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Hotel / HotelWawreczka, Stefan January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the design documentation hotel building in the village of Vendryně. The building is designed in accordance with the existing this area and the slope of the terrain. This is a two-tier four-storey building. Above the 1st floor is designed flat vegetation roof and above the 4th floor is gabled roof. The building contains part of the accommodation, dining area and facilities for staff. Work includes architectural and layout design, preparation of construction drawings, design of fire safety design of buildings, basic thermal technical assessment and calculation of a selected wooden truss and a draft air exchange for restaurants and kitchens. The entire work will be complemented by a text part.
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Apartmánová residence s wellness centrem v beskydských horách / Apartment Residence with Wellness in BeskydyPěchuvková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on design of project documentation apartment residence with wellness centre in Beskydy Mountains. It is a three floors apartment residence with wellness centre with basement, with is located in sloping plot in the village of Staré Hamry in Frýdek-Místek. Nearby are 2 ski lifts and 3 ski slopes. The whole area is very used by tourist in summer and winter season. In building is 13 apartments and they are designed to be suitable for a longer stay with one apartment is designed for people with limited mobility. Residence is possible make accommodation for 36 people. In wellness part are designed swimming pool, whirlpool, finish and infra saunas. The main disposal idea was separate an accommodation part from wellness part. The supporting system consists of two structural systems. As a main building material was in basement part used a permanent formwork from vibropressed concrete blocks and in upper floor are used ceramic block Porotherm with voids filed by hydrophobic mineral wool. Loadbearing interior basement part consist of reinforced concrete columns with make a space for parking space for cars. Ceiling construction consists of prestressed hollow core slab Spiroll. Roof is designed as a saddle roof. The main result is the correct design of the building with a correct layout design, correct structural design, architectural, energy saving and safety in use of the building.
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Analyse biomécanique et électromyographique des éléments d'anticipation de l'initiation de déplacement en fauteuil roulant manuel / Biomechanics and electromyographic analysis of anticipation elements of the manual wheelchair initiation displacementChikh, Soufien 19 June 2015 (has links)
Les Personnes à Mobilité Réduite (PMR) souffrent souvent de limitation au cours de la locomotion. Plusieurs outils sont à leurs dispositions pour les aider et les assister dans leur déplacement, plus particulièrement le Fauteuil Roulant Manuel (FRM) ou électrique. Ces travaux de thèse se focalisent sur les interactions entre le sujet et le FRM afin de déterminer des éléments prédictifs du déplacement à venir dans l’optique d’une aide à la locomotion. Comprendre l'Interaction Homme-FRM (IHF) est un enjeu actuel afin d'améliorer le déplacement et d’optimiser la performance ainsi que le confort, en minimisant la fatigue et les risques des blessures. Pour contribuer à mieux comprendre voire améliorer cette IHF, un ensemble d'études centrées sur une analyse biomécanique et électromyographique des éléments d'anticipation de l'Initiation du Déplacement en FRM (ID-FRM) a été réalisé au cours de ces travaux de thèse. Cet ensemble d’études porte sur i) les Activités Musculaires Anticipatoires (AMA) en position assise pour interroger la prédictibilité des mouvements au regard de ses paramètres préalables ; ii) l’évolution des patterns musculaires et des pressions sur l'assise lors de l'ID-FRM, pour interroger l’adaptabilité ou la spécificité des paramètres initiaux lors de différents déplacements en FRM chez des sujets valides. ; iii) l’évolutions des patterns musculaires et des pressions sur l'assise lors de l'ID-FRM chez des sujets blessés médullaires et ; iv) l’analyse multi-variée des paramètres de l'ID-FRM. Le SNC présente des capacités d'adaptabilité importantes au mouvement à venir en ajustant les commandes motrices aux conditions physiologiques globales du sujet. Cette adaptabilité a conduit à des pourcentages importants de prédiction et elle peut être enregistrée au travers d'éléments macroscopiques permettant d'envisager des systèmes d'aide au déplacement, notamment pour les PMR. / People with Disabled Mobility (PDM) often suffer from limitation during locomotion. Several tools are at their disposal to help and assist them in their displacement, specifically the electric or the Manual Wheelchair (MW). This thesis works focuses on the Human-MW-Interaction (H-MW-I) subject to determine elements predictors of forthcoming displacement with a view of aid to locomotion. Understanding (H-MW-I) is a current challenge to improve the displacement and optimize the performance as well as comfort, by minimizing fatigue and injury risk. In order to enhance