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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I tigerns rike : en landskapsvetenskaplig studie om två underarters populationsförändring och ekologiska värde för landskapet

Ångman, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Arbetet är en litteraturstudie och är ett försök att ta reda på två underarter av tigers (Panthera tigris) populationsförändring och anledningen till detta på en tidsskala från 1970 till 2010. De valda underarterna för uppsatsen är sumatratigern och amurtigern. I samband med undersökningen av de två underarternas populationsförändring har fokus lagts på Sumatra och Amurområdet för att kunna få en överblick över de områden där tigrarna återfinns och med den överblicken lättare öppna för att diskutera hållbara bevarandemöjligheter i framtiden. Uppsatsen har i huvudsak diskuterats med stöd av tidigare studier, statistikuppgifter och rapporter i ämnet och därefter har det insamlade materialet analyserats och genomarbetats för att försöka nå fram till nya insikter inom tiger- och landskapsforskningen. Jämförande studier med den svenska vargen används som en utgångspunkt för vad som kan ske om tigern fortsätter att minska eller helt försvinner från sina områden. Trots brister i det statistiska underlaget finns tecken på att fragmenteringen och befolkningstillväxten är viktiga faktorer för sumatratigerns nedgång. Amurtigern visade sig vara mer tålig för både fragmentering och den ökande befolkning i Amurområdet tvärtemot vad tidigare forskning visat, men då båda tigrarnas utbredningsområde har analyserats på liknande sätt trots stora skillnader i förhållande, miljö och storlek så kan detta spela en stor roll i mina resultat jämte tidigare forsknings resultat. Klart är dock att människors allmänna attityd mot rovdjur i deras närområde, så kallade human-wildlife conflicts, komplicerar bevarandefrågan för tigern då skador orsakade av rovdjuren inte ses på med blida ögon och kan vara dyrt att kompensera för. / The study is a literature review and seek to find out two subspecies of tiger´s (Panthera tigris) population change and the reasons surrounding this on a time scale from 1970 to 2010. It also includes finding out the landscape and ecological consequences related to this, in order to discuss the sustainable conservation opportunities in the future. The two chosen subspecies for the study is the sumatran tiger and the amurtiger. The method has been mainly supported by previous studies, statistics and reports on the subject, but has allow themselves to be analysed and discussed in search for new fatc that can bring more light over the tigers popoulationchanges and the reserach of the tigerlandscape. Comparative studies with other predators, our Swedish wolf out and foray into the landscape, however, brings us a good picture of what could happen if the tiger continues to decrease or completely disappear from their landscape. Despite declining statistics, there were clear signs that fragmentation and human population growth are important factors to discuss the tiger's decline. The sumatran tiger was shown to be dangerly threatened by deforestation and human population growth in Sumatra, while the amurtiger seemed to be more resistent despite earlier researches has shown. An explanation for this might be the fact that the two subspecies range has been analyzed the same way despite large differences in environment and sieze and this can play a big role in my results that differes from earlier reserach results. It is clear, however, that humans general attitude toward predatos in their local area, so called human-wildlife conflicts, complicates the issue of conservation of the tiger when damage caused by the predators can be fatal and not to easy or affordable to compensate.

Le loup dans la presse française contemporaine : analyse des fonctionnements argumentatifs médiatiques / The wolf in the french contemporary press : analysis of argumentative mechanisms

Chandelier, Marie 11 December 2018 (has links)
L’augmentation des populations de loups provoque des conflits dus aux interactions de l'espèce avec les activités économiques rurales (pastoralisme et agriculture). Ces conflits impliquent des acteurs issus de l’économie rurale, de la chasse, de l’écologie ou encore de la politique. Le loup a un statut législatif différent qui induit une protection stricte, mais sa gestion fait l'objet de dérogation conduisant à la mise en place de tirs ponctuels sur des animaux. L'espère tend, dans les débats à être considérés comme nuisibles. L’objectif de la thèse est d’identifier l’influence que peut avoir le statut législatif de l’espèce sur les procédés argumentatif utilisés dans les débats, et sur les discours médiatiques consacrés à ces débats. / The thesis focuses on the representation of controversies involving wolves in the french media, at a national and regional level.

