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Går det att inkludera elever utan att de känner sig exluderade?Carlsson, Aase January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar upp ämnet inkludering av elever i skolan. Det ämnet är i dag en högst aktuellt fråga. För att förstå vad inkludering innebär tar jag del av hur inkluderingen har sett ut historiskt och hur det har förändrats under tid. Arbetssättet i skolorna för elever med särskilda behov är att de mer och mer ska inkluderas i klasserna. I essän reflekterar jag över hur jag arbetar med inkludering och jag tar hjälpa av olika etiska teorier. Skollagen föreskriver att elever ska få sitt stöd inom den elevgrupp de tillhör. Syftet och målet att alla elever ska inkluderas är bra, men många gånger leder det till en viss exkludering av eleven istället. Elever klarar inte alltid av kraven som blir i ett stort sammanhang, som en klassrums situation innebär och det kan påverka elevens kunskapsutveckling. Som min arbetssituation ser ut idag dras jag mellan den enskilde eleven och resten av gruppen, så hur kan jag hantera dessa situationer som pedagog? / This essay focuses on the subject of including all pupils in the classroom. It is a relevant topic in today’s school politics. To be able to understand the concept of including all pupils in the classroom, I have studied the topic from a historical perspective, as well as how it has changed over time. Pupils with special needs are today supposed to be a part of a class in almost every school. In my essay I reflect over my own experience and different ethnical theories. Due to the school law every pupil is entitled to the necessary support in their class. The intention is good but sometimes it leads to exclusion of the student instead. Some pupils find it hard to cope with the classroom situation and that can affect their learning journey in a negative way. In my own profession I am torn between the pupil with special needs and the class; how can I handle these situations in the best possible way?
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Varumärkeskommunikation och positionering med en begränsad marknadsföringsbudget : Marknadsföring med små medel i ett bilpoolsföretag / Branding and positioning with a limited marketing budget : Marketing with small resources in a carsharing companyDahl, Daniel, Nordström, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the two concepts branding and position, more precisely how companies with a small marketing budget needs to work with these two concepts. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how these companies are able to assert a position on their specific market. The thesis treats theories and empirical data to be able to answer the purposes of the thesis and for the authors to be able to give recommendations of how companies in this situation can improve their marketing strategies. To be able to give these recommendations a more in depth study had been made of a carsharing company, Sunfleet. This to be able to se how a specific company works with branding and positioning as well as what can be improved. The authors have given recommendations on how improvements can be done. / Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet varumärkeskommunikation och positionering. Detta i relation till företag som befinner sig i en situation där marknadsföringsbudgeten är begränsad. Till uppsatsen har ett fallföretag valts för att få en djupare förståelse av hur det kan se ut i ett specifikt företag, till fallföretag valdes Sunfleet. Sunfleet är ett bilpoolsföretag som idag (2013) har ungefär 23 000 användare, dessa anvädare är både privat- och företagskunder. Sunfleet har ett varumärkeslöfte som lyder “Bil när bara du vill”. De arbetar för att sända ut budskapet “Ett bekymmersfritt bilägande”. Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur företag med lågpris varor och en liten marknadsföringsbudget, som bilpoolsföretaget Sunfleet, hävdar en position på marknaden. Samt lyckas med det. Uppsatsen tar upp teorier och empiriskdata som sammanställts för att visa vad dessa företag bör fokusera på för att lyckas på bästa sätt. Uppsatsen studerar mer ingående bilpoolsföretaget Sunfleet. Hur Sunfleet arbetar med marknadsföring i dagsläget och vad denna genererar till företaget. En intervju har genomfört med biträdande marknadsansvarig på Sunfleet för att få djupare förståelse för detta. För att ta reda på hur Sunfleets marknadsföring uppfattas av omgivningen har även en enkätundersökning utförts. Vidare har två andra intervjuer gjort för att öka förståelsen och kunskapen inom relevanta teorier och sätt att arbeta på inom det aktuella ämnet. De slutsatser som har dragits i denna uppsats, kring hur Sunfleet arbetar med positionering och varumärkeskommunikation, är att företaget har lyckats bra med detta i Sveriges tre storstadsregioner då företaget har växt mycket här under de senaste åren. Däremot krävs det arbete för att få upp vetskapen om företaget utanför dessa regioner. För att öka vetskapen krävs det att Sunfleet fortsätter att arbeta som de gör men i kombination med andra marknadsföringsstrategier ihop med word-ofmouth. Då författarna anser att enbart word-of-mouth inte är en tillräcklig strategi för att på ett så kostnadseffektivt sätt som möjligt öka vetskapen om företaget främst utanför storstadsregionerna. Behandlade teorier och empiriskdata har använts för att kunna arbeta fram rekommendationer på hur Sunfleet, och företag i samma situation, kan utveckla sin marknadsföringsstrategi. Detta för att få en så bra positionering och varumärkeskommunikation som möjligt. Författarna har arbetat fram rekommendationer på hur Sunfleet kan arbeta för att bättre hävda en position på marknaden. Författarnas rekommendationer är att, word-of-mouth kombineras med pop-up event, co-branding och buzz marketing. Detta främst utanför de städer där företaget redan expanderar men även i de expansiva zonerna för en ytterligare tillväxt.
