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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supply chain planning models with general backorder penalties, supply and demand uncertainty, and quantity discounts

Megahed, Aly 21 September 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we study three supply chain planning problems. The first two problems fall in the tactical planning level, while the third one falls in the strategic/tactical level. We present a direct application for the first two planning problems in the wind turbines industry. For the third problem, we show how it can be applied to supply chains in the food industry. Many countries and localities have the explicitly stated goal of increasing the fraction of their electrical power that is generated by wind turbines. This has led to a rapid growth in the manufacturing and installation of wind turbines. The globally installed capacity for the manufacturing of different components of the wind turbine is nearly fully utilized. Because of the large penalties for missing delivery deadlines for wind turbines, the effective planning of its supply chain has a significant impact on the profitability of the turbine manufacturers. Motivated by the planning challenges faced by one of the world’s largest manufacturers of wind turbines, we present a comprehensive tactical supply chain planning model for manufacturing of wind turbines in the first part of this thesis. The model is multi-period, multi-echelon, and multi-commodity. Furthermore, the model explicitly incorporates backorder penalties with a general cost structure, i.e., the cost structure does not have to be linear in function of the backorder delay. To the best of our knowledge, modeling-based supply chain planning has not been applied to wind turbines, nor has a model with all the above mentioned features been described in the literature. Based on real-world data, we present numerical results that show the significant impact of the capability to model backorder penalties with general cost structures on the overall cost of supply chains for wind turbines. With today’s rapidly changing global market place, it is essential to model uncertainty in supply chain planning. In the second part of this thesis, we develop a two-stage stochastic programming model for the comprehensive tactical planning of supply chains under supply uncertainty. In the first stage, procurement decisions are made while in the second stage, production, inventory, and delivery decisions are made. The considered supply uncertainty combines supplier random yields and stochastic lead times, and is thus the most general form of such uncertainty to date. We apply our model to the same wind turbines supply chain. We illustrate theoretical and numerical results that show the impact of supplier uncertainty/unreliability on the optimal procurement decisions. We also quantify the value of modeling uncertainty versus deterministic planning. Supplier selection with quantity discounts has been an active research problem in the operations research community. In this the last part of this thesis, we focus on a new quantity discounts scheme offered by suppliers in some industries. Suppliers are selected for a strategic planning period (e.g., 5 years). Fixed costs associated with suppliers’ selection are paid. Orders are placed monthly from any of the chosen suppliers, but the quantity discounts are based on the aggregated annual order quantities. We incorporate all this in a multi-period multi-product multi-echelon supply chain planning problem and develop a mixed integer programming (MIP) model for it. Leading commercial MIP solvers take 40 minutes on average to get any feasible solution for realistic instances of our model. With the aim of getting high-quality feasible solutions quickly, we develop an algorithm that constructs a good initial solution and three other iterative algorithms that improve this initial solution and are capable of getting very fast high quality primal solutions. Two of the latter three algorithms are based on MIP-based local search and the third algorithm incorporates a variable neighborhood Descent (VND) combining the first two. We present numerical results for a set of instances based on a real-world supply chain in the food industry and show the efficiency of our customized algorithms. The leading commercial solver CPLEX finds only a very few feasible solutions that have lower total costs than our initial solution within a three hours run time limit. All our iterative algorithms well outperform CPLEX. The VND algorithm has the best average performance. Its average relative gap to the best known feasible solution is within 1% in less than 40 minutes of computing time.