understanding and even improving the (H-MW-I), a set of studies focusing on Biomechanics and electromyographic analysis of anticipation elements of the Manual Wheelchair Initiation Displacement (MW-ID) was performed during the thesis works. This set of studies focuses on i) Anticipatory Muscular Activities (AMA) in the sitting position to question the predictability of the movements in relation to its prior parameters; ii) evolution of muscular patterns and pressures on the seat when MW-ID to question the adaptability or specificity of the initial parameters during various displacements using MW in healthy subjects ; iii) evolution of muscular patterns and pressures on the seat when MW-ID in spinal cord injury subjects and; iv) multivariate analysis of the MW-ID parameters. The CNS presents an important capacity of adaptability to the forthcoming movement by adjusting motor commands to the global physiological condition of the subject. This adaptability has led to significant percentages prediction and it can be saved through macroscopic elements to envisage help systems to displacement for PDM.
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Développement d’un modèle conceptuel pour la pratique d’activités de pagaie adaptées pour des personnes utilisant un fauteuil roulant comme principal mode de locomotionCristea, Karina 07 1900 (has links)
Les personnes vivant avec des déficiences physiques et des incapacités fonctionnelles associées, qui utilisent un fauteuil roulant comme principal mode de locomotion (UFR), sont confrontées à des difficultés dans leur vie quotidienne. En conséquence, leur participation à des activités récréatives et de loisirs s’avère souvent entravée. Une telle situation accélère le développement ou l'exacerbation de problèmes secondaires liés à la santé physique et au bien-être psychologique, créant ainsi un cercle vicieux d'inactivité. De plus en plus de preuves scientifiques démontrent que l'activité physique adaptée (APA) permet aux UFR d'atténuer, voire de surmonter, ces problèmes. Bien qu’un large éventail de sports adaptés soit disponible, les activités de pagaie adaptées n’ont reçu que très peu d’attention à ce jour. L’identification et la modélisation des facteurs influençant leur pratique sont cruciaux dans l’objectif de promouvoir la participation à des activités de pagaie adaptées. Cette étude visait à développer un nouveau modèle conceptuel des facteurs influençant la pratique des activités de pagaie adaptées en utilisant un processus articulé autour de quatre phases : 1) une recherche systématisée de la littérature et une synthèse des principaux modèles conceptuels disponibles en APA, 2) la conceptualisation d'un modèle préliminaire pour la participation à des activités de pagaie adaptées, 3) la validation de ses construits et de leurs interactions par trois experts de l'APA et deux experts scientifiques indépendants afin de cocréer le modèle final (c.-à-d. Le modèle montréalais d'activités de pagaie adaptées - M2APA) et 4) le test de l'applicabilité du M2APA auprès de trois UFR ayant déjà participé à des activités de pagaie adaptées. Sur la base de cette démarche, le M2APA offre un modèle complet cartographiant les principaux facteurs personnels et environnementaux à prendre en compte dans la pratique d'activités de pagaie adaptées. En outre, le M2APA fournit des indications pour promouvoir la participation à des activités de pagaie adaptées et ainsi, renforcer l'inclusion sociale des UFR. / Individuals with physical impairments and related disabilities who use a wheelchair as their primary mode of locomotion (WCUsers) face challenges in their daily lives that interfere with meaningful recreational and leisure participation. This accelerates the development or exacerbation of physical health and psychological well-being difficulties, thus creating a vicious cycle of inactivity. Emerging evidence suggests that adapted physical activity (APA) allows WCUsers to mitigate, even overcome, these difficulties. Nowadays, though broad ranges of adapted sports are available, adapted paddling activities have received limited attention. Identifying and modeling the factors influencing their practice remains crucial to further promote adapted paddling activities. This study aimed to develop a novel conceptual model of factors influencing the practice of adapted paddling activities using a four-phase process: 1) the systematized search of the literature and a synthesis of currently-available conceptual models in APA practice, 2) the conceptualization of a preliminary model for the practice of adapted paddling activities, 3) the validation of its construct and content by three APA experts and two independent scientific experts to co-create the final model (i.e., Montreal Model of Adapted Paddling Activities – M2APA) and 4) the testing of the applicability of the M2APA with three WCUsers who previously practiced adapted paddle boarding. Based on these findings, the M2APA offers a comprehensive model allowing one to map key personal and environmental factors needing consideration for the practice of adapted paddling activities. Moreover, the M2APA provides insights to promote participation into adapted paddling activities and, ultimately, strengthen social inclusion of WCusers.
