Spelling suggestions: "subject:"webservices"" "subject:"webbservices""
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Procesní platforma pro informační systém Národní dotace / Process Platform for the National Subsidies Information SystemOrava, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with proposal of design and demonstration of possible integration between Nation Subsidies Information System 2016 (ISND) and future solutions Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Agribus and process platform Business Process Management (BPM) Agribus. There is performed an analysis of requirements for ESB AgriBus and BPM AgriBus. For the implementation of ESB AgriBus is used Apache ServiceMix. Furthermore, this thesis deals with a proposal of improvements of the current solution of ISND, which are required to perform new role in the ESB AgriBus. The possibility of the integration between ISND and ESB AgriBus is demonstrated on a model business process of application for grants.
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Aggregated Search of Data and Services / Recherche agrégée de données et servicesMouhoub, Mohamed Lamine 11 December 2017 (has links)
Ces dernières années ont témoigné du succès du projet Linked Open Data (LOD) et de la croissance du nombre de sources de données sémantiques disponibles sur le web. Cependant, il y a encore beaucoup de données qui ne sont pas encore mises à disposition dans le LOD telles que les données sur demande, les données de capteurs etc. Elles sont néanmoins fournies par des API des services Web. L'intégration de ces données au LOD ou dans des applications de mashups apporterait une forte valeur ajoutée. Cependant, chercher de tels services avec les outils de découverte de services existants nécessite une connaissance préalable des répertoires de services ainsi que des ontologies utilisées pour les décrire.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles approches et des cadres logiciels pour la recherche de services web sémantiques avec une perspective d'intégration de données. Premièrement, nous introduisons LIDSEARCH, un cadre applicatif piloté par SPARQL pour chercher des données et des services web sémantiques.De plus, nous proposons une approche pour enrichir les descriptions sémantiques de services web en décrivant les relations ontologiques entre leurs entrées et leurs sorties afin de faciliter l'automatisation de la découverte et de la composition de services. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous utilisons des techniques de traitement automatique de la langue et d'appariement de textes basées sur le deep-learning pour mieux comprendre les descriptions des services.Nous validons notre travail avec des preuves de concept et utilisons les services et les ontologies d'OWLS-TC pour évaluer nos approches proposées de sélection et d'enrichissement. / The last years witnessed the success of the Linked Open Data (LOD) project as well as a significantly growing amount of semantic data sources available on the web. However, there are still a lot of data not being published as fully materialized knowledge bases like as sensor data, dynamic data, data with limited access patterns, etc. Such data is in general available through web APIs or web services. Integrating such data to the LOD or in mashups would have a significant added value. However, discovering such services requires a lot of efforts from developers and a good knowledge of the existing service repositories that the current service discovery systems do not efficiently overcome.In this thesis, we propose novel approaches and frameworks to search for semantic web services from a data integration perspective. Firstly, we introduce LIDSEARCH, a SPARQL-driven framework to search for linked data and semantic web services. Moreover, we propose an approach to enrich semantic service descriptions with Input-Output relations from ontologies to facilitate the automation of service discovery and composition. To achieve such a purpose, we apply natural language processing techniques and deep-learning-based text similarity techniques to leverage I/O relations from text to ontologies.We validate our work with proof-of-concept frameworks and use OWLS-TC as a dataset for conducting our experiments on service search and enrichment.
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Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste: 9. Fachgespräch der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme ; 13. & 14. September 2012Werner, Matthias, Haustein, Mario 10 April 2013 (has links)
Der Aufenthaltsort eines mobilen Benutzers stellt eine wichtige Information für Anwendungen aus den Bereichen Mobile Computing, Wearable Computing oder Ubiquitous Computing dar. Ist ein mobiles Endgerät in der Lage, die aktuelle Position des Benutzers zu bestimmen, kann diese Information von der Anwendung berücksichtigt werden -- man spricht dabei allgemein von ortsbezogenen Anwendungen. Eng verknüpft mit dem Begriff der ortsbezogenen Anwendung ist der Begriff des ortsbezogenen Dienstes. Hierbei handelt es sich beispielsweise um einen Dienst, der Informationen über den aktuellen Standort übermittelt. Mittlerweile werden solche Dienste kommerziell eingesetzt und erlauben etwa, dass ein Reisender ein Hotel, eine Tankstelle oder eine Apotheke in der näheren Umgebung findet. Man erwartet, nicht zuletzt durch die Einführung von LTE, ein großes Potenzial ortsbezogener Anwendungen für die Zukunft.
