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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'analyse des paramètres narrato-musicologiques dans l'élaboration du récit phonographique transgressif : le cas du metal extrême

St-Laurent, Mei-Ra 19 April 2018 (has links)
Le metal extrême, tiré du heavy metal, demeure souvent pointé du doigt en raison de la musique et des sujets transgressifs le caractérisant et qui, a priori, ne communiquent qu’une violence décousue. Or, ces dernières années, plusieurs musicologues se sont intéressés au potentiel de la narratologie pour l’analyse de la musique populaire; la chanson est alors considérée comme un véritable récit, où les musiciens transmettent leur propre vision du monde. Dans ce mémoire, je propose donc une analyse musicologique et narratologique de quatre chansons dites transgressives tirées du metal extrême, soit « Mad Architect » (Septicflesh), « Her Ghost in the Fog » (Cradle of Filth), « When the Joyful Dead are Dancing » (Unexpect) et « Puritania » (Dimmu Borgir). Ces analyses permettront donc de mieux comprendre la structure narrative et musicale interne, ainsi que les différents codes esthétiques régissant ce répertoire. / Extreme metal, derived from heavy metal, remains often singled out because of the music and subjects viewed as transgressive and which, a priori, communicate a disjointed violence. However, in recent years, several musicologists have been interested in the potiential of narratology for the analysis of popular music; the song is then considered as a true narrative, where musicians communicate their own conception of the world. In this thesis, I propose to perform a musicological and narratological analysis of four songs known as transgressive and derived from extreme metal, namely “Mad Architect” (Septicflesh), “Her Ghost in the Fog” (Cradle of Filth) “When the Joyful Dead are Dancing” (Unexpect) and “Puritania” (Dimmu Borgir). These analyses will enable a better understanding of the internal musical structure and narrative, and the different aesthetic codes governing this repertoire.