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Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) Scarcity and Zooarchaeological Data Quality in Northwest Coast Archaeological SitesNims, Reno 29 April 2016 (has links)
Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) is a scarcely represented species in Northwest Coast archaeology, but its remains are abundant at Tse-whit-zen, a large, Lower Elwha Klallam village in modern Port Angeles, WA that was occupied over the past 2,800 years. Because sablefish flesh has high nutritional value and it can be easily captured from nearshore waters in its juvenile form, sablefish should have been pursued where it was available. Therefore, the scarcity of sablefish in many Northwest Coast archaeological sites could indicate this species was not abundant in past fisheries. However, current zooarchaeological reports do not contain sufficient information on taphonomic histories, sampling, or zooarchaeological methods to determine whether patterns of sablefish scarcity could actually explained by differential destruction of sablefish remains, sample size effects, screen size effects, or misidentification.
In this thesis, I examine how each of these factors may have affected the abundance of sablefish remains in Northwest coast archaeological sites. I evaluate four hypotheses that attribute sablefish representation to zooarchaeological identification methods, screen size, sample size, and post-depositional destruction of fishbone. While I do not explicitly test whether social and ecological factors affect sablefish abundance, sociocultural and environmental variation can be considered likely explanations for the observed patterns of sablefish representation if the other hypotheses are rejected. I test my hypotheses using three scales of archaeological records. First, I reanalyzed six previously analyzed Salish Sea assemblages to assess whether criteria for sablefish identification exist, are valid, and have been applied consistently. Second, I synthesized fishbone data from 35 previously analyzed Northwest Coast assemblages to evaluate the effects of screen size, sample size, and post-depositional destruction on sablefish representation. Finally, I integrate previously unreported fishbone data from the analysis of Tse-whit-zen into the synthesis of previous studies. The Tse-whit-zen materials I report on here represent six discrete time periods in the 1,800-year history of one large area of the site, which encompasses part of a plankhouse, providing a unique opportunity to examine the effects of screening, sample size, and post-depositional destruction at an extremely fine scale. I also use data from the reanalysis of a portion of the Tse-whit-zen fishbone to verify the consistency of sablefish identification for this site.
I reject all four hypotheses and conclude that the uneven distribution of sablefish is likely a true reflection of ecological factors, human decision-making, or both factors. Whether sablefish scarcity is related to distributions of sablefish in past environments, or whether humans chose not to pursue sablefish is not known from the current study. Connecting sablefish capture to specific seasons with body-size regression methods may reveal associations between sablefish acquisition and other seasonal fisheries and activities, and help evaluate whether they conflicted with sablefish procurement in some contexts.
Although zooarchaeological identification and reporting methods do not appear to account for sablefish scarcity, zooarchaeologists need to include more information about their methods so that the validity of inter-assemblage comparisons can be assessed. Zooarchaeologists maximize the value of their contributions to anthropology, biological sciences, and human ecodynamics when they explicitly report the methods they use to identify animal remains. By reporting the methodological and analytic procedures they used in detail, zooarchaeologists enhance the reader's confidence in their conclusions and provide future researchers with the information that is required to replicate their results. Which elements were recorded, and the criteria that were used to make taxonomic attributions, fundamentally affect the primary faunal data that researchers use. This study is part of a growing interest among zooarchaeologists in data quality assurance and quality control, which constitute a critical part of every large-scale comparative analysis.