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Administrativní budova Energis / Office building EnergisHaša, František Unknown Date (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is elaboration of a project documentation for the building permission of nearly zero energy office building with BIM, and assessment of the designed building by methodology for multicriteria evaluation of buildings. The building is located on a slightly sloped site of former military barracks in Valašské Meziříčí. The building is intended as offices for ENERGIS company. The building has rectangular floor plan (approx. 32 x 22 m). The building has three floors. There is café, reception, technical and storage facilities on the first floor. The second and third foor contain offices, meeting rooms and staff facilities. All floors are wheelchair accessible. The building has a cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame and warm flat roof. Infill walls are made of ceramics blocks. The facade wall is covered with ventilated facade with timber cladding.
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Undersökning av en rullstols totala miljöpåverkan / Analysis of the environmental impact of a wheelchairKarlsson, Emma, Tram, Madelen January 2019 (has links)
Företaget X etablerades under andra halvan av 1900-talet med målet att utveckla högkvalitativa hjälpmedel som till exempel rullstolar. Det företaget strävar efter är att användaren ska kunna sitta på ett sådant sätt att de kan uppnå maximal rörelseförmåga och aktivitetsgrad utifrån de individuella förutsättningarna. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka den totala miljöpåverkan hos en av Företaget X’s rullstolar, med en användning på 13 år, med hjälp av en livscykelanalys samt även skapa en grund för vidare hållbarhetsarbete. Utifrån resultatet av livscykelanalysen skulle förslag på förbättringar som, om möjligt, minskar produktens miljöpåverkan tas fram. Undersökningen är baserad på två marknader, marknad 1 där rullstolen resthanteras efter varje användare, och marknad 2 där rullstolen rekonditioneras samt återanvänds efter varje användare tills det att den resthanteras. Den insamlade informationen visade att en användare använder en rullstol i ungefär 4,3 år, vilket innebär att den, under sin livstid, används av tre användare innan den slutligen resthanteras. I marknad 1 undersöks därför tre rullstolar som resthanteras efter 4,3 år och i marknad 2 undersöks en rullstol som återanvänds samt rekonditioneras två gånger och slutligen resthanteras efter tredje användaren. Projektet är indelad i två faser, fas 1 där undersökning och analyser med hjälp av datorprogrammet SimaPro genomförs samt fas 2 där förslag på förbättringar tas fram med hjälp av LCA-verktygen, 10 Golden Principles och 5-Layer Approach. Resultaten från fas 1 visade att tillverkningsfasen samt ramen hade högst påverkan, och att det som orsakade de höga värdena var tillverkningsprocessen av aluminium. Värdena från SimaPro visade även att marknad 1 hade en påverkan som var ungefär 60% högre än marknad 2 med avseende på bland annat koldioxidutsläpp, vattenanvändning samt energianvändning. För att uppfylla kraven för examensarbetet tillämpades en designdel, där moduler eller komponenter med mixat material separerades och omkonstruerades, i detta fall var det armstödet samt stålhylsan i ramen som undersöktes. Då resultaten Examensarbete TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:669 Undersökning av en rullstols totala miljöpåverkan Emma Karlsson Madelen Tram iii visade att ramen hade den största påverkan och dess tillverkning var det som orsakade det mesta av denna påverkan valdes dess material- och tillverkningsfas för vidare undersökning i fas 2 där även designförslagen undersöks. Det nya material och tillverkningsprocess som undersöktes var en aluminiumkomposit samt tillverkningsprocesserna svetsning, extrudering