塗振洋, Tu, Chen-yang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討拖延行為及其相關因素,共分成以下三個研究: 研究一的目的是編製一份拖延行為量表及拖延時感受量表。在拖延行為量表方面,區分為「學業拖延量表」及「一般拖延量表」兩種。 研究二的目的是探討時間觀、成就目標與拖延行為的關係。其中,在時間觀部分,包含有「未來」、「現在快樂主義」、「現在宿命論」、「過去-正向」、「過去-負向」五種時間觀取向;而「成就目標」則分成「趨向精熟」、「趨向表現」、「逃避精熟」、「逃避表現」四種目標導向。除此之外,本研究亦針對不同性質任務的拖延情形及性別、年級、是否有兼職或打工、創新行為與拖延行為、拖延時感受的關係,進行探討。 研究三的目的是探討拖延行為、情緒調節與拖延時感受的關係。其中,情緒調節部份分成「重新評估」及「壓抑」兩種調節方式。 經由統計分析的結果,各研究有以下的發現: 研究一以大學生為對象,有效樣本277人,扣除性別漏填3人,男有88人,女有186人。經由主成份分析結果,拖延行為量表中的「學業拖延量表」、「一般拖延量表」均為單一因素的量表,並且該兩種量表在內部一致性的信度分析方面,Cronbach α值分別為.70(學業拖延量表)、.90(一般拖延量表),在效標關聯效度方面,也均與「自我概念」、「學業成績表現」呈顯著負相關(r=-.21&#12316;-.33,p<.001)。而「拖延時感受量表」經因素分析結果共得「自圓其說」、「自責後悔」、「僥倖心理」、「自我調適」、「灰心逃避」五個因素,這五個因素在內部一致性的信度分析方面,除了「自我調適」分量表(3題)的Cronbach α值為.56外,其他四個因素的α值則介於.74&#12316;.82之間。 研究二也是以大學生為對象,有效樣本541人,扣除性別漏填1人,男有193人,女有347人。利用研究一所編製的量表進行施測,結果發現無論是在學業拖延或是一般拖延上,約有50﹪以上的人認為自己的拖延情形在中間程度(五點量表,中數為3)以上;而在拖延時感受部分,人在拖延時最常出現的感受是「自責後悔」(M=3.60,SD=.70)與「自我調適」(M=3.52,SD=.65)。在不同性質任務的拖延程度上,「自己不想做但又必須做的事情」最會拖延(M=2.99,SD=.84),「自己想做也喜歡做的事情」最不會拖延(M=1.95,SD=.70)。而「性別」、「是否有兼職或打工」在拖延程度上並無顯著的差異存在;但是,在拖延時的感受部分,男生在拖延時比女生較常感到「自圓其說」,女生則比男生在拖延時較常感到「自責後悔」;「沒有兼職或打工」的人比「有兼職或打工」者在拖延時較常感到「自圓其說」。至於,拖延行為與創新行為的關係,拖延程度越高的人創新行為的表現越低;而拖延時較少感到「自我調適」,或較常感到「灰心逃避」的人,其創新行為表現也較低。 在時間觀、成就目標與拖延行為關係方面,除了時間觀中的「未來」時間觀與拖延行為呈顯著負相關(r=-41、-.47,p<.001)之外、「現在快樂主義」與「過去-負向」兩種時間觀則均與拖延行為呈正相關(r=.08&#12316;.20,p<.05),亦即時間觀越是「現在快樂主義」、「過去-負向」,越不是「未來」取向者,其拖延的情形越高。至於,成就目標與拖延行為的關係,無論是「趨向精熟」、「趨向表現」、「逃避精熟」還是「逃避表現」的目標導向,則或多或少均與拖延行為呈負相關(r=-.13&#12316;.22,p<.01);但是,成就目標對拖延行為的影響,則因為時間觀的作用達顯著時而式微。 研究三則以研究一所編製的量表對研究二的樣本進行分析,主要想要了解情緒調節是否能作為拖延行為與拖延時感受的調節變項。應用階層迴歸分析的結果發現,基本上情緒調節與拖延行為對拖延時感受的影響並無顯著的交互作用存在。但是,若從情緒調節、拖延行為對拖延時感受的主要效果來看,兩者則分別對拖延時感受具有不同顯著的影響。以拖延行為對拖延時感受的影響來看,拖延程度越高的人在拖延時越常感到「僥倖心理」、「灰心逃避」、「自圓其說」。而以情緒調節對拖延時感受的影響來看,情緒調節越是以「重新評估」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自責後悔」、「自我調適」,越不會感到「自圓其說」、「灰心逃避」;情緒調節若越是以「壓抑」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自圓其說」。除此之外,本研究也發現,「重新評估」的情緒調節方式與學業拖延呈正相關(r=.09,p<.05),但是相關不大;而且若從時間觀與情緒調節的關係來看,「重新評估」情緒調節方式與「未來」、「現在快樂主義」時間觀呈正相關(r=.21&#12316;.27,p<.001),與「過去-負向」時間觀呈負相關(-.15,p<.001)。可見,這樣的結果與研究二中時間觀與拖延行為的關係加以對照來看,「重新評估」可能不是影響一個人是否經常學業拖延的直接原因,真正影響的是他站在怎樣的時間觀取向下來進行「重新評估」的情緒調節。 綜合三個研究結果,我們獲得以下幾個主要結論:(一)本論文所編製的學業拖延量表、一般拖延量表及拖延時感受量表,無論是在信、效度上均是可以接受的,可作為測量個體拖延程度與輔導其拖延問題的參考工具。(二)拖延已是大學校園內普遍的一種行為,而這種行為的程度並不因「性別」或「是否有兼職或打工」而有所不同;真正影響一個人是否經常拖延的原因主要與個體的時間觀取向有關,當一個人的時間觀越是傾向於「未來」時間觀,越不傾向於「現在快樂主義」、「過去-負向」的人,則越少拖延。(三)當任務是自己想做也喜歡做時,大學生比較不會拖延;相反地,當任務是自己不想做但又必須做時,大學生則比較會拖延。(四)雖然性別、是否兼職或打工在拖延行為程度上並無顯著的差異;但是,在拖延時感受的比較上,男生在拖延時比女生較常感到「自圓其說」,女生則比男生較常感到「自責後悔」,而沒有兼職或打工的學生則比有兼職或打工的學生在拖延時較常感到「自圓其說」。(五)拖延程度越高的人,在拖延時越常感到「僥倖心理」、「灰心逃避」、「自圓其說」。(六)情緒調節越是傾向以「重新評估」方式來調節的人,在拖延時越常感到「自責後悔」、「自我調適」,越少感到「自圓其說」、「灰心逃避」;而情緒調節越是以「壓抑」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自圓其說」。(七)拖延行為程度越高的人,其創新行為的表現也越低。 最後,本論文根據以上的研究發現,進行綜合討論與結論,並據以對學校、輔導及未來研究提出相關的綜合建議。 關鍵字:拖延、學業拖延、一般拖延、拖延時感受、創新行為、時間觀、成就目標、情緒調節。 / This dissertation mainly explores procrastination through three studies. Study 1’s objectives are to develop inventories about procrastination. The measurement instruments include academic procrastination, general procrastination , feelings when procrastinating. Study 2’s objectives are to explore relationships among time perspective(TP), achievement goals and procrastination. The five factors of TP include future, present-hedonistic, present-fatalistic, past-positive and past-negative orientations(Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). The achievement goal variable includes a 4-dimensional goal orientation: approach-mastery, approach-performance, avoidance-mastery and avoidance-performance(Elliot & McGregor, 2001). Furthermore, this study also investigates: a)procrastination of different tasks, b)the difference of procrastination behaviors and feelings when procrastinating based on different variables such as sex, grades, whether or not the students have part-time work, and c)relationship between procrastination and innovative behaviors(Scott & Bruce, 1994). Study 3’s objectives are to determine the relationships among procrastination, emotion regulation and feelings when procrastinating. The two forms of emotion regulation include reappraisal and suppression(Gross & John, 2003). The following are some findings based on the three studies: In study 1, the participants were 277 college students(88 males, and 186 females).The data was analyzed using Principle Component Analysis. Results yielded the following: 1)Both academic procrastination and general procrastination were unidimensional scales. The former’s reliability was Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .70 and the latter’s was .90. Two scales were related negatively to academic performance and self-concept(r=-.21&#12316;-.33, p<.001). 2)Items of feelings when procrastinating were divided into five factors. These five factors were labeled as excuse-making(4 items, α=.82), self-blame and regret(4 items, α=.74), wishful thinking(3 items, α=.78), self-adaptation(3 items, α=.56), and dejection and avoidance(2 items, α=.78). In study 2, the subjects were 541 college students(193 males, and 347 females).All participants were measured by inventories developed in study 1. Results yielded the following: 1)More than 50﹪of students reported that their procrastination was higher than middle level. 