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"Cuidados paliativos: análise de conceito" / Palliative Care: Concept AnalysisRodrigues, Inês Gimenes 14 June 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o conceito de cuidados paliativos expresso na literatura das áreas de Enfermagem, Medicina, Psicologia e Bioética. A busca das publicações foi feita por acesso a base de dados LILACS, BDENF, AdSaude, todos pertencentes aos sites da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde do Centro de Documentação Latino Americano e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME); no Banco de Dados Bibliográficos da USP DEDALUS e no Portal da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES; busca manual em tese, livros e artigos publicados sobre o assunto, no período de 1991 a 2002. Utilizou-se a análise de conceito na perspectiva evolucionária de Rodgers (2000), destacando os atributos essenciais, eventos antecedentes, eventos conseqüentes, termos substitutos e a apresentação de um caso modelo, elementos que constituem o cerne do conceito a ser analisado. Como resultados obteve-se que: os cuidados paliativos são expressos pelas características de assistência integral do ser humano; controle da dor crônica oncológica; equipe interdisciplinar; morte como processo natural: preparo do paciente para a morte; autonomia e ortotanásia; alívio do sofrimento; cenários de atendimento: hospital e domicílio; comunicação franca e honesta, e visa o cuidado e não a cura. Dentre os eventos antecedentes foram descritos: o paciente terminal; o sofrimento psicológico, espiritual, social e físico; o câncer e outras doenças crônicas; despreparo profissional e barreira cultural. Os eventos conseqüentes foram relacionados a: qualidade de vida; morte digna; formação profissional e criação de serviços e núcleos em cuidados paliativos. Identificou-se como termos substitutos o hospice" e a medicina paliativa. Concluiu-se que o conceito de cuidados paliativos é uma construção complexa de elementos, dentre os quais destaca-se a assistência integral do ser humano fora de possibilidade de cura (unidade de cuidado pacientefamília); cujo paradigma é o cuidado e não a cura; que prioriza o alívio da dor crônica, controlada por equipe interdisciplinar capacitada, que preserva a autonomia do paciente e proporciona a ortotanásia, aliviando o sofrimento da unidade de cuidado, seja no domicílio ou hospital, por meio de uma comunicação franca e honesta entre paciente, família e equipe; no preparo do paciente e familiar para a morte digna, tendo-a como um processo natural, visando enfim, a qualidade de vida. / The aim of this study was to analyze the concept of palliative care on Nursing, Medicine, Psychology and Bioethics literature. The search for publications was done based on LILACS, BDENF and Adsaude data bases concerning the sites of the Health Virtual Library Documentation in Health Sciences of Latin America and Caribbean (BIREME); on DEDALUS the University of São Paulo Bibliographic Data Base, and on CAPES Superior Level Personnel Improvement Coordination Portal; on thesis, books and non-published articles about the theme from 1991 to 2002. The concept analysis was based on Rodgers (2000) evolutionary perspective, pointing out the basic attributes, previous events, consequential events, substitute terms and the presentation of a model case, which compose the core of the concept to be analyzed. As a result it was found out that the palliative care are expressed by characteristics such as the holistic care of human being; chronic pain control in oncology; interdisciplinary team; death as a natural process; patient and family preparation for death; suffering relief; autonomy and ortotanasia; care settings; hospital and home; honest and sincere communication; with the aim of caring and not cure. Among the previous events it was pointed out: terminal patient; the psychological, spiritual, social and physical suffering; cancer and other chronic diseases; unprepared professional and cultural barriers. The consequential events were related to life quality; peaceful death; professional education and the creation of palliative care services. Hospice and palliative medicine were identified as substitute terms for palliative care. Is was highlighted the holistic care for human being with no cure possibility (patient-family care unity); the paradigm is caring and not cure; the priority is chronic pain relief which is controlled by interdisciplinary trained team; patient autonomy is preserved, providing ortothanasia and relieving the care unity suffering either at home of in hospital by means of honest and sincere communication among patient, family and team; patient and family are prepared for a peaceful death, considering this a natural process and taking into account the quality of life.
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"Cuidados paliativos: análise de conceito" / Palliative Care: Concept AnalysisInês Gimenes Rodrigues 14 June 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o conceito de cuidados paliativos expresso na literatura das áreas de Enfermagem, Medicina, Psicologia e Bioética. A busca das publicações foi feita por acesso a base de dados LILACS, BDENF, AdSaude, todos pertencentes aos sites da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde do Centro de Documentação Latino Americano e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME); no Banco de Dados Bibliográficos da USP DEDALUS e no Portal da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES; busca manual em tese, livros e artigos publicados sobre o assunto, no período de 1991 a 2002. Utilizou-se a análise de conceito na perspectiva evolucionária de Rodgers (2000), destacando os atributos essenciais, eventos antecedentes, eventos conseqüentes, termos substitutos e a apresentação de um caso modelo, elementos que constituem o cerne do conceito a ser analisado. Como resultados obteve-se que: os cuidados paliativos são expressos pelas características de assistência integral do ser humano; controle da dor crônica oncológica; equipe interdisciplinar; morte como processo natural: preparo do paciente para a morte; autonomia e ortotanásia; alívio do sofrimento; cenários de atendimento: hospital e domicílio; comunicação franca e honesta, e visa o cuidado e não a cura. Dentre os eventos antecedentes foram descritos: o paciente terminal; o