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Asmenų, padariusių nužudymus, gyvenimo retrospektyva (kriminologinė analizė) / Life retrospective of persons who committed murders (criminological analysis)Pocius, Arvydas 02 June 2009 (has links)
Negalima teigti, kad nužudymą padarę asmenys ir jų nusikaltimas nesulauktų tyrėjų dėmesio. Atvirkščiai, tiek Lietuvoje, tiek pasaulyje šia problema užsiiminėjo daugelis labiausiai žinomų kriminologų, buvo atliekami platūs tyrimai, buvo parašyta daug darbų, taip pat ir padariusių didelį poveikį visai kriminologijos mokslo raidai. Mūsų tyrimas pirmą kartą vykdė sisteminę nužudymo veiksnių, apibūdintų pagrindinėse kriminologinėse teorijose ir išaiškintų vykdant tyrimus kitose šalyse, tyrimą Lietuvoje. Disertacijoje pirmą kartą atlikta sisteminė nužudymų teorijų ir tyrimo rezultatų apžvalga ir sisteminimas, ištirtas jų pasireiškimas Lietuvos sąlygomis. Disertacijos indėlis į bendrąjį kriminologijos mokslo vystymąsi siejamas su asmenų, padariusių nužudymus, raidos retrospektyvos tyrimu bei jų asmenybės raidos ir ypatumais įvairiais vystymosi etapais išaiškinimu. Disertaciniame darbe išnagrinėta žudikų gyvenimo retrospektyva, įvertintas jų gyvenimo kelias, išskiriami esminiai jų gyvenimo kelio faktoriai, turintys įtakos galimam nužudymų padarymui, retrospektyvinio tyrimo metu gautų duomenų pagrindu sukurta asmenų, padariusiųjų nužudymus (žudikų), tipologija. Tipologijos pagrindu gali būti kuriamos smurtinio nusikalstamo elgesio prevencijos programos. Tyrimo rezultatai gali būti panaudoti tolesniems šios srities tyrimams kitų nusikaltėlių atžvilgiu, taip pat organizuojant asmenų, padariusių nužudymus ir nuteistų, resocializaciją. / One could not state that persons who committed murders and their crimes have been left aside without any regard of investigators. On the contrary, both in Lithuania and in the world this problem has been analyzed by a number of well-known criminologists, wide studies have been performed, many works written, including those with a great impact on the development of the criminology. Within this research, murder factors described in the major criminological theories and cleared in studies of other countries are systematically analyzed in Lithuania for the first time. The systematic review of murder theories and research results was performed in the dissertation for the first time; also their exhibition under Lithuanian conditions was examined.
The contribution of the dissertation into the general development of the criminology is referable to a murderer, the analysis of the development retrospective and the exposition of their personal development and peculiarities in different stages of the development. The dissertation analyzes the life retrospective of murderers, also assesses their lives, and distinguishes key factors of their lives leading to a likely murder. The murderer typology was created on the grounds of the data of the retrospective study. This typology may be employed in creating the prevention programme of violent criminal behaviour. The study results can be used in further researches of this field in respect of other criminals, also in the resocialization of... [to full text]
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Nusikaltimus padariusių vaikų resocializacijos galimybės ugdymo institucijoje / Possibilities of resocialization in the educational institution of children who commit a crimeKobeckienė, Raimonda 24 September 2008 (has links)
Nepilnamečių nusikalstamumas – viena iš aktualiausių šių dienų Lietuvoje problemų, kelianti grėsmę tiek socialinei, tiek kultūrinei, tiek ekonominei demografinei šalies ateičiai. Šio magistro tikslas – atskleisti nusikaltimus padariusių vaikų resocializacijos galimybes ugdymo institucijoje. Teorinėje dalyje kalbama apie resocializaciją kaip trečiajį prevencijos lygmenį, aptariama resocializacijos samprata teisiniu, pedagoginiu bei psichologiniu aspektais. Didziausias dėmesys skiriamas nusikaltimus padariusiems vaikams. Remiantis moksline literatūra į nusikaltimus linkę vaikai, apibūdinami teisiniu, psichologiniu ir pedagoginiais aspektais. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas šeimai, mokyklai, neformalioms grupėms, visuomenės informavimo priemonėms. Kokybinėje tyrimo dalyje, remiantis moksline literatūra, nagrinėjama nusikaltimus padariusių vaikų konkrečios institucijos (Kauno NTI – PN) resocializacijos galimybės. Išanalizavus dabartinę padėtį, galima teigti, kad įstaigoje inicijuojama švietėjiška veikla, kurios tikslas – paruošti nuteistus nepilnamečius sėkmingam gyvenimui nuolat kintančioje, dinamiškoje visuomenėje, ugdyti įgūdžius, padėsiančius jiems atrasti savo vietą darbo rinkoje bei tapti motyvuota ir kūrybiška asmenybe. Įstaigoje vykdomos švietėjiškos nepilnamečių ugdymo programos, kuriomis siekiama ugdyti nuteistojo kompetencijas bei formuoti asmenybę, sugebančią sėkmingai veikti visuomenėje. / The criminality of youngsters under the age of 18 – is one of the most actual problems of today’s Lithuania. It causes danger to the social, cultural, economical and demographical future of the country.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to reveal the educational institution’s possibilities of resocialization of children who commit a crime.