Μελέτη του ενεργειακού συστήματος της Ικαρίας

Κατσάφαρος, Ιωάννης 15 March 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία συνιστά μια επισκόπηση του Συστήματος Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας της νήσου Ικαρίας. Πρόκειται για ένα Αυτόνομο Σύστημα Παραγωγής, που βασίζεται σε έναν Τοπικό Σταθμό Παραγωγής, ισχύος 14 MW, που λειτουργεί με εμβολοφόρες πετρελαιομηχανές. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι τόσο η μελέτη του συγκεκριμένου συστήματος, αλλά και η γενικότερη προσέγγιση των ΣΗΕ, και ειδικά των ΑΣΠ με τις ιδιαιτερότητες που τα χαρακτηρίζουν. Στην συνέχεια χρησιμοποιείται το λογισμικό προσομοίωσης HOMER Energy, με το οποίο κατασκευάζεται ένα μοντέλο του ΣΗΕ. Το λογισμικό εκτελεί τεχνοοικονομική ανάλυση της λειτουργίας συστημάτων, σε όλο τον κύκλο ζωής τους, και εξάγει συμπεράσματα όσον αφορά την βιωσιμότητα και την βέλτιστη μορφή τους. Με το εργαλείο αυτό διερευνώνται ζητήματα όπως η δυνατότητα διείσδυσης Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας στο ΑΣΠ Ικαρίας, καθώς και η μελλοντική λειτουργία του συστήματος, μετά την ένταξη του κατασκευαζόμενου Υβριδικού Ενεργειακού Έργου (αιολικού - υδροηλεκτρικού). Το πρότυπο αυτό έργο, ισχύος μέχρι 6,8 MW, θα επιτρέπει την αποθήκευση ενέργειας, με την μορφή της αντλησιοταμίευσης, σε δεξαμενή νερού. Η μελέτη του ΣΗΕ Ικαρίας συμπληρώνεται με την ανασκόπηση του ζητήματος των κεραυνικών πληγμάτων στις γραμμές μέσης τάσης, όπου γίνεται υπολογισμός των αναμενόμενων σφαλμάτων, σε αντιπαράθεση με καταγεγραμμένα, ενώ προτείνονται λύσεις για την μείωση των προβλημάτων που δημιουργούν οι υπερτάσεις. Η συλλογή των στοιχείων της εργασίας έγινε από επιτόπιες καταγραφές, από δεδομένα που μας διατέθηκαν και από δημοσιευμένες πληροφορίες. Τα στοιχεία αυτά παρουσιάζονται κατά την επισκόπηση, μαζί με απαραίτητες διευκρινήσεις και παραπομπές στην βιβλιογραφία. Στην συνέχεια με τα στοιχεία αυτά κατασκευάζεται το μοντέλο του συστήματος, γίνονται οι υπολογισμοί, και συγκρίνονται τα αποτελέσματα. Αφού στο 1ο Κεφάλαιο δοθούν οι απαραίτητες εισαγωγικές διευκρινήσεις για τα ΣΗΕ και τα ΑΣΠ, και μια αναφορά στις ΑΠΕ, παρουσιάζονται στο 2ο Κεφάλαιο γεωγραφικά στοιχεία για το νησί, και μια σύντομη ιστορική αναδρομή στο ενεργειακό του σύστημα. Η επισκόπηση του ΑΣΠ Ικαρίας ξεκινά στο 3ο Κεφάλαιο με τα στοιχεία της Παραγωγής ενέργειας, περιγράφοντας αναλυτικά τον ΤΣΠ, τις μονάδες και τις εγκαταστάσεις του και αναλύοντας την λειτουργία του. Περιγράφεται έπειτα μία εγκατεστημένη Ανεμογεννήτρια των 600 kW, εξηγείται η λειτουργία της και σημειώνεται η επίδρασή της στην παραγωγή. Παρουσιάζεται το Υβριδικό Ενεργειακό Έργο, οι αρχές λειτουργίας, τα επιμέρους στοιχεία και αναφέρεται η αναμενόμενη συμπεριφορά του. Στην συνέχεια στο 4ο Κεφάλαιο γίνεται η επισκόπηση της Διανομής ενέργειας. Παρουσιάζεται το εναέριο δίκτυο Μέσης Τάσης, ο εξοπλισμός των γραμμών και η γεωγραφική εξάπλωση. Περιγράφονται τα δίκτυα διανομής Χαμηλής Τάσης, από τους Υποσταθμούς μέχρι τους καταναλωτές. Στο 5ο Κεφάλαιο η λειτουργία του ΣΗΕ εξετάζεται σαν σύνολο, με στοιχεία για την παραγόμενη ενέργεια, 28 GWh ετησίως, την εποχιακή και ημερήσια διακύμανση της ισχύος και την μελλοντική αύξηση της κατανάλωσης. Επισημαίνονται έπειτα οι κυριότερες αιτίες σφαλμάτων, οι μηχανισμοί δημιουργίας των συμβάντων κυρίως από καιρικά φαινόμενα, καθώς και η καταγραφή και η αποκατάσταση των βλαβών. Τέλος, στο 6ο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η μελλοντική εξέλιξη του συστήματος, μετά την ένταξη του Υβριδικού Έργου, την αναβάθμιση του ΤΣΠ και του δικτύου ΜΤ, και οι προοπτικές για επιπλέον ΑΠΕ. Εκτός από τα Αιολικά