sofrimento psicológico, espiritual, social e físico; o câncer e outras doenças crônicas; despreparo profissional e barreira cultural. Os eventos conseqüentes foram relacionados a: qualidade de vida; morte digna; formação profissional e criação de serviços e núcleos em cuidados paliativos. Identificou-se como termos substitutos o hospice e a medicina paliativa. Concluiu-se que o conceito de cuidados paliativos é uma construção complexa de elementos, dentre os quais destaca-se a assistência integral do ser humano fora de possibilidade de cura (unidade de cuidado pacientefamília); cujo paradigma é o cuidado e não a cura; que prioriza o alívio da dor crônica, controlada por equipe interdisciplinar capacitada, que preserva a autonomia do paciente e proporciona a ortotanásia, aliviando o sofrimento da unidade de cuidado, seja no domicílio ou hospital, por meio de uma comunicação franca e honesta entre paciente, família e equipe; no preparo do paciente e familiar para a morte digna, tendo-a como um processo natural, visando enfim, a qualidade de vida. / The aim of this study was to analyze the concept of palliative care on Nursing, Medicine, Psychology and Bioethics literature. The search for publications was done based on LILACS, BDENF and Adsaude data bases concerning the sites of the Health Virtual Library Documentation in Health Sciences of Latin America and Caribbean (BIREME); on DEDALUS the University of São Paulo Bibliographic Data Base, and on CAPES Superior Level Personnel Improvement Coordination Portal; on thesis, books and non-published articles about the theme from 1991 to 2002. The concept analysis was based on Rodgers (2000) evolutionary perspective, pointing out the basic attributes, previous events, consequential events, substitute terms and the presentation of a model case, which compose the core of the concept to be analyzed. As a result it was found out that the palliative care are expressed by characteristics such as the holistic care of human being; chronic pain control in oncology; interdisciplinary team; death as a natural process; patient and family preparation for death; suffering relief; autonomy and ortotanasia; care settings; hospital and home; honest and sincere communication; with the aim of caring and not cure. Among the previous events it was pointed out: terminal patient; the psychological, spiritual, social and physical suffering; cancer and other chronic diseases; unprepared professional and cultural barriers. The consequential events were related to life quality; peaceful death; professional education and the creation of palliative care services. Hospice and palliative medicine were identified as substitute terms for palliative care. Is was highlighted the holistic care for human being with no cure possibility (patient-family care unity); the paradigm is caring and not cure; the priority is chronic pain relief which is controlled by interdisciplinary trained team; patient autonomy is preserved, providing ortothanasia and relieving the care unity suffering either at home of in hospital by means of honest and sincere communication among patient, family and team; patient and family are prepared for a peaceful death, considering this a natural process and taking into account the quality of life.
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Hasičská stanice typu C2 / Fire Station Type C2Wojcik, Jindřich January 2017 (has links)
Diplom thesis is about design of the fire station of type C2 for the HZS. The building is divided into two parts. First part of a building is designed as a rectangular recessed floor. The first part of building consists of two floors and one underground floor. Roofed by a single-layer flat roof of soft PVC. The building will be used to perform the services, the fire brigade. It will be used 24 hours a day. In the basement is located warehouse, HVAC room, utility room and a lounge with an alternative source of electricity. On the first floor are designed garages for storage technique and also the dressing room, workroom, washing box, warehouse, room for chemical-technical service and concierge. The second floor is designed to serve firefighters. The second part of the building is a training tower, which will be used to train firefighters and for drying hoses. The training tower is designed as a simple steel structure with four floors. The project was developed in the educational version of ArchiCAD 16th project is designed in accordance with the requirements of a layout, architectural design, structural design proper and safe use of the building.
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Tracking Fish and Human Response to Abrupt Environmental Change at Tse-whit-zen: A Large Native American Village on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington StateMohlenhoff, Kathryn Anne 20 August 2013 (has links)
Evidence of large earthquakes occurring along the Pacific Northwest coast is reflected in coastal stratigraphy from Oregon to British Columbia, where there also exists an extensive archaeological record of Native American occupation. Tse-whit-zen, a large Native American village dating between 1824 and 54 cal B.P. located on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, was excavated with exceptionally fine stratigraphic control allowing for precise comparison of natural and cultural records. Here I report on the >10,000 fish remains from one 2x2 m excavation block; this assemblage spans one earthquake event, allowing study of changes in relative taxonomic abundance through time that may coincide with earthquakes or other environmental changes. Results indicate use of a wide range of marine fish taxa including various sculpins (Cottidae), flatfish (Pleuronectiformes), herring (Clupea pallasii) and salmon (Oncorhynchusspp.). This illustrates a highly diverse diet throughout occupation, though relative abundances of more offshore taxa decrease through time in favor of some nearshore taxa, possibly indicating the presence of a coseismic event. This thesis serves as part of a pilot study for a collaborative project that is underway. This larger project addresses human response to both gradual and abrupt environmental change through the analysis of all classes of Tse-whit-zen faunal remains, which provide a link to impacts on animal populations and in turn human subsistence.
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