In the theoretical part of the thesis we find information about the term “resocialization” from the juridical, pedagogical and psychological aspects. Resocialization was also investigated like third level of prevention. The biggest attention was paid to the children who commit a crime. With the help of scientific literature, we have considered the fact of children’s criminality from the juridical, pedagogical and psychological areas. The big attention also was paid to the family, school, informal groups and means of informing of a society.
In the qualitative part of the research according to the scientific literature we have analysed the possibilities of resocialization of children who commit a crime by the example of a very concrete institution - Investigatory Insulator of Kaunas - the House of Correction. After we have investigated the present situation, we can make an assumption that this institution initiates educational activities. Its target is to prepare the condemned youngster to successful living in the dynamic society, to develop their skills and talents to the fullest. It has to help children in finding their place in the... [to full text]
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An investigation into the development and content of HIV prevention and harm reduction policies in Nova Scotia: Do they address the needs of women who inject drugs?McWilliam, Susan 24 February 2012 (has links)
Background: Women who inject drugs continue to represent a disproportionate percentage of new cases of HIV in Canada (PHAC, 2006). However, in Nova Scotia, HIV has still not been conceptualized as a major health issue, especially among women (Gahagan, Rehman & Baxter, 2006). At the same time, recent research findings suggest that female injection drug users in Nova Scotia are engaging in unsafe injection and sexual practices and often lack access to harm reduction-based programming and resources (Ploem, 2000; PHAC, 2006; Jackson et al., 2010; Parker et al., 2011; Hodder, 2011). In a provincial context of high prevalence of injection drug use and HIV risk behaviours, preventing increasing rates of HIV infection will depend on the development of proactive and gender-informed HIV prevention policies.
Purpose: This study had two main aims. First, it aimed to chart the development of provincial HIV prevention and harm reduction policies and to identify how, and if, the policy development processes address the HIV prevention needs of women who inject drugs. Its second aim was to identify key barriers and facilitators to developing HIV prevention policy for women who inject drugs in Nova Scotia.
Methods: This study involved a review of key HIV prevention and harm reduction policy documents as well as interviews with 27 key informants directly involved with HIV prevention and/or harm reduction policy decision-making.
Findings/Discussion: The existing Nova Scotia-based policy development network, their policies, their processes and the context within which they have functioned over the past ten years do not appear to be supporting the development of HIV prevention and harm reduction policy which addresses the needs of women who inject drugs. Policy committee composition lacked inclusivity and organizations that work directly with women who inject drugs held less influence in policy processes. In addition, gender was not prioritized by decision-makers and therefore not comprehensively addressed in policy content. As a result, the needs of women who inject drugs have not been prioritized in policy processes and subsequently few targeted resources are going to the community-based organizations that provide services to these women.
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Injection drug use among youth: An exploration of key factors influencing safer and/or unsafe practicesAdamson, Andrea Kelly 15 August 2013 (has links)
Background: Much of the research on injection drug use practices has focused on adult populations and relatively little is known about safer and/or unsafe injection practices among youth who use injection drugs (YWID). Unsafe practices may be risk factors for blood borne illnesses, abscesses or other infections, and overdose. Multiple factors may create barriers to the access of clean supplies and the ability to practice safer injection. It is important to understand how YWID engage in safer and/or unsafe injection practices so that use of safer practices may be supported.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the understandings and practices of safer and/or unsafe injection drug use among YIWD, as well as key social factors influencing these understandings and practices.