2)People procrastinated more with tasks that they have to do but do not want to do; and less with tasks that they want to do and like to do. 3)No significant relationship was found between procrastination and sex, or whether or not the students have part-time work. However, males were more inclined to excuse themselves than females when they were procrastinating. In contrast, females were more inclined to blame themselves and feel regretful than males when they were procrastinating. Non-part-time workers were more inclined to excuse themselves than part-time workers when they were procrastinating. 4)People with higher procrastination levels tended to have lower scores of innovative behavior. 5)People with higher scores of future orientation, lower present-hedonistic TP and past-negative TP tended to have lower procrastination levels. In study 3, study 2’s participants were also part of study 3. The study primarily aimed to understand how “emotion regulation” functions as a moderator of the relation between procrastination level and feelings when procrastinating. Data was analyzed using Hierarchical Multiple Regression. Basically, we did not find the interaction between procrastination level and emotion regulation to explain variance of feelings when procrastinating. However, when examining the effects of procrastination level and emotion regulation individually, both variables significantly affected variance of feelings when procrastinating. When the analyzing between procrastination level and feelings when procrastinating, people with higher procrastination levels tended to have higher scores of wishful thinking, dejection and avoidance, and excuse-making when they were procrastinating. This indicated that the relationship between emotion regulation and feelings when procrastinating, people with higher reappraisal scores tended to have higher scores of self-blame and regret, higher scores of self-adaptation, lower scores of excuse-making, and lower scores of dejection and avoidance. Further, people with higher suppression scores tended to have higher scores of excuse-making. In addition, this study also found that emotion regulation by reappraisal was marginally related to academic procrastination(r=.09,p<.05); but from the relationship between TP and emotion regulation, we found that reappraisal was related positively to future TP(r=.21, p<.001) and present-hedonistic TP(r=.27, p<.001), and related negatively to past-negative TP(r=-.15, p<.001).Therefore, in contrast with point 5 in the results of study 2 in this dissertation, academic procrastination may not be directly affected by reappraisal. In fact, the relation between reappraisal and academic procrastination was determined by one’s TP. Through the results of above three studies. From this dissertation 7 key points were concluded: 1) Reliability and validity of procrastination inventories which were developed in this dissertation were acceptable. Therefore, these inventories could be used when we want to measure one’s procrastination level and to resolve problems of procrastination. 2)Procrastination was a common behavior in campus. No significant relationship was found between procrastination level and sex, or whether or not the students have part-time work. Procrastination level was mainly affected by one’s TP. People with higher scores of future orientation, lower scores of present-hedonistic and past-negative TP tended to exhibit greater procrastination behavior. 3)People procrastinated more with tasks that they have to do but do not want to do; and less with tasks that they want to do and like to do. 4)There were differences when feelings when procrastinating were compared with different sex or whether or not the students have part-time work. Males were more inclined to excuse themselves than females when they were procrastinating. Females were more inclined to blame themselves and feel regretful than males when they were procrastinating. Non-part-time workers were more inclined to excuse themselves than part-time workers when they were procrastinating. 5)People with higher procrastination levels were more inclined to have scores of wishful thinking, dejection and avoidance, and excuse-making when they were procrastinating. 6)People with higher reappraisal scores of emotion regulation tended to have higher scores of self-blame and regret, higher scores of self-adaptation, lower scores of excuse-making, and lower scores of dejection and avoidance. People with higher suppression scores of emotion regulation tended to have higher scores of excuse-making. 7)People with higher procrastination level tended to exhibit lower scores of innovative behavior. Key words: procrastination, academic procrastination, general procrastination, feelings when procrastinating, innovative behavior, time perspective(TP), 2×2 achievement goal, emotion regulation