συστήματα, εξετάζονται τα Φωτοβολταϊκά και η Γεωθερμία. Αναφέρεται και η ενδεχόμενη διασύνδεση του νησιού με το ηπειρωτικό δίκτυο της χώρας. Στο 7ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται η προσομοίωση του ΣΗΕ, με το λογισμικό HOMER. Παρουσιάζεται το πρόγραμμα, και οι οικονομικές έννοιες που χρησιμοποιεί για την αξιολόγηση των συστημάτων. Η διαδικασία μοντελοποίησης παρουσιάζεται αναλυτικά. Αρχικά κατασκευάζεται το μοντέλο του παρόντος συστήματος, όπου διαπιστώνεται η ορθότητα του μοντέλου σε σχέση με το πραγματικό σύστημα, και σημειώνεται η θετική οικονομική επίδραση της Α/Γ στο ΑΣΠ. Από την άλλη, διαφαίνεται η αδυναμία του προγράμματος να αντιληφθεί τα όρια διείσδυσης ΑΠΕ. Στην συνέχεια, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν το παραπάνω ζήτημα, εμπλουτίζεται το μοντέλο με επιπλέον ΑΠΕ, και προκύπτει το συμπέρασμα ότι συμφέρει πρωτίστως η εγκατάσταση άλλων 2 Α/Γ, και 200 kWp Φ/Β συστημάτων, αλλά δευτερευόντως και άλλων συνδυασμών, μέχρι 7 Α/Γ συνολικά. Έπειτα, κατασκευάζεται το μοντέλο του Υβριδικού, προσεγγιστικά, λόγω έλλειψης υποστήριξης από το HOMER. Τα αποτελέσματα της εξομοίωσης της λειτουργίας του είναι σε συμφωνία με τα αναμενόμενα. Προκύπτουν επίσης τα εξής συμπεράσματα: (α) Το Έργο είναι οικονομικά βιώσιμο. (β) Η οικονομική επίδοση του Έργου βελτιώνεται με δέσμευση επιπλέον νερού στις δεξαμενές για αντλησιοταμίευση. (γ) Το Έργο υποστηρίζει οικονομικώς Ανεμογεννήτριες μέχρι 10 MW και Φ/Β 2,5 MWp. (δ) Το Έργο δεν επαρκεί για την μελλοντική αύξηση της κατανάλωσης, ακόμα και με επιπλέον ΑΠΕ, εκτός και αν αυξηθεί παράλληλα η ισχύς του ΤΣΠ. Η εργασία ολοκληρώνεται στο 8ο Κεφάλαιο, με το ζήτημα της θεωρητικής πρόβλεψης σφαλμάτων από κεραυνούς. Αφού παρουσιαστεί το φαινόμενο και οι επιπτώσεις του στις γραμμές, γίνεται υπολογισμός των αναμενόμενων σφαλμάτων σε όλο το δίκτυο ΜΤ της Ικαρίας, μήκους 120 km, με την χρήση (α) της απλής μεθόδου Ισοδύναμης Συλλεκτήριας Επιφάνειας, και (β) της μεθόδου που προτείνεται από τον κανονισμό IEEE-1410, περί βελτίωσης της αντικεραυνικής συμπεριφοράς ηλεκτρικών γραμμών. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν πολύ λιγότερα σφάλματα από τα καταγεγραμμένα κάθε χρόνο (90 έναντι 175 μέσο όρο). Εξηγούνται οι βασικότερες αιτίες, όπως η γενικότητα των υπολογισμών, η ασάφεια στις καταγραφές, αλλά και το γεγονός ότι συγκεκριμένα γεωγραφικά σημεία καταπονούνται ιδιαίτερα από κεραυνικά πλήγματα και είναι υπεύθυνα για πολλά σφάλματα. Το τελευταίο, επιδεικνύεται με την μελέτη ενός ορεινού εκτεθειμένου κλάδου των γραμμών, μήκους 2 km, που παρουσιάζει 20,5 ιδιαίτερα καταστροφικά σφάλματα ετησίως, έναντι των 1,5 που αναμένονται. Προτείνονται τέλος κάποιοι οικονομικοί τρόποι προστασίας, με περισσότερους απαγωγείς υπερτάσεων και βελτίωση της γείωσης και της στάθμης μόνωσης της γραμμής. / This diploma thesis is an overview of the Electrical Power System of Ikaria Island. It is an Autonomous Production System, based on a Local Station with diesel engines. The thesis describes the Station, an installed Wind Turbine, and the Hybrid Power Plant under construction. It presents the Distribution System, consisting of overhead medium voltage power lines, as well as the low voltage distribution wiring. It includes information about the power production, the main system faults, and the future development. The study is supplemented by a simulation of the system, using HOMER Energy software, in order to investigate the renewable penetration potential, and to validate the operation of the Hybrid Power Plant. The thesis is concluded with the estimation of lightning faults on the power lines of the island's grid.