och CNC. Undersökningen visade att byte av material skulle leda till en ökad miljöpåverkan men förlängd livslängd, vilket skulle minska miljöpåverkan per år och ett byte av tillverkningsprocessen skulle leda till det motsatta. Det vill säga en minskning i miljöpåverkan men även i livslängden vilket gör att miljöpåverkan per år skulle öka. De två framtagna designförändringarna skulle ge en minskad miljöpåverkan. För att åstadkomma en minskning av den totala miljöpåverkan rekommenderas att förlänga livslängden på rullstolens samtliga moduler. / Company X was established in the second half of the 20th century with the goal to develop high-quality medical aids such as wheelchairs. The company strives for their users to be able to sit in a way that maximises their ability to move as well as their activity rate based on their individual prerequisites. The purpose of the project was to examine the total environmental impacts of one of Company X’s wheelchairs, used during 13 years, using a lifecycle analysis as well as providing a good foundation for future sustainability work. Based on the results gained from the lifecycle analysis suggestions that could, if possible, lower the impacts of the product should be examined. The analysis was based on two different markets. In market 1 the wheelchair is disposed of after one use, in market 2 the wheelchair is reconditioned and reused at least once before disposal. The information that was collected in the beginning of the project showed that one user uses the wheelchair for 4,3 years on average. This means that one wheelchair is used by about three users during its lifetime. In market 1, therefore, three wheelchairs that are disposed of after 4,3 years are examined and in market 2 one wheelchair that is reconditioned and reused twice before being disposed of after the third user has been examined. The project is divided into two phases, phase 1 where the wheelchair is analysed using the program SimaPro and phase 2 where suggestions to lower the impact was examined using the methods 10 Golden Principles and the 5-Layer Approach. The result from phase 1 showed that the manufacturing phase and the frame stood for the largest impact and that the reason for the high values was the manufacturing process X of aluminium. The results also showed that market 1 had an impact that was about 60% higher than that of market 2 when looking at categories such as carbon footprint, water and energy usage. To fulfil the design demands of the master thesis two redesign proposals were developed on modules and components where there were mixed materials, one was the armrest, the other the frame and the casted in leg rest sleeve. Due to the fact that the results showed Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:669 Analysis of the environmental impact of a wheelchair Emma Karlsson Madelen Tram v that the frame had the greatest impact and that the manufacturing of it was what caused the high numbers its material and manufacturing-phase was chosen for further examination during phase 2. The developed design proposals were also examined further during this phase. The new material and manufacturing processes that were proposed and analysed were an aluminium composite and the manufacturing prosses welding, extrusion and CNC. The analysis showed that exchanging the material would lead to an increased environmental impact but a longer life span. This would result in a reduced environmental impact per year whilst an exchange of the manufacturing process would result in the opposite. The environmental impact would be reduced but so would the life span which means that the environmental impact per year would be increased. Implementing the two design proposals would lead to a reduction of the environmental impact. To reduce the total environmental impact, it is recommended to lengthen the life span of all the modules that make up the wheelchair.