Methods: Ten semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with YWID aged 18 to 29 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Voluntary informed consent was obtained prior to conducting the interviews. All interviews were audio-taped and transcribed, then analyzed using a modified approach to grounded theory for key themes and subthemes.
Results: The experiences of the YWID can be categorized into two overarching themes. The first theme relates to the power of the drugs and the control (or, at times, lack of control) YWID have over safer practices. This theme explores how access to clean supplies and understandings of safer use can influence the control YWID have over safer practices. The second theme describes experiences YWID have with “getting clean,” or gaining power over drugs, including experiences with methadone maintenance treatment.
Discussion: YWID can and do practice safer use, however multiple factors, such as the perception of cleanliness in injection practices and the availability of clean needles in the community, impact how YWID understand and practice safer injection drug use. Barriers that impede YWID’s ability to practice safer use need to be addressed.
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En frisk arbetsplats : Ledares syn på hälsoarbete på arbetsplatsen / A healthy workplace : Supervisors' views on health promotionin the workplaceHedsten, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Genom en kvalitativ metod har ledares syn och ledarskapets betydelse på promotivt hälsoarbete studerats. Intervjuer har genomförts med ledare på tre olika arbetsplatser. Den teoretiska bakgrunden är Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang. I analysarbetet användes komponenterna begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet.[1] Resultatet visade att ledaren har betydelse i det promotiva hälsoarbetet och att människor med ett starkt KASAM bättre tål påfrestningar i arbetslivet än de med ett svagare KASAM. Ett gott ledarskap ger förutsättningar till en hälsosam arbetsplats med hög arbetstrivsel. Det promotiva hälsoarbetet är ett gemensamt ansvar som alla i organisationen har ansvar för. Respondenterna vittnar även de om att hälsoarbete är till fördel för alla i organisationen. Sjuktal minskar och produktiviteten ökar. Förutsägbarhet och meningsfullhet ökar arbetstillfredsställelsen. [1] En noggrann genomgång av begreppet KASAM görs i avsnitt 7.
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Potential barriers and facilitators to future HIV vaccine acceptability and uptake among marginalised communities in Karnataka, south India: perspectives of frontline health service providersMcClarty, Leigh Michelle 15 August 2013 (has links)
HIV in Karnataka, south India disproportionately burdens female sex workers (FSWs) and men who have sex with men (MSM). The best long-term strategy for managing the global HIV epidemic might involve a preventive vaccine; however, vaccine availability cannot guarantee its acceptability. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was conducted among frontline health service providers (HSPs) working with MSM/FSWs in relation to HIV-related health services in Karnataka. Face-to-face structured interviews were performed to better understand potential barriers/facilitators to acceptability/uptake of a future HIV vaccine among MSM/FSW communities. Descriptive analyses explored HSPs’ perceptions of vaccine acceptability/uptake and likelihood to recommend an HIV vaccine. Although HSPs mentioned numerous potential barriers to future HIV vaccine acceptability/uptake, most believed that MSM/FSWs would be willing to receive the vaccine to protect their health and avoid HIV. HSPs reported being very likely to recommend the vaccine, however young age of potential vaccine recipients negatively affected likelihood to recommend.