Ανάπτυξη υψηλής τάξης μοντέλου της διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής μηχανής κατάλληλο για μελέτες μεταβατικής κατάστασης ενεργειακών συστημάτων, στα οποία εντάσσονται ανεμογεννήτριες που χρησιμοποιούν αυτή τη μηχανή

Νιάρου, Θεώνη 19 October 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται την μελέτη και ανάλυση ενός υψηλής τάξης μοντέλου διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής μηχανής, κατάλληλο για μελέτες μεταβατικής κατάστασης αιολικών συστημάτων. Αρχικά, γίνεται μία εισαγωγή στις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας, με ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στην αιολική ενέργεια. Κατόπιν, περιγράφονται οι διάφοροι τρόποι ταξινόμησης των ανεμογεννητριών που υπάρχουν σήμερα, τα δομικά στοιχεία αυτών, καθώς και η αεροδυναμική τους μετατροπή. Ακολουθεί η γενική παρουσίαση μίας διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής γεννήτριας. Προκειμένου να γίνει μελέτη των μεταβατικών καταστάσεων, παρουσιάζεται το δυναμικό μοντέλο και ο διανυσματικός έλεγχος μίας διπλά τροφοδοτούμενης επαγωγικής γεννήτριας υψηλής τάξης. Εν συνεχεία, αναλύεται -βάσει εξισώσεων- η συμπεριφορά της εν λόγω γεννήτριας σε τριφασικές και ασύμμετρες βυθίσεις τάσεων, που είναι αποτέλεσμα διαφόρων μεταβατικών καταστάσεων. Τέλος, γίνεται η προσομοίωση ενός αιολικού πάρκου, που περιλαμβάνει ανεμογεννήτριες αυτού του τύπου και μελετώνται διάφορες διαταραχές στο σύστημα, όπως: συμμετρικά και ασύμμετρα βραχυκυκλώματα, απότομες μεταβολές της ταχύτητας του ανέμου, απώλεια και μεταβολή φορτίου. Η προσομοίωση πραγματοποιείται με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού MATLAB/Simulink, έκδοση 7.6. / The subject of this thesis is the study and analysis of a high-order model of a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM), suitable for unbalanced condition studies on a wind farm. At first, an introduction is made of the renewable energy sources, with special mention of the wind energy. Then, there is the description of the different types of wind turbines than exist nowadays, their components and their aerodynamic conversion. A general presentation of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is made and after that, for the study of disturbances, the dynamic model and the vector control of a high-order model of a doubly-fed induction generator are presented. Through mathematical equations, the performance of this generator under voltage dips is then described, result of various transition phenomena. Finally, the simulation of a wind farm that includes wind turbines of this type, is made and several disturbances on the grid, such as: symmetrical and asymmetrical faults, sudden changes of the wind speed, loss and change of the load. Simulation is made with the use of the software MATLAB/Simulink, version 7.6.