Understanding conservation conflicts surrounding predation and game shooting interests

Swan, George Julius Fraser January 2017 (has links)
Many predatory species cause negative impacts on human interests by threatening game, livestock or human safety. These impacts can create conflicts where stakeholders differ over wildlife management and when one party is perceived to exert their interests at the expense of the other. Finding effective methods to mitigate conservation conflicts requires an interdisciplinary perspective that investigates (i) the reality of the apparent impacts, (ii) the efficacy of any methods intended to remedy them and (iii) the perceptions, motivations and objectives of key stakeholders. In this thesis, I investigated a conservation conflict in the U.K. surrounding predators and game management. I did so with specific reference to the common buzzard Buteo buteo, a species that, due to predation of released pheasants Phasianus colchicus, is both subject to illegal persecution and on- going controversy concerning the licenced selective removal of ‘problem individuals’. I first review the literature to assess the ecological evidence that certain ‘problem individuals’ can be both disproportionately responsible in impacts upon human interests and more likely to reoffend. I show that while there is evidence for these animals across many different taxa, the benefits of their removal can sometimes be short-lived. I highlight possible indirect impacts of selective management and identify it as a potential compromise between different stakeholder groups. Next, I evaluate the performance of Bayesian stable isotope mixing models (BSIMMs) in quantifying the diets of wild animals. By comparing indirect and direct observations of buzzard foraging, I demonstrate that, with the correct selection of trophic discrimination factors, stable isotope analyses can provide a reliable picture of dietary composition that mirrors direct observations. I then apply these mixing models to evaluate the ecological basis of selective removal of ‘problem buzzards’. The results suggest that the consumption by buzzards of released pheasants is not limited to release pens where gamekeepers perceive buzzard predation to be a problem. However, I then show that stable isotope analysis of blood sampled from two of the four buzzards caught inside pens indicates frequent consumption of released pheasants, relative to the rest of the buzzard population. These results suggest that, while some pheasant consumption may go undetected, selecting only buzzards inside pens for removal is likely to target ‘problem birds’. I then investigate buzzard foraging and breeding ecology on land managed for pheasant shooting. I find that buzzards nest at higher density in areas with greater abundances of pheasants and rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus. However, records of provisioning from nest cameras showed that only rabbits were caught in proportion to their abundance and only rabbit provisioning rate was associated with buzzard productivity. I suggest that the positive relationship between buzzard and pheasant abundance, although seemingly unconnected to pheasant predation, might influence how gamekeepers perceive buzzard impact. Next, I conduct semi-structured interviews on the subject of predator control with 20 gamekeepers across the south of England, to explore the underlying beliefs, norms and information sources that motivate their behaviour. From these interviews, I identify a number of separate, but interconnected, motivations that influence predator control including professional norms, potential penalties, and interpretations of what is ‘natural’. The influences of these motivations are discussed in detail and a conceptual model, incorporating the theory of planned behaviour, is developed. Finally, the key contributions of this thesis are drawn together and discussed in their wider context. Taken together, the results of this thesis illustrate how predator management occurs simultaneously within social and ecological contexts that incorporate the individual attributes of both predators and people. The results of this thesis have direct implications for the management of predators, the representation of stakeholder perspectives and the design of conflict mitigation measures.