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Vad betyder känsla av sammanhang i våra liv? : aspekter på stabilitet, kön, hälsa och psykosociala faktorerNilsson, Berit January 2002 (has links)
Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) är ett sätt att studera hälsa och välbefinnande ur ett salutogent perspektiv. Med denna infallsvinkel kan såväl avgränsade sjukdomsgrupper i små populationer, som en större normalbefolkning undersökas. Det är väsentligt att studier också kan ske över tid för att ha möjlighet att fånga en utveckling. Syftet med denna studie var, att med magbesvär som infallsvinkel, studera KASAM och den salutogena modellens relation till hälsa, kön, psyko- sociala faktorer och stabilitet. Vid en klassifikation av patientens sjukdomstillstånd, gjord separat av patient, läkare och kurator, visade jämförelsen full överensstämmelse i hälften av fallen. En motsvarande jämförelse gällande patientens allmänna hälsotillstånd visade full överensstämmelse i en tredjedel av fallen. Synliggörandet av dessa skillnader antyder behovet av reflektion, över såväl den egna bedömningen som andras, i den kliniska vardagen. En grupp personer med magbesvär intervjuades 16-18 år efter en gastroskopiundersökning. Fynden i en kvalitativ studie visade att patientens inflytande på sitt liv, direkt eller indirekt, tycktes vara relaterat till om han/hon var frisk vid uppföljningen. Att ha inflytande över sitt liv kan också innebära att vara i stånd till att ha inflytande i mötet med vårdgivare och över adekvat behandling. I en tvärsnittsstudie av en normalbefolkning (WHO MONICA Project) visade sig medelvärdena för KASAM, efter uppdelning i tre olika diagnosgrupper, vara signifikant lägre i en grupp med magbesvär (n=309) i jämförelse med såväl en grupp med identifierad sjukdom (n=198) som en grupp utan de efterfrågade symtomen/sjukdomarna (n=1212). I en panelstudie med en uppföljning efter fem år visades att det förelåg en statistiskt signifikant minskning av KASAM i totalpopulationen (n=1254) och att män och kvinnor hade en likartad minskning. Studien visade också KASAM endast var stabil hos personer med höga ingångsvärden. Personer i åldersgruppen 45-74 år och personer med en identifierad sjukdom hade den största sänkningen. Nedgången är i linje med samhällsutvecklingen under den studerade perioden under 1990-talet, med en nedmontering av delar i det tidigare välfärdssamhället. En studie, som jämförde två tvärsnitt i en normalbefolkning med fem års mellanrum, visade en statistiskt signifikant nedgång av KASAM. Sänkningen var mest uttalad bland kvinnor, i den yngre åldersgruppen (25-44 år) och bland dem med en identifierad sjukdom. Personer med mångåriga magbesvär hade det lägsta medelvärdet i båda tvärsnitten. Att kartlägga hur olika faktorer relaterar till KASAM kan utgöra en väg både vad gäller att förstå hur politiska beslut påverkar skilda sektorer i samhället, och var enskilda människor befinner sig i olika processer vid hälsa och sjukdom. Patienter med mångåriga magbesvär rapporterade en låg känsla av sammanhang och är till synes en grupp som borde uppmärksammas i vården. Det är väsentligt att inte bara mäta KASAM som en personlig variabel utan också se hur strukturförändringar påverkar den enskilda människan. Olika vårdgivare kan tillsammans med patienten vara öppna för att inte enbart det medicinska perspektivet utan att även patientens inflytande och sociala situation lyfts fram. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2002</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Potential barriers and facilitators to future HIV vaccine acceptability and uptake among marginalised communities in Karnataka, south India: perspectives of frontline health service providersMcClarty, Leigh Michelle 15 August 2013 (has links)
HIV in Karnataka, south India disproportionately burdens female sex workers (FSWs) and men who have sex with men (MSM). The best long-term strategy for managing the global HIV epidemic might involve a preventive vaccine; however, vaccine availability cannot guarantee its acceptability. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was conducted among frontline health service providers (HSPs) working with MSM/FSWs in relation to HIV-related health services in Karnataka. Face-to-face structured interviews were performed to better understand potential barriers/facilitators to acceptability/uptake of a future HIV vaccine among MSM/FSW communities. Descriptive analyses explored HSPs’ perceptions of vaccine acceptability/uptake and likelihood to recommend an HIV vaccine. Although HSPs mentioned numerous potential barriers to future HIV vaccine acceptability/uptake, most believed that MSM/FSWs would be willing to receive the vaccine to protect their health and avoid HIV. HSPs reported being very likely to recommend the vaccine, however young age of potential vaccine recipients negatively affected likelihood to recommend.
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介護・看護職者による痴呆性高齢者との関わりについての語り宮崎, 朋子, MIYAZAKI, Tomoko, 松嶋, 秀明, MATSUSHIMA, Hideaki, 田畑, 治, TABATA, Osamu 27 December 2001 (has links)
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A Thematic Exploration of "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow is Enuf," by Ntozake ShangeRichard, Jocelyn M. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
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