Wind Power

Makhalas, Kharsan Al, Alsehlli, Faisal January 2015 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis has been written at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. This thesis concentrates on the wind power and their components, also the large wind farm is studied. The electrical power is generated by using the power in wind to drive a wind turbine to produce mechanical power. This mechanical power can be converted into electrical power by using electrical induction generators. There are two types of the wind turbines, the horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbine, where the horizontal axis wind turbine is mostly used and was studied in this thesis. The rotor can be placed in two directions: an upwind rotor where the blade of turbine faces to the wind, so it operates more smoothly and transmit more power. The other type is a downwind rotor which orients itself with respect for the wind direction. Moreover, the tower shadow makes the blade to flex, consequently resulting in fatigue, noise, and reduces output of the power. The modern wind turbine has been built with an odd number of blades which is important for the stability of the turbine. The rotor with an odd number of blades can be considered to be similar to a disc when calculating the dynamic properties of the machine. The main idea of this thesis is to study the wind power in general and large wind parks specifically. The Horns Rev wind park was taken as an example of a wind park in Denmark and the Gotland wind park as an example of a wind park in Sweden too. Into account, the distance between wind turbine in the wind direction cannot be too small. If the wind turbines are located to close to each other, the wind will be more and more turbulent after it passes through each single wind turbine. This would lead to that wind turbines downstream in the wind park, and it might even have to shut down due to that mechanical loading gets to high during strong conditions. This is due to the fact that when wind passes through the rotor of the wind turbine it gets very turbulent and the wind speed is decreased. The minimum length of the rotor should be approximately 5-7 rotor diameters to avoid that issue. Gotland Energy AB (GEAB) considered, that high voltage direct current light would be the only realistic way to solve the technical problems for the high amount of wind power in-feed. One result is that The stability of voltage during transient events, has become much better by using the high voltage direct current light so that the output current stability from the asynchronous generators have been improved, which reduces the stresses on the AC grid and on the mechanical construction of the windmills. / In general the wind turbines with three blades accommodated a thicker root are used. It is obvious that, the less number of blades on the wind turbine, the cost of material and manufacturing will be lower. It is worthy to mentioned that, the modern wind turbine has been built with an odd number of blades. When the length of the blade increases the deflection of blade tip due to axial wind force also increase as well. So without consider the increase in length of blade may lead to dangerous situation of collision of tower and blade. Moreover, by increasing the number of blades cost of the system would increased as well. The limit of transfer for the AC transmission system depends on the distance from shore and is therefore physically limited by this. AC large wind parks that are placed at a long distance from the shore, which means AC long transmission line, and more drop voltage A solution to AC long transmission line, it could be to decrease the offshore frequency and use a low frequency AC networks. There is a suggestion by for instance (Schütte, Gustavsson and Ström 2011). The usages of a low frequency system are in electrified railway systems, where the frequency ranges from 16.67 Hz to 25 Hz. However, the network of a low frequency would allow a simpler design of the offshore WTs and The aerodynamic rotor of a large WT operates at maximum revolutions at 15-20 rpm. The lower frequency would then allow a smaller gear ratio for turbines with a gearbox, or decrease the poles number for WTs with direct driven generators. This would lead to lighter and cheaper turbines. One of the disadvantages by using a low frequency system is the size of transformer would be increased, and hence, the costs of transformer will increased too. The operator of the grid, Gotland Energy AB (GEAB) considered, that HVDC light would be the only realistic way to solve the technical problems for the high amount of wind power in-feed. The experiences have supported expected improvements in the characteristics for example: - Stability in the system arose. - Reactive demands, power flows, as well as voltage level in the harmonic and system were reduced. - Flicker problems were eliminated with the installation of HVDC light and transient phenomena disappeared. Moreover, Overall experiences of Gotland Energy AB (GEAB) are that the control of power flow from the converters makes the AC grid easier to observe than a conventional AC network and the power variations do not stress the AC grid as much as in normal network. Voltage quality has been better with the increased wind power production. A topic to study in the future is the consequences of blackouts in power supply with many wind power farm. / 004676396018

The perceived visual impacts and attitudes of the Grahamstown community towards the Waainek Wind-Farm