När ett barn dör : En litteraturöversikt över föräldrars upplevelser av vårdpersonales stöd efter att deras barn dött / When a child dies : A literature review of parents experience of health professionals support after their child died

Hedenlind, Sara, Berg, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att förlora ett barn är en stor sorg som uttrycks på olika sätt hos olika individer. Sorgen drabbar inte bara familjen utan även vårdpersonal som upplever att det får svårigheter att identifiera föräldrars behov och stödja dem i deras sorgeprocess. Därför är det viktigt att få reda på hur föräldrar upplever vårdpersonalens stöd efter att deras barn dött. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva föräldrars upplevelser av vårdpersonals stöd efter att deras barn dött. Metod: Studierna berör föräldrars upplevelser av vårdpersonals stöd efter att deras barn dött och valdes från databasen CINAHL complete och genom två manuella sökningar. Litteraturöversikten har utgått från Fribergs metod och presenterar resultat från tio vetenskapliga engelskspråkiga artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet innefattar tre huvudteman: Behovet av samtal och information, Behovet av kontinuitet och en god relation och Behovet av uppföljning och engagemang. Diskussion: Metoddiskussionen beskriver litteraturöversiktens styrkor och svagheter och vad som kan ha påverkat både utformningen och tillvägagångssättet. I litteraturöversiktens resultat diskuteras hur föräldrar vars barn dött på sjukhus upplevde vårdpersonalens stöd efter beskedet om barnets diagnos, vad som är viktigt vid dödsögonblicket samt efter det att barnet dött och hur uppföljning påverkar föräldrar. I resultatet diskuteras även vad föräldrar önskar av vårdpersonalen i de olika faserna. Resultatet diskuteras även utifrån Travelbees omvårdnadsteori med fokus på begreppet människa. / Background: Losing a child is a great sadness that is expressed in different ways by different individuals. Grief affects not only the family but also health professionals who describe difficulties identifying parents' needs for support. Therefore, it is important to explore how parents perceive the health care professionals support after their child died. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the parents' perceptions of support from health care professionals after the death of their child. Method: The studies concern parental perceptions of health professionals’ support after their child died and was selected from the database CINAHL complete and through two manual searches. The literature review was based on Friberg’s method and presents results from ten English scientific research articles. Results: The result includes three main themes: The need for conversation and information, The need of continuity and a good relationship and The need of follow up and commitment. Discussion: Method discussion describes the literature reviews strengths and weaknesses and what may have influenced both the design and approach. The literature reviews results discusses how parents whose children died in hospitals experienced health care professionals support after information about the child's diagnosis, what is important at the moment of death and after the child died and how follow-up affects parents. The result also discusses what parents want from health care professionals in the different phases. The results are also discussed based on Travelbees nursing theory with focus on the concept of man.