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Obvodní oddělení Policie ČR v Brně Bohunicích / District police department of the Czech Republic in Brno-BohuniceLengyel, Aleš January 2020 (has links)
The master´s thesis elaborates the project documentation for the construction of the District Police of the Czech Republic in Brno. The new building is situated in the north of city part Bohunice. It´s a three- floor object with partial basement and flat roof. The bearing perimeter masonry, internal bearing masonry and internal non- load bearing masonry are made with technology from ceramic hollow blocks. Ceiling construction is designed from prestressed ceiling panels. The perimeter walls of the of the underground floor are made from blocks of lost formwork, which is insulated with extruded polystyrene. The walls on the above- ground floors are insulated by a combination of contact thermal insulation system and ventilated facades with fiber- cement facade cladding boards.
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Centrum vodního lyžování Soběslav / Center of water skiing SoběslavVeselý, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused of proposal and procesing of project documentation Center for waterskiing. The proposed object is located in the western part of the town Soběslav, in the locality aimed at sports activities. The building is created of facilities for summer sports, especially water skiing and wakeboarding. Further there will be built a playground for ball sports and track on roller skates. This is a three-storey no with a cellar object with a flat roof. The object is based on the foundation reinforced concrete pads a strips. The first floor is bricked of permanent formwork and partly of cast in place structure. The second and third floors is designed of clay blocks POROTHERM. This masonry is insulated with the aid of external contact thermal insulation. In the western part of the building is designed ventilated facade. The floor structures is designed from prestressed reinforced concrete panel SPIROLL and partly from reinforced concrete slabs. The object is divided into several operating units. They are the gym and its facilities, restaurant with kitchen, facilities for employees and the necessary storerooms, coffeehouse, shop with sporting equipment, rental equipment for water skiing and a dressing room serving the outdoor sports. The essential part of the second floor is comprised outdoor terrace. From this terrace is allowed entry to the coffeehouse, restaurants, shops and on the main staircase.
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Effets de l’utilisation d’un chien d’assistance sur les efforts aux membres supérieurs lors de la montée d’une pente en fauteuil roulant chez les individus ayant une lésion médullaireMartin-Lemoyne, Valérie 12 1900 (has links)
Problématique. L'utilisation d'un chien d'assistance à la mobilité (CAM) représente une option novatrice pour préserver l’intégrité des membres supérieurs (MSs) chez les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant manuel (FRM). Aucune étude biomécanique n’a quantifié les effets du CAM sur les efforts aux MSs lors de la montée d’un plan incliné. Objectif. Cette étude quasi-expérimentale vise à comparer les efforts aux MSs lors de la montée d’un plan incliné avec et sans l’assistance d’un CAM. Méthodologie. Dix participants avec une lésion de la moelle épinière (LME) qui utilisent un FRM et possèdent un CAM ont monté un plan incliné à trois reprises avec et sans l’assistance du CAM. Les forces appliquées sur les cerceaux, mesurées avec des roues instrumentées, et les mouvements du FRM et des MSs, enregistrés avec un système d'analyse du mouvement, ont permis de mesurer les efforts mécaniques aux MSs. Simultanément, l'activité électromyographique (EMG) des muscles grand pectoral, deltoïde antérieur, biceps et triceps a été enregistrée et normalisée avec sa valeur maximale pour mesurer les efforts musculaires aux MSs. Résultats. En général, le CAM réduit significativement les valeurs moyennes et maximales de la force totale appliquée aux cerceaux et de sa composante tangentielle, des moments nets de flexion, de rotation interne et d’adduction aux épaules et des taux d’utilisation musculaire du deltoïde antérieur, du biceps et du triceps. Conclusion. L’assistance d’un CAM réduit les efforts aux MSs lors de la montée d’un plan incliné chez les utilisateurs d’un FRM ayant une LME. / Problematic. The use of a mobility assistance dog (ADMob) represents an innovative option to preserve upper limb (U/Ls) integrity in manual wheelchair (MWC) user population. No biomechanical studies have quantified the effects of ADMob on U/Ls efforts when climbing an incline. Objective. This quasi-experimental study compares the U/Ls efforts when climbing an incline with and without the assistance of an ADMob for MWC traction. Methodology. Ten participants with spinal cord injury (SCI) using a MWC and owning an ADMob climbed an incline 3 times with and without the use of an ADMob. The forces applied to the handrims, captured with instrumented wheel and movements of the MWC and the U/Ls, recorded with a three-dimensional motion analysis system, were used to measure the U/Ls mechanical efforts. Simultaneously, the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the pectoralis major muscle, anterior deltoid, biceps and triceps were recorded during the tasks and normalized with its maximum value to measure the U/Ls muscular efforts. Results. Typically, ADMob significantly reduces the mean and peak values of the total force applied to the rings and the tangential component, the mean and peak values of flexion, internal rotation and adduction net joint moments at the shoulder and the mean and peak values of muscular utilization ratio of anterior deltoid, pectoralis major, biceps and triceps. Conclusion. The assistance of an ADMob for MWC traction when climbing an incline reduces the effort to U/Ls among MWC users with a SCI.