Cruickshank, Kyle Mark January 2014 (has links)
Renewable energy has become an important feature of most modern economies with clean and non-exhaustible sources of power being given a greater significance. Wind energy is one of the favoured renewable, as it is (2013) generally the cheapest and most mature technology available for commercial use. The South African government, as outlined by the Department of Energy's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), aims to install 5 GW (Gigawatts) of wind energy by 2020. However, South Africa has had little experience in the wind energy industry which is limited to two projects, Klipheuwel (2002) and Darling (2008). Much effort has been dedicated to calculating balance sheet costs, which carries uncertainty due to the high reliance on country specific and site specific variables. An aspect which deserves more attention, and is often ignored, is the public‟s attitudes towards local wind farm developments, which have been known to "make or break" a project during the planning stages. Public backlashes have mostly been concerned with the visual "intrusiveness" of wind farms in the landscape. Detrimental effects on scenery, while seemingly innocuous, are acknowledged as being the single largest barrier to successful wind farm development. Individuals within an area become sentimentally attached to their surroundings, where significant rapid changes in the landscape are viewed as "damage". Economics recognises such declines in scenic resources as market failures, where an externalised cost is passed on to the public and is often not accounted for by private parties responsible for the liability. The primary objective therefore was to measure the magnitude of the visual impact, caused by the Waainek Wind Farm, on the Grahamstown community. Conventional NIMBY¹ (not in my back yard) reasoning, which seeks to explain local wind farm resistance, has attracted criticism with regard to its simplistic approach to wind farm problem identification. Contemporary arguments propose that NIMBY is a poor explanation for the trouble experienced on the local level because it groups problems into one all-encompassing term, leaving much of the discontent unexplained. Instead, the NIMBY explanation is really a broad set of unattended problems, largely resulting from the unsound practices present in the public participation process. Insufficient community involvement and disparities in the negotiation power structures have become the recent focus in wind farm literature. Essentially, these disparities force opposition groups to select factors which may seem more serious to developers, leading to ineffective remedial measures because the core underlying problems are not being remedied. Thus these considerations formed an additional area of investigation. No NIMBY effect was found for the Grahamstown community, as support for both the local and general level was roughly 80%. The public participation process on the other hand revealed that while many found the practices of the developer to be unfair, attitudes towards the wind farm were not adversely affected, especially for the lower income Grahamstown East areas. While the public participation process in this instance did not have any effect on people’s attitudes, careful inspection of the circumstances need to be given. Wind farms are new to South Africa, where the novelty and benefits are the focus of enthusiasm. Job opportunities as well as clean energy are positive drivers for attitudes; however given time, once the anticipation for wind farms dulls, real problems may be revealed. Thus it is crucial to implement good practice procedures during the public participation process, especially when national adoption rates of wind energy are low. Early implementation of an effective public participation process system will ensure that when major problems do arise in future projects, experience and institutional processes would have had ample opportunity to evolve appropriately over a period of time. The double bounded Contingent Valuation Method was used to value the impact of the wind farm on the Waainek scenery through a hypothetical scenario based procedure which presented pictures of the landscape before and after the wind farm had been installed. Based on the perceived impact of the wind farm, respondents were asked their Willingness to Pay to relocate the development, based solely on visual impacts. Learning design Contingent Valuation (Bateman et al., 2008) is a novel technique employed to familiarize respondents with the hypothetical market institution as well as the scenic goods being valued. Average Willingness to Pay was found to be R67 per month, with a final total monthly negative visual impact of R104,000 to R121,000 per month for the entire Grahamstown community. Grahamstown Central (middle-high income) residents were more likely to pay than Grahamstown East (low-middle income) East residents because of socio-economic differences present in each area. A ranking exercise determined that while negative visual impacts are present, the overall benefits derived from the wind farm are potentially much higher. Additionally, positive scenic improvements were found, but were not measured due to time constraints, and would have worked to reduce the net visual impact of the Waainek Wind Farm. ¹Problem where individuals support the general concept of wind power, but when it comes to local implementation, opposition to the development arises within the same group.

Výroba vodíku z obnovitelného zdroje elektrické energie / Hydrogen production from renewable energy source

Lakva, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Hydrogen, as a form of storage for the excess energy from renewable sources, is a technically and economically viable option. However, the technology is not mature enough to compete with the other renewable energy possibilities. In this thesis, a study based on coupling two 330 kW wind-turbines with an NELP. 40 electrolyzer this connection should improve the utilization of wind power. In this thesis are two options of energy utilization. The energy produced by the wind-turbine is stored in the form, of hydrogen and is then delivered for consumption at variable power through a fuel cell, second option is use of produced hydrogen as alternative fuel for cars. This study is a general introduction for the wind energy system with hydrogen storage. Future studies should be more complex and detailed in order to understand and model the system with greater accuracy and to increase the possibility for the utilization of wind energy to generate hydrogen. This would enhance wind power competitiveness and sustain the continuously changing world energy demands.

Diagnostic d'une Turbine Eolienne à Distance à l'aide du Réseau de Capteurs sans Fil / Diagnosis of a wind turbine using wireless sensor networks