Rocha, Lara Cristiani 22 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Crop raiding by wild animals is becoming increasingly common. In recent years, the management company of the Dona Francisca Hydroelectric Power Plant has received complaints from local residents about a supposed increase in the population of capuchin monkeys, which were allegedly causing "losses" to some farming households. It is crucial to understand people´s perceptions and attitudes towards monkeys to clarify the social factors that intensify conflicts, as well as the factors which favor the coexistence between humans and capuchin monkeys in farmlands. To identify human-wildlife conflicts and their possible causes, this study investigated the perceptions and attitudes of rural community residents in Ibarama (in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul), in the vicinity of the Dona Francisca dam, with respect to capuchin monkeys. The study was carried out through semi-structured interviews with farm owners and the subsequent categorization of their answers. Thirty-one interviews were conducted between September 2010 and January 2012. Most respondents were over 40 years old and had been living in the area since childhood. Most of them stated that monkeys have always existed in that region, and only two respondents associated the "emergence" of monkeys and the building of the dam. Maize is the main crop consumed. A significant portion of the respondents claimed that monkeys cause damage to their property, but most of them could not estimate the extent of their loss. Nevertheless, most of them consider monkeys to be important to nature and believe that the coexistence of humans and monkeys is possible in those areas. Although these losses financially commit some properties, you can see a scenario favorable to the adoption of conservation and educational practices aimed at protecting the capuchin monkey and its habitat. / As invasões de cultivos agrícolas por animais silvestres vêm se tornando cada vez mais comuns. Em anos recentes a empresa gestora da Usina Hidrelétrica Dona Francisca tem recebido queixas de moradores locais sobre um suposto aumento da população de macacos-prego, os quais estariam provocando prejuízos em algumas propriedades rurais. Compreender as concepções e atitudes do ser humano com relação aos macacos é importante para esclarecer os fatores sociais que intensificam os conflitos, bem como os que favorecem a coexistência entre humanos e macacos-prego nessas áreas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar as percepções e as atitudes de moradores das comunidades rurais em Ibarama, RS, no entorno da barragem Dona Francisca, com relação aos macacos-prego, visando à identificação de conflitos e suas possíveis causas. O estudo foi realizado através de entrevista semi-estruturada com o responsável pela propriedade e categorização das respostas a posteriori. Foram realizadas 31 entrevistas, entre setembro de 2010 e janeiro de 2012. A maioria dos entrevistados possui mais de 40 anos e mora no local desde a infância. A maior parte deles afirma que sempre existiram macacos nessa região e apenas dois associaram o "aparecimento" dos macacos à construção da barragem. O milho é o principal cultivo agrícola consumido. Uma parcela significativa dos entrevistados afirma que os macacos causam prejuízo em sua propriedade, mas a maioria desses não soube precisar as perdas. Apesar disso, a grande maioria considera os macacos importantes para a natureza e acredita ser possível a coexistência entre macacos e humanos nessas áreas. Embora esses prejuízos comprometam financeiramente algumas propriedades, é possível observar um cenário favorável à adoção de práticas educativas e conservacionistas que visem à proteção do macaco-prego e de seu hábitat.

Knowledge, attitudes, and opinions about human-wildlife conflicts held by community leaders in Virginia

Elsner, Regina Marie 13 August 2008 (has links)
Using a mail survey, I questioned 490 representatives of local government (i.e., elected officials, administrative officials, animal control officers, and county Cooperative Extension agents) about their understanding of human-wildlife conflicts in their communities, and their receptivity to participating in co-management partnerships with regulatory agencies. Response rates for the mail survey of these four populations ranged from 25.2% to 75.9%. Knowledge of and perceptions about human-wildlife conflicts varied among leader subpopulations, as did their assessment of risks associated with and prioritization of human-wildlife conflicts. Animal control and Extension personnel displayed greater knowledge about wildlife, expressed greater concern about potential risks, and assigned higher priority to human-wildlife conflicts in their community. Respondents indicated that wildlife complaints are being received from constituents in their community, but questions exist over who is responsible for managing these conflicts. Most respondents indicated a willingness to become involved in conflict resolution, but indicated less willingness for local government to take on a leadership role. Respondents could identify potential partners valuable to resolving human-wildlife conflicts, but they demonstrated uncertainty about the specific roles and responsibilities of these outside agencies (e.g., Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries). Respondents identified important potential impediments (i.e., financial and personnel resources, the need to provide additional training or equipment) that could preclude or reduce their ability to become involved in conflict resolution. Most respondents viewed community-based co-management approaches as realistic (74%) and attractive (63%) options for local governments to exercise in managing human-wildlife conflicts. Most respondents (74%) believed that co-management offered local governments a direct way to be involved in managing their own conflicts. Respondents believed that staffing and budget shortages would be significant impediments that would limit local government's participation in co-management agreements. This study clearly illustrates that human-wildlife conflicts are occurring in Virginia, but overall local governments are not at a point when they are willing or able to consider a proactive approach to managing these conflicts. Until some threshold is met or exceeded, leaders in these communities may not be willing to devote the time or resources necessary to enact proactive approaches. Before that threshold is met, the development and utilization of informational and educational resources can increase local government's capacity to develop and implement a comprehensive wildlife management plan for Virginia communities in the future. / Master of Science