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Senior monitoring by using sensors network and optical metrology / Surveillance des personnes âgées en utilisant un réseau de capteurs associé à une métrologie optiqueAl Mahdawi, Basil Mohamed Nouri 24 February 2017 (has links)
L’objectif du travail de cette thèse est la contribution au développement de nouvelles techniques dans le domaine dessystèmes de détection sans marqueur pour une utilisation dans trois domaines vitaux de la santé en utilisant des capteursinnovants et peu coûteux. Pour la réalisation de nos objectifs nous avons eu recours principalement à de l’électroniqueembarquées et du traitement du signal en utilisant le capteur Kinect. Des résultats encourageants ont été obtenus et sontprésentés tout au long de cette thèse. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous présentons un nouveau système desurveillance visuelle sans marqueur en temps réel pour détecter et suivre les personnes âgées et surveiller leurs activitésdans leur environnement intérieur en utilisant un réseau de capteurs Kinect. Le système identifie également l’événementde chute des personnes âgées sous surveillance. Dans la deuxième partie nous utilisons également le capteur Kinectmais cette fois ci pour la détection sans marqueur des mouvements de la tête d’un patient lors d’un examen utilisant LaTomographie par Emission de Positons (CT/PET) du cerveau. Ce travail est basé sur la compensation de la dégradationde l’image TEP due aux mouvements de la tête du patient. Pour nos essais un cobaye dit « fantôme » a été réalisé,les résultats sur le fantôme sont prometteur ce qui a donné lieu à un test sur un vrai patient volontaire. Les résultatsfinaux montrent l’efficacité de ce nouveau système. La troisième partie du travail présente la mise en oeuvre d’un nouveausystème intelligent pour contrôler un fauteuil roulant électrique par des mouvements spéciaux de la tête toujours sansmarqueur. Un algorithme adapté est conçu pour détecter en continu les degrés des mouvements du visage en utilisant lecapteur Kinect. Fautes de fauteuil roulant électrique, le système a été testé sur un véhicule radio commandé. / The objective of the work of this thesis is the contribution in developing novel technical methods in the field of marker-lesssensing systems for use in three vital health areas by using new inexpensive sensors. Several scientific areas are involvedin achieving our objective such as; electronics and signal processing by using the Kinect sensor. Encouraging results wereachieved as presented throughout this thesis. In the first part of this work we present a new real-time marker-less visualsurveillance system for detecting and tracking seniors and monitoring their activities in the indoor environment by usingnetwork of Kinect sensors. The system also identifies the fall event with the elderly. In the second part, we present anew approach for a marker-less movement detection system for influential head movements in the brain Positron EmissionTomography imaging (CT/PET) by employing the Kinect sensor. This work addresses the compensation of the PET imagedegradation due to subject’s head movements. A developed particular phantom and volunteer studies were carried out.The experimental results show the effectiveness of this new system. The third part of the work presents the design andimplementation of a new smart system for controlling an electric wheelchair by special mark-less head movements. Anadaptable algorithm is designed to continuously detect the rotation degrees of the face pose using the Kinect sensor inreal-time that are interpreted as controlling signals through a hardware interface for the electric wheelchair actuators.
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