Gliga, Lavinius ioan 19 November 2019 (has links)
Les Éoliennes à Entraînement Direct (ÉED) sont équipées de Générateurs Syn- chrones à Aimants Permanents (GSAP). Leurs trois plus courantes défaillances sont la dé- magnétisation, l’excentricité (statique, dynamique et mixte) et le court-circuit inter-tour. L’analyse de la signature du courant de la machine est souvent utilisée pour rechercher des problèmes du générateur, car ces altérations introduisent des harmoniques supplémen- taires dans les courants générés. La Transformée de Fourier Rapide (TFR) est utilisée pour calculer le spectre des courants. Cependant, la TFR permet de calculer l’ensemble du spec- tre, tandis que le nombre de défauts possible et le nombre d’harmoniques introduites sont faibles. L’algorithme de Goertzel, mis en oeuvre sous forme de filtre (le filtre de Goertzel), est présenté comme une alternative plus efficace au TFR. Le spectre des courants change avec la vitesse du vent, ce qui rend la détection plus difficile. Le Filtre de Kalman Étendu (FKÉ) est proposé comme solution. Le spectre de résidus, calcule entre les courants estimés et les courants générés, est constant, quelle que soit la vitesse du vent. Cependant, l’effet des défauts est visible dans leur spectre. Lors de l’utilisation de l’FKÉ, un défi consiste à estime la matrice de covariance pour le bruit du processus. Une nouvelle méthode était développée pour ça, qui n’utilise aucune de maîtrise du filtre. Les ÉED sont placés soit dans des zones éloignées, soit dans des villes. Pour la surveillance des ÉED, des dizaines ou des centaines de kilomètres de câbles sont nécessaires. Les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil (RCF) sont bien adaptés pour être utilisés dans l’infrastructure de communication des ÉED. RCF ont des coûts initiaux et d’entretien plus faibles et leurs installations sont rapides. De plus, ils peuvent compléter les réseaux câblés. Différentes technologies sans fil sont comparées : les technologies à grande surface, ainsi que les technologies à courte portée qui supportent des débits de données élevés. / Direct Drive Wind Turbines (DDWTs) are equipped with Permanent Magnet Syn- chronous Generators (PMSGs). Their three most common failures are demagnetization, ec- centricity (static, dynamic and mixed) and inter-turn short circuit. Machine Current Signa- ture Analysis is often used to look for generator problems, as these impairments introduce additional harmonics into the generated currents. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is utilized to compute the spectrum of the currents. However, the FFT calculates the whole spectrum, while the number of possible faults and the number of introduced harmonics is low. The Goertzel algorithm, implemented as a filter (the Goertzel filter), is presented as a more efficient alternative to the FFT. The spectrum of the currents changes with the wind speed, and thus the detection is made more difficult. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is proposed as a solution. The spectrum of the residuals, computed between the estimated and the generated current, is constant, regardless of the wind speed. However, the effect of the faults is visible in the spectrum. When using the EKF, one challenge is to find out the covariance matrix of the process noise. A new method was developed in this regard, which does not use any of the matrices of the filter. DDWTs are either placed in remote areas or in cities. For the monitoring of a DDWT, tens or hundreds of kilometers of cables are necessary. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are suited to be used in the communication infrastructure of DDWTs. WSNs have lower initial and maintenance costs, and they are quickly installed. Moreover, they can complement wired networks. Different wireless technologies are com- pared - both wide area ones, as well as short range technologies which support high data rates.

Multiple turbine wind power transfer system loss and efficiency analysis

Pusha, Ayana T. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A gearless hydraulic wind energy transfer system utilizes the hydraulic power transmission principles to integrate the energy of multiple wind turbines in a central power generation location. The gearless wind power transfer technology may replace the current energy harvesting system to reduce the cost of operation and increase the reliability of wind power generation. It also allows for the integration of multiple wind turbines to one central generation unit, unlike the traditional wind power generation with dedicated generator and gearbox. A Hydraulic Transmission (HT) can transmit high power and can operate over a wide range of torque-to-speed ratios, allowing efficient transmission of intermittent wind power. The torque to speed ratios illustrates the relationship between the torque and speed of a motor (or pump) from the moment of start to when full-load torque is reached at the manufacturer recommended rated speed. In this thesis, a gearless hydraulic wind energy harvesting and transfer system is mathematically modeled and verified by experimental results. The mathematical model is therefore required to consider the system dynamics and be used in control system development. Mathematical modeling also provided a method to determine the losses of the system as well as overall efficiency. The energy is harvested by a low speed-high torque wind turbine connected to a high fixed-displacement hydraulic pump, which is connected to hydraulic motors. Through mathematical modeling of the system, an enhanced understanding of the HTS through analysis was gained that lead to a highly efficient hydraulic energy transmission system. It was determined which factors significantly influenced the system operation and its efficiency more. It was also established how the overall system operated in a multiple wind turbine configuration. The quality of transferred power from the wind turbine to the generator is important to maintaining the systems power balance, frequency droop control in grid-connected applications, and to ensure that the maximum output power is obtained. A hydraulic transmission system can transfer large amounts of power and has more flexibility than a mechanical and electrical system. However high-pressure hydraulic systems have shown low efficiency in wind power transfer when interfaced with a single turbine to a ground-level generator. HT’s generally have acceptable efficiency at full load and drop efficiency as the loading changes, typically having a peak around 60%. The efficiency of a HT is dependent on several parameters including volumetric flow rate, rotational speed and torque at the pump shaft, and the pressure difference across the inlet and outlet of the hydraulic pump and motor. It has been demonstrated that using a central generation unit for a group of wind turbines and transferring the power of each turbine through hydraulic system increases the efficiency of the overall system versus one turbine to one central generation unit. The efficiency enhancement depends on the rotational speed of the hydraulic pumps. Therefore, it is proven that the multiple-turbine hydraulic power transfer system reaches higher efficiencies at lower rotational speeds. This suggests that the gearbox can be eliminated from the wind powertrains if multiple turbines are connected to the central generation unit. Computer simulations and experimental results are provided to quantify the efficiency enhancements obtained by adding the second wind turbine hydraulic pump to the system.