Evaluating the role of area, isolation, and human behavior on meso-mammals in a small statistical demographic area

Palode, Brittney 13 May 2022 (has links)
Urbanization offers unique challenges for wildlife. The urban landscape is fragmented and changes available resources for wildlife. Human-dominated landscapes can provide food, shelter, or cover through human-subsidized resources. However, to thrive in human-dominated landscapes, wildlife must adapt or disperse, otherwise they will die. In this study, I investigated how the urban landscape and human behavior influence urban wildlife occurrence. I established 35 camera sites during April 2020. I surveyed residential property dwellers around each camera site to determine what behavior they performed that could increase species occurrence. Gray fox and coyote site use decreased with increased isolation while no species responded to patch area. Almost all species investigated responded to attractants but not all showed a positive response. Although number of survey participants was small, site use by wildlife tended to increase with owning a bird feeder and putting out trash the day before pickup.

Approche intégrative de la gestion des conflits homme-nature : le cas de l'ours brun en France / An integrative approach in the management of human-wildlife conflicts : the case of the French brown bear

Piédallu, Blaise 12 December 2016 (has links)
La conservation des populations animales autour desquelles existe une controverse passe entre autres par une compréhension de l’écologie de l’espèce, mais également par une analyse des attitudes humaines vis-à-vis de sa présence. Cependant, ces deux aspects sont rarement mobilisés ensemble au sein de travaux combinant sciences de l’environnement et sociologie. Nous proposons ici une étude portant sur la population d’ours brun (Ursus arctos) résidant dans les Pyrénées, intégrant à la fois dynamique de la population et de sa distribution, et une analyse de l’attitude des Pyrénéens vis-à-vis des plantigrades. Nous conduisons également une réflexion sur les méthodes à employer afin d’intégrer ces résultats au sein d’une approche socio-écologique. Nos modèles écologiques, qui utilisent des données de suivi obtenues dans le cadre d’un partenariat transfrontalier entre France, Andorre et Espagne, mettent en évidence une augmentation des effectifs et une réduction de la distribution de la population entre 2008 et 2014. Si ces conclusions ne semblent pas aller dans le sens d’une dégradation rapide de leur état de conservation, les ours pyrénéens restent menacés du fait de leurs faibles effectifs et du fort taux de consanguinité au sein de la population. Notre enquête sociologique, réalisée dans les communes sur lesquelles l’ours est ou a été présent entre 2008 et 2013, a mis en évidence une hétérogénéité spatiale dans l’attitude des habitants des Pyrénées sur la question de l’ours, avec notamment des variations significatives en fonction de leurs lieux de naissance et de résidence. Nous discutons ensuite d’une approche intégrant résultats de sociologie et d’écologie avec le but de créer un modèle pouvant servir d’outil à un responsable chargé de la gestion ou de la résolution du conflit, en analysant les méthodes à notre disposition, leurs avantages et leurs limites. Nous concluons sur l’intérêt des approches pluridisciplinaire dans la gestion des controverses autour de la conservation de populations animales. / The conservation of controversial animal populations requires an understanding of the species’ ecology, but also an analysis of the human attitudes towards its presence. However, those two aspects are rarely studied together through a combination of environmental sciences and sociology. Here we study the brown bear (Ursus arctos) population residing in the Pyrenees mountains, analyzing both population dynamics and distribution, and the attitudes of Pyrenean people towards the species. We also ponder on the methods to use to combine these results in a socio-ecological approach. Our ecological models, which use monitoring data obtained through a crossborder partnership between France, Andorra and Spain, highlight an increase of population size and a reduction of its distribution between 2008 and 2014. If those conclusions do not seem to indicate a quick degradation of their conservation status, Pyrenean brown bears remain threatened by low numbers and high inbreeding in the population. A sociological study was performed in the municipalities where bear was or had been present between 2008 and 2013. We found spatial heterogeneity in the attitudes of Pyrenean people regarding bears, with significant variations depending on where they were born and where they currently live. We follow by discussing an approach that combines sociological and ecological results, with the goal of building a model that can be used as a tool for someone responsible for managing or solving the conflict; to do this, we analyze the methods available, their strengths and limits. We conclude on the importance of interdisciplinary approaches when managing controversies over wildlife conservation.