Koncernbidragsspärren - En analys av gällande rätt ur ett företagsperspektiv

Olsson, Sanna January 2012 (has links)
Vad gäller reglerna om tidigare års underskott utgör koncernbidragsspärren en spärregel till den annars gällande huvudregeln att tidigare års förluster får kvittas mot framtida vinster. Koncernbidragsspärren inträder vid ägarförändringar och innebär förenklat att ett underskottsföretag är förhindrat att, under en period om fem år, kvitta kvarstående underskott mot koncernbidrag som underskottsföretaget mottar från företag som inte ingick i koncernen före ägarförändringen (nya företag). Underskott som uppkommer efter ägarförändringen får dock kvittas mot koncernbidrag från nya företag. Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera och granska reglerna om koncernbidragsspärren ur ett företagsperspektiv, vilket innebär att uppsatsen ser till reglernas bakomliggande syfte och till hur reglerna fungerar vid en praktisk tillämpning. Uppsatsen har ett särskilt fokus kring i vilken turordning koncernbidrag ska beaktas vid avräkning mot befintliga underskott när ett underskottsföretag mottar koncernbidrag både från gamla och nya företag i en koncern. I RÅ 2008 ref. 69 ställdes frågan på sin spets och Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen befäste en ny turordningsprincip där koncernbidrag från gamla företag ska beaktas före koncernbidrag från nya företag i koncernen. Det har genom uppsatsens analys av reglerna om koncernbidragsspärren påvisats att reglerna är svåra att tillämpa och i många fall råder det osäkerhet om hur reglerna ska tolkas. Det kan konstateras att problematik kvarstår avseende frågan om i vilken turordning koncernbidrag från så kallade gamla respektive nya företag ska beaktas vid avräkning mot befintliga underskott även efter RÅ 2008 ref. 69. En rådande osäkerhet om hur reglerna ska tolkas kan inte anses tillfredsställande ur ett företagsperspektiv och en översyn av reglerna vore välkommen. / According to the Swedish legislation tax losses can normally be carried forward and settled against future profits in the same company unlimited of time. However, a restriction of losses being carried forward may occur in situations where change of ownership is at hand. The restrictive rule prohibits offsetting tax losses in an acquired loss-making company against group contributions received from other group companies. The restrictive rule applies up until, and including, the end of the fifth year after the year when the restriction occurred. However, losses that occur after the change of ownership are possible to offset against group contributions from other group companies. The thesis aims to analyze and review the restrictive rule from a business perspective which means that the underlying purpose of the restrictive rule and how it works in practice is examined. The thesis has a particular focus on in what order group contributions should be considered when being offset against existing deficits when the deficit company receives group contributions from old and new companies in the corporate group. In the Swedish case law RÅ 2008 ref. 69 the Supreme Administrative Court laid down a new principle of order where group contributions from an old company should be regarded before a group contribution from a new company. Through the analysis of the restrictive rule it has been demonstrated that the rule is difficult to conform to and that there is an uncertainty regarding the interpretation of it. Through the analysis of this thesis it is established that, even after RÅ 2008 ref. 69, the complexity of problems remains concerning in what order group contributions from old respectively new companies should be considered when being offset against existing deficits. A such prescribed uncertainty regarding the interpretation of the restrictive rule cannot be considered satisfactory from a business perspective and a review of the rules would be preferable.