Modeling and control of hydraulic wind power transfer systems

Vaezi, Masoud January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Hydraulic wind power transfer systems deliver the captured energy by the blades to the generators differently. In the conventional systems this task is carried out by a gearbox or an intermediate medium. New generation of wind power systems transfer the captured energy by means of high-pressure hydraulic fluids. A hydraulic pump is connected to the blades shaft at a high distance from the ground, in nacelle, to pressurize a hydraulic flow down to ground level equipment through hoses. Multiple wind turbines can also pressurize a flow sending to a single hose toward the generator. The pressurized flow carries a large amount of energy which will be transferred to the mechanical energy by a hydraulic motor. Finally, a generator is connected to the hydraulic motor to generate electrical power. This hydraulic system runs under two main disturbances, wind speed fluctuations and load variations. Intermittent nature of the wind applies a fluctuating torque on the hydraulic pump shaft. Also, variations of the consumed electrical power by the grid cause a considerable load disturbance on the system. This thesis studies the hydraulic wind power transfer systems. To get a better understanding, a mathematical model of the system is developed and studied utilizing the governing equations for every single hydraulic component in the system. The mathematical model embodies nonlinearities which are inherited from the hydraulic components such as check valves, proportional valves, pressure relief valves, etc. An experimental prototype of the hydraulic wind power transfer systems is designed and implemented to study the dynamic behavior and operation of the system. The provided nonlinear mathematical model is then validated by experimental result from the prototype. Moreover, this thesis develops a control system for the hydraulic wind power transfer systems. To maintain a fixed frequency electrical voltage by the system, the generator should remain at a constant rotational speed. The fluctuating wind speed from the upstream, and the load variations from the downstream apply considerable disturbances on the system. A controller is designed and implemented to regulate the flow in the proportional valve and as a consequence the generator maintains its constant speed compensating for load and wind turbine disturbances. The control system is applied to the mathematical model as well as the experimental prototype by utilizing MATLAB/Simulink and dSPACE 1104 fast prototyping hardware and the results are compared.

Analysis and Control Aspects of Brushless Induction Machines with Rotating Power Electronic Converters

Malik, Naveed ur Rehman January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the steady-state, dynamic and control aspects of new type of brushless configuration of a doubly-fed induction machine in which the slip rings and carbon brushes are replaced by rotating power electronics and a rotating exciter. The aim is to study the stability of this novel configuration of the generator under mechanical and grid disturbances for wind power applications. The derivation, development and analysis of the steady-state model of the brushless doubly-fed induction machine with a rotating excitor and the power electronic converters mounted on the shaft and rotating with it, is studied. The study is performed at rated power of the generator between ±20% slip range. Moreover unity power factor operation between ±20% speed range is also discussed. Furthermore dynamic modeling and control aspects of the generator are also analyzed. The controllers were designed using Internal Model Control principles and vector control methods were used in order to control the generator in a closed-loop system. It is shown that through the use of proper feedback control, the generator behaves in a stable state both at super-synchronous and sub-synchronous speeds. Moreover Low Voltage Ride Through of the generator during symmetrical and unsymmetrical voltage dips is also investigated. Passive Resistive Network strategy is employed for Low Voltage Ride Through of the generator during symmetrical voltage dips. On the other hand, Extended Vector Control is used in order to control the negative sequence currents during unsymmetrical voltage dips. Suppression of negative sequence currents is important as they cause extra heating in the windings and affects the lifetime of the mechanical and electrical components of the generator and system due to oscillations in power and torque. In addition to the above studies a steady-state model of a single-fed induction machine is also developed and investigated where the rotating exciter is removed and the rotor windings are short-circuited through the two rotating power electronic converters. In this way the slip power circulates in the rotor and with the help of the two rotating electronic converters, rotor current is used to magnetize the induction machine thereby improving the power factor. The steady state model is verified through experimental results. / <p>20120914</p> / Brushless Wind Generator with Rotating Power Electronic Converters

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