Identifier les contraintes pour la conservation des dernières girafes de l’Afrique de l’Ouest : déterminants de la dynamique de la population et patron d’occupation spatiale / Identifying conservation constraints for the last West African giraffe : population dynamics determining factors and spatial distribution pattern

Suraud, Jean-Patrick 16 December 2011 (has links)
Le défi de la protection des espèces menacées en Afrique est de concilier de façon durable les objectifs de conservation de la nature, et la nécessité de développement économique des populations humaines. Au Niger, survivent aujourd'hui les dernières girafes d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta). Ces girafes sont unique à plusieurs titres : (i) elles constituent les seules représentantes de la sous espèce peralta (ii), elles vivent dans une région fortement anthropisée (iii) elles vivent dans une zone non protégée, (iv) et elles ne cohabitent avec aucun prédateur. En 1996, la population était au bord de l'extinction avec seulement 50 individus. Malgré des signes de restauration observés ces dernières années, la sous-espèce est inscrite depuis 2008 dans la liste rouge des espèces menacées de l'UICN (Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature) avec le statut « en danger ». Quels sont les facteurs qui pourraient limiter le taux de croissance maximum récemment observé dans cette population? Est-ce que les conjonctures favorables à l'augmentation de la population sont durables? Aborder les questions de conservation des populations met en avant le besoin de connaitre les paramètres démographiques de la population concernée, et les paramètres environnementaux qui conditionnent sa distribution spatiale. Nous avons réalisé une analyse de l'historique des comptages, puis, nous avons déterminé les paramètres démographiques de la population grâce à une approche par Capture Marquage Recapture. Une analyse spatiale à plusieurs échelles nous a permis de caractériser la distribution des girafes aux niveaux de la population et du troupeau (à partir d'observations directes), et de mesurer la sélection de l'habitat au niveau individuel (à partir d'un suivi par colliers GPS) / One of the main challenges for endangered species protection in Africa is to find a sustainable way of integrating objectives of nature conservation with the economic development needs of the local human population. Last West African giraffe population, Giraffa camelopardalis peralta, lives in Niger. These giraffe are unique for several reasons: (i) they represent the only population of peralta sub-species, and (ii) they live in an area densely populated by humans, (iii) which is unprotected and (iv) without predators. In 1996, this giraffe population was almost extinct, with only 50 individuals remaining. Despite signs of population recovery, the sub-species has been classified as “endangered” according to the IUCN Red List assessment criteria. What are the limiting factors for the maximum annual growth rate that has been recorded over the last years in the population? Are favorable conjunctures to this population increasing sustainable? Assessing population conservation requires knowledge of demographic parameters and understanding of the environmental factors driving its spatial distribution. Census data from 1996 to 2009 were analyzed and then demographic parameters through a capture-markrecapture method were determined. A multi-scale spatial analysis allowed me to determine giraffe distribution at both population and herd level (through observations), and to measure habitat selection at the individual level (through GPS satellite collars). Census results, almost exhaustive from 2005 to 2008 highlited an annual growth rate of 12%. This is the maximum growth rate for a giraffe population, and fits with the theoretical maximum growth rate for the species. At the population and herd level, giraffe distribution patterns are driven by food availability. These food resources are seasonally distributed and impacted by human activities. Habitat selection shows that during dry season, giraffe avoid village proximity, where disturbance is high. However, at night giraffe move closer to villages where food resource quantity and quality are higher (tree density, granaries). The use of bean field crop suggests that some cultivated crops gain in attraction and even become favourable to giraffe. This might explain the increase of human-giraffe conflicts. My results clearly show the importance of taking human activities and perception into account, when assessing wildlife conservation strategies