Das jährlich stattfindende Fachgespräch "Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste" der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, aktuelle Entwicklungen dieses Fachgebiets in einem breiten Teilnehmerkreis aus Industrie und Wissenschaft zu diskutieren. Der vorliegende Konferenzband fasst die Ergebnisse des neunten Fachgesprächs zusammen. / The location of a mobile user poses an important information for applications in the scope of Mobile Computung, Wearable Computing and Ubiquitous Computing. If a mobile device is able to determine the current location of its user, this information may be taken into account by an application. Such applications are called a location-based applications. Closely related to location-based applications are location-based services, which for example provides the user informations about his current location. Meanwhile such services are deployed commercially and enable travelers for example to find a hotel, a petrol station or a pharmacy in his vicinity. It is expected, not least because of the introduction of LTE, a great potential of locations-based applications in the future.
The annual technical meeting "Location-based Applications and Services" of the GI/ITG specialized group "Communication and Dsitributed Systems" targets to discuss current evolutions in a broad group of participants assembling of industrial representatives and scientists. The present proceedings summarizes the result of the 9th annual meeting.
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A web-based application for data visualisation and non-linear regression analysis including error calculation for laboratory classes in natural and life sciencesKeller, Titus, Kowerko, Danny January 2017 (has links)
In practical laboratory classes students traditionally receive data by reading from a measurement device (ruler, clock, voltmeter, etc.) or digitally as files in exchange formats such as CSV (comma separated value). In many cases these data have to be processed later using non-linear regression, here referred to as curve fitting. Therefore, analog data first have to be digitalised and imported to a data analysis and visualisation program, which is often commercial and requires installation. In this paper we present an alternative concept fusing open-source community tools into a single page web application facilitating data acquisition, visualisation, analysis via non-linear regression and further post processing usable for error calculations. We demonstrate the e-learning potential of this web application accessible at curvefit.tu-chemnitz.de in the context of acquired data as typically obtained in physical laboratory classes from undergraduate studies. A prototype workflow for the topic 'specific electric resistance determination' is presented along with a technical description of the basic web technology used behind. Restrictions, such as limited portability or cumbersome ways to share results electronically between student and supervisor as occurring in traditional software applications are overcome by enabling export via URL.
The discussion is complemented by thorough comparison of curve fitting web applications with focus on their capability to be adaptable to user-specific models (equations) as faced by (undergraduate) students in the context of their education in laboratory classes in natural and life sciences, such as physics, biology and chemistry.
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Entwicklung eines Editors zum Entwurf von Benutzerschnittstellen für Web Services auf Basis der abstrakten UI-Beschreibungssprache WSGUISpillner, Josef 19 September 2006 (has links)
Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt das Themengebiet der automatischen Erzeugung von grafischen Benutzeroberflächen (GUIs) im Kontext von Webservices. Es geht dabei konkret um einen Editor, mit dem Hinweise zur Generierung von Dialogen erstellt werden können. Diese Hinweise sollen dann von den dialogerzeugenden Anwendungen einbezogen werden, um eine dynamische Interaktion mit Webservices durch beliebige Nutzer ohne dienstspezifische Software zu ermöglichen. Die Arbeit führt in die aktuellen Techniken zur GUI-Generierung ein und stellt Transformationsprinzipien vor, die eine Generierung ausgehend von einem formalen Datenmodell ermöglichen. Dabei müssen mangelnde Modellparameter in Beschreibungen von Webservices manuell ausgeglichen werden (WSGUI-Konzepte). Diese Zielstellung führt zum Entwurf des WSGUI-Editors. Die anschließende Implementierung berücksichtigt darüber hinaus Integrationsaspekte wie die Publizierung von WSGUI-Hinweisen, Einbindung von GUI-Übersetzungen und eine Vorschau auf die zu generierenden Dialoge. Abgeschlossen wird die Arbeit mit einer Bewertung des Editors, aber auch einer Reihe von Vorschlägen zur Vereinfachung ähnlich gelagerter zukünftiger Projekte im Umfeld von Webservices.
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Systemunterstützung für den Abgleich von Geschäftsobjekten zwischen Anwendungsservern über WebServices: Systemunterstützung für den Abgleich von Geschäftsobjekten zwischen Anwendungsservern über WebServicesAmeling, Michael 07 September 2009 (has links)
Geschäftsanwendungen wie Supply Chain Management (SCM) oder Customer Relationship Management (CRM) werden repliziert, um eine hohe Skalierbarkeit und schnellen lokalen Zugriff zu erreichen. Die Geschäftsobjekte als Datencontainer der Anwendungen müssen infolge von Änderungen synchronisiert werden. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung des Synchronisationsprozesses durch die Reduzierung der Anzahl der Synchronisationsnachrichten sowie der zu übertragenden Datenmenge - auch unter Berücksichtigung des entstehenden Mehraufwands durch zusätzliche Verarbeitungsprozesse. / Business applications such as supply chain management (SCM) or customer relationship management (CRM) are replicated in order to reach high scalability and fast local access. The business objects representing the data containers have to be synchronized to stay consistent across the application servers. This thesis provides a contribution to reach more efficiency during the synchronization process by reducing the amount of synchronization messages and the amount of data to be transmitted. The additional effort due to further processing steps is taken into account via a proper cost model.