Typická etická dilemata terénních sociálních pracovníků vybraného zařízení pracujících s lidmi s duševním onemocněním / Typical dilemmas and ethics of social work with mentally ill persons

SEVEROVÁ, Simona January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to introduce several case studies, where the field social workers face ethical dilemmas, which this kind of work with mentally ill people brings. The task of this work is within a several cases describe and summarize the resulting dilemmas, to which there are applied two ethical theories. These theories are deontology and utilitarism. The work is divided into five chapters in which I describe among other things a mental illness, a social work, a field social work with mentally ill people and its specifics. Other chapters are devoted to ethics and ethical aspects of a social work, a field social work and dilemmas, which social workers have to face in the selected institution. The individual dilemmas are presented in detailed case histories, which are a kind of the guide to the resulting dilemmas. In the conclusion, there is a final analysis of dilemmas using ethical theories.

An Introductory Course in the Reading of Simple Graphic and Statistical Material for Use in Junior High Schools

McKenzie, Annie 01 January 1930 (has links) (PDF)
In the stories of olden times and in those of our own American Indians, we learned of the picture writing of primitive peoples. It became an early method of recording people's thoughts. This was a very useful method at a time when the race was young. This in turn was the beginning of our alphabet, later the beginning of shaping letters into words, and then word into sentences and paragraphs. As our world has grown older, new idea have come into use and we are no longer content to live as our grandparents lived. We travel by fast express trains, high powered auto- mobiles, airplanes, or zeppelins. The radio gives us the news before our papers containing it are on the street. are not able to talk with people on the other side of the world. Business men find this a very valuable means of doing business when time means money. The motion pictures bring us the story of the book we have not had time to read and the characters from its pages talk to us from the screen. In short, we must have quicker ways of doing things.

Měření vlastností polarizovaného světla na výstupu optovláknového senzoru / Measurement of polarized light properties on the opticla fiber sensor output

Velič, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
birefringance, degreeofpolarization, polarization, Stokesvectors, Poincarésphere, state of polarization, optical power, sensoric fibre, polarization-maintaining fiber, polaroid, poalrimeter

A legal comparison between South African, Canadian and Australian workmen's compensation law

Jansen van Vuuren, Johanna Petronella 30 April 2015 (has links)
Workers’ compensation originated internationally because of the need to address the plight of workers and communities left destitute due to occupationally sustained disabilities or death. This study examines how the right to no-fault compensation developed in South Africa in comparison to the comparable law in Canada and Australia. Specific limitations regarding the right to workers' compensation pursuant to the South African compensatory laws were identified. Limitations identified include the persons falling within the ambit of the law, circumstances creating a right to compensation, the right to claims for increased compensation uniquely provided for in South African compensatory law and founded in the negligent conduct of employers as well as common law redress for damages. The background of the administrative remedy in the form of the right to compensation for occupational injuries and diseases ought to be seen in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.

Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest products

Brites, Alice Dantas 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.

Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest products

Alice Dantas Brites 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.

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