Protected Areas, Tourism and Rural Community Livelihoods in Botswana

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Firstly, this study uses community asset mapping guided by the Community Capitals Framework (CCF) to explore the linkages between Protected Areas (PAs), tourism and community livelihoods. Secondly, it assesses changes in community needs facilitated by community participation in wildlife-based tourism in a protected area setting. Thirdly and finally, the study assesses whether the introduction of community wildlife-based tourism in a protected area as a sustainable management tool has led to the spiraling up or down of community capitals. The study adopted qualitative research method approach and made use of data collected through community asset mapping supplemented by data from focus group discussions, households, key informants, and secondary data materials that were analyzed and interpreted in light of community capital framework. The Chobe National Park (CNP) and Chobe Enclave Conservation Trust (CECT); a community living adjacent to CNP in Botswana provides the context on which this study's discussion focuses. Results indicate that the accession of Botswana from colonialism through post colonialism era intertwined considerable institutional arrangement changes in the field of protected area governance that reflects evolutionary management styles. Protected areas, tourism and community livelihoods linkages are based on many inter-dependents of community capitals relationships which are dependent on community socio-economic activities. In assessing changes in community needs, the results indicate that participation in wildlife-based tourism has brought both positive and negative changes that have implications on both the status quo for community livelihoods and protected areas, namely; the influence of changes in community capitals dynamics, mechanization and commercialization of agriculture, government funded infrastructural development, income generation, and the commodification of some of the community capitals. Finally, the increased livelihoods options and diversification dynamics, fragile wildlife-livestock co-existence, heightened human-wildlife conflicts, environmental education and awareness are the emerging themes that explain how the introduction of tourism in a protected area setting affect the spiraling up and down of the community capitals dynamics. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Community Resources and Development 2013

Harbor seal predation and fishery effects on Kattegat-Skagerrak cod abundance : in the aftermath of Phocine distemper virus

Hökby, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
The recovering harbor seal population along the Swedish west coast has coincided with declining cod stocks. Although the cod stocks were primarily depleted by intense fisheries, some stakeholders argue that reduced seal populations could have direct, positive effects on the cod stocks. The outbreaks of Phocine distemper virus (PDV) in 1988 and 2002 when up to 66% of the harbor seals along the Swedish west coast died, could be viewed as natural experiments allowing for assessment of any positive impacts of reduced mortality from seal predation on cod abundance. I quantified removal from seal predation and fishery landings and analyzed correlations to cod abundance of different length classes. Analyses were conducted for a longer time- series, 1979-2019, reaching back to when removal from fisheries was substantially larger than that from seal consumption. I also analyzed the data with a more recent perspective, 2003-2019, starting after the later PDV outbreak when seal predation relative landing sizes has increased. During this period, fishery discard data is available and included in the models. Methods include graphical presentation, multiple linear regression analyses, and to expand the existing data on seal diet, I collected diet samples of harbor seal feces from two haul-outs in Skagerrak. No statistically significant, negative correlations between seal predation and cod abundance were found in any data set, hence, I cannot support the idea of harbor seals having an impact on cod abundance. Also, the significant correlations between cod abundance and landings were all positive. I argue that culling of seals cannot be motivated as a strategy to help cod recover, as this would jeopardize the persistence of the seal population rather than assuring cod stability.

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