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Versioning of Web Services for the Swedish Public Sector’s secure electronic mail service Mina meddelandenWong, Sai Man January 2015 (has links)
Mina meddelanden (English: My Messages) is a secure electronic mail service provided by seven Swedish public authorities, which may be used by the Swedish population to electronically receive mail from the public sector. The IT infrastructure of this mail service is primarily developed and maintained by the Swedish Tax Agency. It is built on Web Services and the principles of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This allows external stakeholders to connect to the system as subsystems: Senders, Postal Services or Mailbox Operators, each designed to either send, mediate or receive mail using Web Services. Used in this way, Web Services allow for a loosely coupled system, however, system upgrades must be deployed in an orderly fashion so as to prevent breakdowns. The main research areas of this literature review, conducted with an iterative search process, include versioning of Web Services, SOA strategies, design patterns and frameworks. Based on the findings of this research, two theoretical approaches are suggested for Mina meddelanden: (i) a gradual change between two strictly controlled versions with a unified repository to store relevant Web service artifacts and documentations, and (ii) more generally to implement an integration platform that includes a service bus to mediate messages to the most suitable version. Mina meddelanden is a government project, and there are strict IT regulations and directives that must be followed. Therefore, the first approach is the most suitable at the time of writing, since there is already a working version of the system that follows these rules. Future implementation of an integration platform requires further study to ensure legal requirements are met. / Mina meddelanden är en säker digital posttjänst som tillhandahålls av sju svenska myndigheter och kan användas av den svenska befolkningen för att ta emot post elektroniskt från den offentliga sektorn. IT-infrastrukturen av denna posttjänst utvecklas och underhålls främst av Skatteverket. Den är byggd på webbtjänster och principerna av en tjänsteorienterad arkitektur (SOA). Detta gör det möjligt för externa aktörer att ansluta till systemet som delsystemen: Avsändare, Förmedlare eller Brevlådeoperatörer som är utformade för att antingen skicka, förmedla eller ta emot e-post med hjälp av webbtjänster. Webbtjänster gör det möjligt för delsystemen att samarbeta med varandra, men uppdateringar utav ett sådant system måste ske på ett metodiskt sätt för att förhindra haverier. Det huvudsakliga undersökningsområdet av denna litteraturstudie, genomfördes med en iterativ sökprocess, omfattas av versionshantering av webbtjänster, SOA strategier, designmallar och ramverk. Baserat på litteraturstudien förslås två teoretiska tillvägagångssätt för Mina meddelanden: (i) en succesiv förändring mellan två strikta och kontrollerade versioner med ett enat förvar för att lagra relevanta webbtjänster artefakter och dokumentationer och (ii) en mer generell lösning att implementera en integrationsplattform som inkluderar en tjänstebuss för att förmedla meddelanden till den mest passande versionen. Mina meddelanden är ett statligt projekt och måste därför följa strikta IT direktiv och riktlinjer, så det första tillvägagångssättet är den bäst kvalificerad i skrivande stund på grund av att det redan finns en fungerande version av systemet som följer dessa regler. Framtida implementationer av en integrationsplattform kräver ytterligare studier för att säkerställa att juridiska krav är uppnådda.
