren som använder dessa. Den systematiska kartläggningen av AI API:er kommer att genomföras genom att undersöka tillgänglig dokumentation och information om API:erna. Dessutom klassificerades AI API:erna i kategorier, och presenterades sedan i tabeller. Analysen och diskussionen av studien gjordes baserat på resultaten från studien, nämligen faserna och iterationerna där AI API:erna kategoriseras, samt på resultat tabellerna och den slutliga systematiska kartan på AI API:erna. Dessutom gjordes en analys av hoten mot studiens giltighet. Utvärderingen av varje API i denna studie gjordes i cykler genom att kategorisera varje AI API i en kategori som sedan inkluderades i resultatet vilket är en systematiska karta. Resultatet från detta examensarbete har visat sig vara användbar för målgruppen, forskare och utvecklare, då det hjälper målgruppen att hitta rätt API att använda i arbetet.

Designing Accessible Medical Information: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities for Blind and Visually Impaired Individuals

Borgström, Linn, Luengprakarn, Thiptida January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents the result of a research conducted with the blind and visually impaired in scanning a QR-code and finding medical product information. Three prototypes were developed through Design Science Research Methodology and tested via a talk aloud protocol and observation. Qualitative data was gathered through a semi-structured interview for background of the participants and after each test. The participants came from the Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired in Malmö and consisted of four people. The development of the prototypes was conducted iteratively with the feedback from the tests. The first two prototypes were designed to find navigational and contrast issues and the third prototype, to correct the issues. The result was a solution that effectively met the needs and preferences of the participants as well as the insights to take the information architecture into account when developing, before the design and functionality.

Artificial Intelligence-driven web development and agile project management using OpenAI API and GPT technology : A detailed report on technical integration and implementation of GPT models in CMS with API and agile web development for quality user-centered AI chat service experience

Tosic, Damjan January 2023 (has links)
This graduation report explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, specifically OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology, into web development processes using WordPress (WP) for developing a AI-driven chat service. The focus of the project is on ImagineX AB, a private company that offers the educational service ChatGPT Utbildning aimed at teaching professionals to effectively utilize ChatGPT. The project is motivated by the rapid growth and adoption of AI tools such as ChatGPT, underpinned by the observed increase in user base and its integration into significant platforms, like Microsoft's Bing and Office packages. Despite its promising potential, the application of such AI tools in web development remains underexplored and untested in several aspects. The graduation report presents the implementation of a GPT model-driven chat service on the ChatGPT Utbildning WP website, enabling visitors to interact with the famous AI tool directly. This feature serves a dual purpose – enhancing user engagement and providing an instant demonstration of the utility of ChatGPT. The agile project management methodology in general is divided into four phases: preliminary work, design solutions, develop solution, and delivery – design and development phases are iterative. In this project, there is two design iterations and three development iterations called “cycles”. The project plan is fulfilled with no deviation. Tests and continuous improvements are done throughout the development, with specific and planned in each phase and cycle. The result is two optimized chat bots in respective well-designed chat boxes with full chat functionality driven by OpenAI API and GPT-3.5/GPT-4 models – user tested and then published on ChatGPT Utbildning website. Additionally, insights in agile management solutions in relation to AI tools have been produced. The detailed construction and in-depth discussion contribute to the wide understanding of AI implementation in web development, providing practical insights into the application of ChatGPT in a real-world setting by agile project management. Furthermore, it underscores the transformative potential of AI tools in shaping web solutions and web development, and propelling innovation in the field. The report delves into discussion of technology, ethics, society, and implications on future web development. / Rapporten ämnar redogöra integreringen av artificiell intelligens (AI) instrument, särskilt OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) teknologi, inom ramen för webbutvecklingsprocesser, inklusive agil projektledning, med användning av WordPress (WP), i syfte att utveckla en AIdrivande chatttjänst. Fokus för projektet är på företaget ImagineX AB, en privat aktör som erbjuder en utbildningstjänst benämnd ChatGPT Utbildning med mål att undervisa yrkesverksamma i effektivt bruk av ChatGPT. Motivationen för projektet härstammar från den snabbt växande tillväxten och adoptionen av AI-instrument som ChatGPT, vilket stärks av den observerade tillväxten av användarbasen och dess integrering i betydande plattformar, såsom Microsofts Bing och Office-paket. Trots den lovande potential som dessa AIinstrument innehar, finns det fortfarande delar inom webbutveckling där användningen av sådana verktyg förblir ouppklarade och otillräckligt utforskade. Rapporten visar implementeringen av en GPT-modell-drivande chattjänst på ChatGPT Utbildning WP-webbplatsen, vilket möjliggör direkt interaktion för besökare med det framstående AI-instrumentet. Denna funktion har ett tvåfaldigt ändamål - att förhöja användarengagemang och att ge en omedelbar demonstration av ChatGPT:s användbarhet. Den använda smidiga projektledningsmetodiken är typiskt uppdelad i fyra faser: preliminärt arbete, designlösningar, utvecklingslösningar samt leverans - designoch utvecklingsfaser är iterativa vilket omfattar två designiterationer och tre utvecklingsiterationer refererade till som "cykler". Projektplanen har följts utan avvikelser. Testning och kontinuerliga förbättringar har genomförts under hela utvecklingsprocessen, med specifika och planerade insatser i varje fas och cykel. Resultatet manifesteras i två optimerade chattrobotar inom respektive välutformade chattfönster, med fullständig chattfunktionalitet som drivs av OpenAI API samt GPT-3.5/GPT-4 modellerna - vilka har användartestats och därefter publicerats på ChatGPT Utbildning webbplatsen. Ytterligare insikter rörande agil projektledning i relation till AI-frågor erhålls också. Den detaljerade konstruktionen och den djupgående diskussionen bidrar till en omfattande förståelse för AI-implementering inom webbutveckling och ger praktiska insikter om tillämpningen av ChatGPT i en realistisk inställning med smidig projektledning. Vidare framhäver det den transformerande potentialen hos AI-instrument för att utforma webblösningar och webbutveckling, vilket främjar innovation inom området. Rapporten avslutas med diskussioner kring teknik, etik, samhälle och implikationer för framtida webbutveckling.

Choosing a Rendering Framework : A Comparative Evaluation of Modern JavaScript Rendering Frameworks

Wernersson, Denni, Sjölund, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor thesis explores the rapidly evolving landscape of JavaScript rendering frameworks, comparing and evaluating Next.js, SvelteKit, and Astro. The motivation behind this investigation is to help determine the most suitable rendering framework for contemporary web developers. To address this problem, a two-pronged methodology was employed: firstly, a survey was conducted to gather insights into web developers' usage of rendering frameworks and their opinions on different aspects of the frameworks; secondly, a controlled experiment was carried out by building web applications using the three frameworks to gather data on their performance, capabilities, and developer experience. The results of the study indicate that all three evaluated frameworks are strong options, but each offers unique advantages and drawbacks that must be considered when motivating a decision between them.

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