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TowardsWeb User-Centric Development / Vers un développement Web orienté utilisateurPascalau, Emilian 07 April 2014 (has links)
World Wide Web (WWW) est devenu le plus grand dépôt d’informations que l’homme ait jamais assemblé et il est en croissance continue. WWW s’est transformé en un environnement génératif qui favorise l’innovation par le développement des technologies et par un changement dans la perception des gens sur le Web et comment l’utilisent. Le nouveau WWW ou l’Internet de l’Avenir est celui d’un Internet des Services et un Internet des Objets.Naturellement, une série des questions se posent à partir de ce contexte : comment filtrez-vous les choses pour créer plus de valeur que vous obtenez actuellement ? Comment pouvez-vous regrouper les choses d’une manière intelligente et facile au lieu de la faire dans votre tête? Le monde ne peut pas être décrit sans ambiguïté, alors comment pouvez-vous permettre aux utilisateurs de traiter avec le monde à leur manière, en fonction de leurcompréhension? Levine dans son livre "Cluetrain manifesto" a argumenté que les marchés sont conversations, alors comment peut-on impliquer les utilisateurs dans la conversation ? Comment les utilisateurs peuvent être autorisés à la consommation facile des services, de l’information, des choses qu’ils trouvent autour?Cependant, la conception et le déploiement d’un tel logiciel capable d’interaction directe et l’autonomisation de l’utilisateur final reste toujours un problème. On a, d’une part, les utilisateurs qui ont des idées, mais qui n’ont pas l’environnement technique et les capacités en programmation pour faire eux-mêmes le développement. D’autre part, on a un grand volume des données, ressources et services qui qui pourraient être regroupées à la fois en termes de données, mais le plus important, en termes de comportement d’innover et de créer nouveaux objets. Notre objectif dans cette thèse est de combler ce manque d’outils qui sont capables d’une interaction directe et l’autonomisation des utilisateurs finaux, de manière unifiée. Ainsi, notre principale contribution dans cette thèse est le développement d’une approche holistique pour les systèmes basés sur le Web qui sont centrés sur l’utilisateur etqui intègrent des données, les services et le comportement disponible sur le Web 2.0. / World Wide Web (WWW) has become the greatest repository of information that man has ever assembled and it is continuously growing. WWW transformed itself into a generative environment that fosters innovation through the advance of technologies and a shift in people’s perception of the Weband how they use it. The new WWW or Future Internet is that of an Internet of Services and Internet of Things.Naturally, a series of questions arise from this context: how do you filter things to create more value than you currently get? how do you aggregate things in an intelligent and easy way instead of doing it in your head? The world cannot be described unambiguously, so how can you allow users to deal with the world in their own way, based on their understanding? Levine in his book "Cluetrain manifesto" was arguing that markets are conversations so how can users be involved in the conversation? how can users be empowered with easy consumption of the services, information, things that they found around?However design and deployment of such software capable of direct interaction and empowerment of the end-user is still an issue. We have on one side users that have ideas, but do not have technical background and lack programming skills to do the development by themselves. On the other side, we have large amounts of data, resources and services that could be aggregated both in terms of data, but most important in terms of behavior to innovate and create new things.Our goal in this thesis is to address this lack of tools that are capable of direct interaction andempowerment of end-users, in a unified manner. Thus our main contribution in this thesis is the development of a holistic approach for web based systems that are user-centric and that integrate data, services and behavior available on the Web 2.0.
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Webové služby jako realizace architektury orientované na služby / Realisation of Service-Oriented Architecture: Web ServicesJiráček, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The main subject of this master thesis is the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). It shows a complete overview of Web Services in terms of realisation of a SOA. The thesis mentions what is already done and what else remains to ful ll the basic SOA principles. Then, it reviews Java EE platform tools used to deal with the Web Services. Next, it introduces the Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology as a solution of the web service's area - SOA governance. Moreover, it examinates the possible usage of JMX for the web service's management and monitoring issues. Finally, it implements an exemplary web services management and monitoring application on GlassFish server for testing purposes.
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Design, Development and Testing of Web Services for Multi-Sensor Snow Cover MappingKadlec, Jiri 01 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation presents the design, development and validation of new data integration methods for mapping the extent of snow cover based on open access ground station measurements, remote sensing images, volunteer observer snow reports, and cross country ski track recordings from location-enabled mobile devices. The first step of the data integration procedure includes data discovery, data retrieval, and data quality control of snow observations at ground stations. The WaterML R package developed in this work enables hydrologists to retrieve and analyze data from multiple organizations that are listed in the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences Inc (CUAHSI) Water Data Center catalog directly within the R statistical software environment. Using the WaterML R package is demonstrated by running an energy balance snowpack model in R with data inputs from CUAHSI, and by automating uploads of real time sensor observations to CUAHSI HydroServer. The second step of the procedure requires efficient access to multi-temporal remote sensing snow images. The Snow Inspector web application developed in this research enables the users to retrieve a time series of fractional snow cover from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for any point on Earth. The time series retrieval method is based on automated data extraction from tile images provided by a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). The average required time for retrieving 100 days of data using this technique is 5.4 seconds, which is significantly faster than other methods that require the download of large satellite image files. The presented data extraction technique and space-time visualization user interface can be used as a model for working with other multi-temporal hydrologic or climate data WMTS services. The third, final step of the data integration procedure is generating continuous daily snow cover maps. A custom inverse distance weighting method has been developed to combine volunteer snow reports, cross-country ski track reports and station measurements to fill cloud gaps in the MODIS snow cover product. The method is demonstrated by producing a continuous daily time step snow presence probability map dataset for the Czech Republic region. The ability of the presented methodology to reconstruct MODIS snow cover under cloud is validated by simulating cloud cover datasets and comparing estimated snow cover to actual MODIS snow cover. The percent correctly classified indicator showed accuracy between 80 and 90% using this method. Using crowdsourcing data (volunteer snow reports and ski tracks) improves the map accuracy by 0.7 – 1.2 %. The output snow probability map data sets are published online using web applications and web services.
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